HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-06-11, Page 2CLINTON NEWS-REC(lft.1) CLANTON, ONTARIO Terms of SUbscri ti -$2 OQ Oer year in advance, to Oftnatlitui addresses; 62,50 to the 17.6, or other forelgn countries. No paper discontinued until ail arrears are, paid unless at the option of the publisher.- Tht3 date to which every subscription is Paid is denoted 011 the label. AdvertisingSates-Transient adVer- tIling. 12cor cbuot line ror 'first insertion, Se for moti subsequent lopertion, 'Heading counts 2 lines. Small advertisements, not to exceed. one men, such as "Wanted," "Lost," -"Strayed " etc Inserted once tor 35c, each oubacduent sertion 15c Advertisements -sent In without Lo - 00 to rho number of in- sertions wanted will run until order- ed out and will be charged e...ocord- MOT. Rates for display' aavertleing made known on application: CoMmunications Intended for 1/01gi• eation roust, as a -guarantee of good faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. G. B. HALL, M. IL CLARK, Proprietor. 'Editor. G, HeTAGGART M. D. MeTAGGAIlT MeTAGGART. BROS. BANKERS A general Banking Buoiness transact. ed. Notes lelscounted. 'Drafts Issked. Interest Allowed on la-e'o ite Sale Notes Purchased: I-1. T. RANCE • Notary Public Conveyancer. Financial, Real Eztate arid Fire ID' surance Agent, Repreeeating 14 Vire Iusuraeca Companies. Division Court-Offiee, Clinton. W. BRYDONE Bariaster, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. -Officet- SLOAN BLOCK CLINTON DR. J. C. • GANDIER Office 1I0111.3 --,t,30 to 3.30 p.m., 6,30 to 8.09 p.m. Su/4days, 12,30 to 1.30 p.m. __Other hours by appointment 011231. tnnee and Residence - Victoria sr, DR. METCALF BAYFISLD, ONT. Office Hours -2 to 4, 7 to 3. Other hours by appointment DR. H. S. BROWN, L.Is21.C.t. 0111ce Hours 1,30 to 3.30 p.m. 7,30 to 9.40 pan. Sundays 1.00 to 2.00 p.m. • Other laours by acne/lament. Phones Office, 218'W Residente, 218J; DR.' PERCIVAL HEARN Calm; and Residence; Huron Street Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by 'the late Dr, '9.,W. Thompson), Eyes,Sxamlnea and Glasses Fitted. Dr. A Newton Bradv; Bav'fielcl Greduate Dublin University, Ireland, Late Extern Assistaht Mater Ro- teeda Hospital for Women and 'Child. ren, „ 0111ce at reeidence lately oce0Pled Pareone. . Hoarse -3 to 10 a.m., 6 to -7 P•133. Sundays -I to 2 p.m. DR. McINNES etoronractor Of VVinghara, Will be at the Commerc- ial -Inn, Cl!nton, on Monday and Thursday forenoone each week. Diseeses of 'all kinds successfully handled. • GEORGE Fl .1.10TY Licensed Auctioneer for the County efe Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements Can be made for Sales Date„ at The News -Record. Clinton, or by -calling Phone 203, Chargen. Me -aerate and Sitistaetion .; guaranteed. " B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. General Fire and Life Insurance. Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Autornobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance. Iluron and Dile and Cana- da Trust Bouds. Appointments' ractcle to meet parties at Bruceaeld, Varna and Bayfield. 'Phobti 57. OSCAR KLOPP Honor Gracleate Carey Jones' National School Of Atietlormering, „Chicago. Spe- cial coUrte taken it Pltre Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Merchandise and Farni 'Sales.- Rates hi keeping with pi:evening market. &attraction as. slued. Write or wire, Zurich, Cnt, Phone 18-93. Canada from Ca "ted to make Prince Edward tslan& Brandon, A buffalo att'e owners in 200 districts have pulp. ° C Charlottetown P,E,1,-Over ,4,000 artificial 4,1,k aoio a disease-frea area under the Dept., within 16 ret:es• of this' city is plan - of Agriculture arrangement which ned by the 13randon Board of T.rado calls for a two-thirds vole of all'catt1.s which is taking the matter up with owners. There have bc-en no negative 'the Iredertil authorities, Tim on'y d'f votes. ' ficu1ey in the woe' of the pork's e•stab- Halifax, x.s.___The c,cpen14u2,c ,hshrntnt now is the »el-tartang. of the MOTO than $200,000 in the extension•biugroeincewtiloi sbueobtained rafiriogi7r3. -frthh.: of the •Imperoyal plant here, property b of 'the Imperial bil,Co., for the pur- Wainwright ?iu'k in AllY,1"ta• pose of establishing a West Indies Regina, 'Sa,31(.---W`101 11TOWe05 ia trade and Pi‘ovi4ing facilitios"fer the Sia;nl'elt-c{,sb„,,e`i\e'aanasamndalv''1.:',:nItt°,:baante have relative development and Increased a entployment, which this extension will year as at tlis tame Perkd last Year, bring, is announced by the company. stat's W. Thomson, 'manager ef bhe The ekte.nsion .of the plant at Impo- CP'lladian Co-'11'1"`tive Wool royal will include the erection of a As8c)cia.1°1' in the two Ilr°Yinces• With colnosta case and can manufacturing the maieritY of the `3110reported to pia tt and in these containers the oil have wintreci in finc condition, the 1VIII— de shipped to the. West filmes. 1925 clip should prove of normal qual- l. Montreal, Que.-The Dominion- RIO- • ity of good strength. Wainvright ef'ta wo thousand gin:0°ring Co- 'hos reernv.ed frmh the young .butIalo from the Wainwright Internationa11Paper Co. an order for , herd will make a ,Tad_miic trek nortji- nifoiullr antewTshPrieeintRinivaeclhsMesTlfieorrathaceititeews weed this „miner to,rhe buffalo re- serve on the Mayo River- where they 1011 be of 164 -inch width and will be will be .turried loose. to mingle with Of the latest design, TbeY will be the wood bison which roam that area. built for a running speed a 1,200 feet Vancouver, B.C.-'The Coast Cement per nueutend will be the first high re,cntly. crealeacd,,uave acquired ePeed_MaChines with a worm chive.. ,,,,,,,toranville Island fel. the Cornwall,-0,et.-,Another outlet for purpose of .establishing a cement fac- TIME TABLE Tratn witi arrive at and depart fro Clinton as follows: 13uffaio and Goderich Div. Going East, depart 6.25 a.m. Going West, ar. 11.10 a.m. '" ° ar. 6.08 dp. 0.51 pm: ar. 10.04 p.m. , Londoe, Huron & Bruce Div. Geleg South, ar. 7.56 dp, 7.16 a.m. Going North, depart 6.50 p.m. " 11,05 . 11.13 a.m. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seafortth, Ont. DI RECTO RV,:, pres id en t, J in oe 'Conn oily, God exult Vice, James I5vans, Beechwood; Sea. Treasurer, Thos, E, Hays, Seaforth. ilelreetore: George MoCartneytes, folith; D. et'alcGregor,„Seaforth; J. a. Grieve, Walton; 'Wm. Ring, Seaforth; M. McEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries, }fetlock; aolin Bennewelr, 13rodhagen; Pas, Connolly, Goderich. ' ' .Agents; Alex. Latta, Clinten; .7. W. yeo, Goderich; Ed. Hincitray, -Sea. forth:, W. Chesnee, Eginottclville; Ft. G. Jarbauth, Terodhagen. Any money to be paid in may bo paid to Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton, or arCutt's Grocery, Goeterich. Parties desiring to affect Ineurance o'r -it-insect- other businees- Will be Promptly a ttendea to on application to arty oE the above otficers addreesed to ' thoir respective poet office, Losses Inspected by the Director wiaO livea nearest Me scoue. a the, ealphite pulp mareafactimed ' in tory. They eyill impoet cement Clink - Canada is -being established at Corp- ers from e. m and obtain gypsum wall.. The .mill of Courtaulds; Ltd., locally in British .Columbia. It -is which is- is being constructed in -this city, pected that the• plant, the remodelling will be finished sometime this summer. of .which 71111 involve an expenditure 'Upon completion'part of the mill will of 7750,000, will be ready for.opera- be given over to the manufacture of tion by' the end of June. , HEAT WAVE IN STATES CAUSES 12 DEATHS Crazed from Extreme Heat Ohio Man Shot to Death ' Eight Members of His A despatch from New York saysNew York mopped a red face on Thufsday, as the heat wave swept the entire conntry, forcing the closing of some mills in New EngIrted. TherS'veas no sign cif a let-up while the Mercury hit the „nigh spots and pepple fefl in their taacks in the steaming streetS. - The' usually beneficent sun became an evil thing. --Cad Sol hung over the sluggish city, „hardly timed by the light southwest breeze. Polka peeled their coats. gables Walled' in het. Mnenientie and gasped fOr air. The subways reeked. Many persons were prostraMci n. the metropolitan district. Six were killed and three were Mjured, the heat being indirectly blamable- for the' ac - admits. . This brought the tally for the'dara- 'Hoe of the heat Wave so far te,twelve killed, five in the thy itself. '- The mercury reached 98 *degrees here by 3 o'clock. This is the high mark for the season. ' Reports indicated that the only coot spots in the Milted Statea were fn the far West. In some parte of the South -it -was cooler than in NON. York 111 the early -morning helms. waS 76 in Pensacola and Jacksonville, Fla., at 8 o'clock, while :n this city at that holm the thermometer registered 78. General Sif Charles Perg-usson, mili- tary governor of fhe Rhine provinces. Re is a noted figure in English diplo- neatic circles. Car Drops. Thirty Feet - But Women Escape , despatch from St. Thomas says:-MrS...Charies Beavis and IVIAss G. Woodworth of this city had a inir- etuleus escape from death when an automobile in Which they Were' 'riding dropped over the steep einhankm„ene at the west end a Talbot Street, fall- ing a distance of thirty feet or more to the old traction line roadbed below. The bank at this Point iS almost Par' pendicnlar., Neither woman was in- jured,- althoegh the car wes badly damtiged. The gears had been left in reverse, causing the accident -(irlien the engine *ea started. The ,car had been Out of the factory only a feW days. Call of Young Moose Saves, . Life of Canoe IVIan Beyend the 1Viississippi, electric and wind storms came with the heat, took A despatch from Ft. William, Ont., heavy toll of, life and ceased large says: -The Cry of a young =ooze calf foliate), dambge. The highest- tern, saved Nels Nordahl, of Upsala Towit- perature recorded in the morning ship, fron deatlf 'when the inother of hours Was'82, at Joy West, Plea and the calf wet making a ferious attack the leered 36, at Boisealdaho. on him. While Washington was sevelterieg,e The man Was paddling around With the official thernihmeter et 00 Jackfish Lake in,a canoe, and when degrees, a water fallible vras threaten-' rounding' a point near the summer ed. Citizens have been werned against cottage of Frank Spence, M.P.P., he usilig a cooling hose ea- trying to wet spied.a cow moose and two calves on their ]awns down to dissipate the heat the shore a feW yards away. Nordahl of the sue. . 1emitted a shout to see the anitaials At Hamilton Ohio, Lloyd Rtissell run away, HoWevet,,the tow moose became crazed from eetreme heat dur- dashed into the lake straight for the ing 'the night and shot to death eight canoe. The impetus of her eharge up- persoas-his mother, brother, Sister- set the canoe, and when NordeM fell in-law and her five children. !out the canoe was fortunately between Neighbors called police to the Rus- his person 'and the infuriated sell home, and there they. found the The roan managed to keep the canoe eight Bodies strewn through various as a pretection . while the Moose rooms of the house, and RuSidell with charged and charged -again, Steadily h0 apparently self-inflicted gunshot Ile kept reeving backward into deeper wound in his eliest. water in an, effort to put the moose e diSaiiValltage, aS the canoe was being battered badly by the iowerful - Casket Containingones I . - Then one of the calves, thinkftig it of Ethelbert Discovered was being abandone.d by the „mother, emitted a cry 'arid the moose 'turned A despatCh from London says: -1 away from Nordahl to answer the While engaged in exeavation work on call -Of. her yoeng. In the Meantime Thersday in connection with the re- a Nordahl got the canoe away and made etovation of Slim:borne-Abbey evoek-i his escape. Men discovered the coffin of Kin,g1 Ethelbert, \olio died ire 8651 and wase burie.d in the abbey 1-0866, The cof-'-Ftelief on vv ay t° 136ritiSh fin was, made of stone, and cohtained! Columbia Gold Miners the bones of the- Xing eif the West' Saxons: , .• Statmederfter new gold diggings in EthelberteOr Aethienierlit, Ring of the Cassiar County of northern )3rita the West Saxons, succeeded to the ish Columbia are stiffering under se - sub -Kingdom of Kent during the life-. vere privations, according to a des - time of his father, Actheiwulf, and patch arom F. J. Cotter, a sourdough retained it until the death of his elder poet, and miner, pubished by "The brother, Aethelbald, in 860, when he Post-Intelligeneer." The deiPatch, became sole Ring of Wessex and Rent,' which came from Telegraph Creek, the younger brothers, Aotheleed and 13.,C., said: , . Alfred renouncing their "claim: lie, , "No supplies or -equipment are On ruled these kingdoms for five yeays. the ground, but it is believed the con - His reign was 'marked by two seri-, dition will be relieved When a pack ous attacks on the part of the Danes, train cornaletos the 102 -mile trip who destroyed Winchester in 860, in -from here. The , Hudson's Bay Co. spite of the resistance cf thldor- sent a five -ton tractor loaded with :den Osric and Aotheleailf '11/vitli the supplies to Deese Lake last week, and leivies of Hampshire and Berkshire, the, Dickinson's Mining Cots tractor while In 865 they treaMeronsly reiv-' with a trailer and a crew"Of twelve aged Rent. men left May 29. . to: i,CONth`Tirri, Solution of lest week's 7114.R 57 S P E 32 13 rale. AMA 21 5 9. 22 12 32 22 17 177-. 10 0 y 12 21 2. "Th -ore ts much snow still in the hills and thestreams are running up to the banks," ' Ripley, Bruce County, is 'Ontario's Youngest Village A despatch from Ripley says ; -- Ripley, Bruce• County, is proud.in its »ew status, having graduated as an incorporated village on June 1. Glory- ing in, advancement., itI citizens have honored one of theirmuniber,,Who has been actlye in the corm -trinity's wel- fare as a Trustee for, the past, seven years, with the office.of Reeve -a. tinction accorded, to John /3. Martyn by aceltunation, _ . ,ssn0.2s021,,i Ewaitvl,ililsrdotiviliorreri as ye, .icdoencitmen, TulleerhoofnioureatCyativaadlii::alg.euin.s• corpswee . , MEMORIAL ROAD Arab Was Boy of 13:Wheri LOSES '25 TREES 'Napoleon Was. in Syria F°,1r-Ye:r'9,1d-AVenueriPg A:4°Inir'° dspateh114°nsaY8'- eat DynTIete is one man lvir.gvhoclaims . 3vs. to have ,seen; Napoleon -13onaparth. -on Maeiteal. ' Members of the Royal Geographic THE MARKETS TORONTO en and To'b etrong, agatil to decnands of home, eoeiety;,office or shop. 22 10 litCb.prOVell by thousands of grateful letters that 1 -food's Sarsa- parilla le remarkably benencial young or older women. * The modt common ailments of women drain and weaken the system and sonietimes msult in anemia ner- '1,rous wealcness, general break -down. Ilood's Sarsaparilla gives tbe blood more vitality and bettor color, makes stronger nerves, and contributes to the length and enjoyment of life, r 131 do, fair, ;4.50 to 75.25; calves, choice, 79 to 710; do, med., 77 to 78; do, - cam., 75 to $6; milch CONV5, choice, 77() to $80;elo, fair, $40 b "p1i0i sPrngezt3..' choice,,75 to 790; good light sheep, 76 to 75.50; heavies and blacks, 73-.75 to 74,50; good owe lambs, 713 to $14; do, med., 710 20 712; do, calls, $8 to 79;„, spring Iambs, each, 78 to $14a hogs, thick smooths, fed and watered, '712.35; do, f.o.b., $11.75; do, country points, $11.50; do, off care, $12.85; select premium, 72.42. MONTREAL. Wen. wheat -,.-No. -1 North, 71-921 Noe 2 North., 51.87; No, 3 North., 71.82; No. 4 wheat, not quoted. - Man- oats -NO. 2 CW, not:quoted; Eight more trees on. "The ROad 'of Re- Philby, formerly political otficer 1 Society were told of him by A. de t h fro 111entreal says:- B. No. CW, 65c; extra No. 1 feed, 65c; i. feed, 60c; No. 2 feed, 5/1c. membrance,:' 10 1'10100 Dame de Grace, , Alt the 'above c.f.f. bay ports. ' were destroyed yesterday, bringing man isiters to King Husein during 2, The man is Ilaji '1 12: one of ths y v yAernutsivi,cesni.2coer.n, track, Toronto -No. the total of mutilated trees up to.25, aim M. Arabia.- 17 having been cut down g .1VIon- . his stay in Traneperdania. He claimed Millfeed-Del ItIentreal freights; at 'Mecca. Then, in, the. year 1799, shorts, per ton, 730; m ddlings, 736; The trees, which were in 'memory of foul: yars old, and were growing ad_ grated to Palestine when Napeleoril Ontario- oats- omieel, day, -night. --th be 140 years old, having,been bora bags included. Bran, tier ton, $28; fallen Canadian soi,diere, were about when about 12 or 13, I ji Tal ir rzu- good feed flour, 3‘71- bag, $2.30. was operating on the Syrian cOASt. iyiar.tivs. ‘ miiably. Great indignation id- being1 expressed in all quarters of the city his c.aimsaid Mr. PhilbY, "but it mercial, not quoteld, To:13, oShliperre; "I da hot vouch for the soundness of f,/,,To, a .viint1-7.,No''' 2nowinit,e14 neteinal; over the outrage. A reWaed of 7500 is locally accepted. on the evidence of pointS, according to freights. P 1' for information leading to the arrest rolitewY-4,11LaltNinog.,2n,ot 'quoted. of the perpetrator is offered by al he oldest inhabitants, who declare' that they have never known him as local newspaper. All the trees were I lye -No. 2, nominal. 'It nornival, anything but ATI old Man. cut or chopped through about three tan. flour, first pat, 710.40, To - feet above the ground. I "He is sound in wind and limb, andl se i rot o; do, second pat., $9:90, Toronto. v._, has an enomeous ap,petite, and, streak- ' Pastry flour, bags, 77.b0. . Each tree wee planted in /flamer - i an indisputable power of 1 Straw--Carlots, per ton, $8.00 to of an indiVidual Montreal soldier kill- est e't all' • z mastication with the cud of what put, 78.59. ect oveaseas, w ose name afl(t 0511011010, porM ..ba a newly sproutiog but Were inscribed upon it, There were, • still invisible third set of teeth, in all, aliput 840 trees. King George Confers Order for SerVices in Saving Life despatch from London says: - Tuesday's list of King's Birthday hon - Ora contained the name of B. W. Tib - lilt, who was awarded the- Order of the British Empire, "for public eer- vices in saving life." Lod Knutsford, Chairinan of the London Hospital, has disclosed the nature of these public Setvices, Tibble some time ago „in- formed the London H6Spital author- ities that he was prepared at a ma - merit's notice to give e pint of his blood to save a patient's life. Sitee then he has on 44 occasions giren pint of blood. The usuel fee fot each transfusion is five guineact; but Tibble always refused to take payment for 'declares that he cella -flitted Screenings -- Standard, recleaned, f.o.b. bay ports, p,er to, 724.01 Hay -No. 2, per ton 713.00 to matrimony for the first time at the 71400: No. :3, -per ton, 71100 to age of 70 or thereabouts, and he has 12414 mixed, Per ten, 79,00 to recently married again." 11.00; lower grades, 76.00 to 79.00. Cheese -New, large, 20 to 201/2c; twine, 21 to 22e; triplets, 22 to 280; Stiltons 23 to 24c. Old, large, 27 to 28c• triins, 28 to 29e; triplets, 28 to iee. Butter -Finest creamery prints, 37 to 38c; No. 3 creamery, 85 to 36e; No. 2, 33 to 34c, Dairy prinks, 26 to 2e. Eggs -Fresh extras, in cartons, 37 to 88e; loose, 35e; fresh firsts, 33c; seconds, 80. Live poultry --Chickens, spring, lb., bags included. Bran, per ton, $38; to 4 lbs. 18c; spring chickens, 4 lbs. I and over', M.P., 24c; do„corn fed., 22; roosters, 15e; ducklings, 6 lbs. and up, 22c. Dressed poultry--Ohickens, spring, lb., 60c; hens, over 4 to 5 lbs., 28c; do, 3 to 4 lbs., 22c;. -spring chicicens, 4 lbs. and -over, M.P.,36c; do, corn fed, 82c•, roo0ers,„ 20c; ducklings, 5 lbs, and up, 27c. Beans --Canadian, handpicked, lb., his services. The Govc.rnors of the 11"Y stP•Inallre flier, breaks all non-stop records, Lt. C. H. Sehildhetter, United States keeping Ms ship aloft for 61/2c: Primes, Go. hospital therefoye elected lam a life Govetnor in recognition of un- nearly 29 hoties. He Zit/vex:ea More Mare products --Syrup Ter Ina selfishness. I o ' thrue2,000 .t:i": per 5-ri. t n 72.30 CROSS -WORD PUZZLE — INTERNAT ANAL svimicKrt, SUGGESTIONS PON 'SOLVING CROSS -WORD PUZZLES Start out by filling ih the words of which you feel reasonably sare. These will give you -a clue to other words crossing them, and they in turn to still other, A letter belongs in each white space, words starting at /be numbered equares and running either horizontally or vertically or both. HORIZONTAL 1-A vegetable 6-.0f more recent date 10 -in the year of our Lord (abbr.) 11 --To analyzeiaccording to gram, ;14 -Division, of the army (abbr.). /6 -Railway (abbr.) - 17 -To strilce out 18—Note of the Scott 19—One Who loves extremely,' 20 ---Perches . . 21 --Footless animals 24—TOake firm hold .„ 28---Hlg heat card 29--Varlety of park 82 -Exclamation 33--CIty In N. E. Massechasette- 35-Pretlx, ToWard; to 37--Everiasting i39-Abbr. for name a Weseern 85—Black ltd re.d bird of U. S. (Ph) 40--Covereci with dots 42—Bono (Latin) 43-A dunce 45 -Used in blinards 46-Macle an error 49 ,--1111,13 siciewaye 51—Veriety of domestic fewl 53 --One Who paints 66—Abbr. tor a thoroughfare 66,--A vegetable 59 -Civil Engineer (abbr.) 60--Towerd - . 61 -Plural of that 62 -Prefix meaning "In" 04-Cyrate„-. 0 --To 130 (111129SAAt. -VERTIGAL . 1-A throng 2—Mother. (abbr.) 3 -Loves extreztiely r 4 -Musical entertainment 5—River in Venezeula 6 -Looks at rnaliolonaly 7 -City in Stete,o1 Washin0tOn 8-A large cask (abbr.) .- 9 -Dried. fruit 12 -Man's name (familiar) 13-00, Central State of 1.1..S. 16 -Measure of lengthe(alobr.) 18-A thoroughfare (abbr.) 22—A fastener • ' 23, -Attentive 25—Proportion 26 --in front - 27 --=A spring flower 29—Party to a marriage ceremony' 30—Tint 31—Stout 24 --Short sleep 'A3.---Sefore • 41 -,Charge made.for Instruction 43 -,Bigoted ' 44,-"-Physielan 47 --Ties again 48—Abhor 49—Dots . 60---meee rational ea -a -Alan's` name (abbr.) 24 -,--Southern State of U. S. (abbr.1 57---k,i3br: for a New England State - 58-,-A bone (Latin) •-• 80--Samo as al (innsioal) '63-ePoint of Comenod (abbr.) per, ga ,; Maple sugar, 1 ., 26 lo 26c. Honey -60 -lb. tins, 18%c per lb.: 10-11), tins, 1:31/2c; 5-1b, tins, 14c; 21/2 - lb. tins, 1514 to 1.6c. Smoked meats -Hams, med., 80 te 31c; eooked hams, 44 to 46c; smoked rolls 22e; cottage, 23 to 25e; break- ft:set:aeon, 30 to 32c; special brand breakfast bacon, 85e; backs, boneless, 85 to 42c. ' Cured meats -Long eiear bacon, 50 to 70 lbs., $22; 70 to 90 lbs,„ 720.50; 20 lbs. and up, 719.50; ligltweight rolls, in barrels, 789.50; heavy- weight rolls, $34.50 per bbl. Lard-Pute tierces, 18 to 181/2c; tubs, 181/2 to 19c; pails, 19 to 191/2c; prints, 20 to 201/2c; shortening tierceS, 14e; tubs, -144.c; pails, 16c; blocics, Oats, Can. west., No, 2, '73c; Can. *det., No. 3, 6ibe; A7CbTA No. 1 feed, 64e. Elour, sprier wheat pats., firsts, 710.40;i twee:ode, $9.90; strong bakers', 79.70; winter :pats., ehoice, $7,30 to 77.50. Rolled oats, bag 90 Thee 73.75. Bran, 728.25 to 729.25; shorts, $30.25 to 731.25; middlings, $36,25 to $37.25; Hay,No, 2, per ton, CAT lots, 714 to 715. Cheese, finest wests., lgt/sc; finest casts, 18c. Butter, No. 1 pasteurized, 831/2 to 34c; No, 1 creamery, 3258 to 36c; seconds, 31% to 32e. Egge, fresh specials, 36 to 37c; fresh extras, 34 to 35c; fresh firets, 32e.„, potetoes, per bag car lots 55c. P NmAysVteAryL So, Ef APPoLlaAii NExESpeTdOition Fortnight s Abience. 'RELIEF' OF AIVIUNDSEN Still Remains UrisolVed After ,despatch from Oslo, Norway, says :-A fortnight has passed since Captain- Roald Amundsen with hie five companions disappeared, into the Arbtic wastes in their. quest for the North Pole, and the mystery of their whereabouts is still unsolved. ' Amundsen is understood to have left with Captain Hagerty, of the steamer Farm, sealed instruction, to 'tare. What these contain has not been be opened a fortnight t after his depar- Government, at the request of 'the flight, is despatching on Satur- day4,700-ton steamer Ingertre, placed at Great „Norwegian Coal Company of Hobby, and will then begin immediate - divulged. Meanwhile, the Norwegian Aelo Club, which promoted Amundz two naval scout seaplanes by the 'P.TIrtlizebeligrie;e•rtre, it is expected, will to connect with the Farm and tbe Government'S disposal by the arrive 'abont mid-June at Ring's Bay. and flown to Wellman Bay, Dane Is- land, a systematic search of the ice edge where the seaPlanes will be unloaded along about the 83,st degree of lat. Heavy steers, choice 77.75 to 78.40; do, good, 77,50 to 77.76.; butcher steers, choiee, 76.75 to 77; do, good, $7 to $7.75; do, med., 76.50 to 77; do, coin. 75 to $5.50; butcher heifers, choice, 77 to 77.50; glo, 76 to 76.50; dot coma 75 to 85.50; butchervolume claimed he had definite proof cows choice i 75.75 to 70- do, fair to that the soul survives 1110 ,,si e cjecomp- good, 74.50 to 76.50; canners and cut- ters, 72.50 to 72.76; botcher bulls, good, 74.50 to 76.30; do, lair, 72.75 to 74; bologna, $3 to 73.50; feeding steers, good, 76.50 to 77; do, fair, $5 to 76.25; stockers, good, $6.50 to 76; Prince Enjoys Crowded Visit- at Durban .A. despatch from Durban says:- In addition to opening the dew dock here on Thursday the Prince of Wales' activities included reviewing a gather- ing of 15,900 children, a charming ceremony which found the Prince in his happiost Mood, and the childrea ecstatic with delight, 'and an inspec- tion of 10,000 Indians in review. In the afternoon Wales led his team to victery in polo match, 4 goals to 80 Of these the Prime contributiA two goals. The Royal party proeeeded to Es- howe, near Pietermaritzburg on Fri- day, to 'witness a gieat Zulu assembly. Noted French Astronomer Passes Away A despatch from Paris says;-- Camille Flarnmarion, the noted French astronomer, is dead. M. Plammar;on died at his observatory at Juvisy-rnr- Orge, France, Ile Wads astronomy popular, and in rocently written tion of the body, There is something better that a man can give than Ms life, and that is his living spirit. --Woodrow PAPSIMPolltendeMta.Modzel, Many women with disfigured aimplexions never Seem to think that they need an occasional cleariqing inside as web as oyside. Yet neglect of this internal bathing shows itself m spotty, and sallow complexions -as well as in dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's because the liver becomee sluggish, and waste matter acouroulates whith Nature cannot remove without assistance. The beet - remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach andLiver Tablets, which stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove fermentation, gently cleanse the atoroach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system. Sore, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny hi the morning. Get Chamberlatn'e today -druggists 25c., or by mail from Chamberlain Modicite Company, Toronto trecessr elot.o..276 What`theso titan 11111,c, done, you can clot 211 your snare time et horno you can easily meter thireecrots 02 selling that make Star Salesman, Whatever you': experience bas been—whatever you moy be doing now—whether-or Dot you thiale YoU hh!, Ind 0.00w0y this (location: Ar&you arahilions to earn 110,050 year? Then got ln touch with me 82 00112 i,l11 5000 10 YoU without cost or obligation thae you tan easity become a StaY Sol000,ral 1 will Wove 500 bole the Salesmanship Tialning and Freo,ntnplientent-Service of 00 /1, 9,2:, A. will help you to quick Rosd ThEao Atnatin2 Stories of SIPGCC84 talnpd PPP( PA $10,000 A Year Sellirkg Secrets 'The Smote of Ws' 0O102n0e.10 oo lourbt by kbe N. 5 T A hal enabled thottsentle, etImpet, ovamlEht, t. h‘hr drth,htY heti ,,,j1 ‚000 ef hhhtfhakY it.tm 012 lout notthere. motto, orn.! yon noo the 11,10 or Oh. h 5i -101),, 0h11'. fr't°' Cell or Mrtte National Salesnien's Training Associatio C.VInsIpaPp Mar. ' BP, 360 tovonto. Ont.