HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-06-04, Page 8R
?iv use eliat(,e ,0 41�f iy
P N?
are aiS+ ys sure of. sat sfztctto➢f ;
1 tlt�• latest styles at r n ,50cob e isz`tces
i $a!
LIMAqq[[ lir Fl l-VELLERY
mall 4:4w' tip in beautiful dcssigns and colors
iainod Rings
at reduced prices as, lowits $211:00 for a genuine diamond
Bung your watchand clods a Nun's in and get thorn in nasonSble,
bine. Don't wait for months.
Gradilato- of Toronto College of Optometry,
,Pine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store ,
wassiza Amon
11ougoIeuni Rugs
The Fish are Biting :(.*
Summer Resorts are Opened
Tents are being Made Ready
Reels are'Oiled
All of which suggests that you in-
spect our stock of Base Ball, Tennis,
Foot Ball or Fishing requisites to en-
tertain, amuse and give you healthy
exercise. All the commonly used
needs in a fishing outing we can
supply at "catching" prices. , {j
Value Features Are Perpetual
at mir Store
We know the power of price
and try to use it
Tla W. D Fa]. Co
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best
n f
Plusteel ' Bros:
Come Here if you want to be
It will soon be time to come out in your .summer suit. if you
are Thinking of getting one be sure and come in and look over our
large and complete stock. We have the latest eolorings and can
make up the newest and smartest styles.
For Smart, Neat Style, Snappy. ,Cloth and Good Workmanship
at a price that can't be beat, come to the Veteran Tailors--,•-, ,
ayis ec Herman
hidri11 fast 1c.
Ifti7:011 will say' rock --off '
course-- because it has
;withstood the destructive action of the ole-'
ancients for centuries.
',Then why not insist on a roofing made front rock filer
instead of roofing made from rags or other organic materials?
Asbestos isa rock fibre—the pnly knowii mineral, fibre from. which
roofing can be made. It will permanently resist the destrugtive action
sof time, fire and the elements.
F I, Lla, T N .a.,'4
44phrovcd 8y.' Uedcrwcritcrs' Labcratriar, htc.j
Flexstone is a Johns -Manville roofing made of Asbes=
tos rock fibre waterproofed with natural asphalts. Due
to enormous factory proipction it costs you practically
the same as the heavier rag -felt roofings,' yet it pos-
sesses none of their limitations., Unlike them it resists
fire and the action of fumes, acids and varying weather
Furnished- in rolls -smooth bothdsides or with a sur-
facing of red, green or ,blue -black crushed slate, or
feldspar. Also in the form of individual or Strip shingles,.
Being all mineral:.a?lexytorte cannot rot, disintegrate
or dry out,., therefore the • first.,, cost is the last Cost.
Easy to lay and furnished in rolls which contain en
necessary fastenets.' '-
Do nAt buy roofingfor a week, or a month, or a year,
]ivy' it to Last as hien as thebuilding' stands, Insia
on rleustonc,,
lSUT`n s i' P
1'al lardware Plumbing'
Reeve Middleton . is in Godetich this
week attending county council.'..
Dr. Fred G. Thompson and Mr. Chas.
Thompson of London have been in
town during the past week...
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. -Stone and :Mrs.
,Adams of Essex visited with Miss-
es Stone and Ward recently.
Mrs. James LE'ermore' and :Ma's
• Kathleen visited Mrs. (Rev) J. A.
Agnew and other friends in London
on'T?riday last.
Mr. Cecil Turner, son of Mr.°and,Mrs.
A. E. Turner of Consul,. Saslc, for-
merly of Clinton, is spending a• few"
weeks with relatives hereabouts..
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason, Mill
street, -left Tuesday on a visit to
relatives at Romeo, Mich. They ex -
peel to be absent several weeks;"
Rev. Father Gaffney was in London
'Sunday afternoon assisting en the
ceremonies when Bishop F'a11dn,laid
the corner stone of St, Peter's Sein-
Miss Kathleen' Livermore -returned to
her duties as a nuese•in-training
at the Wingham ?hospital on Mon-,
day after spending a fortnight's
vacation at her home in town.
Mr, and Mrs. G.. R. McBrien and fam-
ily and Mrs. T. A. Walker of De-
, trait, Mich., motored over on Fri -
clay and visited over the week -end
-with relatives in Clinton and viein-
Mr. and Mrs. Agnew and two child -
ten and Mr, and Mrs. George Con-
nell and child of Owen Sound mot-
ored down on Sunday and spent the
clay with ,their uncle, la L J,
Mr, and Mtl.. C. Trickett of Lameton
and Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Moore
and Iittle song Murray,, of Pinson'
bury visited over the week -end with
1Vir, and Mrs. G. -E, Hall of town.
Mrs. Trickett - and Mrs.' Hall are
Mr, and Mrs. Warm. Barry, Mrs. J.
Fynn and Mrs. James "MeCpnnell
'w.at'e among those who attended
the ceremonies connected with the
laying of the cornea' stone of the
new St. Peter's Seminary at Lon-
don on Sunday.afternoon.
Mrs, W. Pickard, vrenresentina the
Wesley church auxiliary, and Mrs.
George Shirley; ro fesenting the
auxiliary of Ontario street church,
attended the annual -Branch meet -
kg of the W. M. S. of London Con-
ference in Sarnia Iast week.
Rev. .4. E. and Mrs. Ford ^ of Goder-
ich and Rev. J. and Mrs. Scott and
children of Wierton were in town
otic day last week, Rev. Iylr. ,Scott'
resigned his pastore.te of the Pres-
byterian church, Wiarton, when the
congregation voted against entering
the United Chuzeh some weer: ago.
Mr. C. W. and Mrs. Josling, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Josling and Mr. SIarry
Josling of Detroit were ill town.
and vicinity over the 'weds -end,
coining, over to visit Mr.' and Mrs.
T. E. Mason of Summerhill They
report; much interest being taken in
the c o m i ng Clinton: reunion'`
amongst old Clinton residents now
in .the City oL' the Straits. They
are holding. meetings, and are ar-
ranging to come Duet' in a body in
a big auto excursion on August 'I.st.
Itev, Dr. Mark Rumltall of Morden,'
lYdan., spent the week -end. with tfh hiss
s stevs; Nti s..T..sk. Ford, Mrs. W,
Pickard and Miss G. Runrball o'1'
town, leaving yesterday for Toron-
oro t -to to attend the last meeting of
the General Assembly of the Tres
-lytotiati Chttnell in Canada. ILevy
Dr. Riun:ball is also the.re,presenta-
tive of his' Presbytery on the Gen-
eral Council of the United Church
of Canada ansi will tetitaini in clic.
city 4'0l^ ;is folic V ng'
the formation Of the Church on
Juno 70th,
�n Ne.
, JUNE -?, 1020"
All this week from 3 to S p.m.. Special classes conducted by
Miss MacDonald, graduate in °do :est c�s ;ieuce.
Thursday and Friday afternoons at 3 o'clock sharp
All the ladies are cordially invited,
-; Quaker Corn Flakes
10 lbs.' Seedless Raisins
13 lbs. Coupon Sugar
3 pkgs. for .28 " 17 bars P: Si G. and Gold Soap
$1.00 Shin, Plaster Tea,
$1.00 - Shredded Wheat Biscuits
• $1,00
per 1b, .65
2 pkgs. for, .25
Bodley's'"Spongue Cakes 20, 25and 30c
ave you tried U. Lika Fruit drink ? 1Oc pkg. makes 1 qt:
u -J ell;;. 3 for 25c. Marshmallow Creme in white and pink
for Icing and Topping .cess'erts for. 25c
Fresh Strawberries, Hot House Tomatoes, Lettuce`
New Cabbage. Fresh salmon trout
Hot Haase 'plants on display in our -North Window
In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m.. In the Afternoon Furst Delivery. 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early
Cash and T O'Neil
S+ 48
cuan.l LL..`& SHIPLEY
For spring cleaning we have a full' line of Laundry Soaps
Household Ammonia, Old Dutch Cleanser, Bon Ami, Gilletts
Lye.jChloride of Lime,, Klenzine, Strub'`Brushes, Mop Han-
dies and Brooms.
Gieen Onions, Lettuce, "Celery, Ripe Toin toes, Rhubarb,`etc.
. -
Main Storee Phone 125 'W., Branch Store, Phone 125'5.
Misses Lola Elliott and Lucy Mc-
Leod motored from Detroit on Satur-
day with Mer and Mrs. Henry Miller
and,apent the week -Mid in the village.
Mrs. W. J. McLeod and children rev
turned from 'Port Dover on Friday
Mr. Will Cameron and Mr, and
Nrs. Frank. Cameron and babe mot.
ored from Detroit and spent the
week -end with their. father, Mr. A.
Mr. Fred Reid of London has taken
a position 'with NT,' F. A. Edwards
for the sunini.er' months.
Mr. and, Mrs. W. Cotton and fam-
ily of London are spending a few
weeks in their cottage "the • Warren."
Mrs. Angus Campbell of iiincardine
spent the weak -end With : Miss Marg.
aret Campbell.
Revw:A.. Macfarlane and Mr. P. T.
Bigelow attended the Huron County
Educational ' Association meeting at
Clinton on Saturday. .
Rev. A. 1Viacfariane will hold his.
farewell' serviees on Sunday next.
The subject ofthe ad5ress in the
morning will be: "Remember,t` and in ,
the evening, "Farewell." The even-
ing service will be held,. at. 7:80 in-
stead of seven.
A meeting will be held in the town
hall at 8 o'clock Friday evening, June
5th; to arrange for the coming Ford
-• Constance
Mr. 'Win. Britton attended the Lon-
don Conferenee last week.
Rev. Mr. Hedley- of Goderich tivill
preach here next Sunday on the basis
of Union.
Miss Woods and Miss Blanche
Wheatley of Blenheim spent last Sun-
day with the 'latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Geo. Wheatley. . .
bit. Wyanalholth's ditching ma-
chine hag been at Mrs, Colclough's
and Ben Smells doing good work.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mann of Brussels
Mrs. G. W. Miles of 'Toronto is vis- were callers at Mr. D. Tudor's an
icing Mrs. Fred McEwen, Tuesday.
Mr. and, lies. 3.:Gingerich and Mts.; Mr. Edwin Britton' intends, to,
Gingerich, sr., of Bad Axe, Mich., vis shingle his house.
ited over the week -end With Mrs, J. Messrs, Rey- Lawson and W. 'Belt-
Gingerieh's parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. ton have, bought the old Cole house
Cleave. - in the village and have taken it down
Miss Mary Gray, Miss P. Gould, for use at their homes.
Mrs. E. Bouge and 4. J. Reid' of Lon-
don spent Sunday es the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Lawson and
family of Stratford occupied their
cottage •over .the weekend.
Mr..George Cowie, stage carpenter
from the Capitol Theatre, London, is
here 'fitting tip the,neoV scenery for
o ,stage o a r a tett
th .age 'n. h towit
h 11 Wl
the ,job 1s'v.caanpleted we exepeot to
see a very fine 'stage.
The "baby') cyclone. -which passed
ovee Bayfield on Monday afternoon
did considerable damage to our, shade
trees and also to some people's prop-
erty. ,The verandah of Itt. W. Hunt's
cottage was lifted up and blown
across a field and ,landed in Mr.
Robt. Elliott's garden.,,. r Not content
with that it ripped a strip 05 shingles
off the cottage. Mrs: Hunt was alone
at the: tints," Nir. Hunt having ,.just
returned to London after having
spent the week -rod here, The tele-
phone line was also out :. of 'commis-
Rein. and Mss, F. IT. Paull, 'Mr. and
Mrs. Ws-Scoichniet Miss Nina'CSeard,
Lucy Woods, Mise `1, Cameron
and 'Mr. D. IT. McNaughton attended
the semi-annual mer i.nQ f the
of Huron at Cioclerich on Tuesday.
At the Y. P. S. meeting on Friday
last two very intore+;tinp''tn;iiea toms
oiven by Miss Marlon Davison and
Fred ITeni d, after i,vhieh the social
nommittoe gave, severalve1Lv anous-
inr,' eentea±s. Mrs, 5', 15 Paull fad-
arecl the•lneeting' with a wen -rendered
4110 1`he next nicotine' will tae holes,
an Friday, Juno
'51 i Po, tin 0, 1, -ss
is'5 7.'4n;`n(l
'sir± 111 do 11, ""iii' Tliut`gsl' y
Yaiotn 01110 tti SeJtomoof, 111/1.i�ivo;
is the time to come and look at our.
oil stoves. We have a good display
et good prices.
Garden Tools .
on hand at all prices
Give us a call and we will show yo
our .line of
Martin-Senour Paints" and Varnishes.
BLU:TB.TiG and ITL-i'i'ING
'hone 24;1
For the Castle ,of
Your- Dreams
Niay be it isn't a castle at
all to the rest of the world
but just a small Bungalow'
No platter. It is your eastle;•
and you naturally want it
furnished in just the right
.e way,
At the :Clinton Hardware
and Furniture Co,. steres
you are bound to find just
the things you want. and at
prices extremely moderate,
'too. ;? u. „
Why not drop in at your earliest convenience?;.
Ii;YS. For those who cannot shop in the daytime we will be
pleased to snake appointments for evenings,
Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo.
Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195
Coiporative Marketing
We have a Co-operative Plan for the mariseting of Eggs
unci Poultry.
Phone us for Full Particulars .
Also, that we may, have your name put on our mailing list.,
GUNN, LANGLOIS & Go. limited
CIinton,- Ontario '
R. W. WARD, Manager
Write, phone or call at our '.Clinton office, Day phone 190
NigItt Phone 254
Clint• Jij3;
Our 1t
�r Bread Y
u�t ._ e Good
Besides using, the very best of materials and the newest form
tilaswe have had the experience that enables us to' take the guess..
wort out of baling.
In making our bread our desire is to, make bread so pure, clean
and sanitary that we can„be proud of it. That is the reason why
we Inc now wrapping: and sealing: otic bread before it leaves our
Bakery: Our bread is not handled by soiled hands or exposed to dust
,or any other contamination. Itis clean and sanitary.
t Demand Brown's Wrapped Br'ead and he, sure of getting a quality
IS e
47.:e^aM^r .c
load that is sanitary.
Phone T