HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-06-04, Page 5Tile „House of Commons 'worked on cthe -24th .01 May, 4.51* rose for. June the King's birthday, , 'If theSo flaglneidentscontinue to . Pe reCiprocal perhaps if will prbvc i10ibest.meatis of doing away with them altogether. - 'Tim' Earl of Asquith and ,O_COrd . has .been appointed .a Knight of the Garter: ' Wonder, if he'll sometimes 'allow Margot', to , wed): that garter 'With the new short skirts which' are • becoming so fashionable. • Those requ,i,ing. marriage licenses during this month, which is, cons-id- ered the "month of huarriag'es," will need to remember that threedays must elapse between the purchase of the license and the solemnizatidn of •the marriage. Also, that when min- ors marry birth certificates must be produced before the license' is pro'-• cured. -911 this will take time, so' am -body contemplating matrimony bad better begin preparations for the great event in plenty of thne. It "would bo very awkward, indeed,.to be .1cept "waiting at the chui-ch," for three clays until one's license went through the Process of'"ripening." ' The London Free) Press is advocat- ing making May 24th Decoration Day in Canada,. The Free Pres S saYs we . are in scnne danger of forgetting the -significance of the 24th, as time goes on and as we have no day set apart to 'do honour to 'the memory of thOse who have loved their conntry even to the death this would be a good use to turn this holiday to. One advan- - tage would be that as the holiday oc- curs in the spring something like 'permanent work might be done, such ..as planting annuals, etc.,. instead Of just placing cut floWers, which so" ....sobn fade. Of course, we have beml celebrating the 24th as Empire Day, ya pretty Worthy cense, it will be . agreed, but as a matter ot,fact most -yeople observe all. these lkolidayi, as merely a holiday, when they can eport 'about and amuse themselvet. London claims .to a be the- first to observe. the 24t1i as a public holiday,' • !away hack in 1836. The one -day -in - 'the -year training had been gie •1 on 'June 4th, the. birthday of •King 'George III. prior to this, and that •year it was changed to May 24th. -Soon all Canada and the other coun- • tries in the Empire ,were observing -it. -London probably .thinks it has some - special right to suggest a change in '-the character a of the observance af the day. . 'THE OLD BOYS ARE COMING . Following are some extraaets fro - Utters faorn Clinton . Old Boys an re the reunion in August: '!`Tivo of my old friends I hope to .see ex -Chiefs Paisley and Wheatley." and Mrs.. G. E. Pay, Niagara • ,, • "'Thanks very,much, will be pleased 'tto ineet my old shhool Margaret Cole, Wayne, Mich. • ; "Will be levy pleased' to meet . all the old friends again and to be at the Celdbration August."—Mr. Robt. Dalrymple, Moose Jaw, Sask. 'Will stay with my folks. Have been counting on the reunion for mOnthi. Best•success."-G. M. Coun- ter„Bifffalo, N.Y. ' Trhanks for invitation, will be de- lighted to meet old friends."--alinnie Young, St Catharines. "Give the police force °a week's va- cation."—W. P. Wheatley Toronto Ont. "Iinejossible to get away at that 'time of year on account of harvest.— 'H. J. O'Brien, Kilian!, Alta. "Ant lookng 'forward to one whale .of a thne."—Frank Smith, SCotland, bOnt. " "Thank you "for the invitation. Will "be glad indeed to see the .old home ' 'Iriends:"-=•Mr. and 1VIrs:C. M. Col- ville, Gran'd Ledge, 1Vliels. "So glad to receive our invitation." —Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Spear, High - 'gate. •a 'Thanks' very Much for the hearty invitation to attend the home coming. -Will sure be there with bells on.'— 'Margaret Smith, Detroit, Mich. • "My home WRS Londesboro,blit will 'join in the fun a day or tsvo if may." I-loward Adams, Detroit, :Mich. ' "Glad, very glad yen are having •such reunion.", May it be a rous- ing success,"—§ant L. Taylor, Lon- don, • ' "Born at Londesboro 1861. ,Wilt try. to hunt up Clintonians."—Albert Jackson' Snell, Toledo, Ohio. Herschel, Sask. • Dear Mt, 'Stothers: Your kind in- vitation received to attend the semi. centennial reunion of old, boys and „girls in Auguet. I regret arerymoch 'that I will not be able to go, as live ,011 S, farm •and August is our busiest month in 'the West. AS I spent all my ',life in Clinton until name vest seven years ago it would be a, great pleesure to meet all fhe girls arid boys I went to school with and also other friends. 'However, we are plan- ning ,:to go to Clinton early in Decem- ber. I take the Clinton paper and will see every report of the good time you are,folaiming Inc the reunion. It is a splendid idea and wish you .every success.—Yours truly, Mrs. Sohn/Whittinghain • • 1Lionciesboro `Qhite a number from'here attended .1the. Liberal conVention of South Hur- on last Wednesday. This ineeti4 was very -largely attended. Hon, Duncan Marshall was the main speaker, • 'llev:^ W. 11. and Mrs, Osborne re - "turned home frbm Conference last 'Wednesday. Mr. A. Well improved the appear- ance a his chopping mill by raising it on Tuenay, Mr. W. Brunsdon has purchased a new -Ford car. Mrs, J. Ansley was confined to her bed several days last week but she iS improving nicely. IVIr. and Mrs. J. Finghtnd, who spent the past two weeks with Tor- onto friends, have returned home. Mrs, W. Allen of London has re- urncd aft& spendiug the week -end a Newi7Reco with her mother, Mrs. E. 13011, Mr, W. Brundson and Mr. J, Me- CooI both purchase'd new- Ford carg. Me. add Mrs. T, Fairser'vice •WOr0 in Clinton Saturday.,, Mr. and Mrs. W. McDowell of Westfield spent last Saturday at the home of Mr. Wm. Brigham. , . Mr. J.' 1VIarshall oE near Myth was a guest at the home of Mr. A. Well last week. ' • Councillor E. Adams has purch sed 15 new Chevrolet car. Mr, and Mrs. Grainger of -Stapler visited at the home of Mrs. J. Grain- .gcr for Several days las1,,week. Miss Esther Lyon has returned.af- ter a -week's visit with Fergus friends. . The Women's Institute will hold their re-gular inonthly meeting on Thursday, June llth, at .which Mrs. Douglas of Toronto will speak. She is a V0ry enthusiastic speaker and is keenly interested in the W. 1. work. All the ladies of the community arc extended a •very cordial invitai,ion to Pc :present. There will be 'othet num- bers -on the-prOgrain and teawill be served. 1, Bruceffeld. Rev; A. Macfarlane of Bayfield preached here on Sunday morning last, Rev, C. G. Armour taking anni- versary services at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kaiser and Jack, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiser and Mr. and 1VIrs.,,R. MeXenzie and Mr. Austin WilljA,Fis of Detroit: visited friends here over the week -end. Goderich Township Mr. RobereWallter and ,daughter; Miss Anna; of Clinton spent , the week -end as the=guests , of Mr.. and Mrs. R. Pearson ofthe sixteenth. Mrs. W. J. Elliott of Clinton visited ,Mrs. Rearsen en Monday. . r Stanleg Township Mrs. Adam Stewart and Mrs., Fen- wick Stewart were •in Stratferd on Wednesday.- They went down to at- tend the May -day exercises in connec- tion with -the Normal school. Mr. and Mrs. -Pete Moffat and..Miss Guenther •of Daphwood \ spent the week -end with friends here. Mr. john„Pearson •lost . a valuable cow last week. . _Miss Fanny Diehl was in Goderich on Tuesday, going up to attend the Deanery meeting. Mrs. Hugh Gilmour is confined to her bed through illness. • Mr.. Hai* Talbot, eounty road connnissiener, of the Sauble line is bpsy at work again Mr. Alfred Westlake went to Tor- onto with a fine bunch f cattle o on ' Saturday last. :Sorry to report that Mr. John Sparks of the I3runson line, who has been under weathm• for some time, is not recovering as well as we would like to see, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, also Mr. and Mrs. Earl Porter of Goderich were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scotchmer on Sunday last, Report of May test examinations held in S. S. No. 4, N., Stanley: Ji'. 4th—Frances Mossop, 81; Mary Armstrong, 73; Nellie Paterson, • 70; Jack Scotchmer, 69; Clarence Helmet, Jr. 8rd—Willie IVIcClinchey, 06; Gladwin Westlake, 60. Sr. 2nd — John Armstrong, 75; Maria Rohner, 74. " Jr. 'and—Marie McClincheY, 76; Bert Dunn, 70; Logan Cleave, 31. First Class—Beatrice Houston, 86; Anna Cleave, 84rKeith Westlake, $2; Cord'On. Scotchmear absent. Primer — John Watson, Donald Paterson, • . V., J. Musselman, Teacher • Rotate 3 V A roast goose, looking as if it had just come from the oven, lay by ,he isde of the road near the' Colborne bridge fot several days last week. 7/Iho was it lost a good dinner, and how? 1Vlr. and Mrs. F. W. Draper andeon W. G. and H. Mulholland of Detroit and Mr. Nil Ferguson of Winnipeg spent the' week -end with 1VIr. and Mrs. W. Mulholland. • Auburn Mr.' and 1VIrs. Gordon Taylor of De- troit spent,the American hejiday with their „parents, , Messrs. Roy Roberbon, Harry Beadle,and Reg. Hamilton, all ef De- troit; spent -the week -end at their re- spective homes here. . • • lair, an& 1VIrs. B. pettrson metered to Detroit on Sonday. Mr. and Mrs. Mel3rien .of Detroit eeent the holiday with Mr. and Mese A. 0. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs, 13. I'dtterson of the village. Mr. and 1VIrsaR. D. Munroe motored to Stratford On Sunday, 1\1,s.DI:ali- ve° and Miss Mar' remained to visit the forremas sister for a!few weeks. Mee. Burnitt, Guelph, is visiting Mr. and 1VIrs. J. 1VIutch andtother friends in the village. Kipper'. Iva. John Doig, the veteran build; er of Tuckeasmith, is seriously ill at present, the result of a stroke which he had last we'ek. As he is well over the eighty mark- fears are entertained as to his recovery, His many friends exteed their sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bowey are away at present visiting their daugh- tea' at Ilderton. • Mr. W. L. Mellis 'and sister, Marg- aret, motored to Goderich township on Sunday, taking ni a `Sight of Mr. R. R. Sloan's great orchard en the 5th eon., afterwards visiting at the MacKenzie's on the and con, 1*, Alex. McKenzie accompanied them. Rev, R. A. Lundy and Mrs. Lund are attending the last meeting of the General Assembly of the. Presbyter- , ian Church in Canada, which is in session in Toronto this week, prior to entering -the greater United Church 011 June 1.0th. Mr. Peter Bowey and son, having disposed of their old gasoline pump to Mr. Douglas of Blake have in- stalled a newer and more, up-to-date purnp, having a large glass cylinder at the top, which numbers from one to ten fal10i thmers the desired amount Pf gas 'quired, owing to t,lei Hulleft Township The following is the report of the May e7,,ant5nations for S. S. No, 10 fiullett and"Goderich townships: Sr. 41h—Olive Sprung, 70%, Sr. 8rd Helen Yungblutt, 14; Theodore fienhoeffer, 05; Louis John - :,ten, 56, Jr. 3M—Vincent IIenhoeffer, 55. Jr, 2nd—Donald Sprung, 60; Gor- don Johnton, 60. . Frinaer--Wilfrid.Henhoeffer, Dor- othy Voclden, Leonard Yungblutt. —Edith A. IVfogrielge, Teacher. • Mr. and Mrs. Id, Stewart of Guelph spent last week at the home of Mr. W. „Brown on the '13th con IVIr. andMrs. Trewartha ofBohnes- ville spent last Wednesday at the home. of Mr. W. Lyon on the GraVel. .T. Little of the Gravel road spent Saturday in Clinton. W'e aresorry to learn that Mrs. W. Murphy of the 13th is at present very ill in the Clinton Hospital.. . Mr. J. Watt and Mr: R. Ferris of near Harlock attdmied the Liberal convention of South Huron at I-Ien• sail last Wednesday. Mr. J, Carter of the Gravel road was in Seaforth Satfirday. • Marriages STICKNEY—dOLE,L-At the Presby- , terian manse, ,Seaforth, on May 20th,.Iby the Rev. Dr. Larkin, Evan- geline Cole, elder daughter of Mr. and Nit's. Nelson Cole of Clinton, to Arden Vivian Stickndy of Water- , vlet, Mich. • Births GRAHA1VI—I1 Stanley township, on Jun 1t, .to Mr. and Mrs: Goldie Graham a son. Goderich township, on° June 1St, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben -Ilathwell,"the Bayfield line, a son. COX—In Goderich township, on MaY • 81st, to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cox, a daughter. . PICKARD—In Goderich township, on May! 24t1e, to Mr. and Mrs. Ablert Pickard, the 'Cut line, a daughter. ARGHUMBOLD—aIn Hullett, on May ,1st, to Mr. and 1Virs. Wm, Arch- umbold, a, daughter. SHEPHERD -- At Gilbert Plains, Man., on May 25th, to Mr. and 1VIrs. J. Arthur !ShepheV,aa son. Wanted at Once • Loopers and !Knitters. :Apply The Mitten Knitting CompanY, Limited, Clinton, Out. • 09-3 Auction Sale . Of Household effeets. 1VIr. George H. David has instructed the under- signed 'auctioneer to sell by public auction- on Victoria street, Clintonaon Sa,arday, June 13th, at 2 o'clock, sharp,„the following valuable furni- ture, consisting ,of Maple Leaf Que- 'bec Cook • stove with oven, nearly new; New Perfection coal oil stove, 3 burner, with oven; set oak dining chairs; extension table, china cabinet, oak;' sideboard, oak; 3 piece parlot suite, upholstered, oak; 2 small oak tables; several small tables; drop leaf table, cherry; bedroom suit; oak hall seat and-mirror*'oak umbrella stand; tvicker rocker; large eolith; , springs and matresses, ehorce feather mat- tress; choice Wilton rug, 9x101/2: Brussels rug, 9x12; Tapestry rug, 9x12; good Linoleum 14x17; Singer eewing machine, good as new; kitch- en tables; 6 kitchen chain; flour bin; good copper boiler; clothe S wringer, clothes horse; 5 gallon coal .oil can; tabs,/ beaches; carpet 'aweeper; sev- eral dozen sealers; 05 piece dinner set; flower pots; several house plants; canned fruit; pictures,* dressmaker's form; garden OW; pots, pans, dish- es, and other articles too- numerous to mentioh. Don't fail to attend this sale as this is, a splendid line, Sale withoUt reserve as proprietor is giv- ing up .housekeeping. Terms:. Cash. Geo, II. Elliott, Auctioneer. Geo. II. David, Proprietor. 09-2 SINGED' SEWING MACHIVE Having taken over the agency of the Singer Sewing 1Vlachine I am pre" - pared to supply the wants of anyone requiring machines, parts, needles, etc. 1VIachines sold on easy terms, old machines taken as eash. W. GLEN COOK Phone 1741 P.O. Box 201, lio ntor Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and --re- paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Hoard's barber shop, W. J. Jago. —83-tf .• NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Ontario Bulk Sales Act Re William L. Johnson trading .at Clintan as a Grocer tinder, the style of Johnson & Co. . Notice is hereby given that Rus- sell E. Manning of Clinton, Bank Manager, has been appointed ' Trus- tee 'b'y William L. Johnson, trading as Johnson & Co. in connection with - the sale of his business to Frank 'Watson. • Creditors of • the said WilliamL. Johnson and johnson Jc.Co, sire re- quired to. deliver to the Trestee , at his Office in 'Clinton, particulars oT then. claims duly verified en' or be- fore the 20th clay of June, 1925, al - tee which date the 'Trustee will pro- ceed to distribute the purchase 'mon- dys realized front the said sale mriongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard dnly .to the' claiMs of which he shall then have received notice. And Notice is further given that the Trustee will not be liable for any or the assets so distributed' to any person of whose claim Ile shall not then have notice. Dated at Clinton,Ont., this 27tb day of May, 1925. , ,,08-3 W-BRYDONE, , R. E. MANNING, • Solicitor. •Trustee, M. ROSS SAVAUGE,Opt. D., 'OPTOMERIST -Will he at J3urgess' Portrait' Studio , Every Thursday ours: ,9 a.m. to 2:36 p.m. ,Eyes examined—glasses. fitted •'Pb0116'104, Sea -forth Her.e Comes the Bride Happy is the 'bride who anticipates the desire of her friends for a real good photograph of the wedding party. We are here to please you apd •snake you good iportraits at a reasonable price. • Come in and get acquainted and see • our work. 3M - member I am in_ my ,Clinton studio every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 'a BURGESS PORTRAIT STUDIO MITCHELL AND CLNTON The biggest. word in the Life, In- stieance world and the hardest, seem- ingly, for the 'euatonder to ,pronounce has always been, the, word 99 We have NOW a full coverage for Temporary 'Sickness and Accident, Total and Permanent Disability, Double Indemnity for Accidental Death and all plans of Life,Limited and Endowment Policies. ° The Ontario Equitable Life And AccidentIn'surance- Co. CORLESS Phone 193 •General Agent ‘, Sale by Tender ; Tenders will be received up fo Tuesday, June 16th for the ptirchaae of the Irving Homestead estate, non- sistirfg of approximately three acres, divided into town loth. To be sold in one block or, three separate lots or blocks, one part °,oto consist of the house and land Adjoining; another the lot west 'of the house in Matilda street, and the last what is known ns - the block at the river. The lowest tender not necessarily accepted: - Terms: • 25% cash, the balance in .12 monthly, payments at 7%. George W. Irving, .proprietora Address tenders to L. Stong, Clinton. ' 08-3 , House for Rent The 'Baptist parsonage, Albert street. .ply' to Guy Jones. 08-2-p- . Millinery Sale 25 to 35% off all spring and sum- mer hats. Now ha the time to save money in, millinery.Misa A. Mac- Donald, Clinton. 08-1 MORTGAGE SALE - Under and 'by virttie of the powers contained in a certain mortgage thet will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for qale bY Pub- lic Auction on the property in the Township of Goderich in the County of. Huron. on Tuesday, the sixteenth day of June,. A.H. 1926, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon the fol- lowing lands and vremiies, viz: Lot Ninnber 84 in the 7th Goncession of the said Township- of Goderich, con- taining by esthnation 80 acres of land more or less. On the premises, are a good frknne house with 7 rooms, a bank barn about 34x50 and a shed about 24x40; 12 acres of good bush and about an acre and a half of orchard. • The' soil is good; the farm is in pasture. It is a desirable farm property. • TERMS -10% at tinie of sale, bal- RUCS Withitl 30 days. Sale subject to a reserve bid. . For particulars apply to W..' Bey - done, Clinton, Ont., Solicitor, for Mortgagee. ' •08-3 Clinton's tAt O7N7Lt14")AN LUMPS OF COAL: IF YOU KRE . BE TRUE BROTHERS OF MAN". KININ TELleYOUR FRIENDS TO; ORDER THEIRCOAL EARLY AND KEEP THECO§T DOWN RN? evEzvaor,v It's only fair that the publie should know that the cost of deliv?iing coal could be cut. But the only Way to do' 11 is, for'everybody to order early. It is sinipl this: If coal ordered evenly the year' 'round, eoal, men, could cut -their „delivery equipment in half. • We'paint this for the public good. If it helps in that direction, we will feel amply repaid: Call the kag:teltPtS, for good, cle4n coal J.B.'USTIII • COAL COMPANY PHONE 74 CLlNTON Clinton New Laid Egg and Poultry -House TR IT ZSDAY, TOM' 925"; 1 diaerasimossupasommatasais ta_r!easeas_91kassasaasessetalasarsamesawakiate Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Government g'g.• regulations. In- ilieuirees.for price of ioggs• You will I alway'S find our prices. touching eity Fat Hens and well -finished chicks al- ways wanted at highest prices Always phone our office for prices before disposing of produce else- where. We appreciate your business and' hope you are pleased Office open for business on ' Saturday evening's N. W. Trewartha Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214, Do Not Neglect! Putting Insurance on Your Life YOU MAY DIE! , On your Buildings and Contents THEY MAY BURN! ' On your Time YOU IVIAY MEET WITH ACCI- DENT Olt SICKNESS Your life is valuable to your family •.and the State • Your Property is your recompense Tor time, labor and money spent Your time, IS Money We will protect you at ak points and AT SHALL COST • All, Lines of Insurance,, Atfromotile Insurance at a big reduction Agent for Clinton 'encl DistriCt of The Mutual_ Life Assurance Company of Canada H. E. RORKE Office at residence, cor. Mary and Orange streets, opp. the rink Phone 253- 90-' COAL We have a supply of Furnace, Stove, Nut and Soft.. Also some' good dry. slabs, Leave orders aV•residence. E. WARD Phone 155. Huron Street. COAL Having erected new coal sheds will have on hand full stock of coal for itnmediate delivery. Prices reason- able. R. J. lyIILLER Orders taken lit' residence, phone 119 The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion - GENERAL 1V1LLER No. 21163 Enrolment No. 1308 Form 1 Will stand for season of 1925 Tuesdays at Joe Flyan's, 6th con., Hullett, for noon. Saturday all day at Graham House barn,, Clinton. Bal- ance of each week at fizs own stable, lot 18, eon. 3, Itullett. e TERMS To insure in foal, $12, payable when mare is known to be in foal, mares noereturned regularly to the horse will be cahrged full insurance price Whether in foal or not. Parties dis- posing of mares before foaling time will be charged full insurance. All accidents at risk of ownera of mares. I can take a few mares on pasture at $1 per week. ED. JOHNSTON, Probrietor. R. B. No. 4, Clinton, Onot.641. Phone 3 on 636 , HIGHLAND CHIEF C. No. 23212 C.G.S.B. Enrolment No. 1238, Form 1 - • -ROUTE • MONDAY --Will leave his own stable, lot 11, con. 13, Ilullett and go 354 miles south to Jas. DalEas corner, then west to Geo. Leith's for noon, .0hen thr'ough Summerhill to M. J. Butler's, lot 18, con. 16,. Goderich township for night. TUESDAY—South to Telephone road, .then west to Harold Graham's for noon, south 21/2 miles, west 2 -miles, north 154 miles to .Milton Steeiseas for hight • • WEDNESDAY — North to Cut line,•then west to Fred Pickard's for noonathen,4 miles northeast on Berk miller road to Geo. Ginn's Inc night.' THURSDAY—To Thos. Wilson's Carlow, for noon, east to Robt. Medd's for night.. FRIDAY—East to Wm, Austin's fOr noon and home foiLnight. SATURDAY -- Etitt to Ilarlock, south 21/2 miles, east 254 miles .,to C. J. Dahnage's, MeKillosp township for noon, then north 21/2 miles, then west and home for night, where he will remain until the following Monday. TERMS To insure a foal $14 to be paid February lst, 1926. John Carter, Thos. Colson, /401). Manager R. R. 1, Blyth, Ont, C•REAM WANTED 'The demand for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream. . •We request you to ship us your cream. ' We guarantee you the Highest Market Prices, accurate tests and prompt seavice. Our fill -11 is 1c110W11 to you and needs no further recommend. We pay all express charges, fm•n- ish cream cans and pay twice each month. Write foracans or father informa- tion to the , THE' SEAFORTH CREAMERY CO. 0, A. BARBER, MANAGER a To Farniths of TtliS I/lei/3011j ie have taken over the Agency for the International Harvester Company , of Canada including all rIcCormick, Deering ,and International Lines • Consisting -of Machines Implements Cream Separators Mot -or Truelcs, etc. with repairs for all We are prepared to give -you setvice at all times by having our store open for you and a man always on hand. We will specialize on all renairs and have ihern'on hand.when wanted. Mr. A. J. McMurray, District Representative of the International I'Iarvester Company will be here' every Saffirday to consult with, TELEPIIONES=Day, No. 53; Night, No. 3 Miller TELEPHONE 53 Rowland's Old Stand CHT-NAMEL STORE Seed ,Corn Have a• aomplste stock of No. Gov't Standard Seed Cbrn highly test- ed for moisture and germination. Our prices are reasonable. Alsb Mangels and Turnip, both swede and fall feeding. CHICK FEED Blatchford's '1VIillit Mash, Pratt's Buttermilk IVIash and Royal Purple Scratch. Grain 'Small 1i:filthy for giyain at present. In the market for Wheat, Oats and BaKey. ROOFING See our stock before buying and compare quality.. We honestly think we have the best and will stand be- • .hind -every sale. J. A.FOFD & SON Phone 123 • Flour and Peed Merchants and Grain Buyers ligtoo Gara We Repair all Makes of Cars and Batteries Lawn 1VIowers Sharpened Baby- Buggy, Buster Brown, etc., tires put on while you wait. Remington typewriter for sale.No! reasonable offer refused, Do you want your lidle son to enjoy himself? We have a Joycycle in dtock for boy or girl" age -5 to 7 Years. . *A. C. 0. Id. cycle in stock. Walk in aud see it, if pot the right size we can,get it, priricri.INeTit A SMILE :• ATALLHOURS A. S. INKLEY Garage Ph. 80 Res. Ph. 167r2 C. H. VENNR, Electrician, - Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances' ' Wiring and Repairs. Phone intv sterairoa.o. ••••=mmameomarnampgsal...emosennondin CORNS end the paitt, quickly; -s'afely In one minute yon can end the pain of corns with Dr. Scholl's Zino -pads. They . end the misery of corns by eliminating the cause, friction -pressure. No danger of infectioli from cutting or corrosive. acids. Zino•pads axe thin; antiseptic, water. proof. They protect while they heal. Sizes for corns, callouses and bunions. Call today and' get a box of this new,' magic corn treatment. I DzScholl's Zazapads Pitt one on—the pain is gone! wodsocaerraCOMfikie lineofDr. Scholl's Foot Coofort ApPiances and Remedies Footwear and Foot Comfort \ FRED JACKSON The 13-ig Shoe Store Opposite the Town Hall ommarassmicrocemum MiraraawiatitirnduR601, 1 Plants and Flowers T,ornatoes Cabbage CaulifloWer Celery Sweet Pep'pers In all variaties .Aeters Marigolds Petunias Snapdragon Zinnia's Verbena Balsams and Pansies now blooming in boxes Geraniums, Cannes, Salves Lobelias and Allyssium, White Leaved Ger- eniurn, also Rosy Morn Petunias and Dwarf Old Rose Snapdragon • for bedding For Hanging Baskets and Window Boxes we have—Vineas Ivy, Ar- tillery Cuphea (cigar plant) Dracaena., etc. 9 C t FlOwer Specials Gladioli,. oses; 'Valley, Carnations and .Sweet Peas , Spe,cial Attention to Floral Work , . W0 JENK'INS 82 SON Greenhouse Phone 141ar-3 wasonrame. WICIII0.1.600.11106.11CISMIORMERI.V.170 Greenlsouse Open Evening's