HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-06-04, Page 3tits largest 1011 1eSimiti4o.0te o161 egn FIAInbRE,SSINC:, PADL0f4 AND A9ADMY, 3 Stores 3 713 Yonge, g31 Yorige, 617 Danforth Ave `kkasia,--6 The d1 Secretary for Ontario has recently ,coirOludeil an intereatint tour taking in most Qi the places of imPolT. fume from North e Bay to Sault- St'-. Marie., Ile .spealts very enthusiastical- ly el the splendid advances Scouting - -Making there -and the following bidet Sreniarks indicate that he has - good 561100120 for hiS'opidarrism, It should be noted that the work in this Dfstrict is raider the rfop erv cion ' o2 ,District COU1101Sslionen .0. It. de P. VoniOnW. He has been -very largely responsible tor .the 'forward mOve, actinir.ably, supported' by Various leadere;fo-wbeni. CPeClit'iS also - Rat 1111The Troop at Stargeon a s own club towns'. Thesehave been 1:11- dIlyl and completed .13.Y,,the boys entire.. 0.It has involved weeks and' hours . 'of hard : work, but is stow one of the finest in ,existence. It is' to ke officially dedicated and opened for Sobut opera- tionon 22n1, At Coniston a fine group -of Cubs, and Scouts 'gathered) for a meeting. fortimadely the Scoutmaster, Rev. J. D. cfp313183=10EallibintegfRalgatIMED Now, was too 111 to -be present, anetit , See That This ,Label is on Your. Fox Wire - "Prince .Edward" Brand Efigliek Fox Wire--recognIzed by the above label on every roll -has given nacre then .fourteen years of perfect .serviee en . pioneer ranches and ie being used for most of the nAee. ',ranches. "Teereti (t' reason."' - . Write or wire for free sample' and prices. e HouviAms Summersi de P. E. Island . Ontario Sales Agent W. el. C. RUTHVEN ALLISTON - s or,rr. "Put into your life sunlight and aughter." _That Was the advice given to a boy by Robert Louis Stevenson, the famous author. INECTO RA ID . The world's best ' hair tint Will re- store gray hair to its natural corer in 15 minutes. email size, $3.30 by mall Double size, ss.so by mall „The W, T..Peraber Stores ',Malted - 129 Yonge at. Toronto ; is doubtful if he .can continue his lead- ership for this, reason. The Nickelites will see to 11 that the work does not suffer. The new Troon 'in Sudbury, in the care of Scoutmaster Fred Cressey, is making astounding progress, _Both Troops are well officered and 'making things hum . :,EseanoIa once again demonstrated its -elf as a real live centre of Scenting activities .A.n afternoon- was spent outdoors, in Scout games, while other groups 1,000'yards apart -did good vierk in morse signalling: The Cubs, intent on not being -left out, artanged -an .eyeeing meeting ingoie.. One has, yet to meet a More lively Pack with their two eyee very much open. A seleadld meeting via's, called in Creighton Iffbae, (embracing Goys and adults who, ueder the chairmanship of the mine superintentleht, listened in- tentively to an explanation of- Scout- ing. It was anctud1ene that very bad- ly needed to know that the only. fight- ing we teaelr the boys is that which hag to do,wirth their own eviledeslreS and impulses, Good seed. was sown, .and the young Troop, will Undoubtedly make fine "heaalWaY under the dime - tion of Scoutmaster .Pascio.e. Space v111uot permit references to each place vialted, but eve:beat risk of transgressing we must ,mentipn the Soo and North Bay. At the Soo Scout - =staters Waener and Noble have done wonders. As .a result of their work Scouileg has now, a great opportunity to develop, and there are sounds In the air of important eVenta in the mak- ing. The Anal gathering in connection with the tour Was 211 North Bay, 'when the respective Troops, with Cubs, met together. Anyone ,can imagine the diaturbeece likely to be created when 120 boys join in fun 0. Opportunities in the Veterinary Profession If you desire a profession you should consider whab the field of Vetelrinary Solence.has to offer. Grad -tulles have splendid opportunities for a succeseful career. The live stock Industry. is the corner -stone of agricultural development and the veterinary profeselen is its greatest safeguard. Session Begins October 1, 1925 Write for bulletin and calendar to C. D. McGlivray, D.V.Se., Pelnelpall -Ontario Veterinary College Guelph - Ontario Affiliated with University of. Toronto. Under the Ontario Department • of Agriculture. HON. JOHN S, MARTIN, Minister miummini1111 iitSOT'ITN the tiititer 'Judi1flt. flat' ashing Water is hard and requires a lot of soap to Make a lather—"Snowfiake" added to any water Immediately turns it into, soft' water. , Vse"Snowfluke on. wash d,ys and you will not. need quarter the. usual quantity of soap. "Snowfiahe" " Sweeten -the elpths.--inake -them scift and clean - and saw voit nttielolabor, lartoetbe 3 places for anolevflaka litchera, Sathraintat, Laundry ROI d „fr AinsiOn19 csio901.„ errs iN3,1wAl At aft gr (aeon fec large package • al CS and instrtiction. 11 wa6 grci And'the "distal batted' only te after 410ging the Nal,1041'.4 only SeouLs and-Oubik three lilleS p„,,p Main/11g lines 14, 'rho impressiP lesult of meet grout -is is that' je.jarcltest'f. tile jbli it set out' creating and I building .up Calladla 1111511306,' I11..ea ee. Whether 11 10 the fine'art oil'intraft ing a llollseliold or the executive ,co industaal concern, eta hunsan beingi'however aided by impe sonal inecilanfsni, needs an interluff now and Diens.' . - In the,wilds of Swirl' Aaterica,drei are, natives, apparently with lir-tittles ,time before them. and endless rodi about thern, squatting in the Sllr..1an Weaving grasoes to make hats, Th roving eyes of touriete fall upon thee OD NEWS EUMAT1C - 0 1 0 Thal ThisTrosl ie Must be ated Thrtleigh off. LOSI Tho most a rheinnatic iuf1:lrcr 6311 ' hope for in rubbing, something on, the tender, aching joint isja g. No lotion or liniment ever did or ever 11.1 con do more than. this. The rhetrinal ,y tn. poi3on •!,,,j rooted In the blood. - ro L.- get rid of it you must treat it through e the.. blood. Any, doctor will toll 'yeti that, this lo true. If you Want some - 'e, thing that- will go night to the root of s Diet:rouble in the blood, take Dr. n liaMis1t /310.k ppm, The whole mission d I of this medicine Is to 'purify and ens e rich the blood, and when they do Di:1st e I all blood. troubles, including rhounid- simple, tranquil folk, and the rank out- siders are,thoved to declare it a peace- ful, pastoral scene and to' wish that Northern industry Might divest itself - of the rciar and bustle' of the factories in favor of inch an idyllic existence. Yettlaese laborersare taxing sight and straining nerves to make the web of almost microscopic strands, for the finest quality of 'thee...product, and they aro exhausted after a brief Periodr of effort for miserable pay. . We look to the.iith and we think of the Lisldnio as-- enviably lawleie and healthy. They are composed to be care -fee in the kyak and igloo, with plenty of fish in the sea and abundant game along s-hore. We imagine the life divesteel of-complicatio,es 'and pity oueselyes for -the coil cif civilized Pre- occupations wherein eve are enmeshed. But the fact is, that fife Mr the Green- lander is a terribly anxious busluess and is prematurely shortened by' the end -lose- bathe for existence against the elemental forces, a There Is no lend of pjrpetual ease for a loafer. 'The rule is that human beluga meat work for a living, and the Interlude of rest- is sweetened by the toil that went: before it aud earned it. Moreoyer, in that -time ef respite there are few who are content to do nothing at all; the inanition Would make' most real men miserable, What they wen I& a change of occupation. They are kept young and eager by exercise up- on the hobbit() whieii they turn. In each %lay, as in the year at large, there Should be interludes. We should interrupt and alternate the strenuous hours with moments -of ,aseiration" and reflection. If, as the hom'ely' saying has it, the nose is kept- to the grind - Stone all the time, 'the whole being _pays for it ,with a, lost edges:a ruined telnPer.-e The -conquest of the World is not saffielent recompense for the loss of one' e own soul; the business deY, crowded and valuable as it is, cannot afford to. leave human nature out of it reckonings and banish the sun from US overhead as a superfluous charge. tism, disappear. Among those who have proved the value of Dr, Wil- liams,' Pink Pills is Mrs, Anhio Wright, Woolehester,'Alta., who :pays: "1 was at sufferer !rem rheumatism for six years, and diming . raoSt of, that time my life was one of misery. 1. tried several doctors, and many reine- dies recoimuencled, but never got more than temporary relief. • The trouble seemed to affect thy whole system and 1 was badly rundown and suffered from headaches as well. Filially I was advised to try Dr. Williams? Pink Pills, and through these I" found, ,complete relief and to -day I feel like a new per- son. I can therefore strongly'tecom- mend,Dr: Williams' Pink Pills to any- one suffering ae I did from this hem- ' You can get these pine from anY Medicine dealer, or by mail, -at 50 cents, B. bON: from The Dr. Williams? Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. . Dielmns confessed to a special fond- P.elative Heating Values of 'eshs for David Copperfield, largely It MUSt Be'Spiriele`. Open . the garage d0060 and don your oldest pants, POI,' soling 11 as- coffie and novl's time each:fellow has a ellaiicc To tinlEce witil his autooar.-.-great joY it always brings -- To •0 Ina 'gcnrs and prime the plugs • :Ind lubricate the springs. ft's wi.se to -Varnish lip the hoed and add a part or two, And jacif her 032 31111 dress her up to tires fat and new; It's time to 110110. the cylinders and fill -up the petrol tanif .A.nd wear sweet blisters on your hands Nand curse them as "yeti crank. And whon your v,mrser half remarks,: aren't, we having funi" You challenge her to 'fix the Car alld nialte the darn thing rim. You rave and shout around the place and make the neighbors mad. And all the family gather 'round to give. itclWi ce to dad. You bruise a nail and cut, a hand and smudges on you park, And then, at las,t, you find yell failed , to flicker on the spark. You wipe the .s.woat of heavy toil from ' off your' feVered br,ow, And heave upon -.the fateful, criink- and Lizzie rattles now. ' Yon Soon .forget your' angry triood and , sport a happy grin, Though you have shed ten pounds. of fat upon. this, hunk of tin; You are as proud as st "man can be, no- thing your Joy -can mar As you turn to those around and crY, - "Ain't this the dandy car? Authors' Dream Children. Most authors have an affection for certain children of their imagination, . yetious Typcs of Fueli. apumiehaiposaioanhhayecionunith-:fhtoliei eleiment The Dominion Fuel, Beard and the 'it is no eecret that "Mowl3g1Z"SthnelileaVrol-!i , Fuel Testing Dieleipe of the :genes 1 yard ,oirriptihhieg:s`Jufanygolreit,Be Branch, Department of Mines, are mak- eateon; ishis1111116c: home creations. - . �c- Ing- a series of tests upon various types of fuels with •a' "vieW to- deter. Though Sherloolc Holmes is easily silY mining_ their relatiye vtil u e s when t. Mimed in etandurd types of hot water houee-heating furnaces as ueed In On- tario and Quebec. - ' These etests, whielt are still in pro- grese, are being inted.e upon the -various typee.of anthracite, American, Welsh Etna spotch; Various types of coke-, gee eelte and metallurgical coke, -coke made: in by-product coke ovens, 'some high grade, low yolatile bituminous or semi -bituminous . coals, and 'a' reere- sentetive, series of Alberta peals., . Th.e raiults' of tests to date have showneltat tee Britiph anthracite, the cokes and certain of . the eigh &Ade low volatile bituminous Cod9,. appear to have a 'higher heatleg value than the average American antheaCite sold at istattewa, that is it requires a email- er quantity of 'thee fuels, than 4.1 does of American anthracite to deliver a unit quantity of heat. It requires from one ton to tbree-quarters of a ton of these wale t� deliver ...the :same quantity of heat as one ton of the aver- age American anthracite scold In Ot- tawa, , On the other hanca'preetically all of the Alberta coaltested, with the ex- ception above nota, deliver a smaller quantity of beat per unit weight of eoal, or, in- other vvoiels, a larger (lean - iffy of these fuels than of American anthraeite is required to deliver a unit quantity of heat." It requires, from 114 tons to al high as 15i this of these wale to deliver the same quantity of heat as one ton of average American anthracite de- IlVereil'at Ottawa. Other factor's, such as the :relative frequency of ilriirg required; also enter into the problem of determining the relative values ot these various fuels. Too— —Much Silence. / Sentence Seranons. Is it Worth 'While -To spend time and money acquirilig habits you will be ashamed of? -To build gymnasiums for boys an!' girls who rlde to school? 1. -To argue witha man who la un- willing to face a fact? -To- get a job for a matt who is afraid' he will Ind woik.? -To expect a peliceman to be -hell- eat if we ask for special favors; -To spend money foregood govern- ment and break the laws that don't Mat us? -To Wave the flag over desecrated ideate? - WHEN BABY IS ILL When the baby: le ill; when he cries a great deal and uo amount of atten- tion or petting makes Ifira hoPPY, Baby's Own Tablets should be given him without delay 'I'l e T bl t • . a eame a mild but thorough laxative which' regulate the boivels and sweeten the stomach eied thus drive out constipa- tion and Indigestkine break up colds and simple fevers mitt make teething easy. They are abableteiy guaranteed to be free from opiates and. narcotics and Can be given to even the new-born babe with perfect safety a,nd always Oneold Irishman of ion service with beneficial results. The Teblets sleptsoundly_ and peacefUllygduring a , ' Along dee Irish coast are lighthouses which fire it Signal gun at three-minute intervale during foggy Weather.To a visitor the Mese, is, irritatbag and um bearable, making .sleep an impossi- bility; but to the seasehea lighthouse - keener not only does the monOtoneus boom pass unnoticed, but a beeek In. its regulerity 'reacts as a disthrbance, are stala by medscine, dealers, or by mail ,tit 25 cents a bee from The Dr. Williarne' Medicine Co,, Drockville, Ont. , The Secondhand Car. There's. a grievous Mistake' you are likely to make ' If a car you're determined to buy, When you go to the dealers and put ' out some feelers , AndefInd that the price is too high; ,Then on day with a vine "I will be in - the swim; . All my neighobrs have beat me 80 But I'll dig up the jack to buy some kind of a haelt; And yoli purchase a secondhand Ur. ,Then tha ar..st pleasant day You start For a time' you go straight as' a bolt- --Ah! but 'right- le 'the middle of- 67 -nue sloppy pliddle You ,stop with a jar and a jolt! You may step on the juice, but it's not , any use, So your pliers and wenclies you 31 it isn't the tires .whY;then it's the If it 18111. 1118 wires 'it's the brake. There you Itinker ,andfuss and you case the old bus . , Ana yet hope, a garage isn't fer- ef you want all your trouble to cer- tainly double - • Just purchase a secondhand car! , 0, Ballare. 7 yOU play the game with the world the world will play the game with you. --Sir Henry Curtis -Bennett, For Sore Feet-Minard's LtnIment. One of the trials of Old Fogeydom is the exasperating suspicion ihat the young generation is right. -Sir R. R, Terry. -winter -night while his wife fired the roaring three-minute signals -that is, he rested comfortably until by some shortening one of the ,charges failed to exploae. : Instantly lee awoke, ,sat up, gazed, wildly around, and. shod:tea, "elaggiet What the deuce was that?" "DIAMOND l:)YE" IT A BEAUTIFUL COLOR Perfect-110ms dye - Ing and tinting i9 guaranteed with Dia- mond Dyes. Just dip 111 eola water to tint soft, delicate shades, or bolt to dyta rich, permanent colors. - Each 15 -cent pack- age contains direc- tions so simplp any woman can dye or IJ111 lingerie, silks, ribbons, skirts, waists dresses, ,coate, stockinge, sweaters, draperies, coverings, hang. ings, everything -new. Buy "Diamond Dyes"---ne'otlier kind -and tell your drugeist whether the material you wieh to color i8 wool or sfik, pr whether It Is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. World's Water Power, The de'veleped water Tower of the world has , increased 26 per cent. In three years, from 23,000,000 horse- power in 1920 to 22,000,000 horse -Power In 1923, according td estimates .by the U,Sdepartment of the _Interior. Once a ,species of plant has loot its perfume, Dicta is no known way,, of 1.a -stating it. • Minard's Llnlment-tor Colds. first id public estimation among all the characters created by Sit Arthur Conan Doyle, first place in -hie own esteenris occupied bY Rodney Stone. A very good. second is Sir Nigel. Thomas Hardy prefers to consider hiesself,a poet rather than a novelist, but if he were to stand or -fall by a novel he would choose "Te.sa,", whilst 11. G, Wells --would probably choose Tono-Bungsee Stevonsein had a great affection for "TreaSure Is1and1" and .Allan Quater- main is an easy first in Sir H. Rider Ileggaed's esteem., W. W. Jacebs eats his affections on that preaeher, finished ,diplomatist, and sly Inunonst, Bob Pretty, whilst, with. all his later and perhaps mere -solid successes, Jeron10 K. d'erOme loolce. back with a wistful fondness to "Three Men la a Boat," the books which not only made his mini but made the world laugh. • Not even Wendy can oust Babble from Arst place in Sir James Barrte's heart; but it is probably his love for his old school, Darrow, Which .causes Horace Annesley Vaohell to love "The 211111 better than any other member of idsi literary fatully. It is often dif- ficult to aecount_for`these literary pre- . ferenCes. Mark Twain, for Instance; regarded that little scallywag, nuckle- berry rim], with an affection and de- votion 'worthy of a better cause, and it is possible that, next to Copperilem, 4,The Artful Dodger' 'appealed most to Dickens. • - 40'1 Minerd's Liniment Fins for the Hair. Osaka, the Japalieses city, now ranks fifth in size in the world's cities. The first tour are ,London, New York, Berlin, and Paris. e RADIO - Guaranteed 201.4. Tubes $1.95. Speolai 1 Tube Set, 1200 miles range, -cord- plete, $22.50. Express Prepaid. Write for Peet) Ltst. • DANFORTH RADIO CO. 2093 DANFORTH Ave. TonoNTo lloyeltou Cannot Rms. New Eyee lint you can Promote Et Clean, ticatibytonranos Alin y'EST.Itodurine.eye.Reme4110 Tught and Morning. 'fair soar Eyes aesia„.cleas axed Healthy. Write for:Free EyeCareBook, levee geeesesesiesee ObiseitmleChkese IVIINARD'S Relieved His Rheumatism Rare 18 one, of many. lettere testify- ing. to tiehe relief Minarces giNes In eases ef rheumatism: "I have beenrelieved of rheumatism by yew' been, :1" thought I -would never be -free from this malady and I tried.' many remedies, but Minard's, was the only one' which gave me relief:" : ALI'lIONSII RICHARD, St. Samuel, P. Q. Minard's is alsrisplendid‘ for 'stiff. nese of the joihte,-sprainS, bruises, etc. MINARD'S.LINIMENT The new re -din -built ACOUSTI- CON is a; maevel of lightness, pone - fort, inconspicnocisnese. • .A. joy to wear and use. We are se SUTe it will delight you, regardleee of what other dev4ce you ere 11032r using, that we invite you to, -try it 10 days, without a penny of risk. No red tape to go through. No deposit or payment of any kind. Just send your name, address and free trial request, to, or call on. J. L iinderson Oa. - 357 St, Catherine St West' Montreal, Que. No Deposit. No Expense. ISSUE No. 22-135. The ORANGE PEKOE i 3 extra good. Try it 1 A Leased Without Laws. North, Greenland, Which 01111- 0,1e(1 311(1) 111 twelve tniles of the North Pole, ther0 are practically no laws, and therc are certainly none with re- gal -a 10 preller1Y, rer all that that men P061025 055 their Ilunting-linives, while the 250111011 have only their household utensils. Tho steno houses in which the na- three live belong to nobody in particu- lar. If eu. Eskimo family find an emiltY- one they simply move into it apcl it be -- comes theirs until they, vacate it,- • Pblygamy is permittee and "mar- riages" are arranged entirely by par- ents. Ween a couple tire of each ether they simply take ether mates. There, Is hothiee that coerespoeds to "court - In sucli circumstances it eeems strange teat the Helrimos ere -.among the mostIdevoted parents in the world. If a separation occurs, the children, De- wey& go with the mother. This ar- rangement as may be expected leads- 1-0 Intenninable complications, but, in suite of it ,all, eV-ery one seems very happy, The liner Majestic is about -1,700 thnes the size of the Santa Maria flagship of Columbus. " Far Sore Throat ;Ise M inard's Liniment The longer I live the more I am convinced that the greatest of all ne- cessities for human happiness is to talk things T. P. O'Connor. WE WANT CHURNING MACHONE. Knoves 22 They Stay aha.rtilonger. mmosos,.CA14555.1751N 00. LIMIT= VA!,...Mgrt 3710115, , Stroi Nerves . Pere oaganic pet:eel-10th,, ,knewato mosti' druggists...eV-Bare-Phosphate, la Nvhat nerve•exhausted, tired -out Pec0le must have to regain.. terve ,foree and _ energy. Thate erhy It's guaranteed: Price $1 per plcge. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. Ideal Sprint" Vacations (Jelly DaysfromNewYork Go in May and .June when Borrouda is ablaze with Flowers -perfect daysfor rest orolav• Potals4 Twin -Screw Steamers "FORT VICTORIA" and. "FORT ST. GEORGE" Far Illustrated gooktets 'Write FU12NESS 13ERMODA LINE 34 WhitehaliStreet - New York City or Any'acel Tourist Agmt We supply, , cans and eay express charges. We pay . daily by express money. orders, which .can be cashed anywhere without any charge. To obtain the top price, Cream must be free from bad Ilavots and contain not leas than 80 per cent Butter Fat. „ Bowes Company Limited, Tororito For references --Head (Mice, Toronto, Bank„Of Montreal, or your local banker. Estikblisheir for over thirty years. D licioU Put the spicy delicious- ness of Mustard into your salads and sandwiches - sauces and savories - Serve it freshly made - mixed with cold water with your- meats at breakfast, lunch and dinner - use it in your cooking. It makes everything more tasty and aids digestion. Our new Cook Book tellrorou how 20 use IVIustard lo ow and aPpc. thing ways. Wnto for a copy. It's MBE. gOLMAN-HEEN (Canada) LIMITEB: Dept. 1F; 1IO2 Amherst Atreet e nS • aids digestion Misenswimaxtemetwime nt3r Si . Here is great value in Dairy Pails; We know Stake exists a big de - mend for a well -finished, good=wearing sanitary dairy Pail selling' at a popular price. Here it ' is -the siVIP Dairy Pail, new style. See them in the storee. Take a look at the leig ear, note the abgenee of all cracks and crevices - and mark the low price- • only one dollar. Equip your dairy throughout with SP! Say :"Eiayer -Insist! For Colds Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism - Lumbago Pain Accept only a Sayer package which contains proven directions Randy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles 011 ,24 and 100-Druggista Aspirin Is the Weds mark (registered la Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mons. aceticacidester of SalieflicacId. RED PIMPLES ITCHED BADLY Neck and. Chest Broken ,Out. titicura Healed. "My daughter's neck and chest were very badly broken out with red pimples that festered and itched badly. She scratched the effected parts and caused the trouble to spread. At night she could not sleep and the breaking out caused disfigurement. " I tried everything I tould think of but nothing helped her, I read an advertisement for Cut:keel:Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. 1 purchased more, and af. ter using one cake of Cuticura Sap and one box of Cutieura Ointment sIata was healed." (Signed) Mrs. R. B. Cross, 81 Seneca Parkway,, Rochester, N. Y. TIse Cutieura to clear your skin, (Jamie Sseh Free by MU. Addreos Newlin Depot; litenhouee 855, ZionWled." Pelee, 800 26e. Olebeent 26 awl 60e. Take= 26e. Cuticura Shaving Stick 25a. PAINS ACROSS THE BACK Relieved by Lydia E. Pink - hands Vegetable Compound Mitchell, Ontario.- "Iehave taken your medicine for a number of years. Ido not take it steady all the time, but I am never -without it. I always keep -it in the house. I took it first for pains 'in the abdomen and bearing -down pains, headaches and pains across the baelc. I have my home to look after and many a day I could not get up at all. I saw the advertisement in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkharn's• Vegetable Com- • pound, and Mrs. John Miller told me about it, too. Every time I take it it Makes me feel better and I always rec- ommend, it to my friends. I am willing to' answisr letters from women asking about this medicine and you -may use thieletter as a testimonial. ''-Mrs. F. J. WASSMANN, Mitchell, Ontario. The merit of Lydia E. Pinkhairee -Veietable CornPotiiad is tord by women to each other. Many w'cinbn know by experience what this medieine will do and they are anxious for others to know. Such testimony should cause any womari suffering from the troubles so, common te her sex 'to give this well- known medicine a fair trial. Do you know that in arecent canvass among 'women users of the Vegetable Compohnd over 220,000 replies were re- ceived. To the question, 'Haveyou re- ceived benefit by taking this Medicine?' 98 per cent. replied "Yes," This means that 98 out of,every 100 P00200 are ip better health because they have given thie medicine a fait, trial. • 0 ,