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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-06-04, Page 1itro A4TEI . the t pt'te. y guest 111 message yore Iun re carted. of .ro otinty ' o s; 11:' you, lave es e homes there'sno" better' -medium' t CAL^ IV,IARI TS, Whet, 1. 0, Barley,: 05c to ;70t l luckwlreat,GOc. (Oats, 40c Btttej., •80e;to32e. ^' [Eggs, 219 to 27e, , • Live Hogs, : ,$1.00'' ff rt Let yourgift'to the bride" be t ti .Jrl, ri vevane r WeS1' have'�, aE larRINGge assortment of Silverware -to choose from We U .. E, YlE•Id. _ ; . e .t he -newest in wedding rings in Wilute, Green an Yellow Gold. Te are experts on repairs of all kinds. Should your clock need repairing, let•.us:kno, we will call for it, put it in good condition; aad;return•it to you.'w li Phone 174w . *e1i4ar JEWELER and• OPTOMETRIST 11 u Residence '1741 The Wonderful cGlar E1.. � e ctr' 1C Range f By harnessing for your ben - . the mighty power of elec- tricity this 'wonderful range transfers this power into clean'' heat, and brings it under your Control, by the mere turning of, a switch. ,, Your heat comes to you in- stantly, you use ,it as Iong as, y�ouorequire it, you turn it off', will' you are through. USE YOUR OWN UTILITY,-- IT PATS HYDRO SHOP, Clinton MEN'S SUITS and Extra Trousers $22.50 to $25.00 BOYS' SUITS and Extra Knickers $8.90 to $10.00 Straw HIis Here c' t Season With the 24th of May saes the ,de mand for Stymy Hats OUR STRAW HAT' DISPLAY big, Ii e� �de�'� sa, -a.ssortr�aent ®f ��pp .NCY AN�. p PLA' '.tG � . STYLE STRAWS b � ” -ranging R Ala s��ss••�a as . rrl price from 1 . 1.25 to slop c _ e, The Tel i� t rd ar al s bestearIY season the� gad':,. y� have a,hew hat � aerl o yon n•rte SUMMER HOURS•; .T• P. T . F29,M,June 8th 'to Sept. 15th Public' Library will observe the stnxmer hours' whieh ,are as'foll Afternooie 2:00 t0,: 5:80.; ;Even 7;00 o'clock to 8;90, except Satu evening, 7:00 to,„9:39 o'clock: - nesday: closed., all day' THE COUNCIL MEETING. The council. met on 1Vlonday ing, all „ members` present - with exception of Councillor Jen Mayon- .Jackson presided: Communications were rtad trig following:"' The ;Alex. :Mu Coy, • Toronto, ' regarding Rotar Safety Silent Policeman Co., 04 regarding the' purchase of palace Dominion Rubber Co., regarding and rubber coats;• 7Vkxs..13.- Cole, ing reduction of. taxes on house had been burned;- from the secret of the •Clinton Kilty .Band subinitt agreement `allowing $1 per Mian conceit, $2 for leader and paym of .rent, and' lighting., of band room .a year,1 2 to� be advanced at o for purchase of'nxusic stands; fr F. W. Andrews and A. G. Howes, Fremlin, Jr. and James Appleby, a ing for building, permits; from Chamber of Commerce, Stratfo. asking co-operation'' re Blue Wa •highway. On motion of Reeve 1Vliddleton Councillor Paisley the matter of purchase dof another safety sil policeman, 'a foot higher than present one, and an extension for one already u was left f o 01 p,. Itf7acpherson -to make the best •d possible. _ The communication from the Cha ber of Commerce, Stratford, w £yIed.• ` On motion of Reeve Middleton a Councillor Bozell the ease of M Cole's taxes was left to the'Co of Revision. i 'On motion of Councillors Paisl and Bezel] it was decided to all the. Kilty (Band a total grant of $3 for the season of twelve weekly op air concerts, this to include rent, lig and all other expenses. On motion of Reeve Middleton a Councillor, Rozeil the request for sid walk on Dunlop street, between E ,and North streets is to be granted. On motion of Councillors Rozell and Reeve Middleton• the requests for building permits were granted. Chairman Middleton of the etre committee reported that gravel erushed.stone had 'been placed on se eral streets, as approved last meet ing, also the drawing of 100 los .of sand in readiness for the applie tion of tarvia., Mayor Jackson thought the 5111 o William street might be cut do somewhat, making. a good job of i but Chairman Middleton said his a propriation was running low. Chairman Bozell of the Fire an Water •Coiamittee, seconded by Com Milo): Johnston, recommended th purchase of 50 feet of Keystone hos 2 play pipes and one rubber co from the Dominion Rubber System. On a question from Reeve Middle- ton Chairman Livermore of the cem- etery committee explained'that the new mower purchased for the ceme- tery was one of the best fitted- for the sort of work it was meant to do and justified the somewhat high price by stating that he believed it woul outwear the oheaaer kinds. .Councillor Paisley suggested tha the street committee be advised t keep within the .estimate, as, h thought from present expe>3diture the limit would soon be reached an perhaps overrun. Chairman Paisley of the financ committee presented, the following re port: Street Account Pay sheet , , 5627.5 Alexander Murray Co. 54.0 Freight and Cartage 1.51 G. East, gasoline 2.7 Electric: Light Aecouixt P, U. Com., street light., May 157.0 Property Account P. U. Com., lighting town hall '7,0 Pay sheet , . 2.5 T. Hawkins, stove etc. r�iL1.9 W. Ii.-I•Iellyar, repairing eloc?� 1.7 D. E. Closet Account J. Steep, salary for May , . , , , 70,00 Cemetery Aecouut Hunter, R un er, salaxy far May 71.4 R. Horsley, 20 days , . , 50,0Q W. T Hawkins, w i lawn mower C and file .,. 1G.75 • Salaries Adeb,ant L. Stong, salary for May ,. 70,83 L. Stong, eol;amuseiuent tax 2.00 E. Graelis, salary 'for May .„ 54.17 Grants Account P. U,, Oom. light for Hoeeeital 20.48 Incidental Account R. Mennen, Hell paysheet . i , 00 Bell el. Co.,. rent and acct. , 4,52 Postage Aecount Stong revenuer -me s .. 3,0 ., p 0 Printing Account L ,"'Hall • 27.J0 Park Account, Pay ,slice, lig HAS TAKEN 115 DEGREE - the Ml 'L'M ,S, -Liverm'ore, o$ y sdn` 9f ,usual Mr:ands�Mrs, James ' Livermore Of owe: ,town, has• taken his degree eiione' ing:. •.Toroeto'rUniversity, He°is! ,not' hsre relay' 'far' graduation :.exercises 'this week, Wad however,;. having gone west as 'soon • as -his examinations` were oven col ie weeks ago to take' charge .'of as mis-- sion during the,; summer, Mr. Liver- more's friends congratulate, him and wish him continued success,: It is understood that he will enter Osgoode as a student in the autumn. even- the kins, from Mui. B.; llia, men; hose, ask - which ary ing per ent for nee om sk- the rd, ter, and the ent the the erk eel nd rs, urt ey aw 00. en nd e�- rTe et and v - ds - l.,, Wesley Church a - AT THE ASSE3MLBLY, Re�., J. • ,i. Ij,, Hogg is in Toronto to at- tending meeting of the General Assembly of thea Presbyterian ,,church, The commissioners to . the: Assembly from Huron Presbytery are: :,Minis- ters:''RRev. 11.Ac'Lundy, B.A.; Rev. G. NI, Chidley, B.A.;: Rev. Geo; Telford, B,A.; Rev. J. E. Hogg, B.A.: Elders: Mr. Charles Strachan, . Auburn; Mr. Jno. Fraser, Bayfield; Mr. Alex. Bu- chanan, Henson; Mr, J. J. Bell, Kip- pen n. Mr. . Hogg is the representative from' Huron Presbytery on the First General. Council which 'Meets on June'llth. AMONG THE CHURCHES. , St.. Joseph's Church The Redemptorist Fathers :-ill, give a mission from June 14th to `21st, eommencing at ten o'clock a.m. Continuing ii um Presbyterian Yterian Rev. J. J. Paterson, D,A,, of Sarnia will preach on Sunday morning, his subject being, "The Mountain' of God." Baptist -Church Mr. Boynton, the McMaster,,student who will be in charge of the Baptist churches of Clinton and Auburn dur- ing the sunnier months, will preach Sunday evening, • Ontario Street Church Morning classes at ten. Enedurage and enrich our fellowship service by your' presence. r: 11;00 a.m., morning message, What hath God Wrought ?a 7:00, pan., "The way well ate to do it." ,On Friday evening the Juniors will Meet at 7:00. The 'pastor would like all, Members and adherents, out on S'undeereinore- ing. 0 do t, 5- 1- e, - e The Brotheeahoed will meet at ten delock. Mr, A. Lae -Johns will intro- duce the .subject: • "The Use and Abuse of Fiction." The"pastor, Rev. k. A. Holmes, will take for his subject at the morn- ing service; "The Church in her Coun- cil Chamber." Evening: "Aspirations and Ideals." The Rev. Dr. 11f. Turnbull' of Mor- den, Man., preached very acceptably on Sunday morning last. Salvation Army 10 am,,.Direetory ,classes for child- ren. _ .11 a.m., Holiness meeting. 3 p.m., Sunday school, 7:30 pen., Salva- tion meeting. • . You are welcome to these meetings; Sunday there will be special meet- ings. Frideyd 7:30, Scout meeting, All. Boy Scouts are ached to be present as Scout Leader. Roy Cook will be gladto Start raining class Friday. June Legion.' An interesting gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. McEwen of the second of Stanley yes- terday afternoon, the' occasion being the celebration of the Golden Wedding InandiV,ersary of Mrs. Mcl;wan's par- ts, Ml ; and Mrs. George Stanbury Clinton, formerly of the London Mr. and Mrs. Stanbury were mar- ried at the home of the bride, who Was Mary Landsborough, daughter, of the late ,,,Robert,Landsborough, Tuck- ersmith, n June the third, 1875, the late Rey,, John Ross of Brueefield concluding the ceremony. They then settled on the London road and there they continued' to reside 'until they moved into Clinton about ten years ago. They have a family of two daughters, Mrs. McEwan and llrs. W. J. Falconer, both of Sl'anley. awn - ship, and eight grandchildren. The greater number of those who d I witnessed the marriage ceremony t I fifty years ago have gone over' the Great Divide,,Mr, Stdnbury being the " { last member of his ,family. 'Mfrs. e Stanbury has two brothers and three t t t sisters: Mr.. John S. Landsbor. d Thursday, SOCIA L, BVE?UNC MONDAY At asocial evening to be held,in' the club rooms • over the 'Rank of Montreal 'on Monday' evening next by the local br'aneh of the Liberal -Con tervative, Association, ' Mr Frank' Glass, M.P., and Mr. ;E, R. Delmie, president of the Western Ontario Liberal -Conservative Association' and Mr. Seaboek will be the speakers. Ar- rangements are - being made for a pleasait'social trine, MIGHT HAVE BEEN: WORSE. What might have been, a very ser- e, accident happened at'the town gravel pit on Monday- last, when,a cave-in occurred in which J:, McPhee, J. Cater and A. McLeod, were caught, thew former sustaining .a fiaetured ankle and thq 'others' being bruised and shaken more or lets. It appears the men had ,just: taken the, precaution to smooth 'down the. pit, in the endeavor to make it safe, when, without warning a big' slide. came down, almost burying some of the men. Fortunately .15 was for the most part sand, or the results might have been much more serious. Mr. McPhee will the laid up £or some time and Mr.,Carter, although -haying no broken bones, is also off work. Mr. McLeod is about again, LACROSSE SCHEDULE. Following is the schedule in the In- termediate series for the 0. A. L. A. gamer games to be played in group No. . � p >. These games will be in charge of an official referee, The " opening game will be played: of Clinton •n June 11th. Come out and see a game of fast, clean lacrosse: June 11—Wingham at Clinton, June 11—Mitchell at Stratford. June 18—Stratford at Wingham June 19—Clinton at Mitchell June 25—'Wingham at Stratford " - June 26—Mitchell at Clinton July 2—Stratford at Mitchell July 3—Clinton at ' Win�hain July 0—Wingham. at Mitchell July 0—Stratford at Clinton. July 15—Mitchell at Wingham July 17—Clinton`at Stratford. The teams finishing first and second piece will play off for group honors, the winner to enter the semi- finals. - GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY. 11 You , Pough n eo 1 , g P es of the Peace River District; W. Landsborough of Port 'Credit; Mre. ., Willis Church Geo, E. Clark of Groten, North Da- kota,:Mrs, James McQueen of Bruce= Next Spnday the itunister" Will ae- fied and Miss 'AnnieLandeboroagh my. 1115 pulpit.:I-Iis subjects will be; who resides with Mrs. Stanbury, The 8 Morning:. "Voices e Divine: and 'Hu-, letter two were present at yesterday's 8 Baan. Evening: ` "The Shadow of celebration. Peter," Mr. -and" 72rs, Stanbury ate es- t,' The choir by request Bull repeat teemed residents of Clinton and their the 'anthems of anniversary seyyiees,, friends here -heartily, congratulate Dspeeial interest 'was taken in the them on the attainxnent of ,this; 0 services on Suindayeowing to the fact t ti hem of this being the` 0,6t1i: anniversary at ores ng anmvex•sary and 'wish 7 the congregation, the same havinn, continued health And prosfxerity. 0 been founded. in the year 1850, and LITTLE LOCALS. 5 the last of such occasions preceding 5• the entry - of the congregation into The County Council is.nxeeting -in the: United Church,; The ministers in oderich this week. charge since its establishment have been: the late. Rev: Dr The ClintonnClub EI k inoveci Trout .McD MacDonald, d. o al the Normandie Blocktheir o to new the IateRev. F. a%IcQuaig, Rev. Di. rooms in the•ITYdro Block. Al Stewart, Rev. D K Grant.- the Retia r r Ts.. + 1present in -Willis Church served a '.very nice anniversary supper in the leetur room on Friday evening last, a Shull .:. •".. caps, in: all shadesn Gob• gy � te' Ca something e'IN Board of Health Di' Shaw, expeeses 15,00 Fire and ,Water Account W. Jago, repairing coat ...... ".50 RECEIPTS L.tor] ' i S g, market et scales $14.15 hall vent . 42.00 :Dog ,Tat , ` : 4.00 Braiding ,I?erliaxts 11.00 -68.111 R. Ilu'eter, sale' of lots : $6,00 Caro' in perpetuity .,, 65.00 Work 31.00 :114,00 Inn oc1iately_aeter the adjoueri Bent Of 31),E) eoueeii,`.the Mayou and Colina' r,illors Paisley, Raze11 and Johnston nvet as•;a. Court cf R851 -t n to , oiisid.- i� y er the epees of, Mrs. ICole,;and B. Lang - f' `e py o x e i1 le a x T tla On pie x x .. : � , la t t1 st e -_ o of. his. bxtisiness tai 141rs7',Colo's dexo a Wore rodtxced 022150 :a,nd':531•:' Lange, D ': o `d's' 4 ri ,u., .� r �i1r Q,. �' cumbent, Rev. J. E. Hogg." The Rev. T. Symington, who was the ainnvers- ai• " Y preacher, was no stranger to ii Willis congl'egation, :having supplied here in Rev, Dr. Stewart's pastorate There was a good ;audience. 'et the morning service, largely comprised 61, the, people of the church. The Minis- ers subjeet, based Upon on a el sr_. ,..r.. P a`ii -anomaddress d cess of .Paul, dealt with the cont •Thu ion hi t`on ive t which each geiiei•a- a d to, the world. We :cannot• live i ox the �ichievein nof �l' q es� the past, but profiting by the lessons of the past, must resider a better', service. The service' of praise •' was inspiring melee the leadership ;af Mrs, Morgan Agnew. 1Vix. le. Faenewortlz'sang the; solo,. "Opee Ye the: Gates," Mimes Annie and Mary Stewart saeg;se duet,, aixrl fixe cho' • an anthem, Another good co11510 ation greeted the ereachet:. in the evening hirci he was listenedto with attention and profit At thi t sexuice' Misees ,Annie and M sty Stenv'art salxe' ' 3 duet and thl ell oft' ieneieiod an anthem. The Bear•cl _ of Meeeeteeinozxt asked for en offering of 8800• on this,ecea- eigri and considerably more than that renin was plated Mon. the plates on Surd{lay Over •Ana hundred foriixee Clinton': P513 e+`i'en1A se•v1C0 -i . tiy00 .ler t'esidents> n ]]adroit; who )1'C Plalulixin? n, . olnxr'eh was rvithdi' 'w a zd toe m 11 . to come 1x0111 0 1 110 list eo ;, in Alt -;: 'hors or 5ho ;ecnn•renat n sae e'u e to ,l -let" want;'Ilio News-150e0'd h'eln i1aw xvo a .whin •]vii;lu':'tq'iliis,:adio;yTr>;tnr•„the txritil.,tlxat',�lme CgXxlydnf,taialtoYn,00n', .`+• this e eek' aubl sl1 •11 al es, as.,T,�tingjn •thA V . , tq 1 , t V; na8as, ,t1i r : _ R . a. ] e e r int. usi tit e.. ,., ,,. i r� w h a�, ._ f.. .• ' �;. i�#... is i. :,. �',�....�_ I , W. T MEE`T'S 'NEXT WEEK: .Tlae Jt e' o 'e in, mee�tingof :the Womens; Institute evil be held i their:emotes'. eb9ve the Public Library on Wednes- day, Juug�.. 10th, at three ,o'e bek. Mae. W. L. Douglas of Blenheim,; ,summer, speaker, will „give an: address, and each member is asked to bring a: friend. A pend tea will be served. ellOTI ING TO DO. ` n amusing little playlet, "Noth- ing To Do," was:puts:on in the'town'' hall by a company' of 'y lung'; people of Dungannon 011 'Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Ladies''Aid of 'Ontario -street church. The -elee tris -storm, which came -on shortly be - faze seven' o'clock and continued -for some tdlne accounted` for the "feet that�the attendance was not so large as -might 'otherwise'" have' been ex-' peeted'but,those • attending-eejoyed' .the;performance. The play was writ- ten by the Rev. Mr, Peters, pastor of the Dungannon church, and was pro- duced ro- duc d under e his direction 1 1 the Y young people of his congregation, Na' 'YET T SETTLED. Tuesday's dailies had the following dispatch: ' "Toronto, Tune 2. (CanadtanPress) —Abraham Durnin of Clinton is to have a second chance in his action for damages against„Robert Webster, his agent for the purchase of apples. At. trial Justice Lennox 9ismissed the action. The,Second and Di '-i as aI u ,,iS v Court .l n finds defendant's answers far from satisfactory and directs a new trial to determine whether in buying apples from farmers Webster de- manded "domestics” or accepted an, inferior grade in breach of his con- tract. Durno is to pay the costs of the first trial and of the appeal. SEVERE ELECTRIC STORMS. The storms of Monday afternoon and Tuesday evening did some dam- age in town, blowing over trees, etc. The rain accompany- ing them, however, did a deal of good and was just what was needed. We could cls with some more rain, Rydro was out of commission for a few hours Monday, and for a short time Tuesday evenng, some trouble developing between here and Strat- ford. There was enough trouble bene to interfere with the service though° without anything outside, as limbs of. trees were blown ,down onto the wires in two or tlxree�instances.. We seem to have much`l'e$erer storms the fast few years than used to be the case. Monday's windstorm: was ahnost of cyclone . dimensions. Its severity seemed to centre about Brampton, where wind and hail did a tremend- ous amount of damage, Varna The 25th anniversary of the Pres- byterianchurch was celebrated here on Sunday lasts .Services were con-. ducted by Rev. Mr. Armour of Bruce - field, assisted at the evening service by Rev. Mr. bfaefaiiane, retiring ,vas - tor•, who gave his farewell. address. There was 'a good congregation at 'both services. Miss Roxy Palmer rend- ered a solo ,at the evening service, which was very much appreciated. Miss Pearl Reid ot : London is vis- iting her aunt, Mrs. Jno. Rathwell of the village. Quite -a number from St. John's church /attended the Deanery meet- ' ing at Goderich on Tuesday. • Miss Roxy Palmer -of Hamilton is visiting Mrs, Wm. Reid of the Peri' line. • Owing to the increased deneaud for THE KING, GOD BLESS HIM! Yesterday, June` 3rd, was'King, George's sixtieth„,^birthday. For some weeks during the past winter his health caused some anxiety ,to his =. family and the state but he seems to have fully. recovered. His.loyal subjects everywhere offer congratula-. tions and good wishes lot. his birth- day. People You Know Capt; Clarke of the Salvation Ariny was in Goderich on Tuesday even- ing attending a on, of that ,corps, when Commander C. Souter gave an address. Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Atkinsoniand Miss Eileen spent the week -end with' London friends. On their rettit they were accompanied .by Mrs, G. Atkinson, who is spending. some ' days with them. Mr. S. B. Stothers, district represent- ati've, leaves Saturday, accompany- ing. R. S. Duncan, Director Agricul- tural Representative Branch, and three other district representatives, for an observation trip through the .''State:of Indiana. 'Mr. and Mrs; W. -S. Downs and child - rein,' ere in Stratford over the week=end visiting' at the,honia of Mrs. ` Downs' sister, Mrs. Pennell, who is leaving Ontario in a few weeks with the members of her .family/,to make her •hoiae in Van- couver,'B.O. - Rev. ;C. Llewellyn and Mrs. Bilkey, Mrs. G. Taylor, Mrs. S. G. Castle, Mrs. T. Churchill, Mrs. 'J. P. Shep. pard, Mrs. J. Johnston, Mrs. J, Schoenhals, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hun- ter, Miss Foster, Miss Lovett and Miss Bowden attended the semi- annual convention of the Deanery of Huron in Goderich on Tuesday. their services in the transit business. E. Epps & Sons were obliged to pur- chase a new ton and one half truck, M. Elliott shipped a car load of live stock to Toronto on Saturday. Miss Webster of Lucknow is visit. ing with friends on the Parr Iine. 111r. Oliver Keys and little sister of Detroit are visiting with their aunts, Misses Annie and Emily Keys of the village. Mr, J. E. Harnwell has installed a telephone. This will be a great eon. venlence to the.Municipal elezk, M. Webster Turner of the Parr line is still confined to sills heel and his many friends ' wilI be sorry. to hear he is improving but very slowly. Huron Couihty Trustees' and Ratepayers payers Association Re -organized: . WELL ATTENDED MEETING HELD IN CLINTON, ON S:tTU .D. Y The Huron County Edndtitional Association of Trustees, and Rate- payers scored quite a success at its inaugural meeting•, which was held in Clinton on the afternoon of Satur- e day, May'30th. The Assoeiatiori is the outcome e1': the Provincial Con- vent ion of the 0. • D. A,; ..which con. it-veneci ie. Convocation Hall, Toronto, during the ' ,week . following Easter, when -1,003 delegates from rural' com- munities alone. asseii15i'ed. At the opening --session on 'Tue`s'day morning thes-''lele "County" C delegates -f • om g s Teemed into Co unt S • proupsy which'' resulted in 'most case it the o:•. $ 1 � fl1112 1 , g at on of County ?' Assooiations, where -such''' did not al- ready . exist. 'The effacers of the 12uroe. County Association weee a1eez- ed- as follows: :President,' Mr. Rolit, Coultes, R,' R, No. 5, Wiegliare; 1st vice, -President, Rev. 1T, W. • Snell,' Wingham; and vice President, 'rlIr. Jno, Middleton, R, R. No. 8, Clinton; Sec. -Treasurer•, ; Mrs. Robt; Davidson, Inenganimu, ,.Executive cammiteee: Mossrs;-;Ale:, McEwan,, R, R. No. 5, Olinton; R, ,J. Beattie, ,Eginondv llo; Stevenson, R. R. No. 5, Ethel; Alox,. .,Saunders„ Goderich; , George. McWhi7iney, Crediton. ,The,'. ideal weather ''conditionson Satarclay assisted• very ni'aterially, no doubt, in `making, possible such a large asseneihle 1o, The coating, capac- ity oT the boric drl!aom, in" coniieotion With the, District Represeetative'e officeeevhich had been secured for the plaeo. ea ineetang, proved' quito, 1»- .rad ilate.tes a.oniinod t eel r r a e Abe 9onven•• hen, Ont] it was; Meved t;x the'Ster `104-tvre, > f.11/ch '; was;. aoriafortably filled;,', It 2 Mr. A, J. Iiolioway reports tli° he's been picking' potato bugs already Those bugs and "A. J." are altogether too forehanded for ordinary folk. Many of the Clinton business, me; are busy paintilxg: and tidying up That s right, 1etie loolt our best when the Old Boys and Girls return August.; 'Yesterday, jute 2rd, being the King's birthdayeewas observed as e holiday -in= Clinton by 'tlie',banks and the schools The merchants hail -their usual Woelnesday halt holiday.';. Tho program of doings at the C. .4:. C-, .Guelph, en .301110 12t1z, the day of the excursion ;from I-Iu"An, aiicl the' let of .t e ITuronsclsool fairs wall' be found: on page 7. Read' every Persone'sending iieWes iteriissstd The News -Record' are a5iiin reminded that' `suet' items', will' noir be used.,xieltiss: signet] Sign,all matter sent in. Oux- erwise ,it fields the wateepapo basket;: no ,matter how interesting it looks., 3653, • e3acot0404 executive to find that such a 'splend- id response was made -by the differ- ent school sections ;:of the County, there being delegates from - almost every school, and . it ,was estimated thato ttpwarcls of X50 persons were. present. The convention opened with an act dress of welcome from Mr. C. GaMid. dleton, reeve of Clinton, Mayor Jackson being out of town. Mr. Mid- dleton in a few well-chosen words assured' the meeting of the pleastwe , it afforded d hi e m toric welcome e sueiz a representative gathering to the town of Clinton. In the chairman's s address Mr. Coultes 'eetiressed his satisfeac- tion with the interest 'i manifested in things educational, as evidenced by the preemie(' ;of so roan people en this:'000asion. Ise also - sad that it would he left to the, diecreti on of the. meeting, at its close, to decide whethe or suets an ;association were profit- ehle;'be continued, The coanenti at ori was fortunate in liavin31' as its. chiof spealcer,DI. Ka of • the' Department,' , of Education, Pronto, who :,vas requested toaspeelc ' Spoil` • the question of "Tow -liable hoof Boards," a Sulu with regard' to this ;having, been i.ritroducod .ii? the Legislature by ,lie' '\[mister a£ `Edu-•' cation I3'an, C; Ilorvarcl. I' ergusa11, at lt5 leaf 9eee.i011. , Dr. Darr, in hie ''opening remarks stated' that he was mare than:; gentle Pied -to see.stteh a large•audience and thought it a 5i'omisiugt syn )io11 of tli '< • il, e men] I a 1 .' c ixc :'' 'l educational situation in the Coeety of Raven. ' The gcresoilee of to eerely'Weelan an', 011131 'lame � €d rlA xs . tlise''.seignifi0101t. He �wiehtcl'to acini-, (Cotit(tateal nvi 9taf,o'd. ,t)'