HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-05-14, Page 8NTQN'S LEADING --J4! WELLId,Y STOVE lis is the place to buy your grasses Yea are always sure of satisfaction All the latest .styles at reasonable prices 8t•o d�f HE LATEST IN 'JEWELLERY IS Fri D,w i . i13c up is bewailful designs and colors and1 rices as ley `is $29.00 for a genuine diamond... h and clock= r nus in and ,get, thein in reasonable time. Don't wait for lnonllts., ,,, .e -JO N. Graduate of '1"os:onto College o-O'ptometzy -Fine Jewellery and Repairs.... alext IIovey s DxnS Store M steel ]'II177IE 25 SMALL PItOFITS MORE BUSINESS C. Ua VENN. , Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtur lel nibs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances 'Wiring and Repairs. , Phone I'5Iw Coxae .Here if you want to be " Suited" it will soon be time to come out in your summer suit: If you are' -thinking of 'getting one be -sure and come in and look over our large and complete stock. We have the latest colorings and can make up the newest, and smartest styles. For Smart, Neat -Style, Snappy Cloth and Good Workmanship at a price that. can't be beat, come to the Veteran Tailors— avis & Herman VETERAN T. ORSrassinsnassarneemeseenalagenms ' PHONE 224-W A. man seeing ti e notice "iron Sinks" in a hardware store window said he lin n iron sinks. Yes and time Ries, sulphur spring jasii 2o11 grass slopes music stands, moonlight walks, rubber tires, marble busts, and the organ stops. Now you may think that all this has nothing to do with our ddves-, ing• and oar goods, that it is merely' (I a brash and unconventional way of intriguing you to start the perusal of ' the nugget of wisdom that follows, 1 all of which it really id. From -both sides the window is one iro of the most important decorative features of a house.. It is the first Part one looks at,, and stamps the cliaracter'o£ the place. An old house looks like a •home with nice shades, whereas' a new ,one no matter how expensive, presents a poor appear ance if the windows are not proper- ly treated. We;have the Shades as well as the Wall Flangings to Ibeaut- iry your house. ' vgarawawatorragannavassomaimarmosam vanmsomerosomewmimmysinossamasil crktjfilLlastlo e or 5 Tile Vit. D: Fair Co. Often the:Cheapest -Always the Best 1 E atattaistatittliiiittg . USA) AY, yT opeostivegiftmaiomswitil ell s,a Airy Groeery tFol solittely °Fridag and Saturdau Every time you buy a dollar's worth of sugar -you have' a chance of securing a Premium Free The Premiums are---Fivehalf,pound packages of our 'Eng- lish Breakfast ?ea"' Four halfp oind packages of "Gar, Ovcrn. 9 'Best Coffee'? ; PThe 'coupons. entitling you to these , • Flee acics are hidden in the sugar r and some one . swill:. fan. 'them.; We have a limited' number onl'yy of -these prize bags of sugar,; so buy quickly nett Friday and Saturday. PINEAPPLE: WEEK ineapples are at their bestand ready for canning now . per dozen $2.75 and $3.00 `Strawberries Lettuce Bermuda onions CTroceteria Specials and . Motiday Bargain List 17 bars Gold,and P &G. Soap $1.00 13 pkgs. Peerline $1.00 13 pkgs. Rinso-$1.00 13 pkgs. Ammonia $1.00 Shin Plaster Tea, per Ib. 65c Winners of Shin Plasters will be announced ` • 5 lbs ri Cash 'and Seryice Price List Corn Meal' 25s` 6 lbs. Rolled Oats 28c 10 lbs. Seedless Raisins $1.00 10 lbs. Dates $1.00 Campbell's Tomatoe Soup, each 14c 4 tins Brunswick Sardines 25c ; Reg, 75c brooms for 50c Fresh Salmon Trbut, Tuesday and Friday In the MorningTirsf•Delivery 9:a:m a5►h wind Cavaco:: In the 'Afternoon First` Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early • OU will say rock— of . 1 course—because it has • ;withstood the destructive action of the ele- anents for centuries. ,Then why not insldt on a roofing made from rock fibre instead of roofing made from rags or other organic materials? 'Asbestos is a rock fibre—the only known mineral fibre from which goofing can be made. It will permanently resitt the destntotive action Of time, fire end the elements. FLEXSTONE. (Approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.) Flexstone is a Johns -Manville roofingmade of Asbes- tos rock sbes-tosrock fibre waterproofed with natural asphalts. Due to enormous factory productionit costs you practically the same as the heavier rag -felt roofings, Vet it pos-: sasses none of their limitations. Unlike them it=esists fire and the action of fumes, acids and varying weather conditions. Famished in rolls—smooth both sides or with a sur- facing of red, green or blue -black crushed slate, or feldspar. Also, in the form of individual or strip shingles. ECONOMICAL PERMANENT Being all mineral Flexstone cannot rot, disintegrate or dry out, therefore the first cost is the last cost. Easy tolay andfurnished in rolls which contain all necessary fasteners, . Do not buy roofing for a week, or 'a month, orra year., Buy it to last es long as the building stands, insist en Flexstone, - MANENT .,. E'i`ia f..�' E ��TTTi� i General Hardware & Plumbing Miss L. Hearn of Goderich was in town on Tuesady. Mr. J, L Kerr of Brussels was in town en Thursday last. Miss Ida Walkinshaw visited Paris friends over the week end Mr. J. W' Vanatter of the Goderich 'Star was an town on Saturday. Mr. Fred Dllrott is visiting his par- ents, 111r, and Mrs. W. a. Diltott. bliss Freda Wallis was home from Macdonald Institute over the week- end. eekend. - Mrs. (Dr.) Gunri has returned from a .-visit with her daughter, Mrs. Crosse Iof Windsor. M. D. A. Andiw was in London on Thursday last attending a meeting of ,beekeepers. Mies Myrtle Mair of Turnerville spent .the week -end at the home of her parents in town. Mrs. Chas. Lockwood and Master Jim of Blyth ale spending a few days in town this week., Mr. - Karl Wilken ef. the Bank of Mon.,' areal, Windsor, was a visitor at his home in town over the week -end. Mr. John Snow and son, Clarence of. Georgetown' s,5ent the . week --pend at the home of Mr. W. Crittenden,' the Huron . Road. Mr. and -Mr's. Wilbur Welsh and little daughter, Lenore, left last week on' a motor tiip'to London, Hamilton and Toronto. . Mrs..A. Lucas visited over the weeki. end with her aunt Mrs. H. Davis of Stratford and :her sister, Mrs. T. Munta of ,St. Marys. Mx. 0. G. Middleton returned yestt'r day evening from London, where he was attending the meetings of the Synod of Huron. Miss Cora Jervis, principal of the con- tinuation orntinuation school at Southampton, spent the week -end at her home on the Base line. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shepherd alnl Mrs. Wilson of ,Blyth visited at, the home of) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shep- herd, Huron. street, on Sunday. Mr, P. Hearnspent the week -end in Hamilton and on his return Mon- day was accompanied by Mrs. I,,,/earn and. children, who have been isiting- there. Miss Bessie Porter of Londesboro was the guest of Miss Washingteb over' the week -end, on her way from the W. M.S. Convention at Holmes - villa on. Friday. Mr. Geo Middleton, who has been at- tendin the =''School of Pharmacy, Toronto, - is 'tome this week but leaves tomorrow morning to take a position in Windsor. Mr. and/ Mrs. J. E. Brooks and Mrs. F. Ferguson and Miss Irene of Mit- chell motored up on Tuesday even- ing to 'visit Mrs. Brooks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cantelon. Rev. C. J. Moorhouse, Rev. A. A. Holmes and Messrs. R. E. Manning, N. W. Trewartha and 0. Jervis at- tended the Goderich District meet- ing in Dungannon Tuesday and Wednesday." Mr.' W. S. R. Holmes is in Toronto this week attending the Druggist's Convention. The annual banquet was on last night and as this al- ways ,proves to be an enjoyable af- fair Mr. " Holmes did not • wish . to miss it. Mrs. P. E, ,Stewart of. Fargo, North Dak„ has been visiting her brothers Messrs Chas, and IIenry •Peacock, and her nieces, Misses Wiltse, and other friends hereabouts." It is thirty" years since Mrs. Stewart last visited Clinton. ltD's. J. Whittingham of Qu'Apnelle, ;Sask., and her daughter, Miss Ruth. Whittiaghalii of Port Hope, who have been 'lending a few weeks at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, 0. Jer- i. vis, the Base line, and ether relat- ives hereabouts, are now visiting in London, CURRELL & SHIPLEY Spring Cleaning. For spring cleaning we have a full line of Laundry Soaps Household Ammonia, Old Dutch Cleanser, Bon Ansi, Gilletts Lye,4Chloride of Lime, Klenzine, Scrub Brushes, Mop -Ilan- dies and Brooms, Green Onions Lettuce, Celery, Ripe Tomatoes, Rhubarb, etc. THE G. & S. GROCERS Phone 48 — ®►, WARAVVIAPARIM Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J. • The Wonderful McGlary Electric Range By harnessing ^for your ben - ilk the. mig4ty; power 'of elec- tricity this inwonderful range transfers «this' power into' `clean heat, and brings it under your - ontrol by the' mere turning of , a switch. Your heat comes' to you in stantly,'you use it-es.long as - you requite '• it, you turn it off when you are through. USE YOUR OWN UTILITY --= IT PAYS HYDRO SHOD, Clinton Greenhouse Opening Our greenhouses will be open to visitors each evening of next week MAY 18th to 23rd We will be pleased to show ,our stock From three greenhouses, filled to. capacity, and from; hot beds and cold frames, in which thousands of plants are growing, we are prepared to sup- ply you with your spring vegetable and flower plants.+ Tomato Plants are our Specialty From advanced plants in bud and bloom to choice varieties which we sell direct from hot ibeds at just roc per doz. or 3 doz. for 25c Early Celery Plants Now Ready J. Cuniiigliair e, Flo isl: Phones—Store 31,, Greenhouses 17aw NOw is the .time to some oil stoves. We hay at good prices. ' Carden Tools RAKES, SHOVELS, HOES, 'etc. on hand at all prices THIS IS THE SEASON TO CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP Give us a call and we will show you tour line of Martin-Senour Paints and Varnisltee nd Took at ori+ a good display 1 Make the Old Town New Now is the time to think of painting your homes and.give our visitors a good impression. Use the Celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes and • You'll be Happy With the Results We have a large stock of lawn mowers of the best makes Our stock of Coal Oil • Ranges is ready for your inspection and you will do well to pay us a visit before buying In the Furniture Department you will be needing Linoleums end Oil bCloths, Ws' have the stock and our prices are right, so come early and, make your selections, We carry a full line of Carpet Rugs, in all the different weaves, and we can give you real service on all special' sizes. We were never in better shape to handle all requirements in Linoleum and Congoleum, Rugs Clinton Hardware and FurnitureC THE STORES WITH A STOCK Hardware 196 Furniture Phone: 104 PLUMBING and FIEATING Phone 24d aete�sannrm>rt+s MINFOISMNIMENNOM �Il PRODUCTION `SUGGESTIONS FOR THE PRODUCTION OT' EGGS 1—Feed the hens on clean, wholesome food and provide an abundance of pure water in cllean utensils. - 2--1Keep the poultry house clean and sanitary and free from veninin, 3—,Provide plenty of clean, dry zt'ests, in darkened' places. 4—Gather eggs. at least once a day in coolweather and -twice in hot or wet weather. 5—Kill off, dispose of, or at least remove from' the flock the male` birds after the breeding season. Their presence in the Hoek after June', 15th is costing Canadian farmers $1,000,000: each year, as partly incubated eggs are unsalable. GUNN, LANGLOIS & Co., Limited Clinton, Ontario R. W. WARD, Manager Write, phone or call at our Clinton office, Day phone 190 Night Phone 254 ti jEEj< Clinton Bakery Our Bread Must Be Good Besides using the very best of materials and the newest form- ulas we have had the experience ,that enables us to take the guess- work out of baking. Inmaking our bread our desire is to make bread so pure,clean and sanitary that we can be proud of it. That is the reason why we are now wrapping and sealing our bread before it leaves our Bakery. Our bread is hot handled by soiled hands or exposed to dust or any other contamination.; It is clean and sanitary. Demand Brown's Wrapped Bread and be sure of getting -a quality leaf, that is sanitary. n J. BROWN BAKER AND CONFECTIONER worganwarna Phone 1