The Clinton News Record, 1925-05-14, Page 71Jiiler„Charlie-J,ohn,son, Joe Dohoriy,1 LAST . MEETI: Bert Ireland. ' Below Its--Ma/ion Smith',Bill ila,vkirib, Irene Ve tier, Harriet Ken Ilohao5t rile auxiliary and • 1Mzs, ICH DISTRICT iV IVI. S. 1 plv.Drc nen ot; Crewe made i fitting re- .. ne ly, 'Jo eph't1ie.,fl err „ MiTly Coope ERY •Farmer and Stockman knows tate value of the ?Mengel as a body builder and a tn9ik producer end in the maid-. tenance of general good health., etinie's tested .Northern • grown .Seed will ^yield remarkably'large croj7s of Well formed Mots of high nutritive value aril excellent feeding quality. highly recommend itis following ;varieties to all Growers who desire the Lest. Rennie's Giant Half Long Yellow Rennie's Perfection Mani. moth Long Red Rennie's, Giant White Sugar Rennie's,, Ideal Order Ronnie's • Tested Mange/ Seed from your local dealer. or direct from TIIE RE I I M COMPANY WILLIAM 51l tY7 tt8 9 •• LIMITED Cor. ADELAIDE and JAi2VIS Sts: TORONTO 4f Par cannot obtain locally, please write us, giving Your Dealer's address: Ronnie`s Seed_ Annual—the Most ' complete Canadiaq Seed Catalogue' —free on Sequent. Public c School Report - Division � I". Division 1 Entrance tests. Honours, 73°10, pass, 6065. M. McLeod, 85%, R. 1Toble, 85, L. Livermore, 86; R, °Cook, 82; C. Hale, 81 M. Serutcn,• 80; M. Rozeii, 79; H. Churchill, 78; B. Corless, 76; S. Castle, 74; I, Chowen, 73; 0. Shook, acAs indispe Sable as the Telephone "As indispensable as the Telephone" is now • a, favourite slogan used by many large manu- facfurers in their advertising, when de- scribing their goods. A frank recognition that speed of commuhi Cati01-i 1 1S the most vital factor in :exp anding business•and Sociallife. Indeed, a firm's position in the business world may be fairly judged by the ,extent to which it uses the tele- phone—and especially Long Distance. We now handle an average _ of over 41,000 Long Dia- -Lance calls a day. Costs a family less than 2% of its annual outlay 73; E. Downs,' 72; L' Doherty, 71 E. Hunt, 70; D. Match, 70; D. Harris, 66 II. Taylor, 69; J. Pickett, 68; R. Mil- ler, 68; E. Rumball, 66; A. Taylor, 64; E, Crawford, 64; B. Tastier, 64; F. Dale, 61 W. Bezel], 58; W. Mc- Gill; 58; J, Kennedy, 57; .W. Jackson, 57;' P. Hovey, 56; C. Hooper, 56; H. W tkins a 56° J. Chowen, 5 en 4 W. Me - i 0linehey, 53; B. Biggart, 52; F. Dempsey, 50; G. Freeman, 47; J. Elliott, 460 J. Twyford, 46; 1I. Hawr kips, 44; D. Kennedy, 32. N, M. Geddes Principal Division ;2 Honours -Susie' Livermore, Mar- garet Pltnnsteel, Isobel Biggart, Hel- en Manning, Edward Rorke, Janet McTaggart, Brenton Hellyar, Charlie Andrews, Thelma Lovett, Rees Car- ter, Carrie Laois, Jean Mutoh. Over 60%Q. Ruth Cartwright, . Bas -,sue Livermore, Jean ;Twyford; Vesta Link, Edna Elliott, Robbie Hale*, Gordon Cudrnore, Gerald Hgli-uea, Beth Cartwright,Grant Rath, . {en- uoth Pickett, Billie Watkins, Grew Seeley, Jim Turner*, Frank McEwan,. Kelso Streets, Dorothy Nash, . Bath- leen Nlckle. Under 60%a -Harry Ireland, Violet Morrison*, 'Leslie 1ller,*, Dorothy Steepe'", harry Piumsteel, Barrett Taylor, Pearl! . Crittenden*, Wilbur Cttdmore*. Those narked, with a star missed certain exams. -W. A. McMath, Teacher. Division 3 Honours -Dorothy Watts, Grace Fitzsimmons, Grace Hellyae, Mary Andrews, • eTee, ,•Dandier; ICathleen Cameron, Pearl rl Churchill, 1I yNor A Streets, !Billy' Dl aper. Over 60% — Norman Livermore, Isabelle Lawson, Ellwood Campbell,. Jack Smith, Laurence ' Plusnsteel, Elliott Bartliff, Muriel Downs, Irene Swinbank, Harold' Glazier, Stewart Cook, Harvey Cooper, Ernest Hovey, Lloyd Rtnnball, Archie 'Dale. Below 60% -Duncan Cartwright Helen' Cooper, Helen Deeves, Irene Layton, Robin Laois, Donald' Levy, Beatrice McClinehey. •M. 'G. McMath, Teachers Division 4 Honours - I?enneth. Elliott, Jini Nicicle, Marriot Dandier, - Mary Crooks, Jim Doherty, Eddie Elliot, Owen Combe, Josie ..Carter. Pass -Harold Gibbs,• Wilhehinine Trewartha; Minlue Hudson, Isabel. Cantelon, Reggie 'Cools, Lorne Brown, Geo. Runiball, Josie' Fitzsimmnons, Emiey Scrutou, Clara Bell, Stella Deeves °, Charlie Peckitt, Florence McCallum,' Robert Crawford, Freda GYPROC - Advantages Piro protection Low cost Cannot burn S ass like Lumber Nan -warning Can be painted or'panofod Carbo Alabastincd Can be Papered Vermin Proof Resists heat and Cold. Easily 'ITandled '. Ei',minatee Repairs Sanitar3 will not crack ateeps out Moisture Keeps out dust. and dat Easily quickly apptied Protects your stork.; T aver .ttsa arraI3uilding Needs. GYPROC iOI.T calx keep your stock in better health aiici'increase the value of your entire fame by Using Gyproc. Gyproc is fireproof wallboard, „cast in sections. It eliminates, fire hazards. It keeps' your home; and farm building's : warm all winter be- cause, being made of solid rock, cold wind and moisture cannot penetrate it. Its sections are nailed directly to the joists and'studding.: The joints are then Tilled with . Gyproc Joint Filler, ensuring a perfect, flat, "smooth surface. Gyproc can be painted, .Alabastined, papered Those McKenzie,, Clinton E ONTARIO GXPSIIM CO.,: LIMITED,:PARIS, ONTARIO y FlueprOco - iral1h®a a !Id fo.,barn? Gyproc doer away real. inflammable waoddined walls, roofs, ccilings.antd partitions. 76. r SUCCEeST'rr,, ONE I In the evening Mrs R. -Stephenson Tont. dwylord 13ok Cazte'u'.. Those r larked missed ,Aie 0 111000 exarne., -A, Farnnann,' Teacher, Division 3 Jloaours-:1. Cameron, D Sharp, -D Glazer, R. Cantelon It, Pickett,. :D C o11 'uss, '. Doherty, L.'„Mann,ng, ;I conducted the •cleVotlonal creases 1• The thirty-third annual convents of the Godei•i,ch District liTonio,Missionary Society of', the Methodi Miss Russell 'continued her address on Cliina and the young• people'ofNile oz1 but on a ''beautiful pageant, _ entitled. i%l chu ch 1t rs held m the Methodist sst "The Challenge of the."Cross",' church Hohnesviile, on. May 8th. , i'he number, n of delegates attending wastho larest ecer, the church b ung- filledto ca,gacity. The grogi ti;: teas rip -liking and i spiring, and the hospitality of th Pass -M, Nash,.0. Dixon F. Fitz; Simmons, M. Cada-lore, J. Cre°,`N Finch, M Dale, M. Link, Ill. Lavis, 41 Venner, J. Me0i11, - Fail -Il, Coats, W.' Carter, Bill lnl.ley,' C. Ideniiedy, G. Gould, R. Fitzsimmons. 1..Farqun ur;- Teacher. Division 6 ~' Senor Glass -Honors -George El- ott, Marion West, ,Gene` Andrews, l I cion Hudson, ,:Tack Perdue, Torn Turner, Susie Steep, Dorothy Corn- ish, Gladys Bezzo, Orpha Perdue, Pete Cantelon, Gordon Veinier. Pass=Gordon Hoy, Dorothy Cook, Cecil Holmes, George Cardwell, Beecher Streets, Frank. Becker, Vera, Jones. Below 60% -- Margaret Carter (missed, exams). Junior Class - Boners,- Helen - Pass -Frank Heard, Mildred Fra- ser, Arthur Rozell, Margaret Tasker. Below 60% -Doris Crich, Beatrice Brown, Ledith Steep, John Crawford; Grace Levis, George Twyford, ;:Bill , Stee,,7, Kenneth Jones, Bud Harris. H. Courtice, Teacher, Division 7 honours -Nora Fremlin, Sadie 'El- liott, Jeari- Neilans, Alice Taylor; 1 Gertrude Reid and Nora 'Livermore," equal, Jim Elliott, Murray Draper, Fred Hovey, Harold Johnston,' Mary i Ttjrner, Rex Hovey, Rena Hovey, Lloyd Cook, Mary Cooper, Victor Doherty. r n Pass — Elwin Neilans, Dorothy Steep, Clair Kennedy, Norman Fitz- simmons, Susie Miner, . Glen Cart- wright, Jack Nickle, Virginia Harris, 1, Bruce Bartliffi, Reggie 'Smith, Mau- y Mur- ray Hanley, Georgy Lavis, Doris Johns, Grace Finch. 1a Below Pass --Geordie' Campbell`,.' Francis Carter. ll<il'i %vlshcl,p3 o' the following is the report, of Sep, S S No 2'.:Ilullett f • rhe, 1north.... n 1' pr:J. The names aro i;n` order of could Ifolnblesvillo Auxiliary was all�ths e desired, The afternoon session opened a 1:30,'lirs. WG ,•J. Andrew presiding and Rev. J. W. Hedley and Rev, W R. Osborne leading' in prayer. 1h minutes, of the 1924 Meeting wer read and adopted. Then came th roll call - of "Auxiliaries,'Circles aa!d Bands, This year - the r- district-haagain' achieved `•' a, substantial inertias far the givings. In givings per.mlen bey Goshen Auxiliary still leads, Sea forth again- conies" second, Wes104 church, Clinton, being almost a tie for seconcl:place. The work of the Circles and Bards was also well told, and well represent- ed ' by the youthful members sent to the convention,: The sum-tota(.raised by Auxiliaries,, Circles”; -and- Bands was 84492.4e.- Also every Auxiliary reported having sent clothing or quilts 'to needy missions, or jars of canoedfreit to: the Deaconess home in Toronto: e merit: ( Pr. -Rets Carbert,: Margaret Mor risen, 2nd -Agnes Morrison, 77. -_ Jr. 21.‘d ---Jim Reynolds; 70; *Earl ReYnolds, 46: e ISr."rd Margaret Carbert S$; Elizabeth Morrison, 2; Agnes Carberi e 1, 75; - Gerald 'Brown, 72; *Harry Rey- nolds, 50 Theo. Flynt,, 48. • B .Sr. 4th-%dna Flynn, 87; Mary s..; Reynolds,'87; •� Tim' Carbert, 64. f ' Those narked with .ars asteriskk have missed "one examination. 1VIrs, .(Dr.) Brown of-Clintpn favor- ed the convention with a vocal solo, Mrs. Banes 66 Auburn told "How and Why to Study the Blue' Book," in a very convincing way. A nmemorial,service for,the twenty members, who have passed on, from this district 'since last. Convention,, was led by Miss Margaret Robertson, A few words of appreciation , of each xember had been prepared and as these were read, the delegation rose to their feet; A touching tribute as paid to the mennory of Miss Holmes of Holmes"ville, who for many Mary Flynn, Teaches Co€IEntfig News _ 'Wingliani: A bylaw hal- beenpassed providing Tor a fee of one dol- lar for all dances held in the town and balling for the closing of all:pub- lic dances at one .o'clock, am. 1 Gddeeich: A soft :ball league has 1been formed in, this town, consisting ' of eight teams and: a schedule has been, drama tip. Gaines will be player] twice a week. Goderich: The town council has reacted to Mr. Aikman' of Amherst r< g_ bu • part of :its freight shed at the wharf to be used for the storing' of Jigger for export. Hatching Eggs For Sale ears had never missed a convention 1 and who had always been an inspir- - tion and a help to the whole com- munity. The quiet half -Hour was then led by M. Wiltse, Teacher. Division 8 Class A. -Margaret Schoenhais Chester Neilans, Billie West, Bobbi Biggart, Bobbie Gandier, Willard Aiken, Agnes Cameron, Verna Bezzo, Agnes -Doherty, Eva Ramras, Evelyn Heard, Harold Seeley.' Class B, -Royce Fremlin, Violet Freinljn, John Oueingham, Jim Craw- ford, Sydney Lawson, Helen Lawson, Ruth Rozell, Louis Hoy, Jack McIJ- ueen,Charles Mutch, Norma Cook***, Kenneth Reid”. Class C -Edna Pickett, Billie • Leu- pington, •Doris Nicicle, Joe Steepe. An asterisic denotes exam missed. E. R. 'Carter, Teacher. CLEAR AND COLORIID FLOOR V.AI6NISH Finish your floor' with Carinoto Floor Varnish. Its 'smooth, harts sur- face cleans - easily with a dry mop. CLINTON HDWE. ;Sc FURN. CO. sells it. , over anxious about the things of this n rf. T1 life." Those o who 'lend Bobbie BetterThn ills' For Liver Itis. Tonight, to (Ono and strengthen the organs eP digestion and elimination,. Improve appotito, stop sick headaches, reliant. - bil- iousness,correct constipations Thoyy acpPromptly, pleasantly, mildly; yet thoroughly: t,tnova'ow Alr'Ight Get a 25oa Box Mrs. Osborne, speaking :from Christ's words; "Take no thought or be not w a d tiers address. felt that it was it timely thought for these busy years. 'Miss Marion Irwin, who has spent' two years in the Ifolakreeka Ukran- ian mission, at Smoky Lake, Alberta, e people in Ontario to learn more .about the different mission stations, and the Woricer2 in our' ,own land. She also stressed' the value of. the Canadian National, training- school in Toronto, both as anall round training school for the girls and for the value it is to the W. M S. as a training hone of young recruits for Missionary work,. During" the ' cllectien of officers' 'Mrs Hicic of Gederich, a former Dis•• trict Superintendent,occupiedthe chair. She rejoiced at the advance the district was making, and fully endorsed the election of Mrs. 'And- rew as -Superintendent. Mrs. A. B. Carr, and Mrs. Fowler also re- elected in their offices. Three sheet papers were then given on !`prayer" by Mrs. Erv:att, 11irs. Tif- fin, and Mrs. Pentland. Four little "Japanese" maidens from Holmesville then gave a very interesting and clever exercise. Miss Lois Russell, on furlough from China, where she was a co-worker with Rev. Kenneth Beaton, then ad- dressed the ddressedthe audience from :the 'stand- point of a high-school! teacher in our Mission School, They teach the Bible throughout all grades and also try to show the girls what Christian homes are like. They have small homes of four rooms each, to house :eight.peo plea. By living in these 'mines, first as "occupants, and later in charge of them, the girls are given 'practical ex- perience and practical' knowledge,' During the supper hour Mrs. Wel-- (len , voiced the "welcome" of the anade a storng plea for the 'study o conditions among the foreign elemen in our own Canadian West and for th Barred Rocks, farm raised and winter layers, mated • with cockerels from Macdonald College, Quebec.. Price 5e per egg, $4.00 per 100. D. C i a. Galbr th, Bayfield. Phone 11 on 609. 02-tf Baby Chicks for. Sale Bred -to -lay Barred Rock and S. C. Wiliite, Leghorn- baby -chicks:' All strong, healthy, free-range stock and good winter layers. Barred Rock chicks, 18c ea. or $17.50 per 100. Leg- horn chicks, 15e each or $14.50 per, 100. Book orders now. ' F. B. HALL LONDESBORO ry' Phone 6--20 Blyth Central Eggs for Hatching , From bred -to -lay, two-year-old- S. 0. White Leghorns. Price $3.50 ;per hundred or 4c an egg for less. Itoy Tyndall, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 3 on 607. 98-tf BABY CHICKS for sale S. C. White Leghorn chicks $161.00 per hundred, $140.00 per thousand. Barred and White Rocks, $20.00 per hundred, $190.00• per' thousand. Custom hatching Ec per egg. Our chicks are all from healthy, free range bred -to -lay stock. -- Ingle/mole PotiltrY Yards E. J, TREWARTHA IIOLMESY''ILLE , Phone, 22-611, Clinton central 96-11 ;lt is too expensaiere-yes onany farmers feed 20 to 40 cents -worth every day without knowing it --simply . because their oldacrests separator: does not skins' closely and leaves cream in the milk. Cream does not fatten calves—)batt the sugar and starch irr';tlle skin milk does. • reed thein skim milk and calf meal at ten cents a pouncl, not cheantu at forty. Thirty cents worth of cream wasted a day amounts- to $109.50 in one yearand since the average life of a Melotte is twenty years it would cave you, On thin basin, 82,190.00. Start saving today by using a Meiotte.' We have an interesting booklet: the Mclotte which you should read carefully. Ask us: fora copy, 1-1. Lobb, Glia on R. R. No. 3 Phone ;32 on 60G - Y telephone you can talk with youasoeighbour dr with an individual thousands of miles away. span the continent;y By telegraph you can by cable your Inessage can girdle the earth. hi like manner you can use the service of the' Bank of Montreaf'in little or large measure as the occasion demands. You can transact business of a purely local nature or enter into financial dealings, with people in any part, of the world. Like the telephone, „telegraph or pcable, aur system: �f financial service is as extensive as are the needs ofour customers. Kq' `R F MONTREAL Established over years Total Assets' in exct ss -or clo,000,00n ` UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO SPECIAL COURSE FOR TEACHERS, SurrameaSehool In NATURE STUDY.ANDAGRICULTURE To equip: teachers to, meat the now ro quiiotnents of. the Department of. Educe.. tion in this subject. (Two creditstowards a B.A. Degree will be given for this cograo.) • . Courses *Oared also in Astronomy, Chemistry, English, French, Carman, History, Latin, Mathematics and Zoology. A splendid aocial and athletic program throughout the on '3.. tiro six weeks. � !1 Beautiful now Vm 711 1P. vcrsiiy Buildings. Start on a B. A. Course nowt Six d rightful wcoke of study and recreation: JUNE 29th to AUGUST 8th Per. Information write the Director,- Dr. D. R. Kingston, or Dr. X. P. R. Neville. Regis. tray. it pays to use MARTINS---------. —S WOOD—LAC TAIN dor' Furniture -Floors & Woodwork Write to }fetal Office, Moolreal For Free aookletti HOME ;PAINTING MADE EASY SOLD aY• Thos. Hawkins, Clinton Thelfe is only one wayto make money out of poultry to- day, and that is by artificial in - cube -Eon ' and brooding. Get your cockerels en the market when they are worth, 76c a ib., and your pullets laying in the Sall when eggs are 60c to 75c a dozen. Call and see these me- chines and be convinced, abg Chicks S. C. Legkorns, Barred Rocks and S. C. Anconas �t TE 1 EAI, Incubators and Brooders. have been the' leading machines in ,the ' United States - for 38 'years. This year they are being sold in Canada at a price much below other -snakes of sitnilar quality andthese machines are' built to last a lifetime, and 'have a positive `guarazitee.with every machine. . AT REASONABLE PRICES Custom'Iatcing-5 cents per Egg Dandy Chick Feed Royal Purple Chick Teed Royal Purple Call' Meal Receiving Station for Clinton' Egg Pool Dees E. L. MlTTELL Clinton Mario Residence Phone 213-r-3 Office 236-r-2 I3 TERIOR AND ,EXTERIOR Decorating, !ahifl. art a p tp,- t,.� u. f✓: g Make it a point to see my Sample Books before +buying. Paper of Quality from 10 cents to 75 cents All work satisfactory andofthe Best. price f•u• K,AY Clinton, Ontario Phone 234-r-2 Tight