HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-05-07, Page 5Clinton N s -Record Of 'Interest to --It'ou and Me. Sow your flowesed when rut trees are in bloom.. , 'thy did he temperance editors ueeting in Toroqo last week bar re-' porters? It wit's sorilethihg of a throw -down for reporteA, eh what? The Globe is old -enough to have learned a bit of wisdom. It suggests a theme for spring poets and then ad- vises them to submit results to its ,contemporaries. We haven't sad druch about tlie peculiar weather May has been hand- ing, out to us, but we've been wonder- ing- 'how she has the heart to disdp- point us so. 2,000,000 words are estimated to ' have .been used in the budget debate which was brought to a ciesearly the other morning, This was about 1,800,000 words too many. • , *5.5* Next Sunday, May 10th, is to be celebrated as "Mother's Day" and "Go -to -Sunday -School Day." Tlfe sev- eral Sunday school rooms should. be full to overflevving on this occasion. A •Ilegi'na. man is said to have per• a °device which will iprevent "listening in" on imral or party lines. What a lot of fun 'some people will miss if this invention cothes into gen- eral use. . There was a meeting of the tem- perance editors of pntario in TorRntO last week. By the way, we were not invited to this gatilering. .Anyway, they met in Toronto but we have no clear idea of the results of the meet- ing, as reporters were barred._ * Geri. von Hindenburg vindicated his 'electin in Germany at a banquet giv- • on in his honour the other night by drinking more virine than. the- other distinguished guests.. Tlie Germans have evidently forgotten that the world's ,greatest Republic is' a pro- hibition countrY• ' The Goderich Signal expresses relief over The-Netvs-Record's regret' that a visiting, clergyman should have had his ear stolen while in Clinton a few weeks'ago as it seems proof that.we were not guilty. of the theft. You never know how little faith your friends really have in, you until they blurt out the truth in this way. If parliaments, both provincial and federal, weuld-insist upon their fin- ance departments adopting some" sys- quet of •Ophelia roses and lily -of -the - tem of book-keeping which would valley. Her only attendant was her make 'possible for members of par- liament and an ordinary JaeoPle to understand when a "statement was published whether we really had a deficit or a surplus it would save a lot of time in debate, to say the least. * « * They seem to have (mite a .serious 'idea of putting first things first in Brtice's county town. Tfie Walkerton iown council had to curtail its sitting last week one evening, leaving a lot • of unfinished businest,7 owing to the fact that'a dance was being held In the town hall and the council chem., ber was needed for a ladies' cloak room. The important things should :always have right of way, of course. • • • • Marriages vol)PEN---WERsTEX on May...6th, by the Rev. James Abery, Of. LOMclesboro, Isabel D.,. youngest daughter .of Mrs,',Tames 1A,r4ibster, to Albert O. ,Vodclen, all of Clinton, but firm of Lendes- WAYMOUTH CASTLE --- At the Manse, Clinton, on May eth, by tb ev. J. E Hogg, Violet E. Castle, aughter of Mr. S. G. astle of - Clinton, to Harry IL Waynieuth. of McCONNELLt---STEPIIENSON. -- In Stanley, on May 2nd, by th'd Rev. J. Durrant,, Anna Mae, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David ,Stephenson to•. Lee J. McConnell, son of. and Mrs.. Alex. McCon- nell of Varna, ,Births f E.11.111AN,,--Lt Clinton Public Hos- . pita, 'on May 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. W., T. Herman, a ;daughter, MU. .garet Phyllis., YEO-Lin "Goderich townslitp, on May 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Yeo, ;adaughter. • DEHullett; os May lst, to Mr.. and , Mrs. ' Austin , Dexter, a daughter. - Deaths MARSHALL-LI0. Clinton, on .. May 3rd, William Marshall,.aged 50 years. , •, *SWARTS—In Clinton, on May '4th, George Swarts aged 91 years and ' 11. months. , SWEET—In Goderich township, on May 5th, Henry Sweet, aged.66. RUTLEDGE—In ellorontegt on May lst,' Margaret, danhter of the late Joseph Rutledge of Goderich town- ship. ' • Varna, pretty home wedding was cele- bratedr_on Saturday, May 2nd, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David J. Stephenson,' Goshen line, Stanley, when their eldest daughter, Anna Mae, became"the bride Of Mr. Lee J. McConnell son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. *Connell of Varna. The ce_remml took place at 11 o'clock, Rev. J. 3. Durrant, pastor of the Varna Meth- odist chufeh, 'officiating. • The bride and groom entered the parlor to the strains -IA Wedding Bells • March, played by Miss Ruby Erratt, accom- panied by Miss Margaret McConnell ofl the violin.' The bride was charming, ly gowned On twngeurine georgette crepe, and she wore the groom's gift, • rape of pears, and carried a bou- • 'Anyone- wiehing to drink the new .4 beer will have to reconcile him- self to do so in the full light of day • and the neighbors. According to the regulationg surrounding.'" the sale of same there must be bo hidinebehind screens, going into dark corners, etc. • All sales must be •Inaide In romna • opening on the street, with windows • tunscreened. But praige be, there's ;nothing • to prevent us going -into the kitchen in thetdark, taking • 'down the old,tin dipper from the,wall and taking a good long swig of clean, pure water from -the tap. Mirucefield. `Mrs. -James McQueen and Miss Rattenbury are in London this 'week attending the Provincial meet- ing of the the former repre- vsenting,the local enxiliary and the lat- ,ter the Kelly'llirele. +Rev, J. F. Anderson, a returned -missionary' from Central India, wip 'give a missionary ddress in Union church 'op 'Monday afternoon, Way llth, at three O'eloek. 'All are invited, Go-to-Sunclay:SehoOlDay. and IVIothers' Day will be ehservett jointly • on Sunday'inorning, when the Rev. C. G.,ArMour will deliver an address es- pecially to parents choir of inothers will lead' the serdrice of song, _A-. good congregation is -expected. • Mr. Wm. 'McQueen Of,- TOI•onto - -spent a few days at the' home of his .parehts Mr. and Mrs. James Mc - 'Queen, last week, Mr. James' Hill of Stratford spent the week -end at the home of his par - mats Mr. and Mrs. George Hill. Tuekersmith Township Mr. G. W. Not returned on Friday • from a trip to the west where he ,• was purchasing cattle. Ile enjoyed • this trip very much, seeing a good .deal,of the country which Was new to, "him and he had the unique'experience of assisting in harvesting operatiOns in April. This happened when he. -took a fork in hand for a few -minutes and assisted in bringing to the • thresher Some wheat which had Veen caught in a, snowstorm and was left in stook all winter. He also sat be• a ten -horse. team on a tile* for a round or so. Mr. Nott brought ' back with him some cattle which he thinks as good as anything . he has seen in the line. Funny, Ontario used to send cattle to the western prov- inces', now they are sending, them back toPus. • , ,Alexander McLaren Doig", a. -former •re,sid8mt of Tuckersmitii, whewasat.' one tine a member `9.,f die law .firip„,„ ef Doig and' )Szitili'Sie. Mar hilt receneyears" Fes acted asOu ernskofficy for ,-.116trokhas been a •pdinted_helVd-fd therInunigratio& Parjt,yY0I11, .„,414,4IIttI•1111,t1t1t. ' Stet ern ent at't sister, Miss Pearl Stephenson, who was dressed in an almond green ,can-, ton gown and carried a bouquet of 'sweet peas and fern. lVfr, Bussell Erc ratt was best man. - After congartulations the company sat down to the wadding dinner, and later the bridal party motored to •Goderich, where Mr. arattirs. Mc- Connell took i,the train ior Toronto, -Niagara Fella and other points. The bride went away in a navy and sand ensemble suit with „hat to match. -Upon their return they will regide on the groom's farm near Varna. • They have the best wishes- of -a host of friends for their future happiriels and prosperity. • ' Miss Endly Beatty visited friends in Clinton last week. Mr Jas Perr of B fi Id . . y ay e spent Sunday in the village. The W. A. of the Angllean church held their monthly meeting at'the home of Mrs. Jas. Campbell Thurs- day afternoon. Beatty spent the week- end. in London. • We are aorry to report that Mr, A. Poster, who. has been --Ale to 'he around, is again Confined to Ins)ted.. But -we hope soon to see hiin out again. Mr. and Mrs. -Lorne ,E,aps motored to Owen Sound on Sunday, ' M. Yohn-Stephenson of the dasheit line had the misfortune t0 fall and break his leg and at tin3e of writing his many friends v;i11 be sorry to her he is improving yery slowlY. - Robt. Stephenson is also un- der the Doctor's care. • Mr. and, Mrs. A. McConnell are moving into the village. Welcome to our burg, ' Mr. A. Robertson hat purchased an up -to -dire earaying machine and is busy spraying the farmer's orchards. This will entitle the farmers to...high- er prices for, their fruit ill the fall. Mr. M. Elliott shipped a carload of Alvestock td Termite. Mr. J. Parreant of Detroit is visit - Ing it the home otlVfr. W. Colclough. Mrs. W. Colcloughe who has been under the dOctor's care for some time is still confined to her‘ becl."But we hope soon.to.see her around again. The farmers are wishing for warin ram but.we expect a`sho-wer it the village'in the -near -future. Londe'sboro Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay • of London spent the week-epd with friends here. Ar play i$ to be given by a com- pany. of Clinton people in the Com- munity Hall this Friday night. Tbe proceed's will go into- the Library fund. Any 'one who misses the ,play will miss a great treat, so 'ti; said. 1 uoristarice Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Riley of Clin- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephen- son and family spent Sunday With their parents, Mr, and Mrs..Geo. Riley and other friends., 'Quite a number intend, if weather permits, going to the district convention at Halraesville on Friday. Mr. Joe Riley is improving, though slowly. • --„lykr. and Mrs, Austin Dexterrejoice over the arrival, of a baby.,girl, on Friday, May ist. saw of 1119Meniade .bakingrA4nd.,,e therinsrPiees,'Of the Ne4it8i0ee Hydro -bop , Satiirdai7afterribon, nay datii;,-ae: are eakeTto contribute. •05-2 ST, I'S DRAM ATIC SOCIETY — Will Present 'A Little Diplomacy' A Three -Act Comedy . in the camirtuNITY 11 &LI, , LONDESBORO FRII)41', MAY 8th at 8 p.m. Also a Cuitain=retiser "A Considerable Courtship Auspices of the Vyiemen's Institute • , Admission, 25c Proceeds in aid of Public LibrarY 'llere`Comes the BridegrooM" a humorous and dramatic play • 'will be given by the Bemniller Circuit Club WALKER'S ,HALL, BRTJCEFIELD FRIDAY, MAY 8th, 1925 comitencing at 8:15 p.m. Over fifteen participant§ Interesting character portrayal Thrilling plot _Sparkling humor Music Between Acts Admission: Adults, 35c • Children, 20e • Notice As I am obliged to vacate my shop , in the Hydro Block, I wish all cuet a .torners who have shoes here fey re- pairs -'-to -call for same, and -all ac.: .counts settled before May 15th. - -JOHN SEELEY, 05-1-p . Automobile for Sale McLaughlin light six hi good eon- dition for sale cheap. H. R. Sharp. 4 05-2, Baking Sale „, " ..e A tale of homernade baking an afternoon tea,under the adspiaee of the Canadian Girls in -Training at the Wesley church. on Saturday, May 9, at 2:30 pin. • 05-1 House For Sale A comfortable hrick cottage on Isaac street, six rooms, quarter acre of land, good stable, in good seite of repair. Apply to John Johnston or to J. McKinley, corner. of Isaac and Joseph ,,streets'. 05-3-p Girls' Wanted. • • Phis wanted. to operate sewing ma- -chines in Clothing Factory. Apply to S. M. Sanders lag. Co. Ltd., Exeter, Ont. 05-2 For Sale • Select type, pure bred Yorkshire Boar, ten -months old. A. W.- Gib - Mugs, R. R. No, 4, Clinton. Phone 616-r-21. .. 05-3-p - Money Lost In Clinton, a sum of money, by mother of family off small children, to whom the loss maars much. Find- er kindly leave witK Mise Ruby Irwin. or at The News-Recoxd office. 05-1 Soy Beans for Sale A quantity of Ontario Early Black Soy Beans, 1.4,00 per bushel. Apply to N. LeBeau, R.R. No. -5. Phone 2-r-619, Clinton central: 04 -a -p House ,For Sale Good Frame House, corner Batten- buf.7 and Erie streets, 7 rooms, god Cellar and cistern, town water, -elec7 Inc lights, hen house and woodshed, nice lawn, garden and small fruits. Possession May 1st if 'desired. Thos. H. Leppington. • 04-1f Driving Outfit For Sale Gentleman't Driving, Outfit, eon - sitting of one black gelding, good road horse, quiet. and reliable, ladies' driver, one pneumatic -tired bile wag- gon, one cushion tired bike waggon, one steel -tired too -groggy, set 'eingle driving harness, set nearly .new "Adonis" Speed*ay harness, Amer- ican oak -tanned leathei', two minute atteh, all complete, the above articles are all in good iconditfeb and 41 shape Ind Ink:- be seen at' any -Hine. For further particulars apply to -Bruce Berry, Brucefield., 04 Female Hell) Wanted Experienced maid, parlor, Ghamber work. wa I nd " famly of two 1`tres S, adults. References desired, Apply Box 345, Hayfield. 04-tf House for Sale Good frarne • house, Corner Rat -2 tenburY and Region streets, 6 rooms, good cellar, town Water and- electric lights. Good, stable, garden, small fruits and apples. Apply -÷A: B.. Stephenson. • 03-3-p. House For Sale On property of the late Miss Cole. House to be removed- from lot: Ap- ply ,to F. R. Cuninghame or at Can- adian 'National -,Express, Clinton. Phone .176w. 97-tf Rouse For Sale \ , .9-;1•0011S cottage on Spencer street, town water, electria lights and phone connection. 1/4 acre of land, more or less', with fruit trees., Apply to Mrs. 1VIchityre " at residence of Mrs. Doddsworth, Maple street. 02-tf Bestetry 'Work Having completed a'course in bas- ketry at _Toronto:I am now prepared to take pupils in this art. For terms and particulars a`poly at my home, corner Printess and Gibbing's streets, Clinton." Lucile Grant.' 02-4 'F,i;i1 Sale ''.' .Frame house on Albert Street, Clinton; . in good'' inpaitr:`;"'-9.4iroome ' d ginnmei-kitchea; geatlicell , with t, floor, VykkthetIlwi,ve ndah; (444 ter:k4‘,4e e4t gar,: •:, id ' ap,‘„aroolnruitr4 r . . 111"IfeMit 'iLlt No, 1;,Clinton., Phone 11-08 -01-'tk M. ROSS SAVAUCE, Opt. D., OPTOMERIST- Will be at Burgess' Portrait Studio • Every ureday Hours: 9 a.m0 w 2:30 p.m. 'rsisjes examined-- es fitted .Phone 194,, Seaforth Burges i Portrait Studio, Clinton • (Open Every Tuesday) • We are now ready to some real good portraits for you. We would be pleased to have you call and see the class of photographs we rnalw. Our prices will be low as possible We make a specialty of Portraits /finished in 19i1 Remember our studio will be open every Tuesday from 9 a.m. to, 5, Pan. MITCHELL AND CLNTOICT Engaged in photography in Mitchell 32 years • • Put Action.Behind Your Will • A Life Insurance policy payable in a monthly income, is your will in ac- tion. Do you want to be `snie that your estate goes to your family? Then talk ,to four Insurance Agent • The Ontario Equitable Life -And-Accident Insurance Co. M. T. COHLESg Pone 193 General' Agent ""fele Comes 'the Bridegroom-" humorous and dramatic play will be given by the Bent:tiller Circuit Chi« in . TOWN HALL, HAYFIELD on MONDAY, 3LAY.11th, 1925 - - commencing, at 8:15 pan. Over fifteen 'participants Interesting -character portraYal Thrilling plot • Sparkling hunter Music Between Acts' Ad:mission: Adults, 35c, children, 20e ••••••" Tenders V,Vanted Sealed fenders, marked. "Tender for wiring Court House" will be received by the undersigned up to,"8 o'clock p.m, May- 25th, 1925, for re -wiring the Court House, Goderich, for light- ing purposes, material to be furnished' by party receiving the con- tract. • Plans and specifications may be seen" at my office. The lowest or any „tender not necessarily accepted. • Geo. W. Holman; County Clerk. Goderich, A-Dril 25th, 1925. '14-2 -Farm For Sale In Colborne township, on the 7th colt, eonsisting of 100 nares 'of geed clay loatn in best of ,condition, -all seeded down with the eiceeptibit-tOrK acres and 4 acres of bush. There a good -bank 'barn' antra large trick }Muse with furnace, ScItool,on. site corner. The, farm 'is situated 5, miles from Go'derich and 21/2 miles from McGaw -station.- Apply to Mrs. James sGlen, R. R. No. 5, Goderibb. phone 2013, Carlow central. '03:3 • - ClitittOteS THEY USED TO SHUT OFF 50ME OF THE ROOM •-• WHEN WINTF-R. UOOSED HIS CHILLY ()LOOMS [BUTHEAR. 'MEM BOAST OECAUSE EACH ROOM IS NOW YOU OUGHT TO l. WARM AS TOAST elb Cb • 4k -411 Did winter weather rob you of some of your rooms. Did brisk breez- es play hide-and-seek in your house while you 'sought warmth behind>, dosed doorS? Cold weather has a habit of Saying, "Here I come, ready or not." And you can always be ready if you have 'the Heat Folks on yolfr side. Think back now! IC you were "it" and winter kept you rn'ove ing from room to -room; you can turn the tables next year by making your home the Heat Folks' base. , Call the lott,M1501t for ood, clean coal , • PHONE 74 rLI CliUton New Laid Egg aid Poultry -House. • Eggs bought according. -to Domin- ion Goverinnent Egg, regulations. In- quire for prices of eggs. Ton will 'always Encl our prices touching eity Eat Hens and well -finished chicks al- waYs wanted at highest prices , Always phone our office for ti -ices before disposing of • preduee else- , , 'We appreciate your business , and ' hope'yen- are pleased • i2)Sfiee 'open for business on •e Saturday evenings . N. WTrelittartha Phone -Office, , 214j Residence, 214w . ' Do Not Neglect !, Putting Insurance. on 'Your Life YOU MAY DIE! On your Buildings and Contents THEY MAY BURN! On your Time , YOU MAY MEET WITH ACC'. DENT OR SICKNESS Your life is valuable to you', family ,and the State • Your Property is your recompense for ;time, labori, and- money spent • Your time IS Money We will protect you at all points and .AT SaVA.Lle COST All Lines bf Insurance Automobile Insurance at ,a big reduction - Ageht for Clinton and District of The Mutual Life Assurance `Company of Canada ,H; R. RORKE Office at residence, cor. Mary and • Orange streets, opp; the rink Phone 253 ' OA- ' COAL _ We have a supply of FurnaceeStove, Nut and Soft. , Also some good dry slabs. Leave orders at residence. E...WARD Phone 155. Huron Street. Hiving erected new coal sheds will have op hand full stock of coal for immediate delivery. Prices reason- able. J:WiliadiER Orders taken -at residence, phone 119 TENDERS FOR DREDGING Healed Tenders addressed to the undersigned- and endorted "Tender for dredging, Collingvvood, Ont." etc., as the case may be, will be received' until 12 o'clock noon (daylight sav- ing), Tuesday, May 12, -1925, for dredging required at .Oallingwacld and Goderielvin the,Provinee of 'Ontario. Tenders will not -be considered unlest- rande,.on-the forms,supplied by the Department and according to the con- ditions set forth therein. Coltbined epecifications and forin of tender- can be obtained on appli- cation tc: the -undersigned, also at the offices of the ,District Engineers, Royal BankBulding, London, Ont., and Equity Building, Toronto, ont. Teliders`must include the•towing of the plant, to and frena the work. ..*•The 'dredges and other -plant which are intended to be used on the work shall have -been duly registered in Canada and at the time of 'the filing of the tender with the Department, or,shall have been built in Canada af.. ter the filing of the tender. Eaeh"tender must be accompanied' by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, for 5 per cent. lel the contract price, but no cheque te be for ` less than fifteen hundred dollars. Bonds of the Dom- inion of Canada and bonds of the Canadian Natimial-Railway Company will alto be accepted as security,. or bonds and a cheque if required to make up aft odd amount. By OrderS. E. O'BRIEN, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 20, 1925 • 04-2 House For Sale :,, Residence a the late Arthur Cook, corner Albeit and Mill streets, Clip... ton. Key at Mr. Walter King's. 72-tf. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes Cleaned .pressei, and re - „,paired.' Woolen goods' dry cleaned.. Rooms over Heard's barber -shop, Jago. • ••• --83-tf AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate Carey`,jones' Na- cional School of Auctioneering; Chi- cago:- Speeial course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer'. chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18- 93. CREAM NVANTEL1 The den -rand, for our butter is in- creasing. To ,supply this demand we require more cream. • , • We request you to ship as your We gearaniree you the Highest Market Prices, „accurate tests and propiptsrvice Ouse m is knotvn to you and needs further'•reeconntend '2, 'WeexPiess charges; furn- ish cream, cant apd! pay twice each montb .-Yr4t,ft I fl4r11 or,:iafOrract-1 JIVE- CRMFA4Y' CO.' AglIERi MANAGER t , UJ1SDAY, MAY.7, 2723 Hier atillware TELEPHONE 53 ime For Seeds Don't forget we carry the following seeds in Bulk LOMUNKIIMIliefelenamig 1061100141=401111! • Wm. Hurst Garden Peas American Wonder Garden Peas Choice Sweet Peas (Mixed) Dark Egyptian Red Beets Danvers YellOw Globe Onions Dutch Setts (Yellow) Silver Skin White Pickling Oniens Chantenay Carrots (Half Long) ' Nonpareil LetklicEl Nasturtiums -(Dwarf Mixed) Wax Beans A.LSO • Ames Holden guaranteed Tires at low prices, Bicycles and all repair parts and accessories Harnett and Harness Parts Ainerlean Coal Oil. 25c Supertest Gas, 28c Seed Corn / Have a complete stock of No. 1 Gov't Standard Seed Corn highly test- ed for moisture and germination. Our Prices are reasonable. Also. Mangels faeneddinTgu.rnips, both swede and fall/ CHICK FEED Biatenfordis Milk Mash, Pratt's Buttermilk Mash. and Royal Purple Scratch., Gr Sminguiyfor all r grain at present. f In the ,market for Wheat, Oats and Barley. -- • ROOFING See our stock before buying and compare quality. Wb honestly think we have the, best and will stand be- hind every sale. J. A. FORD SON Phone 123 Flour ancl Feed illerchants and Grain Buyers P.O.P.1**11•11R Clinton Garage We are now in a positiozt to handle repairs 'tii.rall makes of cars Batteries •iakert down, overhauled - and rebuilt • _„ f you have car or battery troubit cansalt our mechanic , Ants for all kinds of Goodyear L tires, tubes, etc. , GOODYEAR FOR GOODWEAR Agents ±0± C.C.M, Cycles of all kinds Repairs in stock SERVICE WITH A SMILE AT ALL TIMES AS. INKLEY Garage Ph. -'80 Res. Ph. 167 r 2 -Perpctgal Spring _A -violet in January is a luxury. rn March it grows with the daisy and the daffodil. I We have the Sun that makes them: grow then Today our shoes offezt you the beauty and lpItury of,, Spring—before the ,teagon is' here—a month, two ,Iir.imas, three months from now they will give you the same fresh- ness of Spring, in .the'lteavy 'days of -June wben-Ilfe bees drone lazily. Then you will appreciate as much as now their unusual value. • And you viotild never know from the prices that these shoes are in the luxursr lass. - Don't yOu really think ad -yourself -Z....4;4. Bieck Patents,' $3:00 to $6.50 The New Tans, $5.50 and $6.50.. Rich Skinner Satins, $4.50 to $6.50 Suedes. „$5„.00 and $5.50 FRED JACKSON The Big Shoe Store Opposite the Town Hall , Mensugmem-tersorengsfisosam, cenaramorms. Flowers For Mother 'Yon can make your mother's eyes bright with happiness and her day more complete with the priceless gift of. Flowers If...you cannot go home, flowers will help to fill the void in her heart. Poses TulipsCarnations Snapdragon Sweet -Pes Mother's Day, Sunday, May 10th, Wear One For mother living, Flowers bright; For mother's memory, Flowers white JENKINS e -so Otlie Phone 199 Night 141 and 129 we” pays ti use MARTIN —SENOU looz PURE PAINT & VARNISHES For Eyew Acrpose- For EveorSurflaces Write 'to React Office. maltreat for reetyBooklet •_ H014 C. tPAI WING MADE EASY spLD BY, , aiNhini, Clinton'