The Clinton News Record, 1925-05-07, Page 4. rin- Prices on all oats an uits Lot No. Values up to $45.00 for Lot- No. 2. Values up to- $33.00 for Lot No. 3. Values up to $25.00 for ; Lot No. 4.. Values':up to $20,10 for $29.50 -19.50 16:95 12.50 Hosiery Specials Ladies' and Children's Cotton Hose 21c pair. 5 pairs for $1.00 Odd 'lines of Children's Sox • Assorted Sizes and Shades 50c 'values pm for per pair. .L. Watch Our Windows MAKE ECONOMY A HABIT Habits are easily formed. When yon get the habit of going to DOMINION STORES you are also'cuitivating the habit,of true -economy-buying groceries of guaranteed quality with -a real saving on every purchase. Get "into the habit of saving at DOMINION' STORES. Bring Coupons for FRANCO-AMEIRICAN ra SPA►+GHETTII3C SPECIAL BLEND e! TEA OLD CITY SUGARED OATES C PKT. TIGER BRAN CAPISI.W 23c aa PJ. w7. L.. 3 for CORN; FLAKES 29c I H.: 1 pkg. Ivory .Flakes 1 bar P..& G. Soap 1 pkg. Chipso , 1, bar Gold,Sogp 1 bar :Guest Ivory . ' ALL FOIA IJRSD. AY,/19 it COO NEWS 1925 85 .Q See next ° eeks Ne Record COOPER. CLINTON th z chat csn News -Record' Cod p Masters Jack and Ferris Sturdy the twin sons of Mr, and Mi s. Clar- ence ,Sturdy" of the Burma road, on Friday last celebrated their tenth bit thday, when they entertained about 'wetly -five of their young friends, girls and boys. They had a jolly afternoon ' in, games, ete., al- though the weather was not the Pleasantest, and this was fo110 sed ,by a sumptuous' feast. _e Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pearson` and Mr, Leslie Pearson spent Thursdatl, last as the guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wise of'Goderich. The Ladies'' Guild of 1Vliddleton's church is getting, organized for. the.. summer's_ activities'. - • 'r Mr. L. A, Anderson and Mr. Fred Thomposn lnotored up,.near Goderich recently to the funeral of the late .Mr George Tehboa:ne . Messrs. `Stewart' Middleton and: 'Raymond Whitmore got quite a good catch, of suckers 'last ,week- in, the Bayfield river. Mr. RAJA. Clu£f sold a a bunch of: catUje to 'Mr. W. Connell the other day to put out to grass. We axe glad to reort that Mr. C. E. Wise whois in the Clinton Hospital, where he underwent;a seripus opera- tion, is now improving as ;well as can is be expected. 1, 11 I' Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cantelon, ac-` companied by their nieces, Misses Alice and ' Mabel Corey, of London -spent .the' week -end as the guests of _the latter.'.', parents, Councillor Harry and Mrs. Corey. WILL .l`I° RAIN TOMORROW? CONSULT THIS IT PREDICTS THE WEATHER FOR WORKAND PLEASURE 9e Good for $1.00 . Weather Mouse Prophet Made in Canada-.Gnaranteed=An Ideal Gift It Is surprisingly reliable onlocal weather conditions: Made` on strictly „scientific, principles. We ha•co secured a special price on a quantity, and as long as they last will sell them for only 69c if you bring this eoupon. , •' - When the weather is to he fine the. two children will come out; when htormy -weather is approaching, the ,witch will :come oat from 8 to 24' hours ahead of rain, or snow. The house is made of hardwood; in Swiss cottage style, end .is decorated as in 'the- picture with thermometer, elk's head, :bird 'house and bird, etc,. It has Aber windows and two doors. Advertised for $1.00 -Our Price for a Limited 'dime With the Coupon I9c + Every home shmild' have one. Come and get yours at once or mail • yotp order: ' Mail orders 10c extra. - The W.' D. P.AIR. Co. CLINTON. ONTARIO Often the Cheapest - Always the Best 'These two C lebrated °Brands are na'nade ,in Clinton baJ Clinton peeplle arrashould be worn.Ibj,Clinton Women and Giris,.,„ Men and Boys They can be found in all the leading 'stores, of Canada, frons Halifax to Vancouver: They are made;,' in all styles from the Standard Cotton Hose, to the finest quality of Pure Silk, daintly dyed in the correet,shade, to meet the most fastidious tastes If you buy hosiery made in Hamilton or elsewhere, you get the Hosiery and your money goes to Hamilton and never returns °•" 3 If you buy "Wearwell Hosiery, you get the Hosiery, and,yomt" money' stays in Clinton and, no question, part of it . comes back to you If you buy Clinton Hosiery, you help to furnish employ- ment for Clinton people The larger our pay roll, grows, the greater grows the prosperity of Clinton We e pay large taxes, are big users bf the Public Utitities of,tbiis.town and contribute generally toits success 1ojal--to ebur town and �. bung its Products ?If `yep cannot get Clinton -made Hosiery from your 'regu.t lar dealer, Cooper's Variety Store stocks a complete range of,` Wean/veil, and; Clin-Knit" Hose, andare capturing tie Hosiery Trade„of`Clinton by their enterprise r' The Nevis -Record is in receipt or sone Goderich'township notes : this week which. we have been `obliged to, discard as they, were not signed. It is 4 rule in newspaperoffices' not-, touse any'comn unication which is sekt in without signature and, .al though' we like getting the news an¢ welcome genuine .news • from any source, we find this rule too good 'a one to break. Hope our good friends will keep ,this 'in mind. The funeral takes niece this after, noon from his home on the Maitland, of: Henry Swed't, whose death os-- eurred ori Tuesday. A fuller notice bb given next week. .Be Well And HapPY --and yiiuq have Nature's. greatest (t'RTabtoia) a cmedy vegetable laxative,' tones Abe organs and telioveb Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headaches. ronowing that vigor and good kat. ing 'ao neeclsary to being wit and happy. flsad for Doer Qat a'atia � 30 Year. Box, ter - itt Jr Chips off fihe ®Id Block --1R JURIORn..+Littls The 'nomo,tR-in one-third dolts;, candy,:dented. For children and adults. Sold Uy Your Druggist , Hatching Eggs For Sale 3'a1teld p. W. C, Atwood ' of Ottawa a grandson of Mrs: 17; Atwood, is mak-' ing his- headquarters• at Bayfield; while doing some. surveying ; in ,the country., At a congregational'nteetin in St.' Andrew's church on,4tlonday, May 4, theballots o'f the past two weeks vot ing were counted and the result was ,as follows: 46 votes in Icavour of un- ion and 39 'votes against union ancl one spoiled, ballot. Dr. A. Newton Brady has 'moved' into. Mr. LoWis, Thompson'S house. foymerly' ",loceu_pied,, byr M. Robert Spacln lan; who is now ,oecuping• Miss Margaret' Peck's cottage. Beginning Thursday; -May 14th, the stores in -Bayfield -rill observe a weekly half holiday during the _sum mer Albalis Mr, John Pollock left on Saturday_ for his ranch near Selkirk, Man. Mr, Jin} Drell -mann left.' en Tues- day, after having visited ,his father': for. several'days. 'Mr. G. I. Fawcett who. has been ass'isting Rev. J. Jay Johnstpn in the reyiGal services in the. Methodist chtirelf','for the past three "wee*, left on Monday Mrs. 'Annie Tretheway, „who spent the past, winter 'in Detroit and.St. Thomas, is • visiting ,her daug'hter,- Mrs. A. J. Carver. 'Mrs. j. W. Tippet returned to the` village on --Saturday after sp. nding two weeks with her daughter in De- troit., , • Mrs. e- troit.- :Mrs.' J. Ferguson left on Friday for Belgrave .owing .to the illness.. of her sister. Mrs. Thomas :•Barrett'and son of Wingham are'guests ofthe former's daughter, Mrs. Thos. Brandon. The Y. P. S. met last Friady night. Two very fine papers were given. The first°"was on "Jonathon", by Miss Ruby ,Taylor and the second "Epoch's in. Canadian History," by Mr. .F. J. Bigelow..; The papers -were` both very it\teresting .and instructive. After- wards those presentplayed carpet balls. and• the meting closed with the %National Anthem. • - ' Mr. and Mrs W „E. Mannus and Mr. and Mrs. Rootlaway _ of London spent Fiday at'the foriner's summer residence. We are pleased to report that 11,I,r'; Grenville Atkinson is. so impoved in health that he' ;was`. ehle `tea come home on Thursday last. Dr, A. 'S: and D. Atkinsomonotored- from Detroit on Saturday ast. Mr." R. T. Orr and sons, Tom and Jack of Stratford, spent the week -end alt their, cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Scrimagenr and friends from Stratford spent 'Sunday at their cottage beside 'the Lake. 'The revival services in the method- ist church close' 4n Sunday next. Ser- vice begins with -song at seven o'clock in the :Bayfield church. Service will lite held at Bethel at 10:80.a',in.,with Sunday school at 16:80 and at Sharon at 2;30 p.m. A reception service for new members will be held at Bay- field and at Sharon. At the council meeting on Tuesday evening t'he village fathers decided to Put on,agt$ense .fee;.ferc•those doing business° from 'other centres. A fee of $15.00 :was put upon butchers and $100 on !backers and groeers. A public meeting is being cabled for Thursday evening next to c6nsid- er the holding of a grand picnic to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the' conroration - or the .village,' also to decides about -necessary improve- ments to'the town hall. It is hoped a,large number of the citizens will attend. The •eommfttee,; 'appointed some tiniie ago ,; to look :after, stage fittings ))as purchased some scenery, eta front. the :Majestic theatre, Lon-, icon. a The Berimiller young - people are utting pn a play in the town hall ext Monday evening SEED ONTARIO'S BEAUTY. `SPOTS Barred ,Rocl s #aylri relsetl '0 51. h winter layere,, mated with cockerels from Macdonald' 'bollege, Quebec.. Price, 5c,per,,egg, $4.00 per 100. D C, Galbraith, Bayfield. Phone': on 609. 02=tf Baby- hicks for, Sale ,Bred -to -lay Barred Rock and S, C. White Le horn -baby chicks. AIt strong, healthy, free-range stock and good winter" layer's. Barred sock chicks, 18c ea: or117.50 per 100. Leg- horn chicks, 15c each or $14.50 per 400. iBook orders now,. • LONDES130R0 . -Phone 6--20 Blyth Central Eggs, for Hatching From bred -to -lay, tt+. o year-old 5, 0. White Leghorns..' Price $3.50 per hundred or 4c an egg for less. Roy •Tyndall, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. ' ,Phone. 3 on '607: • 98-tf Eggs For Hatching - For early layers ' try 'min Bared Mocks of Suraerior quality. Toryears they have proved heavy winter layers. ,Incubator orders filled • at $4.00 per hundred or, 65e per setting of 15. I),' M, Lindsay, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 14-610. 9$-8 '13A1311 CHICKS forsale . r S. C Whito'Leghorn chicks $15.00 }per hundred, $140.00 per thousand. Barred and,,White• Rocks, $20.00 per hundred, $190.00 per thousand. Custom hatching 5c per egg. ,Our eiriplks are - 4;11 from• healthy, free range,, bred, -to -lay stock. Inglenook Poultry' Yi rdv , Ja TREWARTHA c l5.44ne"2;`•G11, Lklr$ton riehtk 1 f The following letter- has been re- ceived by Huron County's;Agric'ultur al Representative front the Rpresent- ative of . Went/worth. The Niagara district we make no doubt is well worth 'seeing during "blossoms week: "Mr. S. -B. Stothers, Clinton, Onttt Dear t Mr. ,S,tothers: "Blossom Week" will be observed' in the Niag- ara District, ' from Surlington 'to Niagara 1'a11s, during the Week of May 17th' to 24th. This niay be a trifle late according to the season,•but if, there -is any change we will - not- ify you. Nye are inviting parties from your •, County who wish to see the Niagara District at this time in all its glofy., Our office will, be glad to Co-operate -in conducting parties through tile district at this time, so that they: may see everything. to the best advantage. A'+notor,tri1p should include . the Memorial Grounds at Stoney -Creek, the" Vineland Expert - mental Station ant Brock's • 'Menu- men' As, you know, the highways of the;Province are in the best • of con- dition ow and ' it would be only a pleasure for any party to take a trip to this famous District :"`Blossom, Week", is, being iobsegyod•``by the - Chambers .ofcommerce of Hamilton, Grimsby, Eeamsville, Sty Catharines and Niagara Falls ' and the Ontario Department : of Agriculture: These organizations (believe that we should capitalize the features of each dist- rict in the Province and should _n courage organized trips, to other dis- tricts. -.,As I mentioned before in the letter, we will do all- in out' power' to make such a trip pleasant. We will send you a nuxnber. of automobile stickers which- we would ask you to use est your car and also distribute'. to otliers in your County, Yours very truly, -W. G. Merritt." Giros$, will nQt answer unless - summoned," says a :psychic. note. It means ,that they never spoolce until they are spoken; to. ---London Daily; News ,ARMhT FIu0AJ,1$ DNt{d JatEL, • ' d°aril use t 'sweet, °' cie'an Abe 14 t use a t Foo>; , h`;eig " oNiate ardware an'qd(pFurni - roti Err: 1 colors Clinton° tt k ,us SPECIAC OFFER; tS I IF 9S , 'JELLY' : POWDERS (12 KINDS) PMTS.` 30c, 0 BULK c 'MACARONI 1..lb iRICHMELLO' t 12 3 7c PEP RA CROWN BRAND. SYRUP511"a CLARK'S�w ' 3 TINS TED ATS 61e2..tC+..,..:i iS PL `,�r9