The Clinton News Record, 1925-05-07, Page 37.21.11nnawnennw Stip .o. pck1.ago, yomr pocicet when you i.o home to *Give tho youtigt...lef this witolesome.ica IlestinS sweet pleatare and pesefit, . Psell ritassif aftei, Inc5- X4174rts.Ifo a 1 Igreetillilefieshetierj - , Y -DR. 3. J. itiovinelai Beard at Health .rrz..110 idcileton will ,bo glad to answer questions:an Publio.kkaah at ers through this column."Address him at Spa.dina.House, Spadina' 'rescent, Toronto. . The iuret Way' to ReIieve ,ittiin ach Tvfiti!..ile is 'ittrouglt Pr. P -111S. 11.11011 tho.00011ao11 is feeble anti essor 'at Canduidge Univer- of riosh, un(ooked vegetal.and 'food lics in it ,a.4.4gesteil, the poison: 0)10.%rgases (if e qitoy Nyolvkin,;,, , trait if tlidy wisli 11) ramain in int,- Sony food factors, or 0111011(01I,ed of2stlY coi1 h i th In tidditien the 0.011 c11.oio11 Q0O1B s ort*tieL • tau:Tie1- . numbtr of rats 01 an artificial diet of 1iin10.1; -knife 00i4 th t contilinS an' el110` with til,s':ertger` erge*,45SPeelei- protein, starch and sugsir. By care -1 acesssorY £o�4 ttl.tif Dun d in 30il t.it* 9.1. • tlinOn„ „.),04,1ti,' and fully 10 1111101.. .the atilrea:s he found and britten..IWPiie `reason I mentio „Ding:S. , These licitSionouSPOS. have that theyto' grow ,,ithough the milk and buttO"'irs W0:1 as frasii weget other ill f'Ffitertite..atbserbed to.,,orint of food thas ,,,,o.asamsd was tables and, ,frtriti.i'3,A.,hecause there /8 by the blond and 'Ao weaken. 'and 001'- 151111110 more than 'tvhat Was , 111(01 p011 l.lioii ohe Pt vitamtne: ;P:1 runt it as to . cause .aches2 in Teincto to nn intain nermni.ginowfh On -ti 1 0101. p010 i t th 10 1. tiiree -4111( paids "of lit bo dy and the formation • adding a small' quantitY of this °' , ihsSe 8" itntes • f :e Le . cf 1;1 '1 everywhere Ex-. diet, howeter, a' martiellons' improve- Tie"' Werienee shows 4at those tro.ni molt thc. health and growth o37 the Interesting. It- was, found py' experi= n ,,) eeles l • foods itl,adeesid' I is3a1011:,002,t1iiiage..,r 11111)13711 to ogs letiits,alitsountices01001110 to the .conclu0len thitt in addi- , d froni iet. Take. fo food isndinicoisoctaioll'eloserilintai71 lif:iccstiohr iasni()10(wisgruyi lgor1i1-bianr i,eaasltdisease trihtar itesis \Ivileerlye trisc ellilaatn•kwicazill ton.td,;t, ntohuorilo1).2-ilic;nott. is to bernanitalnedo. j 1011210 the shief article of diet, and The nonle" used ought- to lie one that SciefiLefor a longtime believed that where -the 'ries 15 polished. 70 this wili agree' with the inost delieate the essential composition of health-, form the rice consists of the,kernel of stomach and this is. exactly=what Dr. maintaining food consisted ofcarbo- ' . • ' hydrates, fats and proteins with the The Map's Blind Spot. . nadditio' of mineral salts and water. The "blind spot" on the, map Which Modern research has shown, however, planes of th m min .1.t. that these substanoeS are 2 lisufficient .an .ion . ... , Something. else 'must be present, itl-• nre to survey holds fascinating posss thong"' perhs.ps, infinitesimal fri , , . , billiies, ft colital99 about a miIlien amount and this something is known kePare miles, . the area of Canada's as a •vitamfne„ „ gretit'northivest territories, -which -ex- 1 As long as people 11110(0 .11 sufficient tending beyondAhe indieation of their variety or roods, some of which are in the gram.with the.husks removed, and in' removing the husks the outer Jill- ing of the -kernel, or "silver skin" is also _removed. , This skin contains the , A type' of disease more commen. in this country is infantile scurvy and scurvy -rickets,' helieVed to ,be.. due to the absence front or deficiency in a diet Of a. vitamine with well-dchned anti-sCurvy properties. Infanta fed name --reach tram the Asia4'im harder their natural state, -uncooked, there 18 fey Ion, periods on condensed milk, to the Atlantic. „In that area.,.almost little danger of anY impairmept to or preserved foods sometimes suffer , , anything in the way of meteorological health as far as diet is'concerned. But from n form of scurvy with hemorr- yi11,a1,Iy can happen, anti, the, study, ei ,when tm variety of footle is limited hages' under the outer layer mf the , its -Weather ma.Y reveal the "fount dad or their natural qualities impaired OD long bones. Where an intent is changed through boiling, heating or brought up entirely on boiled or steri- -origin" ot many storms which sriVeep preserving, as is the ease in canned lized militia small quantity of fresh down won settled cc,renrunitled to the "„goodS, then there is likelihood of ini- fruit -juice preferably orange juice, ocethWard. SO that even if no Utopian ,paired liealth„ and the occurrence' of should. headaily fed to the cbild. The continehis, t discovered, exploration certain ailments .or diseases. Stich are' rnorewe learn of vitainines the more . . ' will be fruitful, ' described as de'ficiency diseases. It is important -they apear to be as, ameces- , __. -... necessary therefore for adults to tale „ ------ • n their regular diet a Certain oilman Are -All Germs and I3acteria Harmful. ' ' ' Alfgerms andbacteria are not harm - FOR fut. There are minx thatare very use- ful to life, There are also..many that ' MOTHERS OF • - have no known value or harm. There are only about 35 -or..40 &et of 3,700 YOUNG CHILDREN known germs and bacteria that" are ' ..,-. ' really dangerous to hm uan beings. The ' - 'soaring of milk and -the makiag of Mothers are., quick to praise any - cheese are bre-tight about bY the aid' thing which brings health and com of certain bacteria. If it were not for fort to their little onen-any medicine bacteria, decay would net take pf-a,,e.. i that will make - the baby well -and If' this ditli not lake place; the eft.;:th re would a,01,312 ,be, c,yedyiebdead. bodies ..litee ll ini i eartyraconiin-.i iirendation frOni tlie efPlante and animals. Plants, callbd mother. That' is why -Baby's OWn Tab - legumes require„ bacteria in order to lets are So popular. ,Thousonj,s ,of mothers, throughout the country, not gather --nitrogen from the air. Salem ,, , tieta think digestion, It., aidea iiy,..sonie .2112y nee, them for their, own. little kinds of battera„ - °hes' Mit are aiwa`Ys" dmagluted, to be able to recommend them to other, the continent the loCal Scents will finci Pelted from the United States..., The 0 . --- 11 ki'''tioo oo tr. JW 1t ve stooli 11010 Onenatoniy,e XOP th(2.12. YOXIDg. A 0 thne,Went-en, however, 111011 discovered the Value o11 milk as a food 'for human coiymn2ptioa a 1111'011037 bersan to solect the cov.s• that gave the large,:,t quantrties, ThUOWC 1111211,1i11.t for .inanyyears, live stoelt•-men have st.ittlied ;their 1191•11.5,3 carefully seletting females, that possu,sed nigh, -producing(mail ties. Thc-e feniale9 -were bred' htogin nsivesThe Sanl_e good t for 30 ire'ars.. , . whose danri _had clisplayecl-IPro- tinning tendencies.. As, time advanced breeders:learned, • , . to liceP.records of all the milli The End of Perfect Day i ClaSSified AdVeltisebleiati so well as ihe feed cons'umed. A young Scotenman invited lila • „X.111,12, CAOA ..0G22.2n. ' PerhaD y ite,a Rose' sre 1.2Stit' a goo tea.good We dhjii et you try i 00 The result is thal new 'we „have records of individual sows giving' over 30,000 'pentiadR of nn.110 in a year. What a, debt we owe- to those .ohl improvers of- our breeds, .tve, cannot repay them, but ind C1111 continue ta carry on the work that they so noblly conamended: • Iineo doing' we will addilreatl'y, not only to our OWD. C..,3)121e,, 12111, we win contribute to the •revenue" of Canada.' Willianis' Pink Pills. , "No faiimer .ean afford, tirliegleot hie Here is a bit of convincing proof given., by Mrs. CSas, Ladner, Ellers, who. says: --"For some ,Igresaurbsi et. wEit vs ei .6.,14ca:a,tiestee.lindalcslf. tress, sett'. Stomach, and„.beleliing. I could not .eat meat or potatoes, and I grew weak and •. very um -veins.: No medicine seemed to help me until I A Business Deal.. was persuaded to take pr,'Willlains' Pink .Pialo, and. these simply werked AD' Aberdbnian and a'Yorkshireman Wonders. I took, the pills faithfully 'met at a horse fair -and 'adjourned to for a couple .of -mouths., by which a near-IfY.tavern. After 'several drinks time every symptom of the trouble the Aberdonian suggested that they hail. disappeared, and there .has" not should'. exchange ponies. since been the slightest -r,ymptom of, live stock in these days when feed prices are soaring. 0 'The use of pure bred "sires, careful selection of females, vcith judicious ecnnomiCal ...feedings, together with the keeping Of 'records. are essential points that the fariner of to -day can. not' overlook and prosper. The Yorksliiiimnan demurred,' but stomach trouble. No wonder I praise after more liquid refreshment, decided Dr: Williams' Pink Pills." , to trade. meltacineincae naegaeltert,hese Pills from any "you know,"Pilz,••said the man,frorn e sarY 'Part of the diet of every aclait t and every child. r„ ' • • Medicine Co., •Brockville, OM. - the .hargaid"' .Ttie , Canadian Building Stone. cents a Sox- from The Dr. Williams, completed, "I think I've got the bast of ' Some local publicity has been given "HowtS:that?' 'asked his friend, .. m:nW. al'i:WileilY1, Pso7sY;:indee,aciancl I've taken "Is that so?'". s.aid. the Yorkshire - A or by mail at 50 Aberdeen, tvhen the tranbaction was to "the fact that all et the stone, in- . its shoes off." - " <hiding (1150, 1(100 and other stone, used' ip the construction of a large apart- Afraid of the Upkeep. .B0 ment house in, Montre,al, CO' the extent - One wonderful de:Y. a bandit' of ea- st about two hundrediand twenty car- cou loos, lias box sbipped from ;mit/. thuslastic Scots presented „ Harry Lauder and George. Tawde (of 'BuntY' toba to the Metropolis, this being, as and,Barrie tame).with a -copy of Burns Scouts Will Help Celebration. farlas is-itnown, the flrat time,that a and a fountain' pen apiece. ° , The Boy Scouts of Belleyilla will 'Manitoba building stone his' been used Said, Tawde to Leaden "Belfry, take a big part in the celebratioh,of in Montreal. Hitherto the greaterAIim ihinkin' this fountain pen is go - 110 years nf Peace-- will-. take Part -Of the building Atones used „lin thes ineto 'cost, a' deal of irtainey." 'Place at that city ;this eurniner, wlth construction of large .bitildings thi hoo dee Ye ' mak' that oot, hundreds or visitors frOm all parts of section of the Dominion has been. sm -George?' -said Laudbr Tawde ' "It'll want keepin' in ink." "Hoot, mon!"-and the great Harry ,laughed inerrilr-s."ye can always. Ell it p at the wee bit deilkie.at the post of- fice, preten to write a tele- gram!" • The Petroleurn Output. The_ mitgat .0C petrolMun this year averaged 1,000,000 baurele, more 'than the output for last. year, - ' White bread and all the other pros ducts 'of -white flour are the cense of teoth Harry Baldw% (Surgeon -dentist to the :King). ' ' F.or`Sore i•broat Use Mitiard's Liniment An Improved Telescope. PrOVed Bab3"0" 'Own Tablets to be' vice, Charlie HeYest a former' Assist- Present.tirne being ghipiled far',east mothers. ThougandS or mothery have Mazy opportunideis for rendering seri. Manitoba stone. is; however, ,at the , tels,scope has been invented without an equal in relieving their. ant Scoutzhaster Of the 1st .flelleville as Quebec City, where it Is-heing ssett which, mui6uth only five inches long, little mid of any of the many Miner Troop and now Scoutmaster of a 'troop Or a, church ,interlor; and these de - will tnagnifY' fourand-a-halt time, othilents;;Whieb. arlee otit ,raea'ndefangs- 1n Watertown, NX., is bringing his veloPhients Would 'Seem to 'augur for Such large rnagnifleation,-Minibined meat -of the stomach and bowels. 'Watertown Troop to Belleville for, the the.. domestic product` a greater,utill- with a short focal length, has been achieved by improved lens grinding and pertegh mounting.;•.'' - The border of pilenaatie 'dolor in most expensive -geld; glass has been avoided by a new combination of glass- es and' the arrangement of aperturefs. The glass- contain's a concavo-cortieX flint objective lets with ,epirrax: crdtvn and a double cOneave flint eye:Piece. . Girds That Are Born Blind. Baby s Own Tablets are the ideal laxa- celebration, . „_.xittion in the rotor° 018 011010' relatively tive-easi to take but thorough in ; .Helped Scouting in...West !Ugh quality -domes to be mord' general - action. ,TheY Infilith. cortstination and I- _-_, ly known.- . . . __ , ' di '-ti ;l• k ' . " T) I Scoutinaster Rev. Carew itallowell, The quarries from which this stone s of the 2nd St. Thomas. Troop, Is .just le being shipped are situated "about fevers.; expel.. worms and nialte the teething period easy. . Tbe Tablets back froth Saskatchewan, where be Inict?, milea. north -cast of 7inu1peg 1"guact; 11111;11 1:nintlitsLertirilfdrea::111f: aCluesilliri:eees. yip 4,O,Ptil„i 'being- cOnmeted witil-illts are sold. by' medicine dealeTe or bY , of. near the stations or.,,Grarson and:TYn- mail at 26 tents a ,b6..t. from The Dr. - in_the Canadian General Council Or: clairon the Lac 'du lionneIthranelt of Williams' 11.fealaille Cc., Bm'ekvilie, for the SCoutinasters, of MCV1O Jaw, me .by 4ui,,,s; At -tlie -c:Iiief ' centre, Ont. . Itegina and SasitatOon. 1Nly,AfttlIOWS11, 02.05111 a1,1 1XS(212, .three lenge trial:ries. are Poor Adverilstementd . who is. a graduate of tile 1011013 Park In operation and a number of smaller' Gillweli Camp Class ot 1923, reported', quarries or undeveloPed prbspecie 05' that he found Scenting well, developed .eur in the immediate nelgIlhorhood, in the West and exerting a pewerful This id' the most iniportant 001300(1 013 influence for.good among 'young people building stone . in the weatpru prd„ yuce,s. To the trail° the stone .le 'known as Garman or TYnclall stone and at more distant points It is pornetimee termed. Winnipeg stone. It is a soft linibstone with a characteristic mot- tling In dark'. colors. "-Two..tYpea, are, recognized --La buff variety -and a blue variety. Both can be quarrikein large b!ocks and. are capable of being dress- , ed and "Carved with .eane. " Previously thiS stone was eXtensive- IY used in the constraction of the more Church of North Bay',. important buildings In Western"Cana.. da and even In Rastann Ontario.•Some Another Troop Builds 'Hirt. „ Good advertleing should look not Young penguins are berithlind; ana merely to the present butt the -future. axe fed by their parents for a long. It must have been a short-sighted time before taking to the water, house painter that Inserted the follow. WE WANT CHURNING We • supply cans and 'pay egress charges. We Pay dolly ,by' co -rasa ...Money orders, whieh can be cashed anywhere Without any charge.; To obtain the' top price, Cream roust be free from bad flavors and Bilghten the Parts. contain not leas than 30 per cent _. Ender Fat The -parts of a radii; set .Worlt best when they are 'hr./gilt. A (bill, surface BoWes Conipainy Limited; - UsuallY Mesita that corrosion liss n taken place, whieh offers' resistance to on. to build a 'Troop Headquarters for Toronto high.frequency- radio ,mirrerits. As Itself, It will take tme form ,of a log For references--Ilead Office, Toronto, radio currents tuaVel on the surface it shanty 10. be built on property in the town which friends 0.11 thettrOon'have Bank of Montreal, oryonr local banker. 11105"»L137 to biiighten the Tails of the plabed at its disposal' for the.purpose. Establislfed for over thirty yeam set c'ecasma . 16 Mr. A. Gordori 'Medley, Scoutmaster of this Troop; is' probably the oltldst 370- iive Scoutmaster In Ontari.b. He 1003 years of age. Presents Flag. to Scouts. 4. The 2nd„Wallaeeburg Troop a Boy Snob ts (Chas: „Maseklela, ez,olltinasterY " •-wag receaqy presented with a finemetin ing announcement his home news- nI fOreign birth es well aS among Cana - paper: t'To the Pubilc: 'fhe reason ga" b°3'5'• why I have hitherto been able to do Presentation to 'Scoutrn.aster- . painting so much cheaper than any- Parents of boys whm o are" embIrs Of body else is bechu1s se rani a bachelor the t North Bay Troop tiled n - the a and do not need to make a malt for nnal banquet of the trobp us. the ocl' the maintenance of a wife and child. easlon`for presenting'a, beautitn1 lamp ren, 'Tis now my duty to inform,the to Scontmaster Harry Anderson'. and Public that this advantage will shortly CubmaSter Mrs. Harry Anderson - in be withdrawn, as I ADI about to be recognition pi, their splendid services married, .,You will therefore. do 'well to _the boyhmiid ,of North Bay. Tills to senci..In your orders at once for'the tr'eop is affiliated with the Methodist .old rate. • of the mere important erections, ta 7 - The ard Kenora Troop, or th11e 1, 11+:- which it has been utilized are the ings,') as they call thernselles, are - „vat -Bement BuildIngs at Winnipeg' and the latest troop to announce its inten- ncegina, the 1_41.W Courts- at Winnipeg, -and- othen, buildings in the ,,Manitoba capital city as well as Port William, Sault Ste. -Atari°, and Toronto, Qnt. For the drst time Is.'being used, in Quebec in preference to imported stone, continuing its widening of the scope of itatiitIlization. There is 0,0111 a good -deal of motif for 'extencing , the ilise of Canadian building stones in Canadian construc- tion. The Tyndall liMestone Is de.." clued b' authorities to he quite as good as. stone which at the present iS Union jack by the illemb,snit of the'Sel- being imported in large quantities I,Itirk of Baldwin „Glialiter of the Im- from Ohio and other . parts of the perialtOrdcr „of the Dauglitdrs of the United: Statee. Imports of the 111010Empire, • 4, -nett rt• .1 03 01 1--- r/.." 1,1 MY - R, You Can Sne The,,, Now Su Altlhe Stores-5MP' • Dairy. Polio of higher quality than e •et. You ottO Sndge (helm the hest dairy pal s or the price 'Yoh have ever seen: ,They nrc made OX n sPecial quality 0*111.1 a Net, polished finish, They are, equipped , nith„.a. new and ' target dairy pail • 'ear, solderedflush to thC iDg.:.2.of the pail, 'and riveted ' ivith target r11vets-1' . sanitiry, easy to Clean, strong and moderato 111' - it* your „met. ,ohant for the ape, 401 SNIP. Dollnr 6:1111P1 r y 111 Seouts' xtliicato Mired Auto, One of theinunierous parties of tom, o ists who visit Kingsitille in the -spring in. order . to see 3adlc Miner's wild geese and the swans which "stop 'over" • " there ion their way to their flisiithe.rn IP,fl nesting grounds recently, turned into 'a wrong roadnancl soon had their car hopelessly mired. ' Their plight ce to the 'attention Of a party of Seduls ef the 151 Ringsville Treat/ who were silary Point and used lo abivnetoacef tevoituli. hiking in ttie vicroity,nand the boys at a sifklit PressuTil re. e li,o tact was moistened with turperdine. The nnore,recent'vay,and on that 01115 quicker. way is to, use a brass or :eon. 'per tube with thin ' walls Instead of a file, . says Popular Science Monthly, The tube Is placed in d brace and driil- ingi is accompliabed 'with powdered carborunduns as a cutting agent, A galictlee:eofa:,,y ora keeps the tuhe.proPerlY c World's TelephoneS. • Statistics recently published put the tgtal number of tPlephenes ln 1.7.S0 41. 22 937 (A() this figure' Iteing. Made YIP t011OW'S: ,-2nler1c, 15,840,000; Eur 01001 9,003,000;. 6.§3,0.00; Atistral- tisla, 880,000na1111nnitrica, 122,000, For Sore Feet..-Minard's 0101010111. 1110 ir*"146 -STOC Ontario Sleep Breeciere; won at Chicago in 1924 in the classes in which they compctecli 83 %""ID,f,all ist prizeS-' 85% 6f- all chancipionships' 62 (Zoall 0001001'010 chaiinpiorMhips 01 How l4,9it 'crono?---BY"using the best breeding stock, - either Imme bred or imported, giving careful atten- tion toeclectic:Sm., fcdding, dipping, dOcking,, etco esult-A wonderful demand Ion Ontario- bred sheep. --- "-Aro you ttallowing ttiese practices? ' .;t paysr, 112,0 1900 glat. "win10 n impertantobuilding stones into Canada in 1921 aggregated a11p00$375,000, and this was abt a particularly active year in thp building trades. In the pre- 'Flimsy:ea:lithe same item totalled near.. eel' 5500,000. ' Drilling l-1o1e 1n Gl-ss • . • . Drilling holes, in glass is nottso Very ...difficult. The old mottled. utilized ,dis/carded.triangular tile,' groinid to a once ran to ,the spot. Making uss of some fende rails the Scouts cleVerly ‘extricated the big,touring car and thus earned the eternal gratitude of .the visitors. Good Work, Kingsville! -Medal for Gananoque Spout. Scout William Childs of the lst Gan- anoque Troop' will be the first 'Ontario scent to receive a tife-saving decora- tion during 1925. He has been award- ed the sifv^er orossAiof the Boy Scout§ Association fez, his succestiful effort" saving the life of a connianion who broke through the 100 on tlie St. Iiatv- -,ience River. Tha resew) was accomn- Balled with considerable difficulty ansi. not witliont a 'great deal of personal risk to the. reScuer:: 51)00151 letter of CCiDgX,211,i1.1aX1Q11 has been , sent to Scout Childs bY'D.r. James _W. Robert- son, Chief Oolnmissioner for Canada. Minerclis Liniment_ for Golda. Forth 137137ge. 71 11111 qiiantity of Steel gth of lho Capitol td, Wasliip-vate concentra e -in a single mass, it 11g1.011 is :751 feet and its -width is 330 I would make n block or inctint 150 feet ;fest, ' long, 80 feet wide, aiidllO ii,ect high. Thirtv-eicht thousand tong of i,tnei were used in thesconstracialm of' the' The 'world always asks .this ques- tion, "What have you given?' not "What have 'Yet get?" Give yourself. andet happiness. • "Stamina*" Growing 1Iash 'Me finest BABY CHICJIt STARTING -MIXTDRE. the world produces. The Ir9ed. Which 4aised the Winner of the pntarfo Egg-Laytng Contest, 1924., Write for booklet and name of STAMI- NAX Agent, The Motherwell Grain Go., Limited, Dundee, Ont. Roses, Shrubs, Bulhs Large ,Range or B S -T QUALITY, GOOD PRICES List on .11eques t. HolZtd Canaillan„Import Co. Niagara Fella, Ont. FOR TEN ,DOLLARO.OASEI • .‘'C' 005070 1.1 complete nonce course in. Poultry IlusbnadrY, There are 80 Inman% two ,roltuneS, 510 pans Dail. illustrated. IlighlY reconunended by best Canadian authorities OXt with -dictated in.struatIon, neat:ferns and extra !inforrnatian nod ddriee 'anent your pecsonal web - " lams Itith. each lessen tho • east is 085. DM, deseMpilen booklet ton request, ' *TR E. SHAW SCHOOL, Dept. W.I., 46 Oloor West` Toronto,' Can. FEE IF.YOU ARE INTERESTED IN FISHING WRITE FOR THIS 13001i sweetheart 10 go )0 tOWIT 10110 121211 OD cirmis day. They wanted Om Ilve miles Prom thesrnal1 village where they lived, she ,iiarrying her lunch, he carry- ing 410. They 111111 the sirens Parade, then sat down near a publiedrinking fountain and had tbdir moal, A tour of all the show windows in 'town fol- lowed., This. 15 011 1111 afternoon. They were coming down. Main Street just at dusk When. Sandy discovered something that he had bAen lOolcing for all day, It was an electric sign in front of a moving -picture theatre and it need: "The Woman Pays," "Hoot, lassie, said. he,his eyes alight, "we'll gae, in here." , Chltiese Junks. Clainese"Junks -elt least, those of the • Yellow Sea, are thought to be the old- est sea -going vessels iff the world. The junks are highly decorated and have tall nrops and roundansides. "A junk," says asi-lnglish writer, "will not heave to, and.lohn Chinaman is fully aware of it. He doesn't try; he lets his hal: yards go 'with a run, and the sail 4, off Ilia vessel 1»...a moment. The high poop acts as' a riding mizzen' and, brings him dead to wind? the low bow prevents Ma from falling off the wind. If the_bloW is likely to last, he lays out a sea anchor. I -11.A next procedure is to burn a joss' -stick and probably a few pieces of paper to his household god." ' French Dame Sanctuary. France has. ordered that an hnmense tract in its possessions in southern ,,,waters be set aside as a sanctnary for game. The places to be protected are Rerguelen Island, the Orozet Archi- pelago, the islands.' of St. Paul and New Amsterdam _and the stretch of coast of the antarctic contin,ent known Adelie Land. The principal crea- tures that will be protected are seals and penguins, which ole _oa the verge of becoming extinct, polar bears, wal- ruses and sea lions. The French naval statiOn in Madagascar will be reaPenS- ible for patrolling the new reserve, Floored by a Name. Policeman (pro`ductng notebook) -- „"Your name, please? • Motorist - "Aloysius Alastair - Cyprian--" Policeman (putting book away) - "Well, don't let me catch you again." "". Minaret's Liniment Fine ler Oil Hair, The Can, National Railway 10. the only railway .in the world to give a wireless service to its 'travelling pat - rens., "DIAMOND DYE" IT A BEAUTIFUL COLOR Perfect home' dye. Ing and *tinting 1,9 guaranteed with Dia- mond Dyes; Just tIM in Cold watbr to tint soft, delicate shades, or boiieto dye rich, Permanent colors. Bach- 15.cent pack- age contains direc- tions so simple ,any woman can dye or tint lingerie, silks, ribbons; mkirts, waists, dresses, • coaM, stockinga, eweaters;'draperies, coverings: hang- ings, everything new , ' Buy "Diamond Dyes" -no olher kind and tell your drugsist whether the material you wish to color is wool or eilk, or 'whether it Is linen. cotton, or mixed goods. - * 21.51•11221010 1.11101t1213, GX.41)/01,'AS, 11010, Peony. Pons. 1)0111100 and ,Darred 50e1s Euae. 71,0 Wzennt Dam, Inockvillor Ont. ' IXD3.1022E2'1OliA1P,Olt '5VA.T‘ITE'D ram 0 5110W , 01712, ,P2.20050T8 TO WOO forming, irado, Inunt have ear and tho been , ot personal qualities, bright, honest, and ot anal a550u0u0e07 50 to 10 ytarc of ngd. .YOu Aro tife - richt man your earinag Dower 121012 ue should, he 871 to $10) ner molt Clro local references In Met , lett,. Ile,* In D.O. 3300,,02o. '2081, hfoutrerd, •141.1.1•JPAILIIMINOSPil., Free to Stook `60,0120: ono dollar hottles 01 o11r. BeiVs VotOriAary medloal Wonder. (lo,,eot 0, nivon wrong to oich anIteale. Small cloaca very egeetIve, no drenching, ' Send 21 rents to 50151, maillng sad Sacking. Agents wonted ' , 5. sett, turas:ran, oar. stook owners, Mend tor 'ow -30• yeart.. -SAW wifit a NDS Stays Sharp longer. •SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO, Oro. mourrtrAi., 8/1110.011100 011. 4080,0(5. ,,,,,,,,„,,,,pc,evnewnsta_Lunentrurt U Keeps EYES Clear, Bright and Beautiful WritoMurineCo.,Chleseo,forEveCareBook The . Ritz.Carlton Hotel 44 er t ntifCsiety. America's Smartest Resort Hotel. Famous for its Euro- pean Atmosphere, Perfect Cuisine and Service. Single „rooms from WOO Double rooms from. 38.00 ! European Plait - New ilyduatric and Blear° - Therapeutic • Department GUSTAVE TOTT, Ma•nager WARNEA'S Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy • A reliable remedy for the treatment of derangerifent of the Kidneys, and Bladder, 'o'er fifty yeareit has proved DocroR Auvisro a panacea to sufferere- all over the ' PMPLES E •VERY PAINFUL On Foreheati,Cheeks and Chin. Cuticura Heals. "My face began breaking out with pimples, first my forehetdi then 'cheeks and chin and It iota an awful looking sight". The pim- pies were hard end red and after a time mune to a head and Scaled over: They were very pliant at times and the trouble lasted about tla'ree months. "Ptried different remedies with- out any benefit. began usliag.Cu- :lava S&tp and Ointment and wati'completely healed after using three cakes of Cutlet= Soap and one .bo •Of Cuticura Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. Algot Lundgren, 'McCord, Wis., At*. 12, 1924. Use enticura for all toilet purposes. oral N410br9.17..1,1746a,.AumAclare 0,C14131.141 tievaptealt‘t,Inel nee, Taletun 25e. . 'Shaving Sit& 2ea. , jen'megIecttbeili.st gyntiois ill1 , 'AlisethittainousiemedyNegectwN OPERATION 1 80011' have 'serious .troubles slowly de: . . ve-W°Plilenng. yo'u have baelraehe unusual '''' , desire to micturate, with scalding 5631- 8ilti Oil, fluttering pains in, the head, irritating and dry skim shortne-ss of breathing, fickle, apnetite, you 'may know that the hidneys are deranged and must be., relieved before serioua, constitntional disease is soused. Sola, by all druggists.. Price 001.5 per bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Toyota°, Ontario. estraixtsimansinamscmCmansszzanzemairsanzresczA 111 TIHE SPOT glans 0'11i.. pains371 luAnipbit,itg,n oUisr yoiviisesuiyda,1;• to the aclring "Spot and get quick „Always keep ItIos the house. -• Y aYer For Cohls, Lumbago _Fleadacoe° Rhe.ti.rudiisui Accept only a B kyer pack age t'whicJI pr oven direel ions Handy "Bayer" boxes of 19 inhicts Also battles of 24 and 1,0001-Di110an000 tho {lad, tiesa,"fte, 01 Canada) BAYO11 ItnnUfnetune 0. 00,0-. 00513010l010011' Oft"SulleylianCid. • .•'0.. i-replaco • 110 1105070 'With Strength; t to ada bOdY weight te ibm tenth and reitindla tinn 'bit on in-tittetlettt 1)801)10, S. pet nicge, s Arnett, Chemical Co., 2E 11,02t. 100. IOasL,.t'aroutO, ant, Read Alberta Woman's Ex- perience with Lyaia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound Provosi, Alberta.-" Perhaps you will rementher sending me one of your books a year ago. I was in a bad condition and would suffer aw,ful pains at times and could not do anything. The doctor said I could not have children unless I went under an operation. I read testi- monials of Lydia V. Pinkhaires Vegeta- We Compound Mile papers and a friend, recorriMended me to take it. After tak- ing three bottles I became much better and now I have a bonny baby girl four months old. I do- my housework and help, a little with the chores. 37 recom- Mend the Vegetable Compound to my friends and tam willing for you to use this itestimonial letter.n-Mrs. A. A, ADAMS, Box 51, Provost, Alberta. Pains in Left Sid•--. I _,, Lachine, Quebec.---" 1001310 Lydia Ili:. PinIthands Vegetable -Compound be- cause I suffered with pains in my left side and back and -with weakness and other troubles women so often have. I WAS this way 513050 010 months, I saw the Vegetable Compound advertised in the '-illiontreal Standard,' and I have taken foor bottlea.or it. I was a very • sick woman and I feel so much better/ would not be, without it. I also use ---LydimE.- Pints hain's Sanative Wash. 31 recommend 'the medicines to nry friends and rato willing for" yont� use MY let,' ter sea testimonial." -IVIrs.M.W.PoSX, 1370 'Notre Dame St., Lachine, QUebee. . „ 831111 100. 111-25.