The Clinton News Record, 1925-05-07, Page 2MCI
1. 1/. •Ale`l'AGG ITT
A general Ranking Business t ansact-
ed, -Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued.
Interest Alloivea an Deposits. :Stile
Notes Purchased. •
Notary..Pubilo Cont)ejiancer.
nanciat, Real Estate ana Afire .10-
surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire
Division COurt Office, Clinton.
W. ,13R'ilDONE
.Barrister, Solicitor,. Notary, Public, etc.
• • • .
rlours:-..-1,-,30 to 3.30..p.m., 6,30
to 8.00 P01. Sundayo,12.30 to 3:30.p in
0C1I'00 1101i0S by;"almointment .OnlY.
ciffite and Residence -- Victoria St.
Terms Of Subscription --$2,00 per,Ye5r
in advance, to Canadian 'addresses;
to the 45,5. or other 'foreign
countries.- No"paperdiscoatMeed
. buttl all arrears ure paid ,unless at
' the option og , the .publisher. • The
dgie to which every subscription 10
1`01d 1.5 denoted on the label..
Advertising Rates-Translente
tising„ 12e per count lino Tor ars 1
Sc for each subsequent
insertion. Heading cennts 2 lineS.;
Small advertisements, net to exceed!
one inich such itc=„"tit'anteI" 'lost," I
frayed," etc., inserted once tor,i
fic, each subsequent 0.11.301.1,1011 19C
AdrertisenientS sent in without in-
structions as 16. the number of in-
sertions waiitecl wili -1.01 order-
ed out and will be charged. accord-
' '
ingly, Itrtor for display adiveitisin,„
made knownon ap-olteation.-
-- -
Communications, intended Ter publi-
cation must, as a guarantee of good
faith, be accompanied „lity the nameof
the writer. ,
G, . M. R. cIaAltIc
Proprietor. . Editor.
TORONTOi1.0-11). tins, 13 93c 5-11). tins, 140; 2
Smoked mentsT-Hanni, ,01
33c; cooked hams; „46 to 57c; smoked
'rolls, 22 to 'Mc- cotticac r'o'le, 24,•to
25c; In/oak:fast bacon, 28 tO Ole; Silo -
Cita brand breakfatit :bacon, 24 to
hacks, boneless, 35 to' 42c.
Cured iinfai-s--Long clear bacon`, 50
to 70. 1h,, 021.50; 70 to 90 lbs., 020.50;
90 lbs. and up, 01,0,50; lig,htweight
rolls, in barrels, $44; heavyweig•ht
1.011.-„ $41 poi. 881,
Lard---erti:re tierce, "81/ c • it I
= 5 ,, , tufo,
,19c; pails, 101/=c; 'prints, 20c; short-,
ening, tieices, 14-,.tc; ,ubs,, 2 to
14tIfie; pails, 11 to 15l/ac. prints, 1615-
No. 2 North,, $1,631/a ; No: 3 -Noi•tli,
.9,2.58 bo; No. 4 wheat; $1.48. -
Man. oats -.NO, 2 088,, riot quoted;
NO. 3 CW, 560; extra No. 1 feed, fitic;
No. I feed, 121/2c; No. 2 f•ced, 506,
All the above c3.4. bay ports, .
American corn, track, 'fbronto--No.
2 ybilow, $1,25: '
ltrillfeeci--Del,, Montreal freights,
bags included. Bran, par ton, nomin-
al; short's, i)er. ton, noir:anal; iniddl-
il1gS, norninali. good feed flour, per
' I
Ont'ario oats -Nominal, f.o.b. ship-
ping 1)011110,
Ont. wheat• -No: 2 winter, n6ininal; I-Ieavy stefer- choice $8 t' 25•
No. 3 int5, , not quotTcl, No. 1 cons do good St 9 ) to h butcher steri.
inefc: aot quoted, shioping choice .57 37.75.- do ['nod ,$0 50
points,g to lrci1ehts. titi$7; do, med., 36 to 86.50; cont.,
Barley -Malting, not citioted. ' $5,50 to '56; butcher, ' heifers,
. Buckwheat -No, 0 nominal, choice .$7 to 07,50; do,-..ined., $6 to
Rye -No. 2, nommal. 56.75; do, .com., 55.50 to $6..
, oni, trst potent, $9.40, To- cows, choice, 58 to $6.50, do, fair to
ronto; do,, second patent $8,90, To- 5006154.50 10 $5.50; canners end cat-
ronto. - • tors, $2.50 to 2.75;3laitchet
Ont, fl0ur-500 per. cent. patent, good, 3/1..50,to $5,,50; do, fair, $3.75 to
nominal, in bags, Montreal or fllo-; 04; bologna;. 52.50 to .03;25. feeding
LsteerS, good, $6.50 to '37; 'do, f.air,.$a
• Straw--Carlots; per ton $8.00 to to $6.25; steckers, good, $5.50 to 56;
-I do, air, $5 •to calves, choice,
cl 7 t $9 50
'.f.O.le. bay ports, o'er ton,. $24.00. , do, • common, ,$
Office Henn -5-2' to .4, 7 to 8. - Screenings -- Standard, .reeleaned,, 310 to o;
Ot!ier hours by appointment. $80• cl 540'
- ------'1300 t cows' e111°1c' $70 to tfair,4,90'
'Ir:1° }Cell PPIX:-'11'' • $• 191°0° tt°°0 i°aCS50 r'S?''egeel'S'S3c:;i°°57ct:e°.5 016); 0i:de a ev wiee;
DR. 1-I. S POWN L M C e. CAPE TOWN WEI...COMES- 9,14{);
- • office. H011,1‘5 HER TO vrpi THRONE $11.0,o; low,er grades, 56.00
lambs, $14,50 to $15; do, /IV., $13, to
E 1.1 bks, $5. 0 , ; ••g.
1.30 to 3.30 pan, 7.30 to 9.00 •" CheeSC, /fowl) large, 20 -to 2 c, wins, $14 50, do dulls, 51,/, sp-mog,
Sundays 1.00 to 2.00..D.m, 21 to 22c; triplets, 22 to 21c. Stiltons ' ' • • .
Addresses Are' Presented to n -
Other hours by,appointment. . • . to.„2oc. Old, large, 27 to' 2'8c; tWine, 1°:rl:ibs• 6ach $1() Irig26.15t;blieol;
oues, • II el. ray 28 t 29c• triplets, 29 .to 30c. .
f b $11, 7o do country points,
nnce roan n ian,, a , 0 ,
ofilcc, 21.1V . Residence, 213J and ()ther Communities: • Butter --Finest
oreallletr Prints', 31 ;0.1.5'0; Off 11,111, $12.85; select
• . • to -38c• No. 1 creamer 36 tb '37e•
DR,.. PERCIVAL HEARN A aespatch from. Cape Town, Union No. to 36c; Dat;TY2prints, Premium' f';'2.41.
Officend aResidence: - - of 8°°•ilf-A-fri°iii'saYs:-The Prince 3°e.MONTREAL.
Huron streret . Clinton, (mt. of Wales was aecerded a tremendous Eggs -Fresh extras, in cartons, 35 Oats -Can. weSt., No. 2, 65e; do,
.Phene 69 ovation when he, arrived here on to 36c; loose 33e• fresh firsts, 31c• NO. 3, 61c; extra No, 1 ,feed, 56e.
(Formerly occupied by. the late Dr, Thursday 011 the battle cruiser ite_ seconds, 27 to 28c. ,
' pulse. From the tittle "the cruiser Dive poultry--Dens,0 over' 4 to 5 $9.40; do, 2nds, 33.90; strong bakers:,
C. W. Thompson).
Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted. = - =, lbs. 20e. do. 3 0-4 ibe 13c• spring $8.70; willeer;Pats., choice $7.20 to
ri,„ A 7.0 .. , Brady.,„ „ j , ear y in the inorning and made her chickens 4 lbs. and ov-e't'i Mill"' ;24e; $7.30. Riffled oats -Bag Of 90 lbs.,
poked her nose through the fog bankil,
'-"• •Cl. Alewton bttisiavnein ' do, corn fed, 22c; roosters, 15c;',. duck. $3.45. -Bran-$26.25 tt, 827.25. ShOrts
Graduate •Dublin'University, Ireland, lings 5 -lbs. and up 22c, ' -e-$23.25 to $29.25. Middlings -384.25
tuuda Hospital for Women and Child- to 535.25. Hay --No. 2, per ton, car
lots, $1,4 to $15. "
-Late Extern Assistant Masterr-Bo'
" ren, Dublin. - . , Butter, No. 1 pasturized, 34 to
Flour -Man. spring wheat pats., 1Sts,
way, accompanied by 41' /falai escort,
to the landitig stage, until a late hour-. Dressed poultry---Chickenis, sprng,
at nigh.t„ the Royal ,,,visiter„ vvas the 85oi hen, 5.„lbs,.., 218%; do,
Gener•al, and his wife Princess Alice; fed, 32‘en; roosters, 26i3; ducklings, 5
The Earl of Athlone, Governor -
greeted the Prince on board the IbtsBeakInds--11DC'EtTaerl'itin, -handpicked, lb.,
cruiser, and when he. landed be was. 62/e41; primes Oc. , .
welcomed to Cape ToWn by. Premier -.Maple products -Syrup, per im-
Hertzog-and 'the members a Cab.- penal, gal., $140; per 5 -gal, tin, $2.30
,Inet and other.high"..personages. per gal.; maple' sugar, lb., 25 to 26e...
As the Princeput his foot On shore
centre of enthusiastic clemonstratione. 43 •Ibtes cm, e,e0n,s11,
342,4c ; NQ. 1 creamery, 33 to 331/2c;
Office' at residence lately occupied by - -
Mrs. Parsons. seconds, 32 to 321b.c. - Eggs,
Hours: -5 te 3:0 am., 6 to 7 Pm, fresh specials, 35 -To 36c; fresh extra§g
Sundays -1 to`2 p.m. 34c; fre.sh_firste, 31c. Potatoes, per
'Peg, car lots, 506. -
Fair to med. calves, $5.56; do, good,
$6.50 to •$7 per evrt. Hogs, $13 .to
$13,25•• selects, $13.50; ,sows, 515,25
t $10'50
03•hridn, ‘,91 lie -at the 001111)16re-
lei lam.. Clinton, on ` Idonday and
Thuriday forenoons each week,
Diseases of, ail kinds successfully
• hanlled.
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Comm16,
- stoner, etc.
West Waimanioslh Mutual Fire
' lirsurance Co.
EstablIshed 1878.
President, Jelin A. McKenzie, Kinder -
dine; Vice -President, EA L. Salkeld,
Goderich; Secretary, Thos. Ge Allen;
Dungannon. Total amount of insur-
ance nearly $12,003,000. In ten years
nmbbr of policies have increased
-from 2,700 to 4,500.. Plat rate- of $2
per 51080. -Cash on hone $26,000.
14. L. Salkeld - Goderich;,
Wed. Stevens, blinton,i Local Agent:,
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron.
Correspondence promptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be made
for Saleo Date. at The •NeWs-Rebord,
Minton, .or by calling Phone 208.
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction
• , Guaranteed.
Clinton, Ont.
, General Fire and Life Insurance. Agent
- for Hartford Windstortn, -LiVe Stock,
• Automobile --and Sickness and Aecident
,• Insurbace. Huron and Brio and Cantt,
da•Trust T3onds. Appointments made
to meet parties at 13rucelleld, Varna
and Hayfield. 'Phpne 57.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
. ,
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
DiRzorortv: .
Presitrent, Jame Connolly, Gonerlch;
• Nice, lame Evans, Beechwood; Sec,
, Treasurer, Thos, Hays, Seaferth.
Directore: George McCartney, Sea -
forth:. D, F. MaGregor, Seaforth; j,,,.
,Grieve, Walton; Wm -Ring, Seaforth;
.M. MbEwen, Clinton; Robert Ferries,
Harleek; John Benneweir, Brodhagen:
jas. Connolly, Goderich. ---
Agdilts: Alex. Leitch, Cligton:
Teo, Goderich: Ed. Hincliray, Sea.
forth: W. Cheeney, EgInoodville: R.
G. ,Tartnutb, tirodbagen.
Any .inoney Co be paid 411 may. be
paid to 'Viperish Clothing'Io., Clinton,
or at Cud tt'Grocery, Goderich,
Parties desiring to- affect Insurance
or 83,11)01301 -other business will be
nroMptly attended to on application to
au), of the above officers miciresSed to
their .rotpective pest ollice. Losses
inspected by the Director who lives
nearest the scent.
the *sun brolie through the elouds.
procession was formed and the vititor
was escffted through 10± gaily` decOr...
ated stieets to the Plaza in front Of
the City Hall, where the official civic
welcome was extended. Thousands
upoif thbueands of nersons-thronged
the i•oute of the procession, and win-
dows and balanies were • crowded.
Tremendous ontbin•gs of cheering
canto_from all points along the rotito
as the Prince passed by, •
The Prince -received loyal ifaresses
from Indian, Chinese, Melay and
•otlfer Moslem bodies, and from the
Cape "doloied .communities. He re-
viewed the colorek chureh boys' Vol-
gacle, and -also Witnessed a parade -of
white and colleted exeseivice men and
nurses and scouts.
eddfess of welcome the mayor
of .EV6 city assured tho heir.toetlie
BritiSh throne' that he would meet
with nothing but loyalty duringhlis
visit, The Prinee made happy reply,
in which he expressed deep satisfac-
tion over the cordiality of the 'wet:
torn& accorded him.
After the civic welcome the Prince
went to the reviewing, stall& in Gov-
ernment Avenue, where he ivas greet-
ed by Cape Town's school children,
who sang lustily for him "God Save
the Prince of Wales!' • At .noon the
mayor and."‘city council entertained
the Royal visitor at.a luncheon in the
City Hall. Aftet a toast to the King
had been drunk the mayOr toasted
the Prince as the moat popular guest
South 'Africa ever "had. ,The Prince
replied" briefly and the entire tiesem-
blage, which was goextiemely repre-
sentative one, stood and sang "For
He't a Jolly Good Fellow."
A $150,000 Table .Service.-
An excellent, instance of Counting
chickens before tliey are out 'fif the
incubator furnished, by tlie, history
of a. magnificent' silyer table service
110W lying, pricked hi forty case,s, in,
the Reiclisbank in Berlin.
,Its stor:steete 'will, -the ex -Crown
Prince's wedding in '1005, when the -
Association of German Towns decided
to give him. the'most wonderful table
service of 'silver in 'the' world. For
Years the beet a.rtists In Germany.
worked -et. the gift, and Wilell war
broke out the work. Was puroosely
sloWed (WW1' in order, that it might
be .cefinitilated to coincide with the
Crown Prince's triumphal entry into
Berlin after Gormaily '.111 won UM
war and annexed 451011110 an"irtugland.
The 0,112101 Was. actually comd
only a few days before the Armistice,'
but the man for 511130111 It Was being
made, instead of entering the .eapital
TraniS will arrive at and depart from
In triumph amid the plandits" of the
Clinton as follows: crowd, was fleeing over the border
Buffalo and Goolcrich Div. • into Rolland!: The service is valued
aroing Nast, dept
• " 6,25 -at 5150,000,
sr. 11.10 a.m,
1(1', 6.05 ' do, 6.51 p.m.
„ (11', 10.04 p.m.
Ldndon, Huron §/ Bruce Div.
Going South, ar. 7.56 dp. 7.56
4.15 plin.
Golim North, depart 6.50 pan.
11.05 11.13 a.m.
British Brides-to-be
Can ',See" Own Wedding'
A "despatch from London says:-
Prides -0,o -be have been of_an-
xiety how they will appear at
the altar - by enterprising London
modistes who have inaugurated full -
(11.05S rehearsals wherein the bridal'
rIcatattone shown on a mannequin
eilliging tri -51510 -.artn,'of a dummy
groom, usually a elle/mil Mem Lawn d
Wiest d , show, Maid it g ttlt, money
011 1110 side by ivorking. iloiO Thio' -'0
diet. Paper flowers are used to
eet•off tlitriveclding gown' and all de
'tails' of a church ceremony are simul-i
atecl, even to a trailing row or
bl'idg,q1lAid4, /011013 on rchy"
. ,
p,,conier ef tv to 10116 11111 4115
th1101,WOIUIIS ell when 111 infernal line-.
ehine was detonated in the 'cathedral'
of 13311015 01101 at. Sofia.
lioney-60-..b. 1,334c per lb,
Switzerland, Italy and Sweden
'First. Nations to Agree to
Submit Disputes to The
Hague. -
• A despatch froM Geneva- sayd‘:-
Filing' treaties • at' The Hague on
'Thursday, 'Switzerland, • Italy" and
Sweden, -are the first natiopi whiele
agree to comp2fisor3' arbitrieti-On of all
dispute -6 under ,The Hague Tribunal.
The Swiss cohverktion with Sweden
prievidee compulsory arbitratien of
air:questions within the legal juris-
diction of the court. The Treaty With
Italy provides compulsory arbitration
of every dispute, with the provision
that it first be'sulimitted to a concil-
iatory body, after which, if no agree-
ment be possible, it will 'be Submitted'
to The Hague.
According to League.of, Nations of-
ficials, a large number of 'beauties ef
similar character are being negotiated
over all Europe, but the Swiss pacts
are the first to be filed officially at
The Higue, They mark the initial
movement for: extensive compulsory
arbitration exemplified under ;the de-
funct Bene s protocol.
France is negotiating shriller paets
with Switzerland and Ceeelio-
Slovakia,while Poland, Czech6-
'Slovakia and other Balkan nations
either have -completed, or are contem-
plating similar agreeiramts.
Captain Alexander -Ramsay
Who •will ;command the flagship Cal -
01111a upon the MicasiOn Of the visit to
Canadian waters in June of the eighth
British cruiser squadronn
. Captai
Railway is the husband of Princess
Patricia daughter of the Duke of Con-
• How Old is the Earth?
e Many attempts have ,been,Made to
determine the age of the earth., Ed -
'mind Halley, the astronomer, endeav-
bred to calculate the age from obser-
Vations of the amonnt of salt at inter-
vals of one or two centUries. .
Profettor loly recently estimated
Natural Resources Bulletin. the nge Of the earth to be 80 to 90
million years, from the amtnint all
'The Natural Resources. Intelligence sodium -in the sea, Judged by the rate
Service of the DepartMent of the In-
terior at Ottawa says:
How often, as the motorist is driv-
ing through the country, he reiterates
the statement that "In this village no-
body seems to care about its appear-
It 18 a regrettable Tact, however,
that in far too Many Canadian monis a'nd• • bieletcal retPire.
cipalitiee a ,spitit of "don't eine pe meets seem to intliente that thls eta-
vadei thEl residents, -and this is evi- i8 t" bow.
Sir Ernest Rutherford estimated
at 'which the rivers pour saline waters
into „the. oceans to be slOwly conCen.
trated (hig the ages,
The temperature of the earth in.
creaSes towartis the centre, and from
the temperatiii•e'gradient Lord ICelvin
calculated 1.1101 about -100 1011Ilon years
ago the 'earth Was 0, molten mass.
denced in the appearance of the vil-
that a minesal kbe very
rage. The roadwaYs 8110 in good eon.- had existed nown 240 millioto n years. Pold
dition, btit the • sidewalks are dilapi- 12..001, _
.Toly is responsible 63 another
dated, thef-fences are oUt of repair, receut method...._•Ses yyhich -depends. on
and . tidiness and ,the „planting Of
the fact that color changes are brought,
flowers is nnthought of ' about in irtinerale- by/ raditi-a.ctive Sub -
Itis with a sigh of relief that', prob- standee. Microscopic haloes are to be
ably the next place through which open surrounding ininute particles or
the driver :passes has sprim leader u ..
ranium. and thorium. Professor
among the residents w0± -has inspires joly ha e estimated the. age ot the ing lines Which they .had to release
dim 'with a le-nling °E pride in :1)16.1. haloes"in 'Irish mica to "be from 200 during ,th, wai,Eime emerietiey,
110010 village, and what a difference rt
to 400 million fears.
makes. You can feel it as soon -as .
y'ou enter thb place. You would like
Paul. Von Hindenburg -
German '1.1' 1 01 '1 1100 be,- elect-
ed e.g.-president of the/ republic by a
clecislye. majority.- .
CrgSs-liVord PUZZlee
' TWO,Languages
as,spateh from MeXico City
o ays -11 tooic tli,e radio sorne -tune te
invade Mexico, and not until 'the fad
established in. moat
countries of the world did .I1•1040e,
accept. the enteriainnient
s now poprdar to ato extt.eine.
The American . et'OS0-word piizzle
found lit once a, nfost lucrative fte,10: in
Ttlegleof 'foreign residents
were the first to lietnirrie addicted to'
1113 comPleictword tatagles.
The leading newspapers now -Pub-
lish a-daily`puzzle. Spaiiish, but ,Oto
18 Yo
Yon can 11, Ye•the ivay you,.;
7Sou 13104 11:9115.4's 'Shr,9apfailittcr.
make -your blood rich. rod and pure,
tonsl, ing with, health INteVery organ, -
.You need. it 16 110013 01111 tired day'
1 101 01101 day out, if y000 ,41ppet110 111
poor, oleen unrefreelling, --.for
Ininicalif, boils, emotions, scrofula,
• rlieliinfthi1103 heada'clies, nervoue
-prosiration. It 18 simply' winiderful
to give strength to your whole body.
111 is agreeable, ploasaiii, and con-
venient to take, ,and eMbodles
longtilied cold found -true
this respect a ,weekly otaggzine in • 'which has 51.11.1-t• come to
English hes started a noveltY by malc- I McLeod, another5-13oy
1105 tho 0010t,101"1, of tile pu•szre more the story at' a Scout tineetinf.1.-recentlic,
difficult, lay requiTing a 1,erfect knowl- and the,facia as told have been. con-
t-dge..of Eriglish and Spanish, for Lfirmecl. Efforts will be Made .to'
the' magazine :Idiots- .itg weekly puz- I cure the Scout •Life.SavingsMedal :for
▪ eompoeed- of' fp,,,eish and Span-lYettlifg Wood , - •
ish. wOrds. 5" It appears that ono day in August
,Needless to. say, if the cross -word -last., MaPler, IVIdLeochand,Wood went
puzzle preSents a difficult solution, it swimming', although- the 'grandmother
IS -the rooyeL:So if its worde are divided had. toll]. Mapler not to go near the
into twe langeagee, end it reqnires a river. ••MaPler could., riot, swine," but
Dutch more subtle roind and a wider. 'Wood went to his assistanee-ancl sue -
51950 or'lmowiedge, e ce,eded in, bringing him to shore,
It has captured the publfd, ho-wever, The boys were afreid to say auY-
, ;le at .e lificultyem salving, the thine about the affair because of the
mrtrx seridi puzile's seem to iniptehs, iree4•etleed Tact; that Mapler had ,be.en forbidden
to go near tile river.
denburgCnniTeYiUg AdmOni- Cterest•:-
tion for Continuance of
A despatch, froth Perlin 'says :-
I-Iiridenbufee supporters apparently
Intend to ks-e- no time in bringing
StorY-Of Hernic Rescue h_y" Teeth of enamelled. steel -ere now..
Boy Scout 'Just Being Told being manufactured at Krupps' fano-
' * • , oue works at Essen. The metal is th-o
A, despatch from Chatham says:- -same,. mixture as was formerly used
Patrol Leader Jack Wood, ozed 13, in muldog.cannon.
back the. old-time Germany, even if- saved the like of "Chuck" 1Vrapler,
fILristbrelesiZles‘!'i.1-1‘m'yalobs-gir:sy..ta-yyitlebs:.11alinda holidays with his grandmother in this one chance in 20,000,000 years that a
teetroit boy, who was' sepending thi Astronomers estimate that there is
powSrless form. THis is piabity Indi- city last sununer, according to a story cemet wil strike the earth,
cated by .the report that the Nation-
alists already are 'collecting signa-
tures- for a monster petition to have
thpllack,-vvhite and red flag of Im-
perial , days restored .ss the German
national banner. ' - -
This.. report conies from Bavaria,
where Hindenburg won some of bit
most spectacular victories at the pas
on Sunday.
As for the ,Left bloc, tit' is. begin-
ning to recovet froM the blow deajf
it at the poRs on Semday and, is busy-
ing itself trying 'to inalee Hindenburg
and.ehis edberents putethenseives on
recoed as loyal supporteis of,the Ger:
man Republic.
Ex-.Ckuniceilor Maxx, Hindenburg's
defeated .opponent in the presidential
race, has sena a congratulatory mes-
sage to Ilindenburg, scrupulously
courteous tone, but reading between
the' lines, like a schootinaster's ad-
monition to a pupil inspected to be
"on. thg verge of becoming unruly.
The raal meaning of his polite sen-
terices, ae iuterpreted by political ob-
servers 'here, is: atlindenbftrg, you
must continue. trying to execute the
Dawes plan.. You must continue try-
ing to get along peacefully *with
France. You roust continue keeping
Germany in the Repablican and out of
the IVIonarchical groove. If you tidn't,
we Republicans will soon get after
You." ' •
'Strong Demand in London for
American Securities Follow-
ing Return to Par.
A despatch from New York says
: --
International business interests and
n Larne lion al epecula to rs ave 110 3," an-
tLipt.ting the rettivil to par of num-
ber of‘dthq kIttropeau currencies fol -
hexing the stabilization action taken
by the Bank :if England. Evidences
of this belief wen provided Thurs-
day in the fozeura exchange market,
wl9ch presented several price move-
n.erts of The feature Was
the shifting of speculation for the
advance from the pound sterlieg to
such bills as the various kinds • of
Seandinavian kroner and the Span,
Ish pezeta. Price gains ranged in
these currencies from 1,0 to 30 points.
The Swedish bill was the most active.
The polind Sterling slowed dove its
upward gait. The price' range for
the entire day was only one-half cent,
the lowest margin between its high
and low quotation for a long time,,
,and dealers said it was entirely pos-
sible that a review, of their reeords
-would carry back a's far as eleven
years to- find similar instance of
g'P'Tgd}liillSeS1Sle.fle0t0d, so they the
absence of spedulatien, Likeiviee,
they reported, commerci al buyers of
dterling revealed more confidence. In-
stead of acquiring sterling bills. in
relatively small units as before, they
more than doubled the size of their
perchases. ,
Mirth sterling's rettu.n to of- near
par, it Was reportd tbat a stronger
demand has arisen in England for
American securitiee. The investment
trusts of thee:United Kingdom appear-
ed to. be espeelaily desirous of replac-
• Bar Gold and Gold Coin
to stop,' beeauee it is inviting and al)-• -Death Rate of 'New Zea' land Exported hy-Bank of England
pealing, and there„ is a 'spirit 94 wet_
come at eiery turn. Is it•any won- t fn the World
A despatch. from 'r ,,,11. says--
but that•day is past, and, it is hoped, byucatir'loienvle,aNe8.711:357-,:ropt:Q.11dIllo.d41:1())10rot,h,threatieowlae:,.ttili‘Tvnlolirl?,lehdBiaoafttlekgc.00xlfapi3OErttiiiigeollafiinirecisatisliti.taasigtteocd101,01'iootosr,"
Time was when anything' woruld do, . .
Tho death rate, 8,20,, gold supply since_removal of the n
the lowest -in the world.• i bai.go announced in Winifon. .
Tuesday. I -
The infarct mortality has declined 1 Churellii-l's'-busigat sileedll-
I. gold worth 4297,000 is' beine- ex- 3
in four yeare from 50 tem 1,000 births' Ba
to 40., 1 porte&-4281,000 to Switzerland, 412,-
- ' 000 to Iiolland,„and £4,000011o'Egypt.
The birth rate in England milt
addition, 4100,000 of go.". coin is
Wales last year was 18.8 'and the In
_ Using ghipped ellt-8.7,000 Cm' India ,
death rare- 12.2. '
010,000 for Swizorland "raid .e8,000 for!
der that such placeS go ahead? •• •
will never return.
It used to be thitt railway stations,
had an tinkernot appearance, bill to-
day stationmasters vie',with each other
to se,e, which can maim his station the
more ..attractive, and this rivalry and
enterprise 08 appreciated so much by
the railway that prizes are provided.
Canada's attractions to tourists
-have to speak largely through her
smaller 'confinunities. This 'year there
will be many more visi tore Allan usual.
Why not do we can to put on
the best front poSsible, so 'that; 001'
visitors can carry aiyay -a/good"
gsion Surely a leoder can be found
111 each commtmity who is ambitious
enough to start a clean-up. antl'dress-
up movement.
Ainmi,nurro manganese, and liter
cury have all 1).een discovered in one
Italiare-mountain, believed that
this niountain, which apparent:y con-
sists of nothing hut metal, contains
Start out by filling hi the words of which you feel reasonably
euro. These will give you a clue to other wo'rds crossing them,
and they in turn to sturothers. A letter belongs in each white
space, words starting at the numbered squares and running either
horizontally or vertically or both.
1 ---Charge
5-Thoroughlaree. (abler.)
8 -Got up
12-45 suffix meaning -"pertalnidg
18 --Pound again '
14-A vegetable
16 -Ire
1Z -A limb
• 18--A weapon
20 -Conjunction
• 23--Abbr. for title of physician
24 -Frequent
• 2B--4<ind of tree
80-e-Bagie . e
31 -Parched "
33:-45 serpent
35-P3rt of the foot
37 -Possesses "
39 -City
40 -Very large city in u. 0. A
42 -Brief pocm
45 -Instrument 'for wrIting
47-Ernrnet •
.48 --The reply (abbr,)
50--PernovIng dust
51--Reverentlal fear
63 -Toward --
O 5-5-0004unc8ion .
56 --City in•Nebraska ,
09 -An Indalculable period sI time
• 91-Joln
63---Smail rag
61 ---Shrill. cries
65 -Bag
66 -Open space&
63 -Happening
• -
1-Musloal Instrument
2 -Traveled fast
3 -Mass of oast Metal
4 -Make a mistalie
5-W4terin9 place
6 -Large city In-Canacle
7 -Total
8-Advertieetnente (abbr.)
9 -Musical entertainment
10 -Ocean
11-45 planet .
16 -Letters used to form -compare.
the degree •
'19 --Paid (abbr.)
21 -Proceeded rapidly
22 -Finish
25 -Style
26 ---Feared
27--Cetting larger
29-.4, common bird
33 -Perform
34 -The eeed of an orange
35 -Also
36 --Point of.compass (abbr.)
30 -Firmament
43,1--CIty In Michigan •
46 -Fruit of a treo
<0 -Snake nf the nos family
43 -Condition
51 --Get up , •
52 -Upstanding
50. -Silly fellow
69:-Peniocl •
61 -Employ,
62--fleddish brewn
, •
-if you feel bilious, "headachy:: and irritable -
for that's a sign your liver'ie out of Order. Year
food is not digesting -it stays in the stomach a sour,
fermented mess, poisoning the system. Just. I eke a
doseeef (lhamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets -
they make the liver do its work --they cleanse and
,eyeei en the etomech and tone the -whole digestive systole:" You'll
feel fine in the morning. 'At all deugginte, 20o., or hyrnsil from.
Chamberlain Medicine -,Conmany, Toronto 13
Solution of. -last reek's -puzzle. Holland.
51921.1-E41SCALDED' iVtainiain Wire ess Commun.:-
A T A .0 R cation on 8,000 -Mile. Trip
v I I- ,5- " r R
r,FT 0:13E5
5 fl: Pit S T...F1 t
A despatch from Sydney, N'
world record , wireiess
comin un ication betwtien 0111114nil slier::
1100 ber1.11 establislia'clThy the Sttealmier
Niagara. en a voyage from Sydney to
Vancouver. Itisiog a tietv apparatus
designed by the Ainagrlina tea.. Wirt -
10 Company, daily contimmn
twas maintalited 8,000 'irtiffeS across the,
I'acific. The new apparatus eroboclicar
scant of .the principles of the beam
./3'O tont wit t eflec to rs.
eirS mtestetit- ur
10 hat.thete Mon 15000,3001 du! 3•0111' Urn°
Resd Thele A.,,0,,,, 01 at home yon Van boAlly mnstei. tht.necrets nt telling 1011 Mahe
,Stori6 of ea si.35s= Stor Salesmen' WhOever 3'0111' e'NPert,,nte has hvol-WhAlvvvy .
you nia's ho thong now•-•whothel• or nel you Mil* you coo sell -
I fi0 110. ' Suo't answer this question: Are you amIttlings to 0tIVI'l $10,000 n
s .
Year? fIldfi fat in touch wail roe at ou'l 1 will provo to you
tat .11111,00t, c0s4' 0bliffai0J1 1.1.AL you inc4;asily bosom 0 5101•
• Salesman, I will show, you how the Salcnianhhip And
rree E10100Yme01Servlee of the 11. 0.0' 2. will heti; you to quicic
u,notess in Selling.
$10 000 A Year Selling Seceets
11,1 :1•,'crellt of Stnr SnlevntInchiry no tAngla 1.7 13, N. St 1. A. h.:,
en5h1.341 thotimm,1,, 1.1mnet overnight,99
to 1n 0,1,0,1 for ever Om l'allegory -
nn't :1•191 001' 01 l'Ilmi914y 1,10 1011 tont, No otAttor +0:At T011
RTC) IIONY 1.101.114., the 0010 oi }•o 0 iirf lift 11,1 010t1,
National Salesmen's Teninblr ,k:oori0±3o 00
, Collodion Mgr. fiox 382 'Toronto, 00Z.