HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-05-07, Page 123t 3 47th, Year »-11Cu NCORP CLNTO11 4d i�x,H Sw l,_ L NTON,NTA 14 , '�i' f IR AV, MAY 7, 319'z 1 Ta 9.8 G'.s- .li Ems'-�P.v Eta off Clinton's` 'e ,i -Ce ter�l�nal and Old Home W eel ;Celebi ahho , L 1 ", annd f o1 . all ovie Canada and $tae . . tai ge numbers LOCAL TARII:ETS. Wheat, $1.40. Barley, '651 B•tit, . to ' 70c. Buckwheat, 60c, IOats, 40c. Butter, 80c. Eggs; -20c ,ta, -27c. Live'Hogs;; 810:75. ghe Hewes an ewedler°r the: G r - r We have the aboveirr a large assortment at 50c each •and up 1 s This is housecleaning time. You will need Silver Polish to clean -your silverware, wehave the best at 35e per bottle. ' r' ,experts n r pairs of all kinds. Should your clock need Wyeao P S e.,..i repairing, let. us know,- we "Will call for it, put'it in good condition, and return it to you. Phone" 174w 0 JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST.• Residence 174 j i .0161,0 The onderful' MeClaiy Electric Range' , By harnessing for your ben- efit the mighty power of ilea- trieitee thio wonderful range transfers this, pewer into .clean' heat' And' 'brings it under your. Control by the mere turning of a switch: Your heat comes to you in- stantly, yon. use it as long as you require it, you turn it off when you are through. USE YOUR OWN UTILITY IT PAYS INCNONSIteinf 1%iEN'S SUITS and Extra Trousers $22.50 to $25.00 BOYS' SUITS and Extra It`nickers $8.90 to $10.00 c. 0 te,t1 Men who have never yet been ableto findd ready-to- wear -to- wear baYments that pleased , them' in fabric, workmanship or fit are speciallyilivittedl-to 115 eC$ur Sr i',a `ail Suit isplay The ' ']aril], have excelled selves this season ' $hell] b� turning out fabrics of distinc- E"xert tailors ` have made and tip our suits_i ln� handsome models and we, can fit thee�t�`a lar � ;zllaffi, the stout man, the very tall 'man, or ell. thevery short ll➢ In correctly and � y Suits at la. i� Csl2a 50 to :,ta 6�adFiw ''tl£r Fl 111111151, 9 r e.1 0.41 r r> i�� 11100 THE TOWN ,COUNCIL. The a.Q s,y unci] met: on IVlondeven ing•, Mayor'Jackson in the chair and all members: present with the excep- tion of Councillor Johnston. A. communication „was read from the secretary of the ..Fire Brigade; asking that the council' buy the fire= men's boots. This was filed: One from, Capt. Clarke of the, Salva- tion Army asking that a grant of ten dollars, the amount of 'the rent ,paid s thetwn • theuse f for o the Arm oP b Y as hall for a lecture, be given to the S. A. Self Denial fund,' This *as filed. One from Mrs. Josiah Rands and six others, asking fol• an electric light to be ,placedat the corner of, Cowper and. IVlilton streets, was also filed. A communicationwas read' from thq Alexander.; Murray Company; re Rotar B. This was dealt with in the, report of the chairman 01., the street committee. Mr. Bishop, assistant Fire Marsh- all, who had been making an inspec- tion i he mteiests of of the'tow n t tmo n the Fire Marshalls office was pie sent and addressed the cou cn at some length. IIe had copses eof the, town fire bylaws and drew the'atten tion+" of the mayor and :counciI to many clauses which were not being strictly "enforced and explained how important it was that iftecautions ,should be made to prevent fire.- He said the'Collegiate should have^a fire gong and ,recommended the procuring. pf one at once. He also.called atten- tion to the fact, that the furnace room was not properly ,yroteeted and that unless the ashes' were not dis- posed of differently no insurance cotyld be collected in ease cif fire. The fire. gongs in the Public school,. although there are two, are not In good repair, one having, to- lie rung with, a baseball bat. 4/4..ttention should be Maid to these at bice.' He also called attention to the fact that permits .had not been obtained for some buildings which ware al- ready in eourse.of'erection or in eon temmplation . and to the manner in which a gasoline tank was, being in- stalled as not being in accordance with the town bylaws. - Ile called attention to an old Build ing in Huron ,,etr et, which he con sidered a fire risk and Mayor Jack- son who owns :t, vronused to look afr. ter -it. At the suggeetion°of Mr.'Bislio and on motion of Reeve Middleton and Councillor Pateley Chief` Stong was appointed fire and `building in- spector, in conjunction with the fire chief, and in addition to his. ;,other duties. On the request of the. Mayor Mr. Bishop said he would aslc the Fire Marshall to confer' on Chint Stong authority as fire -marshal]. Mr. Bishop considered that the chiefof police would find it easier to visit buildings`. for inspection, etc,. than,. the fire chief, and that they eduld work together for a .better 'enforce- ment of the fire •bylaws. n • Chairman Jenkins; of the Parks Committee reported sonic improve- ments being made in the ,park ant recommended that -the/ fence on the east -side be removed and the moterial used for repair work, • Chairman Middletan of the street oomnmittee presented -a lengthy writ- ten report, which p was considered clause by clause and amended in sev- eral everal instances. He reported the rounding, off of the sidewalks at the Royal Bank and Morrish Conipahy's corners; .recommended the purchase of 7,000 gallons of Rater B. for deliv- e;y-at .the discretion of the commit- tee and, the purchase of five barrels of Rotar Gold Patch for immediate shipment, ; all of which was :adopted without aniendrtient. A recommendation that fifteen $. tile be nurohased'frain I. -Andrews, for' Mary street drain, thirty-inchl this being the usual number pur- chased „eachwyear, according to•agree-. ment, was objected to and a motion was made by Councillors Paisley and IBozell to leave this over, as no pro - vision had been i'nade it the estimates: for this expenditure; but on calling for the yeas and nays the. vote ,was a tie and the motion was declared lost, and the clause' carried. p Ma're- commended that the Wock on Ring street, passed alt last months' meet- ing, having been approved -'by the county engineers, be proceeded with under the direction, of Engineer Pat- terson.* This clause was adopted. His recommendation that the. first gravelil ng be- done ori •Matilda street brought oot the inquiry as to how the work was todo dont and a sug- gestion 'khat ^tenders be asked for. Reeve Middleton clid not favor „this, thought that as good results were obtained by day labor and more peo- ple- were benefitted. Counciliors Paisley and Bozell, -•however, thought more would be eccomiplishecl:_by eon- tract work and'finally, on their nio- tion this clause was amended and it was decided to ask for tenders. The recommendation that the town gravel and:. stone pit be cleaned and opeated passed without amendment but that to set' up 'the stone crusher at the pit '.was opposed and it was finally decided that the crueller should be set etp, iii town if,a suitable - location could be found .Ior ft. Reeeve Middleton pointed out that citizens objected to having it near their. places of residence.- The recommendation to gueehasc a dust bag, for the crusher passed af- ter a short discussion. And the re,, cm -on nndatier+ to cit 3--ni: and round walk i 1`" Man-. ..1 the Edi. gf t side vt at the cls t •ti ht ter- rr, nno 15 rx.srcl hut ec d 1e � 7 5 able dm cuscrnn preceded its prssonp'e. -The rounding -ef this corner is, com- plicated by the factpthat• it will latex` - fere with both hydro and waterworks, involving i considerable cost,, and the mayor suggested that it be left eves' CT!ZENS ABE EXPECTED Ir� JUDGEMENT FOR PLAINTIFF. I •WILL, RESIDE IN LONDON. '.Phe tion -jury sittings of 'the Su Mrs. James McConnell, jr,; o1 preute'Court. at'Stratford before Mi Peace :River, whose husband was Justico'Rose came' to, an ,end Thurs--'killed last year;; and her little dough - clay afternoon when His.:Lordship ter,' Eileen, who have been -'staying gave jugdment for the plaintiff for. with, Mr and Mrs, James McConnell, 9600 and 'costs in the action brought sre of: town for -some time left yes - by R. S. `Smyth', of Clinton, against terdaty,: for, London, where they will N. P.:Schiiudt, of Walkerton. This make their • home. Mrs. McConnell's was a claim. for some $1,600' loss sail "sister, Miss Dorothy Pruden, who rs to have been caused by•the defendant' going to Collegiate here, will join her failing to,suptly apples of the proper sister at the close of the schoolfterm standard to the paintiff. J. C. Ma- and expects to attend 'Normal next cinsG Stratford, appeared fon term. the plaintiff and Nicol Jeffery, Guelph, DEATH OF WLLIYa arc] .0. F, Klein, Walkerton; for the iVI` MA RSHALL defendant. - r - ' On Sunday dast the death occurred MINISTERIAL ASSN. MEETS. tracks of hotWneiillia southmM--ofarshall,'the railway in his The May g meetin • of the Minister- fifty-sixth ,year. Mtt pMarshall had ial Association was ' held at 2:30 not been in the best, of heath for 'some M St. Paull, little time and en Sun a MmOnday afternoon Sunday: he was talc - church, when : the, Goderich Associa- en very ill and on doctor..being ,cal - tion paid the local association a visit. 'led heconfided to hini the fact. that he After -the ]business was completed the had taken a dose of poison. Every - program .was taken in eherge` by the thing possible was done for, his res - visiting association, ...the president, poration but without -avail. For some Rev. W. R. Alp, taking the chart Rev. weeks he had been noticed tobe e de - J. D Peters of Dungannon gave a presseded in mind d and stltose with whom very able and well p,}epaied paperhe wont{ed had mar1Yed; a_change in on 'tThe Cross." This waspfoflowed him. He had suffered an .injury to by a brief discussion. Then the visit- his hand some years figo and he felt ing,„ministers -with the local; associa- this keenly, as a handicap in his work, tion were entertained to tea- and a and it is believed that it preyed upon dainty lunch iby the ladies of the his mind. But his rash act was not church. The visitors were; Rev. W. anticipated and his,family and friends R. Alp, Auburn; - Rey. J. R Peters, have the sympathy of the community. Dungannon; Rev. M. Reyes, Dungan-; Mr. Marshall was borninBrussels non; Rev. W. R. Osborne; tondos- and came to Clinton about twenty- boro; Rev.. J. E. Holmes, Rev. J. -W. I nine years ago. He ;is survived bit 1-ledley, Rev. A. A. Allen and Bev. 3."E. Ford, Goderich and Rev. A. V. Walden, Holmesville. THE FIRST $AND• CONCERT. Tlie Iiilty Band will put on an open air eoncert next Thursday evening air" the Band'•Stand.' At this -concert .a collection will be taken to help defray the coat of pro- curing the following, instrmzments: his wife who was formerly Miss Jane Blake of Ashfield and threes sons: •Chester of Windsor, William and Gordon at home and one daughter, Mrs. Norman Miller of town. jlie is also survived by three brothers and three sisters two of whom, Thomas and James Marshall' reside in Clin- ton. The funeral -Cook place from his Late residence . yesterday afternoon, the, services being Conducted by the. 500.00- Rev. A, A. Holines of Wesl'eyeliurch, 10u•00 with•whiesh he was eonnectod; 'The 00"0.00' pallbearer were his • three biothersr 00,00 James and. Thomas Marshall of Clin•, with ton and George Marshall of Rmhiley, ig;,0o { D, IVIcLeo beets e4t• Freeinan and'John 2d,,ip .Blake. Internment was made in Clin- 1 Cornet 335:00 4 Trumpets 1 Trombone 1 Trombone 1 Clarionet Repairing old itstrtimonts new parts ton cemetery.. Total- ' '$993.110 - The Band wished this septi-eenten- riial year,; to have as fine an array rot'' instruments as possible, for the hon- our of the old town, and ,they feel euro the citizens' of Clinton and vicin- ity, who enjoy the,, annual summer concerts, will be glad of an oppor- tunity of assisting in' 'paying for same. A good way of showing our appreciation of the services of Olin - Ron s lin-ton's band will be by making this col. lection ,a generous one. - PASSING OF -GEORGE SWARTS. At the ripe age of ninety -ono years and eleven months- George Swarts passbd .away at the home of this daughter, Mrs. C. Rumball, Rat- tenbury street, on. '1VVfonday, The late Mr. Swarts was born at: St. 3 ihn, Ontario, but he had been a resident of Clinton' for the past forty- seven years. He had up to a few years ago, been active and always liked to have his walk up town, but for some time he had been in frail healtti.nand' his eyesight had failed him, so tie has been confined to the house, latterly to his ]red.' Mrs. Swarts, who was formerly Miss Sarah Baker, died thirteen yeare ago. 'They had a family '•,of six, dfour'of whom eurvive: Mrs. Corner of. Cleveland, - Ohio; Mrs. Spooner, Virden, Man.; Phomas Swarts, •God- crib; ' and Mrs.' Rumball, Clinton, with -whom he has resided since the death. of his wife. ., The -funeral took place from the home offMrs. Rumball' on Wednesday afternoon, the services being conduct- ed by the Rev, A. A. Holmes of Wes- ley 'church. The pallbearers wore:' Messrs. "'H. B. Chant, A. J. Tylda�ll, IL Bartliff, A. J. Holloway, J. A. Ford and W. Robertson. Interment was -made in Clinton cemetery,. Amongst `Those • from a distance who werethere for .the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bumball and sou, Windsor; Mrs. 3: E. Swarts, Toronto, and Mrs. Putnam and Mr. H. Shane,, Wingham, DIDD IN DETROIT. :People You Know T to death occ1irred in Detroit recent- Mrs. Wm. Geddes of Belgrave visited ly of „Mrs, L, -Schaffer, sister of Mr. m town -th's week tori in • down ' D: was in:her 1 be present at the pVadden-Webster thirty-fifth year and leaves her hos-wedding yesterday. ;, bans] and one little daughter, Dorothy, g d pneumonia, Mr. and 'Mrs E. W. Rodaway who AnotheThecar,use brofother,iJolinthwas Nash of- Sea Have spent the winter in California, fort],, "and two sisters; Irsr Barnett have retained' to their home in o:f Detroit and Mrs., Knuckle of Dun- town.' Burn; , Sask., and her father; William VODDEN-WERSTER. Nash of Seaforth, also survive. • At the home of the bride's sister GONE TO LONDON. that of Mr and Mrs E.G. Saville: Rattenibury,street, the marriage ;took itl number :f • n s, a the friends and tie' •h o• place yesterday at high noon of Isobel bots sof Mr.. and Mrs. Earl Steep sur- prised them' at their hone on Friday D., youngest daughter •of Mrs; James evening last prior• to theta departure Webster, and Mr. Albert C. Vedder'. for London, spent -a social evening , The ceremony was performed hy':. with them and presented them with the Rev. //James ' Abery, the bride's some very handsome table linen and former. pastor at Londesboro, and the ' a piece 'of art -glass. Mrs. M.,Nediger bride,was given in marriage byher read, atm address and Miss Bessie: brother, Mr .,• Wm. Webster.' She wore. Watt made e. 'thpresentation: Avery 'a 'vdxy handsome, ucked• gown of p happy couple of hours were spent and beige charmeuse, and carried a bon - many good wishes were offered Mr: • quet of sink and white Enchantress' . and Mrs. Steepe for their future carnations,baby's breath and fern. prosperity and happiness.rnass. Mr. Ste c ' She 'was. attended by h r little niece,e , wha has agosmtion on the London Miss Isabel Webster, as floWer girl, postoffice ,staff, returned to London who wore^a pretty fuck of pink voile Saturday morning and Mrs._ Steeps with silk and lac'b trinmmings and and children left Tuesday. carried a ]basket of"orchid 'siveet peas A and fern. Miss Gladys Addison,'the ' TOOK PART IN PLAY., ,.-• • bride's cousin, played the wedding Miss Dorothy, Rorke, of Clinton Was music. The ceremony was witnessed one of the studetyts. of Alma College, only by'•jmmediate relatives. - St. Thomas, to take part in the an- • .At the conclusion of the ceremony nual:College play given by the dram- and ;when congratulations` had been efts club and department -of expres- offered, all sat.down, to the .wedding ,ion,- on Thursday evening, April luncheon. The decorations, in the din-. 30th, in the College auditoi3unm. The Ing room avere carried out in pink drama chosen for presentation was and white' 'Goldsmith's comedy, ':She Stoop's to Mr. and Mrs. Vodden left cam,. the Conquer," and the mirth-provokingafternoon train on a h.naymoon trip scenes•"and lines With which the play to London, Toronto and Brampton, abounds, were enjoyed to the full by the bride donning for the journey a the audience which 'filled' the: hall, suit of navy blue tricotine, with which, and 'bared Rs seating capacity. The she wore 'a beaded tunic and beige St. Thomas Times -Journal of . may hat. 1st, says: "The 'part of one of Tony's The bride was the' recipient of inn 'companions- was :'ell taken by. many handsome gifts, the groom's Miss Dorothy Rorke." gift was a prettywrist. watch. To the pianist he gave +a peri neck ace BELONGED ,TO THE MAYOR. and to fhe flower girl an amlior oker• An amusing inside it occurred ab s. On their return Mr. and Mrs. •Vod- the council; meeting ori Monday evee- den will reside in Ontario street. Ung: Mr. Bishop, fire inspector, weir where -the groom recently ,]purchased describing• his mspeetmoe of the town residence. and described an old wooden building 6 in Huron street, which he considered LITTLE LOCALS. • Mr. Marshall's sisters, Mrs.'�ioach something of a menace, and he asked of. Ridley and hall'slrs• Mays of Mont- time name of the owner, 4vben it came real and his brother, George outthat the building in ques'ien was of Rip- - P ley; :were among those from a dis. the property Mayor kson.V tense who were here for the funeral: Everybody, includ ng the Mayos, and Mr. Bishop, .had a gook laugh and FRIDAY'S; PLAY. themthe Mayor pihomised""to have The St. Patti', • Dramatic Society something done about it "before the once More covered themselves with first Monday in' September.". We glory when they presented.their play, would respectfully suggest that the "Just Litre mercy" before m fairly 1Vlayor be so much better than his good house in the town hail' last Ionaword as to do this "something" be - day evening. Considering the.wreten fore the first week a August, even ed eondstion of the scenery, the stage though some of the' home-omning old settings were unusually effective no boys may miss the old landinarIc, until next year. However, it was finally"decided to go on with the ti'orlc. The approved Provincial Highway Stop Signs,are to be erected at the intersecting corners of Ontario and Hmoon'streets, with two silent police- men on the intersecting corners of Albert and Victoria. ' Ai bylaw will be, prepared governing this and Are- sented at the next meeting. Mr. -J, • Copp is to be given the work of•paiait-• ing these signs, which are to be er- ected `as soon as possible. z - The request `for a sidewalk on 11orth street will 'ibe''granted, provicl- ed the required number pf property owners sign for; sane. Reeve Mid- dleton' and Councillor Jenkins signed this long report..;• Chairman Rozcll or the Fire and Wale , committee reported- that lie had signed an agreement with the Poblie Utilities Commission to take t' Hydro buildrn g T n 1 11e r .0 over the. rooms i t y r. Chairmen Livermore 'of the ceme- tery committee recommended the 'aro:chase of a new lawn mower for thr cemetery.' On riotio of .0 ; 1 lillors Paislei' `Fir ' ] it '' ask .,c u' l .'was derided .o :std I'orc; T I 1 r �� n I t n i no r ta,r t to 'i r1r s for ttiv 1n � t e to el a „ e <c t<, call 4 n " e soy„mal tncctu .,' of.the con,nvtto.. to ,., oe ,v apse ,,Le tet ,,.s.. 1 c cot unit 1 'tato m ^ort 6+ finance 1 The r u l ,.tc. tee for the moni3t had to be left over, �, owing to leek of space, pains having beenspared to produce AMONG THE 'CHURCHES. a realistic appearance. The opening Rev. Ernest Parker, pastor of the playlet, or ;curtain -raiser, A Consict-• arable Courtship” ' was brimful of Baptist churches of Clinton and A11 Baptist • and •ginger,' and soon had the burn, has resigned his pastorate. audience in roars of laughter. The A meeting of the continuing Pres - afflicted personnel consisted of Revbyterians ,held in the Baptist church C- 1:;lewellya Bilkey as Mr. Mangum on Tuesday evening was well attend- dramatis with gout and a bad tem- ed about. 70 being present. It -wee per; Mr. Niebit Cook as henry Mane decided to carry on as Presbyterians gum, hid son; Miss Beth Smith as and a committee was appointed to ar'- Mrs, Littlefare, his Tandiady, and ,range for -,services to be started as Miss Annie Wootton as Sarah Littia- soon as possible. fare. Mr. Mangum and his son are b thinWilliso love withW .aChurch Sarah Littlefare while Mrs. Littlefare is,deepl3s emmam Next ,Sunday] morning: a Mothers' oared of Mr. Mangum. Through a Bay service will be held. A mothers. couple of love letters falling into thi. choir will lead •the service •of praise. wrong • hands, a most an5using coma- There will 'be an appropriate solo by Plication of•affairs is ,brought abode Miss Annie Stewart airs gddress by but in the end, all. is settled to the the minister. satisfaction of everyone but 01 ' Mangum. The wok of Miss Beth The awards Torpreciting the, short. Smith as Mrs• Littef ie deserves, er Catechism( will be presented. ' All special ,praise, since, though it was children are invited to be present with her first; appearance behind the foot- their parents. lights,,•her aeting,left little or moth- The ministers ' everting subject:' ing t'o be desires]. — •"The Divine Fader in Iluman Life." The complicated events portrayed ' in "Just Like: Percy" arise front too Ontario Street c' liana,. y' �' free a use of diplomacy. Mr, Hudson, Morning; classes alt 10:00. a widotver,in love with Mrs. Harvey, ]horning subject: "Christian Mot - a widow, thinks that, she does not erhood," • like boys and Mrs, I3ai'vey gets the Evening subject: "A call to de - impression that Mr, Hudson aloes not eisio3r',' like girls. Mr. Hudson therefore Have you ever tried our small ad. pretends that his son, a young man 'Juniors meet at 7;00 Friday.event. v of 21, is a child alive and 14Irs. Har- mag I column foe selling something which , vey decides to say nothingabout her The official' board meet on Tuesday you to dispose of or to get wind niece, Ethel Leicester:' Unfortunately ortunatel. evening, a vary large alt enncance of somethingouanhave very to buy?•- If Percy Hudson and Ethel Leicester un- g 1 not you can have very little idea of ,its Open air band concert and Collec- tion next Thursday evening. Mr. Glen Cook has taken over the Singer serving machine agency from Mr. Earl Steen. ` The Hospital Board'•has decided upon a. -date for their annual bazaar, ' It is Thursday, Oct. 16th. -.0wingto lacks of space we have been 'obliged to hold over until next week the Public school report., The. Unity Cub of Gdderich 'town- ship will meet at the home' of Mrs, Bert Murphy on Tuesday next, May 12th. Yesterday was the first Wednesday half holiday of the. season. Every- body had a holiday except The News- Record. 1Vir,,,and stirs. D. B. Cunningham have purchased the Sterling -property, giving in exchange their cottage over the C.N.R. tragks. Dir. Roy Chowan, son of Mr. 3.'0. Chowen of Clinton, was graduated in mining engineering at Toronto "University on Friday 'last, having completed a form -year course. bir. and :Mrs. J. T. Reid and family left Monday for London, where they will make their borne in future. Mr. end Mrs. Reid's many friends in Olin». ton will miss them. very much. The News-Reeord was too swift in congratulating our esteemed towns- man, W. S. Haland, on his 85th birth- day a fortnight ago.. As a matter of fact his birthday comes on'May 18. • Mrs. B. Cole and Mrs, Ii. W. Cools have taken up their residence in the Arthur Cook house Albert street. Mrs. Cole intends building on her lot tin Joseph street whore '.hex house was burned ''last winter. bein • present. Reports were present - expectedly make thew appearance ed by all the different organizations and are promptly passed off as a valet and all were able to report an 'in - and a maid respectively. While ?er. ; crease in=interesct, attendance and lindson is pressing his suit with Mrs. Harvey, the pretended valet and -maid become infected by Cupid's darts. The situation is further complicated by the fact that Ethel hap another ardent admirer in the .,person of Christopher Maypole, whose nervous attempts'at courtship are ably abett. ed by his ‘doting mother, 'Talci'ng -the play as a`whole,its presentation was °a finished piece' of acting; arid reflects great credit upon its director, Rev C. Ll: Bilkey, while some mem- bers of the cast di some d s e really bril- liant work; Mr, Nisbit Cools in,'the title part, played with his usual nat- uralness and spirit, and Mr. Arthur Groves made an excellent Mr, Hud- son:'" Miss. Annie 'Wootton as Mrs. Siarvey looked the part to perfection, while: the work of Mr.' Gordon halt, finances. All obligations for the year were met and the treasurer was able to report a surplus, The re.Eording steward, Mr. H. Wiltse, was reselect- ed and is the representative to time district meeting and Mr. F. 'Powell the alternative. ;, Wesley Church The Brotherhood en. Sunday ,Horn ing at ten' o'clock, The subject;.whic;1 Will be introduced by Mr,,.11VI, T. Coe-,. less, will be: "The Development pf one of Canada's .Great Resources," The .pastor's subjects will tie: Morning: "Mothers of. Men," Even, tits,': "A Voice from-iileaven.". The last S<tblament to be taken es a Methodist body was administered at -the meriting service on Sunday, the: as Christopher Maypole pole wars a Pastor, assisted by: the Rev; 5 scream, . Special mention must he tSnowdop ittd the Rev J. E. Ford e made' of l\Thss'Marion Hiblas who, as Mrs Maypole was bailed as: e iiescs star 111 the ch 113) tic firtriament, tlto a,h it was; her first amigo:amice as an amateur actress. 1±1 sifaw- lsrns v lto took the part of s. J,- tt7land Miss Alberta 'Snell as +the maid, also diel excellent work Mist Clmar c,+1i. Billcey as Miss'Ethel . L et- e ,.e, h�1�rerhais 'dee most `ch ffi- cult ;of .01 the :fenmaie, ,tarts, but she ed herself nobl acting acquitted y, g. with former pastor, officiating. ting. . A largo number partook. 141> the evening sor- vie° Rev. 1MIr, Ford preached and was listened to with interest and profit. At tate .meeting of time quarterly of- ficial board on Tuesday evening Mr. N.er Ire aiiha was 1.Pi ointed re- presentative to the distt:et meeting, to be 11eid'at'Dune,•anuon on..May 13• Mothere'-rhiy will -b observed re the Sold p school on S,,uriday, also Go-Lo-Sttridtty scho ei day. , A large the easy grace, of a„professional• attendanec is expected, efficiency in bringing reselts. Advere tising in The News -Record pays. - When . casting' about . in your mind for something to give another on "Mothers' Day” did it ever occur to You to see' whether she happens to have a box of printed calling cards, or if she has to hunt up a pen and write one every time she wants to make a "tall? We print the.. neatest , kind of calling card, 'see us tomorrow orSaturday about this. urn Miss L. Russell' of Essex visited re. W J. Andrew this week. Mr. R. Scott has bouglit Mr. J. Tay toy's Tarin and gats possession in the Mrs. R. Shaw spent a few days itt i Guelph last week. Mr. an cl Ms, Gordon T g-ic • of, De-, broil the week -end with driencla herr,. bl it v• s 1] the Beadle of Detroit r3s o last week. _ • Moil iiss-'aa, is to be observed in al/1-40 churches here next Sunday. A• 'lllottems, char and a pageant ale is,:. be ',the special ,fei'l ivies in the Moth - t cal litrrc'h and a chilcht'on's choir in Ilio! I'aesbyterian. A, special evening service will bo ier1d in Knox church next tgunday ev- ening at, 7:20. Mothers' Day will be 6bservecl at the meriting service. A `ehildren'schoir will render 'music,