HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-04-30, Page 8Cl INTQXV`S LEADING;, .IEWELLItY STf3Yi,F"
Coolie Here r you Glasses'
the same here as' yon pay €wiee as moth for 'other places
Every pair,guaranteed to give satisfaction,
All you have to do is ask a few of my, satisfied elastomers
Now is the time for Sim .glasses and Motor goggles' in all,
Colors and styles in prices ranging from decup to $225
s tested free,and glasses fully guaranteed
Veweiler and Optician
Next Hovey's Drug Stori
Bombay , Lord Shirting
Will Deft; Ang Laundr
We Guarantee ,; BOMBAY CORD SHIRTS. That the color WILL,
NOT FADE and that the cloth will -have EXTRAORDINARY
We have chosen this, fabric, considering it the most practical
Shirting we have seen in years.
And are prepared' td back our judgement up to the extent of
Guaranteeing itrand'will send you a New Shirt if it does not live
up to all -we clean for, it.. e
The Shirt is manufactured•'by the makers of the famous Tooke
Shirt.and'therefore yotrare assured of proper fitrand'highest 'grade
workmanship. p
' Call. and see the ;assortment, at our, store. 'We will be glad
UM steel Bros.
C. H VENNER, 'Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures,` Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and 'Repairs. Phone 15Iw
Come Here ifY ou want to be
itwill soon be time tq come out in your summer suit.- If• you
are thinking of getting one be sure and come hi and look over our
large and complete ' stock. We hove the latest colorings and can
make up the' newest and smartest styles, '
P9r Smart, Niat ,Style, 'Snappy Cloth and Good Workmanship_
at a price that can't be beat, come to the Veteran Tailors --
Dais &' Herman
o• PHONE 224-W
Asbestos rook as it
comas from the mind.
'.�'a.a► v'l;;0..17
IA shingle that's
;, different +fromall. others
Heretofore there has been only one johns -Manville
Asbestos Shingle, distinguishable by its rock -like hard-
Now you can get' many of the extraordinary merits of
that famous Johns -Manville rigid shingle at a reduced
price—in fact within a few cents of the cost of so-called
composition shingles—through the introduction of
F d. ,l
The Slate Surfaced, Asbestos Shingle
Made of Asbestos felt densely impregnated with asphalt
and surfaced with crushed red, green or blue -black slate, or
(with feldspar which, is( a neutral.gray ; in two styles; Inds-
vidual Shingles or four in one Strip Shingles.
Flexstone Asbestos Shingles are mineral through and
through and ;should not be confused with ordinaryconi -
position shingles. Flexstone`Asbestos Shingles ssure
p ga
the user greater fire safety and rnore years of, service with
lower upkeep cost, They are, approved byUnderwriters'
Laboratories, Inc., and take base rates o£ insurance.;
Write, call or teIenhone. We'll be glad to give you.
further particulars and prices.
General Hardware Plumbing Heathg''
� ya
a'Licola Cotexoert'
Any Old Goods, Any Old Time,
Won't Suit You
00 wamt the latest and host ir1
in Decorative. Wail Tr ertreiit'.
You want the variety scsi range of
Selection which tt'ill satisfy`_
Any Tat
are numerous arid so varied in design,
coloring and character' that they:prd
vide,for,all likely demands....,
The right start in the making of a
comfo"r"table and beautiful home•is:the
proper decoration of the walls,
W'ALI&,.PAPER gives' to a. -room a
decorative finish and comfort not sur
passed by any other wall 'corering.
•Tile -pian who bought a Watertnan's-
never asks why you didn't sell him;
a Better Pen
He Knows There is None
Tile W. DL Fair Go.
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best
1aAil�'",ti I l6 tnlnam, Iuanmm ipp„� '.
i `•' 1 Ilii.
Mrs. James Appleby visited in Lon-
don last week. '
Mr. R. A. Cluff, barrister, Godericb,
was in town this, week one day.-
ay.Miss Rudd andi s
M s Clark spent the
week-end•with Goderieh.friends.
Mise Vera Dunn of piteter has bee$
visiting -with Mr. and Mrs., C. Sr
Mr. and. Mrs. W. Lockwood of Ex-
xetei spent the week -end with Clin-
ton friends.
Mr. Percy Farnsworth, local customs
collector, spent the weak -end at his
home 'in Brantford,
Mrs. Laine beeves returned on Sat-
urday after a'two-weeks' visit with
friends in Peterboro.
Mrs. S. D. Robinson .of Hamilton is
spending a few . we ales with her
nephew, Dr. P. Hearn.
WK. -Leslie Hanley of , Toronto has
been visiting at her home here, that
• -of Mr. and Mrs. T.—H. Cook..
Mrs. E. Ward returned this week af-
'ter' a. fortnight's visit ' with her
daughter, Miss. Dorothy, in Detroit,
Miss ,Kathleen'" Livermore of the
Winghain hospital' staff visited her
home' in town the end of'the week.
Mr. Clarence Green •of Teeswater was
a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James ':Livermore on Sunday
last. ,
Willis Erwin of Clinton and his fath-
er and mother of Simcoe visited at
the old home . here on Monday.--
onday.—Tyrrell correspondent to the Sim
coe Reformer.
Mr. R. S. Livermore' and Miss Pratt,
who visited over the week -end at
' -the home of Mr. and Mrs", Seines
Livermore, returns! to Toronto
Monday morning.
Mrs., M. „Snyder, and Miss C. Agnew
of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. John
Jervis and Mr. Henry Snyder of
Goderich township motored to. God-
erich on Sunday to attend the fun-
-era], of their cousin, the late
Charles Tweedie.
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless and fame
ily, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McMurray
and Mrs H. Fitzsimons and two
sons attended the funeral of a re -
/dive, ;who died very suddenly In
'Winnipeg, which took place at
Munroe on Tuesday:
Mrs. 0: M. Chambers and.Mrs, I. L.
Jermyn, who have been spending
the winter in Toronto_ and have
bee* with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. B, Lindsay of town for tie
past few weeks, leave Saturday for
their home in Regina, Sask.
Mr. Will Hamblyn, a former citizen'
of town whohas been residing in
Bowmanvilie but"leas now moved to
Exeter, was in town over the week-
end, 1VIr, •Eamblyn has been in
Exeter for..: some ,months but has
only recently moved his family up.
Mrs. (Dr.) Hearn and children Are
enjoying a fortnight's visit with
the, lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. L
B. Rouse of Hamilton. Dr. Hearn
will attend the Medical Convention
in Toronto from May 4th 20 Sth arid
Mrs. Hearn „rind family will return
home with hint. -
Mr. and Mrs, - .Tames Livermore and
their son, -Mr, E. S, Livermore,.
their guest, Miss Pratt of Toronto,
and Mrs. Fred Livermore motored
to London on Saturday afternoon
and -'e;e4nt' a :few hours with Mat.
Livei'moi'6, : sr., ' who ` is with her
daughter there and who is not en-
joying the best of health.
Reeve Middletonwas in Toronto' on
Monday consulting with the -*.Elie
ills of the "Highways De,partnient
regarding suitable signs, etc, ani
will summit his findings to the coun-
cil on Monday et cling• A uniforrn
printed sign is being propared by
the iso a tnieni. and Reeve
ton wilt will recerngsnd the 0—,e of this
at the main intea'seeions of traf-
fic in Clinton.
e .4 G�ccr
Su gestiohs for, Idu.ncbeOns easily prepared and ap etizing
m Spring
Salad Dressing, in bottles
'Lettuce; Tomatoes and Cucuinbers,
Tid . Bits Cheese Wafers
Peanut Snaps .
Pineapple sliced,
and with every order, a ib of O'Neil's Best Celebrated Coffee
only i.0c
per tin 25c
per tin, 30c
Groceteria Specials,. Friday, •Saturday and Monday
• We have been, neglecting Monday as a special bargain
day, and ,,this, week will include Monday.
17 Bars Gold, Po & G., Comfort; Surprise and Sunlight`soap $1.00
13 pkgs. Pearline,;13 Rinso, 13 Ammonia'
:Regular 75c Brooms for $1.50c
13 lbs: 'Granulated Sugar
2 lbs. Black Tea
Loose Cocoa, .
For Friday and Saturday also
$1..00° 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins - ' 25c
$1,00 2 lbs. Currants 22e
per lb. 10c Store closes Wednesday afternoons
Fresh Salmon Trout on Fridays -Leave your order early
In the, Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m.
Cash ' and .. -
arr� ®w • ell
Kindly Order Early
witrovoikfYbM1191AAAii ottwrY' moit4toY iIl9Aovvo1a1M1 ooko g111YAP1Iwimv
Moffats Electric Ranges
' In days •of old the gallant knight or fairy pthi a rescued the
beautiful princess from; the -tower in the molted castle where the
lovely lady was a prisoner, And, of course, they would live 'happily
ever after,
:Who is this inysteridus fairy prince? The Moffat. Electric
Range!.Moffats Electric Ranges have brought kitchen freedom, more
leisure, and happiness into the hearts of thousands upon thousands
of Canadian :women,
One gateway to the"Land of Things you've Wished for" is opened
wide to you by Moffats Electric Ranges. What have you longed for?
What things might you have done if only you could have found the
timet, In your,heart of hearts what is it you have always wanted to
do? 'Visit your old friends, or make new ones? Get out into the
sunshine, and pure air? Sew, snake things? Read? Visit the shops?
Indeed there are a thousand things you'd like to do—if you only
had the tinsel - -
Madame! YOU CAll FIND TIME. Install a beautiful Moffat
ElectriiERan$'e in your kitehe'vi, and you will be able to do all these
things, ti,•
HYDRO SHOP, Clinton.:
Spring le n ng
For"spring;cleaning• we have a fullline of Laundry Soaps
Household Ammonia, Old' Dutch Cleanser, Bon Ami, . Gilletts
s Lye.j,Chloride of Lime, Klenzine, Scrub Brushes, Mop Han-
dies and Brooms. oSt H
Green Onions,: Lettuce, Celery, Ripe Tomatoes, Rhubarb,etc.
Main • Store, Phone 125 W
Branch Store, Phone 125 J.
Perennials are becoming more and
more popular. Your garden can; be
permanently beautified by planting
hardy perennial flowers.
Now is the time to order for May
delivery of plants..
The following are just a few we
have to offer at 15e each or $1.50 a
English Cowslips
Babyts Breath
Shasta' Daisy
Sweet William
Delphinium '
Iceland Poppies
Adam's • Needle
Phone us"if interested for a com-
plete If'st, also for our prices on
Iris, Phlox and Peonies
Cunintillair:e, Elo ist
Phones-- l'76w Greenhouses
31 Store.
Come in and get one of our cross-
word puzzles. We all like to work
them. Small prizes given for the
first ten correct answers returned,
Getoar Paint Now.
And fix up your homes for "Old
Home Week." We have all kind's for
inside and outside work.
Garden Tools, Rakes, Hoes, Shovels,
etc., always on hand
Phone 244
Make the. Old -Town New
Now is ° the time to . think of painting your
`homes and give our visitors a good
impression. •
Use the Celebrated' Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes and
You'll be -Happy. With the Results '
-We have a large stock of lawn mowers of the: best makes
Our stock of Coal Oil` Ranges is ready for your.inspection and you
will do well to pay us a visit before ;buying ,
In the Furniture Department you -will be needing Linoleums and
Oil iClothe. Wei have the;stock and our prices are right, so come
early and, make your selections. We carry a full line of Carpet
Rugs, in all the -different weaves, and we can give you real service
on .all, special sizes,
We were never in better shape to handle all requirements in
Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs
Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo.
Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195
It is to your advantage to sell your eggs according to Dominion
Government Egg -grading Regulations ,a
We pay the highest market price for Live and dressed poultry
;Now that you . are culling- your flock, we have a good Brice to offer
for the heavy hens that are not laying
GUNN, LANGLOIS ; & Co., . Limited
Clinton, ' Ontario
?' R. W. WARD, Manager
Write, phone or call at our Clinton Office, Day phone 190
Night Phone -254 -
Clinton Bakery
Our Bread Must Be Good
Besides using the very best of materials and the newest form-
ulas we have had the experience that enables us to take the guess-
work out of baking;
In making our bread our desire is to make bread so pure, clean
and sanitary • that we .can be proud .of it. That is the reason- why
we are 'now wrapping and sealing our bread before it leaves our
Bakery. Our bread is not handled by soiled hands or exposed to dust
or any other contamination. ,It is clean and sanitary,
'Demand Brown's Wrapped Bread and . be sure of getting a quality
loaf that is sanitary.