HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-04-30, Page 31 1 The ' ANG ; PEKOE is extra good, ; Try it(` U TI La's' DR. J. J. MIDOLETON. Provincial Board of Health, Ontario. f answer to questions e ad tons P Dr. Rilddletonsuill b d1 a q on ublto Health amt.' mal. A. dr ss hl taro tar � h this colo d o m u S a i .i d xr t d 3 ae` S in ou a ou a p n - g r p Crescent, Toronto• 111005away- out in Vernon,' 8.51, ,omes,an inquiry about health matters 11010 a readers f: this'cogmn. The correspondent in .question eisks about tleuraleia and its treatment, ,, I may say Alt the outset that it is impossible to accurately diagnose'the' cause of : a complaint of this kind by t orrespondence. Neuralgia is not of itself a disease; it is a symptom. One. call only guess at the cause and sag-, gest certain_ things that • need to he; given consideration "For instance, It - don't know wliethee there is a' focus of infection somewhere that is poisoning the system and causing -pains through -m out the body, whieh.the patient com- plains of, and describes as neuralgia. Thep again, -the trouble may be caused by -an anaemic condition of;'the blood. In fact, neuralgia is, sometimes de- scribed' as "the call of the nerves for better blood," and in many -cases that is exactly what is wrong, but there! 1110 beother auses ,sur, r c b as a growth ` h Yg somewhere irritating a nerve or series of ne4te. and' we must not forgetrg et the well-known complaint usually de- scribed es sciatica. There t T h ro maY be tan "the u hal these y o 1 causes than 111 Se fox neur- algia, but I have just mentioned these few examples to show how difficult it is•to te11 a person who writes'aletter from a distance. just what should be done for his complaint. The reaspn that 0 difficulty exists 18 that to cure anydisease, one must first -fn out the C 1 4 d , Send. for One of Our SECOND HANG BICYCLES AT $1B Fully Guaranteed. '-Money back if 'not •satlsfled. Varsity Cycle Works, 413 Spadlna Ave., Toronto, "Ste -mix -tax" Growing Mash The finest BABY CHICA STARTING MIXTTIRE the world produces', The Feed Which Raised the Winner of the Ontario Egg -Laying Contort, 102.4. Write for booklet and nuzzle of S'k"mA1VII NA$ Agent. Tha Motherwell Grain Oo., Limited, Dundee, Ont. ' IYITiTS' Fertilizing TABLETS Netlliug better for your ferns, flowers, ehrubs and gardens' they ate- ago. bandy, clean and odorless, You justhave to place a tablet in the 'earth beside the plant and then watch It gra*. Once need—always need, on.account-of the economy, remits and 'convenience. .Always ask for .Witte' Fertilising Tablets." If your dealer does not keep them, just send 26c and we Willi forward you, post- paid, a box containing 120. 0. Witte, ortlllxer'Works, Norwich, Ont., Manu• feeturers of. Complete I"ortilisers and Pulverizers of Sheep Manure, FREE IFYOU -ARE@ITER STE-b N FISHING WRiTE:FORMS:130Oii6 SPoI TSN] NS'HEAi�QUARTERS _ 14.COCK LI�IC,,HT& \Vi STWOCI) vo 5aylhrN[v,gi I1$JI8 iT w iobONYO -ceN,. cause of the disease, and this canno very well be done without a thorough physical examination bya physician To mention- afc3v more underlying causes of'neui•algia we, include mal aria, alcoholism, d1 rbetee, lead poison ing, syphilis, gout, rheumatism,: =or Bright's disease, . It may, he tha neuralgia is really an expression of central disease—for instance, loco motor', ataxia. It •ria: 'some •loca cause such as n diseased tooth 0x' a diseased ovary. In every;. case treat ment-must include treatment 'of .the unde'rlyiing cause. Neuralgia means pain in the nerve. There is a differ ence,between neuritis and neuralgia for in the former ease the,' pain is usually steady and persistent, while in neuralgia it comes and -.goes.: Ip neuritis the course of the, inflatned nerve can be made oat bytenderness on deep pressure. Massage and manipulation may be of usein Some f f orins'of neuralgia, is, and benefit may be derved from the use of salicylates, io lidesand-other . neur- algic eur- aI is medicines.Preparktione of opium, morphia` and codein should never be taken forthis condition be- cause the danger of habit is too great. No 'medicine of a sedative nature should be given except for short'per- iods and then_ under physicians' con- trol.' Rest and. electricity and light therapy offer moro'hope of relief from pain than do other r a e 11 10. But first of all go toour physician and have him give' you a` complete physical examination. Before you can cure the disease, you've got to 'know the cause. Haydn's "Ox" Minuet. A peculiar title for a musical com- position! Yes, it is. peculiar.; at least, peculiaron the surface." But, hold on! There (e, a story attached to it! This composition, the "Ox" Minuet, wasn't given a title Iike that merely to Create a publfe-sensation. It came by the title honestly, as the following Incident will testify: Hadyn cue day received a visit from a'butcher,,- who stated that he and his daughterwere admirers of Haydn's music; and, as the young lady was goon to be mar- ried, ,he' made bold to, ask that the composer write a'nlinuet tor her wed- ding. Kind "Palin Haydn" consented, and In a few dhysthe man -of meat se. Mired his music., Not long afterwards, Haydn was surprised to hear this same Infanta; played under' his window, Onlooking out he saw a band of nival, olan'e forming wring around a large ox, tastefully decorated with ifowore. Soon the butchereame_up and ;regent - 'ed the lilt to Iiaydn, aaying that for aueh ,excellent inUsio he 'thought he ought to make the ddmposer a present of Cie best ox in his possession. Byer after, file little composition,it is said, wan called the "Ox" Minuet. - Minard'a Llniment.for Cold.. ' Babies in Argovle, one of the Swiss cantons, must be Neighed, measured, and their finger -prints taken within Um/AY-four hours of their birth. "Made in Canada under Govetnseont'aupareisiers." gXvmLUS1vt AG_E C0 ' We invite correspondence from merchants who` can get out and '- tell radio' at any season of the, year. The Marcell!. Agency is most desirable. The reputation of 'Marconi receivers is well- ` Every instrument is guaranteed. • Sales are made gine -Iy.. Buyers' stay satisfied. 'Address Tite Marconi Wireless -Telegraph 'Company of Canada, Limited, Montreal, l 33'•,1.,lA3 . ,, .. (!rE - ddl ass• ,:.,, ]graft Macften Cheas-e to. " .limited, Niontreai' Send me, free "Cheese and Ways to Serve It" .3', Y.uC,)+t.'.w'i 1:20 coIR -corteror,,tivt chier olice MactEt0i1iu 01 °hai ho.m, Cmleele i,lrelilebd lila aplzrova i c r. orge sled, ebeme.wllerel y`olcier Bo Seoute of tale'city be 11aed. as traffic eifieelle ,at iiange,00s iii,toleectio3ls o the city' to protect school children at eerEai'n .i1n3s of the dry. With the co-operation of. the local-Scoutena-ste'rs the here to Undertake' these ditties, will receive special training from' memb're of the city, pollee force,,/ Montreal's Jarnbosee. tfl.e Boy Scouts and ',Volt Cobs of ths"1Viontreal District 'are holding a big indoor Jamboree in the i4Torgan De- partmental e )a' n n ' zt 1 L6la. �`' r 1 1 o bio e Building a whole g floor of which. hr`s been set aside for filo purpose], on April 15th, 06th,:17th and 16th. On the,f7,th their special guest is to be the—Chief Scout for Can- ade, His Excellency Baron Byng of Vlmy. Besides dem onstrations; of Scout work, there will: -be many•ex him itione of Scout handicraft: .Planning •GlIIwell Camps. Provincial Scout Headquarters . at 'Parente is now working out.tentat`ive plans for this summer's Giliwell Train- ing Camps for Scoutmasters,' and is consequently anxious'to:know as early as possible the names of men planning to'attend. 'The probable dates of the ,camp are July 7th to 18th, inclusive, at Ebor Park, near Brantford,' Ont. This will' be the third year that this -fine, partly wooded, '55 -acre site will be at the disposal of. the. Provincial Council fee its leadership,traiuing work: Talose who have carped there' in other years pronounc-e`it one of the finest camp sites in the older sections of Ontario. Concerning'Sleet Huts. u We h ave previously referred to the fine e e H ad uarte Hut owned Headquarters x led bythe q. let Chatham Troop. • This week's news contains t i ,he announcement that em t the "Troop is .undertalring.to enlarge the het by adding a 12 -feet addition at the rear, The addition will take in the Scoutinaster's Den and the. Court of Honor room, thus allowing tha Space now -occupied by these to beeused to e t r e h n a g the main club room. And 'with the news of the enlarging of Chatham's, hut, comes the announce- ment that -the 3rd London Troop .(The, Fighting Tili15), which; bad ire name hi the papers. last week tor its: success in the, Wallace Nesbitt Junior First Aid Competitions, is constructing a hut of its ellen, it having olltgro3yn the tem- poraryquarters it has been using in a little suburban Church.: , 1101 It Ileo' d W tterS C pS ill a' We a-r,ciitjOtt 1}110 oP ,t11b stir sf-signs 1100 '1110 brood 15 n'tt '.diE.o'M ot0O e the pis ales and lnisig y eiupttore that break tk au 00`thc fad ot- boly, .'The sane cone Boit Is mr l4 11(i by an attack, of 02. zeuia o1 s5tt4' " 'Sot cannot -',get rrd v 01.tlies ti,b k i s 'hy ihe use of iluc b l tivo 15 eclioYci•'. , ns, so' rlal:y ,pc brio t1•y f -to do �,,P,t�lr.tives.' l,aerely gallop through th$''.G-sif3rtezzl and leave'it still 33 ealkel. ° w hat is :needed :when the blond is alio r'n to be out oterder is a tonic whiclh:3vrl1 restore, is -missing elements end. Ieoveitixe bieee el and rad., - )MI' -dile Mien/aim mo thew s "no ,other tonic eau ecfnal Cr. Williams' lls, 03e5y dose cf.which helps entich.theeblood, drives out �iuupuri ties, and brtnga.anevi eeeling et health ane o 1 7u" . M SY l s. �: E. Diehop h p, thorns- Ave., Hamilto�� .Ont., tells -fqr the benefit of others what these pills' did; for her. • She says; "I was' suffer- ing terribly from 8010 ala. I 'doctored' with scveral•doctois,.rbut without suc- tess. hay complexion was sallow, I hweakadad no strength, feeling very - and languid. lily neck ,was full of`hunps called serofula, and at times tiheywere very painful After trying several so=. called blood'medicines, Dr: Williams' Pink Pilis were recommended to -me and I got half a dozen boxes. After taking, them- I found a. decided im- proved-lent m provenment'in My 'appearance, and to my joy the 'lumps .ware disappearing `from my neck, ' .1 persevered. in .the treatment, and finally „the only sign deft of the 'trouble" was a scar on my neck;vhete one of the swellinags• brake. Since that time I have been in robust health and. `]heartily , recommend Dr. *Mame' Pink Pills to any suffering, from impure blopd You' can get these ills• p through any nledlcine°dealer or by mail at 50 cents abox from Th Dr. il' W hams' Medicine 0 Co.; 'Brocliyilie, Ont., '*s Aboard ' he fix Piste tai •cl1111c1s ,ot lti5 ores( - ill a (heat 0]11(1 1111sc �F ttlsi,llh. the'.,. t `h°,lfi�r �`Ii� '•hri'� . 1."Y�e i0. �ery villi'kiim €]nit i. est 0'•110 c'ibtldreir 8110(5 born' bt21,3')hm iicsll paelet t 07 fame."The advent q1 the fleet b1by� 1113 elgxall %ed. Poi 5nflth:, i ,, t in s e 111'1 Boole 1+s S1111 by 11100 ,•crying of a'doonhle-decaniouk-'I er u e ple, a delicacy that she proceed, to 11 110)0• 11 1113C.' cf 5cilt pork onion , po- tatee.5 1,1111; 31)12). not for/l,"'/ the 111•et' stratum.; then conies a layer of paste, the sleet you can "get your teeth into; next another layer of. meat, and. vege- tables; audi lastly ;v+ second crust an lop of 3111:Sonletfrle 51100 a 111ird dec]c wideci. Such L dlsh.ytealuing t f1om, the galley was to irunerY and sparsely feel elan a i•epa0t fee'0 MADE HER BABY - PLUMP AICD k® Nothing makes (mother more grete- fui than a benefit conferred upon her c!014, Mothers everywhere wird have need' Baby's' Own Tablets for this -children speak in enthuIiastle terms of them. For instance, Mrs, Zepherin Lavoie, Three Rivers, Que„ writes: "Baby's Own Tablets area wonderful medicine for little onus, They never fail to (regulate the -baby's stonmacli and bawela, and mane him plump and well. I always keep a box of -the Tablets In the house and woulsLedvfae all moth- ers to do likewise:' Uiost of the or- dlnary-allments' of childhood arise •in the stomach and bowels, and eau' be Quickly banished -by Baby's Own -Tab- lets: 'Ames. Tablet(• relfeye constipae tion and indigestion, break up colds and simple fe'vers, expel worms, allay teething pains And promote healthful sleep.; They are guaranteed to be free from' lnjurlous drugs and, aro safe even, for the youngest and most delicate child: The Tablets are sold by medi. eine dealer, or by mail at 21e a box ,from- The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brookville, Ont. .• When Are We Most Clever? Interesting facts aboht the age at which a, Man's faculties''t'each their highest pitch of efiicienoy' have been botnpitederecently: It was found, for example, -that the average . age at -which twenty of the groateat inventions' Were produced was thirty.two. The inventors. of .the steam 'engine and the steam turbine were' moll tWontl'-nlne '.:when their Whore e•eatiltod''in Siete epoch -malting devices. The self -binding reaper, wi'rs- less telegraphy,and the vacuum air - brake ware invented by "seen in their twenty-second year The inventor of line sewing machine was twenty-six, while, the discoverer of .the process of producing aluminum -cheaply was only twentythree. P11i. son was thirty when he made the drat ineandeetent lamp, rtelilbnr Wright, the pioneer aviator, was thirty-eight when he conquered the air: The result of -these investigations points -to the fact that artists and musicians as a 'rule develop their tal- ents very early, In life, /authors seem to attain the peak of their creative. powers at or about the age of forty- two.' Financiers: and Iniehiese met/ generally reach their zenith at fifty - Statesmen and generale aro'highest in the list of'ageg. Many of the great- est acts of diplomacy have been initi-, ated-by amen in the seventies and eigh- ties. Military history shows that sone• of 3110'. most crucial betties'.'been -directed by men who were old''onoilgh to be goandfath,ee5, But the would-be inventor, artiste musician, or poet who is rapidly: out- growing his yeutll heed. not -be tis - .c lila,oci 15eee facts. There ai•e 1n111y. o icd1ltl'oii§ to )r9ye talo rtile,Diiliam- de Mo1'gau, t0 na1.110but One, example, was slaty -seven before lie made Itis bey ee 1 uocetitI-movelist, An Ancient Porch. Dating back to 1331, a church porch, iu Leaad'en Wall )las been traustormed- into a tiny •tostel in which, city ,girls May have a quiet. ,'est during lunch tllho. Minar 's' Liniment Fine for 1110 tient _see et ,No Money Made With Poor Stock. Breeders of live stock are facin problems to -day that require expert business -like handling: 1 The high' coat of feed, , labor and heavy over -Bead expenses are mattere the average farmer finds confronting hint every day. Successful farmers have always real- ized the value of good breedings in live stock, Testimonials from these men are easily obtained annd'-`shonld convince the most skeptical that the only way to beat the„'labor situation, cost'of feed, etc„ le. to keep only those animals that aro bred to'produce,. either milk or beef:-' The surveys cond'uc'ted by Prof. Leitch in the different counties all go to prove that where farmers are using piire bred aired in either beef or dairy. herds, they are making greater in- comes with . piactleaily 'the same quantities of feed; When we consider that these figures were obtained from actual fanners, /lying under average farm conditions, wo can hardly discredit them.• Liberal fending -of 'Inferior live stock, it was- shown, was' not as great it factor in increasing the labor in- come se wad Vie use of purebred sires. The ,pare bred sire has back of him. generations of anoestora that were selected' and bred with a, specific-Var. pose iu view:- either the production of beef or the production of milk. 'These oharaeteristics are highly in- tenaifled in' his blood to that he trans - mita them, to. his offspring, even when only a grade female is used'. Tho grade sire has'. back, of hint generations of ancestor% that, like "Topsy," just happened. The 'resljl 'is that you can expect nothing but are liable to get anything. ""haphazard bit and mise 'breeding operations •are the- causes of -low labor ineomes and financial failures among Ontario farmers to -day, ` 'he remedy lies' in the farmers' horde, Buy a good 'pure'bred sire' of the breed of stock you. are interested in' and you have made the first step to- ward success,. - For Sore Throat Usc'Mlnard's Lin imont Furniture made in' Queen 'Alex- ands'( Technical School of Woodwork on her Sandringham estate, can 'be bqught by anyone whovisits the place. Queen Alexandra aterted the 'school about forty ,years ago for the benefit of lads on. the estate; "DIAMOND DYES" i l COLOR THINGS NEW g :1111:... �........, ti.....,...,. $eautifulhome'dye. , ing and tinting is guaranteed with Diamond Dyes. Just. dip to .cold water to liot: soft,' delicate shades, or boil to dye rich, permanent colors." .Each 15.cent package contains d1• rections so simple any woman can dyo Of tint lingerie, sines, ribbons,' skirts waists, dresses, coats, stockings,. sweaters, draperies, coverings, hang. lugs, everythin g, now. Buy` "'Diamos'=her kind=and tc"Il yournd Dyedruggistno whethoter the material you wish tocolor is- woe or silk, or whether It IS-_ linen, cotton, or ntixed goods~• Can't Ke.np.'Hoise Without,filinard's C - E Weight,, • of Foxboro, ''Mass„ writes tis foiloiys:• "Will you please advise Mie how I •can get yoei'. liniment? , I can't keep hous,c -without Mlnard's, 'We were ,newel without it in our 1101110 fn Nova Scotlt}." Minaret's is splendid for sprains, bruises, rheum ,;ism, eoIds, etc; 1\7111 -lard s t�i�i lent En sh eapi a :e1 t ltee e con 1 Kneel by their hues anti one can- liy dame 3511000 hushand• commanded a' ship;ill the:Colonies trade used -to turn IsIr pansengers'Tleisure to good tic - count during the long -voyage. ,'"She alaaa.ya loo ; on:board with her 'n pleliti fill supply- of the dress materials 0a d trimmings in vogue at the time as well .as some of the latest fashion boolte and•irtaterns._ hen. she --enlisted a dozen ai' so of 'the. young women emi- grants tivli'o were handy • with the needle and set' them. to wont to .make up under her direction -a stock of the lamest fashionable models. to display to the Colonial. -ladies at the port of ar- rival. It was nce wonder that with BO admirably resourceful a business- wo- man e to as 4s hi a t mtX4 a e captain soon n h- came part—illdeell, principal—owner of his ships." • I -fold the Health Thought.'' Balding• -the health thought, the health oonscioueness, will ]help you_ to obtain- t in thea 140 it condition -n the he other hand, if you carry a,pbysieal weakil ss'and lis s e e e consciousn a eels, You cannot possibly build a perfect health t condition. C n Y>: ou ideal of e th, thing you want, thepicture you hold in your mind, must, be 'of 'a :perfect 'thing. If it is imperfect, the real which you built up on the physical Plane . wilt be :imperfect.' In other words, youwill ontpicture your nilud; you will outpletime your ionv ictian of yourself, of your health, of your altua tib. ,in 1110, of your s0C0ees, of your poverty or prosperity, For sore 'Fent—Mlnard'a •i,lnlment. There are lots of little things that wise 'men do not understand, but it is benerally believed that hens lay eggs because they can't stand them on end. WE .WANT CHURNING We -supply' cans and .lay express charges. 'We pay daily by express money orders, which can be - cashed anywhere without any charge: • To. obtain the top price, Cxe must be free from bad flavors and contain not less ,than 80 -Pen cons. Hubter'Fat.' ' - ' Bowes Company Limited, Toronto Icor references --Road .Toionto, Bank of Montreal, or your local banker, Established for over thirty years. The •AIRy�i zM Cir kl fton 14 Atlantic City IL o Le 1 . New Jferseg America's Smartest \_ Resort Hotel. Famous for its Euro. peen Atmosphere. Perfect Cuisine and Service. Single rooms from $5.00 ^ . Doable' rooms from $$.00 European Plan New Hydi atric arid Electro Therapeutic Department. - (USTAVE TQTT,3Vtanager tdw� rira r,r l it CILIUM (Ain -TIGHT ,, T7"IIKW'ra.. The Tobacco o Quali There are 16,608 Boy Scouts in tarn): DO - YOU. STAMMER, Don't suffer r under;thishandicap ica p ny 1ongeY, Successful pupils everywhere.rrmrrecommend' methods of treatment. Write for free advice and literature. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE ICITCHENER ONT.. A rCANADA- . m Greatness 'comes only by growth. Classified Is aro ertl' seme 1110 , FREE CATALOGUE.' AS1'BERR$ BU' aIiB3, GLAD( bolas, Iris, peony; Fancy Dahlisa and Barred Rock E . The Wright Farm, Brockville, Ont. zga4' iJsc non EYES IRRITATED BY SUN,WIND,DUST &CINDERS - A30065014550 333040 ar 0511001575 6OPIIC:AMA VA.= 700 Mei era CA00 C00r., NV00'0 CO.CLLICAOaVAA COULD NOT SLEEP NIGHTS Pains and Headaches Re- lieved by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Dublin, Ontario. -"I was weak and. irregular, with pains and headaches and could not sleep. tughts. I: learned about' Lydia Il. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound by reading the letters in the newspapers 'and armed it because wanted to get better. I have got good results fromitas I feel a 1ot'stronger and am not troubled with such bad headaches as I need' to beand am more. 'regular. I am gaming in weight all the time and I tell my friends what kind of medicine I am taking. You may use my letter 'as a help to others."--•' llfrs. JAmas RACao, Box 12, Dublin, Ontario. Halifax Nurse Recommends Halifax, N..S. "I ens a maternit r nurse and have recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to many women ,wbb' were childless, also to women who need a good tonic. I' am EngIish and my husband is American,' and he told me of Lydia E. Pinkham While in England. I would appreciate a copy or two of your little backs on women's ailments. I have, one which I. keep to lend. I will willingly answe$ letters from any woman asking abouqt the Vegetable Compound. "-Mrs. S. ALI CoLBMMg, 24 U'niacice Street, Iialiffaay Nova Scotia. MONEY T.O LOAN. TO ARM LOANS MADE. AGENTS. $ wanted. Reynolds, ds, 7 7 Victoria,Toronto. 4 Ideal Spring Vacations 3iOnly 2 i7aystrom i(ewYork Go in April and May when Bermuda is ablaze with 1'lowan—perfect daysfor rest airplay. Palatial env Twi -Sc n r Steamers "FORT VICTOR/A" and "FORT ST. GEORGE" For Illustrated Booklets Write FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34 W11teallStreet •: New YorYCity or ihry xooao( Familia Agent Cuticura Promotes Permanent flair Health Shampoos with Cuticera Soap, with light applications of Cuticura Ointment when necessary, tend to free the scalp of dandruff and minor eniptions; and to establish a per- manent condition of hair health. aaelp1e Eaoh rre. by 113035. Addeo.o Canadian .pail: at.oSaun r tt, jabita^. SSloe, soup b ntCant t6 and 600, 'releuat the. Cdtloura Shaving Stick 2511. Farmer Proves Value of Pure Bred 'Buil W.V. Potter received, $5_2.25 • more for steers sired by a Pure Bred Bull than for steers sired by Scrub Bull. He shipped five steers from eomtnou grade • cows of equal merit. The two -steers sired by a Scrub Bull brought $95.55. each, while the three steers aired by the Pure Bred Bull brought $147.80 each. The steers received the same care. Power and better cattle are more profitable than a larger number of Scrub animals. Make your cows work for you rather than you should work for them, " Your 1925 resolution was to gab I. of. that Scrub Bull—Have you , done it? "The Standard by which . other 'kr<olis atr°e, Judged."- . V OtI can now obtain a lu genuine X3otpoint Iron for 35.50. 'I`his.famoue elec- tric servant has: for years been the first choice among discriminating liousowives. Tho thumb rest—an exclu- sive Hotpoint patent—ant- ' inatos, all strain on time LAwrist, ` This is the Iron 311ith the famous hot point. . Your deale1' sells ,i Iloipoint Irony Canadian, General Electric Product. 78189, ,ISSUE No. 17-'25. Proved safe by millions and i'resci ibed by physicals for, Headache Neuralgia golds Lumbago 1 Pain _ Toothache Ndiliitis - Rheumatism •4cca only "Bayer"-, package `vhicli cdi Uains proyen,directions. 'Handy "Payer" boxes of 12 tablets 1]000 }bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. Aspndn is 11131 13'00,1 1811.7 Oveint'144 In Canada) 'at Bayer ltsn5h,btare.. r iIononcetln aelde3ter of Sslicyllercld (12oO-1 SoSoylle held 'A,. 5. A."). waffle 1173 well lcnowi, that dsplrlrt me❑l1'l nater l um.L;ct. r1A to 1511st 113± p ]'bad 84s15o(( 110130)506,- the Tablets 0Z 'Ban): Comhaoy. will 5,'0(811)13 vitt their CellQral tta3ie mark, ttlp,1303or,05558,"