HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-04-30, Page 20. . 1IOThGQA1T M. ItleTACIGA.113 tf:TAGGART BROS BANKERS A general .13ankI .ed.' Notes DiitI ' Interest AlloWa. NOtes Purchased.' T. RANCE NO:tory P-Ublle i0onveyan11er. asairrivasact- 1.,::::bratts Tssued. ifr.pcpcsits.. Bala . , F1 110110/04, fla1 Eotino and Fire In- surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire surauce • Companies; OlvaelencOptiet :Office, "Clinton. , BRYDONE,' BarristCr, oIiCitor; Noiary',Prib tilic, etc. SLOAN GLOC:K .CLINTON, ' DR. GAN-0'ER. • Itounsio-4,00' Po 3.3 6,30 to 8.00 pan _Sundays 12:30 to 130 p.10. 0 141!,;-i• lioin,s by appointment only.. Office and -Fiesidelibe Victoria St: , .. • , . DR. METCALF,: BAY FIEL.D, ONT.' Office Jdo,urs--2 to , 4, 7, to 8. , Other 'hour's' by a1ppo1ntinent.• DR. H. S.SIZOVIN, 1.30 to 1930 P.m. .7.30 to 8.00 pin. Shndays 1,00 to 2.00 p.m , Other hours by appointment. , Phones - Office, 218719' itesidence, 2181 DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence: ,Enron 'Street Clinton, Ont. 'NEW S CLINTON, ONTARIO' .crina)ifif Suii' 1)m 0 lx adv-•an.ce, t;'•PCt'47-1.naTiiii2i.'0i,01(lill)';''.10sYsetlaltri'' '1) g drat,Idle1;:" that 11 07 countbies...., 'NO .papie-r. discontinued p1011011111Le Wait ronglion't 4,iaitcl 0 .10 of ' P117 , . „ ..2,;;',0 to the le the.: Option,pubi f oold 01110110 1.t i uint_o4!,41-4",'us dis4113ek Sea c r00101 3u•S'" ate , 1,6 eNioryt ilhaeripiet -bc:eV:in-is of tad • 44* - "tit 1° paid Ls detiotedion tlio label .' . Di°sly.9.. -Piave been biliPile.' '-1-1-1.-e°tIeIlrloti7t,ir'i,*-:. titilif1•1*iii;(1i4.11','9'ris-;.qq.11?"ii°4;,0'.e''ild-espditii'iiiill-t,01/71:1:,'-iag, 'A d v e r t i is i n g Rates --1Traasio11d. . aaveri, sive§ ere be-iievod lo bliV't be-ell'Ine_';''ii;t00.4.' ',:!-:.:::tii:i'1.:l,t,,ISifitli'earal - outrage. tl6iilg,I,0 per 0010.4 line . for, first, ported from 13essia.", tli.: caneful tVadcri:Sti4,,critd,e; theYrbiii0e; been. she f, and insertion, se tor each sallasequkait is 'being kept ,, aLongthe AillIgaviarl 0.1' '011 capt-aro,,a,,b4e. made ai Chr C 0 III -.. .ind41,-tion,, Heading, cbunts 2 lines. 1.0e,',1-- bY 1hOt01.'1:-;(>#,,i'''ildld .1U 0110 1111 11 -. avowal,s --ti4i.t.,',11,t, taelt of the Small advet.rtieoments, 1101, h0 exceed. 'as further 'ldlempl.5 70 'lend arm11. ll -Ad po:ice in roundineep.'tthe' remaining' one 111e11, Siieln 03 Wanted," elto01," munitions are feared- - conspirators,:loidlitios!.-: oompo,rEddvely "Stieled,” ete, inserted drice - for The / allied liambaSsadors kaving easy. The filiiiteokt,worked in small 3F,c,,, 6ach." subsequent 111,,ika011 ie5c °rain,- 'or . P -i5 -k-'10!) lo. ill- glb4i1,0 od 19 0310 Ave .0 011'.501e11, the Advertisements 013151 ":;:h „Without' in- crease bort artiay, ,tho• ienliStrnent of 'reseeetie gtoups, not' knowing .the stractions.,ag to the number of in- s°'-dicrs is licit'2' .cicried °lit dhlleilgh... identity of UM Callers.' ' It WaS the 00 1.0110 911059111 win elm until order- out the country. .The Civilian PoPue. work of ,ene granP to- InanufactuTe ed out awl will -be elm -ego a,coord- Dation .lhb ws 0ege1'1les0. to e00101. the 'ex'plosives, afiother to 1110.113' out' asses- , ingly. ;Rates for dthPlaY advertising fotTRS OT lasv and ouder, and' 110010 1.',,' sinationsn ,third 10 blow ill'i buifil'- ... made 51101000il m'applicetion. guarded at night by 101,1113. The ings, 'a fourth 10 spread propaganda, : i' - Communications intended' for Communicationspublitauthorities have- proposed 'the dis- and a fifth Ito 'bribe p0700111 likely to ' ' :Caffon ' niiis't, as' a 'guarantee • of good arinadiejut i (-if lik..a civilians, e.xcept, be useful, In • thie ouplosion in the ,faith, bo necompanted by the name of those on Government service; but they, Bveti - Kral thithedrai the coinhina, - G. E. HALL, "7 M. A. CLARK, : as,' owing to abhost coniatant war in .,,All those invotvecl in the Piot' bad i : ' 1 Proprietor. Editor.' the EMIL:tins since 1910. the Majority )3,150 riotilied that abont-APril 16 a 5 j c. se ('11101 NM revoiv- tromen Gus OXP1051011. would be heal crs in their possession. I yri ,Sofia an would be. tne signal, for FOUg. LOSE LIVES IN - • Although th,-,,,, Gc,,,,,,,,,,„mig„,c,.by jieg.„ beginning a reign dy tettrer, The . ..GASOLINE FREIGHTER in ' - . 1. . 1 '` '' , ..., . g , g bxeitinge, Ma 'prevented a 01111i -,Cathedral olitrage - ocenrred on that ons fall in' thesvalue, of the leVa there date but nu tire 91:1' ci al.- Govern - On . . ,„ . ,... t . , -, --". . ,, . - Tp, r ;nervousness among. ment. bdTicials . esca . d l'infiary, the WaY, Front" Cleiteland to is, a fes.l'ing o . iensinesS inem. who in sopes Cases are corragi f the : • 't of -the C00 - Port Stanley R t T ' on. e urn rip . -. , . , .;:: - ,. ' - ', - .-.' .. ° le maJo-rliY" Ilislirred against the risk:, of :aischalerst,,l sparators failed, and they did not fill- -011e Body Recovered. But nblesS eemplicitions 'Set in from finhe 'teaks allottedih 1 hem, , _ , , C. Emil iFivii30ARy,170.: FIM,T-M14-6R-4i811k1420. ^ :the Writer.- • • 11-1 tiiin proved altUgether tc,o enecdsefud. A despatah from St. Thomas, Ont., says :-All doubt as to the fate of the . , little gasoline freighter, Ada May Belle, of Pont Stanley, with its crew of four, which left Cleveland. early'l* (Formerly eecuPiell by the late Dr. on Sunday morning and was eched- C. W. T1100191011)• uled to arrive back some time the samo day, were set at rest on Thura-- day eight, when "a. message was 're- ceived from Cleveland that the body of George Iciraggs, oc Windsor, had -been picked up liy a fishing tug. The other members g the crew we'ne li'rank Payne, of Port Stanley, mit • gineer of the boat, and -I3ert Butcher, also of Port Stanley, owner Of the craft, and a man from Cleveland. :- Tha body of.Knaggs was picked 'up about thirty-Bve isdles north a -Glove- -land, showilig,that the vessel had not gone far before she ran into _heavy weather and fodhelered, . The lifelese victim of the 'storm's fury was taken to the morgue' at Cleveland and' there identified. Ile was not drottmed, lint dieetkof expos- ure and exhaustion. A -lifebel6 en- oiro.4c11'gs1 body When. he was found,, .and'itr is Potaible that. if the other men need the belts with which their 'beat was furnished the finding .of the -other bodies nuir be only a matter of hours. The=lifebelt worn by ‘Enaggir bore the IMMO of "Val- kyrie," the "Ada May' Belle's" „for- mer name before it wee converted to summer excursion duty. Every fishing tug' in the Cleveland haybor, as well as other vessels, .Eyes Examined and Glasses F,I,tiod. D AN )3 d E fi Dr. eWton ra y„ rev e Graduate' EUbliii Eniiersity, Ireland. Late' Extern Assistant Master, Re: tunda'Ffoepital for Women and' Child ren, Dublin. - Office1at residence lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. • . Hours: -9 to 10 a.m., G to 7 p.m. Sunday -.1 to 2 pm,. . DR. McINNES . Chiroprr.ctor Of Wingharn, will be at the Commerc- ial Inn, Clinton, on 'Alonday, and Tittirsday forenoons each week, Diseases 'of :all hinds successfully ,bandied. CHARLES )3. HALE Conveyancer, Notar)0Pupflc, CoMm is. shinier, etc., -- REAL. ESTATE •AND }NSURANCE.' HURON STREET.. • CLINTON . •••• • tWst Wawariosh Mutual Fire • Insurance CO: . Established 1878 ?resident, John A. McKenzie, litricar, cline; Vice -President, IT: L. Salkeld, Goderich; Secretary, Thos. G. Allen, Dungannon. Total amodnt of insur- ance nearly "$121100,000, ' In ten years ' number ot policies, have increased. from 2,700 te 4,600. Flat rate of $2 per $1000., Cash_ on band, $26,000. H. L. Salkeld - Goderich, Ont. Wes: Stevens, Clinton, Local:Agent, GEORGE 'El LOTT • Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. . Correspondenee Promptly answered, Immediate arrangements 000-b0003113 for Sales -Date et The News•Record, • Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction . Guaranteed. 13.,R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont, General Fire and Life insurance. Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live- Stock, Automobile and Sickness end Accident 'Insurance, Huron and Erie rind Cana- da Trust Bonds. Appointments -made to ineet parties. at Brucefield, Varna and Bayfield. *Phone 57: The McKillop Fire Insurance Company Head Office: Seaforth, Ont. DIRECTORY: President, James Connolly, 'God:31.10h; Vice, James Evans, 'Beachwood; Sec.. Treasurer, Thos. E. Hays, Seaterth. "Directors: George, McCartney, Sea - forth; D. F. McGregor,-Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, Walton; Win. Ring, Seafortit; M. MeEwera.Clinton; Robert Ferries, liarlock; Jolui Benneweir, Brodhagon; aks. Connolly, Goderich„ '- Agents:" Alex. Leiteh, Clinton; J. W. Yeo, Goclerich; ma. Hinchrey, Sea. forth; W. Chesney, Egmonclville; It. jarmuth, Brodhagen. Any money to be paid In may be paid to IvIooeish Clothing Co.,„cnathea or at Cutt's Grocery, Goclerich. Parties desiring to affect insure:Me or tiknsact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of die alieve officers addressed to their respective post office. Losties inspected by the Director who livee neareat the scone, • TIME- TABLE 'I'raine will arrive at and depart Earn Clinton aa follows: Buffalo and Goderich Div. • Going East, depart , 0.25 a.m, • 252 pan. Going West, ar. 11.10 am. " ar. 6.08 dp. 6.51 11.111., ar.,10.04 pin., London, Huron ea--Brce DIV, Going South, ar. 7.88. dp. 7.56 6.111. 4.15 lam' . Going North, depart • 6.00 p.m. • " 11.05 11.13 a.M. be engaged in the scorch for the missing men or their bodies. Main Street of Stirling is Now 'in TWo Ridings A despatch front Peterboro Says: - The of. Stirling haslad it new distinction thyust npon it' by the Do- minion. GOvernment through redistrl- bution.:' 'rate' main streel of the vtl, lege now forms the boundary lite 'of two ridings, Stirling having been built astride the line Separating",two townships,. ' It Is bell'eved that this distinction. is unfone, , - For Pederal electon purposes what wee once knoWn az West I-Testi:1gs will in future appear in the retarns as South. }Testi/1ga, riding -that E. Gus Porter .of Belleville held for, so . niai Years. The west half, of Stirling finds it. self alter the reraisitribotton shuffle in Ole new riding that has beeu fornied by a joining together of portions of 'the Counties of Hastings aud Peter - Will Provides 'Recompense For 1V1inister and Pallbearers < A despatch from Pittsburgh says: mho pallbearers who carrie0 the cof- fin In which Mary J. Griffith was 'bur- ied will receive 52 each for their kindnesa, by a stipulation in her will. The urnisual bequests became known when the document -was filed here for probate. , Another clause bequeaths 55 to ilio minister who of at the amoral Servicee. T -ler household effects and 54,500 Were left to fribildS and rela- ti y es . boro. • Value of Canadian Farm Lands Steady at $37 per Acre °coupled farm land an Canada showed no fluctuation in 921, renmin, ing at an average value of $37 an acre. according to tho report' ()tithe DOM/M- I.0N 13-tareau of Statistics. The figures included improved and unimproved land as weM as houses, barns and other fora) buildings% BnIttsh Columbia Yogi Lered the highest average value of farm lands among the provinces, with $96 an acre. Others ranged from $58 an acre down to $24, Wait and See. liresh-"Say, prof how long could l IVo without brains'?" Prof. ---"That remains to be seen." , RT. REV. W. FCC -LARK Anglican Bishop of Illaga.ra, 'who died in Hamilton recently,- „a. Fai'rrier is Poisoned . With Horse Medicine A despatch frOM Hepworth, Oitt., says: --William Finch, a farmer of Shou'dice Settlement, neer here, bad a narrow escape, from death when he cOusumed a small quantity of horse medicine, in nnistake for a stomach preparationavhich he had been'taking of late. Mr„,Fineh diacovered his mistake at once, but, after reaching the ne.xt room, he collapsed ,011 the floor- aid was rendered epeechlgs. His wife however,* suspected what haci hap, pened and 'immediately, telephoned foo a doctor. , ' He was unconscious before the doe - Shakespeare's Birthday Com- rernorated by Throngs of Visitors at Stratford - on -Avon. ' ,k dospatlh trout London says: - The 341st anniversary of the birth of Shakespeare wit's ceVelbrated on Thurs.- day in Landon and at Stratforibon- Avon, his birthplace. At luncheon of the English -Speaking Canon In I5011 - don, a toast To the Immortal Mem - 0.3'Y of the 13.ard"-,was proposed by $.L Lae Strachey, and seconded by Alfred 15. At a luncheon in the Town Hall at Stratford -an -Avon, it was Bernard Shaw who promised the Satre teast before air 'audience wiitch hiclucled sennesentatives of Poland,1301.1via, Ru - Juan% and Serbia., Stratford was crowded with visitora, who Joined in ihrpreas6sion from the poet's cottage to the Old parish church, -where scores of wreaths Were placed on the tomb. The procession, headed by a. brass band, incitided the Mayor and Alder- men of the borinigh, the AmbaSeadors and attaches „of nearly all foreign countries and tlie British Dominions, and depertdoncies beyond the seas, while the main body was constituted of men, women and children, young and old, of ail nations, some carrying expansive wreaUis and bouquets, and others with humble,,flotal sprays. 11) Natural Resources gl'ulletin. •• The Natural Resources Intelligenee, Service of the,Deptagt the interiemt- Ottawa- aYs ; One '.of Canada's 'natural reeources and one that ls beennahig, increasing- ly important is, her tettractione for tourists and tre.vellera. been in this traffio Camtcla. is now coming tor arrived, but mfter au antidote had 0-ministend lis, ,„egained aand intollio; own From all parts of the seie.aneee and iikety Nvin recover. '-t,oour reports. , are received ef ereasing stunners of visitons, and 24 British Boys Sail for - 1.11anY Poillt6-th.nt have heretofore not oboeteon aofofetivvieitroirisooking after the Inter" Cada.da to Settle on Land are commencing to - recognize the advantage of providing A despatch from London, Eng., the 1113303'accommodation and. a welconte.. .,,Itsays:Tiventy-four boys, ity of, whom belong to Loudon, sailed would be exceedlngly difficult for any on the S.S. Minnedosa on ThursolaY oterulryisontdweirtillul ailili ace y :Li feorr3, itloie vbiseiatIrtolof an! for Canada, to take it ferrn work. in the Western Provinces. The bos, Witt anti not find many spots within 5. very short -distance where he could ages rabge from 14 to 1.1., find 'rest and recreation or otherwise Their ate receiving free passage to the' Dominion -front the Colenize2tion sa.tisfy his desire' for a thange. ' to remain in the situations which - ,_ theY have promised BY ,...the sea DB inland Canada offers opportenities that ,ere dna/Welled by Association,' and any other country, and the vast have been found for them until they _ fire 18Yeara of age., When they ar- lengths of good highways that linve rive at that ago they 913)1 be at lib- been. conetructerl during the pest few erty to engage in other work if they Yinenarreael;eaible,oli)eyncat41tteinpieibuiTeas buittlirreiroigo desire to do no. '" , 11)01 -001101115 season Canada will ith Oilier PArties of. 110.41 will sail: "E011 dOubt be visited by vastly greater num- Canada later nncler limner condi- hers ,Df tenrists% - The Natural Re- "How many cows r:re ye wilkin , 91 @To c '7N-issivArioNAo, 80(1110513. SUGGESTIONS' FOR SOI.VING CROSS,WORD PUZZLES Start cart by filling in the words of which you fee -reasonahlY sure. These will give you a clue to other words crossing them, and they in turn to still others. A letter belongs in each White space, -words starting at the,numbered squares and running either - ,horizontally or vertically or both. • .HORIZONTAL 9 -To house • : 6 -Burned by Water 13‘, -Eager, greedy :14 -Near .16 -Roguish; coy :18-W oody„ plant 19 -Toward .20 -Tear 22 -Less. thick 224-5.......Cdoweuretge 27 -:-Gives out --------- - 28 -,.Seaweed, source of iodin 29=IVIIstakes 31 -Aged; doting 33--Part-of the foot *34---s.dorrelative of rfelther 35.1Sour 34 -First book New Testament '430-84.--- oft(tdafc:Iishber.f)ort'In (abbr.) • 43 -An *Sager longing 46--AnticIpatee with horror 48 -Rodents 49 -Hurry 52 -Drop „ -554_73.-Anger meaning, three 57-Abbr. of name of a N. E.-Stete 68,-Diseaties " - 59 -Willing 61 -Famous Pr'esldent (initiate) 62 --Source of wood 63--M Milos 65 -Users of poptilar weed 66 -Changed VERTICAL 1 --Reduced to extreMe hUnger, 2 -Half an dm ' a -Grassy meadow ' 4 -Form of pastry 4-Dravys with a dry point 8 -Assert * 10 -Row 11978-t"-FFHirlbgnh°euxn.ploslve fihts'r.) 10 -Theological degree (abbr.) 11 -Wilted 19-A fixed Compensation 21 -Flippant 23 ----Eggs of insects 24---A darn . 26 -Those who cheer for a person 28 -Tied Into knots 30 ---Peruses 82 -Pierce , 37 -Trips -hard 38 -To seize with the teeth -544-349-21--1:weaetni:egGY'vetrdehd deer efoerled veh,lcie 45 -Former German unit of moneY. 46 -‘Contradiction 47--Soll 50-8east of burden - 61---Abbr.,for means Of communicar- then - 54 -Hasten away 56-A month (abbr.) 53 -To afflict with vexation 60-A charge 62 -Toward , 64 -An elder (abbr.). S49 yotuans preserthe for atl- i!rthe bleed, 5,00111011, liver Asif' eri 11110 0091111110(110 Itlood'a artar4nriliw Ntrolaralce N'ello,A", Dock Daodelion . ,Uva !hoc) SE:Ilinaia Blue Plag Pip$i$stro.ra GU0100 Jumper ,tiQrrie,a, 0011tian Oiwrry Rod othei el,ttellent tonics, thus mak.. ii-,g.one of tho 100,1114 111(11o0,510),) ei all niodicire Out only Itoodts. HOUSe CCOO. 513 Lo1ldoos h oT a .1.2.01;:-;6 Poing la Grosvenor ,Gardena, 11001, to Victoria , recalled vividly the war per- riad when. the h'flicers. hotel, 171115 so 'yeatiably ,by the Y.M.C.A., 0000P100 I 1110;ra, of the , trIangUilar plot of gre'4,3 beneath. tho .t:r&?..e". But waa not au- .• - other wai. which. was 'the. cause' of this, activity. It svas none other that Loudon's first steel house, according ITO The London Mortillig • The newspareel. understands tlint. it Is ' Lord Weir's project, and the °bled is• to show Loudon what la. 'stool house really 33' like. The building lenosva, c.3 lad single bungalow Pattern add Will contain 73d5. ,or eight roan-fa:all 011 the iround floor. ' The, pretest could hardly be tho. Scribed 'as building ln the accented . . sense, bet-atm:a the house is• erected in s.scitions.' There seem to he tear steel sections Lino ciacli" :end of the honge, and Slx in each side.: The house, la three" sections' long by two wide; so the sections aro built up 110 tW:ty tiers joint,ed toget,her. -The roof 'also M made, in sections. Iialf a dozen board's,' nine or 'ten feet by five, are put together side bY side in the work - Shen, making a section,' The roof, SOMIIGSV. of a series 'of these sections; is hooked -on to tire main beam run- ' thig the length Of the house. ,Over 01 are labd red tiles -Of a warm. shade, ingeniously' fluted Ea that the riVer, atioping.shall net 4et in anY rain. Among „the -rodent visitors to the ail° Was, Sir Sohn Baird. What'etruck Ole onlookers, most was the entire ab - Serum „of the'litter usually aseoeia.ted With- bail:ding, There were no mortar plants, no brick, duet flying about, no scaffolding, no cutting of stole for Otte thing seems cettain: With a reasonable. number of men is town could be built in -a week. One was ir- resistibly reinin,ded of the films show. lug Canadian settlers running up a. prairie: chureh or town hall. TIIE WEEK'S MARKETS Captain of Liner Cured by Insulin After Exposure A .despotali from St, John's, Nfld., says: -Insulin played the leading role in a drama of the high seas enacted on board th utter er n etria during e C a A d , TORONTO. $1; bologna, $2.50 to $3.26; feeding ablY lestiag ia a 1"a'' l'°"14:)11 04 ' the recent tempest, and Captain F E. Storey of- the Cunarder was comfort- , good, 56,50 to 57; do, fair, $5 Wed'idaY nir'llt, wbile 1VN °tea'''. Matt. wheat -No. 1'North, $1.70%; ,rteerst. ,..o $6.25; stockers, good, $5.6.0 to ae, p conanued ite voyage from Now York No. 2 North., $1.6491; No. '3 North, ' do, fart $5 to 56.50; calves choice, to .Ezglind is -charge of TAeutenant- , -7,„ $11 to 12' do med 7 00 to $9.50' Commander Wiling:sweat'. Man. oats -No. 2 C.W., 59/4c; No. do, 'common, $4.50 3o'- 56.00; milch 8 0,W,, 562,4,c; extra- No. 1 feed,' COWS, choice, $70 to $80; do, fair, $40 56V:ci No. 1,feed, 53%e; No. 2 feed,' to $50; springers, choico, $75 to $90; 49414e. " - good light sheep, $8.50 to 510; heavies All the above c 1.f. bay ports, and bucks, $5:50 to 57.50; good ewe American corn, track, Toronto -No. lambs, 514.50 to 515; do, mect, $13 to 2 yellow, $1.24. 514.50; do, calls, 511 to 512; spring Iilillfeed-Del. Montreal freights, lambs, each $10 to $16; hogs, thick bags included: 'Bran, per ton, $26; smooth, fed and -watered, 512.135; do, shorts, per tan, 5,28; middlings, 533; f.o.b. $12.25; do,. %country points, good feed flour, per bag, 52.00. $.1.-2.0'0; do, off cars, 313.35; select Ont, oats --Nominal, f.o.b. shipping pwillium, g,„52, Points, Ont. wheat -No. .2 winter, nominal; MONTREAL. No. 3 winter, not quoted; No. 1 com- Oats -Can. west., No. 2, 64%c: do, points, lidcording to freights. Mali. spring wheat pats., 1sts, Cobb Lake, Pontiac, Quebec Gold Discovered at mercial, not quoted, 8.0.111 shipping Flour, No. 3, 60%c; extra No. 1 feed, 55%c. Barloy-lVIalting, nontmal. 59,40;d 2 d $8 90. strong bakers', -_ o, n s, . , ,. $8,70. win -ter patents, choice, $7.20 to A dospabol.: from Pembroke sayei- Buckwheat-No. 2, nominal. At Cobb Lake, ln. the County of Pon- tiac, gold has been tound on :Milts owned by 3'. R. Booth. Claims are staked in every &motion. The ore when. assayed 'yielded gold at a rate or 538 10 the ton. Cobb Lake is eel:at:toll, Qabur t tight miles from Monday-. night's, tempest on the North A.tlimtic kept' Captain Storey. on the bridge throughout an anxious day, and night, and is a result of the exposure .and. fatigue he was stricken with an acute abtack Of diabetes, The liner was at once turned front her course:And headed tar $t. John's, the II.OftreiSt port dt whieh it might reasonably be expooted the preeious seri= cettld. be obtained. Rye--No. 2, nereine..1._ 57,50, Rolled oats -Bag of 90 lbs., Man. flour, first Patent, $9.40r To- 53'45' Bran -527.25. Shorts -529.25. route; do., second patent, 58.90, To- Middlings -538.25. Hay -No. 2, per Tonto, . I ton3ine8ttertl-lieS.141 to 518. 34 to Ont. flour -90 per cent patent 341,96; No. 1 creamery, 38 to 3314o; toninal, in bags, Montreal or To- ronto. • - - f spekials, 35 to 36e; fresh extras, 34c; seconds, 32 to 32%c. Eggs --Fresh, 58,16077--Carlots, Per ton, 58.00 to fora7hiotlisr;s6tso, t3o1c6.6e.Potatoes. -Per bag, 'Screenings -- Standard, recleaned, f.o.b. bay ports, per ton, 524.00. _ c$ se. \5vos ., soldup. frooinalv5e8o-.50$5to to 55.65. 5135u611". Hay -No, 2, per ton, 518.00 to Hogs -Mixed lots, $13„50 to 514; do, 12.00; mixed, .per ton, 19.00 to Spring lambs -:-$9 to 511. Sheep - 514.00; No. 3, per ton, $11.00 to ,,,,uts, $13.612, mid 514; sows, $11. • 11.00; lower gra es, 86.00 to 59.00. Cheess-New, large, 24% to 25e;' twins, 25 to 251/2c; triplets, 251/2 to 26c. Stiltons 26c. Old, large, 27 to ' . BOurcee Intelligence Service 161 already 28c; twins, 28 to 29n; triplets, 29 to . 1 Air asked Henry Mudge, in passh g •. 't • 300. in reeelpt of madY kquests. fo; mans • , • .- _ Butter --Finest creamery prints, 3,/ by. . to 38c; No. 1 creamery, 36 to 37e; "I ainni a milkin' any, Hen; but,the - No. 2, 05 to :391; Dairy printe, 2.9 to MiSsas, she's'nfilltin' ten." 30C. $6.50-. The Worker. tiqn 55, Please' Start Something. • "Whitt, Lime 16 it, 01aucl?" boomed her father frail, 'the top of the:stairs. "Fred's -watch isn't going." "Flow about Fred?" Canada from CORSt to Com 1 Araherst, NS. -It is understood obtabled.at the uhusually low cost of that two parallel coal seams, OTIOT $3,000. each. nearly four feet. 111 .thickness, and the Winnipeg, Man.-Tt is :understood, other three feet, have been diScov-,that the Products, Limited, ered by the Maritime Coal Railwayi will 03177 on a Misincss here in milk, and Power Company near the Maple, cream, mineral waters; „flavoring ex - Leaf Mims at River Hebert. It is ,tracts :and beverages this' year. The etated that a stope will be sunk 3ni4d111e0101:e.• of the company, whieh is 'dad other ineormatien coneeraing motor tours and cailoo routes from ohl portions of the 71.uiled States, in- dicating. the . growing Mterest in this country. - Canadians ,18itva a well established reputation ,,for • courtesy to travellers., ,Euring the coining 00108011910 1131111 be called tHi'on. malty times fey infertile - tion about the particular district In which, We, .iive ,and about Canada in ,general. uswelconie: bur Visitors' and encourage ,thein io return. .A.0 Canadians, WO also should visit the beauty spoils i11 our own coontry. Many 00 510 spendour, vacation acrbss the line, when 'Within ,Et comparatively few miles are places' which the for. mediately for the' wo7iting a 1118 9031(911100(1 at one nulMon clollara,• are soign loisriot vis,ite and which we have four -foot seam. , at present Winnipeg, for 'the- pur- neves seen. Lel, no this year plan to saint John, N.33.„.„_Appjication bas pose of the selection of a factory site, 01,0031 01,u, 1)110(1110110111 esuada; we bee nade the Etmvincinli Govern- &•11:1ai iitnesitter" will. then more retubly appreciate the reaSona -why 4.30"illan United States 11 3 Inent for letters patent 'Pot t ncor- poration of the British and Qanadian Czccho-SloVakia, according to report. Packing Corporatimi, with ileadquat- r It is expected that the t.est-will take ers 00. this city ded capitalian ation . etvvsett -six., and eight weeks, and of a500 COO' Both Eritisli'`111. and CA- ' ' • -tht Oleareetrits will be knn owin time (11511 „capital, 'it is unders).00d, will be -to permit the remodelling of the Bien - invest,, m en ell)) - -fait plant in }tme if the tests prove limee. Rivers, Qu,..---Consttuction. as •siiceessaai ee anticipated. Work has commenced. on the news- Edlni6111i011, Alta. ---Creat improve - print 1111. 11 of the WaYagamack PuIP mein' lias been 111000.111 the Matter of and Paper C,omptipy here. 0011910015 winter feed for dairy cows in the fpr the p,,a:etinth,veod, mill machinery province -clueing ea„, 'and idle newsprint maohihes have ing to the annual report of the Do- lmen let 1:0 an Enrlish )0)1.p111113', partment of Agriculture. Ther o are .white ale coniroct [or the. steel work between' 2,500 and 3,000 allow -now in Went n '1010103111 firm. , the province; most of which have115001i coal aro to be made in Oermany and 350110010, Ont.. ---Through 101)0111 erected within the ST00 five years. purchass.s, Una 01.117110t,over3nnent Victoria, Co:trmllia 11110 5(100(1 four flyiug Ina:hi-nes to ite will continuo this year Os:nivel:Hs:tail-Si Tercet patrol fleet, which now totals 'resources of roines, erheries, 151111.1. nineteen, tioctarding to 0110 arumunce-, a1 Wenibisty, accort'ene to an an - 11 -10111 o! the :Minister or Lands and notincernetit Made by first -Mei: Oiiver. Forests. 'flat inacliiiies, W-hiCh aro This year's enitibiit:7,,11:i_ cr.'s:L. 518,000 1111)11110(1 0(5 he ot.acticailv new. were' or 519.000. it is 00)111 . tourists :are visiting this -country. ,British'Squadron•at Bermuda to 'Visit Canada m' A deepateli froLaino. do'says1---The algh,ti, Vi0e- Admiral- Sir Jaill-bs ',Forg'UsSari, .110111- ,rnander-in-cltief•of the North.Ameracon and, Waa.1., Ind tea 51310011, iS Ordered to Ica,voits 1)5105 1(1 B.orminlit on June 8 for a .Visit. to Canada. It will be Com. nosed "of Caleutta, 0105511dli (003)10111 ho lion. AIOXainter R(15110110',1)...9.0,), 001.Gtaiice. ( 011911 I 0 C, itI, "1 ' Id -41 Ci Cow (Cap)ain }I, D.' Bridges, Ftbid obeui June 11 to ,111:15 22 tho iTalifax. Later in.i,llagShin d adoth 01)11001' 'will visit ilol(n'S, 934113)',snd iNtontretti 'Eggs -Fresh extras, in cartons, 35 • Windows and Walls. , to 36e. loose, 34c; fresh 085a05, 31.c;'•a-os aaa 11y- • a a s Cat aso , or e eecon e, 27,to 28c, LiVe poultry -Rens over 4 to 15 against exterior -3)11)980-id 80 'the win. \ chikens, 4 lbs. and, -over; 2451.; lbs. 20e; do, 3 4 tb lbs.. 18e. spring 'dott' onenings Wein. d6, corn fed, 22c; roosters, 1511; duck- lings, 5 lbs. 91(1 0330 22e. Detssed poultry--Chickene, spring, 8.15c; hens, over 4 to 5 lbs., 28e; dol 8 to 4 22c; spring chickens, 4 ',Us. and over, M.F., 25c;do, corn fed, 32c; roosters, 20c; ducklings, 51 lbs. and up, 27c. I Deans -Canadian, handpicked, lb.,' 5,/sc; primes, 6c. I Maple products -Syrup, per iro-' perial gal., 52.40; per 5 -gal, fin, 52.30 POI' gala inapile sugar, lb., 25 00 203.1 Tioney--90-lb. tins. "131/2e per lb; 50-33). 134C; 5-11). 'tins, 14c; 21/2- lb.' tins, 1516 to 16c. ' Smoked mIcats---Hams, med., 32 to 23c; cooked 'tains, 46 to 48e; smoked rolls, '22 to 24o; cottage roils, 24 to 25e; breakfast bacon, 28 to 31c; spe- cial brand breakfast bacm,, 34 to .(io; backs, boneless, 30 tti 420. Cured meats- -Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 lbs., $21.50; 70 to 90 lbs., 020,50; 90 lbs. anti up, $19.50; lightweight rolls, in barrels, 544; heavyweight l'oOls, 541 per bbl. Lard -Duro tierCes, 20 to 201/2; imbs, 2014011 21c; pails, 21 to 211/2c; prints, 221/2 to 23o; shortening tierces, 14 to L44fic; tubs, 1414 to 115c; :pails, 1514 to 10c; prints, 1.014 17c. NeaVy steer% clicks, 58 90 58.25; do, good, 57,20 to 57.75; butcher s.Leers, choice, 57.23 to 57.75; do, gaiid, $5.50 to 57' do ed $8 to 5050. do corn 55.50 -Co SO; butcher heifers ' chmee, 57 to $7.50; do, med., $(, to 16.05; do, 0001., $5.50 to 50; butcher cows, choice, 55.50. to 55; .de, fair to good, $2,50 to 54.75; canners and cot- ters 02.50 to 52.75; butcher bulls, 13.0 need. $4.50 to 55.50; dos fair, 58:75 ni Solution of last week's :ksle, .1' PC ELSC' SLAP ITE.- 35 18 11 5 31 5 0 9381 0 0 91 31 a SEEM 10 35 1-1 fit 5 94 t L 05031 35 8110 "No more headache for you -take these Don't just .!smothar" the headache -without removing the comm. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Theynot only cure Mao hcadachd but give you n litloyant, healthful feeling because they tone the liveY, saveeten the rftomacli and cleanse the bowels. Try them. ' All Drinichts, 25c., or by *01 CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE CO. - Tamale, Oct. ' stiecesseari enur..s.,76co these men have done, you can do l In 5007 5(510 the -at hong You tan eually,mastef the•eeCreta of selling'that make Star Salesmen. Whatever your experience luxe been -whatever lum may bc.doing.noti,i-mitetheeer not yott think you eau answer this etteationi- „Are you ambiticuo 1 00111 3I0000 year/ Then get in (Mich With hie at once) I will prove to you withouLcont or obIlgation that yo u coo easily bcconui. a Star Sillesman. I will show yea how the Salei.niarishili Training awl Free IiImployment Service of 1(0 14. 5.1). A. vitt hely you to inileh sncee.,Ss in Selling, , $1O,000 A Year. Sellina Secreb.; The 1.ier01 of Star Saloorunnohlp at tougak hy 10o N. 0.T. a, 11o, oaohltd thouannt1o, airaoht orernight, to Itare bah, for over tho OrudirotY and nronn pAy blInthollay job. that tood,no,510c. No matter what you 0c no* at01n1, 55,0,1,1 of gelling ofTera you 0 big fklimra, C.11 tho f,0t5. Head Theo 1,1n0a10 Stories of Success ' Si oo: .1.599171 National ,Saleeraert's Training Aarotialien civii.din.,‘ Mgw. Boo 362 Tor,tita. 0s1,