HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-04-30, Page 123114•- 1(` r
I DAY. APRIL 39,i9
of Chton's Seiax-lentennial and Old Home Week Celebration rniinnrn r rvn !al All
and, from all over Canada and the U. S. large numbers of runmtn li[ [Ar
JIU?,c)Telvest'in jewelkrij 14 the
We have the above in a large, assortment at 50c each, and up
This is bOusecleaninglime. You .will need Silver Polish to clean
your silverware, we have the'best at'35c per bottle. '
are experts on reoairs of all kinds. Should your clock need
repairing, let us know, We will call for it, put it in good condition,
and return it to you.
Phone 174w
' e /far
) .
Residence 174.I
Dr. M. Ross Savauge, Optometrist, of Seaforth
Will be at Burgess' Portrait Studio. every Thursday, beginning
Thursday, lVfay 7th. Hours, 9 amnsto 2:30 p.m.
Eyes examined and, glasses fittee Phone 194, Seaforth
Imegmaximagrorsammrewtoar sommormaneum
No one startirig out
in life ever expects
•to fail. Youth is always
hopeful, but hope gime
cannot bring success.
If your hope is to see your boy a success in the
world, securing "mclependence and comfort -the vision
of so many, yef the attainment 'of so few -adopt a.
regular savings plan for him now, and teach hhn In
his tender years the valim of saving something out of
every dollar.
Clinton Branch
•R. E. Manning, Manager
and Extra 'Trousers e
$22.50 to $25.00
and Extra Knickers
$8,90 to $10.00
4 .Special intitotio*
Men who have never yet
een able to find ready -to -
ear garments that pleased
hem in fabric, workmanship
r fit are specially invited to
nspect our
Spring Suit Di_splay
The mills have excelled
bemselves this season by
urning out fabrics of distioc-
ExPert.„ tailors. have made
p our 'suits in. new and
andsome medels,And we can
t the 'extra •la,ige :man, the:
out inan;.*the;very.till.:Man,.
the ...Veil: short man- correCtlyani,:i-*
, , . , •
'Suits at 1-5,00 18 00
22.50 to $35.00
Square Deal for Every Nan "
•Wheat, t0.,
Barley„ Oif., to 70c,
Buckwheat, 60c.
' Eggs, 20e to 279.
Butter, 60e.
Live Hogs, $11,50,
rtxcEavs PROMOTION.'
Mr. W. Clement, who has been op-
erator in the local office of the Can-
adian Nationah,RailWays for the last
nine years, has been .Prornoted to the,
agency at the T. and B. station, Nor-
, wich, and left afonday to assume his
new position.
Mr. Clement's Clinton friends re-
gret his removal' frorn tow n but they.
, heartily congratulate him on his pro-
motion and fl.eir good wishe3 ao with
him to his new honie. Mrs: Clement
' and family w,l1 probably join him in
1.Nc.rwich the end of this week.
, will be much inIssed in Clinton.
Mr. Louis Mactai, son of Principal
Mackay of Hanes:II schooa and a grad-
uate of Clinton 'Collegiate .Institete,
is taking a well deserved position tie
a leader in his studies at Toronter Unt-
yersity, as the following from the
Mail and Empire indicates:
• "It has become lustomary.,sto pre-
sent a play or a gtoup of plays by
Canacitans at the Hart House Theatre
every April, end last -night "The Free -
dons of Jean Guichet,' a „Habitant
drama, by L'. A. IVfaeltay, Was the
piece presented. This offering was
particularly interesting for several
-reasons, apart froaa its own yalues.
Mr, Mackey will go to Enema:ilex/
year as a Rhodes Scholar frOM -Ow
University of Toronto, where be hes
always been recognized as a particu-
larly brilliant student He wrote
'The Freedoin of Jean Gulehee orsg-
inally in French, and, then translated,
•it into his mother tongue. Also, he
has the glory of being the first novice
in dramatic writing • tit have a full
length play aroduced at the load lit-
tle theatre. Hitherto, untried dram-
• atists have been given nothing bet-
ter than a place on a double or a
triple bill. Me, Mackay makes his
bow' to playgoers with a draina in
three acts, 'The Freedom ef Jean
-Guichet' is a story of life, teinong the
ignorant and primitive people of the
Province of Quebec. It is a vim
drama, in which jeilloussr and hate
are strong forees, and it watts to a
violent climax, when iffoodsgates from
a dam are .opened, on peOple who earl
not eseape. .A. strong east of serious
players has been selected for this
Goderich District Meeting will be
held, in Dmigannon on May 12th and
• Salvation Army
10 a.m., Directory Clew. 11 a.m.,
Holiness meetingat Swomerbill, 3
pen., Sunday school, 730 pan. Sal -
vat -on meetings ,
Wednesday -night, 7;30, Young•Peo-
ple's Legion. . ,
Wesley Church
* The Brotherhood will meet at ten
o'clock Sunday morning and will be
addressed by Dr., J. C. Gaudier.
Tao pastor's morning subject will
he; "The Love of God in Christ.'
The Sacrament of the Lord's' Supper
will be administered at this service.
Evening 'seienon subject: "Goa's Ideal
of Character."
• The annual election of officers was
held in the Young Peoldes' League
on Monday evening, when the follow-
ing were elected:
Presaident; A. F. Johns.
First Vice: Miss Marjorie alcaleah.
Senna Vice: Miss Limn° Nediger,
Third Vie : Miss Ruby Irwin.
Fourth -Vice: H. E. Rorke.
Fifth• Vice: (superintendent of
Juniors) Miss Marion Irwin,. a,
Secretary; Miss Madeline Van
Treasurer: John Hellyar,
Secretary Missionary Fund: Mrs.
W. Chaalesworth,
Ontario Street Chuich
Fellowship seiviee at 10 on Sunday.
This service is for the membership,
young and old. ' •
," Morning message: "He IDelighteth
in 1V1erey." Evening sebject: "The
New Birth." This will be our, last
Communion service before entering
the _United Church, let it be a mem-
orable -one. .
A reception of members at the
morning service.
Our Juniors meet on Friday night
roes 7 to 8. '
St. Paul's 'Church
Margaret Cudmore, of St. Paul's S.
S. was Successful in securing' Sint
prize in the annual Diocesan 'exam -
illation of the Junior Auxiliary.
The Dramatic Society have been
engaged to present their play, in lax-
eta.- on May '7th, and in Londesboro
on the 8th.
' The rector's subjects next Sunday
will be: Morning, "The Reward of
Conquest." \Evening, aDivine Teal's."
• Willis Church
The mthister will take for his
snbieet .01i'Sunday moro ing:
"The Church atal the Kingdom.of
God." Evening eubject: `Tress, Cor
The local LO.O.F. and visiting
beetheen attended divine service in
this church on .Sunday evening last,
a large number ttirning out, he m-
ister chose for his subiocti "Hannen'a
• ing;s on The Road to Jericho," and he
?reached an impressive sermon 'on
frieedshm 'and eeighh'orlinesat Miss
Siewaet Fame a solo duping 1110. 801,
The Doherty Piano CoM:Pany's ' ,The Red Star Navigation Company,
staff have been having ie holiday this, having, bought the steamer Grey -
week, rowing to a' burnt-out motor., hound, will run •the annual. excursion
Th 6 motor harnt out on ,Monday, and to Goderidli on gonday;-June. Sth, -e-
wes rewired and started cni, only to turning to Detroit- on Tuesday, June
go.hlf again., A new motor -was orcl- vs usually a popular ex-
ered, which arrived yesterday evencursion ancil:those who look forward
ipg and -,is being got into place as to it each year will be gled to know
quickly as possible. • : the date.. Th steamer has been over-
2vo. • a•
hauled- and:grew:3y improved.. e
'SUCCESSIs ale STU.DaNTe •• .
Tha names, of two Clinton boys -• •
1) eared in the results of the fourth 'The lawnmower is much in evl-
year University examinations in ap- denee these days but we sthink‘dhief
plied science and engineering which Stong opened the season :last Friday,
'were announced, on TneSday, Thy April 24th, -by cutting .Library Pam
are those of W, R. Chowereewha was "It's going to be, a long season," ;o -
,successful in siassing his fourth year marked ta citizen who is very particle,
in mining, engineering - and Fred 1. ulae about, his geounds, to The News,
Wallis, who passed his fourth year an Reeeed yesterday evening ab he was
al•acthiiotnesefure. We extend., :congrat- busY Pottering _about his _flower' beds
u .
gardening- shows more returns
Than snow-shoirelling •
* Prof. llovvet and Mr. Evans of the
CAC., 'Guelph, have been here all A quiet marriage 'Was aelenalizjd
week and have been visiting the seer osi Friday tp§t at Willis church manse
-eral 'orchards' in Huron , county die- when,the Rev„ -J. E. Hegg'",asteed lei'
ectiag the.operatioe of sPeaying. :Las- Matrimony Mrs: Floretice-Lowrn and
trict Representative ,Stothere aft' the .Mn Thomas. AVigginton,
Huron County Feint Gnewers' Assn., 'Weaned Wigginton have taken
are endeavoring to 'bring about a re- ep Weir residence in, the McBee est-
• newea interest in apple-gaewing in tage in Rattenbura, street, wbieli was
sauron add -it is recognized that spray- recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs: Geo.
ina is one of the first essentiels 11 e Phelan: 'Their friends extend to them
campaign of this sort. sa • good -wishes for a hepPsefature.
• /The Pastime Club pat on a minstrel Hieve you noted the patty' flower
show in the town hall en ThuredaY beds about town this springa The
evening last, when &full house greet- one down: "The has 'been
ed their Watts and an amusing ea: very eiretti all week but is beginning
-ening was enjoyed. a • be fall off, now. The one on the Lib -
The show was put on entirely by rare:. Park has been quite handsome,
the enembers of the Club and they too; -the hyacinths being particularly
gave much labor to the "presentation fine, but they: toe, ate beginning to
of it, havingapeaetised for some weeks fade, though the tulips are just cone-
beforeband. They were reealdfor .isalgsist
. Theonet eonaeits tbheestpotshteoffiliyeaecLtlivhans
their'efforte by. a large and"appree-
lative audience, which, toahhr
sat throughoue, andettee‘ tulips 'corning along almose
long progtem, -in the Sweltering
heat of Thursday evening last, and THEY APPRECIATED HER
seemingly enjoyed every minute of U.
The nnseasonable heat was Tether The L.O.B.A, held a soeial evening
hard on the aerformers, who found it just prior to the departure of Mrs.
difficult to refrain /rem wiping their ROY Ball from town and presented
pm:spines. tows, but- who found such her wsth a silver pie knife. An ad -
indulgence very destructiVeeto their dress was -read t.3 Mrs. Bali on behale
make_up, -. . of the Association by Mr. M. Hanley
. •
1HE S. A, RALLY TUESDAY. , arm ee a. cop, te y
and the presentation was made a
,A speciaLlecture entitled "The Un- The Women's Institute also marked
detworld," was given. by Command,- their appreeiation of liars., Ball's ns.
ant Hurd in the town hell on Tues. sistance during her residenece In
day night. A. vets? gpod orowd was town by presenting to her a cut
present and a number of tlie promin- glass coinport as a little parting gilt.
ent men of the town were 'on the
plataorm. The Com. very distinctly •
outlined the aerk of The salvation r... 'N .1v sr `
AshrertY speedechaelese'wetter'iradethbeyelrig N. I -We. 'ar°ePsvalerthal, `osar.L.Ealatil°waleil In
B. Stothers and. Reeve IVIiddletbn. Toronto on 1VIonday.
The meeting was presided over bY N. Mr. and Mr. S. Kenm vieited vela -
W. Trewartlaa, M.L.A., Rev, C. J. tives in Whitechurch yesterday-,
pa/lIVIoorhouse opening with peayere The ete a, a., stater of the School at
eis:se:a tAbnenaieudiaennede garlaeraymy Swteawbaritt e,eacei. cai science, 70tesneeise heilie
duet and Bandmaster Dicks, Mrs. for tee king vaeatione ,
Dicks and )3andsman Hurd else, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Medd spent Sun,
rendered selections of interest. Ad- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
pjultaytietr.Ureaki of London closed ...wall Rejvi. G. 2C.aillInviogagghwiaosfinfluLlolentdto.u.thit
of tae coming Annual Self•Denial an=
The gathering was in the interest IsVySiejkodatottenudianinglitthoen iannecietiingondofont„he
peal and nthe objective for Clinton Mrs. Beaton visited for a few days
sbould be easily obtained after such last week at the home of her
Tanueiandsatyrpetive meeting as that of uncle Mr. 1-1, Baker of RaYfields
• 1a --------------01 Montreal Wit3 it
A BROTHER DIES. town this week visiting the local
branch of the Gunn, Laisgloie Go.
Mr. D. Prier reaehred ward l'eant` Mr. and lairs. Howard. Sterling and
ly of the death Of his brother, John
Prier, ef Hanlintna North Dakota, - family lee Tuesday fee T where they intend makingthen
wile died in his seventYsninth year,
An extract from the paper ;published
ay 'H
in his home town rend thus: "Jelin unt- of Galt was in tovan
Prior, like all lainnans, was not with -
foe a .few hours on Thursday last
out faults, bufhis virtues far ,outnums 011, a few" of his InanY
bored them. Industry, integrity, a
matly.anan, whose word was al good Mrs. )31atchford;wh5 has been nurs-
eas his bond. Like the ripened sheen binagsilh,eetrurnaeudntioafTrosr.onCto., Sa,ccHottapsele:
seventy-ninth year, are the season's -
of corn he Passed. to his rawarel in Tits _led by her
seeding had begun. He leaves
bereaved partner, one son, Noble Prtor •g.
01 -
Hamilton, one daughter, IVIrs. J. flohnesville
aring, North Hattleford, Sask.,
geandehtdren and ,one brother, The Womeras Missionary' Society of,
lel Prioe of Ontario, Canada. . . . Godericb Distrlct will hold their en-
large Methodist chtech was fillet/ nual Canvetaion at Hohnesville 1VIeth-
capacity (at the funeral) with odist church next Friday, May -8th. At
nds and eeighbors. who cameato pageant "The Challenge -of the Su
their tribute of respect and to Gros" will be given by the Nile Aux- we
w the esteem in which Mr, Prior' Mary: •
held in tbe community. : . . The 1V1r. W. T. Elliott of Dublin who
ains were laid to rest in Hanel. , WS
con)OF, highly recommended, has been fro
eemeterSan engaged as cheeseneakee by the oho
TLE LOCALS, Holineaville Cheese •arid Butter Co. He
' and the 'factory opens 011 M' d
r. J. lt. IL Fallis of Toronto has
. .
taken a position as inechanie with
Mt. A S. InkleYeef the Clieton Car- 'Failed in two subjectsa V, Egi3e,
age. 58; N. Cowan,58z R, Mason, 57; E.
Stirling, 57,et II. Langford, 56; a.
Board will be held in theaboard room
The May meeting of the Hospital 51V12u:stch, 53; A. Judd', 52, N. Taylor,
- London Road
loss, throe 'sisters, 14IcKaY an
sick YOOM. Slic')‘ leaves to Mot= her
Mr. and `MI'S'. W. Hunt of London
spent'life. week -end in their 'cottage,
Birch ,Cliff.
Mr. and Mrs. Will. and -family -of
London spent Sunday at their, et:melee
cottage. , •
Messrs. Lawrence and Fred Fow-
lie Motored from London and Saent,
the week -end with their parents.
; Mr. and 'Mrs: E. A. Wigle of Von -
don spent the week -end with the lat.
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrst J;
Ma. arid Mrs. .11 'W. Jewett have re-
turned to the village after having
visited in Port • Ream f,or several
Rev. 'At -Macfarlane aria Rea. F.11.
,Paull -motored to London on Wedneee
Mr, James P. Ferguson of London
visited his mother over the week -end.
Me. and Mrs. H. Lord, and Miss Al-
ma MacKay of London spent the
waek-end at their homes here.
Mr. John, Eagleson ejurnaci to his
home at Sault Ste."ailarie after having
spent a week in , the village. His
father, Wilson Eagleson, Who stayed
with his neice, Mrs. John Hearddues
ing the -past ,wintev, -reatiened to,
Sault Ste. Marie with•him.
Mr. R. T. (ire andson Jack of
eSotttraatfoor.d spent theaweeksend at, their
We are glad to report that Grab,
ville Atkinson, itho underwent an op-
eratio'n on, his knee in Exeter last
week; is improving. Dr, J. Atkinson
returned to Detrait on Monday after
having spent 'a weele issetbe village.
Mn Jack Parker and faintly have
inzeedd biyntomithTehhosonsBerafriodrainne.rly oc-
e•Mr. and Mrs. A. Seabrook of Owen
Spund are visiting the latter's mother,
1VIrs. M. Brown.
aVfiss Margaret Baker returned to
Tolionto on Friday last.
,A quiet but -pretty wedding wee
solemnized on April 21st at ten
o'clock at 'the Mans. Goderich, when
Miss Ivy R. Brown third daughter of
IVIrs..M. Brown and the late.Captain
A. Brown of Hayfield, bectune, the
bride of Mr. LoreElms, second son
of 1Vir. and Mes. Earnest Epps, Varna.
The bride wore a navy bine travailing
suit with hat to match. Immediately
aftee the ceremony,. Mr. and Mrs.
Epps left , for, Owen Sound. "aeon
their 'return they ad11 reside at the
groom's honie at Varna and arill be
home to their friends after the first
of May„• , •
A reception was held at :the Tee -
0»y on Friday evening last, when
members of the three congregations
f Trinity church, teedield, St. Johns,
Varna, and St. Tames, MiadletOn,
athered alai -enjoyed a •very pleasant
vening with their new Rector ano
is wife, Rev. J. H. Paull and Was.
ann. During, the evening there
ere games and contests after Which
unch was served. Mrs. Paull fav-
uTed tire gathering with " several
plendid solos.
Tao Y.P-.S. will meet in, the base. -
lent of St. Andrew's church on rel-
ay evening at eight o'clock.
Mrs. W. MacDoneld of Detroit, is
siting hore.Geo.I'llolintin and son
aa -old of Goderieh spent the week-
nd with Afr, and Mrs. Jahn Pollock.
Come to the kevival meetings cen-
t:dell by allessrs. Faweett and John=
ton at the Methodiet church. Come
efore Sunday. This is a revival that
proving benefit and a blessing to
ose who attend. You will'be we-
enie each evening at 7.45 pen. and
unday morning and evening. Bethel
nd Sharon will unite at Hayfield for
ese services „on Sunday 10:30 amt.
ral 7 p.m., Sunday afternoon 'et
30, the evangelist and Mr. John -
on will have aerviee aileron,
Rev. Alex McMillan, D. D., of Tor -
to, Secretary of the eceennittee of
lurch Praise, will areaeh in the
asbyteriati church' May 10th. A see -
se of song will be 'held in the even -
Stanleg Tovainship"
Alexander Mitchell, son of , oleo' oi
e pioneers of Stanley tawnship, 'died
his home. ,m the I3ayfield Road on
re. Curly and Miss Margaret
Sparks, all '01 Toronto. Her eldest
sister, Miss Annie Sparks having pre.
deceased her tWo years ago.
The funeral which was largely at-
tendeci,-took place from her home on
the Bibrison line to Hayfield cemetery
on Monday afternoon. ' The inallhear-
ers were Messrs, jos and Wm. Car-
ney, W. a. Tough-, Lloyd Scotch:nee, a
Win. Sparks and Sam Rohner, Ser-
vce , was conducted by the Rev Me
Landy of Eippen,
Another resident of eStanley'tovvii-
ship passed away on Wednesday, Apr.
22nd. in the person of Mr. Robert
Sleek, Me. Slack had lived all his
life- en the Sauble line though for
many years has been almost an 111 -
valid. He leaves to mourn his loss
three sisters anda one brother, Mr.e
Westlake. of Godeeich township, Mrs.
Seyinore, Michigan ated Miss aessie at
home. .
The funeral took place on Friday
afternoon, interment being made in
Hayfield ceineteey, '
,Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Telbot spent
aunday with her sister, Mts. Wilt
Cameron -hear Seaforth. s - •
Four girls win highest honoure:
Beryl Salter, 88 per cent. (13 papers)
and Isabel Fraser, 88.4 per cent. (11
papers), of -the TJpper school, Isabel
Pickett, 89 -per cent. (9 papers)aand
Dorothy Manning, .88,4 per cent. (9
paper), of Form 1. .
- indicates absence for three
a indicates absence for two Pa-
. Upper School
Peihed in all subjects: B. Salter,
88; L Fraser, 88; C. Evans, 89 (5
Papers); E. Linter, 86; E. Marquis,
84; M. Lyon, 80; G. 'Geddes, 77; Greta
Vanllorne, 77; O. Lawrence, 74; A.
'Veneer, 73; E. Trewartha, 72; 2- •
Rieliarda 72; le Levy, 72; J. Thomp-
son, 72; G. Thompson, 72; Ta. Beaton,
71; R. Robinson, 70; M. R. Stewart, ,
70; E. Paisley, 69; L. Boyce, 68; M.
Thompson, 68; R. Carter, 67; E. Seise.'
der, 66; E. Atkinson, 66; L. Snell, 60; •
3. IVICEwen, 66.
'Veiled in one subject: N. McNeil,
72; 3. IVIossops 60; Moorehouse, 69;
W. Argent, .67; W. Hovey, 66.
Failed in twie subjects: D, Dewars
65; M. Ball, 82; D. Stevens, 56; la,
Rooke, 60.
three subjects: K. Hunt,
49; 3, Yesbecaala 43,
Middle 1
Passed in all subjects: Jean Fra.
ser, 85; E. Hogg, 80; James_Fraser,
79; a, Pluinsteel, 79; E. johnsone,78;
C. MeTaggart, 77; E. alecEwen, 73; D.
Glazier, 72; M. Moon, '71; Garnet
VanHorne, 71; R. Marshall, /0; E:
Stanbury, 69; P. Bolton, 69; M.
Hovey, 67; J. Gibbing, 66; IL Snell
64; Z. Salter, 63; R. jaeltson, 62; R,
Bala 61; H. Crich, 59.
'Failed in one subject: 117 Cox, 76;
R. Cole, 66; E. Trick, 62; F. Seems
sen, 61; al. Venner, 61; 0. Moon, 58.
Failed in two Itibjects: A. Johns,
58; R. Dale, 55;,. Glen, 52.
Failed in three subjects: N. Math -
5S011, 60.
Failed in four subjects: 3. Hellyar,
51, ,
Middle 2
Passed in alit ,subjects C. Liver-
inoee, 77; A. Turner, '74; E. Plum -
steel, 70; T. Caldwell, 69; G. Church-
ill, 67; C. Pepper, 67; F. Carter,
H. Greens, 62; 0. Watkins; 63.
Failed, in one subject: 0. Glazier,
64,; 11. Hauls, 62; 3. Falconer, 60. A.
Crittenden, 60; 13. Smith, 57; 151. Mid-
dleton 56; D. Se:Ad:mar, 51.
Faded in two subjects: T. Row.
cliffe, 55; F. Sehoenhals, 65; A. Big.
gin 53; C. Peekitt, 62; W. Glen, 48;
H. 'Cook, 48.
Tailed in three subjects: 0. Fee-
gttson 55; G. Addison, 52; E, Tho,.-'
s ,
• FOrm. 2
Passed in all subjects: D. Durnin,
81; F. Rorke, 80; E. Cook, 78; D. Pru-
den, 76; G. MeSwen 75; M. Watkins,
73; C. Gould, 73; 15. Stirling, 72; E.
Middleton 72. V Waak' , 71; 'C.
nday after an illness of some
eks. , eetteebeeta A. Lyolii, a6; R. Johnston,
I VanHeree, 70; L. Cook, 68; W.
it a limb of a tree which he wee ee; F. LindsaY, 76; B. Walter, 67; M.
62Failedirtilnlincipe61.subject: C. Bilkey,
rallied from this however au' aw est e; A. seen; ; . Beacom,
Prospects' are good for a successful
season and 'the directors are erne t-
ing this iiesult to follow their efferte
to make it so.
PPing, causing partial paralysis. 11.71ariabaree 6/;" G. grel;t, 65; M.
or complications ,„eet in which
sed his death. Mr. IVEtchell, who
s a son of the late Aleaander
chat,' one ofthe early settlers in
of the town hall on Monday evening,
May 4th, at half past seven. -
Dr. H. Fowler has been 'laid up for
tbe past week or more but is now ina"
graving soinswhat. His friendtrust
he will soon be able to be' about hie
duties again.
Mr. T. Soles :if Burford is relieving
as operator at the C.N.R. station this
week, filling the vacancy left by the
promotion OC Mr, Clement, A new
operator will be appointed in tile
COUTS0 of ten days Or 00.
11. Leppineton has bought
the Wilson property oil the corner of
Spencee street, \viiich "Tommy" will
no doubt proceed to put into first-
crais shape. He will sell the house he
no'w occupies at the foot of Ratten-
beet, street. '
11/-- If Blu'hnor, partner in the
:C)rin of 17: 3, Brown Plld GO, 11:15 ar-
ea,ea froin Tiaamsville and is now m
ci.arge of the bakery and conCeati )n.
vice end the ',clime 1ent valnahle t'CY 1„)1,.,tsmess. fife Wil'iltoe 1110 fam,.
assisteece 511 snaking the eerie' ice" 113,1e town 05 00011 as a sLaabl re6.1-
pleasing and helpful. • etnee cen be .pseetnea.
We are pleased to be able to an-
nounce that Mr. D. MacDonald, wise
has been ill• fee so long, is now ina
Proving somewhat.
The U.F.W.O. met at the home of
1VIrs. F. Note lest week a large num-
ber being present. An interesting
Ester topic was given. •
The snany old -friends and eel:sh-
iners of the late Fred Tomlinson, who
„was a native of The Road, regretted
yeey -rsuch Ins untimely passing last
week aed extend sincere sympathy to
his bereaved wife and sister.
mrs. Lloyd spent' the- vveek-end in
/Seeding is practically all done in -
this locality with the, exception of
roots and corn. The' seed went in
well this season, 'May the harvest
come ,off as well.,
Mac, Ro'ssitor of London visite,i in
thie viebtity over the week -end, hav-
ing conm 7-1) to atthini the funeral of
the late 11r. Tomlinson on Saturday.
the township, was born upon the ham
on which he died and had lived there
all his life. He is survived by his
.wife, who was fiumerly Miss Mary,
Elliott, also of this township, and
two brothers and otie sister: Joan
Mitchell of Wingham and George and
Ellen Mitehell of Varna.
"Me funeral took place on Tuesday.
afternoon to Hayfield 'cemetery; tee
seevices at till& house and graveside
being conducted by the Rey, A Mac.
farlane of the Bayeielel.Preebyeerlazi
eherch, with whiehedeceased waS COril
Meted, assisted by the pastor of ine.
IVIethoclist eaurele The pallbearers
wore six nephews -of the deceased.
The bereaved ones have the sympathy
of the community in their sorrow.
Therepassea asvay in Toronto on
Saturday, April 2011, Miss Mary
Sparks, after an illness of several..
months. Miss Sparks wee the young-
est daughter of the late Moand aIrS.
Geo. Snarl:a and spent the greater
parL of her life on the Bronson lino,
While she, was quite a Young women
qlie. trained as a nurser and alwaYa
„Cound great ,',11pasure in nursing the
sick, being ctf a YO)'y cheerfal, jovial
ditposition was always welcome in a
Failed in four subjects: M. Mc -
Brien, 50; D. Kennedy, 47; L. Mc.
Knight, 45.
Failed in five subjects: W. Flynn,
Form 1
Peesed in all subjects; 3. Pickett,
89; D. Manning, 88: D. Innes, 87: g•
Notliger. 84; E. Hata 83; A. Fraser,
81: R. Veneer, 78; A. Settee, '76;
Rall, 75: D. Matheson. 73: M. Cad-
60a1I. Venter, 69; H. Waticao,
68; R. Fitzsimmons, 67; M. Streets,
ee; Jobe LAVie, 654 lia, Fiven, 63; C.
Reynolds, 82; Cal Evans 63; Er. 011'?'. 32: (is: Waldet, ale N. Aber -
}met"' ,, 58,
Failed in, one stbjeet: 5. Keyes,
ee, ,T. Mreir, 63: M. Lealeau, 59; V.
tialla,nd, 50: lt Belton. 59; A. Van -
50: R. Shobbrook. 58: Te
Mulholland, 58; R. Reynolds, 57; S.
Bola lie. E. Thompson, 54- '-
Veiled in two subjects: N. Siev.
ars, 62; M, Hunter, 57; 3. aceston,
Failed 50 three suhjects: M.'Scote.h.
, ,
(Continued on Page 5)