The Clinton News Record, 1925-04-09, Page 9C NT N'S I.J.:ADING"-, JE'WELLl'v`a STOii la dust the saline here E,rery pa iii yonhave tcE dow is the time y; ° (. las as you twice as much fm other places rarmlteed to give sx+iisfaction ' avis e fey,' of soy satisfied customers Sufi glasses and l aotor goggles in all colors and styles in prices ranging from 40c up to $2.25 Eyes tested freeand glasses fully guaranteed R. H. JOHNSON earollee and Optician Next Hovey -a Drug Store CORR LL tfic SHIPLEY Seeds We have a full assortment of Garden Seeds in packages, also G. B. coria, G. W- beans, American Wonder Peas, Sweet Peas and Nasturium Seeds in bulk, Dutch Sets and Multipliers Fresh Groceries at lowest prices THE C, S. GROCERS Main Store, ` Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J., of4r day Bargains Arlt St and 9th Three special lines of Men's Fine Shirts, new Spring styles, new li materials, Tooke and Arrow brands, special at 98c, $1.49 and $1.98 Clothing of Quality for Men and Boys priced us close as possible For Dollar Days Men's •Suits, some with 2'. parr of trousers, from $15.00 up'' Boys' Suits, some with 2 pair of bloomers, from -$5.50.up Men's Work Boots, heavy oil -tanned leather, solid leather soles and insoles, black ,and tan, special price for Dollar Day ......... $3.98 • Men's Fine Shoee and Oxfords $3.50 to $7.50 Boys' Shoes both fine and heavy at Special Pricks for Dollar Day Ladies' Slippers and Oxfords, new Spring styles for Dollar Day $3.98 Special, Prices on Silk Hose for Dollar Day - A line of Pure Thread Silk Hoge, regular $1,50 for ..... $1.00 Special Cut Prices on Linoleum and Congoleum Bugs for Dollar Days mouse -cleaning time again so brighten up with a new rug Plumsteel giros. SMALL PROFITS C. H.. VE ER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phone I5Iw PHONE 25, MORE BUSINESS the EastW jnd iJben a damp, annggy day hides the landscape 'Crony our sight and we "re depressed. But the wind's dlrec=- tion has far iess to do with,;' our mood. than the dismal background ,in our borne.' The walls nxust'reflect clean- liness, harmony, `brightness and beam- ty or the occupants will be affected both mentally and physically. 1 Get Next to This Here's a tie for you. You want a swell Spring Suit -One that will look well and wear well, yet inexpensive. These are the kind of Suits that we tailor. Let us take your measure today. Our work, like our prices, you'll find satisfactory. Davis Herman VETERAN TAILORS enewareasseida ireassousgowlmeacturnaimrsivime "FLOOR VARNISH PHONE 224-W 111101i*....,u°iJL-1.c il1,1911.1i01 I���IIIII .�a all Paper is the basis of decoration in the home. Make your house a hone with attractive a11 Piper It Beautifies where Substitutes Fail. The W. D. Fair Cu. 1 Often the Cheapest—Always'the Best rereenettarinuilele Mr. Stanley Bean o£ Hensall was the week -end guest of Mr. Elliott Lay- ton. Mr. and Mrs. S. Nicholson of Auburn spent Thursday last with friends in town. Miss Myrtle Armstrong of Grand Bend spent the week -end at her hone in toa'il. - '"• Mr. and Mrs. Cornish and children of •Brucefield spent Sunday with.Mr, and •Mrs. Frank Layton, ' Mr. and Mrs. John Sterling, who have been visiting relatives in town, have returned. to Detroit. Mr°Levi Trick of London came,up for the florae Show on Thursday and remained over the holiday. Mrs. S. Merck. of Sarnia spent a couple of days last week as the guest of the Misses Courtice. Mrs W. C. ' 13rown returned home Monday evening after a ten days' visit in Toronto. and Collingwood. Miss Bessie Irwin returned Tuesday. evening after a visit of some weeks with Toronto, and Hamilton friends. Miss Marion„ Irwin was in Staffa. over the week-end,speaking at a special meeting of the W. M. S. on Sunday. Miss Ward leaves for her home !Rockville, Md. and Miss Stone for her home at Essex, Ont„tomorrow to spend the Eastertide. Mrs. H. Zeats and child of Toronto are expected this week to spend the Eastertide with the lady's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R: Mennell,,,- Messrs James Connelly, Oliver John- ston and T. T. Murphy were among, former citizens who were in town ” for the Horse Show Thursday last. Miss Florence Cuninghame of Clinton was the guest of Miss Dorothy Rorke the, Alma College " over the week-end.—St. Thomas Times Join - nal. Mrs. Fannie Oliver returned home last Friday after spending several weeks with her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Oliver, Strat- ford. Dr, J. -W. Shaw and Messrs. Elton' Rozell, G. E. Hall and F. Bowden were in Brussels on ` Tuesday at- tending the funeral of the late W. 11. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs; Roy Ball and Miss Thel- ma go to Sarnia tomorrow, where they will make their hone in the future. They will'move their stuff next week. Mrs, John Johnston, Huron ' street, has `returned to her home after spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. MacKinnon of Peterboro. ArttAitlIS 1 I The Magic of the Varnish Brush Fr OM cellar to garret, there are' countless discarded and forgot- ten articles that possess an immeasurable power to serve and charm, should a thoughtful hand reach out and restore them Iby "the siaaa�ple proeess of a coat or twoo5 "61" Floor Varnish,` of the rdesired cohor.. Here, indeed, is true thrift. The home would bo far more attrac- tive, were the old treasures unearthed and utilized anew. "61" Floor Varnish restores the sparkle of newness to floors, woodwork, base -boards and window -sills; weather -worn front doors come back' to their original beauty; the, life of linoleum and oilcloth is protected • and prolonged; refrigerators, china closets :and kitchen• woodwork take on a refreshing immaculateness; and the old or odd things about: the house, such as toys, boxes or baskets, are recreated in usefulness as well as in appearance. Stitt HARDWARE i71 PRI 1, 1925. Following Easter, we have especially arranged for a bi Olive Week. Big beautiful ()lives' for everybody I'imentoes, Lunch ` Queen and Sandwich and Salad ()lives Manzanilla Olives 15c, 20c and 30c Large 9u.een Olives 39c or 3 f or°,, $1.00 Large bottles 50c to =75c Call and see them 6 lbs. Rolled Oats 4 tins Sardines Pail Lard GROCETERIA SPECIALS 28c " 2 lbs. Mixed tea 25c ' 2 lbs. Black tea •69c. Pail Shortening . 89c 95c 65c SPECIAL -$1.00 BARGAINS 17 bars soap P. & G. and Gold 9 . pkgs. Lux 22 lbs. Rolled Oats 13 lbs. Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. Cocoa 9 lbs. Currants $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0.0 1.00 1.00 Fresh Tomatoes Lettuce ,Celery. Spinach In the.Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. - In the Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. C sh a,td Carry w ell Kindly Order Early Ph tii'ne 48 ed.. PLUMBING ELECTRIC WIRING eereeereereemereenemeesterave To be sold out in three weeks In this big sale is included my entire stock Cn's ,Women's and Boots a nd Sho''es,and Children s Fiotear To be sold at a discount that will clean off our shelves during this sale, starting Friday: March 27, to Saturday, April 18 Having decided to reduce the stock I have cut the prides so low that it will pay you well to buy now. The Early .Buyer gets Best Choice No Goods on Approval All Goods Cask during sale WILLIAM BAR °' 1r Boots and Shoes Opposite Postoffice Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Weir and family left this week. for Dunnville, where Mr. Weir has taken a position with a creamery company and . where' they will make their hone. `V17. -B. Snell 6f Shannon, Sask„ who was called hone some time ago on account of the illness of her, another, Mrs, E. R. Dale, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. R. 1. Miller, all .fainter, left Tuesday for her West- ern home. Mrs. Daic,•we are pleased to S'Y> is improving. g Mr. E. G. Courtice and Misses Battle and Sybil Courtice ,left yesterday Tor Hamilton to spend a couple of days with Mi • and Mrs, Dean Cour- tice and on Friday Massa Sybil leaves Toronto foe Vancouver from which she will sail on the,. 17th for ,Japan. Miss Courtice intended re turning to her niesioiti work in Jap- an. last anttimil but for the illness' and death of her mother, This will be her fifth trip across the Pacific. Friends in Clinton and vicinity wish, Miss Courtice Bon Voyage, it s to use ART1 P L -ITE FLOOR FINISH Nothing like it for Hardwood Floors It wears lute .Iron Write"to Head Office. Mordrecil tor Free Booklet HOME' PAINTING .MADE EASY SOLD BY T. Hawkins, Clinton "Say it with .Flowers" FOR EASTER You are invited to see our fine dis- play of— ,Easter Lillies Rambler Roses Rhododendrons Cenerarias ,Azaleas Begonias Primulas Ferns See the dainty new ',foal Segenaallia Let us show' you our bird houses In •Cut Flowers we have— Roses' Carnations Sweet Peas and Marigolds - PHONES—.Store, 31. Greenhouses, Huron street, 176w J. CUNINGHAME FLORIST DAYS April 8 and 9 Special discount of 5 per.. cent on all goods sold d on the above dates Make the lay lid Town New Now is the time to think of painting your homes and give our visitors a good impression. Use the Celebrated Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes and You'll be Happy With the Results We have a large stock of lawn mowers of the best makes Our stock of Coal Oil Ranges is ready for your inspection and you -will do well to pay us a visit before, buying In the Furniture Department you will be needing, Linoleum and Cul :Cloths. WA have the stock and our prices are right, so came early and, make your selections. We carry a full line of Carpet Rugs, in all the different weaves, and we can give you real service on all special sizes. We were never in better shape to handle all requirements in Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo THE STORES WITII A STOCK Hardware 1951 Furniture Phone: 104 ! a its PLUMBING and HEATING Phone 244 i Eggs It is to your advantage to sell your eggs according to' Dominic) Government Egg -grading Regulations Poultry We pay the highest market price for Live and ,dressed poul - Beginning April 9th, the plant vein. be open Thursday and Frida evenings froni 7 to 10 o'clock GUNN, LANGLOIS '& Co., Limited Clinton, Ontario R. W. WARD, Manager Write, 'phone or call at our Clinton office, Day phone 190 Night Phone 254 Clinton Bakry QUALITY The most important thing about ouw Products is 'Quality. We do not use any. thing but'just Q y ualit I gredients in ow Bread, Pies, Cakes, Buns, Etc., or anything pretaining to B,,; king, ,t .. the Ice- Cream and Light Lunche Oysters, ,� J. .WW BAKER' AND, CONFECTIONER Phone