HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-04-09, Page 8he ORANGE'PEKOE i" Xtra gooTry 11 EALTH E LICATION BY DR, L L MIDDLETON provineli Board oe Health, Ontario. r. Middleton will be glad to answer .queStions on Public Health mat, tors throu,gh this column. Address him t Spadina Hounc,'Spadina Crescent, Toronto. ' Ilaark Twins opinion a man is not very flattering en occasion. ' Ile sees human weaknesses and limitations very clearly and tells about thorn in his own humorous and interesting way. "Man can't sleep out of doors," says Mark, "without freezing to death m: getting rheumatism; he can't keep nose under weler over a minute Without being drowned. Ha's the poor - clumsiest exeuse of all the cren- tures_that inhabit the earth. He has to be coddled, swathed and bandaged .to be able to live at all. He is a rick- ety sort of thing any 'way you take .Itim-a regular British Museum of inferiorities. 'Ile is always 1.-.,ndergoing repairs. Machine as unreliable as he is would I 'have no market. "The lower animals appear to us to get their teeth without pain or in- cenvenience; man's come through after Months of cruel torture at a Erne when he is least able to bear it. As soon' as liae'ffets them, they must be pulled out again.The second set will lest for a whileeleat he will never get a set that, Le. can .depend upon until the dentist. makes one. Man starts in as a child and lives on diseases to the einl, as a regular diet. He has mumps, scarlet -fever, whooping coug,h, croup, tonsi ills and diphtheria, as a matter of course. Afterwards Os he goes,along, his life contirmes to be threatened it every turn by colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis, quinsy, consumption, ye - low fever, blindness, influenza, cal- buncles, pneumonia, softening of the brain, and a thousand other maladies of one sort or another. He's just 1-1 basketful of pestilent corruption, pro vided for the sport and entertainmenj. of microbes. Look at the workman- ship of him in some particulars; What's his appendix for? It has no value.' It's Bole interest is to lie and wait for a stray grape seed and breed trouble. What is hie beard for? It Is just a nuisance. All nations perse- cute lt with a razor, Nature, hOweve, always keeps him eupplied with it, in- etead of putting it on. MS head. A man wants to keep his hair, It is a graceful ornament, a comfort, the best protection against weather, and he priees it above emeralds and rubies, arid half the time nature puts it on $o it won't stay, , Man isn't even handsorne, 'and as for style, look at the Beegal that ideal of g -race, perfec- ECTO RAPID , The' world's best hair tint. Will re- store gray hair to its natural color in 15 minutes. Small size, $3.30 by matt Double size, $5.50 by mall The W. T. reMber Stores Limited. 129 Yonge St. . Toronto "The .Standard hy which , other Irons are Judged." OU can, now obtain a geimine Hotpoint Iron for a5.60. This famous elec- tric servant has for years been the first choice amoitg jnteing bousewivee. The thumb rest -ran °UM - sive „Hotpoint patentee -dive {tat.%) all Strain on the This hi the fret with the fatiolis het point. Yet& dealer setts Itotpolat Imes , A Canadian General Eteotric • Product. Inec. tem and, majesty. Thin t of the lion, the tiger and the leopard, then think of man, that poor tliingl The animal of the wig, the ear -trumpet, the glass eye, the porcelain teeth, the wooden leg, the silver windpipe, a creature that is mended, all from top to bot- tom." • We gather a grain of comfort on reading these remarks by remember- ing that Mark Twain was a humorist, and that in pointing out the defects and failings of mankind, he does not In his serious moments oyerlook the fact that in comparison with the ani- mals mentioned, man Stands far ahead In intelligence and general under- standing. He is really not so bad as he is painted. The Illusion of War. War I abhor, and yet how swiaet The sound along the Marching street 01 drum and fife, and 5 target Wet eyes of widow, arid forget Broican old mothers, and the whole Dark butcherY'witliout a soul. Without a soul, save this,bright drink Of heady music, sweet as hell; And even iner peace abiding feet , Gb marching with the marching street, I Por yonder, yonder goesthe fife And what care 5 for human, life? The tears fill my astonished eyes And fall my heart ie like to break And yet 'tie all embannered .A dream those little drummers make. 0 it is,wickedness to clothe Ton hideoue, grinning thing that stalks Hidden in music, like A, queen, That in a garden of glory walks, Till good men love the thing theY loathe. Art, thou haat many infamies, But not an infamy like this - 011, snap the fife and still the drain, 1 And ehovr the monster as she is. . ---Itlehard Le Gallienee. Every person ha $ two educations -- one which he veeeives from others and oho, More impoetant, Whieli he givea For Sore Throat Use Mina ries Liniment A single grateful.thought towards heaven is the moat perfect prayer. Lessing. to Steers in Middlesex ,County only one farm in Aye where grade koalia were used- did steers return a prOat war the value of the feed con2tirrleq., , aeeiti en Over 80% of the farms where good Pure Bred Bulls were used returned large profits over value of feed aGGStirried. USE PURE MED IA -LS FIre.Mor'slial Praises, Scouts. rho Scout Troops of Ayoecisitock ye. c ly hea a visitor 1;1 tne Person et Deputy 'Fire Marshal ,f, w, Poulton, of Toronto', who initiresSired thehi 011 fire - prevention methods. lilt% Pointon made the statement that Tcreoristock was the fli,st city he hail found in. Onlai",10 in biCia S ' t- ' t• '‘iCS 0 (.00, 01,C 00111, at, d118tillp,tior, ilre-inere'llii041., R. contly a sire was halted in its eas.ly stakes by- the good work of two Wood- stock, Scouts, this beir.g a direct result of their training. .us. Scouts . splendid spirit Of co-operatio exists between the Boy Scouts Of nerica and the Canaslian 1.3.ey Scouts at ail towns' and cities along iho Cana- ' dials -American border. This was res cently demonstrated* at Sarnia, where the ficetit,8 of the lith port Huron Trooh, Scout s of America, pre- sented their fine play, dThe Boy Scouts," under the auspices. of the 2n1 Saimia Troop, A Library Helps Scouts. Ashcroft,' B,C., Itafi a public library which takes particular interest in Boy Scout readers. T.he librarian, in &ci- t.-14,ton to. making available books' 013. pllbjeCtd gelleral i1.1t0T0di, to Semite,. has picked out a Set of 66 books cover- ing the 60 proficiency badges IVIIIC11. Scouts can earn. Tills Is a great kelp to the local troop. ShoW this note to Your focal .1.1b7arian and see if some- thing Call be arranged for your trobp. A Soy Scout Orchestra. Bridge -burg Ont bas a tine Boy Scout orchestra. They recently gave their first public entertainment and Were greeted by a splendid audience. Scoutmaster Bruce Hogg is- tbe leader. Mr. Irwin at Perth. Assistant Proviucial tommissioner -Prank 0. Irwin, of Torontoespeat an evening reeently milli the 1st Perth Troop. This is on6 of the oldest troops in the eastern eart of the provirice and has been . tieing eonsistently geed Scouting ever eine.° its inception. It le fortunate hi. the poesession of a verY fine camp property on Rideau Lake, hist at the end of the Tay Canal Here Id has.a big stone house, a bunk house, row boats and a. disappearing pfopel- ler motor boat. This property was given to the troop by a Perth lady who hai always been moat appreciative of the good work Seoutmaster Holmes has been doing for the boys ot Peeth. An Old Soy Returns, 'Way back in 1912 a lIttle fellow joined the 10111 Ottawa Troop mider the thee Scoutmaster, Mr, W. .t1. Proc.. ter, aud played away and worked a,vray until he became a Pleat Ciass Scout. Butethat Was not enough; he 'sought knowledge, and finally there ,were 23 bright peoficiency, hedges in rbws en his arms. He kept on with the Troop through Many affairs up hill and through defeat, but one day it changed its meeting 'place and then it became, the 2nd Ottawa Troop. And still this Scout kept on. But one day. he went away to sehool arid his old friends at the Troop went along without him, une tie recently he came back. Now he Is a luau, but still a Scout. 5318 /male is Dr. deraihwait Dixon,• and just the other day he accepted a place On the Executive Conlmittee -of the Ottawa By Scouts Associatioh. So you. see, Scout, the old phrase of "Once at Scout, SJSYR.p3 a Scout" holds good, Dr, Dixon returte to active Reouting with the best wishes of all Scout4 old and new, and we Ihope that his new ex- periencee will -.be ea. pleasent as his recollections of "the aid 10th and 2nd Ottawa Troops of thirteen years ago. A Sonnet Worthy of a Frame. Whistler, the fainous. artist was .6 sev,ere end frank eeitie 'of art. More than once he eueceede,d 0. Offending his colleague's, by telling them lust what he thouiht. of their work. On one occasion Ins friend, the poet and aptlitt Daniel Gabriel Rossetti, showed him a. sketeh and asked hie opinion of Its merits. "It 115,0, its good points, Rosriotti," said Whiatler; "go ahead with it by ali inesze." . Later Whistler ingairea how lieWas. gelding along. "All eight," said Ros- setti cheerrally. "I've ordered a, stun- ning frame Tor it," ' Tn"clue time the 'canvas appeared 'at" .Rossetti's' houseP1. Olteytie , Walk, ditele.ea, beautifully frailied. "You've dome:nothing to it since saw 0, Itave,you?" "No -o," reelect], Rossetti, "lint I'ye written a sonnet ors tile sullied' if ymed like to her it." . He reeifed some linear et 'Particular tenderness. "Rossetti," Said "athiStler as the recitation ended, "take out tee Mature. eatil..frame the Bonnet" Why- Crosses Mean Kisses. s..-Wha.tever your sex, et some' time or other yOuleive probably written a let- ter riud stit,some "erossee" in, ft -for 'Oases. But'have you ever wondered WhY a cense. should be eseel as the writtemsymbol of a kiss? , This eitory is interesting and takes as back to the times when few could rem), end still fewer amid write. In that resneet the eobility were no bet- ter than these of a leWer station hi life; but deeds traneferring preperty, wile and other doctiments had to bo 81gilettalmiehow. So those wile:could not write thee). names ' "made their mark" a,nd Ails in an age when re- ligious ,syznbolism was very much 00 evidence, usually took the foriu of a cross. Prom motiv:es of reverence tee sbape uged was, tot that of the eroeS of Calvaty, buttbe St. Andrew cross, which resembles the letter "X." Having duly made theie mark, the eigiiatories of a document. kissed it - partly as a ple,dge of good faith and partly as an StOt of reverence. Anti se 'The one divine' reality. cros8 satirised on paper became as- 1 -ls onbahow ianti then *• i119403e Irian whohas 1111115115 himse' f • potentate of scone isfand ou known to he outside World. The Ro 1111ns' ls vedysatythe Cocos Islatide 15dftfa- New Health Llgor. eral otheisi RNWE nanya groupof the Host or WeCassfied Advertier or bo *HARD ON BABY j.204410I,d1\:',$;".11142'101,17,!C' 161.htl , day1:1,11-n3,11CtlaintriaPbarnigiTiTihnhge 'riveexatirals*Y-ioliside' ' blustery,, ,eitreimsly lia,rd on the mons sinse in point, and there are Se v- Inarly In the hfilefeentli centurY otmielei-hut it -Of fesitob tiutt.o well. Certain French adventurer, „Liaren That is tile Way mostpeople feel in Cie 'Thlerry, tit 'the bead 14 of a :unfired f Spring. . tiled, appetite fickle, lowers ,reoruited 'in Australia,, 11085553e5 11)111 &aimed himself king of New "leulan depression. .Pimples or eruntunos MaY Ile" soon discovered, however, that appear on the skin; 00 lkere 01413' he be a successful king 8 snarr 1113121, WI itiviliges of ;Instinct:lens- money,,and 10as the tack of this. tli Aly of these indicate inatill11.404.18 ,Gifused the desertiudi of his solsjec out ef erde0o-rhat the inigI.41.-trftrydr confequent collaPse ol h whiter l'ins lefl Its Mark 115031 i.ou and eldngsloni." ' , Mar easily de'velon Into ,snrire serious I A. Man 08111eti Antoine, de T011110 Iloobls,' established it monarchY 111 Araticalli IM not. 11080 youri,,mif with PlirgatiteS, -country Jtislt south of Chile. ..A.ntoi as many people do in ,,the 'hope 'that- was luckier Clian de' TIfierry in thal,1 , Y0,11. 0101, pint your blood rigkt. Pure,a- succeeded in escaping to Prance whe Oval gallon through the 86"stein and his 'peOP,18 re‘-biled again -St him. I -I veaken. instead of giving strength, died in 1880 in compara.tive poVert Any doctor will tell you tkait,this bequeatihing his crown to his seer true, What you'need the' spring' is tary, who,' however, wisely eleeted a tonic that will enrich, the blood and govern h18 kingdom f1^0111- the 88 Mild up the nerves, Dr.. Williams'. vantage-grounfl of his rooms In Pad 'Pink do tide epeedilly, safely' and A. self..elelted potentate who wlelde tsuamly, 1,11,-En'Y dose of Dila considerably more power iha,n anv ielps Me/midi the blood, which clears lie ,e11113. ,atrengthens. the appetite and laaltes tired, depressed men, women nd childrerebtiglit, actiee and strong, ProoteOf 'the value of Sr. Wilitheris" Pink Plus' when the syStern is, Tun town sliewnly tile case of IVIrS. Lil- ian. Lewis, South. Ohio, N.S., who a.ys;---11About a year ll'go I was badnY an ziown. My appetite was poor, I icl not sleep well and, my nerves, were 11 unstrung. I could not go upstalns, vithout stopping to rest. As I was a ong wrty from. a, doctor r decided to take Dr. Williams' Pink emu in Pc ciittree of a' few weeks I felt like a 'ow person. As, an all 111'01114 re- torative I can 'heartily recommend his inedloine." - You can get these pills through any ealer in medicine or by mall, at 50 ants a box tram The Dr. W'illnanis' edialde do.; Brockville, Oat. a baby. Conditions tre, such that Cie de mother cannot tik'kl0 the little One out ol Ificer 1t1;,ecfolzfisnliteadirt'ocetnateuchisoiti,08ebowtiheischlrelds. 10- d, often ove heated and badly ventilated. to De catches cold; his, little stomach and bowels become asoroerod anq the at Inoilsor coon lots, siGk baby to look' Ls after. To prevent -this au occasional Ls. dose of Baby's Own Tableta should be given. They regulate tbe stomach and Isowel118 S1 colde, , simple io)yi :,1101.1011llgc 00; anyrII othere1 n 1103 of the many minor of cbildbooe. ,6 The Tablets are aold by medicine deal- ers or by mail 25e a box from The e Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Y, to fe 81 11 of (1.11, 650,003,11a aoten,svstictiss fromanw thealsti,cteltenYi4ivioliel courae--an event that, everi if it d should please no one elle°, le intro te 01 elease the diplomatic cerpe in Berlin, eapecially the membere of the Ameri- can, the British and the .ININIA10/10 em- basay. moat floatativing golf club ainreGlealltmgeallAynttraticaB;:mmden0nwthglilirectobtaenre- lea of cotton meechents. Baden-Bad- en, Hamburg, 'Wiesbaden; Muniela Frankfort, Cologne and Dresden also have golf courses. 1 11 11 11 1 10 51 5 151 01 31 01 Legal Wit. In a recent interesting book, Gentle - en of the 'Jury, Mo. Francis ti, Watt- eau gelates manY instencea of- legal it, English and American- TWO noted ondon' lawyers. were John L. Adol- hue and Charles Philtre; but Phillips was an Irishman, and ilia re-pid nieces& t the English. box after hie arrival rom the Draerald fele naturally an - ogee twine of his rivals, for they eaw ach of their butainess passing into,his L ande. 'Adolphus., meeting hint in the robing 0001 of the coiled, said to him Insolent- . "Yon renaind me of the three Ws- arney, bluff and Milker." 'Ali," said Phillips., "yoa eeviar corn- kelned of my bees, until they began suck pater honey." It was another' /Ashman, John Phil. ot Curran, who in the course of one his trials when he wag pressing the rY rather intently was irritated by serving the judge frequently shele g ills head, therein, indicating to the ryinen his dissent freire valet As ing staid. "Gentlemen of the Jury," said Our - at last, "Yea maY"lial's noticed le,lordebip shaking his head. I ask a to pay no attention, bedatise, If O wete as well acquainted With MR rdship as I am, you would kne-w that len he afitikee his heatl there is noth In that instance the lawyer had die- ctly the better of tho judge. In an, ler instance a judge used, his wit tlt cruel effect at the expense of a vyer. Appearing before an English judge, O young lawyer whose memory failed him at the beginning of d.long speech that he had peeparea. in eelyandia re - sated in his coefusioa to repetition of hla epening Words: "Theeimfprtimate olient who appears to me -My Lord, iny urtfortanate 'client-" 'rho ehief juiatice, Lend. Sfieniaorough, interrupting, almost whispered in a' soft 'and eneoliraging tone,' "YoU Mai 'go on, she eci far the court la with you." '• • It was in the United State e i0 a court in ChicagO thaCe. lawyer Mr Paeans, was trying a ease beferre a Judge who, he felt, was very hard upon him and upon his cheat, the defendant. After the judge's charge the furry re. tired and:.promptly brought in, a ver- dict of guilty.' Parsons moyed for a new trial. The Judge denied his ma - Son and remarked, "The court 'and the' jury think the prisoner a knave and 'a fool." ' Instantly the eouusellor replied, "The prisoner wisbes, me to say teat he. 18 110:W perfectly satiefied, for he -feels that he has been tried by a court and jury of lits peers." ,. Known Only By Love. Of ootiree man ie useful to man, be- cause hie body is a marvelous machine and his mind, an Organ of wonderfel , But hf,I a• spirit as wen, and thlis spirit is trulyeknown only by love. When we define- a man by the nea,rket value of the service we can ex - lied of him, we know:him inmerfectlY. With this limited knowledge of him it become a 'easy for us to be unhurt to MM4 and to -euiertain". feelinge of triumphant' self-congratulation when,,, onaccount of some cruel a.dvantagean OUT aide, we can get out of him mulch more than we have paid for. But when we know .hins as a spirit we know him .ee our OWn. We at once feel at" eruelty to him is to ourseAhivesa to make lane einall is stealing from our own humanity,,and in seeking to make use of him stalely for personal profit WO inerely-gtan in money or comfort, what we 'pay for in trutit-Rabindrin- ith Tagore. Perspective. A rose Is as real a thing as its. thorn; The dawn et TIN lass H. fact than the The shriek of MI engine IS .8 01L11(1--bl'IL 80 Is the theueha song '111 the after -light. And 'lave, the rool's miracle, proves to socsia eft with a loss_ For Sore Feet-Mirord's L, nment. th 05 e already mention e d Webster, eking of Waiou." Webste an American citizen, svae formeriy, ship's carpenter on a whaler, bat ha deserted and Joined' a little band settlers • scattered here and there in Auckland., , The great Coromendel chief .gnown as Hooknose took a farm, to this deserter, who married his daughter. He then established trading stations all over the Gulf and earth of eluirnes,, through which he reaped a large moat when, imandgration to New South Wales began on a large smile, buying maize and potatoea from the natives' and shipping theni to AUstralia. He also kept a boarding house at the ma tive village of Herkshire for the bene- fit of the numerous adventurers who kept corning and going. ' ' CHILD ADOPTION. Horne Life Preferable to Insti- - tution, Says J."J: "The best thing that can be done for a horneleas child ie to,,get it into some nice family as quickly as pos. Bible," is the teetimony of X. Kelso, If sent to az institution the attach - menta are, not permanent, andereven after years of residence the eland is still homeless and without the social safeguards that all children should lind in the friends they have grown 119 with. The aim oe the department Is to get homelese ohildren adopted by good Run -Bites in the agricultural and vil- lege districts, arid ft an application is tent to the nearest *Children's Aid Society it" will receive prompt atten- tion. The younger a ehild is taken the more firmly willit take root in the heme and district. It la, a great wok, and can be heartily commended. It is important also to know that af- ter a child has been in foster home for a reasonable time legal adoption can be secured by addressing Mr. Kelso, 1.10 Univereity Ave, Toronto, as he Is the official appointed by the Govern - arrant to administer this, A.ct. Golf In Berniany. When the was. broke out golf was Jnot beginning to be popular In Cier- Many. IL ndwl seeps likely to ',regain. its eta stanabig. The Berlin Golf Club Millard', Liniment for Golds. A new altitude record for aviation -39,580 feet -was set up recently by the French pilot, Oallizo. IRCA111.11.1.1*(06115.0121%.senf aft Ford Fenders, Per Set S10.75 ` Plehar Automatic Windshield Cleaners ss.ss Ford Retopping Outfits • sus Motor Driven Horns - $3.95 Write Us for Your Accessory Wants. We haws the Lowest Prices In Canada. Sherbourne Motor Equipment end Supplies. 614 -Yonge St., Toronto Prompt Attention,to Mail Orders: WIDS.........•00.111112653.111.166 Mlnard's Liniment Fine for the Hair. Hard work may bring yon wealth; saving it, retpdres resourcefulnesa and often courage. Edge -Held higSavis Fest-Easy-Cuffing SIM N SAWS SIMONDS CANADA sot stills. MONTREAL ` valcotiven er.JOHN,N,EL I•24 The Ritz-Carlton Hotel ZVI= America's Smartest Resort Rotel. Famoui 'for its Euro- peen Atmosphere, Perfect Cuisine .and Service. Single rooma from $5.00 Double rooms from OM European Plan New li.ydnatric and Electro - Therapeutic Department. GUVPAVD TOTT, llfanager ervous People plot haggard, are -worn, depressed look wik disappear and nervous, thin People will gain In weight and strength when Bitro-Phostiliate is takelt for a short time. Price $1, per pkgd. Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front St East, Toronto, Ont. BURNS! mix Mlnard's with sweet oil and apply at once. It removes ha- aammation, stops the pain and . heals quickly. FREE EATAI.,00EE. ASIBLIIY' (irLADs reorly, Varney Dithlig arid )3arred Rock Eggs, The VY6€0,4 PHYln, EYOCky.111.0, Ont. A G008.7::. As iiNowiT1 tAnRi.:14.fit Hosiery tsr (Pc anti y, from. mill to, ..SampleS, free. Rterling Hosiery 31,111,15, Toront,O, Ont. MONEY TO LOAN. ' Altlif LOANS MADJf. AGENTS A- wanted. Reynolds; 77 Vrictorld4 Tbrorsto. Ketchum .LABEg.L8 LabtIN for, endle, 1341.1, ilna 0100. 1- 8151., 1, 01ed1e01., Mining). nano. 11011 linac.11loga. Write for aanelea 5011 PEUMIr M1111111tOtini.ii Coo tFe,.. Ota, air.; 60115. (AL New Brunswick Grown arid Govern. ment Certified. Green Mountains and !Huh oobbiers, 112.00 per bag of 90 lbe. I have a lot of fine Irish Cobblers and Green Mountains that are pure but not GOVernment Certified, but just as good, ' which I am selling at $1.00 .per bag. Omsk with order. These prices are O o.h., Brampton. No charge for begs, sDeoisi price for lots of 6 or more bage, • hi. W. DAWSON P.O. Box 88 - Brampton, One. BOTHERED ITH LARGE PIMPLES Burned and Made Face Sore, Cuticura Healed. "y053 four yeare I was bothered „with hard, large, red pimples In blotches on my face and neck. The pimples came to o hehd and festered and looked terribly, and at times burned and made my face very sore. My face looked so badly thatl need to feel embarraseed vrhen Ivrent in public. 'I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment -and they helped me, and -after using three or four cakes of Cutleura Soap and a few'boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was C0111- pINtely healed in three months." '(Signed) Miss Vera Sweriy, 1 Gib - eon Ve., Toronto, Ont. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum for daily toilet purposes. laustaa Jack I'm by Man Addren• Canalitai Dont; '51,51,,,,,,, Ltd., Montreal., Enke, Senn 21, Ointmont 20 and Me, Talcum Me, Cutleure Shaving, Stick 25e. FULL OF ACHES AND PAINS Toronto Mother Found Relief; by Taking Lydia E. Pinkhanfs; Vegetable Compound Toronto, Ontario. -,04 I have foundt, Lydia 10 Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound a splendid medicine to take before and after confinement. A small book was put in my door one day advertising Lydia E. Piakham's medicines, and as I did not feel at all Well at the time I went and got a bettie of Vegetable Compound right away. 1 soon began to notice a difference in my' general health. I was full of aches and pains at the time and thought I had every coMplaint going, blit I can truthfully say your medicine certainly did me good. I can and will speak highly of it, and know it will do other women good who ere sick! and ailing if they will only give it a fair trial. Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pills are splendid for constipation. You are 'w,elcome to lige rn3r letter if you think 18 will help any one."-eldre.e.Haltrre Wasewoole, 543 Quebec Siireet,Torossto, Ontario. • - The expectant mother is wise if slie considers carefully this statement of Mrs. Westwood. It is but one of a great many, all telling the same Story-bene- flcial results. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound is especially adapted for use dur- ingthis period, The experience of other -women who have found this medicine a blessing is proof of its great merit. Why not try it now yeurself? 0) A New Dalry Pail at a Popular Price See the new SIIMP Dairy Pail_ 'next time youarein town. They are made of special qua,' ity, high finished till, have , large dairy pail ears, riveted with largo rivets, soldered flush. 100% sanitary. Cut out this advertisement. Show it to your regular dealer. Ile has oi5 authority to give 33011 R. special low price on a Poir of these fine pails. ProVed safe by million and prescribed by physicians for • Tonsilitis Colds 'Pain Neuritis Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism Accept only '.1ayel." package which con01iin3 proven (fired -1011S. Handy "Doyen" boxeS of 12 tablets. ; . Also *bottles of 24 and 100 --Druggists. Aspirin 18 the trace euttg (restsisres 1,, °stems) of Tilrhr ViallINC1111.6 Of ,MommeTtle• nvideSter sr Selicylinneld Ocet:n1 Snlie,ille Add, "A. (.411"). It 11, Ictown. 41210 Avirin means nsyer nainiipaceite, 50 rtssint Ile nubile I530n105 ind+dionn, the Tablet ef hievr comptay will 00 ntangred wan the1, generni iindo ;Link, the °Bayer Cross." ISSUE No. 14-25.