The Clinton News Record, 1925-04-09, Page 5The Clinton News -Record
With which is incorporated The Clinton New Era
No. 2301 47th year
Chinton, Thursday, April'9th • The Home Paper
Mr. Ray Carter of Clinton spent
Sunday with Mr. H. Richards.
On, Friday last Mr. and Mrs. Holtz -
hailer ofl.the 13th eonession enter-
tained the boys and girls of the Tnx:s
square and C.G.I.T._to the number or
about forty. MI report having a
good time.
Mr. J. H. Brown has sold out his
general store to Mr. John Armstrong
of Milburn.
Mrs. John Tambiyn returned home
last week from spending a few
weeks with her sisters in Wheatley
and Leamington.
The W.M.S. had an election of offi-
cers at the March meeting, resulting
as follows;
President: Mrs. J. W. Tamblyn.
1st Vice: Mrs. F. Ball.
Pnd .Vice: Mrs W. R. Osborne.
Rec.-See.: Miss 3'. Brown,
Cor. -See.: Miss E, Lyon.
'Treasurer: Mrs. J. Collinson.
Strangers' Secretary: • Mrs. Wiu.
Supt. of Christian •Stewardship:
Mrs, Stanley Carter.
Ortrnnists: Mrs. E. Adams and
Mies TC. l;rnwn.
Salt. of Watch Tower: Miss Bessie
Tho Raster ser'lAe of the Mnthndier.
Snndav selinal wilt 1,a held next Sun-
day morning at 10:30,
Stanley Township
(Written for last week)
On Friday evening last the Stanley
Draamtic Club put on a .very enjoy
able concert before a erowded aud-
ience in Baird's school house. The
evening'sprogram consisted of solos,.
duets and a May Pole drill by eight
young ladies, prettily dressed in cos-
tumes of white and green. 'the
main attraction of the evening, how-
ever, was a play entitled "Mr, Bob,"
ppt on by local talent, Mr, Bob's
identity remaining a mystery almost
to the end. Among those taking -gar",
might be mentioned, Mr, William
Goodearl, Who acted the part of Jen-
kins, the butler, very true to form;
Mr. Will Sinclair, as Mr. Brown was
greeted With much applause, as were
also Miss Annie Stewart, as maid ano
Mr. Frank McGregor as a yachtsman.
Others taking part were Miss .Myrt e
Pearson, Miss Jean Moidwen and Miss
Winnie Gamble, who finally turned
out to be the mysterious "Mr. Bob.
An played their parts very well 'in-
deed and the entertainment was Innen
Miss Luella Powell of Goderieh
township . spent the week -end with
Miss Dorothy Innes.
Misses Mary and Betty Stewart, al
Stratford, were home over Sunday.
•'M'iss Winnie. Jervis was a visitor
last week with her cousin, Miss Clara
Miss Edna Reid of Walton came
down Friday night for the concert
and stayed over until Saturday a£tes,
noon with Miss Myrtle Pearson.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Moffatt of Dash-
wood spent the week -end with their
relatives here.
Miss Mary R. Stewart of Clinton
spent a few days with Mr. and litre..
Ed. C. Glen.
.Miss Edna Cumming of Blyth was
a visitor at the home of her uncle,
Mr. Adam Stewart.
Miss Isabel Mustard of Bayfield
was last week the guest of Mrs. Hugh
Mrs. W. Stevens is visiting at tae
home of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Mc-
A number of the pupils 'of S S.
No. 10 are at home with the chicken
Mr. John Pease left on Monday for
further medical treatment at London.
Miss. Alma McKay of Westervelt
School, London, spent Sunday with
her ;parents.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lord of London
motored to Bayfield and spent Sunday
with the latter's mother, Mrs. John
Mrs. A. S. Atkinson Left on Satur-
day to visit her son, Dr. G S. Atkin-
son. at Exeter.
Mrs. Hugh MacKay spent Friday
and Saturday in London,
Robert Brown, who has spent the
winter in London, returned to the
village on Monday to take care of his
Dr. John Atkinson spent the week-
end with his brother.
Mrs. Latta of Hensall M visiting
her aunts. the Misses Parke.
Miss 'Jessie Metcalf of Detroit
came on Saturday and is spending n
week' with her parents.
Rev. A. Macfarlane motored to
London on Monday.
Miss` Susan Parke returned on Sat-
urday after visiting friends to Hen-
sail. ,
Evangelist G. F. Fawcett of Thorn-
bury and the pastor, J. Jay ,iohnston,
will begin revival meetings in the
Methodist church here on ApriI 12th.
Service Sunday morning, 10:4d, even-
ing, 7 o'clock, and each evening dur-
ing the week, 'beginning with song
service at 7:46.
The Y,P.S. will hold an "At Home"
in the basement of the Presbyterian
church on Friday, April 176. Part
of the program will consist of a de-
bate, "Resolved, that, Religion has
been a greater factor in the world's
progress than science." A small fee
will be charged for non-members.
Rev. T. H. Paull, the new rector
of Trinity church, arrived With Mrs.
Paull on Saturday evening from At-
wood, his former 'parish, and took
charge of the Bayfield parish on Sun-
Commencing Sunday next service
will be held in Trinity church in the
morning at eleven o'clock.
The death took place at her home,
Midland, Mich., of Mrs. Henry. Bea.
eon (Marjory Erwin) after an illness
of about nine days. Mrs. Beacons
was a resident of Midland for over
'forty years and for the past fifteen
years had carried on a large millin-
ery business. but had just completed
the sale of her store proaertY and
was busy disposing of her stock,'
planning to retire from business and
live in a new dwelling she had recent-
ly built. It is supposed that the extra
strain and excitement brought on a
stroke, which ultimately resulted in
her death last Friday evening, April
Srd. The body, .accompanied icy
three brothers, Robert Erwin of Tol-
edo, Ohio, Samuel Erwin of Mancel-
ona. Mich., and John Erwin of Mid-
land, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, Mid-
land, Mich., arrived here on Monday
morning. The funeral was' held front
the home of Mr. Alfred Erwin Tues-
day afternoon, Mr. 3'. Jay Johnston
eondugting the funeral service. Her
husband predeceased her about eight
years ago. She leaves to mourn, a
daughter, Mrs. Andrews of Midland,
and six brothers. Robert of Toledo,
Ohio, George of Prince Albert, Sask..
John of Midland, Mich.; Thomas, of
Akron, Ohio: Samuel of Mancelona,
Mich., and Alfred in Bayfield. Among
those from a distance who attended
the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Thomnsnn. Mr. Wesley Beacom and
sun, Blyth, Mr, and Mrs. George
Toughie. Fensall. Mr. Robert McClin-
They. Stenlev. Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Sander and 'Frank l;rwiu of SCiteben-
er. The �'aThheerers wpre: G. R. Flan-
tat,. R. G. Thonttm en. W. A. Beacom,
Wim. and Geo. Douglas and R. Mc-
There died at the home of George
Greenslade on the Goderich road one
who was well known in Bayfield in
the person of Helena Greenslade, on
Monday. The funeral takes place on
The many friends of Mr. S. Frani
Glass were very sorry to hear of hts
death in St. Joseph's Hospital on
Monday last. Mr. Giass was welt
known here. having come each scum-'
mer with his wife and family to
spend the holiday season in their cot-
tage on the Terrace.
There will 'be service in Trinity
church on Good Friday evening at B
Rev. A. Macfarlane will take the
service in St. Andrew's church on
Sunday for the first time since his
illness. Mr. H. G. Whitfield of Knox
College will take the evening service.