HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-04-02, Page 8Cj Fh. h 9E073 Oil oft oa' any l.r rich il_ oar most complete stock of ladies' an gentlemen's pocket and wrist watches, Gramophone Records, regular 65c each, 2 for '$1.49 $1200 off on any Mantle Clock in the store pwoller and Optician H NSON Next Hoveyg Drug' Stern CURREELL & SHIPLEY Iolhw 119 Specials $ $1,00. 451 Oran or ..... $1.00 Regular 1.25 BroomOranges_ for for :.; .....:: $1.006 2 Brooms . , . ...$1.00 12,t Ib. Sugar 9 lbs.'Seedelss Raisins $1.00 .61! lbs. »Best Currants .. ;x1.00 Special Assortment -Canned' Goods 1 large size can standard Peas, 1' can Corn, *can Tomatoes, 1 large can lbs. Seedless Raisins and red' Salmon,':1 large can sliced Pine-' 3 lbs. Currants for . . :.. $1,00 apple, all for $1.00. • 16 liars any kind of Laundry Your. Money's Worth Soap , . , $1.00 The following bill of goods for $1.00 5 tins C. & S. Baking Powder, lh lb. black or mixed tea, 1 can regular 25c tin for ,-, $1.00 Pork and Beans, 1 pkt.'Tip Top Soap, Chips, 1 lb. Lard, 1 loaf Bread, 1 Ib. ' 16 Grape Fruit, for $1.00 "Fresh Sodas, 2 pkgs. Jelly Powder. THE C. & S GROCERS; Main Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J. Dollaray Bargains April 8th and 9th ■ Three »»speelal lines 0E -Men's ,Fine Shirts, new Spring styles, nest_ materials, Tooke and Arrow brands, special'at 98c, $1.49 and $1.98 Clothing of. Quality for .Men and Boys priced as. close as .possible For Dollar: Days Men's Suits, smne•with 2) pair of trousers, from . , ..:... $15.00 up Boys'Suits, some with 2 pair of bloomers, from $5.50 Men's Work Boots, heavy oil -tanned leather, solid leather soles and insoles, black and tan, special price for Dollar Day. " $3.98 Men's Fine Shoes and Oxfords .......... $3.50 to $7.50 Boys' Shoes both fine and heavy at Special Prices for Dollar Day Ladies' Slippers and Oxfords, new Spring styles for Dollar Day $3.98 Special Prices on Silk Hose for Dollar Day .Aline of Pure Thread Silk Hose, regular $1.50 for. $1,00 Special Gut Prices on Linoleum and Congolenm Rugs for Dollar Days House-cleaning time again so brighten up with a new rug P1urntee1 Bros. PRONE' 25y SMALL PROFITS. 'MORE BUJSINESS Get Next to This I-Iere's a tip for you. You , want a swell Spring Suit -One that will look well and wear well, yet inexpensive. These are the kind of Suits that we tailor. Let-ui take your measure today. Our work, like our prices, you'll find satisfactory. Davis SC erinan VETERAN TAILORS ,- PHON>,224-W SEALS N° E ea7 ASSTO.' Easter Cards Scatter sunshine with Easter Cards It is becoming more and more "the, thing to do."' This year they show.a stronger religious tendency than for'. some years; -which is'encourag- ing and is a national need.. .Typify the season ,in its true - or "church'" sense. ' It has its', ?place among, the Sacred Sea sons» almost equal to that oi' Christmas. Novel Novelties SPECIALS Dollar Days Aluminum Tea Kettles; reg. $1.25 for $1.00 Garden Spades, regular $1;40 for $1.00 Short .Handle Shovels 60e or 2 for $1.00 Yellow Sweat Pads .. 60c or 2 for $1.00; Webb Halters .. ... ...., 95c or 2 for $1.50 1 Reading Lamp, reg. $10.00 for $8 00 1 Reading Lamp, -reg. $12,00 for $10.00 C 1.Soecial Lamp .. ...$3.50 1 Boudoir Lamp, reg. $7.85 for...................................00 1 Boudoir Lamp, reg. $7.50 for . $6.50 1 Rayo Lamp, reg. $5.75 for $4 75 2 Coleman Lanterns, reg. $10.00 for $8.50 ALL OTHER GOODS MARKED- ACCORDINGLY utter HARDWARE IMBIN,G far 1 l]i ELECTRIC WIRING Original and attractive. Bun- nies with fluffy feather tips, fuzzy yellow and white, chicks, cunning novelties to amuse and delight the kiddies, Peter Cot- tontail.in gala attire, seals and cut-outs, serviettes in appro-. priate colors and designs. ' K®� . Tie . D. Fairer'. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best 1 r i �� t p I111411U, Onuma Ipp, attraction on April S. and 9, YIV, ednesd d Thursday. e are runiling several special bargains at dollar, which mill not be equalled for some time to come SPECIAL $1,00 r13AR AIMS bar§s P. & G., .Oold'and Comfort soap " 2 lbs. Milled tea, regular 60c, for 12i lbd-, Granulated'sugar $1.00 �, 8:lbs, Seedless Raisins 2lbs. Black tea, regular 60c; for 1.00 3 doz. Oranges . 1.00 ( 2 brooms, regular 60c, for ; - 1.00 \ Loose Cocoa, per lb, 10c, or 10 lb. for $1.00 1.00 1.00. 1.00 6;Ibs, Rolled Oats 4 tins Sardines' Pail lard Groceteria Specials This Week 2 25c8c 69e 2lbs, Mixed tea 2 lb's. Black tea • Pail Shortening 89c 95c 65c GIVEN AWAY A limited number of brooms, starting at 8 am. on April 8 and 9 with every. $6.00 cash purchase or over EASTER 'NOVELTIES, ---Large Bunnies Rabbits Easter Eggs Call and, see them before our stock is depleted In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the .Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order Early Cash and .0' 'h lie Carry ® ®1V 49 Mworr Uhmtil Mrs. James-Elynn• has been visiting in. i Seaforth. )Mrs: J. McIntyre is visiting in Tor- onto this' week. Miss Rose Schoenhals is visiting her sister. in Sarnia. Miss E. Thoia pson spent the week- end at Brucefield: Miss Ruth -Walkinshaw spent : the week -end in London, Miss Eva Ramrass of Toronto is vis- iting• at her home in: town. Miss Lucille Grant has been spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. Miss' Marion Irwvin will spend the week -end with Staffs friends. Mrs. Cull of Mitchell has ben visit- ing Mrs. H. B. Combe of town. Mrs. A. White" of Blyth visited Mr. and Elis. A. S. Inkiey over the. Week -end. Mrs. George Hudie of near Bayfield visited over the week -end with. Mrs, R. J. Cluff. Judge Archibald left this weer- for Winnipeg.after a visit with his sis- ter, Mrs .W W. Ferran. Miss. Florence Guninghame was with, St. Thomas and London friends from: Friday until Tuesday. Mr. W. R. Miller end Mr.' F. McNeil of Toronto spent the week -end at; the home of Mr. E. G. Courtice. Dr. W. "Gunn and Dr. J. W. Shays at ended the funeral of the late Dr: A. Taylor in Goderich on Tuesday, Mrs. C. F. Johnston, who has been: visiting at . 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jenkins, returned to her hone in London yesterday. Mr. J. H. `Kerr and Mrs. T. J. Watt were in Goderieh this week attend- ing the funeral of their brother -in law, the late Dr. A. Taylor. Ms. T. J. Watt hat been in Goderich much of the time during the past week or so owing to the illness of her brother-in-law, . the late Dr. Taylor. Me. Fred Wallis of Rudyard, Mieli., arrived last week to visit hisimoth- er, who has not been in the best of health for some months, et the•', home of her son, Mr. C. J. Wallis. Mr, and .Mrs. T. IL Hardy were in Dungannon yesterday attending the funeral of the latter's sister-in-law, Mrs. WJ T, Campbell, who •died »`:in Detroit on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Joyner of Smith - vine ai'e visiting in .town, having accompanied the former's father, Mr. H. Joyner, who had been spend- ing the winter with -ahem, on ; his return -to Clinton on Tuesday. Kipper' Mr. Archie Noakes, who has for some years past been farming on the 5th line, Stanley, has decided to try his fortunes in the city and the fam- ily will all move to Toronto, where Mr. Noakes expects to find work in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Noakes sonic years ago resided in the village» and are Well known around here and we wish 'them' %very' success hi their new venture. -- On Monday' last the farm ofvthe late Geo. Taylor was sold by auction in order to wind un the estate. It was nut np for;,sale purposes in 3' tarcels,. That portion 'lying east of the railway comprising 52 acres more or less .anti on which the buildings are situated was 'purchased 'b7 Mr. Thos, Butt for the snip of $2,700. This will give Mi. Butt a very nice farm, being adjacent to the village and very easy of access to the'sta- tioir. The balance » of ,the land, lying west of the railway, comprising the 1. and t t, west end oC the 100 acre to Fifty acre lot west of it, in all about 90 acres, was pdrchased by Mi'. Geo. Troyer for the sum of $215Q. - e congratulate the, purchasers on their good bargains as the land is all :good and both places are' well watered. THIS IS Majestic Week AND WR Al E' GIVING YOU TWO - BARGAINS, BOTH GUARANTEED Thi`a heater will give you ser- vice -when it is not cold enough to dtart the furnace. Better than any man servant, Hydro power will operate the washing machine, and wringer, or be unbelievably thoroughin 'removing„ dirt from., your floor covering'; draperies, upholster- ed furniture and most inaceossi ble places, With the burning powen of the sun it melts the hardest of metals, and but a short distance away may be gently warming a baby's milk or comfortyng some one in pain by a moderate heated -warming pad. USE YOUR OWN UTILITY IT PAZ'S " HYDRO SHOP, Clinton FORMER. HULLETT •IRESI ' DENT PASSES AWAY AT WILLOWDALE On Monday. the death occurerd as the home of her daughter at.Willow- dale, Ontario, of one of HUlietii tbwn- sh ges old settlers .in the person ' of Pauling Carrick Hesk, widow of the late. George Hesk of. Ifullett. The Late :1VIrs. Hesk was born in England ,but came to Canada.with her husband as ''a young, bride. They settled first in Vaughan township, York County, here they remained sev- eral years before. ,coming to . Hallett; where 'they commenced farming -on lot seventeen, eighth concession, the farm still owned and operated by their son, Mr. William Iles*. Here the- subject of ;this sketch lived until after the death of her husband, which occurred seventeen years ago. Since ' her health has been failing she hiss lived (with her daughter at Willowdale. She had reached the great age of 89 years, and her death was dire to infirmities of age. Three sons and three daughters survive: William on the homestead, Robert at Series, North Dakota, George in Toronto, and Mrs. A. Wey- mouth, Hullett, `Mrs. John Danby, London and Mrs. Jos. Grainger, Wil- Iowdeale.... Mrs. Hesk was a Methodist in reli- gion, being a member of Londesboro Methodist church. The remains were brought to Clin- ton for interment, the funeral taking place on the arrival of the eleven aan. train Wednesday morning. Rev. W. 11. Osborne of Londesboro con- ducted the '-service at the graveside and the pallbearers were: Mess's, Russel, Herman -and. Charles Sunder- cock, Arthur and Albert Weymouth and William Grainger. PRODUCTION OF BABY BEEF L•In the annual report, rt, 7923.Ir, F. Bailey, Superintendent oC the Dom- inion r inion. Experimental. •Stat on a t Fred. eviction, N, a., records the result of an experiment in the cost of produc- ing baby eel. Two ; steers,: one a April 8 �lY'S and Special discount of, 5 per cent on all goods sold on the above dates • T. Hawkins 9 PLUMBING and =HEATING Phone_ 244 third cross Shorthorn and the other a third cross Ayrshire, were fed in Or- der to compare the merits of dual purpose shorthorn steers with steers of the dairy breed for the production of baby beef. The method of feeding was, the same as that used for dairy heifers except that the -ration was more liberal. Statistics given in the report show that d-ual purpose Short- horn steers' cost less per hundred pounds ?writ'weight than steers from the dairy bleed; that dual-purpose Shorthorn steers have a higher die s ing perces). age, and nd that duail. 4 pur posc Shorthorn',oteers' carcasseshave a higher p�� etoge of hr h perca meat. :DoSiinion Department; of fig- 7 culture, Ottawa, Y •APJIIL 8 and . 9 Watch our windows for bargains extraordinary in all lines of General Hardware and Furniture ClintonHa'rdware and FurnitureCo. THE STORES WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 VESMARIALF Eggs It is to your advantage to sell your eggs accordingeto Dominion Government Egg -grading Regulations Poultry We pay the highest market price for Live and dressed poultry GU.NN, LANGLOIS & Co., Limited'» Clinton, Ontario R. W.'»WARD, Manager Write, phone or can at our Clinton office, Day phone 190 Night Phone 254 ' Rags, Rubbers, Papers:. On Saturday,May 2nd, a collection of rags, rubbers, papers, magazines, • catalogues, etc., etc., will be made by the Home and School Club. 'Please tie in small „bundles; very 'securely.: Rags, Rubbers, Papers •90-1 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. James Appleby,, who was so badly injured by a fall en an icy pave- went a ' few weeks ago; wishes to thank all those who have shown. hex so many kindnesses since, ,and the lady and gentleman who assisted her home, the former, of whom she does not even know. CARD OF THANKS Mr, John Johnston and family wish to ,express theii sincere a nr i oitioo r o1, the lcurdnesi shown then' do Inti; the illness of Mrs: Johnston and since her death, NOTICE All those wishing to operate eon cessions during the week of the Re union next summer are requested t get in touch wi,th the. Secretary e L.. Paisley, chairman of the Growl Committee, at once.' Please ha your request in before April 3rd. S. B. STOTBERS, 09-2 Secretary. Announcement Dr. 3, A. Munn, successor to Dr R. Ross, announces the opening . new office over Goo, A. Sills & hardware Store, Main St,, Sea for the practice of Dentistry, April lst, 1925. Phone No. 151