HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-04-02, Page 7R ISE•
he Reel Aretee Lssure
nate Caulk, it appeare,Was a real
gbiAccorijlug: tO'ntir.paltrawin'acok
In the London BoOle*Wilhe wsso "
Youngest diaalgliser''
Laurie of Maxwoilion.and was:Morn on
December 16, 1682, "12 Maxwelton
111ouse, where a pifirtrait of, her io still
One of Annie' Laurie's .su"ters was
1)ouglai Of 'Fisglasod, who
;Trete t1.a. firs!, version of the famous
Song, Dougima was 13 soldier of tor-
e, wile was famous as 0 ditelist, and
-he is slIpposod to lave Written the
ords about the year 17.00, 'when An-
nie Laurie was eigl) hon years old and
he ell! had; Just retuned Item the
Continental WM'S. Something happen -
ca to part the 'everts, but the poet did
nettnlflhI his premiss to "lay me doun
fin'd dee.," Indeed he Willa GO 'easily
conslolablie that six years later he mar-
ried another girl.,
Annie Laurie „herself was married
two years earlier to Alexatader Fergus -
soil 'of Craigclarroch. :Her death 'no-
tiee 12210 printed in the ecots Magazine
for April, ‘1764, as follows: "May 5.-
4.6. ()arse, Dumfriesshfre; Me...Annie
',fringe, relict of Alexand'er Irergusson
of Crafigdarroch, Esq., and daughter
,Sir Robert Laurie of Maxeeeleoune
The famions song, though. generally
'egarded as an old bdilad, does net ap-
Pear in any eighteenth -century song
book and Seems to have been banded
rounil in manuscript. It Wee feet
printed in 1824, when Charles Kirk -
entries Sherrie, who had. leatrned • Iti
erten a relative, inclucled it M. a "bal-
„ lad book' that is now so rare that even
the British, Museum has no retell:lel.'
The. music was comporsed .be Lady
Aliela Anne Spottiswood, later Lady
Stem Scott, who founel the versee in
Allen Cunninglumes Sougs of Sot -
land. She edited e tiler elites& Ma
alterea eame of tbe others. She lied
originally composed the music for aa -
other old balled, but 'adapted:, it Wee -
out difileelty to Annie Laurie. • The
;mete wae ear1nes15 by a lirin of Edda-
,borgh. publishers -without the com-
pcteer's eritteority in 1838, and one of
her deseeede.nts expleina, that a"Lotrie
eobn always tliouget the ateand words
had been stelen when .she „sent her
melee hook to be rebound." The feet
utherized -version Ives issued durin,g
the Ceineztai War...
Who Was Harold Harefoot?
1101V many petmle could answer this
uestion **bout a search. among M4
sehoolbooks? Yet Eft one time Harold
Barefoot reigned ever England. .
, It. is quite possible, ho'w'ever, that
there will be a revival of intereet in
this' enolent mato/roll, as a seerch es at
present being male for his remains,
'which are believed to be burled in St.
Olave's Church, Southwark, Eltgemid.
This churek bee been empty far
over s1x. mohthe,. and is now being de-
al:Meshed. • During tlie.peoctess a cere-
al watch is to be kept with a elevr 'to
the pessible discovery of Klee Har-
colde remains, or any other eelle of
Harold, who died at Oxford, in 1040,
twenty-six years before the Normen
Coequest, was burled in Westminster
Abbey. He was a sou of the famous
King Canute, but had no real right to
the throne, which should hey° goes
to hiff ealfesether, Herdicansee, who
succeedel him. By his orders, liar-
• 01(1,8 body was disinterred, beheaded,
and thrown into the•Thanies. .A. fisher-
man found it, however, eed lettas re -
lettered hi a London ohurele believed
te have been St. Cleve's' Southwark,
• .
—Serve this unique roast as
the main dish.of the Meal.
Yoeef °Ike will be delighted. '
Recipe, and scores ef
°therein elle free book.
Cheese Co.
Ltd., Montreal
. Sow =tree reaps bee
Scouts Dine -Tawnsitlp Connell;
lie ; in 20113 of the 'Idtohiseke'
,ifottnistiip , Council; headed by ItenvO
T. 'A, C Tior ot rstilig,ton, tvere-flie
,gues;ts pf the Rariciands, (bong Branch!)
'52: „
of.T3'0.3,'SeoltitSSni SaffladaY OVS:14'
big, March 952. The Council has,becin
-very it p tile Boy Scouts during
berets:WS—Then alid NOW. . tea•yeor atel tli.bpytpbkth12
In the old days when I had a kiiik in rather unique way to ;show' their 110 -
my systein I went to Dr. Jones, -: preciado0. tchiriug the evening 'Scout -
And he'd tell me te.say oh and hit nie master W. 0. Pollard of tho Troop re-'
' `a, wallop ill. the'ribO
And ask how the wife 'was, and hoW
the kid was getting` along. at
high school,
And 21241 write 'a prescription
That tasted as had as it looked
And nearly as bad as it &moiled. .
13ut it did tire trick. It would have inn -Laths ago?"
'put considerable amianotiont Innocent Toirderfoot—'No,
Into ono of thoso statues with the ;was in Ottawa in my liiOs,'
ceived beautiful Unio11
was presented to 155>0 Troop by 'Air. G.
'Lot), "and las
Net the Same.
First-olass SeOut—"Say, didn't I'
meet veil" In Ottawa about three,
baggy trouser legs FIrstelass Scout -- "That's tut
Lip in Queenrs ,Park, neither was I. It must have been tv,
And then -a year or two atterwards, ether fellows.' '
", I'd pay
After I'd Paid every oeiter darned thing Get portrait of Chief Scout.
t owed. • Lust Year, on February 92nd, ' the
, •''.:.. Chief Scout's birthday, the i.st Galt
blowaday,s when,' have a pain , • Troop received a, personally signed
portrait of the Chief for the best re-
port published in "The„Scout," Loadon,,
England, Feb: 9, 1624 TWo Weeks 'ago
I take a to a specialist. .
Tie has one of those hard -finished
white valspar nursos•
That'scare:s the heart out of me. ,
Sha puts me into a card index,
With. the, story et my past life and my
thumb prints,
Then she ehows roe into an inner ream.,
It's white too, just like a cafeteria,
Only there's nothing to eat.
And the specialist gives me a cold look
and says, 'Sit there,”
And I sit..
Then be opens up his tool kit and:boils
" his tools a whlle,,
Aad when he thinks .they're done
He inerts "them into ray eye, ear.,
note and theeet.
When they makteme squirm, be gives
11 me a dirty lode
And Istop"squIrming.
.&t last he seers he thinks he MaY be
• able to, do something for me,
If I'll have an eye, an ear, nose and
ilea* aet out.
Ansi I say rn thiuk aeout it.
You ba r
And I totter (meths, -wrong door,.
Butehte whites herd -finished nurse re-
• trieves me,
And says, "That will be ten dollars,
01100 I made a joke in a -specialist'• s
ofeee. -
It was e very little one. •
Bat it fell on the sterilized floor with
a loud creshe ,
The doctor picked It np witit his for-
And put it into a white enameled can,
'along with some • • •
Eisearded tonsilet
suppose it wasn't an =teepee joke.
Atteelow, I wish Dr. Tones
Hadn't stopped practicing.
' —L. Nein 'Dim Medical Timos.
One Dollar'a Pound for Tea
• Predicted Before Long
The eremendoue increase in the
p•opulanity of tea as a beverage Ilse
been ;melt that the produchag gauntries
have been' unable to satisfy the de-
mand. • Tam erica of tea has been
steadily increasing aor a number of
years. Since, bowever, You Call make
from 250 ,to 300 -cure, of tea to the
pouud, oven at the erlee of 61,00 the
cost per oup ia• only one-third of a cent.
Last Will ancl Testament.
These things I got by the sweat of my
• brow:
fallow field and an ancient plow._
A.na theae,I bought with the songs I
have sung: • '
The wind and the spray the salt sea
flung. • „
And these are the things that I got
from Love: -
One tall pine tree 'arid rester ebove.
I, being in my right mind now,
Bequeath to my son my land and plow,
And ell leave hen also the wine and
And eli even leave him my tall pine
But I'll keep that star so any soul can
ono golden trinket in her hair.
—Bonnie Jones MacOlelland
No language can express' the power
and beauty and heroisfrt of a inother'S
love.—Qbapiti. •
MI:lard's Liniment for Colds.
Among the children. lef.t at the day
isnreai'y at the Wembley Exhibition
there are three who have never been
We Challencr& Ontario Farthers
• - To Make. Money,
By theUse of a Scrub ula
We believe a Scrub Bull is, the most 'e'xpensive
piece of cattle tlesh in existence.
"f2., This'A ChaRRerAge To ',You?
the troop again received another, p02 -
trait for the best repertImblished• 111
"'The Scout," on Feb, '7, 1925. Rather
colrfcidence, eh?
Patrol Leader-:-"If•you-want a thing -
done well, do it, yourself."
';• Smart Tenderreot—"How about' a
hair cut?"
, Veteran Boys' Man esmored.
17o.11. Aticinson, Executive Secre-
tary of the Boys' Club Federation of
America, and for many years pirecter
of, the Boys' Don:dram in Toronto and
of other boys' work activities In die-
ferent parts of Canada,. as signalle
honored on tee ecceilen of the cloSe
et his fiftieth, year in boyee work. At
O banquet held in 110,5T York City and
attendel by representatives of the Boy
Scouts, Y.M.C.A.„ Big sl3rothere Boys'
Clubs and other boys' week organiza-
tions, Mr. Atkinson was granted one
year's, lea.ve of abeence and a purse
of gold to Pay alreePeesee al a trip
mamma the world.
• A Wish.
Smart Men — 'Sae Salley, what
would YOU "wish if you. had just one
"wish?" •
Bright Tenderfoot—"I'd 'wish a wish
that eeery; time I wished a wise,. I
could have the wish I wesheil."
11 One Scout's Honor, .
Here is 'all , actual happening illus.,
Crating the eitent to whicb. a BOMA
leered up to les pledge of honor. A lad
in Saskatchewan appeared-, In court,
called to give evidence against his own
'father in a land deal. The father
olalmed he did tiot understand the tig-
lisb. language: The son, who, was a
Boy Scout, swore that his rather had
underatooll every woad of the -deal, be-
cause he, himself, had explained it to
him. • 1'
When the by quit the witness box,
some persons said to hint, "Your father
will thrash you for doing that. MY
did you do it?"
"What el•se coula Ito and kd'ap ny
honor?" -was his simple rejoinder.
But Father Didn't See It That Way.
• Johnule—"Dad, -can you sign -you
name ,with your eyes shut?"
Father—"Certainly, fl1,y ogn." ,
Johnnie—"Well, than, plearse shut
your eyes and sign my school report
Presentation to Scoutmaster.
On his removal from Cobourg to
Toronto the Bee Canon F. 3, SaWOrS
necesserily had te, eelinquisli the
Scoutanasterehip of the -nue let CO-
bourg Trcoe of Boy Seouts "which has
been the pride of that town, ear several
years. In appreoiation of his splendid
services Lo the Troop, the bees Me-
seeteds Mr, Sawer,s, with a gela Ever -
sheep eencil on the eve of his depar-
ture for the Queen City. The new
Sooetinaster is Mr. ,13tatiley, Superin-
tendent of the Anglican sunciar
Wilfrid Davenport minlinues to not as
Assiotant Scoutmaster. •
As -Spring Draws Near.
The snow is pricked by lean brown
And in its melting white
Are sunken.models of the leaves
That Made last autumn bright.
The meadow 50015 with eryetal plants
Are strangely etched across;
Red rose hips gleam against old
etumps •
Scarfed with. a wet gaeen moss.
The willow eteius, and alder stems
Shine out in vivid huee,
Carnelian, saffron, fashioning
• Itclianted avenues.
Down which iball run, a gypsy band
In twinkling blossom &boon,
While every •bush flings banners forth,
, And birds pipe up the tune: .
• --ICatharine Lee Bates.
In' Turkish Prison,
. -A British. officer who Was oaptured
the Turks in the Gre.at War, giveS
sonie aniusing extraCts from the prison
commandant's daily bulletins -to the
prisoners.I-Iere 1,5 onE
Oslo: "verybody
is obliged ileithstr. to cook food nor to
111120 any sort of fire M. the rooms
where they live end lie, as a very
slight Carelessnes+ as regards flre,
cleanliness anot neatness nifty' be the
dans() of great,,claligers. It is rather
good to'.consider the heaviness of the
legal penally that may impend for a
damage caused by a lack of "precaution
aaid :care. If ft fire, 'stoats, it', goes,
Therefore,' don't smoke in bedrooms
ter goo:1.1100,V sake," .11e2e21 to comprise about one-seventh
of. the knowu,,,sUppIies of tixe Whole
MD -lord's Liniment Pine for the Flair. world. '
."OH e BoYi WHAT A TRIP!". •
'Priscilla Dean, the niovle star who was appohned master of Yeaige Street
Station, for one hour, upcn theeernenation of Ilea ',personal" eppettrande'in•
.Toront6, thougbe-after inspecting a Trans -Canada tieltet that her 'eritication
woultenot be complete until she had' used, ue juSt seeh a one. "The Canadian
Recites and' Victoria for Inc,' elle
Not Sick, But Not Quite Well—
You Need the Fieip of Dr.
Williams' Pink ills.
Trees as Temples.
• wincai la the oldeat tree ie the
World? • Iteme may believe legends,
therees a tree In Ceylon whiee is Well
intro Its twenty-second eentury, It
startee life as a cutting of,the Bo tree
under which Buedea aat in the sixth
1Centery B.C. •
Very Me, too, lo. the Some cypress
in Lombardy, which is known to.have
existed, forty years before the birth of
Christ; While, according to the late
Dean Stanley, eight ot the original
ollves mai still be semen the Garden
of Gethsemane.
Hindus axe particularly fond of the
stately banyan,, and. teeny of these
trees axe used as temples and have
become famous. The great eubbeen
burr, on the bankoref the NerbeAda, is
suppoo:ed to be that described, by en
admiral of Alexander the Great as be.
Mg capable of sheltering an army un-
der its breeches.
The venerabite,dregon-tree of Oro-
tava, in Heneeffe, was reverencedfor
its antiquity -by the extinct nation of
the Claunehes, end the, e.deenturous
oonquerore of the, Cenaries found it
little less. colossal and cleverneus in.
1402 than did the naturalist Humboldt
In 1799. 'Unfortuttetoly, it eves des:
troied by sterni in the year 1871.
,Irt England tee yews are the meat
incient of living thifige Tile yew at.
Crowlmrat, :Engle/x.4, is of enormous
dirnensitiese It le hollow and fitted
with teats Insides It Was just as re-
noarkable for Size and age in the reign
of Charles It as It it to -day, and most
probably gees beak to Boman thnes.
The one in Selborne churchyard is
soAd to be Older thee the ebercb, and
i31152113 WO a Meech there In Saxon
To Royal Oak of Beecobel, which bee
frientlea Oiliness II., may or nia.y tot
be the tree now pointed ent, but in any
case,* le a mere striplieg to other
oaks here end there in Britain. Wy-
cliffe preached and Queen Ellaebeth
dined, so it is said, tinder the Crouoh
Oak at Addiestene. The Cowtborpe
Oak, in Yerk.siere, is supposed to ditto
from Saxon timee,,and.it was onlyhi
1848 that there fell the tree against
whice, accarceng to tradition, King
Edmund waetuartyred.
11021r old thi3 Major Oak in Sherwood
Forest Is ne one knows, but thero are;
a good many trees in Rs aeighbooliocti I
Whiolx must approximate to o theesana
years. One of thorn ie tailed "Robin
Hood's Larder,"
' Idea of Sp'ace,
Cite ay Judge hew great is the dis-
tance to even the nearest stare front
the fact- thee Vega, a near neighbor,
1.5 about one and a half million eines
More :distant than the sue. Vega Is
25 ligirt years, 10 t11iIlion inlieseawee
That is, gray at light from this else
will take 25 years to reach the earte,
thOugh it travele with tee .eeeea at
lightning, which' would take it eetirly
seven times strewed the earth in a sec-
• With the- pessing of winter many.
people feel Weak, depressed and easily
tired. Ne pal -titular disease, but Oleo
eystem leeks tope. You Mod yourself I
tired, low-spirited, and often miable
to get sound sleep at night All this
is the result of in -door -confinement of
the winter months,eand ,showe teat the
bleed ha e become thin ,and watery.;
New, riehered blood 1awhat you need;
to put eou right, and there Is no other
medicine Call *give' you tilts, new blood
as eurely R.0(1 as speedelyette Dr. Wil-
liaan,$) 'Pink Pals. This, neW fileod gives I
to every part of the body and quickly
imprevee the general hewitle , Digete
eon Is toned up, you eve a better ap-1
petite, nerves are strengthened aud
sleep Is sound and refret3hing. ,1 I
The value of lor, ,Wiallauis' Pink
Pills when the system is run down *
shown by the experience' et Mr. Wil-
liam Mitchell, .1t..R.• No. 1, Bedford,
Who says:—"A. f e,w months ago
I found trlysele in ii badly 'run down
condition, My. appetite WW1 poor, I
was easily tired and did not sleep -well.
I tried severaleso-called tonics, but did
not get any relief. Then I decided to
give Dr. Willianue Philo Pies a telal
end mon found that I had got the right
Medicine. , Gradually ner strength
come back, the dull, tiredefeeling die.
appeared, and after using the pills, for
about a month, I cooed .eat heartily
and was as, strong and active as ever.
I have been. „I cat -Most eheerfully re-
commend Dr. 'Williams' Pete Pills aa
5111 unserpassed tonic." .
You can get lar. Willieme pink Pills
from any dealer in medicine, or by
mail at 50 cents a box fecite The Dr,
Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville,
• WilldbeettleSe,
The late Mrs.Geae Stratton Porter
used to criticize the farmers 52 her
Limberlost coluttry for clearing their
land too thormighle They are accus-
tomed, she sale, to level every tree and
,to destroy every old shake levee, so
that eyeey inch of the ground may be
'cultieated. It ia a feolieli thieg to do,
for their very oagereeSe to turn all to
visible produetiveness alid profit often
ends in disaster. Storms sweep aeroes
their Ind and destroy elie work of
their hands, whereas' if the hed left a
few acres of foreseen the inidee of
their land ane a boader of •teee4 round
the edge, (Leep enough for if wind-
break,they might have saved 0,51201'
/flees labor. ' • .
Bestaes providing -windbreaks eolon-,
les Of trees afford sliade and by pre-
venting 'evaporetlen preserve the, un-
darground suppliee `of water, Thera
are pieces, where reckless deforest-
tion hes impoverished the land. For
growing things need the proteetffin
that trees give..
kuraae lifp has similar -needs. -Life
may be toe exposed tio be fruitful.
Without spiritual windbreak, without
places of shade, it inv.y becelne bearen
and paofitlesa. The Sabbath; for ex-
ample, was- Intended as a windbreak,
-to do for life what the treesto,fer the'
earth. But, fergetfel 02,thateriginal
purpose, many people want to hack
down the forest of Sabbath days.. They
say it is in their way, .
,"Do you like 'StalclaYr asOlocl a'
worldly, woman • :of her gardener, a
simple, religious ,man, ,
"I do,"- he answered; "it is ihe best
of all dases to me," .
"Really," she exclaimed in. astonish -
1110>06, "we think itis a' nuisance: It
Interrupts ali . our pleasures, yell
• oW'hen people take such on attitisde
small wonder- that' lite becomes int;
po'verished and pitifully unfruitful!
Life needs' worship and inedittitiont
games and the quest of pleasure do
not talte the place of religion and de:
Own 'rabletii,'.f5 1i1r5", „,.„.1. •
little ones," o"ry
, . ,
8,tne. .00 1A.10, oi. ,t lottz andel ,of
other Mothers Who•have used the
121o, TQ/1100..t33erif <Moe is o uuocgit`ar:,
antee that they. WIliAlways'he'lteplt in
that ;Iipiriit6 as' "dim , tltaa0 aie1,aj1cs
or., young:: Chliflreft.to be cared for. The'
blets " are ti laxative ---nadd Out
n, actimi,--wIlleh liege), fall
stI) a
to regulate to oh 2uJ. niwele,;
Constifia'tioit 'and intligest.hin;
break up colds andsimplefever's and
malce the (ltd.:ailed teething , period
easy, lit 'fact they banish all the
,miner ills front witch. Ititle 011es ssf-
fez .Tho 'Tablets .aro strid hi inedi
Ciao dealers' or by Mall 'at 25 'cents
Lox from The . Dr., I RIOS' Medicine
Co., Grocliville, orie.
Stepped in Yoss Steps
. the Way."
A faaher and his tiny sou ,
CrOGGell to rough Street on,e storm'
`See, papa," cried the little one,
"I stepped in your .steps all the Way.'
random, ehiladsal hands that. deal '
Quick thrOs,ts no coat of proof could
s;My I „
'15. touched, him ;Yith ,the emelt of
"I stepped in your steps ailethe
f thie ntan Shiree hip 'mnnhcoodis due
And heeds Weet lying velcee
It is'uo,t otte *lie title, but two ---
"1 •seeppe4 in your :steps all the
way I "
-7 • —FR -a CATALOGUE.
eee .G
iola6,, Iris' Peony, ,Funcy Dahlias •
find Ilsxo'o1I5oc5c Eggs, The Wright
Farm Brockville ,Orr,
'T '°1011 STAtollitR
s'fulitt 65,1> haxiU'Op
.610' lcus,fr• ffu,,t.tsrel
yf Ulf
YOV, Xrce 'IlLiViet and 'literature.
But they that thrv.st off greed and fear,
Whb love and 'watch, who toll and
How their hearts carol \viten they
hear: "
"I etopped in your steps all the
--leoy Temple House.
---e •
The eirst Bank Note.
T110 oldest banknote appears, to have
been datedas early as 1399 B.C.
For Sore Feet--Minares Liniment..
A silver nugget, the largest ever
mined in Buitish Columbia, weighs 36
Seed Potatoes
New Brunswick Grouve" and Govern-
ment Certified.
irlsh,Cobblers and Green Mountains.
For sale at the following prices:
Peek, 500. ,e • 13ushel, 61.60
Ba4g, lbw, 62.25.
Special price in lots of 5 bags or more,
No charge fee bags or packages. Can
sell you Ontario Grown,' at about 20
per cent. less. Veu will have to order
early as Quantity is limited. Cash with
P.O. Box 38 = Brampton, Ont,
Tho coal deposits of .Canada are be -
1' Perfect llama dye-
• ing and tinting
„guaranteed With Dia.
timed Dyes; just dip
In cold Water to tint
seftedelicate shades,
or boil to tlyo rich,
permanent colors.
Each 15,cent peck,
oge contains dime
jibes 'so simele any
woman can dye or
tint liegerle, silks, ribbons, alerts,.
waists, dresses, coals,' stockings,
sweaters, • drassOries, coverings, eel-le-
i:nes, everything new.
Buy "Diamond byes"" --no Other kind
--and tell your 'drogaist, whether the
material eou erloh to 'color is wool or
silk, or weether it is linen, cotton, or
lnixca goods.
Eggs in Franco cannot be so,d as
i`fresb." 12 they have 'teen in* cold
For Sore Tiaraai UGC 1\11 na rcPs Liniment
We receive letters every week fro&
people who And Millard's indispens-
Capt. Geo, W. Dblbew, Philadelphia,
Pa, writest "While in British
Colombia! used your Lininteat but
I cannot got it here, As there is to
my knowledge no other liniment on"
the market like Nil nerd's I 15011111.
appreciatte. It if you will advise me
bow I ean get another supply, for
r do not moil to be without
M I reed's.
to .6filsEs
Axe I.25
notiso .4t il Drffslists
' A.0 1-Comi...RD.1Nc.
70-5=AVC, NEW 200N
IitzC ritori
tiotei New Jereey
America's Smartest
Resort Hotel.
Farnous for- its Euro-'
pearl Atmosphere.
Perfect Cuis7,ne and
Single TOOMS from .65.00 .
• Delete roone from $9,00
European ,Plan
New Hydt latrie and
Electro -,„Therapeutie
• Department.,
A Charming
Is Obtained by Using
Cuticura Soap
Daily, assisted by Cuticura 'oint-
ment wilen required. It keeps the
pores active, the skin clear and free
,from eruptions and the scalp in a
healthy hair -'growing condition.
Semple Eaoh Fro by, Addresa Canadian
Depot; "Stephens% 5td„ Montreal." Price, Soap
25e. Ointment 25 and 50e. Teleutti 25e.
Ear" Cuticurn Shaving Stick 20...
°Nilo) WOMAN
Wants OtherWomentoKnow,
About Lydia E. Pinkhain'a 1
•• Vegetable Compound
, Mount Foreet, Ont, --"Before I took
LI'dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coma,
peund I feltweak and
miserable, and had
tens all throegh ihe.
15 was living In Ailsa
Craig atthe titne,and
one day a friend came
in and told tee her ex-'
perience of using the
Vegetable Com-
pound and al:Weed
me to take a bottle,
which I finally did.
I began to get
stronger and those
pains lefleme. I am glad I found out
about this medicine Be I think '.'sere is
laone equal to it for women who haver
-troubles of this kind. I cannot, praise
the Vegetable Compound too highly for
the good it has done .me. Whenever I
know of a wonian suffering I am glad
to tell her of it. "—Mrs, Wm. RIDSDALB,
blo. I, Mount Forest, Ontario.
Women tlaroughout the Dominion are
finding health in Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Noharrnful drugs are used in its prepa-
ration--justroots and herbs—and it can
be taken in safety even by a nursing
mother. For sale by all druggists.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physic ails for
. Rheumatism • C`olcIs
Toothache •
Accept 9.!Lv "Payer" pack a s'e
winch cob tains proven directions.
„Handy "Baycr'' boxes t) lAtblefs.
, Also bottles of 21 and 190 .--1Drupcdst.f.
Aapirin.15 thr trada (rogifto(ed in , Cannaa)of 'aarer .Afaaufaarara 115,5,513''nealoater of Sal1er01rAr10 (A COIVI Salle3112 .1.214., 'A. S. A.,”); Walla ft la writ aomfa
that 2551010 weans Gayer Inarafachno, to lafast 0> pablIo .rigaiaah Trbliaa'
of Bayer Cornpally w0lb1> ftampea arlIS titolr genaral truto mark, tin) ThIsqr