HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-04-02, Page 5un M
Yesterday, wa AlTFools'
"inybodY eool you?
The proposed 4.4 1,eer will be
axed ten cents per gallon. We hate
paying taxes as a rule and this is one
which we may escape if we will.
o are getting along in yeaas,"
inks the„ Montreal Herald, "if the
.ht of a crowd of youngsters skip-
ping, the rope doesn't make your feet
a little bit nevous"
• 4. .• ••,
It i exoected t4tsthe Union Bill
will be taketi up by the Private I3ills
Committee today, a sub -Committee
having been at wOrk Upon it for Selr='
eral days Should :the bill be accept -
abbe to both sides the probability Is
hat it will go through withont-much
' The 'Mitchell Advocate last' wdek
ntered upon its sixty-sixth year. All
his time it has remained .in the one
Me, H. D. Davis, being the
•resent editor and ,publisher.1 It is
ell to the fore as a weekly paper and
as enjoyed the support and succesA it
eserves. Congratulations and good
ishes for continued success is ex -
ended. -
The annual meeting of .the Canadian
eekly Newspapers' Association will
e held this year in Winnipeg in June.
t is expected that a large number of
iablishers and their wives will take in
he jaunt, the Men to talk ever the
moblems of their callihg and learn
ow best to serve the general public,
Vhich is the business of a real newi-
aper, the ladies tb enjoy the social
ntertaimnents ' which, between ses-
ions theeonvention, city authorities,
oards of Trade and other organizat-
ons always plan, in honour of the
ewspaper men and their wives.
* e •
The Walkerton Telescope last week
id us the honour to copy one of our
clitorials, and -in/giving us credit said
the editor wee' a native of Bruce'
County. Nev, WeJcnow Bruce "la'a
fine county and has turned out anaey.
a 'fine man and splendid Newham hiit
personally we owe nothing toeBruce.
Grey is our native eounty, tholend of
hlfls and aales, of rocks and mount-
ains and trout streams, We shall
never go back on Grey. We 'began
life there, we go back ,to visit it ay
often as Vre can and, when life is over,
-we're going back,to take our lase len
-sleep in live feet -Odd of its soil. But;
we aren't hankering a-fteg that long-,
sleep just yet. -*There'e tho nincb
doieg around bete. • •
* IR
]bow e freely down like a river of Unlit
No great seeret ,about success,e„, the florae' frOln whence I 'canc'e.'•
eording to the observations of the
—Sadly missed by.wife and children,
veteran editor of the Bowmanville
Statesman. He says: "Does it ever Violet, Hazel and Haary and sister
occur to you, reader, to inquire why and brother.
se few persons ate really succeseful
in their calling or lewdness? Our ae-
swer, based on over fifty yeaes of ob-
servation, is that, balling the misfits
who ate found in all ranks' and pro-
IIOSSi011S, the' individual with brains.
and a fair edimatain who really teles
to eacel will succeed nine times but
of fah. Everything eirmill having Is
Iworth striving 'for and. keepieg on
striVing for till it is obtained. In
most cases, as success is the reeelt of
zonstant etriving, failure is the result
ofples,itive lazinese . or lack of, effort.
Work wins,"
The News-Recoed, together with the
live hundred other members' (.1 the
Canadian Weekly' Newspapers' Assoe-
ietion, are this week donating a strik-
ing headline to proinote the sale of
Made -in -Canada goods thus co-operat-
ing for the revival of bushiese. .
this paper the headline be.fotind
at the top •of the front page. Read
this heading, heed the admonition
given and by buying, Canadian -made
goode,assist in building up our nein
"Hut why be so selfish," someone
asks, "other people have to live, too?"
True, they have, but being placecl in
Canada our chief duty .is to try and
build of it the best nation We atm It
is not considered selfish for families,
IQ endeavor to assist their own mein,
leers 10 every way possible. Membees
of the same churches, elehe and so-.
,cietiee patronize each other. Why
should it be considered selfish to. pat-
ronize our oWn home merchants,
manufacturers, etc. It ia 'not selfish -
neat, but reeeonable husinees .fore-
sight. If we mutually assist one, an
other by our,co-operation we 13itild up
a'. prosperity which cannot' otherwiSe
,corne to us. If we allow' our o-wn
manufacturing plants tdalie idle we
force our young people ta seek ,mne
ploYment abeoad; thus practising the
worst form of wastage,, the 'wastage
04 otir youth, the hope of ile.nation,
Theve are, 80Me things Canada can-
not growand • some thnigs 'we .do not,,
as yet rbanufaeture We '• can lin:port
, •
:these; while we eportte'letlfeik" '
ries our .eXcess,•of:predni34'"Thb
o -far as We: cin, while our country
,rowing, 10t us eat, Nse.al and ase a,
far as podbio o products uf
MAI-ION—in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, On March 28rd, to Mr. and
• , Mrs. I. A. Mahon (formerly Miss
- "Edna McCaugh'ey) a son--Lawr-
,ence ,Patrick.
DAVIDSON—In Brusse s, on March
17th, to .Mr. and Mrs. Charles II.
• DaYidson, a daughter.
CHAMBERS—At Alexandra Marine,
and General Hospital, Goderich,
Mar. 18th, to Mr. and Mn. Flank
Chambers, of Goderich Tp., a
daughter,—Violet Marie.
BEACOM----In Clinton, on Apr. lst,
Robert Beacom., aged 88 years. '
KEYS --In Stanley, on 'March 24111
Mary Styles relict of the late Roht.
Keys, in her 92nd year.
KEYS --In Stanley, on March 21s0.
Letitia Thompson, relicit of ,The
late Andrew Keys, in her 85th year,
PETRIE—In Tuckersmh
ith, on Marc
23rd, James Petrie, in his 25th year
STOKES—In Goderich, on March
21st, Mary Lawrence, relict of the
late Sandfprd Stokes.
CHURCH—At Goderich, on Mar,
22na,s Margaret Feagam, wife of
alfr. George Church, in her 80th
,AYLOR—In Goderich, on March
28th, Dr, Alexander Tayor, in his
78th year. '
ROWCLIFFE—In London on March
20th,. Philip Roweliffe, formerly. of
Exeter, aged 68 years, 8 months,
and 11 days.
HESIC—In Willowdale, Ont., on Mar.
,30th, Pauline Carrick, vvidow of the
late George Hesk' of Flualett, in
her 89th.year. ' -
CAIVIPBELL—In Detroit, on March
19th, Mary Polley, wife of Mr. W.
F. Catmpbell, formerly of Dungan -
WATICINS--In sad and ever loving
Memory of Joseph Henry Watkins,
who passed from this life, April let,
1924. '
"Do I forgot? Oh no;
Foe( memory's golden chain
Still binds my heart to yours below,
Till we meet and touch' again,
Each link is strong and bright
Ahd love's electric flame,
In the matter of the Estate of Debora'
A. Holmes, late of the,. Village of
..1-Iolmesville, :in the County ',Of
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
The undersigned auctioneer has re-
ceived instructions to sell by public
auctioe at Lot 40 Con. 6, W.D, Col-
borne township an Tuesday, -April
14th, 1925 at 1:00 o'dlock,esharp, the
fallowing: -Heavy &aft mare, 6 yrs.;
sound and right, 1,600 lba,; bull, Hol-
stein, 12 menthe old, sired by the
great 2,700 lb. bull Cedar Dale King
Inke, whose breeding cannot be sur-
passed; '75 bushels seed ;ats, clean
(Irish White variety) ; 20 bushels
white beans; 15 cords maple wood;
new light sleigh; new single' waggon'
(Bain); McLaughlin cutter (good as
new) 1VIeLanghlin beggy; laraseey-
Harris binder; Prost and Wood mow-
'ar; plow (Fleery); set Scales'2,000
Ib.; slush, ecraper, new; sugar kettle;
Pandota range, fully dquipped, good
as new; 13elle Oak • heater; Grand
Garland wood stove; heating drum;
large 'quantity new corrugated steel
roofing, 26 gauge; galvanized feeds
box; quantity lumber; set single hare'
ness (new); 3 horse collars; corn
crib, holds: sp buthels; ladders; ice
cream freezer; Daisy churn; stove
Pipes, tools, grain 'bags; houseltold
furniture, etc, Everything. must be
sold, positively no reserve as . owner
is moving,away. Terms: Grain and
Treed, cash. All sums of $11).00 and
under, cash; over that amotint 7
months' credit will be giVerimn fam-
ishing approved joint notes :or a dis-
count of 4 per cent straight fol. cash
on credit 'amounts. S. 13ensen Coia°
proprietor. Geo. H. Elliott, auction-
eer. ' 00-2
Auction Sale , ,
Of. Farm Stock and Implement's.
Mr. S. It. iVreMath will sell by public
auction at the village of Hohnesville,
Goderich -township, en Tuesday, April
7, 1025, commencing at 1. o'clock,
sharp, ,the following: Horses --Clyde
mare, 4 years; 2 geldings,. 7 yeale.
Cattle -2 cows, fresh, 7 years; eoev,
. Huron, Spinster, deeeasell. .
;NOTICE is.' hereby giyen pursuant
to the Trustee Act, and amendments
that all creditors and 'those having
claims or demands against "the estate
of the said Debora A. Holmes, are
reqvired on or before -the first day
of May, A.D. 1925, to sehd by pose,
prepaid or deliver to the undersigned
their ehristian names and stumarnes,
addresses arid descriptor, and full
Particulars in writing of theia elahns,
a Statement of their accounts mid the
nature- of the security, if any, held by
them. . , , e
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
said last mentioned date, the under-
signed executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate of the said de-,
coaesd among the parties entitled
thereto having reg,arni only to 'such
claims of,which they shall then have
notice and that the said executors will
not ihe liable for the said asmti, or
,r, hart thereof to any person or
1 'sons or whose claims eotiee soa,1
.. have heen received by them at
the time of such distribution.
Dated this 81st day of March, A.D
1025. ,
Dudley E. Holmes and
Howard Trewartha, Executors.
By Dudley E. Holmes, their solici
tor. ..- 00-1
By Dr. Ross SaVauge
Seaforth Ontaiiie
lust why are eyes strained by
abnormal vision?
The perfect eye (which Is
very seldom found) focuses
light perfectly, the imper-
fect eye, miperfectly.
This imperfect focussing of
light (causes strain?
Yes. The ip er fee eye
tries to focus light proper-
ly, in which attempt the
muscles of the eyes are out
to a severe arid neeer-end-
ing strain.
Then it is really the tired
muscles that produee the
effect of strain?
Yes, eye strain is useally
a strained condition of the
(Continued Next Week)
. Timothy Seed For Sale ,
A quantity of timothy seed. Apply
to B. -Waldron-,Brucefield. Phone 1/
on 629, Clinton dentral. 00-3
To rent, an 'unfurnished house --A.
IVracKinnon, Dom. Stores, Ltd..; Clin-
ton. do -r
WilirPresent Play
The play, "Home Acres" will be
presented by tike young people o'f
Sharon church, 'in the church on
Thursday evening, April 9th. Box
social after the play. Ladies kindly
bring boxes. Everybody welcome.
Admission 25c. 00-1
Old Time Dance -
an Tow?: Hall on - Tuesday night,
April 7th, under auspices of Old
Boys' Home Week Committee. 00-1
Auction Salo '
Of Household Effects. The' under-,
signed auctioneer has received 'in-
,structions to sell by -Public auction on
Saturday, April elth at the home of
the proprietress, SPencer street, com-
mencing at 1:3,0 o'clock, the follow-
ing: bed room suite; 3 beds with
inattreses, :me „Osterntoor; 2 dress-
ers, Tinstistand; g toilet sets; stretch-
es' with .mattress; 5 dining room
chairs Witii arM. Clair to Match with
imitation of leather seats; 2 rockers;
sideboard; 6 kitchen chairs; exten-
sion table; 2 small tables; kitthen
table, fall leaf table; 5 good tapestry'
rugs, also handmade mate; range,
,Thecite Novelty, with pipes; 3 -burner
coal oil stoyee. teeter, Good Cheer,
with pii3es; coal heater; 4 yards lin
m; -
oleu2 clothes horees, wringer; re-
frigerator; stepladder chair; 60 feet
gaeden hose; feuit and pickles; pie -
tures; flour can; Mead cati; 'blinds;
shovels; hoe; Take; -dishes; aluminum
and granite Utensils, °thee artielee too
numerous to mention. The cottage to
be offered the day of sale if not sold
befoee..Mrs. Mary McIetyre, prOpm-
'etress. G. IL Elliott, auctioneer., 00.2
'5 years; cow, freeh, 4 -years;
cos, 7 .year$, due in -:April; eow, 4
years, due in May; 2 ccievs-, 7 , years",
due in June; cow, 5 years, due in May;
'coW, 4 yeers, due in May; 6 •Durharn
steers, rising 3; 12 Durham ,steers
rising 2; 12 heifers, rising 2 years; 0
Polled Angus heiferS, rising 2 years;
2 yearlings; -2 choice llolstek heifers,.
,15 months. Brood sow, due April -1st;
brood sow; due June 7th. 25 White
Leghorn hens. Implements, etc.--
qtlantity of Banner oats; quantity of
good barley; 5 cords 12 -in. mixed
wood; rolling coulter f or plow; 2
walking plows; 20/2 ih.P. gasoline en-
gine; International cream separater;
pump 1or.35-ft. well, new; ,set double
harness; sot light harness, and t:gces;
light buggy 'collet; pair '3-rone car.,
1.1# collar tops; 2 sets of new double-
, teeds;. 3- neeleyokee; 75 feet of belt-
ing, 7 --in, Sl -ply, will cut Lo SUR, ;ptie-
cliaser; IVlassey-Harris corn binder,
nearly new; 1Vlassey-Ilarris, 2 lrorse
seuffler; pole for /buggy; 2 Wagon
boxes; 2 stock eacks; largo water
treugh; ensilage distributor pipe.
plush buggy rug, nearly new; 2 eusset
leather .haltere; a 15 -ft. logging,
chain, set slings with chains,
steel -tired buggy; 3 dressed wagon
tongues and other articles, too num-
, erous:to mention. Terms: All slims
'sdf $10 and under, cash; over that
amount 8 months' credit will be given
on furnishing , approved jott notes,
A discount of 4 per cent., Straight, al-
lowed off for cash. on credit amounts.
'S 13. MciVrath, proprietor. Geo.18.
Elliott, Auctioneer. 00-1
- House For Sale- .'•
Mr. Elie- 'Kaiser's comfortable resi-
dence on King street, centrai,. con-
venient, well arranged. Apply to -W.
33rerdond: . 99-2-p
Clover Seed for Sale
.A.—quantity of white blossom sweet
clover seed. Price right; Irene/kit
Stewart, R. R. No.- 5, phone 12-r-620
Boardei's and Roomers Wanted -
Am prepared to take 00001005 00
boarders.Apply to Mrs. We H. Cole,
second house 'west of Baptist' -church,
Clinton. Phone 138. 98-44
Estate of William Doherty
The handsome brick reaidence with
appurtenant land'e belonging to the
Estate of William Doherty, deceased,
and comprising the splendid dwelling
and complete outbuildings, barn, stab-
ling, silo, poultry lump, etc., etc., and
about 20 acres of land, -will be offered
for sale at public auctien on Satur-
day, April 4th, 1926, at 1;00 o'clock-,
p.m. ,
The resjelenceeis, the most expens-
ively built and equipped in Clinton
and the barns and stabling (origin-
ally adapted to ,breeding of Short-
horn Cattle) are in keepingwith the
rest of the est*. Inspection „Is in -
e COr‘f
Londesbor'o Egg Pool .
Any one wishing', toisend eggi3 With
Loride,sboro Egg 'Pool may leave' them
with Mrs. ,ged,' gocalt, ,Loncr,eboro
o.1,, ;
,arter.Apk,t. Call and get-palitic-
ulars. 93-4
At the same time and place there
will he 'offered for sale the 'furniture
and household 'effects ',belonging to
the, Estate and. including 'the follow-
ing, (the oak, mahogany and walnut
artic)es mentioned below being blid
andnot veneered): Dining -room:
sideboard, dining -table (14 ft. exten-
sion) china cabinet, chairs, rocker
and couch, in oak; 2 upholstered
cherirs and side'table in walnut, 2 rat-':'
tan rockers. Drawing -room: writing
desk, stool, rocker and hall table in
oak; table (hand carved), sofa and
chair to' match (upholstered), 4 up-
holstered eliairs, stand and 2 comer
tablee in walnut, cabinetand uphole.
stored hall, seat in malictgany, wicker
hall ehair. Bed -rooms: 3 bedroom
suites with tables,- si sectional book
case, a ehiffionee, etc., in oak.," a
WashAand, dresser and wardrobe in
walnut, 2 Moit beds, evecker and eat -
tan chaira. Kitchen: PeninsuIat
range, tables,'" clock, refrigerator,
chairs, a New Home Sewing IVIachine,
Pictures, etc., etc. ,
Also the following farming, imple-
ments: eVfassey-Harris Binder; Mao-
sey-lIarris mower, Seed drill, farm
wagon, International hay rake, disc,
walking plow, harrows, pulper,
stone, forks, eth.
TERMS OF SALE: Of Lands 10
per cent. at time of eale, balance in
30 days; of Furniture and Imple-
ments, Cash. ;
FOY' fui,ther terms and particulars
apply to W. Brydone, Solicitor. Geo.
II. Elliott. Auctioneer, OM
Halide For Sale
On property of the -late Miss Cole.
House to be removed from lot.- Ap-
ply to IP, 14. Cuninghame or" at Can -
National Express, Clinton,
Phone 176w., " -97-14
There's a Reason
Why You Should Insure
I.' To protect your dependents.
2. To provide for your own de-
pendency even though you are gure
you won't need it. „
3. To insure 'your children's edu-
cation whether you live or die. •
4. To provide inheritance taxes
and—other emergency needs.
5. To bury the mortgage with you.
6. To protect your, credit at the
8. To provide monthly or yearly
endowments for the beneficiary at a
small annual outlay.
Pick out YOUR reason—it's There
Then Talk it Over With Your Agent
Phone 193 General Agent
The Ontario Equitable Life
And Accident Ingurance Co.
Clinton Garage
Do You Want'a New Tire?
WS:3 eoxac OA:sett int
All Weather Oversize Cord --$1,0.95
Wingfoot Standard Cord -48.05
Pathfinder Cord --$7.95
All Wether Oversize
81x4----419,75 32x4---$21.25
' 33x4--$22.50 22x43(5—$28.75
Wingfoot Standard Cord
31x4—$16,75 -32x4—$18.50
' 33x4—$19.25 32:A3k-424.50
A Bicycle Sure Does Beat Walking
It will pay for itself more quickly
than ever befOre besides savin
many tiresome walks ,s
cs and giving 'end-
less service and satisfaction. ,
A CeCaVI. Bicycle ,wilt givo you
smooth, easy service fel? years. 40
makes cycling a pleasure ae yeefl as
a Time and Labor Saver.
If you alreedy have a BleYelp, Why
not bring it to our" shop and have It
put in nice running Order?
Our years of edserience arid our
modern equipment are at ,.your ser-
vice A thorough ' overhauling, la -
eluding cleaning and freshly lubri-
cating the bearings will not cost
much wed will ensure easier running.
It will add greatly to the life of your
Bieyele as well as to its smooth, eetty-
running quelities.
Garage Ph. 80 Res. Ph. 167r 2
Under and by virtue of the powers
:Contained in a certain mortgage
which will be produced at the time tn.
sale, there will be offered for sale by
Public Aladin at the Council Chem-
ber, Clinton, Ont., on Thursday, the
23rd day of April, 1925, at the hour
of 1:30 o'clock in the, afternmen the
Farm Property known as Lot Number
21 in the 1:irst Conceasion of the
Township of Hulled in the County M.
Huron, containing onrhundred acres
more or leas. "
,On the premises, are a commodious
frame house 'and bank barn and ade-
quate outbuildings. The property is
in easy reach oi Chureh, School and
Market, being less than oire mile Alan
Clinton. '
TERMS: 10 Per Cent at thneed
sale, balatee an 30 aaye. A Mortgage
for a eatable ainount may be ar-
F0articulars apply to
Soliciter for the Vendor.
George Elliott, Auctioneer. 99-8
Filly Ij'or Sale
rising fi• years, sired by Glall-
.rae. - Apply to P. H., Powell, R:18,
No, 3, Clinton. Pherie 2 on 301 1.:9-0
Probationers Wanted
Two' Probationers for Clinton Pub-
lic"I-Iospital. Apply to Sept. Grain-
ger at the fIospPtal. 91-0'
Owing to the warm weather "furs
are eomipg in poor in fur and are
getting unprime, so would advise not
to trap anything' except mieskrat frora
now on. Dealers are paying trappers
aalr arrvxeyriangg'e. Aatol..2,5,51.0„.5.fvooE yinus,lemI
its. "
Accident Insurance foi' $1.00
Bold only by the
North American Accident Insurance
Co., Montreal
For particulars write, phone or inter-
view the undersigned authorized
agent '
Agent for -Clinton and District of
The Mutual Life Assurance Company
of Canada
Office at residence, cor. Mary and.
Orange streets, opp. the rink s
e Phone 253 0)0-'
Clinton New Laid Egg and
Poultry -House
Eggs bought acerdin'a• to Domin-
ion, Government Egg rikulations. In-
quire for prices of eggs. You will
aplriwcaeys.s find our pices touching eity.,
Fat Hens and well -finished chicks al -
"ways wanted at highest prices
Always Whom our office for prices
before disposing of produce else-
We appreciate your business and
hope you are pleased
Office open for business on
.„ Saturday eveningS
N. W. Trewartha
Phones ---Office, 214j*Re4idence, 214w
Wanted to Purchase for Cash
Good hemlek, basswood, maple
and soft elni'togs, delivered in ou'r
mill yard at Bayfield and at Thos.
Wallis', Godericlf township. Custer:1
sawing will be done at both places.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, - Implements and
household durnituee: • 'The under-
signed auetioneer has received in-
struttioes to sell by Ptiblie Auction at
Lot 8, Con. 11, ,Stanley,4e4, miles
northeof -Zerich, en. Friday, , March
2711h, 1925, commending at 1 o'clock,
sharps the following property: Horses
--horse 2 years old, general purpose,
geed single. or-dolable• mare, 14 yeara
old, good einghe or double, Cattle --
cow, due to freshen in May; cow due
to fresh in June; 2 farrew eQ137S;
heifer 2:years old; 3 -yearling steers,
2 ,yearling heifers; 4 spring calves;
Implements--11ifassey-IIarris binder, 6
foot elk; Deering mower, 6 ft, cur,:
Massey -Harris drill, 13 hoe -new'.
iVfassey4I•arris disc; Massey-liarris
cultivator; Perciv,a1 plow; set dia-
mond harrows; Massey -Harris rake, 8
foot; Wilkinson gang plow; Verity
gang plow; 3 wagons; wagon box,
nearly new; sleigh; sleigh -box; gravel
box; 2 fanning mills; turnip drill;
open buggy; grind stone; emery
stone; scraper; 2 dozen grain bags;
2 sets double harness; set single liar/
ness; 3.„ horse collars; hay reek;
Water tank; seteslings; 2 pitch -forks;
barley foxit; scoop shovel; 2 incuba-
tors, Chatham and Wisconsin; broocl-
er; cireulay saw; grain cradle; hand-
ralte;• binder whip; 2 stable forks; a
quantity of hay; chains, neck -yokes,
whiefletrees and numerous other art-
• Household furniture—large lamp,
several smaller lamps, clothes -rack;
several pictures; 2 -dozen fruit jaes;
2 coal oil ',cans, 5 gallon; Daisy
churn; box stove; coal stove; layge
stove pot; 2 granite kettles, curtain.
poles; curtain stretchers. Terms:
Tray, and all sunes of -410 and under,
cash. Over that amount 9 months
credit wall be given on l'arniering ap-
proved joint 'notes or a discount oi
6% per annum „pill be allowed tor
cash on credit amounts. Chas. Re -
Man, Proprietor, °Seal' Klopp,e Nue-
tioneet. Thos. R,obi.eson, Clerk, 08-9
Will pay the highest market price
for Horse Hides' and Beef Hides,
Scrap Metal, Geese and Duck Feath-
ers, etc.
Deliver to my residenee, opposite
CaMeron's Carriage Shop or phone
107 and I will' call.
We have a supply of Furnace, Stove,
Nut and Soft. , Also some good dry
slabs. Leave orders at ,residence.
Phone 155. 'Huron Street.
. Having erected nevc.-coal sheds 'will
have on band full, stook of coal for
immediate delivery. Prices reason-
R 11/1116LER
Orders taken at residence, phone 119
Another Spring is Approaching
We have taken great pains in se-
lecting our stock and have on hand a
ibm vre are quite proud of. Our Al-
falfa is guaranteed Ontario Variegat-
ed, Peel County seed, No. 1 govern-
ment Standard, also Alsike, Timothy,
Yellow and White 'Sweet Clover in
different grades, BarleY, both six and
two rowed, Oats, Marquis Spring
Wheat and Pease'
We offer- special cash prices
• for. March
Feed and Flour
Just' Received a Carload
We make a specialty of high grade
Mill Run Screenings. See these be-
fore buying feed. Rave Purity and
Snow Drift Flours, every bag of
Rnow Drift Flour guaranteed. :Spec-
ial prices in five bag lots.
Always in market for grain, Call
us before delling.
Also issuers of Hunters & Trappers
3. A. F0111) St SON
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants and.
Gram Buyers
The demand for our butter is in
To supply this demand we require
more cream.
We request you to ship us your
cream. .
We guarantee you the Highest
Market Prices, accurate tests and
peompt service. ,
Our firm is known to you a'nd needs
no further recommend. ,
We pay alt express charges, fume-
•ish cream cans arid pay twice each
Write for cans or Eurber informa-
tion to the
THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1.1..42
linton olla D&y Sale
Wednesday and ThursdayApril 8 and 9
Special Bargains
op those days. They will consist of those things that you use and
need every day. Come in and see ,what we offer you.
The painting and decorating season is fast approaching. See us
for Paints, Alabastine (in 30 shades) White...Lead, Pure, Lieseed Oil
and Turpentine, also Boulton's Floor Wax (best made) at 50c a the
We are exclusive agerits far
Ames Holden Auto Tires and Tubes
Guaranteed. All sizes including Balloons
Supertest Gasoline anti High 'rest American Coal Oil
Harness, Harness Parts, 'Sweat Pads, Whips, etc.
Plow Points for all Plows ,
'Bicycles and Repairs for all makes. We make your bike like 11.01.7.
Safety Razor blades (all makes) sharpened at 35e per dozen
Ililler Hardware Coo
Rowland's Old Stand
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired. Woolen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's barber shop,
W., 4. Jago. —83-tf
Horior Graduate Carey Jones' NA-
tional School of Anctioneesing, Chi-
cago. Special course taken in Pure
-Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer-
chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in
keeping with prevailing market. Sat-
isfaction assured. Write or wire,
Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18-
Pasture Farm For Rent
128 -acre farm, la '78 Maitland con.,
Goderich township, Pk miles north
of Hohneville, to rent for pasture
land. This place 'is divided into two
parts and may be rented to one or
snore persons. A spring 'creek is avail-
able to both parts. F,or particulars
apply to Jerome Bedard, Courtright,
Ontarib, Lambton county. 99-4
House For Sale ,
Residence of the late .Arthur Coolc,
corner Albert and Mill streets, Clin.
ton. Key at Mr. Walter King's.,
Laughter Sunshine
= Spring's in the ,air, you can tell from people's
Walk. The hurry of winter is gone—everyone ,
strolls, and that's when fashion looks one over.
A medium walking heel—two straps, so cleverly 1-„7
moulded to thd, ankle—the richest shade of brown
—perforations that twinkle—and a price that,
takes yonr breath away its so reasonable
. $6.60 that's all
Oh ye, that's only one. There are plenty more
NOW. Yes, indeed) 65.50 ones too. Bat you'd be
surprised at the Way folks are buying their spring
shoes. ,Seeens as though they can't get those old
tredel-stained ones off quick enough.
The I31g Shoe Store
Opposite the Tow
Flowers For You.
Easter Greetings
Have flowers in your home. Send them to your friends. They
" must be of the choicest selections—fine., healthy spechnens, glor-
ious in their beauty. Such are our offerings for Easter, as for ex -
Easter Lilies, Cinerarias, Hyacinths
Roses, Calendulas, Sweet Pies, Tulips, Daffodils, Carnations
daq it with Powers"
.-Seed Department -
Flower and Vegetable of all kinds in bulk and package
Alfalfa (field inspected, Peel cOunty Government standard seed)
Variegated or Grimm, Timothy Red Cloiter, Alsike, Oats, Barley
(7'and 6 rowed), Peas.
Grain, Flour aild Feed Greenhouse ProdUcte '
Office Phone 199 Night 141 mid 129
IcOr Fier rs & woodwork
Write to Head Office, Moorreal For Free Booklet
Thos. Hawkins, Clinton