HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-04-02, Page 4TJILRSDAY, APRIL 5, 1925, 'x,ttz r'• ergsWa s: Clover Leaf Cups and Saucers in Whj •,e Good quality, white body Cup and saucer 15c The 'message this bulletin carries is 'in' readily see we are offering Bargains every cases better. Our new buying .connectio.. of Price and Quality. Look overthese lines and you will bit as attractive as the Mail Order . douses, and in.many enables us to give values just as good at anyone else. Vacuum Bottles Pint sizes. Keeps liquids hot or cold cold for 59c 24 hours Waist or Garment Hangers Thin wood waist or coat hanger, 5 1-2 inches spread; selected hurdwoed, natural color retinned wire hook, 5c each or 6 for 25c Cups' and Saucers Clear white body, Cup 'and 'saucer English Tea Pots 1 1 Oil Polish Will polish furniture, auto- mobiles, floors, etc. Try this -you .will [ like it aI Scissors and Shears Ass rted,sizes, Best quality steel: 25c All sizes Whitewash Brush 7 in. wide, metal bound bristles I c each MADE IN CLINTON— B1 CLINTON PEOPLE NO BETTER VALUES IN CANADA Shades to Match or Harmonize With ,Every Dress Tn Wearwell Hosiery are featured the •' season's new colors, dyed to just' the proper tones in' lovely Real Silks ,dainty: and ankle, hugging. Each with the celebrated Wearwell equalities knit in. • No. 112—Ladies Pure Thread Silk Hose with,niock seam and .fashion narks, comfortable extra stretch tops in the new shades, Peach, Nude; Racquet, Tan, Giey, White and Black. ' $1A9 Per Pair .. . • No. 2165—Best Quality of Art Silk, .fine and dainty in material, all the new colors, per pair 98c No. 3250—Artificial Silk Hose, best material throughout, 7c... all the new shad es, per pair... ..... ...................................C No. 4235—Golf and—Sport Hose for Children and Misses 7c_ Per Pair . .. ...... ..... ....... No. 5142 -Boys' Heavy Rib,' best quality cotton, dyes fast 50c to sunlight, and washing, large size, Per Pair a]� U� No. 6660—Ladies Lisle Hose, is 'Black and Pawn each pair has "a guarantee ticket, Per Parr .. Se No. 7630—Boys' and Girls' School Hose, .Black, White and 9 C' C . Brown, all sizes, best -material and dye, Per Pair a0 No. 8115—Ladies House Stockings, Black, White hnd Brown, Per Pair. You will also Find These Values Dressin E � Combs .......... Each 15c Curtain Rods , .. Each 10e, 15e Curved End Rods .. Each 15a Whisks .. , , Each 15c Talcum Powder , Tin 1.0c Carpet Whips Eaeh 15e Sink' Puinps Each .l9c Nail Brushes .., ,. Each 5e Marbles 12 for lc' Papetries , . Box 25e Scribblers,. ruled or plain ."... ...5c Rubber Heels, pair 15e .Domes • 2 dos' for 5c Toilet Soaps ..... .., 5c. and 10e Water Glasses ....'........ Each 5c Glycerine. Soap Cake 5c Vaseline, 1r/- oz bottle . Each 10c Mending Wool, all colors Carel 5c Tooth Brushes ..':,. ... Each 15c Hair Nets, best quality ... 3 for 25c New Style Bobby Pins .. Each 15e Bobbed Hair •Barrettes 10c, 15e, 25c Hair Brushes Each 25e. Dutch Jugs .... .. Each 25c LePage's, Glue Each 25c Sewing Machine Oil . .,-Battle 10e Writing Pads Each 5e Elastic Hair Nets . Each 10a White Ivory Dressing' Combs .. 25c Change Purses Each 15t Don't buy wall paper until ou have seen. ourassortment We carry the stock, why buy from, pedlars. Our prices are, fair. .All paper trimmed free We have innany other values that space does not permit listing. ' Colne and see them G. W 1"5,,.. TY."Y .'fn'At4,,,,;,!, ;MA 14, I. +,I.r dI;tSse +Y':.',v.-t, x..".9 T,wo sizes. Made from best English` brown ware 49c Skirt Holder Polished wood, 6 in wide; self opener 10c or 3 for 25 China Egg Cups Plain and gold band and . decorated designs 5c each 6 for 25c Hoof it to Cluff's for Bargains on Dollar Day You 1Vi11 Need New Shoes. to Wear With That Easter Coat or Ensemble Suit Our regular stock ' includes • all the latest styles in Footwear— the new Tan and Grey shades, also Patent Leather, which is again . fashionable for Dress Wear. DON'T FAIL TO SEE OIIXt STOCK ,a ' Special Bargains for Dollar Day • . Regular $0.00 Brown Calf Oxfords q While they last on ,Dollar. Day $2.98 Regular $4.75 '1Vligaes"'Iirown Xid Beets $ 1.49 • Regular $9.00 to $12.00 Men's Tan Boots. Dollar Day . .. ... . ... A Pair of Rubbers given away with each purchase of - furs 8.00 or over tore There' is'“ only one way to "make nioney out of poultry to- day, and 'that is by artificial. in-. ' cubation and brooding, Get your cockerels on • the market when they' are worth '750 a.1b., and your pullets laying in the fall when eggs are `60c to 730 a dozen..., Call and see these mo chines• and be convinced.. oh Chicks S C. Le hones, Barred Rocks" and `S: C. Anemias AT PEASONABLE PRICES '.. Custom Hatching g 5' cents per Egg Dandy Chick,Feed Royal Purple Chick Feed Royal Purple Calf Meal ReCeiving Station for Clinton EggPool Eggs e •Tr. E f wt,EAS., .; Incubators and Brooders have been the leading ;machines it the • United States for 38 years. This yeas• they are being sold in Canada at a price much below other makes of similar quality and these machines are built to last a lifetime, and have a positive guarantee with every machine. Ml TELL h Residence Phone 213-r-3 laalrred Rock EGGS, FOR HATCHING From. easefully selected large 'vig- orous hens of extra bred -to -lay breed- ing such as Parks 255 and pedigreed stook of Ottawa Egg Laying Contest, inated with males, grandsons of Miss Smarty the 325 egg hen and other Males of superior breeding. 80 per Cent' fertility guaranteed: 5c per Ogg for settings, $3,25 per. hundred. Win. W. WISE, Clinton Phone 22 on .6Q5 R R. No. 3 00-4 Baby Chicks for Sale Bred -to -lay Barred •Rock and S; C. White Leghorn baby chicks. Ali_ strong, healthy, free-range stock end' goodwinter layers. Barred Rock chicks, 18c ea. or $17.50 per 100. Leg- horn chicks, 15e -each or .$14.50 per 100. Book orders now. -F. B. -HALL LONDESBORO Phone 6-20 Blytli"Central Eggs for Hatching From; bred -to -lay, two-year-old S. C White' Leghorns. Price $3.50 Iver hundred`' or 4c an egg for less. Roy Tyndall,'Rr. R. No. 3, Clinton Phone 3 on 607. • 98 dd' • Eggs For Hatching For early layers try our Barred Rocks of Superior quality. For years they have proved heavy winter layers. Tncullator orders filled at $4.00 per hundred or 65e -per. setting of 15..D. M. Lindsay, R. R. No, 3','• Clinton: Phone 14-610. • 98=8 Clinton Ontario r-•- Office 23a r 2 e ABY.. 'for'sale S. C. White Leghorn chicks $15,00 per hundred, $140.00 per thousand. Barred and White Reeks, $20.00 per hundred, $190.00 per thousand. Custom hatching 5c" per, egg. Our. chicks are all from healthy, free range bred -to -lay stock. y ' Inglenook Poultry Yards E. Jo TPEA,THA HOLMESVILLE Phone' 22-611, Clinton central 96-tf for.Hatching Hatc9iinng Don't just keep hens; get the kind that will help keep ypu. Our Barred Rock •breeding pens' consist of large,` vigorous birds of superior quality, same strains ,as winning pens in pro- vincial and Dominion laying contests. For years our stock has proved to bo early maturing, heavy winter layers. Incubator orders filled at $4 per kindred. Single settings, Sc. per egg Orders FilledPromptly o tom py CHAS. WATSON,: LONDESBORO Phone; Blyth 24-6 97-8 Coemtl . News Tuckersmithi A 'very successful Meeting' was held'. in No. 5 school house, Tuckcrsniith, on Friday even- ing, slider the auspices, of the Young Peoples' Literary Soeiety, about sixty persons being present, Miss Cora Sherwood presided. The minutes'.o:C the previous meeting were read by the secretary', Frank Sproat. A vocal duet was contributed by Misses Ber- nice. Nott and Cora Strong, and a solo by. Miss Jessie Archibald, Miss Mar: gaxet'•'Patrick . gave a'• reading on "Maggie and Jiggs" and Miss Bei•niee Nott and Violet' Tyndall-. an instru- mental duet. W. Jefferson, instead of giving an address, gave two read- ings, selections from the paper edited by Miss Elva Jefferson were rind by 1l1iss Bernice Nott. During intermis- sion a contest and cross word puzzle were engaged in followed by • a gun fight by six boys. Mitchell: Jr. A, Machan; son of Mr. and Mrs. James Meehan of this.town, who has been Travelling Freight Agent for the Michigan Central Rail- road-for ail-road for the past three years with his ..home at Niagara Falls, has been pia-' prated to the position .:of General Agent of .the Freight Traffic Depart- nlent with headquarters at Windsor., "Jimmy" Machon is a .Mitchell :boy and received his education in the Pub lie and T31gii schools here and learned telegraphy with W. W. Hefts. Por a number, of years he worked as an c a-• grater for, the Michigan ..Central 'Rail- road and during the years that he has been with this road he has been'pro- moted several' times. Seaforth: The annual spring fair will be held here on Thustlay,' April 9th. Seventeen -specials are included. in the prize list, which is a generous one. MCICILLOP: The McKillop bi inch of the • Women's Misisonary Society held its monthly meeting on Thtrrs,, day afternoon at the home_of Mrs. G. W. Nott. ;The president, Mrs. J. R Scott, occupied the . chair. . Mrs. 3. IvtcNay read the Scripture lesson, after which Mrs. J. R. Scott led in prayer. " Interesting papers••on China and "Praying Through" were: read by Mrs. J. Scott and Mrs. G. C, Dale. Mrs. R: B. Scott road'the Messenger prayer. 'A dainty luncheon was ocr- ved by the hostess at the close of the prbgr•am. W;ingham At a meeting of the Turnberr.y Agricultural Society held on Monday the site used for the held ing of the, annual fair for the part' couple of years w'hschosen as a lira inanent site and buildings will beer - acted in time for the fall fair This, is the site chosen .for the holding of the ;first fair forty-seven years ago. The park "choses. isa real .beauty • spot. It is situated on the banks of the Maitland river, and tltrouglt It runs a pretty spring creek. The plot is dotted with stately trees, and a more delightful location would he dif- ficult to find. The ;itc is some five acres in extent and :fronts on VicLoria street.' Between the fair park and the main. road are lands some six acres in extent which may be purchased by the society 'later to add to the grounds.: Coderiich Township In connection with the annual ,.on- vention of the Trustees' and Ratepay- ers' Association to be held in Toron- to on April 1415-16`it was considered advisable by the Reeve to call a meet- ing, which was held in Holmes' hall, Holmesville, last Wednesday after- noon, when a branch was organized for the township, The township was pretty well represented, ten out of the twelve school sections ''being re- presented. Reeve Ginn was called to the chair and Mr, XL Salkeld acted as secretary. Reeve Ginn referred to the fact that representations had 'been made to the county,councils ask- ing that the different school sections send delegates to the Toronto conven- tion, as Premier Ferguson had sug-, gested that possibly legislation would be brought forward this session with a, view to substituting township boards for the present three -trustee boardsof the various school sections. The chairman then called Mr. F. XI. Powell, who had 'on'previouseocca signs -acted as delegate, wha outlined the aims and told of the progress of the Trtstsees',and Ratepayers''Assoc- iation since its organization and ex- plaining why he thought the town- ship should be represented. The see- retary was asked also to read a oopy of the various resolutions to be dis- cussed at -.the forthcoming convention, setting Perth the advantages of the present system as well ' as the sup- posed advantages oftheproposed township -board system. A discussion' followed, •which was ,taken part in try a number:of. those present. This was follo}ved by the forming of .a,toivn ship organization, Trustee J. R. Milt dleton being elected president and Trustee H. Salkeld, secretary. The reeve then explained .that if the board so constituted desired to send two delegates to the convention that. he' considered it advisable that the township council pay their expenses and would so recommend, the other, members of the council present of- fering no objection.' Mr. Frank Pow- ellitname was mentioned as • a pos- sible delegdite but he stated that it would be impossible -for him to go President J. R. Middleton and secre- tary H. Salkeld were selected as del- egates and the secretary instructed to forward the necessary feesso that`. advantage may be taken of reduced,' railway fares. Morris township has also er„ -in- ized, the council- undertaking to pay, delegates' .expenses 'to Toronto; retceefield. A very..pleasan1t evening was spent at the home'; of Mr. and Mrs, Wnr, Douglas on Friday .evening, March 27tH. The occasion being the 25th an nivorsary of - their wedding. Pro- gr•essive euchre was ;enjoyed during the evening, later refreshments were served, Followed by, 'a' dame. Many ibeautiful gifts were 0eemared in main - pry of the occasion. Relatives were present from ,London, Hensall, 55d T'orth,i Kipped,; Hiilsgreen and Binkc. The .gloater part of the guests were present at kb'. and MTs Dou • pros z Douglas' wedding The many friends if Mrs. Annie.:`4W1isi *10:05 McDonald will be sorry to hoar that she had the niisfortune to fail -and injure her back so badly she will be. laid up for some time. Miss Violet Petrie; who came home last week from Sault Ste. Marie, where she ie teaching, to attend her father's funeral, 'is staying with her brother, Andrew, on the farm until after the Easter holidays. CLEAR AND COLORED FL¢oit VARNISH Ask for Carntote Colored Varnish, formerly called Campbell's Varnish Stain. Splendidfor. refinishing your furniture, woodwork, floors. Clinton Hardware arid. Furniture Co. sells it. Be Well And Happy •--and ycu'havo Nature's greatest gift. Nature's Remedy (N2 Tablets) a vegetable laxative, tones. the organs and teliaves Constipatlonn,' Biliousness, Sick Headaches. 'mewing that: vigor and good feel. ing sonecessary to being well and Used Foe aor Got a2lc ,� dna '' 30 YAears Dox. •aChips o f f ;rho Old Block tuNI®1!5—.LittleNls . -The 9.moono-third. doses,.. '� capdy-coated For children and adults. fie. S$Id' ®y :Hour'. pruggiat • tozsu,j Rubber Gloves Rubber; Gloves - made from a good quality gum rubber, red or terra cotta shade, an extra good .weight, well made. Special per pair 38c C11? to ` t IT Is TO LAUGH -' AT WINTER'5 GAFF FOR. IN HERE'S HEAT THAT CANT BE BEAT If} you want comfort within while cold is without invite the Heat Folks into your bili. Thesr,. are the original goat -getters of winter weather. Jack Frost can cut his capers upon the window pane, but he dare not cross this threshold—all hisefforts are in vain. The Heat Folks make spring days and balmy evenings to order, Ring for them now and place your order. for good, clean coal. Call the ci d.B. IVFBSTkB COAL COMPANY PHONE 74 CLINTON ;PEI tl * PRICES Durirn March •aud During April we offer atchfot ti's team Cooke •, Calf Mea AT LESS •TITAN: WHOLESALE PRICES Farm rs and Stoel:inen•, get your supply while these prices last. Biatchford's is the, best calf meal "niade, PollOw directions in feed- ing and get best results. Oldeni at the Creamery of from; ear lien on'the road 93-9 r �AA.,' !' •C Ste" . ° . ' N EJ., E'il ct °°c;Aaia 9 Electric Ranges, ��Fixtures, albs ' Irons, Fans ans and satlae Appliances g and Repair's