HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-04-02, Page 2Ca D. lieTAGGART
M. general,Ilantaing Business „transact'
edet,',Notes Discounted. Drafts ,Issued.
et eelletvecr on Depot:its: . Sale
a'Notary C,enveYancer..-
nrincial,'.illeel Estato,iCand:Ifir4
Barrister, Solicitor, .Notary Public, ate.
',11. c1 GANDER ].
1;10171'o 0()' 3.):0,1,,,
to -8410 p.01. Sundays, 12,30 0.) 1,3(1 pam.
tither' .heuee dry .app ointre elialY.
, Office ael1C1 Reside/lee -- Vie:Corer St.
Office Iioues-2 to 4 7 to 8.
.0t1er loours by zippinntment.
CLINTON, eite,l,
Terme of Subsorlpttanee000 per yett,
in edvedi.M, to CanedittarCIaddresseasa
$2,50 to the U.S. or other foreign
countries. No paper discontinued
auntil all arrears rarepaid unless, eat
the !option of the publisher, ;Tno,
date to' Wbich meerY ,subscrintlaa
mot(' ia denoted (teethe laire1.44 4 "'
Advertteine Rates----Transimat
ng' 12e, 'per count lin*
ti r
T -I' RI), hand a tiny
ci oc, ed
and a den ko
ce epee -a tilue, long, long, ago, as •
ementayanett ,e.. a 0
as, "Wantl6d":-."Dest
0: erted , dace .fo
le 9 Olt,. without 'in-
streetiteinle tit to''the 'needier 'of en
en -
Emotions wited urr
runtil order-
ed" out 'and will be charged ;tee
Rates for diSplay. advertising,
kn pwn on oppficetien. -
Communications 'intended for publla
cation must, ' guarantee of good
-01 the yeiniga ' princes aivere itwastin" 1003 002000 05 110010 050.
411,,000 your,.1.,; ladies eines/1g a eosin- bud, and he eagee y
aseleaveseu,eothe ground O. y evaisaen 7auclIlgd but, to
wrtehee, as aetenedain that direction.
fair --when
aed Are -ether ,eneeha thIS ;" surprise,' theee aPpeared to e
ant e. ri • words which he could upderstand. 11
ahound, and when Icings `,A'ere very
d t be eayirig• '""
powerful, and Very frequently copal—
there 1i 1 ' 'a b th '''Fred-ersicl Fred a;
Immo el 1,rederle, who \YRS, by all • - en, Wing,' tO ee
upon which the golden bird was sit -
SIT -.,1° was seen
'Notwithstanding; all Chie, however, "Frederic, said the bold, have you
•Frederic Mod the Misf ortune to offend eomo at last?"
the whrall eminnanded him, 5n Frederic cou:d not reply Va-ot: astoree
pain ok death, to fetch him the,golden ishroorrt, for he had never heard that
bird M vas one of the bird's accom-
Odd,. the tail ad handsomest that and -ho' soon stood beneath the tree
. • fi g •t,
', Now, the golden bird was very plishmente.
. - t a af b ht " II' V h t I dl " nt
' Proprietor, - - • , I .diter. ,y.e.lIcavei „but. her chief value wee' that died ehe -bird; 'nut you will' have re
' • a , ..,
G. E. HALL, , NI. R: CLARK, beautif01,, ea aerie plumage o a rig w I go \ it .3.0U g a y co sn-
OP) e I-Icurs
'1.80 'to. 3.30 pen. . 7.30 to 9,00 /Lee,
Suneays 1.00 to 2.00. pea.
• Other hours by apsibintinent.
eeery lay she Mitten egg of nure gold. come up and get me for I am bound
Many princes had goner`to seek her, to' the ;tree!" ,
but none bad 'ever :been • successful; The 'golden bird was Sittirig upon
'end rierederiMe felt very sad.' . the, topmost branches of the tallest
HoWeva.r, htte'r hidding 'farewell to tree o thea -forest and Frederic' Won -
By T. 0. Hannigan, for the On- -
Mete Horticultdital,Asisecneafien
The' glactiohis neede amiellow sord'a
sunny location, end an, ,abinadaneeeef
itourishenent.' 'The pateparetion- of the
ground that. week) be ,satheble for po-
tatoes suitS, the .glaellorus, although
more .fertililar canHhe, used 'with. ad-
vantage. Planting May begin m the
spring alma 'the 10,th of Apell and
fieleh about the' first -of Juno, The:
commeacement of planting should,
howeyer, he guided by the Weather
timid -lad better be delayed even netn
the 24th of 'May rather than to setethe
coems while" the eeit. is, cold and the
weather baeleward, Make trenches
about 18 inches apart and plant bulbs
right side up; large bulbs:4 'inches
,deep, MX to nine inches apart, depend-
iug ou the siee of the variety; meeiam
size three inehee deep and fmir inches
apart, and, sonall booths 2 etches deep
and 2 inchee apart; lrulbletsa one,-ine
deep and 500Y thickly,olikePeaS
Thee° is no aavantage,to be gainec
hy removing the 'old husk as thi
readily, decays away inthe warm 111010
SOili elf one lia? eXpenitte varietie
wig wiShes to inceeaae the Stock, 00
bulbs may be divided. To do this re
Wove the outer husk and with a ehar
knife eplaitethe bulb. leaving at leas
ene eye and a piece. of root 00 woe
part, Dust cureueface with de,.
rlre. Or anlehur and plant tbe same 20
as cut. -Zech piece thus plantee wi
produce not tnely 11.000 101 lb but Mali
leit attstell for steak increane •Whe
. planting buiblets. it, is poll, practice.
crack the oet0r. skip, bee pinching o
rubbing ,between the handae ThiS h
dune caircker germination. AnOthe
plan it to. soak the indblots in Wart
water , for twenty-four Laura' berm.
planting:- Bulblets require to be plan
.ed early so as te -get the maximem
dered if he would beMble,to' climb the
Wie 'caged parents' viliorn.b.e mover ex -
He grasped the trunk finely
pected to see again he .,et out en 'his l'ne•
and tried to climb Ce. but could not
Grace, 218W Resi4ence,-2I8J journeyia.and at length arrived at e
Ofdde and Reticlence:
Huron Street • Clinton, Ont.
Phone 69
(leormerly occupied by the late Dr.
C. W. Thompson).
Ycs Examined and Glasses Fitted.
D. A Newton Brady, Bavfield
Graduate Dublin Univereity, Ireland.
Late Extern , Assistant Master, Ro-
tunda Hospital for Women and Child-
ren, Dublin. ,
Office at residence letely occupied by
Mrs. Parsons,'
Hours) -9 to 10 aan., 6 to 7 0.m.
Sundays—al to 2 pan,
'Chiropractor .
e -Of Wingham, will be at the Commerc-
ial. Inn, Clinton, . on Monday and
Thursday forenoons, each week,
Diseltse's of all kinds simeess
Gonveyancei, Notary Public, commiS--
stoner, etc. .
West Wawanosh Mutual Fire
Insurance Co.
1Dstablished. 1878.
Preeident, John A. elegenZie, le -Meer-
., dine; Vice•President, Il. L. Sallield,
Goderich; Sbcretary, Thos. G. Allen,
Dungannon. - Total ameuut of ismer.
ance' nearly 12,000,0Q0. In ten years
eumber of policies have lecreased
fresh 2,700 to 4,500, Plat rale of $2
per $1000. Gaels on hand $26,000.
ei. L. Salkeld • Godericla Ont.
Wes. Stevens, Clinton, Local Agent.
.LIcensed.,AuctIoneet for the County
of Huron.
Carreepondence promptly answered.
- immediate arrangements can be nuscle
' fore Sales ')ate -at 'The News-llecord,
Clinton, or bY calling Phone 203,
Charges Moderate and. Satisfaction
- • Guaraeteed. '
ciluton, Ont, ,
General Fire and Lird'Institance. Agent
for° Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock,
•Antemobile and Sickness and Accident
Insuranc0. Iluron and Erie and Cana-
da Trust Bonds. Appointments made
to meet parties at Bruceteld, Varna
and hayfield. 'Phone 67.
The McKillo0 Mutual
Fire Insurance Company'
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, Samoa Connolly, Goderich;
Vice, James Evans, Beachwood; Seca
Treasurer, Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth;
Directors: George. MeCartneye Sea.
forth; D. E. McGregor, Seaforth; J. G.
Grieve, Waltoa; Wm. Ring, Seaforth;
M. MeEwen, tllinton; Robert Ferriee,
Harlon; John Benneweir, Brodhagen;
Jas, 0onnoll0, Goderich,
Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W.
yeo, Goderieh; Hinehray, Sea.
forth; W. Chesney, Egmondville;
G. ,Tarinuth, Bredhagene
An' money to be paid In may be
paid to Moorish Clething Co., Clinton,
or at Outt's Grocery, Ooderield
'Parties desiring to affect Insurance
or transact ' other business will be
piomptly attended to on application to
any of the above officers addressed to
their respective post office.. Losses
inspectee by the Director who lives
nearest tbe scene.
for a long time, because it was a slip -
large and gloomy forest. He -saw be -
and as fast as he
fore him, a_ /merely path, windingl Fe-rY elm tree,
along among the trees, till it was lost
in the distance,' aud after hesitating a
few'inoments, he struck boldly into it.
He was riding slowly and sadly
along, when a strange sight caused
him to rein in- his horse. A butterfly,
chnibed, up.a little way he would slip
back p,_gain. However, at last being
determined,. he got -up, cut 'the Irna.gic
bands and descended ,with the bird.
'When he reached the palace of the
king he was at onceeshown lute hie -
presence, and was regarded as a great
who had become entangled in the web
hero. When he came before the king
of 'a spider was struggling fiercely I he bowed low and said:
Rio his life, while at -the same .atimet „Here,
I oh king, is the golden bird!"
Varieties May be kept -separate by
a stake at eaeh-end 02 the row or pert
of the rew with the name written upon
'it. Latb, dreseed and cutain one -foot
lengths, make excellent stakes. The
name may be weitten in peacil ciu the
plain surface and given a aeat of ,shel-
lee whin will then last tor years. If
one has Veen careful to keep the rows
straight between etakee, nitration
may COM111011CO almost at ones and
should be clone with a garden rake or
Dutch hoe, winch will -keep the eon in
fine coiRlition; ManY excellesit crops
of glatlioll' receive 00 m.ore moisture
Gnus Nature providee, but its a dry
time it'may be fielpfui to give thorough
waterings from time to time, followed
Soon atter bk careful surface cultiva-
tion. .A, smell amount of fertilizer
worked ieto the serrace of the ground
'between tbe rows when cultivated Will
be 61 material advantage, and for this
purpose I have found 'a combination.
or bone meal and puiverizeir:ehelln
Manure to give excellent reeulti, £18
this 1.5 CaSily 'handled anti very easily
worked Into the surface of the ground.
Cultivation and nsore'cultivatioa and
still inoi•e cultivation; from the time
the spikes are out of the aro,und until
cugoas' :time, is the most neessary
thing that I know of to produee good
flowers and first6class Wellanaeured.
bulbs, and bulblets.
Dear Warm. Soft Days.
Trains will arrive at and dePart from
Clinton as follows:
• Buffale, and Goderleh Div.
Going East, dePart 6.25 a.m.
", " 2.52 p.m.
Gonsg West, ar. • , 11.10 a.m.
" " ar. 6.08 ,sip. 6.51 pan.
ar. 10.04 p.m.
, London, Huron Bruce Div.
Going South, ar. 7,50 ',dn. /7.56 a.m.
„ 4.15 pm.
Going North, depart . p.te.
11,05 11.13 a4n.
too long, 10 6311
lehti tO chronic
indigestion. In
.the reeanovbile
You guffaw krom
miserable, , 6ie1s
..headaelres, ne,r-
Y00011005, &Tres=
eion and al 1 0 W
I 011 0.14 14t111 S
T.A.RdealTS, They're-
. flew,. fcrrnentatiorb,
indigestion a -a- gently
"ban ebrely cleanse the ream and keelielie
oanack and !No:inn:11feet running order.
' ' 014:rata:Oa, 20c., er by mail frees 11
Ciscrnls'rial'o Medicine Gm, Tereni3O
the cunning spider was binding her
faster and faster.
Frederic's pity was excited, for he
load a tender" heart, and, dismounting
from his hoese, le liberated the un-
fortunate insect, and placed her care-
fully on a mossy -bank.. -
For a little while he watched the
wearied butterfly, but seen his
thoughts returned to Isis own misfor-
tunes. He 'was startled from -his rev-
erie by a silvery voice: .
"Frederic! you have assisted me,
and you shall find I am not.,-ungrate-
fui!" •
••••• Frederic rose in astonishment but
could see nothing.
"fooleelown, Frederic'!" said the sil-
very voice, "to where, the butterfly
But before the king could make am-
ply the bird began to sing, and she.
sang so beautifully that every one
pansed to listhn—even the cook in the
ldng's kitchen, -the servants and all
the icing's household. -
While she was -still singing, the
fairy Good -will appeared; riding in a
little car which was drawn by two
house -flies, and,, springing out, she
touehed the golden bird with her wand
and disappeared. •
Great Was the astonishment of all
present when they saw the bird trans-
formed' into a lowly 'maiden. Evert
theling and all his courtiers rose, so
great was their astonisinnent; and all,
as soon as they had recovered from
their surprise, begged the maiden to
was." . explain so strange an occurrence.
Frederic looked down and ,saw an "I am the daughter of the king!"
exquisite little fairy, sitting on said he, "and when I wee but seven -
clover leaf. teen years of age sny dear father died,
"And can you help me, do you leaving his kingdom to me, as he had
think?" Weed Frederic, looking doubt- no son. He had a brother, my uncle,
fully at the fairy. who was 0 magician and a very wicked
"I am the fairy Good -Will," -vas the, man, and soon after my father's death
reply, "and for daring to exercise that he commenced to urge Me to wed his
quality against the express orders of son—who was a magician also—my
the (Veen, I ant condemned to wear cousin. 'But thie 3 refused, for I en -
the form of a butterfly for a time.
That time has noir expired, and, but
for yeti, my life had ended with it,
for the spiders, are my enemies. In
i§r to fio offle'
§PiiiiIa 1101'50M VitOirtt3b68, 1111.-
1 :Pfi, tilg... S081;4,01464 makes
'.tbeitnest'srld'elssp better.
,,std.tigirstiltalailtord;t1hdareloaags eguievreattrioeues- .
1t e ti'eaOspeenyief general debility.
7leaterestlin''.appeelte, relieves the't ,
, 4,„ feeling., enables the SySt:SD1 tit
pe let infecteme diseases. .
trood'e Sarsanarilla aids ,digettioa
and rneltes food teete good. , A g,octilt
cathartic is LI:Toorl's Pills. ,.....,,,_
Canadian' Ai'e Sera ,
Colinuer era
(Omelet ep of coneumptiou of SOWS
Prill'L CZaada with. that oe ,the
',Jetted. States hrlage out eonse inter
cieting Informatiou, end ilea a bearing
upon 'the use -being made ef Canada'e
1 larlinvoue Rweete, eays the eicetearal Re-
sult:tee Intelligence Sere -ice of tile Pea,'
I:lament of the D1.1,00100.
Last yearIcianacee produced 1,352,994
tome of meweprint of which 1,218,204
tons Wee exported, 'principally ;to Ilse
" United. States. Citlfibda used cely 132,-
610 tons.
. The ,Unitecl" States produced 1,471,-
000 tons of newieprint, and imported
1,132,69e ,tone' from Ceinade, and 106,-
000 tont, from Eeropean countries, '
porte amounted to about 17,500 tone,
11,e economic 'posalhility of generating electeicily by wind is to be
lhorouglay investigated by the Agricultunwl lingineering,iastitikte Oxtord
'University, England. For this rowan the queer apparatus, above, has been
ecl, ie much better than leaving the
animal to settle the matter alone. Be
might get, you and himself into trouble
by biting some one, or might be shot
nY some excitable person. .
Always 1.16 smile word, the same -one,
when. you le -ave anything in the doges
.care.' Havin-g taught 'him to proteet
some person or artiele that he is par-
ticularly interested la; you can eo.on
leave him with most anything or at
any,place. Your iffetruction, "Watch,
Cap," "Stay with this," etc., give him
the 'cue for staying with the petiole.
It is alwayi best 'to muzzle MM.
Sonia canines are- very excitable and
rarest snap one of the persons assist-
ing in his training. -Muzzling helps,
too, in a way, for it tends to increase
the dog's suispicion and elertne-ss. .
tertained for him the greatest fear
and dislike. On my refute], he et
once seized ..the kingdom, and changed
Ina into a golden bird, whom no one
gratitude, theeefore 3 will assist you, was able even to see unless his eyes
You seek the golden bird. Now noise were bathed in an ointment which the
are able even to see her whose' eyes faity alone possessed.
have not been anointed with a pre- Then the king caused a splendid
paration which I will give you. Then feast to be prepared, .and gisve the
you will be supplied with a magic beeutiful princess M. -Frederic for his
keife, With 'which to cut the bands wile. They then set out for her king -
that festen her to the tree. All the dom with a large army, defeated the
other princes failed because they had vvicked uncle, and then, all their ene-
uot these, but you wilt be successful, mies being subdued, they reigned to a
So take courage, and farewell!" good old.age in peace and happiness,
So saying, the fairy Put into his -beloved by all their sulejeots.
Dear warm soft days in wintee's. lap
That wake the aanaSed thrush to sing,
The blackcep for to coek hie cap -
And the bright redstart start'a-wing,
1'01k -that lie underground mayllan
Shall turn and murmur: Is it spring?
Whe at the narrow door cloth rap
Run -wry -ay -knock, run -away -ring?
Whitethi;bat will clear his, throat anon,
Bide to the woods to gather May.
'Wimples the stream was, cold as a
Sure it is Flera'a holiday.
Nrel-Jaelt nor Jill shall walk alone;
Twain shall they run and twain shall
Fine feathers sobee folk put on
Asia clouds and sorrowe po.ck away.
_ ,
Goldnnelt and glace:leech think to
Cold house 'for- tWo 'in the green
Bright. burnished is the, are; of the
Ane purple, feather.s .-0' the claw.
Rattles the ouzel en the lalte, ,
And reokeries auswer caw and caw, More at home with cattle; mid, many
Toa Soon the trusting, loves awake a, little. if be sceiee' stubborn. Pet him
' a Dalmatian 'has' been trained .foe ,
To the sweet daY without a flaw. . shoat). ,z.a Airedale is .ileasiliaely ,..., juet as quickly as he. obeys the first
Dear warm aoft daysl ' .. - - time; make,cfuite a 1.11SS OI.01' him. He
01011'5- COMItall i011 hilt Ise can be teught .
Picking and Training,
a Watch -Dog
BY 13,. '18. Eulsasalcs
A Premium on 'Brains.
Get a well-bred dog With braina--
. whatever breed you prefer. Many 1,80-
p 13 think of the bulldog as a premier
watchdog, becaute oE his fighting
qualitie,s; but I Would faritathee take
t, a cocker spaniel because the .lattet,
The dffileulties of teaching a dog to with his superior intelligence, would
guard prop,orty are very often exag learb the' werk. More thoroughly and
• erated any persons laelleve that not depend solely ou his strength.
Making Home Attractive.
'Ple.e development of our greateet
natural resource—the human unit-
-and the melting et his eurroundings
MOTO congenial, ahead be the., ambi-
tion or every thoughtful and ambitious
Canadian. a '
Spring it here, and with it plans that
have been developed foe tile cultiva-
tion of the farm or garden will be put
into effect. These, oE course, are
neeestsary and require by ear the mejor
amount of attention.
But what of tbe home? Are the
honle grounds. to be made attractive?
The surroundings of the honae me an
indication of the taste and tidinese ot
the people -who occupy the house.
What Ws more to the attractiveness
of home than a few dowers or Vines,
with bads and walks laid out as, one
would like to see them? While time
is an importaut feeler on the farm in
summer, opportnnity can always be
found. There 15 a saying aneong bus'.
nest men In the city --and it is a true
one—that if you want a thing &me
give it to a buay, man. This applies
with; equal force in the country, and
the Willingnoeis to 00 is the only re-
quisite. The writer once had his at-
tention culled to two ellotographr-One
was that 91 a house—you would not
care to call it a home. The surround -
Ino were anything but inviting, and
the building bore all the earmarks of
malting a total amount available roe
coresimmtion of 2,800,000.
Caueda has, according to the latest
newspaper directory, 114 daily papers,
with a total average daily circulatieu
of 1 5155,08 copies. With a population
Bathing in 111Ieir Clothes. of 8,755853, as shown by the last cen-
Thee interesting Rene of information sue, thieagive,s,a, daily neWsPaPer tor
that ths. Tibehari Lamas eow visiting evelY 5.1 of the populatiOn.
England indulge in but wee wash a The United Steees hue- 2,300 daily
Year suggests a state of primeval sav- Papers, with an ectierrated •aggregate
ageri to our Western ideas 'of what -is daily Circulation of 39,000,000 copies.
right and proper. But in varione:parts Qn the basis. ot, the population figures
e woridstzttea
i for the 1020 censes, 105,711,000, a dell)'wm
would be classed as Omer madness. newspaper is prey:lied for every 3,2
It is probably news to many that
high-casto Hindus take their daily bath
With their clothes. on! And' yet it is
a •fact, Their religion compels, them
to have a bath dailY. TheY will neither Population, the Canadian consumption
touch. nor eat anythleg before having of newsprintaw.as 30.3 pounds, as com-
pared with 53 pounds in ,the traited
of the population. -
Per capita consumption of neweptent
also shows a much higher ratio in the
Milted States as compared with Cana-
da. In 1924, using census. figures of
their bath. It is. considered indecent
to bathe naked, even Within their main
houses, and a rich zeraindar or a poor
Burman obeys ehe same rule,
Men, women and children are gener-
ally seen bathing in open wells, tanks,
on seashores with elboties on. - A dboty
is a piece of white elotb about six to
eight yards long, wrapped 'round the
badly. After the bath they firet wrap
O dry dboty round them arid let the
wet one elip from underneath, 00 that
they neither eXpose their body not let
the dry eloth get wet. Even when tra•
veling, they manage to haVe their daily
bath at stations where'the trains halt
for about twenty minutes' e
Most of the railevay compantles have
wells near sun stations specially Der
this purzYose, and the spectacle of this
strange religious rite being, carried
out with' unfailing regularity is one
which causee tottrIsts to, marvel at
mich zeal.
• o
People Who stiffer from sleepy -
sickness may find, on recovering, that
.their'tharactera ape advertely affected
by the disease.
States This greater per eapita °en-
sumption can be accounted for largely
by the larger number of pages con.
tabled in the 'Crafted States reetroPoli-
tan dailies" United States newspapers '
with circulation in- excess of 100,000
average 28 page in daily editions and
103 page S in Sunday editions. In
Canada the average 01ze the daily
papers would not exceed sixteen pages
although in tbet-lerger cities this is
considerably exceeded.
Thus it will be seen that we have
fewer daily papers per capita. our
papers are of smaller size, our con-
sumption of newsprint IS less, *rat
last year we cense Within 118,000 tons
of equating United States produetiete
In addition 10 the 1,192,699 tons or
newsprint we supplied to take care of
their huge consumetion, Canada's for -
eels provided. 1,330,250 cords of pulp -
Wood, and 691,443 tons of mecbanicel
and chemical pulpwood.
What is celebrity but being known
by a great ne,eny people whom you
don't know?
By Ann K. Robinson.
Why not Itirn that scraggly . plaee pottier, Mt they ere so cheerful, but
tinder the old tree in the fence corner you can have eome or the white and
into' a beauty-seet by building a reek yell)* onto too. You will have to
bed and planting it, with wile flowers?' watch so that' they don't crowd every -
did that list sprMg, .but fell does - thing else cut in a year or so. Put in
a cowslip a Catnip and a mint root,
neglect.. The othee plmtograph sh.ow- ills as weti.
ed a house 'where the grounds were 0 loosened the groand as. for garden- and a few mouttabetea. plants thet
tidta, a few flowers had been planted, lag. 13,11{1 placed. ontop of it stones have such pretty bright berries. Ana
and morning glories were trained up abeat the size of a hat, and Suet about after everYthing is as you evaest it, add
other. ,Then 'I all
.....ed a vine or two, the loeely arbutus, IVY,
te veettndah to provide shade. This touching each
Picture showed a pride in the Itorne dirt in between them to half their laurel or anyeer the vines Nature uses
h i 1st I was retreat that all ere. for carpeting eurpoaes. And see if
only per ein breeds or dogs can ever But one is too fereclous and reckless, grourds, was invitmg to the boy 01
be taught\the work and that it is the Other too timid', Mid weak, . leer girl who might beconeing to. vielt the vitee were filled and that no air -holes you .can get a 'battle mess to cling down
sort of indivicitalegift rather than a geaeral PUrPoses, chobee a 'pollee dog old foilet, anft was a tomfort and cred- wave left to hinder the upward travel among the deeper Ehadows.
quality ,af the 'species. , or an Airedale.' . -; • h h ase wee of moiSture. .This Is important, at all. ' Bulbs foe Spring Blooms.
No one with any experience will A PUPPY whole patents have been
deny that eariale breeds aee well cles.elyeseoeinted with people will
adapted to guarding, and that 0t. the$, I letu•nto g-adrcl a 0111-1-110)058 easily than
will any inanimate object. „Often
breedi aseme dogs will develop 'f,aster 'h9
a;good -sensible dog will have a dis-
and mere satisfactorily than' others.
petition to do this wit:let-me iiny train -
But more eepends wet the traiuing
than on the kind of dee. AI, least,70 in -g. , , ,
than -, on Dogs Like Children,
Per cent. et :the dogs comprising the .
-most common, bree.ds,,can be developed "-A ileg's, natural love for children is
into reastmably good watereclogs, if one of his underlying characteristics.
talten in.'s and when Young' and proper- A second 0100 10' that lie- dislikes stealth
ly trained.' • • , .. ,- ' a ' ' I and stienicione eonduct:in' a s.tranger.
you -set a ,chihl in a secluded 'spot
The mark be dogs -with sheep began! ir
with guarding, and' this W,aslargely in-' and heYe 0110 deg lie down nearby,
then get scrine.one whom the animal
stinctive. Driving did.not come until
the clogs had seen it done by men; and bas never lsnown to approach craftily
herding,- in the broader sense, 10513 a —crouthing, dmiging behind trees, and
still later and higher development. °thee -wise acting etrangely—tne dog le
House -clogs, . too, , were -known in' the likely to Mahe eome-011.0w of 'anger.
Bronze Age. Chences, are they Were You, asmaster: oaf the dog, should
boldly come up .to lam now aaiel pet
hOuse-watchers rather than lap -doge,
turning every' few seconds. to
eince primitive man had Tittle,use for him,
luxury. ' '' scold the other pereoll who now
' Size and Breed, . skulks away. The dog tee; that he
don't , . . , has`not only driven the danger away
In choosing aa deg ince one too • '
em.all to defend the person or object but is being nrsieed Xer-ita He knows
by this that he has done the ,righ t
he is gni:ding. Watch -dogs are usual -
thing, and will 00 itegaineeven 0)050lyeseleetee'from the medium:sized ena eeadely tomorrow. '
large animals. II ' .
Sometimps the 0000, ehoeS, or some
The speeialapurpose should be 'cone
.. . , ..... . .. a , other article of apparel word by hiS
Sctlere(t. A, teatmatian coach dog, for . ' '
mastee is the finest thing with whin
instance; le. the best choice for guarcl-
Imund or a. pointee. At firs:h. the owner
euitable for large estates. _And
herds for guarding sheep and cattle.
Do' not infee thae watebelog bsi
gOcal f_er nothing but his -favorite on -
lent: Seeptheeds will not decline „to
peemffi houses' just imenuee they are
ing. stables. Great Danes aro 'meet la Lrein deg to Wttb°117esPeetallY
of 0150 clothing should reture every
few inem_ents, ana,pet the clog for lois
racrvices. •Ice leaves. the '00al. take
him loack to 'it, tirne after time if
neceseary, and gently force him do
etay. Persist in ,switching isim
--Katherine Tynan. ' ' rill ano v ba - • i'La f la 1
ee. to guaeci any kintl of eteck er toeoperay , a ' 6 0Ge5
You 0e551e'
to Listen. ---,tee that very readily,
WilIincj "So yeti propose to talce may ,datighe -1-rPhabj)r toe 11-103.r nbeltlar of wateh- reach tllo Do9 r0. Bark.
t,er from me without 'any warning?" . lal°g'e Im-lnlY is the pIdllaca5 ding—Tkaown ' OrdinalitlYeit is atatIvisithle to eheollr-
. Norvona young mas,—„Not ar, on. in 7Thielana ae eve Alsatian Neale, 'deg, age the clog to bare.' alien danger
61 ther.0 is atrythirig ceneerning her and- in' ',Fthall° ae th° Ahi'attall sh,o1)* threatens the °I)jac0 el: bus guardian -
You want, to waraine about, leri will- herd dog. '1'lleee is. notteath in the' le- ship. There are tiines, perhaps, when
ing tediseen." a 'gem) 13)0) ille bollt:D dug as a el ea net. quictaiese 30055151 Jo Toote,.dole, but.,as
Of' a wolf -dog creee, It is really a a imie.ais. alarm is all we desire frem
, Nothing cools love so rapidly 05 a .Sheebercl clog, inc i ea to designated by a -`,V!'Ltell. doga To 'deal Wino lhe clan'
loot tempeia. ' ' the-Aanea teen Keramel Club, . a ger ourselves, after tlie dog has warn -
roots 1111151 have direct connection
a home. Both photographe were of Mtn- In a few bens for early -spring
the same house, but One family made with Mother Earth. blooming, They will ho.ve had tbeir
it a home while the other did not care, 1 put on a layer of ,ellghtly smaller season fe. plenty or time tor Gm root
Contentment and ha.ppiness in the sthnes between the larger en-e'S' Preee" plants to grow; th,e darling little erre
people are a'asapate ing them eltewn well, arid adding mdre ens 10 up before the 531.0W LS gone, and
houses - of her
necesseties.if Canada is to prosper and " reaY good rien lealn, When I '05" dafredils are in bloom before the wool -
develop the nateral reaourees ;with througla a few Jagged joints evorried ly fern fronds are utteurled.
Inc until I thought what nice trellises
which nature lee to bountifully pro- elicate A. rock bed cart be 111S,C1 0 111 strong
vided her. A. little care and attention ItheY would make for some d sunlight using of course floWera that
to tee home grounds will worlc wend- ylne• . thrive in the open, Here the choice
Towaede the back, I placed the tall- ,
of planes is almost utslimetee; any low- .
Oefended the Weak.
"Do yell :believe to defending
"Haven't You time and again Is
me taking np for near -beer?"
ideas Can Reveal Person's
'Real Apt..
The average men, cannot gra.sp a
new leen aeter the thirtieth birthclaY,
according to the surpriaing Eitatement
made in an, caddesee Imre by Alexalie
der Williams, lie,ael of the Chemical
"One lorijicipal aim 10 to get people
to thellta and to appreciate the wooer
ccnetantly beteg done by chemists and
scdentisate toovarcl the advaneemerat nt
civilization," sale
"But we itee forced to go back to the
childreu ia the schools to accomplieh
this, purpeee, for lie have founcl that
it 'is p‘aactically imposeible to get a
new idea into a man's 'Meet after lie is
or plants — rhododendron, tigerdily,
growing plant that is friendly With the
laaya; slipper, and wild floov9rot tsetse
sun doe; nicely. Ilse porelleca. or
Planted from the woods. Even a candytuft, or pansies, or cultivetel
skunk -cabbage, which is beaortilful, in
deities, or ice -plant, whos.e cool -sound -
spite 62 its name, will look vJell.
'Ferns for. Shady Places. I nglion-tannlyeeidsErneprl"te0stafwul°liinteilumlIttotaidIal.n.
There are many va.rieties 'of ferns Mg it over the-neadest pansy; they
you eau use, froth these that ArOW tWO held their heads, high 1515110 their dey
Met tell to the tiny fronds, that ;spread lasted, and whama fleetly they faded,
over the ground star fashion. You can the velefety paneled covered tate bed
get ,ferns from tho woede. t with their lovelinese, and dainty light -
Toward the front of the bee ha,ve green poppy, foltiage wae ehoeving.
May -apple, paehein-the-pulpit, adder's-: Leave Riuhbs -in the ground. all the
tongue, equirrel-coon, bloodroot, wood-; time; they' will take care of them -
lily, or any- or the "frail, claintY rselyea and, be the earlieette bleeni 111
flowers -to be had for the getting. Wild the spring, dauntlessly their
violate grow splendidly' a rueng z'oelte.1 elleerfue little. faces to a °coed:spring
The common blue ones are the 'most blast. - '
the 1 - ' - .
thin balm done, yoo can dot 10 .`,.'enlikatIro tiew
! at borto.yosaenn caililY master tliwsecrets aelling that Make
Star Salesmen. ,Iyhatcyer, your e.,),pprienoo 1105. been -whatever
u m
` yoay be' doing naw.-w:lietber' or not you think you tan
fuel: answer this question: fere ypu ambitions'to cern -$1,0.500
`year?Then get in touch vith nue at ones I I Will'profe to you
withotit cost or obligation that ytur. can easily berates 1 Star
Saleiman, 1 will show you how 'the Salesmanship linilaing
SUVICO Of the N. 3.7, A. MI5 111, 505 to quick
success in
41 a 20 A Year ° 0° Secrets
seurele ut sisr Ses..asnubil: as lsuakt lw tku ivt s. 3, et, tee
Ibled tho,roal,,overnIgItt, to 1,,,c behind for 5,00.0, drialcauf
pc, of blina.plloyjabs 1110010,0 1.001,cre, btu mhtter 00111050
nk. now
00-0, 11,) fiettl .05,3. °mt. 500 0 5,1 faun, 5,'e5,.0e Les.
SalcSI:tr.nt'S Tcaioin 'ASSOCiatiOn
rasee ea,,, see I.rereete ()re ,