HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-03-26, Page 7he "rta>illa,e` ed Rose &(&,(antes of quality e1C&'gQty. 10 1111111111 telt e ORANGE - k° is extra goo ca Try it,! Ar BY DR; al .1. 1IDI)LETOk Provincial Board of Health, .Ontario,. Dr. Middleton will -ba glad to answer questions on Public Wealth mat - tors through'thiseolumn. Address him at Spadini Ifouge, Spading Crescent, Toronto. , Don't take too much of one -kind o food. It may not contain enough o nil the elements that -go to maintain tiodilytealth and vigor. No matter how nourishing a food issupposed' to -lie,' ill -health and die - ease 'may isease'may result if too much of that particular kindof food is taken with- out sufficient "balance" in the diet. Sootsmen the world over have been proverbially fond of porridge, and no doubt it has proved a sustaining' food if eaten with other substances that contain health -giving properties; but If a child is brought up on porridge, almost exclusively,' there is great da ger of the development of rickets' softening of the bones and muscles, condition from which thousands f children in this -country suffer. Pr fessor R. Meilanby of. St. Thomas Hospital, London, thinks that porridg a very bad cereal from a nutritiona standpoint, and especially if taken a the main diet. He says Wit ,contain 1'i porridge and not -the trimmings that 1 were often' affected by rickets. Don t Harbor the idea that oatmeal contains anything harmful. It is the lack of something necessary in it that makes the cereal dangerous as a regular food. When accompanied.= by the proper vitamin containing accessories, por- ridge is still considered a- splendid food: One of the most important and most remarkable of -the vitamins - Containing substances is cod liver -oil, Fresh milk also contains the precious vitamin and even a teaspoonful taken at a meal makes all the difterence be- n tween a non -sustaining diet and one or that contains the necessary -elements a required to' nair-taln a -normal condi-. o tion of health and vitality,' MARCH qf5 DANGEROUS TO BABY some substances which interfere with the deposition of bonehardening•car bon rind:phosphorus in the -body,. and unless accompanied' by the accessory food factors -or vitaml'nes,.had proved disastrous when taken consistently, to the animals; to which it had been ad- minietered. Any food that is bailed of cooked to any extent has, this deficiency in vitamins. It is not porridge 'alone that lacks these essentials, but por- ridge has come to be regarded as e very -complete food in itself-. In fact, one often hears the saying that people in certain localities in Scotland were beet;ght tip on porridge' an'd the Shorter Catechism. 'Be that as it may,. and I .for one would never want to ,minimize the fighting dualities; of the Scot" qr his inherent manliness, still the fact, remains that porridge taken in excess and without a sufficient am- ount' of other, vitamin -containing Moods, is a poor'diet. The experiments that proved th lack of -proper food content in- oat- meal was done on animals, but Prof. Mellanby said he thought the cereal would have the same'aeffect on human beings as on lower animals. He saiv no reason why It should not. He adds, however, that in the large majority of cases, people who "ate porridge took 'with it the ordain mjd�otlier accessor- ies which contaiped the vitamines, nee- 'essary•to overcoine the deficiency in, the oatmeal. He glade the additional observations thdt it was thechildren of the poor who could afford only the - • Our .Canadian /March weather—one day bright; but 5lbnpy, the next blas, 'eery and cold—is ..extremely hard. on children. Conditions make it neCes- Teary for the mother to keep the Iittle ones indoors. Tiler are often confined. to overheated, badly ventilated rooms and crotch colds which rack their whole system. To guard'agalnst these colds ;and to keep the baby well till the bet- ter, etter, brighter days tomo alone a bc,g of Baby's Own Tablets should:' be kept In the -house and .an ;occadidnal 'arse given the baby to keep his..stomaoh.' and bciwels working regularly. The Tablets' are a mild lint thorough laxa- tivelvdii -ch Hover fail to regulate. the'. stomach and bowels .and thus they re- lieve colds and simple fevers and keep the baby fit. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. A. "tube"' railway is proposed for. Venice, It would cover the.length of the city, a distance of eight miles. Minard's Linlmentjjine for the Hair. • In H.14I.S, Hood there is 'a special staff of forty -nitre wireless men, and Aye operators keep watch at the arena time on five different wave lengths. i perTacka also .in % ZA VACUUMIZED TINS' MANUFACTURED) OY- IMPERIALTOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED. "GRIZZLY SAL" .• One of the real had cues who did her stuff at the Calgaiy Stampede last Year, When the prairie city celiehrm,tes'the:`50.th annivers_ar of of the Mounted Police and the birth et the city,culY the airl he beckon the boards at the big Round -up and y' 6 to:Jiily 11„Sal will ,, P :carnival, ''Sunlight for Health. Recent experiments on alas de- monstrated -the importance 01 sunlight in human health, particularly as a Inc' tor in the physical developpint of the young children, The.: chicks were divided, into three groups,. All were .given the sante diet, but one group was kept in natural sun- light,, the second in naltural sunlight pmselrig through window -glass, while the third was kept in natural sunlight and exposed at intervals to strong altar -violet rays. The first group of chicles developed normally. AB of the second group those' that received the sunlight through window -glass developed riclrets. Those of the third group *cached in ten weeks the' same stage of physical rlevelopmeutthat those raised in natural sunlight attained In twelve ,weeks. The 'rickety chicks were .cilftel.wjien'subjected to ultra - viol t ray treatment . Between 97 and 100 pm cent, of th Children boric In the simmer and ,an •tunin develop rickets in some degre lot the following spring. -'lirougii the winter ,the mothers fear to subjec them to the bitter cold hence the babies receive their "sunshine” be- hind closed windows. NATURE'S :W NJNGS Danger Signals That Everyone Should 'Peke Seriously. Pain" is one of Nature's warnings that something is wrong with the hotly. Indigestion, for insitaa`tce, is character- ized by pains in the stomach; and of- ten , about the heart; rheumatism hY sharp pains in the limbs and, joints; headaches are a sign that the nerves or stomach are out of order. In some ailments, such as anaemia,p ani Is not so prontdueht.. In thia case Nature's warning take the form of pallor, breathlessness alter slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, and Ise of appetite. Whatever formthesewarn- ings'take, wise people will not ignore 'the- fact that ninny diseases have their origin .in poor blood, and that when the blood is enrichea the trouble dis. o appears. br, Wlllianw' Pink Pale ase --/test -helpful in such eases "because a they purify and build up the blood to its normal strength..' In this way it t tones no thenerves, restoresv the ap Cows& That Never Drink. Large quantities : of beef are pro- duced In. the Hawaiian Islands, and 1'3awaii .itself now boasts eeyeral ranch devoted tri the breeding of white faced.Ixegeford Cattle. Although,tliey are as thirsty as any other cows the majority of the ani- mals exported from this island have never enjoyed a' drink of water, for water has nd 'chance to accumulate owing to the arid soil and the com- plete absence of irrigation, Any close observer on horseback,' however, span discovers the animals' secret, far whenever a horse 'sees a 0aetus tree it throws up its head and nibbles' the shoots, which contain moisture In abundance. Seeing the horse slake its thirst in this way, it i5 almost certain that a fiery band of "white faces" will thunder up to tale spot. Something like aRugby football match follows, for the parched caws form a, "serum" Fond the tree. :And the strongest ,fellow gets the most luscious branches. For Sore Feet MInarder Liniment. A badly wasted day is that on which we have not laughed. Send us the name, of a Bank or Loan Coallg':any"than; won't assist in Purchasing a. good Pure Bred 'Sire. VI;Yr !taller ought fo latent Vyhat Ia4p3. -" farm is malting for him and which de. ilpartincnts, If any, are not paying. To this end he needs a simple record of receipts and exPondlturea, along v,ith yearly` In - verde es oir l d pd b_'�i i dings, stock , iidacli eery, fc�and§iiptl7iev. • ' 't 6 n)epiii clg of 4gr,ttilturt at Ottaw offers, or !0 cents, p 'FarOter a Account. iiook.'i On1Y a i'pof €ateita from time to tans ate needed. Bend10 •ccnto for the Account nook and receive nice ".Soo o silo Hints' and our latest list 65 free publications Fila in and mann slip, post fr c, to , The Publications Branch Department of Agriculture Ottawa, Ost, R.R.No Post Office Prorjiice:.,. If it'happens there i8 n0 Mar- coni' Agency in your' town have your dealer write us. 'We want you to have a 'demon; stration in your," .own home' 'of the'` _Marc-o:.niphone,' master. radio re- ceiver.. This can he' 'arranged. t,h,r o -u g.4 your local dealer: Also . gelid your nape for f r e e 'radio booklet "PD." - The Mnrconi Wireless., TeL Go, s•V Gan.; Ltd. ' Montreal. Halifax, Toronto, Vancouver, St, John's, Nfld. - EASY TRICKS F The Mystic Letter "Q". " ' ,I'Jrange a number of coins or ibuttons on the table in the form of. a letter "Q" as in the. tarlatan. (tion. Tell the spectators that .you swill turn your back so that you cou- plet see what is being done, While ;your back is turned, a spectator is • to decide on any number and to I start at the endof the tall of the _ "Q" to count that number up; the' I tail of •the "Q" and up the left aide., i When he reaches the number he ?thought of, he is to start at the ,coin at wiiich'he stopped and count the same number in the opposite ;direction, ignoring the tail of the " 4'r hnd going up the flight side of,, Itire letter. When ho"again roaches' 1 tiie number of which he thought, ;he is to estop and turn that coin - pe rover. 'When this is done, you will tite a d,gives perfect heal'th:• Was !turn e'round and: pick up the of Hazel Berndt, of Arnprior, Ont., has cola proved the great value' of this meds :; which was turned over. th , cine, and ea The trick 4s that this c f coin] ys: "I am a young girl i be just. the same number of Coins and have been working in a -factory for the past tour years. ]Bbl' two years I had been in such, poor health that at times I could n.at work. I was. titin and ,pale, and trohbled with head- acltss and, fainting spells. I doctored- nearly alt this, time, but it did not help me. My mother advised me to take Dr. Williams' Pink Dills, and after using them for .a While l could notice' an improvement In nay Condition.. I used nine boxes. And can truthfully, say that my health is restored, When I began 'taking the pills I weighed 97 up the .right side of the "Q8' as ' there Are coins In the tail. If it is desired to repeat the trick, rear- range the coins, leaving a different' - (number of coins in the tall of the "Cr' as it will give away the.' trick ;If the same coin is the stopping t point the second time the trick is /done, (Oita this out anff paste it, &chit ether of fisc series, in a sorapbooTc,� Prevention. "Fireprevention outweighs in im- portanoe all other factors' in securing pounds and now I weigh 114.. I.feel adequate forest ilre Protection. - No that I: owe nw good health to'71r.'wil- -forest authority can cope with the llaure'Pink Pills -anti,hope other all. Situation developing under adverse ing people will give then/ a fair trial;" Conditions without the wholehearted Yon can get.,thse pilin through any support and co-operation of the sonat- ina/Dance dealer or by mail at 60 mite ai public. In- education and publicity, a box from The 1Jr, nrfltiaanis' Medicine beginning with the 0hildr•et. In the Co, Brockvfile, Ont. schools and extensive enough to reach all classes of the population, lies the only trope of attaining adequate forest fire protection."—Report of the British Empire Forestry Conference. Sure Thing -,-Trot Him" Out. .1 Naturalist—"And 1 -suppose you'd' like to. see' ]ny wonderful seaherse7" 'V'isitor---"Sure ,thing—trot him out," Alvan 'i' Simonds Ee6 no±o'nic Prizes for 925: To encourage the rind. o mics two prizes of $1000'an•d $500 are offerer b I "DIAMOND DYES"_ COLOR THINGS' NEW Beaatifui home dye.. fag and tinting is guaranteed w i t it i ..Dlainolid. Dyes, Just i "dip in cbld water. to I tint soft, delicate 1� ' shades, or boil to Y f Ltono { iia,' ,t• , dye rich. permanent colors. Eae = "`—�--�-- b 16 cent 1, y A1Van T. Simonls, pest package confess U. dent 01 the, Simonds Saw us1i4 Steel I ocellons so erre, o any woman can dye Company, of1 itolt-burg, Massaohus�etts,, I or tint 7ingerio. silks, ribbons skirts, OP the best two esilays'ollalie foalow- waists, dresses; . coats, stockings, lag .subject "Your p y and Ings, everything now- Prbs crit su>eaters, draperies, coverings,: hang. Mine." Buy "Diamond Dyes"—no other The contest is open to all residents ]kind—and tell your druggist whether of the United Stakes anti" Canatta. It ( the material you 'wish• to color is wool is hoped that it will esptclally'appeal or sills; or whether it is linen, cotton, to' business executives, assistants to 1. or mixed goads. briefness executives and students Of: t• buslnests and aonum:erce. Comtestantg, who erre not, well versed in oeonomics ate advised• to •s.tudy ale- m,ettary wore, tleias:ing wit!li fanda- merit:ale, atssi to .read articles .on economic subjects in newspapers and inagasiries: The essayS natty : be.en-. tirely original or may- be basad, to whole'or.in'part, on boolts or' articles.: If ,the latter. Plan is faltowed, refer- enoass tb theboolcs end arbidles should be'_given in #ootniotes, The essays must be at least 25001 words 1u>, length andshouldnot exceed -3400 words. They must he typewilt ten and en' one side of the p05101 onlry: I The prize winning-essmys, upon pay- ment of the prizes, will became the property of Alvan T. Sinipnda, - The judges, will be ninlouncod later. -They win be aeLected Pram experts in economics, bu 1nes;,5, .and related activities, Their decision must be ac- cepted by a,ib concerned as final: The essays must re,sck the Contest Editor, almonds, Saw and Steel COin- pany, 470 Main Street, i itchburg,. Massachusetts, on or before lJ conilier 31, 1020. Shyness is one-half desire to ileac, and one-half fear of not succeeding, Mlnard's Liniment for Colds, DANDRUFF MlnArdis cleanses the scalp, opens the,. pores, stimulates the roots of the 'hair to new 'activity Bub Minard's into the scalp four tinies a week;: General Motor& in Canada. General Motors capital iuvested in the automobile industry in Canada is $21,000,000, a large part of which was brought into Canada, from the United States, Products of General:- Motors of Canada Ltd., have a value exceed- ing $40,000,000 annually. For Sore Throat Use Ai 'nerd's Liniment It is never too early to begin teach- ing your children self-control and re- spect for the rights' of others. Seed Potatoes New Brunswick Grown and Govern.' ' merit Certified, Irish Cobblers and Green Mountains: For sale at the following prices,: Peek, 50c. Buseel, $1.60 Bag, 90 lbs„ $2.25. Special price in jots of 6 bags or more. No charge for byte or pa.cicages. Can sell you Ontario Liyoyrn, at alient 20' per cent, less. Ito 111 have to order early as quantity is linvlted, Cush with cinder. FLW. DAWSON. P.O. Box $8 Brampton, Ont The s It zn Atlantic Cit Y ��� New - Je racy America's Smartest Resort Hotel. Famous for its Euro- pean Atmosphere, Perfect Cuisine and Service. Single` rooms from Double rooms from $8.00 European plea New Hydz tatrie . and Electro - Therapeutic - Department GTIS%PAVE TOTT, Manager Beauty Of Skin And Hair Preserved By Cuticula'. Use Cuticord Soap for dally toilet pur- poses, with touches of Cltticura Olntalent es .needed, and 1u01A.. fresh, cleat orcin and tleok, glossy hair. They are ideal for, the toilet as is also Cuticaro Tat. cum for powdering and perfuming aemyle-Each Prue blcrO,i Addrosa a nadi-nl Dupet: DntI,,,e P, D Dox zSea Ta etc 1, Price, -aortia, Qi nlccenta,,,asg� Stickmss,,'i. row- Tr, Try syr now Shaving 5±5,1, 1 R sssmvenaa. It's the urge within which makes you give to your job the best you pos- Ness—which makes ,lightof overtime in ytiiir work—which aids you in meet- ing and defeating difficulties. Classified Advertisements: REIVINANTS, ARGAIN PARCEL, $2; 5 LBS. A-, Patches, $2, McCreery, Chatham, Ontario. FREb; CATALOQUE. Pit ASPBERRIt' BUSHES, GLAD- colas, Iris, Peony, Fancy. Dahlias and Barred Rock -Eggs. The Wright., Farni, Brockville, Ont. LABELS Wye -stook. Labels for cattle, sheep and bona Elea] es. Tattooer, Melton nand], null 510,& nlua,, Wcitafor e; r Amoco sad' aural Ketchum Manufacturing .. Co., Ltd., Ottawa,• ; eoz pole. Ont. Use" "Shnoada': Creacaadt . Ground Sawa; thotrteelh area scan thtcknesa lhrou¢houttheontl,o".:, lanyth of tha,anw, thus mnkhin bindinginthakod impossible. CrauSi ind- 105 is an exclusive re Simonds eatura. .. 31)5ONDS CANADA SAW CO, ±185150 Vrnsomer MONTREAL St, John, NA. *(nice=' "CresccatOmund" Lanes Tooth Cross gut, N. 22 TIRES OAF .All THE TIME Nerves Gave Little Rest. Relieved' by Lydia E. Pink. • ham's Vegetable Compound 'Jiarrowsmith,Ontario,—"I took your medicine before my baby was born and it was a great help to me as I wp.s very poorly -until I started to take it: I just felt as though' was tired out all the time and would take weak,: fainting spells. D/fy nerves would bother me: until I' could get little rest;. day or night,1 wasold by a friend to 'take Lydia E, Pinkham's Vege- table Compound,and T only took a few bottles andit heped me wonderfully. I wouldreeommeed it to any woman. I am doingg. what I can to publish • this good medicine. ',lend that little book. you sent me to any I can help. Yon' can with the greatest of (pleasure use my name in regard to the Vegetable Compound if it will serve to help others," NIRS. IIARVAJI' MnzioAN,It. R. No.2, 1Tarrowsmith, Ontario. In a recent canvass of purchasers of Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Vegetable' Com- pound over 100, 000 replies were received and SS out of every 100 said they had beeinbelpped by its use. ; This medicine is for sale'by; all druggists. i U r .it" f ;oe Moro Pdnosphoto .if you Want your complexion to clear, eyes .to briglhton,, and shin to become, soft and sntcoi,Ph. Thin, nerve exhausted people grow strong ,on S:Iinio-Pioosihat,' and drug• gists guarantee it. -?rice $1 per Mtge. Allow Chemical Co., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. :ISSUE Noy' 12— 25. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Neuritis Neuralgia ' Lumbago •R1ieuinatisn i Colds Headache. Toothache , l• Pahl Accept off- "Raver" tisicage iT. • E; which containspi'oven'direetions. LL Handy "B4er" bales of 12 tablets. Alpo bottles of 24 grid 190—Druggists:, !tannin-ls the Uncle math veiy1 oI ]n Cgoldp) of Aarcr),, While or .tiall known aeldeufei' Of 5allr,,viicnrhl (irtiyi yolierllc 1> 1d "4. O., A ") while It is wall known that Jtpnin ,cans Rarer mnnnd'rt re, kr ns�.ist the nubile aga;nat nnttatlohs, ne Tablets 05 neya5 Ooinl,any: 0111 to :scaredtsIth their general trade mark, the "Bayer Oroo ."