HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-03-26, Page 4T URS:D "Alli 2 ?25 C STORE NEWS TON IMMED APER TIME.. d Walls With Character ' NY room of yours can gain a new and last- ing loveliness, a distinctive character and charm from even the least expensive of the superb new Wallpapers we are now showing, Then. again, we 'specialize in STAUNTON SEMI -TRIMMED, PAPERS which can be accurately and quickly, trimmed without the need of a straightedge and knife or a pair of scissors. - They save time and trouble and eliminate half the disorder in the , home when re -papering is in progress. Let us, show yo,a our new samples for those rooms of yours that; need attention The New Stock of Papers are now on. Sale You'll Not find Better Values anywhere Wide Papers _ Low Prices p - A. T. . COOPER. CLINTON 1 aq,r� Clinton Bakery QUALITY The most 'important g st thin about our Products is Quality: We do not use any- thing but just Quality : Ingredients in.our Ingredients Bread, Pies, Cakes, Buns, Etc., or anything pretaining to Baking, Oysters, Ice Cream and Light Lunches F. e BROWN & . BAKER AND CONFECTIONER Phone 1 mmastremeentsrmmenseemeaml i SPECIE L PRICES During March and April we offer EIatchfoapd's Steam Cooked Calf lVteatl AT ,LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES 100 lbs. . . o $4.25 Farriers and Stockmen, get your supply while these.prices last. Blr tehford's is the best calf 'meal made. Follow directions in feed= ing• and get best.reSnits. Orders at the Creamery or froin our men, on the road. - • 96-9 CLINTON CREAMERY, Limited - There is _only • one way to make money out of ;poultry to- day, and that -is by artificial in; cubation and brooding. Get. your, cockerels on the market when they.are worth 755 a ib., and,,your puIIets laying in the fall'' When eggs are 60e to 755 a dozen. Call and see'' these mo. chines and be convinced. Babg Chloks• S. C. Leghorns, Barred Rocits and S. C. Anconal AT REASONABLE PRICES Custom Hatching 5 cents per Egg Dandy Chick Feed Royal Purple Chick Feed Royal Purple Calf Meal Receiving Station for. Clinton Egg Pool Eggs THE i =PEAL Incubators and Brooders have been the leading mtchinesr in; the United States for . 38 years, This year they are being, sold in Canada at -a price much below other makes of similar - • quality and these machines are `. built to last a lifetime, and have a positive guarantee with every - machine. E. L. MITTELL Clinton Ontario INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR. ecorat1 O.Efice 236-r-2 'aviamgirraaarmaissaamp - Painting: rid Paperh Malce it.a point to ,see my Sample Books before buying. Paper of- Quality from. 10 cents to 75 cents All work satisfactory and of the Best. Prices right KAY Clinton, Ontario Phone 234-r-2 i i I6Ip on Emmersen Sinith of the village, ecently- sold one 'of his horses whicih he has 'been using on his mural Mail: route as his emitraet .expires next Mr. Thos. Workman's --horse,. ran away on Tuesday, smashing up the harness so ne but fortunately no one was huh• t. Mi. Chas. Farquhar has moved to thern fa , viddch he recently7iiehl c d on the second line of Stanley. 9'his is the farm formerly occupied Mr. by Walter Stevens We welcome Mr. Farquhar to this community and wish him every success. Syrup making is the order of the day around here at present and some good runs are reported. This is a source of revenue at this time of year when the farmers are not very busy and the article is a good one and very much appreciated. Pancakes and Maple Syrup are a good com- bination. Blyth:.Tlie McVittie garage, which was offered for sale• by the trustees. of the estate, has been purchased by D. W. Jordan, of the 5th line, of 1'sIorris township, who gets immed- iate possession, Toronto, Mar. 13th: The appeal of the Goderieh Elevator and Transit Company from the trial - decision which held them liable to the North- ern Grain Company, of Winnipeg, for the price of 70,000 'bushels of oats Was allowed by the appellate- division' today. he dats were shipped to the elevator' company front Fort William, Ont., -and later instructions were giv en by -the owners to deliver them_. to the Peerless Cereal Mills at Wood- stock. hat company went into liqui- dation and the Northern Grain Com- pany sought to recover 'frorn the Goderieh' -Elevator Company -the value of the grain, alleging that it should have been held until the hilts of lading had been delivered. The ap- pellate division holds that when the shippers' instructions had been oar -- tied out the elevator • company had done its duty. Baby Chicks for Sale Bred -to -lay $arced Rock and S. C. White Leghorn baby chicles. All strong, healthy, free-range stock and good °'winter layers. Barred Rock ehicks,18c ea. or $17.60 per 100, Veg.,- horn chicks, 16c each°lor $14.50. per 100. Book orders now. P.B.HALL LONDESBORO Phone 6--2d Blyth Central Eggs for Hatching Front bred -to -lay, two-year-old 8. 0, White Leghorns. Price $3.50 per hundred or 4c an egg for less, ltoy Tyndall, It; R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 3 on 607. 98-0 'Eggs For Hatching For' -early layers try our Barred' Rocks of Superior quality. For years they have proved heavy winter layers. Incubator order's filled at $4.00 per hundred or 65e per setting of 15, D. M. Lindsay, R.•11. No, 3, Clinton. Phone 14-610. 08-8' BA .a A C'.XI KS for sale, S. C. White Leghorn chicks $15.00 per hundred, $140.00 per thousand.. Barred and White Rocks, $20.00 per hundred, $190.00 per thousand. , •Custom, hatching 60 per egg. Our chicks aro all from. healthy, ftee range bled -to -lay stock. Inglenook Poultry Yards E. J. TREWARTHA HOLMESVILLE Phone 22-611 Clinton central a 96 -ti ek_ Eggs for Hatching . Don't just keep hens, get the kind that will help keep you. Our Batreti Rock breeding pend consist of large, vigorous birds of superior quality, same strains as -winning pens in pro- vincial and Dominion laying contests.. For years our stock has proved to be early maturing, heavy winter layers. • Incubator? orders filled at : $4 per hundred. Single settings, 5c per. egg Orders Filled Promptly _CHAS. WATSON, LONDISBORO Phone: Blyth 246 97-8 SALT Car load of, coarse, clean salt ex- pected tee Brucefield about the middle of next week. Phone for particulars: We. invite you to inspect our new Wallpaper, Voiles, •Gingham-s,'Linens, Organdies, Curtains; etc. 1.full;line of shoes, fine and: coarse, A complete line of;paints for build- ings arid uild-ings-.and vehicles, Oatmeal .. , . .. , , : 5 lbs. for 25c :Oatmeal, per 90 Ib bag, cash " $4.20 Corn' and ePas, per tin , . 15e Jelly 'Powders .......,... 3 for 25e Seeds ...... 8 pkgs. 25c, Soap, Sunny Monday . 8 bars for 25c T. M e. SH Varna 94 -ti ClitttQtl ' r4e Re. ountg" I1leru 1{enc irdine: , At a meeting of the 'ratepayers of ;Kincardine ` to "disepss the advisability:r of paving' the main thoroughfare ,th'ii summer, -,F. E. Coornbe, j a leading furniture factory man, opposed' the paving scheme on 4cou it f 1t5 T a costing the town t b i o S7� Y S 200spread a d U ver 20 years. Besides .the ratepayers would have to put up their share of the, • i30 00 that , 0 the County of Bruce would 1 9 have t0a- n F for the twenty foot Strip MT. Coombe pointed out that Kincardine is already burdened with a debenture debt bf *247,721:55besides a float- ing -debt of about $21 000. ` Brussels: The annual' "ait home" of Western Star Lodge, I,Q O.F., was held on Thursday evening of last week when a first-class time was en- jo'yed. A. good 'program was car- ried ont,' the principal feature being the presentation of veterans' jewels to J. 12. R. Elliott, of town, and James Stewart, at present a resident of Listowel. Lunch vas also served. Grey;' Addison Taylor, '9th cones-, sion of Grey township, is the 'pos- sessor of e ewe which presented him with four healthy lambs, all of which are being raised by the mother and doing fine. Morris: Allan Adams, a,resident of the 5th line ,of Morris township, adjoining the village' o£' Blyth for the past 30 years, has; removed to Wroza: eter locality, and the farm vacated by him has been occupied by Ed. ward. Pollard, Mr. Pollard has dis- posed of his house and ,lot to Archie Thompson, C.N.R. section Forman. •of Blyth. The township of Colborne lost two of its oldest and respected residents,, And. B:eddie and -Henry Greeny,aged aged 04 and '78 "respectively. Andrew Heel- die was one • of the pioneer settlers of Benmiller,.. where lie lived the greater part of his life, tssking an ac -,i tive interest in 'community affairs. Henry Green;. also was a,. Colborne township pioneer;' ,having `-spent the, greaten part of his .life—farming in this township. • Ashfield, The death occurred at Gravenhurst Santitarium' .on March 12th of James V. Austin, son of Pet - es, Austin, after, an Alness of about two years, the result of -flu,, He was twenty-three years- of age, :and a promising young man. The funeral was held from St. Joseph's church, Kingsbr.idge, on March 14±3.. TEACHERS' ':ALL -EXPENSE' TOUR TO.TUE PACIFIC COAS F Including Canadian and American National Parks A complete thirty day all-exi;ense tour is being arranged from Toronto to the -North Pacific Coast, special train leaving Toronto via Canadian National Railways,' July 9th next. Westbound, the party will pose through some of the most important cities of Western Canada—WinniNeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, stopping, over at Jasper National Park, thence to Prince Rupert and via Canadian Na- tional Pacific Coast Steamers through the wonderful scenic seas of the Worth Pacific Coast -to Vancou- ver, returning via Portland, Yellow- stone National Park, Salt Lake City and Estes National Park through Chicago, thence -back to Toronto, The tour is being arranged under the direction of Mi. A. E. Bryson, principal of Silverthorn School, Tor- onto, and Mr. Martin Derr, Principal of the Earl Ifitchener School, Handl ton, Ont. Full: information' may' be secured from lli'. Bryson, 44 Silver - thorn Ave:, Toronto. • Janet, 26'43w, also from Mr. gar, 4 Beulah Ave.; I-I'amilton, Regent 842. While primarily designed for the benefit of teachers in the Province of Ontario, the tour is open to members of the general public and any who care to join the party •wilI be most welcome, e99•-2 BARGAINS IN RADIO SETS One tube - set, price only $30.00. This set is as good as any on the market. Reception coning in clear and loud, having tuned in 24 stations ott a stormy night (with all' the Chi- cago etations'silen1 ., one being 1,300 miles away in Florida,' and have heard Oakland,".;Cal:, on this set. The above set with two tubes added, price only $66,00. One Freshman five tube set, price : $165.00, -„regular price, $185,00. The above sets are all colic- plete-with tubes, phones, batterie, antenna outfit, etc. (Satisfaction guaranteed.) Blamer -Talley combin- ation one, two and three tube set in a solid walnut cabinetwith high pol- ish, has piano hinges and. ilei sup-, ports. - I- tuned. in Pittsburg on this set without any aerial or - ground wire. Price of these sets in Canada, $90.00, my price 'on above set, $60.00 (hot equipped). Demonstrations giv- en any afternoon or evening. it A. Hovey. - `95-tf Spring is Hare Wall (Paper Season Is On We carry , a full line of Boxers 22 inch wall' paper., Also Staunton.'s 22 inch Ready Trimmed. Very at- tractive designs and prices. Colne and inspect them before leaking your sq - lection. A full line .of Sherwin -William Paints, Varnishes and Stains. Specials in Dry Goods All linen towelling, 16" wide, 17e ycl Standard Shirting ; , 30c yd. Men's Wool Cash. Hose, reg. 75c 50e Curtain Muelins Prints, Giughams, Broadcloth, •Crepe Cotton and Silk at attractive : prices. Very Special 4 yard Linoleum at $3.95 Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Oil Cloth, Linoleum and Congoleuin ,.(GoldSeal) Rugs. BEATTY BROS. V SNA "TUE IIOUSE Of QUALITY" Phone 622 r 12 08-2 �o»ttNevirs Brussels: While she was in atten- dance at the ;dance under the auspices fo the Agricultural Short Course re Gently; held some sneak thief cut the ermine collar from Mrs.- A. Strath an'sca•, -Mori; A Tru tee and Ratepay- ors' Aso i c atnon was formed_ iiithis' township recently .and delegates ap; !- pointed e to attend 1 s tt nci tl ae Easter x meetin s 1 n Toronto. Richard Proctor was el- ected president of the Association and Chis R. Coulter secretary. .`Ar- thur . Shaw, • C. R, Coulees and J; Shortreed were appointed delegates to the Toronto meeting, the council to pay expenses. Goderieh: For the time being at least there will be no - deve,opriients in the. now -famous Underwood hog- burning case at Winghann Accord- ing. to Polies Magistrate C. A, Reid', of Goderieh the law cannot proceed against Earl Underwood, who at the request of Mrs. Annie Reynolds,shot and cremated 10 of his, pigs as a sac- rificial' ac-.rificial'"a offering in than!,sgiving for the recovery of Underwood's wife,,at. child birth. There is no law. that ,states that a'• lean cannot shoot his pigs if he so desires, being his;.per- zonal perzonal property. MTS. A. Reynolds the instigator of the cremation, has been adjudged insane :and has been committed to the London institution: Ashfield: Mr. John "Barnby of this township celebrated his 103rd birth- day last week and still• enjoys good health. TRADING AT. HOME Your wages at home are earned, and they should be spent at home; it's better for all concerned than if they .were shipped to Rome. I go to the hardware"store and purchase a loaf of bread; I go to the plumber's door and call for a spool of thread. Home painters. I will appoint, to see that my barn is daubed, and here in the barber's joint I'm having my. whiskeys bobbed. The money' I thus have 'spent is working around at hone; It wouldn't if it were sent to Naples or yet to Rome. ` The barber decides to build, he finds that' his trade is great; the painter -man's bank is'filled,-he'll purehase'a brand new gate. The cart_penter gets the task of building these things for two; now hecan afford to ask the priee of a Lizzie -new. The fellow who sells the car decides that the time has come- to purchase a fresh cigar his old one is on the bunt. The merchant who sells the smoke remarks, being pleasedat that; "My lidis a ghastly joke—I'll purchase ' a modern. hat." And so it goes right around, the dol- lar that's spent at home, the kopeck, the mark, the pound' -it's making our -lives a pone, . It is a resplendent play, this dealing with local men; the money that's- sent away will never come back again.—Walt Mason. Clinton's PDX§ WHEN THE WORLD IS Fl2iO)D AND YOU'RE FEELING OLE vii r_1 -cam- TELEPHONE. "rtiE HEAT FOLKS WE'LL SET rr RIGHT FOR YOU We are strong advocates of order- ing coal- early; Commonsensetells you that the more evenly our work can be, spread over the whole year, the better service we can give, and the more economically 'we ca noper ate. Ordering well in advance, is to everybody's'advantage. But, we realize- that everyone is apt to get caught short of coal, neer and again, and it is part of our ser., viceto meet these emergencies. When you need, coal in a hurry: for' good, clean coal Call the,- i JJL MUSTARB COAL COMPANY PHONE 74 CLINTON Better Th anPi1Is' For Liver Ills,: Tonight , to tone wind strengthen the -organs of .digestion and. elimination, improve appetite,. stop sick headaches, relieve bit.' ioasness correct oonsiipatian,. Tho sot promptly, pleasantly.. enYl j, yot therohghly. TitInCIProw Alright ailea, 7� w �rr 1�� Buil ►. 1P n r 1414,....„., j�u r i wi �� 'Wf� � ' � ,�,•,., ►,iliiit it 12' ANKING SERVICE Head. Osco, Jlfon real, ;Earl hi the Y historyof the -Bank of Montreal, its officers - realized- that to attain its highest usefulness, a bank should serve with equal- readiness and ability all classes of customers in: ever department t of , Y P .4t each4 o f fice o fthe Bank small accounts are welcome; and the same painstaking attention is given to every customer. Clinton Branch. H. R. SHARP, Manager. BANK OF -MONTREAL EAL • Established over 14O years YDRO LAMPS Scientifically combine the qualities re- • gtiired to give Long Life and 1..ficieru' Service. The extremely low rates at which ,Hydro Service is sold in Ontario permit all users to enjoy the benefit of well lighted homes, and other establishments with many lights burning at one-time. Everyone likes to have Tots of light. To make such a' condition , economical, one must have lamps which will burn a long time and at the same time give out the maximum amount of light required of them, HYDn.as LAMPS Are made exclusively for Hydro users and low rates. The ,are guaranteed to give Long Life -50% more than the usual run of lamps. The extra quality does not add one cent to the cost of Hydro Lamps. These Long Life Lamps satisfy every requirement of modern lighting. Use Your own' Utihitg-It Pags IB, ro S °y p, i��1�t`Ail Look for thislabel on the lamps j -d DO r ,you buy. ‘,010011110114, C. o., VEN ER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, (Bulbs, Ir'ons,'Fans and other' Appliances ang and Repairs, Phone . I