HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-03-19, Page 81 h7eSDING JEWEL1.1iY S14).RE A ,Special in Glasse fi for one week oral Propeily. 'fitted glasses cure', 'headaches and strenet1 an weak ey-es, while ltiiprope ly fitted glasses ruin eyesight, di are in stork -c ,niplef ,;dine of frames, and lorisea of ell.stre�fgths and sizes at reasonable prices-. G u .hie Oil : Paintings ` A tlee, assoi teiient eady flanged it S1:2u each.:- A -nice variety of seines from aditus TWO O� CU;17IO1 IIONDS aT CQ,ST PRIG These are large machines and guaranteed to pia) any make of record. • :Weller and Optician 11 ;JOHNSON ,N Ne*t Hovey'w Drug ,tore OU.RRELL , SHIPLEY_. SUGAR spECIAL Sugar by the bag. Let us supply your sugar requirements OUR PRICl lS ARE RIGHT Best 'brands :of Corgi; "Peas and Tomatoes, Oranges, I'emons, Grapefruit and Bananas, Lettuce, Celery and fish. THE C,.8 S. GROCERS Main Store,_ Phone ` 125 TV, Branch Store, Phone 125 J. t taking pecials Forthe Balance of the Month We will continue last week's list of specials and also the following lines which.are.exceptional value: 8 Doz. Men's Bib Overalls, all sizes, in plain blue or black $1 69 . denim or Blue and white stripe, special at ... 1 V sT 2 dozen Men's Tweed Pants, brown check, all sizesfey o Special at .. .. .. .. .7 5 dozen Turkish. Towels, large size Special at, per pair.... ... ............. . • •7 9c - Common Pins regular 5c per package q Special at.;.r..............:..,....,.,......: . �+ for 5c Ladies' and Cliildrett's Colored; Cashmere and . Silk and Wool Hose -At Bargain Prices to Clear Special 'Values in all lines o£; Footwear ,during Stock -Taking SALE PRICES STRICTLY CASH , 1usi steel Bros0 PHONE 261 SMALL PROFITS MORE BUSINESS WILEIMMEIMMIESEINIMOISIISSIE A SUIT Call .in and See Our New Spring, Suitirigs 1 with all the hallmarks of Ms- I t le clever wog . tfinction, � y - k manship and quality materials always attracts attention. We have some unusual sug- gestions, for young men who demand the very latest.` We also have practical yet distinctive '.designs to please men of more conservative taste. Come in and let us take your measure for a suit of OUR TAILORING Dc..l.vis St Herman VETERAN TAILORS. PHONE 224-W UNI2 CCAPTXMOOMMEMITANR=Z1 ISAS: IMEU27:12L1271311p1MONfina stmcmasmumageougge Maple Syrnj Tinie HERE Pails aitd, .Spites atays ,on hand. Sap' Pails made to order ET OCR- -Sntter & Perdue HARDWARE PLWMBIN:G ELECTRIC WIRING ILLIVEIEY Vie are not holding any formal'opening this season and are clow ready with a full line of dress and tailored' hats gall .Your1n5�eCt10n1S .cordially d y invitech THE VOGUE ;tht ,` a It °s only a F'RIDA'Y AND SA1FUR ALS e are unloading o :r, second car of Cane Sugar this week Special car. rice:urs d y,'ri:day and Saturday, ,while we unload: , RIDAY AND SA.TURT)AY SPECIALS 10 bars soap:' p; -& G. and Gold, 59c• 2 lhs Mixed Tea Granulated:, Sugar , 98c 4 tins Bardines 95c 6 lbs, Rolled Oats •2 lbs: =Black 'Tea- eaut'i'fies nifies 3 dozen Oranges for $1.00 89c` 25c 28c: round the, World trip from Java and East Indies to Canada on a coffee trip. e expect to install an Electric Coffee Mill in a few weeks and will have a complete -demonstration of the mill and coffee Further announcements'next week.° Satisfies„ T110 W. D. Fair Co Fresh Let,.iice Tomatoes Head Lettuce Celery. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 'EASTER NOVELTIES We have the finest assortment of Easter Eggs and Bunnies we hay, ever had on exhibition. Now in our Groceteria Dept. In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m, In tkeAfternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly. Order Early. Cash and crll'iVV T Phone ' 48, Miss Ivy Plewes „spout a few days in town last week. Mr, J. A. Carter 0 of London vas in town on Monday.` . Miss'' Isobel Diaper of Brantford ivaa home ober last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper were in. Toronto over the week -end. " Mrs. H. Little of -Windsor spent a few days with. Mrs, Roger Pepper. Miss Levis, of Clinton, is'the' guest of Mrs. Deloss Tinian.—Blyth Stand- ar d. Messrs. Sutter. and Perdue attended a convention of McClary agents in • Loddon last week.`' Miss Wannifred O'Neil and Mrs. (Dr.) Ross were' in Toronto for a `couple of clan` this week. Mr.- Ed. Lindiay 8f Iiespeler spent the` week -end as'the guest of his grandmother,"Mrs. Perdue, sr. Mr. R. Warrener attended the funeral of`his niece,. the late Mrs. George; Hackle of Wallaceburg on Friday. last.' ' Mr. IZoht. Fairservice' of . Londesboro spent the week -end with leis sitter, Mrs. Wm. Crittenden of the Huron road, east. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Treleaven of. LucknoW' spent the week -end tyith the.latter''s parents, Dr. IL and Mrs. Fowler. Mrs. T. J. Watt, who spent the win- ter with her sister, Mrs. Booth, of Brandon, Man., returned . home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Scott and liars. Pair, sr., who` have been spending S.. month al Orlando, :Florida, returned home Saturday evening. Mrs." J. E. Brooks of Mitchell has been visiting her parents, Mr. amt, Mrs. Wm. Cantelon. , Mis.{Cantelosy who has not bee a 1 400; is somewhat •betters' " Miss Jeair Fisher, who his just fui-. ished a course at the'Clin'ton School of Commerce, left Monday morning .'for Toronto to take a position. Her father accornlianied hers to ,the eity. Miss `Mae Ruiledge, who spent some weeks at her home' in town, re- turned to Toronto"on`Thursday last, accompanied' by her sister, Miss Margaret, who will visit there for a few weeks. Mrs. 'D. -.Forrester' and daugh er Barbara, who' have been visiting the former's iparents, Mn and Mrs. J'. McDonald, of Elgin Ave., have *- turned to their home in Clinton.-- • Goderich Star. ' Mrs.. W. J. - Andrew of • Auburn was in town last week on her way to and from London, where she attended°a meeting of the executive of the London Branch W.M.S. of the Methodist church; - Capt. Clarke of the S.A. is in London this week attending a gathering of the -officers of the London Division. which is being presided over by Commissioner Sowton, traveling commissioner for Canada. Mrs. S. Emmerson of Goderich town- ship has been staying at the home of her brother, Mr. Russel Currie of town, for the past fortnight, to be near her husband, who -has been a pati*int in the Clinton hospital. Mr. E. S. Livermore, who has been home for the past three weeks 'suf- fering from an attack of mumps, left Tuesday morning to resumehis studies at 'Varsity, "Ernie" is sorry now he didn't take tinge to take the mumps during his primary days. -Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Paxman left Mon- day for Royal Oak, Mich., where they have purchased' a groecry business. Mr. and ;Mrs. B. Kaiser," who will sell, their home here) will follow shortly. Clinton people are 1 sorry to 'lose these citizens from town, but ' wish them success in their new home. 97-2 .4, ars: J. J; Ward of Woodstock has -been visiting Ire} .parents,'Mr.,and JMMirs..Joseph ;Wheatley of town, Miss lBessie, Morrith leaves'tomofrow to spend,. .a week with Toronto friends.;; Mrs, W. C. Brown, leaves tomorrow for Col)ingwood, where " she will Visit her brother, Mr. Ogle Cooper. Miss Belle Webster' and Mrs. Joseph 'Addison of . Brucefield visited friends: in London last week. Mr. Lorne Pepper of Stanley spent a few days in town with his grand- parents. Spring Flovvers and Plants Brighten your horiie and cheer your sick friends with floWers chosen from our attractive stook ' of - Cinerarias, Primulas, Hyacinths, Lillies,, Forget- me-nots,Primroses, Fountain Glass, etc. In Cul! Flowers we have Roses;, Carnations, Calendulas, Daffodils and Freesias. We -eel, prepared soil 15c per pail ' delivered 'J , Cunr11gha e. Florist Phones 31 and 176w Prepare for the Syrup Season By having your sap pans and buckets ready. Order your pans now and be ' piepared.. Pans, Spilea and buckets always ou hand, T Martia-Senonr's Paints - Hardware and Plumbing siom ■ Hawkins 97r-8 Mice 244 Spring is Around the'Corner SO YOU WILL BE •T4IINKING OF HOUSE CLEANING We are well stocked with the celebrated Sherwin Williams Paints and Varnishes, Use Muresco for your walls and ceilings, it will, cover right over the old paiser: • All Kinds of Brushes, Cedar. Mops ;etc. Roller Skates, Kiddie, Cars and Wagons for the children to Our Furniture Stock was Never Better SO CALL AND SEE•US-1T WILL.PAY XOU Qur.stock is all new with latest designs in Bedroom, Diiiingroonr and Living room Furniture, Kitchen Cabinets and tables, We, have a splendid range of Baby Carriages inall the new e ors and styles. ' • W'+e are headquarters for Linoleuns, Oil Cloths, Oongoleum affil Linoleum rugs, all sizes and prices, also a good stock' of Carpet Rugs of different makes and sizes. COURTESY' AND) PROMPT DELIVERY Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo. THE STORES WPPH" A STOCK. Furniture Phone: 104 - • - Hardware 196 wimmeilonievier Eggs It is to your advantage to sell your eggs according to 'Domino Government Egg -grading Regulations Poultry We pay the highest market price for Live and dressed poul GUNN, LANGLOIS & Co., Limited Clinton, Ontario., It, W. WARD, Manager Write, phone or call at our Clinton office, Day phone '190 Night Phone 254 Social and Lecture IN THE METHODIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ' On Tuesday Evening,'March 24th Lunch in basement from 6 to 8, fol- lowed by lecture by Rev. R. Fulton Irwin,- Seaforth,, on. , , "Your Unruly Member. =-The Tongue" Admission—Including both lunch and lecture, 25c Everybody Come 98-1 Old Time Dance In the Clinton Knitting Co., Club rooms, Monday, March 23rd, 1925. Gents, 50c. Ladies please provide. 98-1 Euchre and Dance • Tlie Women s Bowling 'Club will give a euchre and dance in the rooms over the Batik of Montreal on Friday, evening, March 27th at 8 o'clock. Tickets, Otic. 97-2 Notice Persons owning or harboring must have same registered' and taxes paid at once. Dog tax payable at Tax Coll office.. i dint Present 1P1 FRIDAY, MARCH 27th IN BAIRD'S SCIIOOLHO The "Reglar Fellers'}, D Club of Stanley-.y✓ill;present,t edy "Mr, ' Bob" and other n consisting of choruses, solos, very )pretty drill by 'a number popular young ladies of the c. ity. Dont foil to see. this alio is positively: one the, best ev seated by "Reglag Fellers." • Admission 25e W.-0. Sinclair Frank M . Pl®U. h, ,, ,. \A Financial Furrow . 7X1 a ;. � '✓` ....„,i, , 's tit 9tr..r? .iii # � 214#itl { �l i M t� a ig •' fl!' A' J. ^• ate' ;: G VERY time a pen marks an entry in your .: bank book it is ploughing a financial now for ydu that will yield a money crop in the form of interest, . - Open a Savings Account at our nearest branch. anch. You can bank with. us by mail. On any matter of farm -finance consult with our manager as you would with a .friend. fie/ Bank Where Siliall Accounts Are Wekonie" BANK OF MONTREAL i:st,ablished : over I00years Total Assets in excess of 67oo,000,000 .4, ars: J. J; Ward of Woodstock has -been visiting Ire} .parents,'Mr.,and JMMirs..Joseph ;Wheatley of town, Miss lBessie, Morrith leaves'tomofrow to spend,. .a week with Toronto friends.;; Mrs, W. C. Brown, leaves tomorrow for Col)ingwood, where " she will Visit her brother, Mr. Ogle Cooper. Miss Belle Webster' and Mrs. Joseph 'Addison of . Brucefield visited friends: in London last week. Mr. Lorne Pepper of Stanley spent a few days in town with his grand- parents. Spring Flovvers and Plants Brighten your horiie and cheer your sick friends with floWers chosen from our attractive stook ' of - Cinerarias, Primulas, Hyacinths, Lillies,, Forget- me-nots,Primroses, Fountain Glass, etc. In Cul! Flowers we have Roses;, Carnations, Calendulas, Daffodils and Freesias. We -eel, prepared soil 15c per pail ' delivered 'J , Cunr11gha e. Florist Phones 31 and 176w Prepare for the Syrup Season By having your sap pans and buckets ready. Order your pans now and be ' piepared.. Pans, Spilea and buckets always ou hand, T Martia-Senonr's Paints - Hardware and Plumbing siom ■ Hawkins 97r-8 Mice 244 Spring is Around the'Corner SO YOU WILL BE •T4IINKING OF HOUSE CLEANING We are well stocked with the celebrated Sherwin Williams Paints and Varnishes, Use Muresco for your walls and ceilings, it will, cover right over the old paiser: • All Kinds of Brushes, Cedar. Mops ;etc. Roller Skates, Kiddie, Cars and Wagons for the children to Our Furniture Stock was Never Better SO CALL AND SEE•US-1T WILL.PAY XOU Qur.stock is all new with latest designs in Bedroom, Diiiingroonr and Living room Furniture, Kitchen Cabinets and tables, We, have a splendid range of Baby Carriages inall the new e ors and styles. ' • W'+e are headquarters for Linoleuns, Oil Cloths, Oongoleum affil Linoleum rugs, all sizes and prices, also a good stock' of Carpet Rugs of different makes and sizes. COURTESY' AND) PROMPT DELIVERY Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo. THE STORES WPPH" A STOCK. Furniture Phone: 104 - • - Hardware 196 wimmeilonievier Eggs It is to your advantage to sell your eggs according to 'Domino Government Egg -grading Regulations Poultry We pay the highest market price for Live and dressed poul GUNN, LANGLOIS & Co., Limited Clinton, Ontario., It, W. WARD, Manager Write, phone or call at our Clinton office, Day phone '190 Night Phone 254 Social and Lecture IN THE METHODIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ' On Tuesday Evening,'March 24th Lunch in basement from 6 to 8, fol- lowed by lecture by Rev. R. Fulton Irwin,- Seaforth,, on. , , "Your Unruly Member. =-The Tongue" Admission—Including both lunch and lecture, 25c Everybody Come 98-1 Old Time Dance In the Clinton Knitting Co., Club rooms, Monday, March 23rd, 1925. Gents, 50c. Ladies please provide. 98-1 Euchre and Dance • Tlie Women s Bowling 'Club will give a euchre and dance in the rooms over the Batik of Montreal on Friday, evening, March 27th at 8 o'clock. Tickets, Otic. 97-2 Notice Persons owning or harboring must have same registered' and taxes paid at once. Dog tax payable at Tax Coll office.. i dint Present 1P1 FRIDAY, MARCH 27th IN BAIRD'S SCIIOOLHO The "Reglar Fellers'}, D Club of Stanley-.y✓ill;present,t edy "Mr, ' Bob" and other n consisting of choruses, solos, very )pretty drill by 'a number popular young ladies of the c. ity. Dont foil to see. this alio is positively: one the, best ev seated by "Reglag Fellers." • Admission 25e W.-0. Sinclair Frank M