HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-03-19, Page 2CANADIAN,NATItiffAL AIM.*
eie nnOn eroof,
-Way used to inelte'
t :Manner, In,
•11 aSe-10°'
geneeal Banking Buainese transact,
ed, Notes 1./iseoutit,eil. Drafts leseed.
Interest Allowed on Depoette. Sale
Notee 'Purchased.
Notary Public Conveyancer.
Financial, Real Estate .and Fire '111-
eurenee Agent. Representing laeriee
insurance Companies, '
Dielsion court Office .Glinton.
Barrister, Solicitor,- Notary Public, Ste.
t •I-Iours:--1.3 0 to ,3.3 9 .P.na.,-7.30
to 9:06 Pan. Sundays, 12.80 to 1,39 pen:
,Other hours by appointment only.
Office mod Reeidence Vietorla at.
Office Hours --,-2 to -4, 7 to '8
Other hours by appointment.
rtnii ef Slihea , an 2.00'
an ed ealicee'tottinadinte addreneese
S.2.50 ' -to the •H.S. or other foreign
`countries. No paper discontinued
until all arreare are paid unlese
the option of the publisher. The
date .to which every subecription ie
maid is .denoted 1111the label.
Advertising Rates---traneleat _Advert
ti ing inc per count. line for, firet
intiertlea, Se for each subeennent
inserelen. ideaeliffg Connts 2 lines.
Small adveanieements, net tneexceed
one inch, each an "Wanted," "Loose,"
' "Strayede° etc:, inserted mace for
35e, seen .sulisequent ,ineeetton .15e
"Advertisements eent in without -in-
ions ,,§ to the 4numbei• of in-
sertions wanted wile run until order-
ed out and wilt be charged aceora.
ingly. Rates for display a.dvertising
niacin lutown On application. '
Conamnideations intended for puha--
cation must, as 0 'guarantee of good
epith; be accomennied by tho 'name of
the Writer. -
- 'Proprietor. Editor.
DR. 1-1. s:
1.20 3.315.001lice Ho,T1s0"„to 9.60 0.01
• Sundays ..1.00 to .,(1.0 p.m.
Otheghours by appointmeotj •
. • Phone e •
°Mee, 218W Heeidencee 2184
r Office arid"Residence:
Huron Street Clinton, Ont.
, Phone 69 .• •
(Formerly occupied -be the late. Dr.
• • ' a W. Theinipson).
Eyes Examined and 'Glasses Fitted.'
Dr. A Newton Brady. Balifield
,Graduate: Dublin ,Dniversity, Ireland:
Late .Extern Assistant 'Pilaster, *ro-
tunda Hospital for Women and Child,
Office at residence lately oecup1es1 by
Mrs. Pareppa.,
leours:-9 to 1:0 ,a.m. . 6 to a leare-
Sundae,e-1 tb'12' pan. . "
" Chlroeraetor
Of Wingleame will 'be at the Commerce
ial Inn,- Clinton, on Monday and
Thursday forenoonp eath week.
Diseases. of all kinds successfully
' "Yes, elle" he said. Ill.,IiPre beetle at lag tlie able 1
'sea,. :man and bo, Tor..,1t,Wentr'heur '1-"°t 010'see, k •
yearn.- That's a big slicenoufebflaelife- 1876, "litne .,weIfl
e ennenleideene-nel-,- •' Ji, lei , came. that
'lint it did not need ilia,1*1';',Il'ile•ttn1, Ile- there wan -a ' ShIPla ee a ii. the reefs.
Oran me that lig had event Melly' years ,I ,sliail never ..foiop k;:wea4lier a e
upon the sea. Hie feee 1. -v -ars' enough to had that day.. ' . thearraiia-'well aou
a . , . e t
-, tbe , ide of the ship, armed with
ell me that. Sun, wind, and raln"liad kleveneaW aolithing."Hke it atlYwhe 0 knives. What could they clb' against
beaten upon'it, and had left it rugged, else! .It fallen' out There, not iddreesi iiiieh ammliere, 'once the piyatee fairly
and furrowed, and" tanned, It was anut literally in, nheete, --1 reeno,nen ./ got sveard? ...many .a ‘ship haa, lieQii:
liontelY,-:. kind, weather-beaten . face; had to go -ashore' to leek' for sone live canteen in. teen way. But we hed,,geea
"that in ite, .every 'line cipoke of hardy .stook ,• with which to ,PI9v1°101-I-1the fortune on our :dee on tho Oncanion
exposure to nil the etoymy wintlentlacit ellifi.... Inoodav of water Were enlikh g when WO came across Cheep villians."
New. • ...-' t ; down from the hiYes.' 1 nem, much"interested
hills and cevering the • ,
. ,
Yes," I, replied, "twentyefou• yea.rsi "•rdedway to . Snell an , exteue that you <
ir ,
..couldn,t ,see the too,path-weieh wee as you say, 1008(10 a big Skeet nut on-nt., "We -were 'holding on our course at
-lifetime. You mile: have .. e. , i . --tlie ship ' n-1 nit" having lone - r y
rettY high -too, eI laid 'to- go had' to an at-erage Lanced:- bound for .Pokin,
1 t.IMil same ex: . , ,
p wit le . . 1 - t . st .. - where we neere,going- to take on board.
perience ,II1 TChtlY .ttnto,T ....- ........ 'thing, As snon 80. we 7(88(1 ehere was
.awela re'e hail .in.Y", .har°,1sir; but,: a ' snip on the reefe,',..beWeKele , We _rut a cergo of tea. Thene was hardly any
thanks to "Providence, I've , 1101110 out to the rennue, ' We Edited her te be
tlitough ,all right" , ,. . „.• -, k • a boat 'ea about fOur:ilionnand five hula
"In what Capacity were yolt at sea?" •
dyed tone, the eaptain had been tryl,
I. asked. < • ,,, . • • ing to cut off all din ,eol'IlerS 'on his
For fifteen years out of the twenty- wey out___,, - • ' • :, - .,, • ,. ,
fern' 1 ,was chief steWard<1. he ariswer" , aCut off what corner'e?". I asked 11).-'
.ed. "Previons to that 1 -was working •
neeentlye .. . ,
- Edison's Breakfast: .. my way up to thee eosition, I began '
He laughed.
t the ve • lowest rung of the ladder, ,, , • , ,. •
, Like so Many other hard thinkers, a 1Y „ . , ..,, ., That s. our way of , desciibing .a
Mr. Edison 'is "air 'aliSerit-iii,ladedntain, "and I'm •.prond, to. say' that ..I. if e_ver.„cinee .tedieltlpassage," neesaide
' ' ' '' " 'e n. e nen.'e,ae. sitiaped.baek till E became chief -et rey • oHe' had -been trying to make an ex -
and, as* might betexneeee 1 i • . , , , . , , • , , , . ,. , . . , ,,
Who 'often goes ..fer. enverai, days With flePe_ntree0te - . ' .. - - „en . . . - .. tamequeek,paesage, and. he had cut "One
"The duty" of 'the" nhief steveard is c' • too ii. any- end had run the ship
atmost no sleep, ie s, epseeasi y an, , . . .,, ,, duet .1 , . .... . _
, ' - - ,,pe• victualling elietshipe as I einderstaaa ?' ou the reefs When . we' reached her
soun'dly when, the chance -com•es.. e. e.s4id... . . , , . .,..... . . . .. , ,_ , .
TolloWing amensing • storY; whieheillus- I ' we .found she-war:Jolting under a tre-
, „nYe0,.. the whole, nitrden..nr that ..ae- niandrais' dwell. The noise' ehe made
traiteetheetenek 'Of..thes,e general .rg-'
pattment fiee's ember hisealao.eldera. , Be Wee terrific. eyee.eee,tae reefs. Were.
Maxliseitietald by Mr. p...A...Jones.th, bd..,§,
iat respentrible lea. -rat the provisions. coral, and the ship cruefied intmit as
lauelceon Mreerheiniaa' 'Aka- EaMon. ' '
in the .shiP, and has to see that there elle rolled. We tele.datoetug her off,
White' Edison.- was- experimeating
M a plentiful ' supply in stock. Every- but founa it impossible. aleewever, we
tireleaety- on his newly -invented idea
for, inoandesiCent eleetalc -Mghting he thing in thei directionie under WS
get the 'crew and peasengers off, and
superyision,, feom the buyng in of tee we Tan back 'ea hard ,esi.we Could tor
had been %Leaven:II nights 411 pucces-
. 'goods to the eerving up ee table. Of
. Jamaica, where 'we leaded'. the people
slon „and was althost•WarII Out. SO ,he
eaurse„ heelies a number of aesistents We had rescued. .Freine there we meat
entened one of the workrooms at four
to help him, ,I have.had feore twenty
, .: round to St.. Thonerie on. -same cable
a; clatek in ehe . inernieg-he had let•t
to thirty under me;. but „then 1 hava" worlt. A was found. that our cylinder
Matruetions•to:be.califell at nine, when
alviay,s been on the best ships." , wanted seeing to 80 we put into hart
breakfast Was to tie brought to hini-„
"From twenty to thirty!" I exclaim- bor at St. Thomas. We found that the
and was. soon locked In proeolma slum -
ed. "That certainly is rialarge num-
-e- storm -cone was up annorinclne that a
Menewhile .one of his, .cowerkere---- ber! What would, be the special,Work hurrieane was coining.. So we decided
Mr. Beelielor, I neleeveieeliad Mainged p,f these irien?" .to ride- it out in' the.frarbor. ' Our fires
' "Well, thene woold. be, say, four .
to shavn breakfait In thea same, rOOM
COOltS.. Then'there, would be. so •manY of the cylinders, So,We bad no choice.
had all been put out fore,the repairs
at Melt pasteight oieldek; antliwlieniie
state-yoom stewards, so many salotin.
name' in. and. sa web.° inventor peace- probably you have never exbertenced
telly *deg a much-needed rest lie ae- i.tewards, so Many bedroom stewarde, a hurricane in those -parts, sir?"
mid so many colored servants to Walt "Note
oidedto play a Jake on him. .So, learn- Beide I. "For the very .suflici-
ing from:Gm young Mare who broaght at table." . e , ent ' reason' ,tha;t I have never been
""Why, it's quite an. important de- .thereee, • .
Inn his .13.1eat ,1114 Edison's' blealiftest .
partmetit!" I sake.
woitld bee reedy ae nine, at wallah time "It is almost impossible to describe
"The hungry passengers would.
here tIlie.yourtig Man, woUld nowt *es it. Ilt is more like a whirlwind ,than
agree with thtit, sir," .1 4 'gin lied
-1- --P----, anything else.. , We. knew something
"boats," .13•acheflor leisurely proceeded
laughing; "and the hungry clew also."
.witlahis meal , an,d lead. the paper. e, about it, se we began to get ready
'I anald see .thet.my friend' was fair- _
At nine tepleekthe ageistent erutered without'any delay. .-There *an a lot
ly wound iia for tailtiag now, .sp I en:
to' avalren his. master, Abter a goad of shipping in ' the '•harlaia, and that
deeeored. to lead 'him -on. 'nide le
deal. .of'slialting earl pemenelling-a-for made it more dangerous. Why, 'I-
sicithin-g".nione inteaeating to liear tha.n-
Mr. Edison When he steeps aleepii lieve me, Sir, a hurricane ' In these
Ifeavily-the eallti man" got ,ap.aed .eat expertenceri of , life; in whateeer call- eiart s bangs' great, elipa together when
down to -the" talite to ,ewatt the ccitnialli ing they:may .haysienete ga ,
* ' ' tleered ' e„ ey.are nharbor, a smas ee
h." ' - I - lid - h them
'"Of course you have been ahrouah
pf his ,breakfait, wheel' ' tem .youllia de- --- up like so Many teiye, uniest they take
the Suez Canal many a.time?". I said.,
clared wOs ,ott the, way, Pt 600k a few extra precantione, ,I remember there
mine:tea' hewever, and during th,e in-. ."r waa oa.the was. an American schoorier lying un-
"Itathee!" he replied.,
third Biala tbat. paseed, through after
terval, the. arventor wee, Me seeepy that . der the clife'-as pretty and taut a
the canal was opened.. As you know, craft as"eyet few. I had 'e; chat with
lee'dozed oft again. Then when eit .
It was' at first so' narrow that ships. i
ee kave to heave-to.While another paeries. the .capfain, and I made the retuark.
finality .did arrive. Beichelor quietly ap-
t 11 that he would. have to make
promelated 1,6.a:11(1 -put in its place ene, _' , , o 1 m .
There are mooring posts. at •the eide himself secure if he wanted to save
Lor them to .niake fast to on those en- his ship. He threw las head beck, and.
'easions: Yoa 'coeld emost elialee laughed% ' • ' '
hands from one ship .to. another.' as - " 'Whys' said' he, 'my ship eould ride
70.11, lale'ea.' - , . ' out 'anything' that ilres,n" pants coOld
"1 breve heard that the Red Sea is a , • r '
Me itee„ .
"it Stanek nte that he had never seen
very. dangeroue,". I said'. "Is that a .
Q11°;3:1;17Abc,--,a9 4-.91!%
ei 10,0,1 tee otietieett uiletellFheeugleue .
Wye coneenti.atea,
a,.SVALTER idl. eXtrnet 61;136*# S IfIlanthie Modielliiil .
HiggetrOns at the: end of,
,. 1.:".:oi .".
n., -
D" ti I S 'Thil 1r :data5ies,ej: :i Y irtdItty4,: "0 71, ,y(la- tha°s pl eat:7f
naaa,6 sarsaparilla le a :wonderful
, .. - ....
, MI14'0.110 v no nnopesj
nem elnIzAng... ithese aiay xoaid haw,. WITI-I PI rcH..
tonic- medicine for the 'Mood, etaine
thernBOIVeri' An to their , victiiii, and
ach, liver and kidneys, prompt in
before the. crew of the ,rnerchantmen
knewwhat Wahappening, these feeiying relief. It in pleaaant totake
, s l-
e e-
IONC''S -would be swarming in scores OP Supply of 'AS-IIhal1 IS --,il" mazl 'thrill at agreeable to the otornach, give e
hallSaible—Filleeceers l'new life. Why not try It?
„ .
Conveyancer, Notary commis.
_ stoner, etc. II
West- Wawanosli Mutual Fire
Insurance o.,
Established 1878.
President, Sohn A. McKenzie, Kincar-
dine; Vice -President, Be L. Salkeld,
Goderich; Secretary, Thos, G. Alle.n,
Dungannon. Total Amount of Mem,
:Ince nearly $12,000,000. In ten' years
number ot policies have increased
Own 2,700 to 4,500. Flat rate of $2
per' $1000. Cash en hand $264000. .
te. L. Salkeld - Gorigaich, Ont.
Wes. Stevens,. Clinton, Local Agent.
GEORGE F1.1 ion
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron. -
Oorrespencience proniptly answered.
Iminediate arrangeniente Mt be made
,far Sales Date at. The News -Record;
Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. •
' Charges Moderato and Satisfaction
• Guaranteea, -
Clinton, Ont.
`General Fire and Life Ineurance. Agent
for Ilarttorcl Windeforme Lave 'Stock,
Antomobile ana Sickhess and Accident
Insurance. Huron and Erie and Cana-
da Treat Bonds. Appointments made
to meet perties at liruceffela, Vara
'andBayfield. 'Phane 57,.
Again at Night, nig its hfstory the, 01.30000 ittiCI over-
'1"he 'pavements of . city streets evy flowed' its Manke and made Its way to
to the clop of. horses' hoof's 'Med "the' the sea near La Brea. Nove the wo.rld'a-
whir of automobile tires, "Triniclail,” eupply Is- shipeed from grightorn
in tribute to the island's asphalt ,de- wbieli fairly reeks of it§ ,tock in. trade.
pcisite; -Radio and telephone WirOS re- ASpiralt boUlders sticlt up out of • the
voberate the refrain. Even the ii<alls 3and along the eliore like MYsierlelle
of houses' elint Out these sounds, as black sea worms, the piles of -the piers
'peffe, bat our, ship, be ng a stei me ,
wind wowing; exeept for ,eoossionol tber southern Caribbean. "black. children of the island nlay with
weii as the cold, with the world -fa- are caked with pitch; the Pavements '
moue 'product. of Ole emerald 'island of ale at the same material, and the
fbe most eoutherly • island of- tha dalls swhone little black faces and
was of course independent 0..winde. West Indies and Hie largest of the bodies are niadeiot pitch.
Iilritish Islands in the Caribbean with
the exception of Jamaica, lying Beal'
the Venezuela coast, Trinidad shire$
3,early large quantities of "asphalt and
, • •
Supply Seems Inexhaustible.
We were sfeamine along 11,11,013 we
eahgut sight of a Chinese craft dodging
about in front of us, as though she
Were trying to catch. the occasional
puffs of breeze. ,As far as we could
she, there onny seemed to be three or
four men Aboard. As we mune within
hailing didiance of leer, a'conPle of her
men 'called out to US. FrOal -what we
could make out, they were' asking us
to give -them a tow, as the efincl was
BO law that they couldn't make head -
Columbus Saw Leland Peaks. '
The island is really a beautiful re-
sort, its 'made are excellent; and it is
essy to reach from the Venezuela
ehore, its green trees towering on the
skyline from far out, at sea. On his
When Sir Walter Raleigh stopped third voyage Columbus saw its three
011 the elneres. of Trinidad to 'pay' his maantain 'W11 101' gave it its
veseels earth plieli from the famous atkal", rise of the sea on July 31,
'lake,' he Beni there Warr enough of .At the foot of these' hills clusn -
the substance for all thevessels of the tore the groan of buildings wIlich
forms the capital MIA Port of Spain,
.rather nondescript modern town
which hatc_geown 'up on the charred
ruins et thh old Spa.nish city.
Though the island has been British
since 1797, it is as polyglot thg Zanzi-
bar; ' Negroes, mulattoes, French,
Spaniards, Venezuelans, Chinese,.East
Indians, Tomlin, Americans and Eng-.
ilitsehbeloielteenrielen its streets or hang ovee
0 -
Colne to Me; Gentle Sleep.
Come to me, g:entle Sleep!
told does not deserve its reputation. e see Nee for thee
A man who conteinplated suicide in
aboveelfie knees: Come wide thY Wells, the. soft, the
Its bleak depths, would die of starve,.
thin „before the ooze dragged him in • And set ineaspirliafreei
Thee sensation .produced by walking
over its surface is. mueli like that of
treading upon some great beast whoee
flesh gives beneath the feet --it is soft,
blood -warm, and the wrinkles over its 0 gentile, gentle Sleep!
surfale in the blinding lightwtothf thlt
sun seem to rise and fall Come with thane urn of dew,
Sleep, gentle Sleep! Yet bring
breathing and theavaater which:gathers leIo voice,,love's yearnipg to renew,
world for centuries to come, and even
way. I ought to state that we were the demand which -modern civilizatton
pedfectly defenseless, not having a has mut upon the supply hag. scarcely
single gun on heard. While 17e were changed tho truth OE hie statement.
parleying with them we were all the About a mile from -the shore, near
time drawing nearer. It was just, La Byea, the peculiar phenomenon,
about then that -I came on deck. I had Which has been variously termed an
seemed liarmlese enough. All of e
- Dente known of it existence, it prob.
'Stygian pool,' and e'elie
a look at her, nut somehow I alida't "memo," a
care for 'Me:appearance, although she fountain of Etyx," Is located. Had
sudden, as wo were drawing' almost ably would liaVe rierved ;to etimulate
wetaie range of a cable's:throw • Our his amaginatitet to sta.fl more fantastic
captalhe stared hard at her. ffigets. However, the lake about -Web.
" 'Take her in tow, eh?' Said he. 'Not 90 many interesting. adios have been
if 1 -know Ai .A11 steam ahead there!'
"The order was passed below, and
betore hardly realized' whet Was
happening, our ship was forging ahead
at her top espeed. ‚Then" the Chinamen
allowed what:. they were up to. Some
of them suddenly appeared, wliom we
hadn't seen before, and they began in
a great hurry to throw out their grap-
pling hoolee at us. They Missed, and
miased again, and before they could
make any further attempts we were
out of their reacb. You'see they coiled
not".purtee" us, because' there was no
wind to help theni. If they had caught
on to lie they Would have Crowded up
our Mae, armed to the -teeth. But for-
tunately,. oer captain was too -old a
'bird' for theme The difficeity was that
one Amid never tell until they began
their °Deletions whether they were
piarttes or not that one had tia do with,
because Gime are many peaceful craft
of exactly 'the 'same.. appearanee sail-
'ing the seas. But there was no doubt
about that lot, and it 'Was a close shave
.for up," ,
I next got my 'friend to talk about
sharks, and he told me some mast in-
teresting 'facts about them; how, for
instance, it is the ground -sharks wIrich.
are 'often responsible for the total els-
apaaarence of a Man who Inas . failen
overboard in harbor, or at anchor off
the coast.; and how they rise from
theit lair at the bottom whenever they
see any ,object 'in the clear water•
above, and drag their arey down, dewn
into the depths below. Be also told
me a fact that shOws what tremendoue
strength these creatures have.
"Why," said he, "when you harpoon
one and give lain the windlass line, he
races out with it anti] the handle goes
round with. a whirr that makes aou
The- McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, janaes Connolly,. Goderich;
Vice, James Evans, Beethefood; See,
Treasurer, Thos, E. Rape, Seaforth.
Directors; George McCartney, Sea -
forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; I. G.
Grieve, Walton; Wm.-Ring,.Seaterth;
m, meEwen, Clinton; Itobert Ferries,
Ilarlook; John-Benneweir, Brodhagen;
Jas. Connolly, Goderich.
Agentee Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W.
Teo, Goderich; Ed. HincaraY, Sea -
forte; W. Cheehey, Egmondville; IL
G, Sarmuth, 13rodhagen.
Any money to be paid in may be
paid to Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton,
or tit Cutt's Grocery, Godelich.
Parties desiring to affect Insurance
or transact- other business will be
promptlx attended to on application to
any of the above offleere addressed tb
"their respective poet office. Losses
...inspected by the Director who lives
nearest the scene,
debris: ot his own- meal. A.' moment
later. Edison, awoke, gazed at the erag-
meats before him, looked into the
empty cup, ilhaught a moment, and
then, taking o.utn,cigar, it and pro.
eeeded to enjoy his- usual aftermeal
smoke, quite content in the beltet that
Ise bad eaten his breakfast and•forgot.
ten aill.ebout •
When his coworket enlightened him
lie grinned and merely remaxiced,
"Well, that;s. one on tne"-a favorite
expreseion of his. Then he pro -000d -
ed to do good justice to a stilestitnelel
meal. He afterwards declared that,
though it never oecurred to aim that
-he hadn't eaten anything, he certainly
had an thward feeling th.at he could.
hhve done wibh anather breakfast, .
Trains will arrive at and deriart from
. Clinton as follows: „
Buffal6 and Godericit Div.
Going- East, depart - 6.25 a.m,
2.52 p.m.
.Going West, ar. 11.10 a.m.
are,6.03 clp. 6.51 p.m.
London, Huron Bruce Div.
Going Gouth; ar. 7.56 ' dp. 7.56 'a.m.
-4.15 pan.
Going North, depart , 6.50 MM.
11.05 .11.13 0.10,
The man who does 'nothing does
fadt?" ' a hurriemne in hareem, or a would hat
' "Yes. It is due, to the currents in have talked in that cocksure way. The
that part. Numbers' of ships heed aext few hours taught hint his lesson,
beep !oat in the Red Sea." . • ' poot Man.: It was neve getting dart,
"What i,s the most exciting eaPeri- and all oer preparations were nearly
mice that you have ever had?" I asked, complete. We bad two *ambers down
He pentierea for- a moment, with cables, and sixgrapplings wieh
"Well, I should say the -most excita wire Topingen addition to that we
ing experience ,was, a „tornado evlite.,11• heel some kedge anchors fast, No
came upon us wliile we were lying al I sooner were eve ready than the storm
harbor at St. Thomas, in the West In- , broke over us. '
dies." ' 1 "I've been in many a appall,. but I
"Tellme about it," I said. ' i never exPerienced• anything like tati,t
"It was this way. I wee at that time ; tornado. . The rain came down in
on a boat that WaS erigaged in repair- rtheets, and the wind banged on us like
. .
. claps of thunder. , There was high
..., land all around end the wind canal
Boys and Girls
whirling down Into tae earlier with
.terrible force. At tho-same time the
darkrie.as fell upon is, and it Was each
vessel for itself, Theanemory or that
tight will be with me as _long ai I live.
The surface df the water in the har-
bor "was litre a caaldron-anot 11111805
or sw.elling like thd waves of the sea,
but all seething and shaking. like
watee in a boiling pot. And the windi-
"Granted!"' said Ximenia, g Why, we couldn't show our face on
XIMENIA. ',the poop, If we hadalt would have
birthday. „Theerious• , e a ent as, Over like shuttle -ceche. The
It Was Gracie's 'eighth bir
Her mother had made a wonderful a,' -Pe.- ateaie,*"I want my, s.
relativee and -to be aap l g 0 ne ga seen tun er o
frosted cake : jest ,ae Gracie; with,exe „a , . , •. . P • I the sea auteel ' an 1 tre craslinlg ' 1
. terantedV- again replied the fairy.. ' I. e' • ' ' . ' °
pedant eyes, 'as about to cut a piece,
"Now for your third and last." 6 I ...rn er6 as ae ships enge ege 6 ,
"Che mothee, I want to give this to , , . • , al., added te the -Ilar'IChesS of the night. Pernormed dieeections keen a,nimels.
she stopp'ed. . ' . "I 'want a lovely doll, that I can
Au e _ . • ways Keep, and that will talk and, telli emraihd:1,,tti, soonuer Wybeiscsh;i1s,nt:etnie-b•aiseidlY aq,ensfi ia,FIgle,:ye.ic;a18,,,i,'1,17;,64.,„ tthltt,0111,1,1).1,0,,elioow3 aosf
nt Judy!" , .
-As. 3011_ Ple;EISO,P said .4a.-1.,.,. _mother, TPeeeiw,s1.1.,..,eilsl Iboakk,ko,lixle'edloV. iit,°;,.d.°„dwa'kic"°.,11.,,e--g%.:',e)-e,e; beencied like -sealer 'lei!). g• thilletiMaer Man 'a-blia; 11sod:ilialiiigali 2.41{1. black' a..‘
"and you shall soon have another." ..,, ' a.., ..1 , 5h, a „e. --; . imeeeeaa` the force of the' gaits; bull 1101- cables leile-awalch were regarded as related
h t 3f041 yeep.arte.`daea;',Ihela firm, and she rode oat he storm toa(bat mot identical with) tee/four
Mrs. IVIiller put on .Gineie's hat and Val'ilel '''Y'11 oOlt11:117itriin
she tripped' 'off. ' ' ' " g ' • g
• • but you' can never seeeina micept when.:.until the morning. ' - elein,ents-itte..air, eerie, and aertee--
, „ ,
Hey Way led .through a Cool' stretch' • •eveee they"When the ' day ,beoke siee saw a being eepposea. to have Characters
of Wooda arid 0110 had 'hardly Atered Your eyes are -1 shut'
I will always vanish "' ' 'I scene -which' be t- anything1 • eintile • to th se
. a evei e .rte e .. •,
them when she ea -tight the yellow , . • - .lookeil on The harbor was 0008 1011 Then to, liFe Co to fire ' Were attra
, , . , . All Gracie's wishes came out just , ' ' ' 1 "' ' ' ' '-
gleant of something llung among the as -tha goad:, little fairy .. premised 1.witn . wreciregereeso thickly, hi faet„ bitted" the pnoperties of ..h,o.ent arid dry-
leaves et filten feting a •massiVa oak. - - --- e-- . ' that"- yon 4001 . haidix 1.0•W a boat liens • in blood mail . aitrettneee of heat ;
- e When Gracie lay dewn to 'rest at - . e - . ' .• a , • a e - , e ---- ,
What a funny finwer!" she 'ex- • - , se. .. - - • • , ashore. The American 5111p, whose ht11(1 moletnees; and finally elaeibi bile, i e
claimed, running forward to pick A • a ' ,, • ' ... ' • captain had -been so confident evae no- b:lre earth, Wee .saidio-lis eold an,d clry. I
'algae tamenia srmod upon he, and'
whts erect that she had been a good ' . ''
9P. ' , 'girl; ore if she had foreotten herself , where to be eeen. She had been Galen supeioseditaeml, an alteeateon iu 1 '
a I)
But, ea! It was a golden egg! . so.,far as 10 lose ,her teineper „iia sio,eak' smashed like a. ceckshell, early in the the due prepareion et, Leese humours
hand' than the egg cracited;: tine a- the fa. .
iry doll looked playmates, then ' night, ` aatiaell her, grew' • were lost. gayeTese to dismase, though ae did not
sad, ' na 1 . dl -Several other ships- liad been 1151110. consider tide' to be ite .only cause.
wa„e.ileought, inigint'iret
She . had fio sooner taken it in her'-
. • cross "words -to her
beautiful littleatairy„. droppeclalike. a reproved ii -en. e un., YeA Dan 11 barque which haa been ly- Tints eannere it
-feather to the'greutal.• Ghe.wee'Wery Grade often opened h,i, e a, . ..i: I Ing there 'had only ,sp,ved leherself by ,su',<t from aff excess' of black bile, and
pi nun.
tiny, but . l'ie wenaering Gracie saw ly in the hope efeatehii.,' . Y s 'a's '7- eutting 'down all. her Masts-. Nearly rhenniatiainfrom en, excese of I 1
r„, sight of Iner.1 .
all the jetties- aroand Lite harbor bad He I %larded old' age as roe -lilting
her mapana and grey., Iola a few mine Sometiines she thought she I ard"the
fetes, until she was as large as a snne rust.inn, of the •d,,,,.. i d le 1 f beep sv;ept away by the-wied, Aefloat- 1r0111, a dilnlilirtion of the Ilene end
flowee. Site had tine. quaintest, oddest '` 4,''' . • . a 1,..ca ' 1.11.1erY 0 ing dry 4 clack had also been ,sunknAnd, 'nenteens elements.' lIenee, the neees
hes.diess, but she al, 113' out . &tea ' t ll el' ' I, a ` '.E1 " ' 't f 1 -co '. n 11: . ' 1 ' ' ' 11
"face with idle blaclecyen -la pat s. - f . eight - - ( in a i ion• o a lie a ongue 0 end. SR Y 0 ,.... ping 0 ,) peep 5 wenn .an.
ed lace' beads. ... .1 A le ed the . • i which ran out into :Ile eie.a.3-11.entlino eecl ,.g.i:tring thel_n. Itotli,cLuitte:12, consume
You tiaVel'hrnleen the spell' oe'en- ''' e Y ' eeaes 'R ll'e s Pew entice 08
_ . , • fewee when Xienenia looked sad 'until, a '
chantment-my young frieral," said 101 . , 1 'nut ieto, by the gale 'and a piece of it ' Eieot Training Place
., at last she .alevaea -wore a beaming . - • ' ' - 1
e, an( ar ne mg; u ,n.c Wet S ' ',,
b "t" I." . 1 .d CarrTd awaY." • " 'Fee Old-fa,0110110r1 ,t10.1110. eald a. re-
fatrY- "MI' mini° is Xi°e'?id, and. a mitt' I ,11 I tli1 -
stand clear of. it in double -clutch time; ,
and / haveeelenown„necaelons, when we though about 100,000 tons of asphalt
are being taken fi•oni the. lake each
portant part in the occultism and lays-
thusins. pf the Middle Ages. They were
litive.'gati them aboard, •ivhen the flap-
ping ef their tails leas. actuelly made
the yeesel. shake from etem to etern."
In fact he`told, me many interesting
episodes in his tong career, and a part-
ed front hint More firmly convinced
tban ever of what I said' before-
naruely, that there Is nothieg more
interesting to listen to than actual ex-
perience, in whatever path Or life -they
eoine 'from.
Bach lonely, burning thought
In twilight langour ateep--
Come to the fen h,eart long o'er -
wrought, .
in the furrows suggests that the ani-
mal is petspiring.
It is Mid that the area of the pitch -
bearing lake is 110 acres and 1100 00
knows how deep it is. There Is an
almett uncanny feature Connected
with the removal of the asphalt front
the area. Rails, and sleepers have
been built out -into the lake and each
clay the laborers deg up chunks of the
pitch, which heeaa off with dry, blue-
fractares, and thiow them
into' a ear which runs on rails. Bach
day they make -a trough along the
sides +et the track with their picks and
when they return' the next morning
No•visien on thy wing!
Cortne, as to folding 0ewees,
To birds In forests deep --
Long dark, and dreamless be thine
genera, gentle Sleep!
Earliest Cross-WordPuzzles.
The editor a an American diction-
ary declares thataoraething very shill,
lar to cross -wore wuzzles took up much
of the tarie cif the MMus and Chinese
1,000 yeara,a3.0.
the trough is filled again level and The Indians who lived in America
solid for them to , dig up- beeore the arrivel of the whites used
that is never finiehed. furr°w to play a -crisscross, guzzle with grains
Scar's "Heal,' by Night. aaja.:°ar,jigue,acth' marked vvith some In-
s eLenite never
BteurpnemegenBentena,tehned 1111E4 prIetn.ohIst ,puzzle'
ewsrthheithtg esebe ,AIhnideiratee:
the daughters nf Demure who had•to from Asia, when there WaS a sitretek
catch water in a sieve, the men never 01 15011 all the way.
See the reaults of their. labors. At j "Tbe arose -weed ,puzzle ot the are -
night a great gully runs across the sent is evolved by combining the
horizon, and at dawn the surface is anagram, the acrostic, the rebus, and
lever again. so oni, with anctent magic squares,"
al -
the bpoluttcheysveerrYillotehvis'eaupd4tYhBe' rha°11wsevaend ittheed etdeitehoressha,yhsh. d"tIst plat, stele; closely i !eel;
the sleepers and they must be ratsed , term. of that game.
and readjusted on the surface. Al. i "The magic aquaree played an Ina
Father of Medicine'.
The foundations of medieal science
were laid in the eanly part of the first
eentory by Claudine, Galin.
w.es born at Peraninne, in Asia
Minor. Ile spent some years at Alex-
andria, and latex went 1.0 Home, where
he wrote a work on anaeolny and even
year, the little track need never be known to Hindus and Chinese, how -
Moved; the pitch comes to the real- ever,. before theiChristian era, and
waYa. ' I were intirodueed into Euroae in the 01 -
The subtle movenaents of tiffs queeer teentit century."
pool have produced some "spooky" ea .
fects-islanas wander like lonely
ghosts Irani shore to shore; sometimes
a tree trunk ticks up out of the surface
like the, arm elothed in white samite
Whieh bore "Excalibur," points its
weaning' finger and again is drawn '
back into the Cimmerian dentin!.
One writer has estimated thaf at 811
least 10,000,000 tone of the mixture
b,ave been -churned into asphalt by gas . Ye Olde Village Pump.
during the ages in Pitch Lake, which "Oh, shucks, the punip's frozen up
ie known es Devtl's Cauldron among again!"
the liativeS. About 4,000,000 tons have
already been removed, and by 1920 the The spirit of fair play Always lea:11
sure/tee of the lake had fallen fifteen a contestant to recognize his opporn
feet belowite formai. level. Once dur. ent's .skill.
feared:0g ,
,ialarevit. „elite
A er, 11-ft9iNSV,,,
wielced old witch who was "jealoun of •
" • , ' - e to say to the little girl 4 - k 100
- ' ' ' , cent speaker, 9515) 580 all inodern
Illy- ea, Y 4h,c • 1000 k,ri °age the ° ler" One dae-e6r, rather, eone eieight--, a . til'E 'I.-1 9 '.''' s'9939" ` sehooLt, for the 510501' 1118101)1(1 of the
'elves, doonied me to live in this egg wean Gradaa,•./ay upon hnr, .hed, with , i, I've had' P. few In my time," lie yo,,g. /Tome seamea.ae.e..pleee ameee
. de, a kind. deed, ahould pick lite upl ,
-° 'leer eyes shut, .11e, eaw the'l'i,ri ,y. .y. l'cl'ijea. "I flad a., l'arrow c'eb-11° f'ern "the tileiltee has•a rival in home games
until apme little girl, on leer way +
" /a, Nov,• ai. wi.ll rop
by gsaantins,laig Yuee.inpe t -o , 'rin. aimc'ee,,
aarc' •sh. e "
'. a.id i -10' 70 '01(1 . ,'aTt'ja''"Y,aC1 C'r''e.--1 iv,.'
'' 1 -at t
amnud. sleius eacv_omy.p_at_..on_. ia-u/e.- . sifl.I.iDoiup'
n; d_v
.w' h''
ere the
ye-nttfree winlice" - euadiari dol . 110180 that'" a°we 11100radio narhs hoirlbut"tet to the can
Gacie bet hey beauteoue bedq have oftn thou -ht ouIAA ennn, tt was In the Cane 5ea9.11 elusion of namjnser5-tellill0eldilg
her faibrow was eyrinkled tvitli 7111) (11 even't you watei.s ecre ifesed 331t11 51) ale ed convarationbaiil eheic good
GreatTraveiers_ tlioieli.foa momet. " , that time. , '111ey generally crtised .
Ply new felenes are gret travelTl„isli to be n 0tglr"1slisideabout fn 0110 11 10WilYjlg erlfL __'
eerily exelaimed. "What is it?''. • .• lilte feluccas. ' Alicl.ehey eo0001)1eall, . . ''' '''• ''''''' .
"1 understand Lhey never ;pay renen, . '0) 0)331 laiaahed ei'ii,h a 00.1)101 13(0 "Conscience," was tiro eoft. enswer; te0! la a`-iieediareee th2Y W011id 11111 ' 'jakiei"- 'aid ISaae8 . t° 1°' '11 1e1a
, . A, 'f • ,Able Conch "
____....e,,,._, _ rippling evi,tei, and said: . and then Gnacie-limew that eae0710'!)y 'one it steanier hard in those days, I can
Jacons, "what dees'13,,S, V, 5mean?
Loss tha'A /ifty years ago a eltild Y011 arO a good girl aIrendy; ti w
y in tille 01 01 Cattld have such a ‘i i 'tell you - Titer°. weren't.sucli ein ,- It is oil 1 wedding invite l',en
of nine was condemned toclea.th for -zgein," ant fairy whispering weeds of appro- an the seee len 1(9ei I -et
stealieg paint to the value ,on two- . "Well," said 01-0010,."I want,' to init.1011 in kit; eats, if ho, would only .ane, it was 0 .case of heaven liele the, "Vellnnrep,lied Salto, "in meauti bring
grow tip to be a 'good woman!' think, and spealz, and actl right. Bror.,- that they got hold of, ter 'they l'eal 01100117"-d,"tilig 13)011311,'-
.. .. ,
thereasn't a member of the family need suffer from indigestion, sick
heaclachesebiliousness, fermented stomach, etc., if he or she will Lake
Chamberlam'e Stornaeh and Liver, Tablets. They cleanse the stomach
and bowels and stimulate the liver Mehealehy activity and tone tip the
_whole systern. .Takeene et night and you're RIGHT in the morning.
ell tiruggiitts 21, or h Insilfrro Chninbr18in Medicine, Cernpany, Toronto. 16
ucceaatbn e usts:
'What these men have done, siu tan do In y. oar spare time
Road nolo Amtwint
Stories of Sacco.
at home you can easily master thseeereta of selling that make
Star Salesmen. Whatever your experience has been—whatever
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Just antaver this Mutation: Are yon ambitious to earn 810,000 it
Year T. Then, got in touch with too n't °nee! I will prove to y-ou
without coat or obligation that you cam vain? beteme:n Sino
Solosman. .1 will Wow 3:ou how the SelestunnshiP Traltlthr
rnipnloyerliiiiefillo,tService of the It). S, T. A. will help 300119 Va
$10 00.0 A Year Selling Secrets
Thu 0,0111 01 Stu, SMernyouihip as te.ht Ity 1)05. ttr 1. Av
etaenrae boloewrd vLdootho
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al 00,)) )Uy or blnd-000 jobs hat leetmovhreleo matter what yo
(10(0l1 tho field of rellir pta( you o,
u rutoru. Ga,tho tat.
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Conadion Mgr. BON 362