The Clinton News Record, 1925-03-19, Page 1ni• , WITH WHICH /5 INCORPORATED THE CLINTON NEW ERA. r'llee"er .1s 4;1 • , FW[/CFA 1:02:5 , Trtie Ye: OMz.7;PAFER -8011 IN PHZiS AT l'HE tN1UP1 SPEIING SHOW OF TIIE LOCAL MARIETS. Butter, 30'c to 33e. ; •°.0 ; Oats, 50c Wheat, $1.85. Et•gs,- 22e to 280. ' Ba.xley, 70c to 80c. Live I-Iogs, $I2.50.to $13 50.. Buckwheat, 75c. 611116 pectacies find "dile Slases of 2dierit at 9riee6 „ ,Unequalled $150 PER PAIR EOM SPECTA'CI,ES with white metal white frames . • and large round lenses. $11 AA" AND UP FOR DARK', SHELL FRAMES with ineniseus amt., lenses. ' . • ' The Above are Special:Value Until April -.--Get Your Pair Now , Jpecial Jale of 210,1'.0 Wateheg - All reliable movethents and 'fully guaranteed.by Y.• r . <TENVELR and OPTOMETRIST Phone 174w '• , s • • „ • Residence 174j "My Wife Handles the Ailoney' .'111111 . • ' . The wife _deposits In a joint acconnt _For the children,too • , .otkij, I 1 —so a business Man writes tis. "She can do it bete? than L 11, Each pay day she always de- posits otir savings'. 'first. We never buy anything Unless we have the cash to pay for it and. each year pur savings are growing." A Joint Account in the name of husband aqd wife 'ellowe the Wife to deposit or withdraw money during her husband's absence or when he catingt .get to the balk during business hours. • • A Savings Account for the children vill teacii them the value of keeping theie money, thus helping them to form the habit of saving. The 9 •„:::'1 Bank 4,41- c)f" C Clinton Branch - R. E. Manning, Manager Our Nfotto For Every r\k-\11 LI lVIan The Very Suit °LI,• t is ere Otir 'steels „is. so .complete in assortment of styles ,,and Tatiges- of , rained that no matter -what ''stYle,l'.of o sn'it, you haveein mind os what niece you:Want-to Tay' you are almost certate tb find it here. M $30 OC) and $351)0 .!) - ° , style and quality, we offer for his most critical inspectitm our •display of hand -tailored suits at $30.00 and $35.00. • At $16.50 to 25.00 "Por th,e young man we have chosen the new ideas iri Style. We carefully, 'selected fabrics so every Snit w,ould giveesatiseactory ,ser- . • vise. • Priced according to qualtty from' $16.50 te-325.0tee" ' At $15 00to $351)0 For the -Conservative Dresser we have:a big display of Tweeds,: and Blue ,and Grey Serges in two and three, button models, at $15.00 • • .' SPECIAL At $22.50 to 25.00 Suit and extra trouSeliss for Men and Young Men in a good range of paterns and,sfyles• at $22.50 to $25.00. THE 1111011111511 I:11.0'1111NC CO , 1 IDEATH OF MRS. J. JOHNSTON. 1 ' The death occurfed , yesterday of Mrs. John Johnston of town, formerly of Stan ey,' The -funeral takes place Saturday, afternoon from her late residence, Isaac street, to Hayfield cemetery. Service cominences at half past one o'clock. A fi41„. notice will be made next week. AMONG THE CII4URCIIES, • " A meeting of the continuing Pres- byterians of Willis church .was held hi the council chamber on Friday ev- ening last. About seventy-five were present and a branch of ,the Presby- terian , Church. Association ''''l was ;formed. A spirit of -determination Ao carry on was much iiVevidence. • - II 11 1i Ir• • Rev. J. W„ Hedley of Victoria street churcb,,Goclerich, has beep invited to, become pastor of.. the Amherstburg Methodist church. Rev. M. J. Wilson, the Amherstburg, pester, is .retiring because of ill-Ifealth. il It If 11 1. First Presbyterian church, Sea. forth, has voted to remain.6.,out of union, :the Vote being 220.against and 91 for entry into union. There was one spoiled bailee. - • Ontario Street Chureh- . Morning daises at ten "o'cloak. „ e, The Sunday school anniversary will be •obdetved on Sunday when the Rev, Dr. Dobson, principal. of Aline. Col- lege, St.• Thoma, will preach morning and evening: and will also address the school in the afternoon. ' Salvation. Army -.se 111 a.m., Direetery class for child- ren. 11 a,m1., Holiness meeting. 3 Sunday schobl. '7:30 p.m., Salvation meeting. t. Tuesday at 4:30 p.m., Band of Love for 'children. 7:30, p.m., Young Pea: plels Legion; 8 paneSoldiers' meet- ing.'-, •-• ' • This coming Friday'e cottiige meet- ing will be held at Mr. R. Cook's home. All welcome. . St. Paul's Chimeh .. The twilight 0:gen reeitels given in the chuifelf on Friday aftetnoone are becoming more popular, Last Fris day the organ numbers were given ,,by Mrs. IVIeMutchie and the vocal solos by IVIiss Annie \Stewart, both �z whom acquitted themselves in their usual finished manner. Tomorrow af- ternoon the organ number e will De; 'played by Mesdaines Agnew,-FremlIn and•MeMurehie: is hoped that Mr. Morgan Agnew and Mr. Steele wille noetribute instruinental' and vocal -numbers respectively. - The regular week -night servite will be held in the church tomorrbw 7:30 pan. • Weslek Church ' 13rotherhood meetingat ten o'clisek. An Address will be given by Mr. S. B. Stothers. The pastor's subjects will be, morn- ing: "God's Confidence in Man." Ev- ening: "Self -encouragement." On Sunda ir last very .successful an- niversary services were held in this church. Good -congregation were present at each service, the churen being taxed to its capacity in the ev- ening when the $ervice.of the Ontario street chureh Was withdrawn and the members came down in large mune bers. The Rev. W. E. Donnelly of Exeter was the preacher and both morning and evening he delivered aloqulant and tholight-provolting ser- mons. The church 'choir, led by Mr. Doherty and assieea by MSS Mary Stewart and Miss Pollock; led the service of song and their efforts wore much appreciated. Besides the,art- thems a quihtette was given in the morning, mid it ,quaetette in the even- ing and Miss Pella& rendered a oolo in -the morning and Miss Stewart sang in the evening. The special of- fering 'amounted to about 51,200, part r,:)f which goes to pay for a new.fuls ;heed installed last fall. • 'A special interest 'httached to the anniversary this year, as it is the last thie to be celebrated as a 1VIttliodist church. The church. goes into union 'in -June: This is the tveenty-third an- niversary of- the opening of the Pre- sent church building, which was' deal,' 'eated in March, 1902. It le, however, the seventy -'first anniversarY of -the organization a the Clinton Circuit, which, was formed id 1854, and the fifty-fifth anniversary of the eigani- zation f .Clinton es' ,a-IMethodist charge, whicintOok place in 1870. 4 This ClintOn''Cirellit was composed -of Clinton, Turner's Pearens, Ki - burn, 'I.,ondesboro," Ebenezer, Hohnee- ville and Sharon,. • The first preacher after Clinton became a charge by itself' was the ^Rey. James ,Graharn, who remained until 1873. He as followed by the Rev, W. S. Blackstock, who remained , two years. Robt. Towler, followed hiln in :Who Was fol- lowed in 1879 by Rev. D.S. Suther- land. In • 1881 Rev, W. McDonough, in 1883 came Rev. Jaynes Grays in 1885, Rev. S: E. Rupert, in 1888 Rev. James Livingstone. in 1899 -Rev. S. W. Shilton, in ,1893, Rev. J. W. Itolineq, in 1896, Rev. R. Millyard; in 1899; Rev, G: W, Howson, in 1909 Rev: H. M. Manning, in 1906 Rev. W. J: .To - life, in 1910 Rev. J. E. Ford, fn 1013 Rev. W. L. Rutledge, DD. , in 1017 Rev. As E. Jones, in 1919 Rev. D. /sr. McCann:is and in 1922 the present, pastor, the Rev. A. A. Holines. From 1870 to 1885 Mr. A S. Fisher held the office of recording-sieward. from 1835 to 1830 this office was held hv Dr. Williams.. froie 1890 to 1906 W. R, Locke held office., from 3906 to 1910 Mr. la Hodgens.,sms m frothst date unti the present Mr. R. E. Manning he. looked after tne finances of the ehurch teeth his es- ual 2ine efficiency. LIJC Erkl, , i , I L ' . 0 ,,,,h. ' NOTES 11.11 OLD ROYS'. , Secretary Stothers' of the Old Boy. Committee has been receiving many enthusiastic answers to the'nvita- . nons sent out, Below, are g yen a few of these: When are you ethning?, Aug -un , Have you -Friends in town All the old -boys trust they , have. Do you want to be billeted . No, 1 want to celebrate all'hight and day. 'How many? Three up to date. • . Remarks, All oldleOys mY age beg that you smether l_Tnele Tom Jackson's home in your best bunting. HaVe a -"burn-brown" parade and have'Lucille" Grant read Clara Mount - castle's poems. "Rise Clintonions, Rise 'to Battle," and "Welcome, wel- come, welcome Webb," of Boer- War days.—Fred Slornan, Letchford, One. "Am hoping to get there. Not sure."—F. C. Elford; Exp. Earle, Ot- tawa.. , . "I will sing at concert if you wish." —IlaYe. Howard Humphreys, J.t Itson. ville,'Fla. 'Expo*Ct, to be -visiting the old borne in Stanley. Tp. and will visit town during Reimion."—Win. Baird, Tor- onto.' , , "151(11e,up as Many.Olci.Boys lo- cated* in Detroit And viciriity as tios- sib e. 13...o, Reynolds, Detroit. "I will arrange -to take my iolidays 'In August instead of June in order to be present." Rutledge, New- castle, Ind. • LITTLE LOCALS. lilies Helen Grigeis nursing a very sore Hand, the result of blood -poison- ing. „ - The W. C. T. U. will meet in On-, tario.street &lurch at three o'clock or? Friday afternoon. ' e „ What about oganizing a-laceosse team this spring. Time to be getting ready for the summer spots. „ The streets ,woelci be the better for a clean-up. Might as well gm our spring° cleaninZ done early , this year. • There's a bad curb at the west side of the postoffice. People .aee com- plaining ,about it, Whoever ie-ee- sbonsible should see that it is mended. Rev. Ernest Parker of the Baptist church has purehaged the McCallum place, that is the old Joyner property, just off the London*road this side of the bridge. , Mr. A. T. Cooper hes had his wind - owe -finished irninirdwoott, which is the latest, apparently, ,a new- maga- zine rack built and other improve, mentaimede to his store. Teri: weeks from today, April 2nd;, Ts horse show day. It is hoped the weather will be al that one• could wish for, the roads ill good shape and the farmers not too busy on the land to attend. Twill be a big day: . Tlin regular meeting of the Wein- en's Institute will he held in their rooms-Abve the Public Library on Thursay Efternoon next, Mar. 26th, at three o'clock, -A paper entitled; "PioneerfDays in Canada," will be given by Mrg. Harvey Jenkins. A picnic tea will be served. DEATH OF S. MERRILL. The death Occurred at the holneos his, son, MT. W. Merrill of the Base Line, on: Sunday, of•:-Soannel ker. rill, a long time resident of Goderich township but for a time a resident of Clintora Mr. Merrill had been an in- valid for over -a 'ear, having suffered a stroke in August of 1923, from Which he never fully recovered. Mr, Merrill was born in Hastings Counti,ecoming up to Huron fifty, -ibiirs ago as a lad of eighteen. He lived for a time in Clinton, but later lived in Goderich township, where he farmed for many yeare, He lived foe several years on the Maitland eon -- Cession, leaving the farm. to his son about five years ago to come into Clinton with his wife to spend their declining years. They bought the Robb house On Albert street and were very comfortably settled there but from, time to time they went to either one of their: Soria, and it was while they were stayitig With their eldest son that ,the fatal seleure came. They continued 'to • remain there and while his -condition im- proved ,a little, lie never regalned his former health. He went out for short drives Occasionally and last fall went out.te east his vote in the plebiscite. For about three 'weeks before the end ,came -he had been quite ill. "Mr. Merrill was d.quiet unaesumine man, a devoted husband and father and a good neighbor. He -was a Methodist in religion, being connect- ed, withEbenezer Church while living in Goderich toweshts• and, with On- tario street church since coining to Clinton.s. : His wife, to whom he wee united -on Nov. 200,- 1881, wag Miss IVfary E. Jervis, a daughterpf the late William Jervis. She survives with their two sons William of the Base line and Ita, who resides on the homestead ori the Maitland concession. The funeral took place. froth the home of Mr. W. Merrill on Tueedai afternoon, and was very largely at- tended. The services were conducted by the Rev. C. J. Moorehouse, assist- ed by •the Rev. A. V. 'Walden of Holnoesville, The pallbearers were four' brothere-in-law, Messrs. Chas. Holland, Thomas Potter and John and Alfred Jervis, and two nephews, Oli- ver Jervis and H. J. Trewartha. In- terment was made in Clinton coano.. tory. Mrs. Merrill and family wish tb take this opportunity of expresSing their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for all the kindnesses shown thorn during the illness of hus- band and father and since his death. NOW HOME FROM' HOSPITAL. ., Airs. Lockhart Cree, who has :been d is now recovering , 'verynicely, Her husband and family take this , shown her during her illness, Ae• flowers sent her and many attentions t. o. o. 'F. NOTES: - . portunity of expressing their sincere .., several weeks, Was sufficiently recov- thanks, for the many' kindnesses very ill in. Clinton Public HoSprtal for , . ered to return home on Thinzday last, an f he following members of the local 'Odd Fellows Lodge went ,to Bruce-, field last ThUrsday evening: Messrs. T. Morgan, H. Fitzsimons, T. W. Hawkins, T. H. IVIanaghan, G. E. and -G. L. Hall, A. Cartwright, J. Silcox and W. Mutch. The 13rucefield Iodise put on the second, degree. n visitwas made b , - y m ,A. rettir ems hers. of the Brucefield lodge on Tues- day evening, When the local, lodge exemplified the third degree on a nuniber .Of members. After the worK of 'the' lodge refreshments were served bir the hOine lodge members. The annual I.O.O.F. at-home . will beheld on Tuesday, Mar. 31st. . , • INICLEY=BROWN. 4 quiet wedding, took place at Wes- ley' personageonSaturday afternoon last when the Rev.' A. A., joined in marriage Mee. Mary J., Brown. and, Mr. A. S. 'Ilkley. The couple were unattended and immed- iately after the ceremony returned to the bride's home,- where the ei:edcling feeet ,svas spread. ' • kr. lnkley teeently ieurchased from Mr. J.,: H. Paconan the Clinton Garage and has been managing it for several weeks past. . Mr. and Mrs. "Ilkley have the good wishes of their friends for a happy married life. SORRY P0 SEE THEIVI, GO. • The 0:Alen Sound'Sen-Times of re- cent date contained .teference to the removal to that city from Ste -Word of Mr. :and IVIrs. C. E. Castle, for mac *residents of. Clinton. Before leaving' Stratford...it:versa very pieties ing social functions were held in their honor. The Home 'and Sehool Club presented MTS. Castle with a silver - mounted pyrex pie plate and it nuni- ber of their 'friends preeented thent with a consol set, each gift being ac- companied by an appropriate eddre,Se. '-1V1i:. Castle is a brother of Messrs. Amos and, p.,G. Castle of Clinton and Will be remerribereil by many here. WE, TOO,, ARE APPRECIATIVE. * The president and secretary of the Unity Club; Gederich township, an or- ganization of ladies which seeks the expression of itself in work for the •community, called on The News -Re- cord on Saturday afternoon. We Were pleased to have them, are al- ways pleased to see our frielele and to beeoine better and better acquaint- ed with our readers, but, to add to out pleasure, theee lactiee presented us before they.went out with' a nice box of bon -bons, just as a little token of their appreciation of what they were ;rood enough to consider out courtesy in announcing their monthly meet- ings, etc. It is not often that these - little tokens come the way of news- papers and this one was appreciated by us and the candies enjoyed -by the staff. BIJILDING TO COMMENCE SOON. Mr. 5, S. Coopei, having bought. of - W. J. Nediger • the lots facing on Isaae and 4,osep1a streets, intends `erecting four • bungalows , thereon, three facing Isaac, aud one on Joseph. Clintot needs houses and Mr. Cooper tells usethat these will be begun as, soon ar the season opens.' Some ma- terial is already on hand. Mc. A. T. Cooper has purchased the vacant lots, facing., on Mary street, where the old rink esed to stand, but ,as yet- hasnot -decided just how he will improve there:Mr. Cooper likes to,see the townlooking its best Lind we, suggested, that he put this vacant space in order and present it to the town for it park. Be didn't say he would but, then, he didn't say he wouldn't, either, If the lot were lev- elledeand seeded it would be .a vast improvement. YOUNG WIOMAN DIES, The death occurred,' in the -General, HoSpitalisChathain, On Tuesday of last ,week of Mrs. Zeta Huckle, wife of. Mr. George. Heckle .ef Wallaceburg, at the age,of twenty -pine eare. Death follo,wed a very serious opera- tion which had been perfoeined earlier the same day. • p Mrs. Huckle, who was a ' daughter of MT. and Mrs. George arrener of Wallaceleurg, And a grand -daughter of Mes. Warreper tgClinton ,was born in Wallacebin•g and Spent her en- tire life there. She is survived by her husband and two sons, Palmer, aged eight 'ears ' and Douglas, aged eighteen, months, , Also ,hernparento arid two brothers and two sitterg. Her death Came ars a great shoek tio her family,`,.and friends. . She Was of a very lovable disposition' ' and was deeply interested in Church actiVities, being a: ,reembers of the choir and of the ',ladies' organizations, etc., and Will be much missed there as well as in her own family. The funeral took place i'roin the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wareener, wallaceburg, on Friday afternoon and was very largely at. tended, the rector of St. JallieS' Ang lican church officiating.. Many very ,beautiful floral offerings were sent by sympathetic friends, Mr. Robe. Warrener Clinton and IVIr, Thos. Warrener of Goderich, uncles of the deceased, were present for the funeral, • - HERE, HERE! , The Ontario.Department, of Agricul- ture now has an "agricultural repre- sentative' in every county in the Province, and in some large counties' is prepared to appoint a second man, dividing the county into two districts, if tbe county 'is' willing to double -the customary annual grant.We don't know if anything, of this 'sort is 10 contemplation for Huron county; but it is this pelt of the countyput,s in a id for the piesent representative, Mr. S. B. Stethers. We esm't do with- out Steve."—Godeeich Signal. HURON'S VETERAN EDITOR ILL, Word has been received in town of the continued ill -health Of Mr, W. H. Eerie the veteran editor of the Brus- sels Post. Mr. Kerr intended leaving for the South early in the winter 'Alt has 'never felt well enough to make the 'journey. Hie - many Mende throughout the _ county and district trust that when the warmer weather: comes hie condition -will improve. Mr, J. L. Kerr, -late of Clinton, who is now' managing. the „business 'al, Brussels, was under the weather last week, too, but his indisposition wee' not, we belieye, serious. WILL .BECOME RESIDENTS. , • The following id -from the Benmile- ler correspondence in last week's God- erich Star and refers to corning new citizens of Clinton.Mr, Schwanz re- cently purchated the Ready.bakery. and restaurant: "Mr. and IVIrs. Dan Schwanz. Were giVen a surprise party last Friday ev- ening by the friends and neighbors,of the vicinity. During the evening they were presented with a table and an address, a$' an expression of the es- teem in which they are held. Mr.sand Mrs. Schwanz nrill move shortly to Clinten to have charge of a bakery, and they have our best wishes for happiness -In their new home and for prosperity in their new Venture." DEATH DUE TO,PNEUMONIA. Mr. R. J. Gibbins received pat- tiqulars this week of the death of his brother, Fred Gibbings of Virden, Man., ittention of which was made last week. The 'news came as a shock to his relatives.- here as they were not aware that he was lie had had an attack of pleurisy and it id thought went out too soon after : - wards, contracted :pneumonia and only lived is few day. • He was fifty- two years of age. He left here for the west twerity-tight yeere ago and had ' never returned to Ontavio. •Ile. is survivea by his wife and a :family of six daughters. Mr. sit 3.. Gib- bings may go west tb put in the 51'op and manage the farm for his sister- in-law, the coming season!. OUR wompws DEPARTMENT. Have News -Record readers been ,ayailing "themselves • of the Pattetii Service carried in the women's depart- ment on page -six of this paper? Many have, • we know, but more Would no doubt do so if they but knew how efficient it is. It is being greatly improved, too, as arrange- ments bave been made for supplying patrons with exclusive patterns from' the well-known • designer, F. Cecil Bayne. These patterns are low in price,"upto-date in design and alto- gether satisfactory. If you have not yet tried using them it might be to your advantage to do so. We Inlet our women weeders are in the habit of eeading "Women's Interests" de- partment. Many usgel hints are con- tented therein weekly. &lantern Township Mr. ilialeohn Macfarlane and Mr. john McGregor took in the dance at Bialeefields last Friday evenieg. The village has special attractiora: for these two young, gentlemen, it would appear. Miss Gertriide Sturdy of Goderich •spentni few days at the home of. Me. Edward 'Glen; sr. . JIVIts. Roy Cantelon is at present In the Clinton Community Hospital. Mr/and Mrs. Hugh Gilmmir were vieitors on Monday evening at 'the home of Mr. John Macfarlane: , " ' Mrs.. Bea Keys tied hee eldest son al:e both quite ill With • pneumonia. Two trained nurses ate in attend- • ance. The boy is, over the critical 'period and it is hoped the patients, :will soon be better. - ' s : .es ' • , •-• „, • se- • , • COderiCk TOW11111:3hiP Mr. Itaymond„ Whitmoreie visiting relatives in Harnilelin this' Week. Mr. Harold Enneersoms cf 2,Detroli came home lest week 'owing to the serious illriess oft his father, ,1Wr. S. Emmerson, who unclerWentsan- Opera- tion in the Clinton Hospital. ' Mr. Erland Rattles of•the Standard, Bank, Welland,, has been. ependieg si few weeks at the home Of his Parent -s, Mr. and Mrs, T. I3ettles. - Mr. and Mts. R. Burke entertained adanyunrnibgehit• Of their friends andepeigh- bors to a euchre and dance on Mon - Making maple syrup .% -the order of the dayThe farmers report:a ,good run •of sap. AbOut twenty of the fruit growers of Goderich township refponded lo an invitation from Mr, John Sowerby to meet at his spacious home an Wed- nesday evening. At the oPening of the meeting Mr. Sowerby was ap- pointed chairman, after a fitting ad-, dress he called on a number to ex- press their opinion, on fruit growing, Among 'those who responded were R. R. Sloan, John Salkeld, .1. R, StarlIng, Mr. Revell and Mr. George faith- , ,-After the lneeting a very social • time wan spent for an hour or two ancl a dainty lunch was served, hy- iyfrs. Sowerby. Before leaving for their homes the guests thanked Mr. and Mrs. Sowerby tor the pleasant evening which they spent. The Unity Club held its annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Oliver Jervis on Thursday afternoon last, when the following officers were ap- pointee for this year: Presidene,, Mrs Glen Cornish; vice, Mrs. James Ferguson; secretary, Mrs. J. J. Smith; treasurer, Mrs. Bert Murphy. " Mr. and Mrs, Warwick Cole and lit - lie Master Vincent visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mair. - Mr. Adam Steee had a wood be last week and the boys got a lot of wood cut. . Mr. C. B. Middleton is preparing for spring, having invested in a new Seine of the farmers have been marketing their beans, atthough the price is not very good. SPIRO think it may improve later. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Betties enter- tained a few neighbors and fele/ids to is catd party Fi-iday evening. . Mr.. Sam- Emmerson is in° Clinton Hospital .and we are pleased to re- port is improving. • Mrs. Dave Gibson of -Detroit hag been visiting her mother, Mrs. Stew- art 1WeDeugall. All's. John Cox, who has been very sick, is improving.nicely Bethany Ladies' " Aid held their meeting at Mrs. Victor Elliott's last week which waseevell attended. No service -was held at *Bethany last Sunday on account of -illness of Rev. A. Macfarlane. parniteld • Mri. J. Stewart of Strafford is vis- iting her Perents, Mr. and Mrs. John e Pollock. Mr. Dave Sturgeon^ retuned to the villege on Thursday last to prepare for the fishing eeeson. Much sympathy is felt for Rev. and Mrs. Hugh G. E. Crosby . (formerly 'Isabel Woods) bf Courtwright in the sad death of their little son Wil- clridge Woods Crosby, en 1Vlarel'lOth„ Word was received on Tuesday eVen- ine of his illness and a few hours later of his death. Mrs, Woods and Miss Anna left on Wednesday for • Courtright. The funeral services were conducted by the Ven. Atehdete. eon Sage or -London antrintermen; made on Thursday in Woodland' ceme- tery, London. Mrs._,Woods and Miss Anna returned • on Monday, acceme palled by Rev, and Mrs. Crosby. Mrs- .". Ferguson took charge ef Miss Woods' school room during her ole - 50000. • The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr, and Mrs. Willianz Sturgeon in the death of their infant son William Lloyd. Alter three weeks' illness the little chap, sec- sumbecl en Priddy last. The Von. Atchdeacon .Jones -Bateman conducted thtfuneeal services, on Saturday lam enterment Was made in Hayfield cem- etety. There were no services ..in Trinity church on VuestfaY owifig to the pain- ful accident of the Venerable Arch- deacon Jones -Bateman in spraining his ankle badly on Monday. He hopes to be able to conduct services a$ us- ual tin Sunday. - Word was received by his friende here"of the death of Andrew Stalker, of Toledo, Ohio, on March 6th. It ts only a short time ago that we reeord- ed the death of hie wife. . Misses Gladys Davison and Ruth Higgins of the Glinton School of. Commerce sbent the week -end at their homes. Glad to report that Rev A. Macfar- lane is, able to be out• again, He is not, however, able, to take charge of his work and it is expected that Rev. Mr. Foote of Exeter take charge of the services next Sunday. The ladies of the Methodist -chnteh plan to hold a social op Tuesday, March the twentk-fourth. " Sapper U-1411 be served in, the basernent, :thee which the Rev. R. Felton Irwin of- Soafoeth will give it lecture on "Irony Thinly Member—The 'Longue:" The Y. P. S. wilt meet in the bail- ment of St. Andrew's on Friday-, night. The social committee has charge of the evening., • Clarence Pollock spent several days in London last week. Oliver Goldthorpe is visiting in London. , Varna .Affy. Albert Auetin, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs: Alf:red.Austin, tvho un- derwent a .serious operation three weeks ago in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is recovering as fast as can be expected. • Mrs. Alfred Austin veerit a couple Of clays in Clinton lest week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Wheatley, visiting with theie daughter, Mrs. J. J. Ward,- of Weedstocit, who has been spedingi'a few weeks under the pat - ental roof. • • • Liondesbor 1Virs. Alex. 'Wells is vigiting her sis- ter, IVIrs. Geo. Hicks of Centralia. Miss Minnie Cowan of Clinton Vis- ited her aunt, IVIrs, a. Grainger oVes, Sunday Miss E. Snyder of Brucefield spent Sunday with Miss Pearl Moon. Miss ()live Lyon ha's returned home alter speildffig the past three weeks with her sister, Mrs.Arthur ;Kerslake of Centralia. •„ - Hallowe'en came early this year, As one of the villagers had his cutter hidden while visiting a friend lest week.