HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-03-05, Page 8A CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELL It` STO1 hLas Cha To buy French Ivory at half price and less ' dile balance of nay Chrislluas Stock is nearly god a, bat what is left must be cleared this week. pecial. in Pearls € n y 5' strings le( of indesttructible Richeleau Pearls, absai Lately guaranteed, regular ,$15.00 for Friday anti Saturday Only, at half ; price $7.50 This is a chance that you never hadpbefor'e R. JOHNSON blext'Eoyey's Drug Stora 0sweller and • Optician CUR+'"k ELL SHIPLEY SUGAR SPECIAL Sugar by the bag. -Let us supply your sugar, requirements O,UR PRICES ARE RIGHT Best brands of Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, Oranges, Lemons,, Grapefruit and Bananas, Lettuce, Celery and fish; THE Ci & S. GROCERS Main Store, Phone 125 W. ; Branch Store, Phone 125 J. au t�cktiluingSpeiaIs; Fo the Balance of thelMonth' We will continue last week's list of specials and also the fo11o"wing lines Which are exceptional value: 8 Doz, Men's Bib Overalls, all sizes, in plain bine or. black $1- 69 denim or blue .and white stripe, -special at : , ... vd 2 dozen Men's Tweed Pants, brown checks, all sizes at9 to Special at . . .. . + 5 dozen Turkish Towels, large size •59c' Special at, per ;pair ...., . Common Pins, regular 5c per package ‘dfor5C Special at .... ....'. ... . , ... , . Ladies' and .Children's Colored Cashmere and Silk and Wool Hose At Bargain Prices to. Clear special values in all linea of Footwear during Stock -T tking SALE 'PRICES 8TR1CTkY CASH • .umsteel Bros. ' PHONE 25. SMALL PROFITS a moan il1I SINESS l PG too r ,a n aordiriar ,ARNA tlomof ..,. WORKS OF Wilkie CoIhtns o liter o Complete set of 10 volumes, each book is 5x7 inches and about one inch thick, cloth binding, in good condition: Special 'sale price, ,11;7,50. A SIJIJi with all the hallmarks of dis- tinction, style, clever -work- manship and quality materials always attracts attention. We, have some unusual sug- gestions for young men who demand the very latest. We also have practical yet distinctive designs to please men of more conservative taste. Come in and let us take your measure for a suit of " OUR TAILORING .Vi -45c Hermatw- VETERAN TAILORSansansia.ainsisaannatreasolaainosenza._ mm 11 p tit i 1 - PRONE 224-W IVIodern Eloquence The subjects covered are lectures, after-dinner speeches, occasional ad- dresses, anecdotes, bound in leather and constitute a library of first-class importance. 10 volumes in the set, each" book Gx10 and over an inch thick, worth 450.00. Present price, $12,00 WORKS OF` Benjamin Disraeli Novels, romances, plays, 'poems, biography,' short stories . and great speeches in cloth binding; 6x9 inches, beautifully printed on high class book paper, 20 volumes at the ridic- ulous price of $15,00. Encyclopaedia of Religious Knowl- edge. 3 volumes, 7x11x3,: somewhat damaged for $3.50. - - History of the Church of Christ. 6 volumes, $1.75. _ Milman's Latin Christianity. $ vol- umes, $3.50. ;. - ...a.; ' Tile W Fair G0. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Make her look asit she had some pep Ain- her 1 • Five. - dollars worth of EINE Divas many' t'familY neW social standirt¢ Effecto Auto Enamel is net a paint, wax or polish It is :the or' iginal Auto Enamel: The, difference in cost between Effecto and a re -named carriage paint is only` a ' few cents, ,but the difference when you put it on, is the difference between a pleastihttask and. lbad.work;', the difference between a. slip -shod job'and a faultless finish, the difference 'between a short-lived surface and :a` lasting, hard-wearing, durable finish that lasts longer than the finish put on new Cars by most manufacturers. ;I,'t�_ fag Slitter 8c. Perc,lue ,,HARDWARE' r1 ,• Inilflhn..•. �1 R 1111 um UumaalUi ij pf aC%r � �--�+tafn111 li . Mrs.-Cnillis Gilchrist of Ayr -.has been visiting Mrs. H. R. Sharp. Mrs. Jack .Scott and family of Londes- boyo spent Tuesday -with .gra, 3, Watkins; Miss Madelon Shaw is - visiting herr cousin, Mise Dorothy Rattenbury e P4t9rb93'9= 1VIv, Edgar Rath of�5t, George has been visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. Baker, Mr. Harper of the 'Knitting Company is in London owing, to the death of his ;partner, Mr. Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. R. Woods and Miss 'Phyllis d Stratford were visitors in town over the week -end. Mr. -W. Hiles, who has been' visiting 'for some. -weeks with Leamington :friends, returned home 'Monday. Mrs, Carruthers ofLondonhas been visiting her daughter, Miss Car- rothers of the Collegiate Institute Staff.. Mr. 'Ralph Stephenson of Stanley township spent the week -end with ;tris sister, Mrs. Robt. Armstrong of town. Mr. Frank E. Walker o£ Ottawa vis - 'Red at the hohne_of his, father, Mr. Robt. Walker,: for a few days re- eently.- - Mrs. R. Mason, who has been with her son, Mr. W. A. Mason in Tori onto; for some time, has ' eturned home. Mrs, E. B. Hill and Miss Nellie re? turned totheir home in Coiling - wood on Saturday after spending, some weeks with the former's daughter, ,Mrs: Earl Steep. Rev. Dr. Medd of Wheatley visited his brother, Mr. J.G. Medd, in town for a day or so, going on :frons here to visit his daughter, who is a member of the Mount For- est High school staff. Mr. and Mrs. Thor. Jennison and lit- tle daughter of Swift Current, Sask., and 'Miss Margaret Watts of Carroll, Man,, who have been slnendr ing the winter with relatives here, left last week for. their Hollies.* Mrs. (Dr.) E. Struthers and son, Day- id, of,Tsinan University, China, and Mr. Jack Walks of Paisley called on Clinton .friends this week. Mrs. Struthers is a sister-in-law of .Mrs. ())r.) R. G. Struthers, who is 'well- known in town, their husbands ,be- ing both medical. missiotieries in China. - Dr. Ernest Struthers is ,at `present taking' a special course ;in, England. PLUMBING ELECTRIC.WI'RING 'Clinton E g :'Pool ( fA meeting will be held art the ienitural officeon tl; - • THURSDAY, I1IAltC1I lath S nt 7:45 p•nt• to malce arrangoinelits to carry en the Egg Pool :the coming season. All interested, aro invited, to attend,, FOR BALANCE OF . "I` E 'WEEK Thursday, Friday and Saturday . Te will continue selling sugar at the store at ca,r prices STRICTLY CASH This car arrived sooner than ' e expected ' and will not last long at this special car price. Fruit Sliedal I r Weeksen Florida Tomatoes, California Lettuce and Celery Bitter Oranges for Marmalade, Bananas and •Grape Fruit Large, Juicy Oranges per doz, 39c - In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2,30 p.m. ' Kindly Order Early 1 Cash and'1 —Carry . We T 48 11 A PLAY The Young Villo e• Doctor o will be given by Ontario Street church league in Ilollnesville Methodist Chard Thiel sd • a'y •� 1 12th admission -?5 Loud esb®ro ,Miss May Wallace of Lleydntinster, formerly of Londesboro,'has been re- newing acquaintances hereabouts and also visiting her sister, Mrs. T. Rid- dle,, iddle,• of Auburn. Mr. Ernest Adams was in Toronto last week, attending the convention. Mrs. Jas.- Watt, and son, Owen, of Toronto, returned home on Saturday after spending a month with her par- ents, Rev. James and Mrs. Abery. Mrs. John -Grainger has inoyed to 'the village; to the house recently od- eupied by Mac. J: :Manning. Varna The Laun-Dry-Ette Way of Washing 'Means-. Linn Dry 5tta ictl'te No' hand rinsing No band bluing No buttons 'broken No' hooks bent No fasteners jammed No red hands , ' • No hard -to -iron creases, - No wringer and no extra tubs How About Your Cows and Chickens - Wouldn't you like to washthc 1 C I1' 1 ' $ ll !! � Latin-Dry-EtteWay? Phone electric wash n. machine TNor QatL VOA"' I . WNOe s. USE YOUR OWN tJTII,ITY IT PAYS HYDRO SHOP, Clinton St. P trick's Day Supper The annual -St.. Patrick's Supper Will be served . in • Wesley church din- ing hall on theevening of St. Patrick's Day Tuesday, March 17th The usual good supper, consisting of dressed, baked lam, hot (potatoes, pickles, ;jellies, etc., with bread, • but- ter, tea, coffee and dessert, Do not forget the date. Come, eat your supper in memory of the Good Old Irish Saint. Admission, 35e TheValentine social given by the ,Girls' Guild of 51. John's church here proved to 120..a great success. Lunch- eon was served front seven ;o 0100 o'clock, which kept i the ladies and girls busy. This ,was followed by a good program, consisting -.of recita- tions, solos, duets, ' and clialoguco. ,A "Tom Thumb" wedding put oat by the children under the training of Miss" Welsh was much' enjoyed, also the young people's program under the training of Mrs. John Beatty. Many g..1 the °c ladies for their 96-2 INVITATION The Home and, School Club takes pleasure in ihviting you ' to the STAR THEATRE TO SEE : *ARY PICT{FORD in her'igreatest photoplay -othy Vernon of'Haddan" Hall March 1617. 18 f � Admission, 35e Clintonians who have had the ;pleasure of Seeing this picture in' the city say, -"it is one of, the best and most :beautiful pictures they-haveo ever' seen" , .'9G-..2 good worse ;The orchestra furnished music during intervals in the pi o- gra,m add • was inlet enjoyed. Pro,. coeds amounted to $47.00.. Lenten services will be held in St. John's, church each Thursday evening at eight .o'rlocli; All are invited- to attend these services. Mrs, John'Splarrow had the misfor- •� torte to slip and injure her hip e n Fri- day day last. We hope for a speedy re- covery. . Severe' colds seem to be bite latest in this locality.,- SEE THIS "'LAY Constance Dran'aatic Club will play "WIVES TO BURN" • C.O,F. Hall, Constance /- Wednesday evening, March 4th "' Community, Hall, Londesboro • Friday Evening, March 6th A good humoiaous comedy, twb and a half hours of pure enjoyment, do not fail to see .it. Proceeds in aid of Hospital for. Sick Children Admission, 35c-- 96-2-p Pastime ''Dance - Old Time and Modern Dances Friday, March 6th, Gentlemen 50c Ladies 25c Dancing 8 to 12. No Lunch Hardware. Plumbing and nnnithin rin.sg Martin-Senour'' s Paints and Vanishes Stoves and Ranges i Go to -- one 244 A puts hens in laying trim YOU want music in your poultry yard— song, scratch, cackle. You want an industrious hen, A fat, lazy hen may all right for pot -pie, but for egg-laying—never! 1 Add Dr. Hess Poultty Pan -ace -a to the ration 'daily and see the change come over your flock. See, the combs and wattles turn red. See them begin to cheer up.and hop around, See the claws begin to dig in. That's when you get eggs: Use, Dr. Mess' Stock tonic. and keep your cattle in good trine and Panacea for your hens then look for. results. A full line of Hog Troughs at 16 per cent. off A full line of improved Racer Cross Cut 'saws, Samson Axes and Axe Handles Electric Light Bulbs, 25, 40 and .80 watts, 5 for $1.00 The Furniture Department is 'complete with a fine range to select your requirements from; so don't forget to call and see our stook, it is always a pleasure to show our goods. Our speoiar offer on upholstering still holds good so you had batten hurry. Look over your furniture and have it made like new before ?bans 1st. Clinton Hardware and Furnitureoa THE STORES WITH A STOCK Hardware 195 Furniture Phone: 104 - Eggs his to your advantage to sell your eggs according to Dominion Government Eel; -grading Regulations ti Poultry We pay' the highest market price for -Live and dressed poultry LANGLOIS & Co., GUI, 9 Li Clinton; Ontario - f.11 �j'l.11`iii UN/ R. W. WARD,..rdaatager, Write, phone or •call:atour-.Clinton•office, Day- phone • 'Night 'Phone 254 1'1 lied Vegetables for Salle, ., . Euchre and Dane Cabbage„ per lb .. . , le, 2c, 3e Carrots, per 15. .. lc Beets, per 'lb. ..•• 'lc Potatoes, per bag ' 41..00 Sauerkraut, per gallon ..40c Turnips, per: bushel': ,,..:. 25c (Small quantity) Otherwise 101 per bushel 3, B);C LE �.I R Gardener Phone 240 Lolado Read 93-t.@ Will be ' given isa town hall o evening of MONDATi, ,MARCH: 9tla tinder the auspices of, the Wo Institute: Proceeds h aid of the Centennial celebration. Boyce "Orchestra .A.dmissiotl