The Clinton News Record, 1925-03-05, Page 7tit
' gni
The ORANGE, PEKOE is extro, gOod. Try. cti
Provincial Board of HCalth, Ontario.
Dr..Middleton will be glad to "answer questions on. Public Health mat:
' tors through this column. Address Spadina Hriuse, Spadina
id-wefting is not a disease; it is
siniply the persistence of an infantile
condition or habit. Most children at-
tain control of ,the bladder by the
end of the third 'year'but if they do
not, the condition has becorne,a habit.
In order to effect a cure,: the child
must be taught to empty his bladder
at regular intervals, and always be-
fore the time the wetting usually oc-
curs. The periods between the pass-
ing of urine are gradually lengthened
by patient and systematic training.
The mechanism of urination Soon acts
tender - the child's control, and the
"dry" habitis established.
Directions for forming the lidry"
habit aro es follows:—
,i. No. liquids or fruit are to be
taken aftee 4 p.m.,
2. A rather light, dry supper should
be provided at night; for example, not
more than a tablespoonful of milk es
to be allowed on cereals.
8. The diet shotild be bland; nd tea,
coffee or highly seasoned foods, nee
should the child be allowed candy or
desserts between meals.
The child should empty its blad-
cimabefore going to lied. • •
He should be wakened every hour
the first night until midnights an I
then every two bens until morning.
These periodS should be lengthened
one-half hour each night.
hlost cases will be cured by sPlis
treatment at the end of a week, When,
however it is found that the child is
apt to wet himself ata certain hour,
it should empty its bladder a half -hoer
before that time for several days -
until the habit is cured. Many chil-
dren are especially apt to wet them-
selves about an hour after going to
bed, atel alarm clock , is ' useful at
night, and a chamber sheald be platted
on a rug at the bedside, convenient
for use. The child should be encour-
aged b rewards or gifts for every dry
day and night, and should never be
punished for bed-wetting, because the
act is involuntary, and he does not
know avhen the wetting occurs, and,
therefore, it not to blame. Encourage
him to be on the alert to feel the need
of emptying the bladder, Guard par-
ticularly against over -fatigue or ex-
citement. Be insistent on the mid-
morning and mid-afternoon rest per-
iods. -
Drugs are of little oe no use. Pa-
tience and persistence will win out i0
practically all cases.
The fourteenth annual (meeting and
the fourth Scout -Leadere' Conference
of the'Peravince of Ontario,- held in
Toronto, has just cotchided. It oe-
etipiett two whole days and representre
tives from all parts of...the Paovinee
,gathered from as far East as Ottawa
and Pembnne, to tile Border Cities in
Mt opposite direetion,'and from Es-
panola, Bens, North Pity, etc., in the
.north: , Altogether was gathered over
250 men and 'women whose- dime le
the helping of 'boysentr future old -
Z012,, .one setid, ."The ,most import-
ant etorlt in the world,"
It was the fittest, largest and bast
Conference 'yet. One (had( to be pre-
sent to feel the enthusiasm, to get the
spirit, hnd dhink in the wonderful in-
fluences which prevailed throughout
tee' sessions,. • .
After .the opening formalities, and
the address of welcome givemby John
G. Kent,- District Commissioner foa
Toronto, we, all got together in the
singing of "It's a good time to get
Etequainteil," and wo were then ready
for tho -business of the Conference.
A. discussion on the 'use and abuse
of the Preileiency Badges in Scouting
was renewed by a very useful .discus -
aline on "Ladies' Auxiliaries," There
is no doubt that the suggestions made
will be quickly taken up by troops
everywhere, It is a fact that ladies
are mote and more taking a practical
interest it Boy Stout activities and
their work and help 15 invaluable. One
delegate was heard •to remark, "The
hand that rocks the cradle is. the logi-
cal one to pack' Scouting. It is inter-
esting to note here that 23 ladies -at-
tended the Conference. Mostaot these
were interested in the Welt Ctibwork,
which is proving a spieriaite, field in
which the peculiar qualities of womart-
y temperament cab operate. Scout -
ng and Cubbing more thau ever' cries
With a loud voice, "Give us wonten."
Undoubtedly the top notch of the
first clay's Conference was reached in
the evenIngebanquet andegieeting pre-
sided over by His Honour, Lieut. -
Governor Cockshutt, who In a wonder-
ful talk recalled his own boyhood days,
concluding by emphasizing that Cana-
da needs her beye. - Other valuable
speeches followed "Whic1i will be re-
ported elsewhere. -The' atmosphere of
this Meeting was electeleal—it bub-
bled over. Yells and explosions punee
(lured "the- air, and the singing, just
lifted One up, ,.
The second Sessiontof the Confer-
ence was particularly instructive to
leadare Take, for -instance, the talk
00 "„Bac.ketoods. Cooking" given by
Coramissioner Hill of _Hamilton, fol.
IoWed by an address by Mr. lIoyee
Lloyd of the Dominion Parks Breach,
Ottawa, on "Bird Life ConservatIona
and also one On "Forestry" 'by Arthur
H. Ricliardsen, of the Ontario Forestry
The special evening featitre' ot the
second day was that dealing with Cub
Perk, .wben a -special program feetur-
ing a Model Wolf Cub Pack 'Meeting
was put on. ft was apparent to, all
present the distinction' betweee Scout -
tug and Cubbing and the -desirability
Of not mixing the two together. The
(importance of correctly dealing with
latis of Cub age s was made evident,
while it Wes pointed out that a very
large part ot the. Cub program' should
be made up •of suitible games which
would employ the wonderful imagina-
tive powers of small boys. There is
a g?eat future for Cubbing and it Is
hoped that men and women will talce,
up tbill work in every part of Ontario.
The delegates have now scattered to
their various homes in .differenl parts
of the, Country, tarrying with them
hew ideas, larger 'visions, and lirmly
resolved to put more. time and energy
into the valuable work of Scouting for
For Every 111—Mmard's Liniment. .
Two gentlemen of Heb‘rew, extrac-
Con were shipwrecked. 'For two days
they floated around on a 111e raft, Near
the end of the second day one of them
criedesalVferrisa look! I see a sail!"
"Vell, 'vat good doeS dot do us?"
snapped back Morris, "We ain't goe
no samples," •
ErEglamd. and Wales over 20,000
wqmen are etnployed ae electrical ap-
paratus makers, fitters, "and electri-
. , .
iikiing by Mail
The security afforded by,, the Province of Ontario
Savings Office, together with the facilities extended by
every Post Office in Canada and other countries, make it
possible for everyone to deposit their savings in this institu-
tion. Interest is alloWed; compounded half -yearly, with full
checking privileges. ,
The confidence the rural communities have shown in
this Savinga Office is indicate( by the large increase in de-
posits, which are now over 12C;60,0,006., „,
All deposits are secured by the entire resources of the
Province of Ontario. •
Remittances should he made by Post Office money order,
bank cheque, exprena order or registered letter, and should •
be addressed to your nearest Branch, where they will receive
prompt attention. , •
-Province of Ontario Savings Office
Toronto Branch Offices: •
Car., flay and Adelaide Ste, Dor. University and Donde,: fits.
515 Danforth Avenue.
Other Branches at
Hatuliton, at. Catharines, St.' Mafy'r, Perebrokee,
ra etfo rd, Woodstock, Owen SOIJAO, Ottawa,
esaferth, Walkarten, Nevihtarket and Aylmer.
Tan Re'ltic • fon Finland, itt eixfeet tall weighs About tVO rtindret and
fifty pountd,s (rough estimate) and, it will be admitted, Was a very picturesque
figure as he stepped from. the “alontlaurimal special train at Montreel. Win-
ter will have no terrors for him. With a, munber of his fellovaeountry-men
ho was bound for the woods. :Ian was not as ivied as his bear -skin cap niade
him appear. A good natured fellow, of great strength and intelligenee, be
„Will no doubt prove one ot the most valuable of lined,rratits-to Canada dur-
it. is surprising hu' 11111OR of the 'Seat
Why Socks Have docks.
. „
NERVOUS PEOPLE still- remains. more especially in i(e.
geed,. to the clothes wo wear, On the
hack of most gloves will be found
three thin stripes. These marki- ones
Found in the Use of Dr. Wit- .regnoxiti to the femrcbette pieces be-
liairts' Pink Pills g°8.
• All earlier- times loves were not
Are Yon pale and weak, tired most , madso neatly as they are to -day, end.
of the time, out of breath on Blight -the stitching of the fingers was ear -
exertion? • I ried down nart,or the way on to, the
Are you nervous, Islyour sleep dis- back of the glove, braid being used -to
tinted SO that rest does not refresh ccacaal the s'ettn.
1 To a similar reason tire -clock on a
Is your appetite poor, your ages- seek owes its origin. ' the days
tion weak and do you have pains after when stockings were mads 03 cloth,
eating? • . tlee seam occurred *hem the clocks
If 1'ot-chaste any of these symefonis are now aisplawed, the decoration be-
e •
yeu need the help -of sttch a reliable ing used hidthe seams.
The little bow which will le -Variably
Male ea Dr. "Williams' Pink pills.
Read what Mr. W. W. Francis, of cab, be fouud in the leather baud inside a
man'entat is u iservival of the time
gary, Alta., says of -this tonic. "Atter
returning from oversees." writes, Mm-- 6 171ce1 hat 11% 0
101'ell, ao "hSr!o
ItrarBin. g,bytIlvaoltihnvgie:
Franeis, "rny whole- syetent was In a
through le, and drawing it together
baely, run down conaition. I became
nervous, - irritable, pale Aro losI - witlf a piece of string.
weight. Of coarse a Was given treat- I Ilandket.ohlefs /Were 1101 alwaYe
squEire. At one time they were shaped
ment and'recommendecl 1112123' tonics, ,_
al)*I't'h"ls14.11151,055:tellia'sritrYldersnleasied Marie An -
some of which.' took, but with no It chanced•_ tha.t
lament result. At last I could not 'even
toluette, suggestea one winter
sleep. My sister, who is In England,
wrote and urged me to give Dr, wii.1 evening at Versailles 'thee 'a uniform
liama"Pink Pills a trial, and I can shape would be an. indication of good
scarcely say ho* glad I.ant that I took taste. The resells was it decree • by
her advice. My friendisweee surpriSed Louis XVI:, !fisted in the early days of
ut niy e17$5, enacting that . mocket-hund
Mnplete recoVery, but, I as
sukerchief's should' havie- eight -angled
red them it was ' due entirely to Dr. ,
Williams'. Pink Pills ancl I now always ec`g"'
keep a box on hand' in 'coo of emer-
It you are ailing give these 1.;ills a '
fair trial and they will not disappoint
you. Said by all deplete' in medicine
or sentaby mail at 90, _cents a box by
welting The, Dr, , Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont..
No Money Mack With Roor
Steck., .
Breeders of live stook areelaing
probleuis to -clay that reetiire expert `
lnisiness-lilte handling.
The •high cast of feed, labor Etnd I
heavy overhead eXpenses are matters
the average farmer find confronting
him every day.
,d the value of good breedings 011.".:11Thgeo,13.f.g,l1posreitah t,ae
Successful farmers have ;elways The Cat.
• 'Vital's nothing. 1 marred with hint
last week: read he proposed to nth at
the third hole."
In live stock. Testimoniee from these
men are 'ettelly obtained and should
cOnvince lbs mast skeptical that the
only way to beat the leiter situation,
cost of feed, etc., is to keep only Omen
animals that are Mei], to produce
either milk or beef. THE PROFITS IN
The Surveys conducted by, Prof,
Leiteh in the different, vounties all go
to prove tbat -where farmers are using
titre bred sires, in either bee 08 dairy
berds, they are malting greater
coes - with tweed cal I t he ea MO
mV, 'al has been phenomenal, has 8118-
. 'Ito price nt good quality tea Itas
risen In the lEtst tave years between
20o and 250 per pound. The demand
flitantitY of feed. Ibis increvae, and the fortunate
When we c.cmsider I bat fhese figures cwilere er tea leant Ettiolit'llitve earned
were obtained troin 'aettuti farmers, &011ie eases at frcon i0%
living -wider average ram),coitci1tlns to Ot-0,101:110 1:31115(A)ytl;
All 1:00slev110101e1).:(11:1.:11glive,".lo
We can hardly cliseYedit them, - (1 leesi
Libeenrolee. live feeding of enrolelive stork,
It was sliewn., was (000 05 eii‘iet(-cdo. lilt>, of:lac; i'1,11Q03),,,,Iilitga 1,11:11. v.1(.1}ev1e
Io1011in increasing the lalYer :tbeuge ot pe re, 'bred sires, 'made 4'13' fall- tart
The,pure bred sire has baclf of litrn gettihIg dearer, nee 110 0,00
105 010 ;atea ielatfi-Peiclit.i)edli. will
s' elected Ana bred with 1. specific In one year or lenger,
beet or the product.ioh of milk. . • -.
TheSe oberacteristies aro Mehl), sin- Queer Heirloonl-
tensified in his Idood--,So 111 et lie Sir, iSpotiter---"An heirloom, ,Tolitinie,
Itali5111i IS them. to ItIO oiespring, even is 00111011iieg that is hentied down front
wit on ones a grade -fentale 18 used.. father o EE on ,"
a The gritcle Fife bus back of hint Little Johnnie -eel -Tull' TI t' •
gen eratiees of [incest-rms./that, like ny naillft for pants." (
"treps3,," jest happened. 'late remelt , ,
itt 1.1141, you can exeeet nothing. but
inc liable. to get anything.
SfIrtpliazard 1111and int -se breeding
0):0011110 05tlie Cilii8e8 or low101Eor BEAUTIFY IT- WITH
frwonleg111(11 financial esilliees among
The remedY lies in,: the _farmers'
Ontario fa,rnters to-dak• -
• "1)1AMON 1::/,EV°
1,310- a, good pure bred sire of" the. 110ipe -
Ta'ccd stot3li"- 01e 15111511 -11) itta arci tinting Is
and you have anode the 'first step to- 1,h 1)h,,
ward aoccess, utond:Dycs. ',fuse (lip
111 cold water to in
Tao Wise, Woman.
0111 Ilailor' '1 Ses (11051, 1111110 11 211 o'31 -dr." , • . t permanent c'b b t.
Lad y—" I -To tv 1 111,E:resting! Anil what
is that little one Just i front?"
,111tIt'S a litg," 00 mnums any wo.
I „ti dy --" yes, of ' course, I ug of dye- t
2112. z. "Ive lioard of, them," 1(1, ri
A Lo -u -'4'd VoLice, b1.0511,• oi>irLtt, 1111111(1,' 11110150. ceo0V0Ct'l:
pelt 'Al tlier----"W h ttt ysell ;rigs, 111111 g g8,' (eery teilfg 1300
13 1)' will 110 when he gro--ws, tip ?", 0311,11 1;',11,3
EItlislicrated Father -eel' don't know; --and loll your deogeist whether tb,s
material yott wish lo csior 'is woo; oi
This trick is (lode with an Eng-
Jish walnut, selected at randoril
from a pile on the table, The'
magician strokes the walnut-, as-
. that lie is magnetizing it.:
Presently he g1000'.. tvllout 1111)1
litho haa S111)0°gh.sellt. truly ,f1b19;2earUS1ei .13 tla'se
walnut if his finger were a magnetanti the
walnut a bit of steel.
But that, isn't the true texplana•
tion. While stroleing the „walnut
ihe magician opened one end Of it.
very slightly. "With; a little ores.
sere -Ibis can be -done with any
Englieh walnut that isn't too'fresh.
slailsawill pinch the skin of the fore-
, finger. Ond will hoist; although rent-
tle shake(will dislodge it. An al -
Mend eau also be used in .100 tricit.
(Clip Ont an a ,1103t4 , with
other' of the scrioo, aseerageook.)
— -
Nothing makes a. Mother more
grateful than a benefit conferred upon
her child. Mothers everywhere who
bave used Baby's gum Tablet§ for
their children speak in enthusiastic
terms bt them For Instance, Mrs,
Zepharin Lavoie, Three Rivem Ques
wrItes ta-"Baby's (awn Tablets are a
wonderful medicine far little ones.
They never fail to regulate the baby's
"-slim-tacit and bowels, and make him
plump anti well. I always keep a trek
of the 'robots in the house and woald
advise all mothers to do likevilse."
Most of the ordinary ailments Of child-
hood arise in the stomach and bowels,
and can be anirkly banished by Baby's
Own Tablets. ,These Tablets relieve
constipation 10114 Intligestlou, bretak
ip colds and simple fevers, expel
worms, allay teething" pains and pro-
mote heeithful sleep.- They are guar-
anteed to be tree from injurious drugs
and are sate even for the youugest
mid Moat deliCatb child. The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers . or ley
at' 29e 11,1100 from The Dr, Wil-
liams' Meilicthe Go., Drockville, Ont,
'Strec;g"---th of Woocis.
.Wittitin the past year new knowledge
regarding theeffeet of rate of grdwth
on. 'the strength ot Canadian woods
has been reached at the Forest Pro -
sleets Laboratories Of Canada (DO-
miniolt Ferns' try. Branch), Montreal.
The feet that'eate of growth exer-
cises an important InlItienee on the
bieshanloal ifroporties of timber had
beat bropght to light by Previous re.
search, 11 was imowu that in soft -
anomie, such as pine and Spruce, slolvly
grown material tended to be stronger
than that .oe, very rapid ..growth and
that in :the so -caned ring-porets haed-
woods such asi Ash and Oak, the re -
Verse was true, slowly grown wood
being inferior strength to that of
mere rapid growth.
Analysis oE the results of many
thousands of strength tests made at
the Laboratories, has now enabled the
investigators to go a step further and
to (letertnine definitely the rates ‘cot
growth at which maximum strength is
developed in a number of the import -
lull. commercial ;woods of Canada. This
information finds practical nephew.
tion in a, large number of uses of wood
in which the etrengtit of the material
is a "primary coesidoriftion. ,
Minarcl's Lintment for the Grippe.
41U -tonal Mies Cope has played the
organ in a Kingsway Church, Leedom
for (30 'years, she has only missed a
Sunday service four times, apart from.
Tho wovid's best.
. hair tint. Will re-.
store gray hair .toi its natural
ittoIoi' in 16 minutes.
.. Small „size; $3:30 by mall
Double size, $5.50 Liby mail
The W. T. Pember Stores
, "
129 Vonge, St. Toronto
are thc non;cent,rated -
strength of prime, 'fresh
beef. Use them to add
'it,- 'flavor 'att nutriment tc.. •
• so.uns ,;saunct, grnvy,
is - aco.
111b" 1
_ I
Sos PI -lit Aid Minarsiiit Liniment, oied good
"Meal Pik:IS/Nonni
Only 2 Days from ewyork
Sailings Welty
14wing Y. And 551.
0/1 -Burning $80aMrt5
it,eliriaNrit,isertira Do.eiaen ate:
,Porkfluefre.freillookla{.2 TI(24O2
34 Whitcloli st, ,ct -; 'York BUY'
An^:> 4ortatTonri,4 Agent '."1".
.),v1r.a4;mt limstljimelffEnve
414iI 11.
Tobn, c.70:- on the told this sto17.
"Just five •-•;..arri o. -‘o rooh account of Myself, Thou
started. to wele]. the Iron) ni7 bard of nondescript
coilvs: In' four rionths .bad sold seven and in tweivo
months I only "lad cc/0 of my original herd, .laut bad
bought foes more., ntly herd woo reduced to mac, bot
was getting, as much milk or, from the 18. Now I have 15
cows, scene pule Med and others gond grade and a real
"AntsI inaldng any money?"
',Well you can bet your hat I'm not losing any."
What John did others can do.
1'h of of Clevell '
"The most picturesque In
England" is Wbaf, 'Mary "Ellen Chase
calls Clovelly in en interesting des-
cription in the Wellspring. She .saYS
that 010'r11Y .is situated on the North
Devonshire cane t, en a bay, of the Sea,
and sheltered fete the eti ti 1
and storms by great brown cliffs on
either side. It is literelly built upon
the face of a: rocky hills and its one
narrow street, the Street, is
Well named, Inc it is made in the term
eobbledsatone ateps,. which meant
from the sea, to- the sutanet of the
11111. So narrow and precipitious is
this street that uo Vehicles of any
ltied can be used Clovelly. only
patient, sure-frted donkeys go up and
down, (carrying. panniers of ileh or
vegetables, mid soluettlues children
or growim-ups, too, *to take this
qinsier way of mounting from sea tel
hill. These donkeys. are part of the
charm, of_CloVelly. Long:eared, ,shag -
931, and patient, they climb eta
down, down and up, for items, driven
by stmely, brown:legged' lads who are
as sure-footed as they from long , ex-'
perionce in climbing over stonee.
Then, their work over for a taw anos„
raents, they sleep in the Sunshine,
dreamily away the flies with
their long ears and short, etubby tails.
• ,,.
When ordering. goods by mail send
a Dominion Express Money Order.
Loyalty is a priceless quality of
heart and minds—an alloy of golden
kindliness, silver sentiment, and copper
common sense. •
Classified Advertisements
"' Patches, $2. McCreery, Chatham,'
iolas, Iris, Peony, Fancy Dahlias
and Bared Rock Eggs, 'The.Wright .
Farm, Prockeille, Dnt: •
- ILN •Matti 22" SOFTWOOD
Heading noards, dressed one
-side to 7/2" 8,05 saw -jointed both. edges.
,Quote F.O.B. here. Reid Bros., Both-
well, Ont,
Mina rd's for sprelne• and".8rula5e.
Live to -day! Get' all of the sun-
shine, the happiness, the broadere'bet-
ter viewpoint that to -day- holds for
Hotel .A.tetntiacegg
America's Smartest
Resort -Hotel.
Famous for its Euro-
pean Atmosphere,
Perfect Cuisine and
Single. rooms' from moo
Double rooms "frotn $8.00
• European Tian
New • Hydriatric and
Electro - Therapeutic
Department, '
Quick Relief for
- Rheumatism
Mee, Bert Young of Filch Bay, Que.,
writes as follows:
"I could not Wen over in bed at
night. I tried doctors and sent oft
tor medicine§ which did me no
aood, bat after using three bottles
of MInard's my rheumatism left me
entirely, and I have never felt it
Always keep MInard's handy.
h13,rd's Liniment
Emptions On Shou ders, Neck
and Face. Itched and Burned.
"lVfy trouble began with red spots
breaking out on my shoulders,
neck and -face. They itched and
burned causing mo to scratch and
irritate the affected parts. '1'he erup-
tions staled over and my clothing
aggravated them. My face waS dis-
figured, and the trouble kept getting
" I began using Cuticura Soap
and Ointment, and after using three,
cakes of Cutictira Soap and' one
and a half boxes of ,Cuticura Oint-
ment I was completely healed."
(Signad) Miss Pauline Mills, R.
11, D. 4, Quaker City, Ohio, June
15, 1923.
CuticuraSoap.Ointment and Tal-
cum are all you need for 'every -day
toilet and nursery purposes.
1122012 5.015 Free by Mall. Addreso CanudIall
Dana; .02tI000i, 3. 0.13.32 2515, blantten1,,
_,_21ao gong262,01ntntent25and505,TajoumBie.
WV" Try our new Shaving &Ink.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta.
tale Compound a Dependable
Help.for Mothers
Port Greville, Nova Scotia. --"I took
your medicine for a terrible pain in my
aide and for weakness and headaches. I '
seemed to bloat all over, too, and my
fe,,et and hands were the worst. I am
the mother of four children and I am
nursing my baby—the first MO of four
I could nurse. I took Lydia 311. Pink-
liarn's 'Vegetable Compound before the
baby's birth, BO you can see }XV =Oh
it helped nae. I cannot praise it too
'highly for what jt has done forme. I
took all kinds of medicine, but the Veg-,
etable COmpound is the only one that
has helped me for any length of time.
I recommend it to any one with troubles
like mineand you may use my letter foes
Port Greville, Nova Scotia.
flefore and after chil d-birththe mother
will find Lydia E. Piakham's Vegetable
Compound a blessing.
Many, many letters are received giv-
iag the same sort of experience as is
given in this letter. Not only is the
Mother benefitedebutthese good results
pass on to the child.
No harmful drugs are used in the
preparation of tins medieme—jwit roots
and herbs—and it eau be taken maafety
hy the nursing mother.
98 out of every 100 women reported
benefit from its use in a recent canvas
among Woinen mere of this medicine. C
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache '
Pain , Neuralgia
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatisin
t\tonly ‘!Ba.vt,r" Eackage
Lwhcls gontaiiisTroventiirections.
Handy "Bayes'" boxes Of 12, tablets',
Also bottles of 24 and 1 00--l)ruggists.,
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