HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-03-05, Page 5Fuc trip t wee �b 1 Sunday 5�ehoo1 tion *i11; "rye "held • ori 1 edxtes"day, March; the 1$01. Mr. ;McIntosh'' of Carnpbellford is to be' present and give an address afternoon and even- ing,' I3,ay.' P. Banes and Ma; G. Sturdy attended the Temperance conventi7,n in Clinton on; Tuesday. The' interdenominational -Dar: of 'Prayer was postponed nihil Wecines- ,;day the 4th, owing to the storm.. Constance Mr, las. Mann of Brussels and 'Mr. :David` Tudor' of Michigan visited the latter's' brother, D. Tudor, for a couple of days „last week.` Mrs. Joe .Riley spent :e week with her another iis Goderich • Tp. 'uito a number of the' children have'• laid u i with sore' throats, while 'been a d 1 v others,have had the scarlet fever. The hadies' Aid' met last week in the',chureh, Mrs,\ A. -.Nicholson and, Jack. Moore and Will Moore were called t -o .Tor- orito owing to the illness of their mother, but -.Hope she will soon be "better. N Goderich T �WIllshiP The council met in Ilolinesville on -Monday, March 2nd, at,1:30. After the usual routine a grant of $10 was given to the Salvation Army and one of $25.00 to the: Clinton Stock Show. 'Be thy, Globe Indemnity- Co. scheme for insurance, no action was taken, 'Bylaw No: ''5, authorizing the borrow- ing of $5,000 from the -Union Bank, as read the third time was passed. Reeve Ginn and Councillor Sowerby were appointed to interview the Good `Roads •Co. re 'the purchase' of two ^small graders; and one rea11 plow. The• following accounts were !ordered paid: The. Signal, adv., $1.50;: R, G. Thoinp- 'son, registration of births (28), uiar- riagee (2) and deaths (20), $12.50; 'The 'council then adjourned to-' meet on Monday, . April 6' at 1:30•,-R. G. Thompson, Clerk.`' llr,, WilrEllwood has been engaged 'by 1 es, Lewis Anders n for the come ing eeminer'•inonths ° •• Mre Robt. Cluff is,busy gettieg.up his Year's supply of -wood • Mn. Wilfred`: Thompson intends. go- .ing west next vyeek. Mr. Earl Switzer has engaged- for another year with Mr. d. R. Middle- ton, ` .. x i Mr. Dick Ellwood, and Miss Millie Thompson were recently married and 'Intend eesiding in Goderich. Congrat- 'lations.: 1[lokmnesrrtlle 'The YoungPeopie's League of On- ''erio street church, Clinton, are com- ing to Holmesville on the evening of March the` 12th: to repeat, their play, "The Young Village Doctor under the auspices of the Methodisst`church choir. - • • . . The Mission Circle :held their Feb- ruary :,meeting at the parsonage on Thursday* evening last,. and although a very stormy night, quite a number gathered and enjoyed the program and the hospitality of 'Rev. W. V. and Mrs. Walden. • „ We are sorry to••aeport the serious `illness of the infant son of Mr. and Mr's. Leslie Jervis. Mr. Fred Mulholland is • putting, in a supply' of ice. Births - -YIJNGIILUTT-In Hullett, on Feb. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs: Ec1. yuug- blutt, a daughter. Deaths ORR-' In Stanley, on Feb. 26th, Alex 'ander Orr, aged 43 years. ' eST:RW,ART-In Stanley, on Mar. 3ece. Lucinda Stephenson,; widow of ,the late Walter Stewart, in. her 67th year, ` IN MEMORIAM 'TOWNSEND - In loving remem brant& of my dear husband, Joseph Crich Townsend,•vrho passed away on March 4th., 1922.--A. L. Town. send, For Sale }Iigh oven Peninsular range, three - ',burner coal oil stove with oven, same articles of furniture, rugs,, linoleuens, etc, for sale pr'lvately. Mrs. - George 1'lae1lain, Ratteubury St., . West. 96-2-p Lost A pearl sunburst, somewhere, be- tweeze` the Ontario street 'church and `Townshend street. 0°indere kindly leave at News -Record office. ' 96-1 • Auction Sale • Farm stock and ;implements at Pa is lot 2', London road, 2. mile's' south, of lirucefield, ozi .Friday, March 20th; at 1 o'clock, sharp,', as follows: Horses: ,. ' in marc 8 ears d h . v drry g , y o e2 y horse, 6 years ` old; heavy ,horse, 9 -years old• Cattle: 2 cows lust fresh- ened; cow due to freshen in June pure bred Durham) ; cow dile to freshen in. March; 2 cows due to freshen in June; cow due to freshen in' October ; ,heif- rex• due to freshen:'in ,November; 4 steers':2 years old; 4 steers 1 year' old; 2 Heifers 2: years old; .2 heifers 1 year bld; -heifer 2 years old, pure bred Durham; pore bred Dtirham bull a s old; lure bred` Durham 'hull 3 yen ,1 9 months old;. 2, young'' calves.. Imple- nments: ` cultivator, maniere spreader, root ;miner; wagon box; cutter, Pan- dora do ra range heating stove,coal oil. g stove, --0 'd'ining room' chairs, arm glasscupboard, rs'cnu,,.,las 8yad, linol- eum'churn, washingmachine and :.,0 ,7(11'1'1' Other articles. Everything' to be old without reserve as proprietor s giving up farming, Terms: ` All s 'ns of $:10 and under, cash, over amount' L' 8 months' credit it that z � will be^ a yen oir furnishing bankable raper rr <. 'discount- of 4. straight allowed or cash, Jtnhit, Moffat,: Proprietor., Geo, 11. Elliott, 'Auctioneer. 06-2 f 3E THANKS :Ford "wish to thank and neighbors for their ng the illness, Of their .n. _ ,t ,Mari Wanted gp to ;, Saskatchewan at once, Part fare paid. Apply E. W.'yIorri- son', 96.1 For Sale 'Bab buggy, as good � y g33, g new, cheap Inc quick sale. Inquire at; Clinton News -Record. , 96-1 Farms For.. Sale Farm in the township of Goderich, lot 13, consisting. of 100 acres more or. less; 20 acres seeded down, over 40 acres ploughed, ready for crop,' 30 acres hemlock and cedar bush, rest pastille; : plenty of water, runs along Maitland River joining Ben - miller. Also the farm in the to -we- -ship of Goderich situated on' the Pro- vincial Highway, lot No,' 21, 100 acres of -first-class 'land one-half mile to " school and church; 41/.' miles to Goderieh,; 13/a miles'to Beruniller, con- venient to ,railways, good:barn and Out -buildings, windmill and 'water convenient in stables. A new brick hoise•bnilt 9 years ago, furnace, bath- room, hot android water in cellar and all through house; 10 acres orchard; G acres wheat; 35 acres seeded down, ploughing all done. These farms will - be sold•separately'or together' to suit) buyer. Terms reasonable. Apply. to owner, Mrs. ' Ruth' Thom:es: n, :'Goder- ich, Ont.;' R. R. No, 1. 36-3 Auction$ale., Of Farm,. Farm ::Stock, Implements and Household effects ori :'Tuesday, March 17, at '1. o'clock, sharp. Farm consists of Nr/, 100.16, L.R.E.; Stan- ley Township, 6430 acres, frame house, barn, 30x50,, never {failing well at end of - farm, 2 good wells' at house, • would,, make an ideal pasture farm. Horses:' 3, year old 'mare, 9 year old mare, 11 year old mare, also 2 .cows; brood sow,'•50 hens, 2 ducks, full line . of `farm .implements and household effects. Terms:.' On real estate, 10% on day, of sale, balance in thirty days. Usual terihs on chat- tels. Robert Orr .and'•Samuel Stele ling, eytecutors Alexander Orr estate:` ,Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. D6-2 Representatives Wanted ' A first' class'. opportunity to' get. into a. good, ' lifelong._, business right here (,in'Clinton, for' one, (or two, pre- ferably) active ;•-irldnetrious young men, as. representatives of the' Intel. - national Harfester' Core Write A. W. Bowe, Blockman, 493 King street, London, Ont. 96-2 • Varna Chopping Mill Beginning Meech 9th the rates at the Varna Chopping Mill will be re- dueed.ta 8c. per bag. Grinding Tues- day and Thursday.' E. H. Epps & Son. 96-1 Auction Sale of Farm Stock Will be held on the premises of. Mr, Wesley Nott, on the -Highway, 5 utiles east of Clinton, on Tuesday, March 17th at 1 pm. as follows: Cattle: Coin, Shorthorn grade,, ris- ing 5, to freshen March 25th, extra good one; cow, 8 years old, due June 2011i; cow, 7 years old, due Julie 25th; registered ;Shorthorn bull, 4 years old; 2 year. old heifer, sapposed'to be in calf; 211. year .old ethers; 2 spring. calves; •2 'Y'ork ems. with litters, '3 weeks' old; 25 short -keep feeders, Polled Angus steers, averaging 1,000 lbs.; 10 short -keep . feeders, • roan steers, averaging 1•,000 lbs.;- 15 2 - year -old steers, red,.'975 lbs. each;^10 2 -year-old .steers; Herefords, 850 lbs: Terms: 'Six nxonths credit will be given on approved. joint notes, or a discount of 4% straight for cash on Credit amounts. G. W. Nott, Propri- etor. George H. Elliott,- Auctioneer.` Harold .Turner, Clerk. .. 96-2 Clearing, Auction Sale Of Farris Stock and Implements, Mr. Geo. Sowerby will sell by Public Auction at Lot 13, Con. 3, 'Goderich Township on Tuesday, March 17, commencing . at .d $'clock, sharp. Horses: driving mare, • G yearn old, sired by Ike Medium, a• good strong delver or third horse; driving mare, •"Sadie Dunbar"; bay horse;, 8 'years old. Cattle: 7 Holstein cows, ris- ing 7 years, all due to freshen at an early date; 6 newly freshened Polled. Angus Heifers, 3 years old;2 cows 4 years old, due shortly; 5 Polled 'An- gus fat steers, rising 3 years old; 3. Polled Angus 'steers, rising..2 years; 8 Polled Angus fat Heifers, rising 3' years old; 3 Polled: Angus Heifers, rising 2' years; 13 Polled Angus Heif- ens and Steers, rasing -1 year old; 4 Polled Angus calves; 1 pure bred' Polled Angus bull, rising 2 years old. Implements: Meltte cream separa- toi, 456 ib..capadity; ,Massey -Harris cultivator; Bain 'wagon in good con- ditioni;' set of<Diamond 'harrows, nearly new;;: 2 odd sectiones of har- rows; single horse , seuffler; light democrat; „Portland cutter;- Oliver ridig.plow. Therc`,will be no reserve on anything' advertised. The cattle are,an exceptionally fine lot and ;are in. splendid: 'condition. Said'. under, diver if', stormy. Terms: ' Seven months' credit on furnishing: unproved joint' notes, A discount 'at the rate. of G°fn per annum allowed for•, cash, George Sowerby, Proprietor.' Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer. 06-2 Auction -Sale 01 house' and household effeets,. onr .corner• of James and. Cutter streets, Clinton, on Saturday," March ..1408. 1925; at 1:30 o'clock; chas-p,,the' fol- lowing: beds, dressers and stands, tables, chairs and ,•rockers,°writins. 'desk,jnhonogranh and:` 52 records, 100 a se lens high chair,.'vacuuni- sweeper. garden -tools, lawn mower, - water trough, 8x2 feet, kitchen stove,' heat- ing eat- in • stone te, eleztr'c ]ami S � lamps, 2 plate el-, octric cook stove, kitchen 'cupboard, child's iron bed and stroller, 3 con- goleum rugs, and other articles too numerous 'to: mention: Also at the same tinieand place the comfortable and commodious ten 1001 house -with, electric lights, town :waterand good cellar will. be offered for pf c a1G. Ilousehold 'effects, cash. House and, lot, tei'm's made known On dtiy of gale, 8. i£a'iser, proprietor, Geo: II. Elliott, auctioneer. FAC Si' R , . T A OUT OPT METRY J3y Dr. Ross Savauge` Optometrist Seafoith Ontario 10 Gan a child have any other` defect; of vision besides far and near -sight`:. ; Yes, astigrhatism,' :-which •'s very detrimental. What causes astigmatism? An imperfection in the curve turn of the eyeball, resulting, in more' or less `blurred vision Should people with astigmatism 'wear their. glasses,. constantly? , Yes, if the error demands corn rection, it should be' kept cor- rected..- An or-rectedAn error of vision cannot be cured? No, it is corrected and correct- ed only when the glasses are worn..• . (Continued Next Week) There's along, long trail a -winding mine the' land of my dreams, Where the "Applicants" nee signing. Without' being told it seems But the •t long long night of waiting frntil my dreams all come true!' So TODAY, you bet, I'm going out And sign lee ONE or TWO. But the Ontario Equitable Life man never depends on dreams, 1611. T. CORLJESS .. Phone 193 General Agent. The Ontario Equitable Life And Accident, Insurance.. -Co. '. BABY CHICKS for. ,reale S. ` C. White Leghorn chicks $15.00 per hund'r'ed, $140.00 per thousand: Barred wird White Rocks, $20.00. per. hundred,r$190.00.per thollsantlf Custom hatching de per egg. , Our chicks are ,a11".fron\' healthy, free range :bred -to -lay stock. Inglenook Poultry Yards' ' E. J. TREWARTHA IlOLMESVILLE Phone 22-611, Clinton central • . 96.0f HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION .ANNUAL MEETING The 'annual meeting of the,Clinton, ,hospital Association will be held hi the council chamber on - Friday Afternoon March Gth at three o'clock.' The public of totvn and community are. cordially invited to attend. Vie meeting this year promises to be most interesting, .Bey sides the annual routine of business Mrs. Trewarthe will give e, report of. the delegatiep before the Inquiry Committee of,the Provincial Legisla- ture, concerning small Hospitals. Also a report Of the first annual conven- tion of the Ontario Hospital Associa- tion will be given. - The first meeting of the neve hoard will be held on Monday, Mar. 9th, at three he in the board- room of the town hall, -95-2 House for Sale ' In the village of Londesboro, .the property of Thoniaas Sampson, con- sisting of a 7 -roomed frame dwelling, in first class repair, furnace heated, bath room,'hard and soft wafer, good stable 16x30, some fruit trees, Blyth telephone: Fpr terms and !particulars apply to John Fingland, Londesboro, 06 -if Seed For Sale A quantity of yellow blossom sweet clover seed, ,seed". oats, and peas, A. le, Townshend.: Phone 23 on 606. ' Sweet Clover A -quantity of yellow -blossom sweet clover seed for sale R. B. Cole, R:- R. No, 4, Clinton, Phone 24 on 606.; 95-2-p For Selo A blocky bay mare, in good condi-. tion, 'well broken and `sound. Inquire. at. News-Record.,office. 95-2-p_ Car' For Sale Ali handtr zed Ford a in good run- ning dondition, Apply II. W. 'Charles -- worth at Mrs: J. Jenkins' residence, Clinton. 96-2 For aSle ' A pair 'of side curtaies.for Ford car, 1920 model. In first class 'condjtiori. Apply at W. Jago's, clothes; pressing_ rooms, Clinton. 95-2-p. BARGAINS 'IN RADIO SETS One tube set,, ,price only $30.00. This set is as good as any on the market :Reception `coming , in clear and loud,; having- tuned in 24 stations on r a st'rimy'night -(with all„ the Chi- cago station s silent). one heir}g 1,300. miles away in P1'4 ,irla, and • have heard Oakland Cal.;•:o'ii this= set. The alcove set with t' o tubes:_adtled, price s : ' n :Pie u only $65.00. ` One %iesl ran :rive tube set,' price $1,65.00;, egula .' price, $185,00. The above 505 are all coin- plete, with ',tubes, phones; batteries,' antenna putfit,,, etc. (Satisfaction. Suaranteed)r Bhemer-Tulle, combin- ation one, two and three tube set in a solid walnut cabinet with high net, ish, has piano hinges an lid sup-, ;ports. l tuned in Pittsburg on this set without any aerial or ` ground` 1 lice, of these sets in Canada, wire. h s $00.00, my; price' on. :above set, 300.00 (not equipped). Demonstration ,iv - en` any afternoon, or r evening., . -1. A Tlovey 95-t f Clinton New+ -Retard rotico'to Trappers 0,,.U4w,10{We ih' Price. : n 1' iklAwg� gel'so yon t ho'di qui furs s yQa-may lose soy- era", evera" xl lars by holding' your furs just a feW'adays. 1 will take your green ;if they are scraped clean, as they spoil quickly this, mild,weather if fat is Ieft on. My prices last weep were far , abo0e , tslavelling dealers. H. A. Hovey. 05=1.1 Expert Furniture 'Repairing Send'that broken chair or other 'article of furniture to us. , Our slogan is, "Stronger than new." All kinds o repairs in wood. Prices moderate.` W, S. iDowns, Clinton: Shop opposite Ontario street hurch heds.• 93.4- t � s p .Mouse For Sale - 6 -room frame house: en, Albert 'street, town water, good cistern, .14, acres; Oland; fruit 'trees, etc. Cement .stable and 'driving shed, all in. good condition. Apply to J. Carrick. 94-4-p Agents- Wanted To sell for the . "Old ,R:el!iable.;Font- hill Nurseries." Experience not ne- cessary. We offer exclusive terri= tory',; liberal commissions and' furnish handsome free outfit. "'Start now at best . selling time. Stone & Welling, ,ton, Toronto. Farm For Sale 127 -acre farm in goad condition, be- ing lot 16, pt.'17, Con. 1, Hulled town- ship, 11/2 miles east of Clinton on the Provincial Highway. 1,9 room 2 - storey brick house with furnace; big bank barn with, good stabling, .drive shed, henhouse. 8 acres of fall wheat in and fall plowing done.Plenty of good spring water. Excellent labd for mixed farming. Terms easy. For particulars apply on the premises, :or to John R. Noble, R.R. No. 4, Clinton. Plione 5.617. : ''93-tf' Probationers' Wanted Tw _probationers ioners Inc Pub- Iic :Hospital,Apply to Supt. 'Clinton_rain- g• er at the I:IospitaL •-91-tf 1 Farmi For Sale" • e 100 -acre farm, on the County Road, 3 miles north of Clinton. On the premises, are solid brick house, front part 34x20, kitchen ;18x30; frame barn' 60x70 with stone stabling -underneath and ' drive,shed 340, good;, siring well, viidmill, 'large cement watering trough, good'yining orchard, al'iout 8 acres . of `jbush.• Con- venient to school. Wi11 sell ehdap and on easy'•terms. Apply on prem -- ices to W. Morrison, R. R. No. 1, Cline ton. Phone 3 -on 637... 92-01 - ° Private Sale of Rouyn:and Effects House on Victoria streets also pri- vate sale of household furniture. Ap- ply ,on premises to B. Kaiser, Victoria street. For Sale 33 acres of choice land, joining the town of Clinton on Gravel\ road;; on premises is comfortable house, with good. cellar, an up to date hen house, 18x40, good baize, 32x64, machine shed 20x40 and. garagV1`4x18, Straw- berries, raspberries and other small 'fruits. Also a Renfrew .cream sep- arator, practically new, 400 Ib. capacity.' Town water, in ., house and barn, also'- a good cistern and small orchard. Apply 'on prem- ises to W. I•I. Cole, Clinton, Or phone 1.33. ' : 90-tf Clearing Auction' Sale Of Farm: Stock and Implements The undersigned has received in- structions from M. D. F. Schwanz to sell by public auction at his premises, Lot 11, Maitland concession, 4 miles north of Holmesville on Wednesday, March 18th, commencing at 12 o'clock, sharp, :consisting -of the following: Horses: 3 mares in' ,foal; 2 mares rising 9 years; 2 mares rising 8 years; gelding. rising 12 years; geld - nig rising. 6 years; gelding rising 3 Years; gelding rising 1 year. Mettle: 8 cows; pure bred ,Shorthorn bull; 3 2 year-cld heifers; 2 yearling heifers; ,yearling steer; 2 calves. Hogs,. etc.: 7 brood sows, to' farrow before or about•' time of sale; Yorlcshire boar;, 12 shoats; about 50 hens; coilie dog; lay, straw and a quantity of lumber: Iinplements. Portable steam engine, 14-16 h.p ,Decker jr. threshing ma- chine, 24"inch.'cylinder; International gas engine, 1 hp.; Vessot grinder, 101F. inch plate; set rolls; circular saw; emery; Massey, -Harris 'b'inder, 8 ft. cut; Deering hinder, 7 ft cut; Deering •mower, 6 ft. cut; Massey - Harris ' hay loader; Massey -Harris side delivery rake; dump rake; bean harvester; : seed' drill;• corn binder; Cockshutt manure spreader; Interna- tional manure spreader; 15 -tooth In- tevrational spring tooth cultivator; International 'roller; two -horse coin cultivator; Farmer's friend riding plow, 2 furrow; Defender riding plow, 2 furrow; Kangaroo' kid 'walking plow," 2 furrow; Fleury walking,' plow, No. 21; Oliver' walking plow, No, 2t; 2 sets drag harrows,; harrow cart; scuffler;; ¥assey-lIareis disc harrow, 16 discs; Gurney scales, 3,000 lbs.'ca- pacity; 4 wagons; wagon box with stock rack; set sleighs; -corn rack; threshing tank; democrat; rubber tire buggy; cutter; 2 40 -gal. steel drum's; 1 galvanized tank, 600 -gal. capacity; corn shelter; feed boiler; incubator; Babcock milk :tester; 2 fanning mills; - ;2 , root pulipers; grind- stone; horse, clipper; sheep'Cshear- ing attachment; . Sharples suction feed seperator; wheel ' barrow; cattle dehorner; car, ropes and 'slings," water trough; ':Grimnn., maple syrup` eva oetator iised.2 •seasons; about' 900, sap • buckets, ` spike' and covers; 8 horse collars, double trees, nocicyokes, chains, fonks,,eliovels, etc:;; set doable harness;: set'" plough - )farness,; set single harness; -Corona kitchen range, 9-21; wood .heating stove; Lender churn, : No. 3; daS.h . churn. Some household furniture and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: All sums of 310 ;'and' under, cash; over that amount 8 months credit will be given, on furnishing approved joint notes 011 bankable paper, dr a -discount 81 5% ;straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. Everything' to he sold without reserve as the'proprietox has sold his farm. ' Sale will positively Start, ,pn;:time, " Geo H. Elliott, Aue- tianeei'. D. If, Schwauz. Proprietor,, 953 iHCtitSDAY, MARCH 1923 at Hens Wanted,' also Crate' fed Chickens Inquire for Prices Bg'b",s bought according to Don/m- ien Government Egg Regulations. Poultry and Eggs' Retailed at Moderate Prices The Clinton Poultry -House (New Era Building) N., W. Trewartha Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w Mouse For Sale 0 -roomed cottage on Princescc street town water, electric light, phone, 30 acre, more or 'less, of : garden with some fruit trees,'. Desirable home, Apply on premises to Mrs. M. McIn- tyre. 90-tf. For Sale - The administrators of the estate of William Dohes};ty, deceased, offer for i sale his later i•esrdence and .the ad- joining lands,. (25 acres -more or less), on which- are erected substantial -and well-equipped buildings. Apply to J. E. Doherty onthe: premises, or to W, Brydone,`solicitor for the estate. 70-tf. LaIFE II, l UIfdt � INCE Tai ticipating vs. Non -Participating WHICH?, Before taking out you • life insur•• ante policy let ire explain the differ- ence. I can :sell you either or, both kinds, with or without accident and disability clauses. All Lines of Insurance g e Agent for Clinton and District of The Mutual Life Assurance*Company of Canada H. E. RORKE Office at residence, eor. Mary and Orange streets,' opp. the rink Phare 253 90-' • Wanted to„Purchase"for Cash Good hemlock,basswood, maple and• soft elm logs, delivered in our mill yard at Bayfield ` and at Thos. Wallis', Goderich' township. " Custom sawing • will be' done at both -places: McEWEN BRCi5. 86-tt M. RAMRAS Will pay the highest market prfae for Horse Hider? and Reef Hides, cScrapMetal, 'Geese and Ducic Feath- ers, etc. - Deliver to,my residence; opposite Cameron's Carriage Shop or phone 13'7 and I will call. COAL, We have a'supply of'Furnace, . Stove, Nut and- Soft.- Also seine good dry 'slabs. ' Leave orders at residence. E. WARD Phone 155. - Huron Street. C AL Having erected new coal sheds will have on hand full stock of coal for immediate: delivery. • Prices reason- able, R. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence, phone 119 Grain, Flour and Feeds • Highest prices' paid for all var- ieties of grain. ` Can generally pay as high as anybody else, mostly high- er for these. To your advantage to call us whenever you have an -thing toe offer;. LOOS Iii the market for .lo seagain . Call us if you have any to ffer. ,-Itaye a complete late stete' of feeds hand,Make a. specialty•'o:E good heavy, clean screenings. -This feed is reasonably priced and of highest quality. Beef Scrap, Tankage, Oy- ster ,•Shell; Grit, -001 Cake, .:Salt, Ground Corn, Middlings, Feed FIour, Bran an Shorts. d S - . ready toserve ry e o and anx- ious to oblige -in, any way possible. Also issuers of Hunters & Trappers license : s J. A. FORD SON R ' Phone 123 Flour and Feed Merchants and Grain Buyers ,CREAM `ICW AN Fi'-'�. ' -i The demanid fox• our butter'is in- creasing. To supply this clemand we require more cream. We request you to ship us your, cream, We guarantee you the Highest. Market Prices,, accurate tests and: prompt service • i Oiir firm is l.no vn to 'y.ou and needs no ,further recommend. Wep ay all express . charges, furn- ish creamcans and pay 'twice' each month. Write :for cans or furher informa- tion to' the TIDE SEAFOIt.T'H CREAMERY CO. C. A. BARBER, MANAGER 5- m tileriware owland's' 014 Stared TELEPHONE Cl1I-NAMEL STORII1 Call in and see our assortment of ii�R�41JagH ` White,"blue and white -and "ear ' ' pearl grey Enamel ware •a so . 1 Tan. ware r . N stock as complete. We'�' also. have �ve twa� second hand uebee Heaters at a bargain o can We SRl . your wants supply is and at reasonable prices.. Clothes' Cleaned and Pressed Clothes'- cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woolen ;goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber -shop, • W. J. Jago. •'-83-01 AUCTIONEER Honor Graduate -Carey : Jmies' Na- donal School of A:uctioneering, Chi- cago: Speeial course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing: market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18- 93. . House For Sale Residence of the late Arthur Coop - corner Albert and Mill streets,..:Clin.. ton. ' Key at Mr. Walter King's., Money on Farin,.Lands : - The Industrial Mortgage and Sav- ings 'Company of Sarnia, Ontario, are prepared to advance money on mort- gages on good lands. Parties desir- ing money on farm mortgages' will please apply to James Cowan, Sea- forth, Ont., who will furnish rated and other particulars. 'The Industrial Mortgage. and Savings Company. _t 88112 1 - Cl'. 1nton Blake,, y QUALITY `Th e aOStimportant thing about our •-'Products is u ' n but justalt a We do � not use any- thing n - Q yi thi,. QualityIngredients in ` `our Tread Paas_ Cakes, Buns Etc., or anything pretaining to Baking, , Oysters, Ice Cream and Light Lunches ., . � WN & CO; BAKER, AND CONFECTIONER Phone 1 A shoe to fit the foot not the cot to fitThe shoe • ArclioitheNwnaaVoot JV"o7�;ishottistlic • this Spring Steel SlytYport -supports lalBoire OR how many years,have people spoken of "breaking in" a pair of shoes, i.e. suffering tortures till the foot had, in time, shaped the shoes to 4t the foot? But now Arch Defenders have banished all that and your foot glides into the shaped-to-nature'.insOle of the shoe like a glove to the hand. Nate also how different and shapelyis the last upon which Arch Defenders are built compared with the cid style. In addition to the concealed SriisgSteel §nuo Support and the'bpecial footcorm'insle, the lasts on which' Arch Defenders are built, with their, cupped heel and foot -contour sole, are so differ ent from the flat'shapeloss lasts of ordinary shoes. 'Stylish -Scientific --Sensible For Men and Women iii: ,�•Y: RC� '. ,,,,,� ... aw ti. • t. FEN oweemorganewomaawanagumeagan r<: LD BY FRED ICKSIIN g s� L tiIv1 R 1''a m ,8 .L FLOUR N FEED'''.• • -.• .,. , PURITY •FIVE ROSES AND MAPLE LEAF FOR BREAD ys . , Mov >'r pion, PASTRY i, BRAN .SHORTS, MIiibLINGS, CORN MEAL, CHOP HANOI' r BA5KETS We are lrepaied t0' fill 'hangingbaskets and are to ?ng o r cleee nov. Leave us your old pets to be filled as early as 'lapsable. CUT FLOWERS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES 5. Office Phone 199 anmomnriwwagmsrKaomTrawrwamauamaanoavesmsmt 6 Night 141 and 129.