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The Clinton News Record, 1925-03-05, Page 4
TIlUPS'DA,Y MARCI1 5, 1928 I'h n.tinidin News -Resor, COOPER'S S`P`ORE'.., NEWS lig Allnoullcome • Since, this .business was established in 1885 it has been knowis.to 'the S, it as- "Cooper's Book, Store..", At: the time we started, school boo . a c books and supplies was the leading department of our Five Hiindred Dollar Stock, but as time has gone on we have added departments of various kinds ,until we now would be•better known' as a Variety: Store." We therefore wish to advise•thepublic that we will in future, ^.5 in the past, add to our stoels,�::'n•hieh is now nearing the Ten Thou- sand Dollar mark, a ' w' _L other el xar�trnents that will be saleable in a 3 ' kind.; store 'of our 1T Fd . Wealso decided to discontinue some lines in order to make have ,: turnover n:ibleusto room for others which will have -a quicker'.uuro� r e give better service to our 'patrons.`: ek'throu h the columns of this. paper Wou informed from week tot o offer, but we ask. the'public keep you informed as to what we have to r may not to begenerousin their opinion as to what lins'we may or y sell. Please be assured that we aim to be of "Real Service to the community and will welcome, at any time suggestions as to how we ' can give gnore and better service. YOurs.truly, A. T. ;COOPER. .Staunton' Semi --Trimmed a 1 aper'Saves Time Tbei.selvages'ar partially severed in the ..,:e . and'a11` that . is. ' `ass of manufacture »i�c P acauratel trim the rolls needed to y is to . tap the ends.on.tl%e•table These papers can be hung quite easily. and 'successfully by': folks who do their. .. own papering, and paperhangers- find that with these papers they can do, the .wor,lz much more quickly and that they always give complete. satisfaction. You will enjoy choosing Wallpaper from our New Stock. The patterns are so novel 'and varied, the colour harmonies are so effective that you will soon find an ideal paper for eachroom that needs renovating that will male your home as charmilfg as you wish it were now. The New Stock of Papers are now on ,Sale You'll Not find Better Values anywhere. Wide Papers Low Prices T. COOPER. CLINTON [VlcKiIlop tow'n`ship • The recent cold snap. has made splendhi skating' Ter. the young people at the Roxboro'bridgeo Themany friends are sorry to` hear that`Mr. T E: hays is 'still -confined to the house, M ia s 'cannot, stand the winter' as well as in former years, • Mr, Jaes•Hart has r x.Tecovered and is able to be around as usual seals. The rural mail couriers had some very unpleasant trips a: few days- last' week. ,Kippen Earlyy Sunday morning, last Mr, Emmerson Smith of the:'yillage was called';to.,Zurich, his fatligr being,ser- iously ill with heart tremble.- I3e'i5as. over also on",Tuesdaynight, but re - Porte no improvement in his father's condition. • On Friday evening, Mar, 'Sth,' the the Ladies' Aid d4 St. Andrew's church, Kippers, will present the•play, "The Ladies' Aid at Mohawk ,Cress-'. roads:'. This •play will be given by, twenty-five women,, all .in=old time costume and promises to be an even- ing full of wit and humour. Besides the inlay there will be a number.' of in- "strumental selections, solos, etc., also several numbers by the orchestra.. intoxicating. (b) The introduction of 4,4' •bees' pr'esents the grave peril.; of creating an appetite and -demand 'in 'our ''prov- ince fOr province;,for, luster of ,higher alcoholic content. 'i ' (e);. `There is'every aeaso'i 'to' be- fO•T A Zieve the the moral o the t e o. will: be undermined and the' way thrown open fox° apeal;orgy of drunk-` exnress. 7.; That' we urge ;upon the Ontario Prohibition Union the importance; of sending authentic .information' to -tae Ontario Government: proving that.4.4 per 'cent. ;beer is intoxicating accord - 'Mg to the' best scientific' authorities. 8. -• That 'we indorse the suggestion of the 0. P. U: in,; using 'their ='best. efforts to • secure. in, our Paxliaxhents a large block' of pledged:prohibition candidates. • 9.; That copies bf these resolutions be sent to the local Members of• the Provincial Legislatiire •`and • the Dont- inion Parliament.-A.Cooper, Sec. Tuckersmith Township Mr. ---and ; Mrs. Janes Holland'. on Tuesday next will celebrate tfie.for- tieth- anniversary, of : their marriage. Mr. and Mrs, -Holland were married at the home o he 'bride's father, the late Mr. Whitely, by the Rev. John .Kenner, who was then pastor of the Ontario street Methodist church,. Clinton, which had been the' Bible Christian church. Union had just been consummated and this'' was the first marriage conducted by the. Rev. Mr.. Benner ':' after the, union. Miss Tena McDernild was bridesmaid and Mr. George Shipley best man at:this. wedding.' , Their friends , willextend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs:. Hol- land on this occasion and ,wish them many: more happy anniversaries. SPECIAL . PRICES Daring March and. April we offer Blatchfo 'dl's Steam Cooked Calf Meal AT LESS THAN ,WHOLESALE PRICES 100 lbs 4.25 511 lbs . , . . , .. $2.25' 25 lbs. \ $1.25 HURON COUNTY PROHIBITION CONFERENCE An emergency conference' `to'consid- er the proposed Temperance legisla , tion as outlined'in' the speeck_from the ;Throne . in, tile Ontario Legisla- ture, was called by -the Huron-. County Social Service ,Council, ;The conference was. held in Wesley church, Clinton, Tuesday, March 2rd, and was- well attendedby relpresenta- tives from the various parts of the County, and a very definite stand was taken, not only in' regard to the 'atti- tude to be taken regarding the Gov- ernment's proposition but -also in re- gard to the future policy of the Pro- , hibition party. The chair was occupied by the President, Mr. W. G. Medd, of Err=' eters and he made a very important announcement -when he declares} that ie wished to go on record as. saying ; that he would in the next-Provinc'ial' eleetion,.by vote and influence, stand by the present represeptative• of his constituency, Mr, N. W. Trewartha, provided that he- would stand by the 0. T. A. in the present crisis.. This statement')is stili more important when it is known that Mr. Medd, Was Mr. Trewartha's opponent at.the last Provincial election. Dr. F. J. Oaten of the Ontario Prohibition 'Union was present and gave leadership in the discussions of the convention and was assured, that Hnroii County would stand by their often repeated declar- ations that they are in the fight until complete Prohibition of the manufac- ture sale, ins ortation, transportation and exportation of allintoxicating. liquors for beverage purposes is sec- ured. The following 'resolutions were passed. ' • 1. That we protest against the pro- posed' amendment to' the Ontario Tem- perance Act, by legalising the sale of 4.4 per cent beer, as a distiinet weak- ening of the Act, : and a decided eon - Cession to the liquor interests, and contrary to the will mf electorate as expressed in the plebiscite .of last October. 2. That we urge, the three _mem- bers for Huron,' -Messrs. J.,Jeynti N. W. TreWartha and E. R. Wigle, to 013 - pose ,thiS p-pose,this Amendment in the Legisla- ture. 3. That we consider the exemption of native. Wines a weak point in the Ontario Temperance Act, and 'ask for the -removal of this 4kepip`tion. 4. That we reaffirm our desire and demand for Federal prohibition of the manufacture, importation, expor- tation and transportation' of all in- toxicating liquor for beverage pur- poses, and urge the Dominion Gov-' ermnent,ito co=operate with Provincial, Authorities in ' stamping out .both 'bootleg'ging' and rum -running: 5. ,That in..,order' to preserve the interests of Prohibition in clays to come urgently call, upon the elector- ate, male and female,' in the County of Huron, which gave such an over- whelming. majority ver-whehning.majority for Prohibition, to vote for candidates only, for all leg- islative bodies who will pledge Otero - selves 'to secure the highest interests of Prohibition, irrespective of political party, 6. That we put ourselves ,,on de- cided record'as emphatically opposed ,to the introduction- of 4.4 beer en 'these grounds: (a) Tho highest scientific ',author- ity declares' 4.4'beer :,as Undoubtedly Farmers and Stockmen, get your sulpply while these e e p ri a e s last. Blatehford's is the best calf meal'made. Follow directions in feed- ing and get best results. Orden at the Creamery or from our mem on the road. 96.9. L d T.ON CREAMERY9 Limited AGRICULTURAL:, INQUIRY' i ,,,REPO1tT the cattle nnrkete,"'iinprovement •5i the' handling of last `seasons fruit'` crop by the railways, improved ac coMmodation for stock and express at different railway points. 'to bring- about co -operation -between the .Led-; oral departments and,thc railways for _better shipping facilities in Northern Ontario. At tho present time the Committee is continuing 'efforts 9,o. obtain lietter rate's on apiculture! limestone; on feeds • cattle from western points to Ontario; on seed" potatoes frons- northwester Ontario; restoration of settlers' rates to the Districts of Kendra, Rainy River and Thunder Bay. The 'committee ori nittee recommends that . the Noxious Weeds . Act be revised. and' that new legislation on this sub-' ject include _enforcement by the De- partment, of Agriculture. The cor n- mittee also suggests, a strong, prov- ince -Wide campaign to combat weeds with the co-operation of councils, schools,, apricultural representatives and, organizations of various kinds, The committee recommends estab- lishment' of a station in the Eastern`, district to test cultivation of profit= able varieties of' apples- for that sat - tion of at-tion'of the province, and also recom- mends thatexperts be appointed to' assist agricultural representatives in large apple -growing counties, The following report of :the Agri- cultural committee, of which` N. W,. Trewar'tha, Member for South Jldv=on, is a member; was tabled in the House' the' other day:. ' A. proposal for 'creation of a: Na- tional Export Marketing Commission constitutes the main 'recommendation of a report tabled in the 'Legislature by: Hon. Dr. Jamieson, chairman of the special agrtrcultural .inquiry com- mittee which was appointed gat' last session,of the Ho ce, and has. been busy mst, of the time during the re- cess, The other members are. Messrs. Thompson (Lanark), Trewartha (South Huron), Black (,Addington), Keith (North " York), MacBride. (Brantford) and Lethbridge, (West' Middlesex). The Committee :held 54. meetings throughout the province,; also conferences with' representatives of the railways; manufacturers; whole- sale, retail:. and labor, organizations and authorities on economic• and soc- ial conditions and, accomplisshed a survey of farming conditions in On- tario by questionnaires sent to Ward=, ehs, Township Clerks and. -agrieultur- ''The report 'tabled in the House re- -Views all ,branches of Ontario agrt- CuTturaT production and outlines a lm. l onal, tharketing scheme for the Pc. 3. surplus of --this "production. Soilie, of ,the'.complaints: rec"erved 'at this sessions •diad have already re- sulted in`rentopl of grievances. The eoninlittee , was able to obtain sub- stantial redatiOn ub-stantial'xedutron of feed. charges at America's Leatling; Incubators and Brooders are now Being sold in, your own town. ''; I vz ' i TUE IDEAL Incubators and Brooders make money out of poultry to- day, and that is by artificial in- cubation and brooding. Get your cockerels on the market when they are worth 75c a lb„ and Four pullets laying in the fall when 'eggs are 60a to 75e a dozen. Call and see these nio- chines and be convinced:' ITIL :I ar��a�lril have been the Ieading machines in the United . States for 88 years. Th'isa year they are being sold in Canada at a price much below other makes of siin,ilar quality and these machines are built to last a lifetime, andhave a positive guarantee with every machine. There is only one way to• C iutori's a.� WHEN FSEA1 FOLKS SLUMBER i ON THE GRATE YOU CAN GET UP EARLY J GO TO BED LATE YES, AND KEEP WARM AS TOAST THE. LOC ur` l H CLOCK In the interests of 'Canadian farm- ers' and ; consumers, the 'Committee recommends that "bacon: from U. 'S. hogs sold .in Canada or abroad he plainly nnarked to indicate to the consumer that it is _the ."product of U.S.' hogs." The _ committee recommends that the Ontario Government strongly urge upon the Dominion Government full considerationof the'interests and requirements ,of Ontario's.shippers in. whatever :'federal .:policy may be de- tided upon to obtain reduction 'of ocean rates. In regard to the anarketmg'p7'o posal, the report explains that "to make a National Export. Marketing Commission representative of co-op- erative organizations, co-operation must become intert')irovineial in scope. A central co-operative Council crepre- senting all the, provinces is not only a'€easible plan,but is already an ac- complished feet. The Canadian Council of Agriculture would be an effective ,,agency ,in linkingup the co-operative bodies of the .different provinces and in realizing Donminion- wide,uniforni standards. 'Its. repro- sentation in a National Export Mar= keting. Commission would be a for- ward' stride in co-operation,.Ibringing Canadian agriculture to the threshold of .a great future.. The federal .Gov- ernment should prepare to meet the provinces cooperatively linked up to furnish 'volume of export trade. In cheese and bacon Ontario is the larg- est feeder of the Montreal agencies, operating the present export system. Rates are imposed by New'Fork upoi• Canadian Government ships which exert no 'beneficial influence upon Canadian trade or upon the problem of ocean transport. . "In the opinion of this Consmit tee the Government of Ontario should immediately: endeavor to obtain co- operathoil -of the Dominion and other provincial Governments to meet any British plan of buying the export sur- pluses. Action in Canada should be entrusted to a National Export Mar- keting Commission on which federal and provincial Governments, Co-op- erative organizations'and manufact- uring interests would have represen- tation." The committee found; the rural sec- tions of Old Ontario insistent in their demands for electric' service. While appreciating the sympathetic .attitude of the Government and the measures of assistance already given towards rural distribution, the feeling is gen- eral that nothing would have a great- er tendency to make rural life more attractive and profitable than mere general distribution of electric light and power- on the farni. The com- mittee ;therefore recommends that the Government pursue as vigorous a policy, as possible in seeking to effect a more general use of electric . light and power on the rural districts of the province '6 Vegetable und,Flower Seeds from your oca-i -Merchant TT is easy to identify g garden 'Qtantvr Rennie'aeedsb .themei- n-" r+irn Y S fioofland' the inmclousneencesa f an8ate largowers,e circ of rte vegetables. tos You, too, cart secure;tRese ia cull by a owi ng' Renrde's Vegetable And Slower Seeds.. i°tennls'a Seeds- are high in quality, 'nave been thoroughly tested for ncrminatlon andvJHat,1 rad; have a,., ,mutation that extends ovet half a century for. producing the very best la both Vcgetablee. Andl.Flov/er.. . TH1/ �t �7v CQMPAN im t AM �` A•®I B. LI LIMIT' -ED wan .t ()or.. ADELAIDE oindJARVXS sheets ... TORONTO Blas Rennie' a Seeds &Cal/, If yore sanies! o n �q+o please write us, giving yeur Dealer's address. Rennlr's Seed Annual -the most eomptata Canadian Seed Catalogue -free Air requmit. "Early to bed and early to rise" is an out-of-date maxim. It . doesn't Lake a very great stretch of ;the, im- agination to' believe .that it•originated when bed was the only place where a body could keep comfortable after sun -down. But now -a -days, every- body. depends;: on the Heat .Folks -to, keep the house comfortable 24 hours a day.: You don't mind . getting uhp early -in' a warm house; And you thoroughly enjoy staying up for a late party, or an interesting 'book. when you know, the heat isn't going doWri and leave -you 'in chills. Lay in a few tons of three -shift, comfort] • cru :call's' feel so good ;but: what' 1 1,\ l , will snake';, feel. better. Got 265. Box. Call the i�&A l='tLft5 for good, clean coal tr► 14J��H1iU COAL COMPANY/ - PHONE •74 CLINTON WALL PAPE house cleaning time will soon•.. be, with us. Brighten up with some of our new paper, which we invite you to inspect. ' Anll if you have ii room you wish done up cheap, look over our', broken lines, which are priced very low. We s911 have. some uuderweai,j.7'ub' bers, etc„ We are clearing at greatly; reduced prices.' ytf. l is 444. k4p•• Business Pro position - OUR farm is as, much going concern as a factory a dry goods store or a railroad system: Your farm is as dependent as any; other , business on aolio of'soutid 'forward-looking P Y.. � g financing designed to meet the various situations that occur' iii tie; life of a'farmer: • • If you will regard. your farm in this light-- as a clean-cut business proposition -you will find it helpful to form a connection .with the Bank of Montreal -a banit that has served' the farmers of Canada. for more than a century. Fadi of our 6.00 branches 6s the strength and stability of the entire organization. - BA • OF MONTREAL Established over TO© years Total Assets in excess of t7bo.000.000 FARM F1 . "� ENT Lot 11, Con. 2, Township of Hay, County of Huron. about ].d6 acres, situated on good gravel road about 2id miles North of Ex- eter, "half mile west of. London Road. Convenient to school and church. Buildings consist of brick 11,x' storey house, frame barn, hay barn and stables hog house,' hen house. Immediate possession. For terms or further particulars inquire of - 96-1 The Canada Trust Compan>t� Opp. Post' Office, London, Ont., or 1. R. Carling, Barrister, Exeter Men's Fleeced Underwear .. 80e Boys'' Fleeced Underwear 45e Women's Underwear .. 50c; 75c All Linen Towelling, , . ,., , .. 15e, 17c J d y16 na 9 =tf 91:121975114121.9.1911101114 WE SATISFY A MILLION PEOPLE EVE Y WEEK Satisfy then' with the consistent savings they are able to make. Satisfy thein with the quality of our goods -with our service and a general buying satisfaction they cannot obtairs. elsewhere. You, too, will experience the same "satisfactibn:by"placing your next order at your' nearest DOMINION STORE Cooking Figs 3 lbs. for 28c Fresh Dates 2 lbs. for 23c Chicken' Haddie, per tin . 25c 33c Mayfield Butter, per ib:.: . tare t• iuebed MAPLE SYRUP P40.10 Tin $1. '9 Quart Pint ,n r+.. .3 1URE 1�2. tf ; lb. 1 No. 3 TIN SHORTENING EASIFIIIST or DOMESTI clx Y's c IQCo r.Ar-AL" roz� 4 c " 4 BARS (LARGE ASST. 01J111 TEAS , ARE ,SPECLAI,LY 11311;EN1DED Wit ENPER'rS Tart„ SOME TODAY SpEcf Ab. TOY PAIL NUyTITE 363 ES cATISIi Yll?1•Ga WItCI NU FLNRITTS ]®AORS, :TY TVT I3READSOIE NU SED 'WALNUTS ordennx �/ a Ilio MILIION AND MOD CLi `s"t lkIERS WEEKLY, SIU1 iUEP'S ORANGE ' i ,NIALAD 4.fl .. 111_,