HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-02-26, Page 8' e.,•",•1 Order from your grocer his best tea aid he'll usually send "Red Rose." 114 The. same good tea for 30 years. Toy it' • Clarieified AdveatiSerrienite ,..Rnm:L.TANTs. ... FAMOUS PEOPLES ARGAIN PARbIlit, $2; 5 LBS, LIMERICKS Patches, $2, McCreary, Chatham, Ontario. FREE CATALOGTJE. - Lilt and Laughter in a Laet.Line. There was a young monk of Siberia, Who of fasting grew wearier aud wearier, Till at length, with yell, He burst from his cell,. And 'devoured the Father Superior? 11? ASPBERRY BUtHES, QLAD: -eielace Iris, Peony, :Fancy Dahlias and Barred Rock Eggs. The Wright "Falun, Breckyllle, Ord. L'ISZLAY.121 ELIZiP WANTED. LADIES WANTED TO-DO PLAIN •-11-4 and light seweig at home; evhole er spare time; goad pay; work pent Any distance; charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. NationaleManu- facturitig Co. Montreal LADIES ONLY -OUR BooramT, ALS, Ladies' ISrlend, mailed in plain erivelope, free. • CASIER 2423, Mon- treal. WANTED' 1",as ILN, DRIED 22" sorrwoon Heading Ecards, dressed 'one side to W, and eaw-joiuted both edges, Quota 'F.0:B. here. Reid Bros., Bora. well, Out. • FOREIGN BONDS - and STOCKS Government,-Munietind, IncluStrial A.ustrlan • • Italian. Poligh • Getman Russian Write for information •anel latest •' bfferings." R. G. PATTERSON Foreign Securities - 112 St. James St. Mentreae Que. Sun Life Estiblishes Great , Record. 'fhe flfty-fourte amend report of- the Sun Lite Assurance Company of Cana- da, bow ,being published, once again showe inspiring gaiter both ire re- esurces and in tile spread of the Com - pony's Operations. „Alt previous re - ear -0,1'0f the Cempany, outstanding as they have been, haste been greatly everreaclied, ' , 48,671 new policies. were .ISSUral and pale for-clering 1824: • • In addition; a large block of profit-. able British and foreirria business has beee acquired.frein, a big Areetiean tan:teeny by re-assuranoe, as well as • • the.. business ' of a Colonial company Possibly the bait ev • this Limerick by the late Mr. Wood- .. row Wilson:-- ' Ae a beauty I am nota etar, Thera are others more handsorae, by , act fey face -I don't:mind it, For Ian: behind it It"s the people ineront get the jar! ' Sortie Tangue-Titisters, Onaby Major Ian Hite, the novelist: There was an old man Of Nantucket, Who kept all.hie cash in a:bucket; But eaughteie .nantecl Nam •Ran away with a lean, • And as. for the bucket -Nantucket! Then there is this old favorite:- There was a•young' mats of Bengal Who went to a faneydrees bell, He went, hist for fun, Dressed up ars a bun, . And adog ate him up in the hall. , Some tongue -twisting Limerieltsi- There was a young lady named Psyche Who was heard to ejaculate 'Tory - 'For, when riding her pbych; She ran over a ptych • - A1161 fell- on some nails that Were. PsItYcles • H EA ks,4TH • EDUCATION 'BY DR J. J. fttlir3D1.-FTON Provinelal Board of Health, Ontario. Dr. 3'411titileton will be glad to answer questions on Pablic Health mat. tern thrOngh this colunen. Address latm at Spailina, I-lonse, Spadine Crescent, Toronto. • Breast feeding seemsto he one of the greatest checks to Infant mortality that is known. It is positively alarm- , , g to take the recoras in any com- munity and see the great preponder- ance of bottle-fed babies. While some women, through physical ivealtnes, PrehablY, cannot nurse their babieS, the tendency of the present time is for mothers to forego breast leading on account of the interferenCo with social duties and ordinary routine of'life that it ,would entail. Coupled with this regrettable viewpoint is the fact of winmercialism in the supply of in- fant foods. Even cow's milk which with a- proper percentage of added sugar and water, makes the best sub-') statute for mother's milk, nowadays rarely contains a proper standard of fat, the high pricee of butter at pres, ent tempting many people to use the separator at the expense of child life. In conversation with a doctor recently in a good-sized country town, he told me the startling news that'it was a1 snot 'impossible to get pure milk -of sufficient fat standard 011 account of butter which now fetches a -high Price on the mdricct. This is one of tile MM. Oim ortant factors to be dealt with in -the present campaign to ,build up- a. more robust babyhood 'in this Some "or the reasons why a baby should be breast fed are as forsoWs:. Breast milk is always ready and is never sour; it does not have to be prepared ot measured; it is- nature's and was intended for the baby; it will make the baby strong and healthy; it is absolutely fie's, from germs and dirt; it protects the baby from many infant's diseases; it lid safer for the baby;' ton bottle-fed ba - ACs die for every ono fed -on the breast; it contains the proper elements of food in the right proportion for the growing child; breast-fed babies Sel- dom have bowel trouble, which is so fatal in bottle-fed babies, especially in hot weather; the baby will have the best chance of living if breast fed. A :normal baby,should 'show the fol - Owing points in its development: A teady gain in weight; bowel move- ments every day;• a good appetite; no omiting; a clear skin; bright, wide pen eyes; very' little crying; gaiet unbroken sleep, with and mouth closed; a constant growth in stature and ineelligence.. • The temperature of the baby's bath should be from 99 deg. to 100 deg. F., and it should always be kept warns v int a slight -chill often bringe d e- strous results 1 the prevalence; of separators througia-1 out the country, Itis evident that -the r v unforttinate results of this pauperiz.' ing of Ilse milk is not realized by the people , who do the separating, for there is not -a man or. woman In. Oh -- Milo -worth the, 11 arne who would think of depriving the children of their only means of proper sustenance in- the early months of life. It is- just sthe •E Sack of knowledge, coupled with the a This 15 one of the many LimerMks Wit:1,2h appear in "The Complete Lim- —• elk Book," by Langford Reed's 'Many thousands -of Limericks have been per- petrated since the erase first todlt hold 01 the' public-thiough the col'. .tnees of "London Opinion," spme seventeen years rtgo; and the best of these have now•been. collected, by Mrs Reed, who hair Included in his bdok number of the favorite Lirnericke of faMone people.The one given above is by Father Ronald Knox. erae wen? , A Relic of Old Ireland. •Itawould Mean. that one beal would Tko Limerick, we are told, takes its be worth te his owner $500.00 more name and formation from en old song than the other, bull, except the 'smell popular in Ireland at convival` gather, difference be interestem investment. Inge. Here are more sPeelmens:- *If the difference in Value of the calves were $,10.00 ,per head, the differ - An. apianra, dining at ceewa, mite ia, the value of the bulls would be Pound quite a large mouse in his stew, 'el000,00 and correspondingly greater Said the waiter, "Don't sheut, • for wider differences in the 'value of Ahd wave it about, ' the eases. • Or -the reet will be wanting one, too!" • There are cases- where steers by a , good bull.have brought $50,00 Per head There as a young curate of Kidder- - mins ter more than steers- of the same age DY Inferior or scrub bulls. Who very severely obis 4 spinster. Therm figures should make any man For she u,sed, on -the ice, pause before buying an inferior bull words DO 86 an wee • - merely because the price is lave, 'When he inaavertently slid against It Ls true that nierely paying a high - • her, •• price for a bull doers not make -him a a good one, and -excellent bulls are pi - .An indolent vicar of Bray •• • ten bougbt at very inodent prices; but His rose's allowed to decays it is equally true that reallygood belle Ilis wifeemoM alert, are always worth the 'nioneY paid for Bought a powerful sqiiirt, them, while inferior bulls are dear at And said taller epouee, "Let its spray." any Price. No man can offend to use a scrub . -pee by. Rei4ye*e respenge_ bulk' A good lenlIatt $1,000.00 is cheap- er than -a -scrub bull received as a gift, as the figures -given above amply prove. It le also worth'itoting that steer by good, bells have rloppeds the open market in Galatia and ' the United States, and still held several (Men natukat high' price records. Surely .the thoughtful farmer will see to It that the bull he uses in future must be a good pure bred, and the result will be more beef, more milk, and more profit. - Will a Good Pure 'Bied Sire Pay?, --- ...A bull will sire anywhere front one hundred to several hundred calve during his lifetime, Slippage we. place the nUmber of calves at one hundred, . and suppose the calves by one bull are worth an average of 0.o0 per head more. than the calves by another bull, what would There wasis young boy of Quebec, Who tell Into the' ice to life neck, • When asked "Are yott friz?" • Ige replied, "Yea, I ire, But we don't call this cold in Quebec," operating In the East. Tho worldwide orgaeization of the Sun Life easily, ad- mits of the ebsorption of this business, 40 advantage. The policies Of a small • Canadian company were also as - tattled. In earnings froin inveetinenta the Company's experience has beet par- ticularly gratifying. • Both in the in- crease le market video of securities iteldateneenting ,t,e $6,391,377, and the profit on salee wherein the increased ,value or eecuritles hies, been capital- ized,• is reflected the :wisdom, of the Company's early policy of investment in leugterni bontle and similar seated, eles, ie expected -thee this in - monger' value wilt be permanent, pos. alb!e -fluctuatton has been -amply pro- vided for in the contingency account, The tate of enterest earned on the mean inveeted asseM advanced to 6.39 per emit, "nit exclualve of profits from fifties- and rePresents substantial gain over the previous "year's -very satisfactory earnings. Pelicyheldeirreceived • or had al- lotted. to thein • profits of $6,681,652 tiering 1024. • ' That the future partition of the Com- pany shall ho even more solid and se. cure, the reserves of its entire' BM aestiraime contracts have been veined at three per seat., while a special an- nuity reserve of $750,000 has been set A girl who weighs many an oz up beyond the amount required by the Used language I will not pronoz. Government's standard. • t Iler brother, one day, Palled her chair right away; Ile wanted to see if -shoes boz, re Composed The Training of Nurses. The appeal of service which nursing snakes to the spiritual forces ,in 'a yoeng woman is the 'deciding factor which drawher Into the nursing pro'tesln rather then into seine, more lucrative and pleasing calling.sederte 11. Browne, Presideet Canadian Nurries AsSoolatien. . . • • • 111111.1B151111111.4fMNINS He'd Stand Without Hitching. "Does your new clerk seem to be a steady fellow?" the customer asked of the proprietor of the drugstore. "Steady?" repeated the proprietor. shold Say he was steady! If he wire any steadier, he'd. bo motion- , Laughing at the Centuries. After being Melee since the reign:0 G "eed Qeeet Bese," theates of Exe ter Ship Canal have just been removed to Exeter Museum, says en Englisb, newspaper. Similar , relies are to be found en museums all over the' country, but few people lealize how matik of our sur- viving examples of ancient workinae ship are still in actual: use, For instance, there is an ancient atone Weir, dating, from about 1100, which was 'adapted a few years ago to drive the enachineeY which supplies Chester with electricity. • - - Even elder than this le the Fogs Dyke,- In Lincolnshire, which woe cut by the Romens,.andeirs etill la use as aoanal. , A Warning to All Mothers! Ralph's father is a doctor, and Italph likes to get 11.014 of an old medi- • cal, case- and a hat of his fatherand Play that'he is a doctor seise. One dee0. when the telephone rang he called out, ."SouSehode wants 'mei"' and, catching un the hat and case, hurried out the door. • "Come back and shut -the screen door," called hie mother. ' Ralph obeyed reluctantly. When he returned a bit later he looked solemn. "Well, how did you find your patient, Dr, Ralph?" his mother inquired jocularly. "Dead," the boy replied accumingly, "Tiled while I was coming back to shut th " • esioemerseanceseareasieriseetweeasesinsesiseessuseememesesewasiaeselowe same - s ' . . : . .,Som andiseas es .givelintrinefty train. anetheesattisek, :but • '- ' ' - ''' ' ' ..'-' ° '-'' . -',- -• ' .ireeirmatisni and lumbege (weilch in really muscular rhea- RtigIUMA•TISM: AND LUMBAGO madam) wort{ Just the -other Way. Every' Attack invites : - • • ' a • -----------There. is •seareelly' mil, ' disease - whiees-phYtielans Sind, • • . ARE BANISI-IED'IW—'.mono difilcult.per`treaL rilleeesSfullY`ilinn rheitinaligni. Long ' ... v`.:-` . seedy, however, has shown that the' seat ot theellsease is , , , .,• , in tile blood, . By maletainine the quadtty of the blood, yen , ' are doing the beet possible thine; to prevent and combat • That le why -Dr. Williams' Pink pii:1$ has proved suc- cessful in. thoueands of cases of rheumatism and lumbago: These pills enrich the blood and enable it to,throw off the prilsone bf the dieeaee. And 00 long as the blood is kept pure and rich, there meed be ito Tear of a return of the 1 11 "... - . 1 s., ' ; Mrs', Aiwie lirright, Wooleheater, Aita,; says: -q waa - , . . , a sufferer frotn. rheumatism for six years and most of that , , a ,_ , I, ;St el- -, „ , , I ' • . time my 1110 was ane ai misery, I tried several &eters „, ..„ ,. • butnevergot more thantempora.ry relief: Thtrouble lams • seemed to affect say whete DYStem. Finally 5 wati adViShd They GiVe New V itailty-'-ana more, •to try Dr. Williams', Pink Pills and tleenigh theme r found. • . -, eoniplete relief.: I cass strangle: recommeed Dr. eVilliams' Pink Pills to agYone suffering Irani this trotiblo.” • A IIIPPY CIIILD.1100D, IS. A ILITTEIC'OF IIEALTII Little -cliiidren7 quickly get out of Sorts but by proinpf etreatment they can just iss quickly be set right again. Meet -.of their troubles arise in the first place from the stomach and bow- , els; that is why a'gbod blearing mit is the first thing- tee doetor prescrIbee. Mother% why not let Baby's Own Tab- lets keen your children well. 'Unlike that rank tasting easter oil so dreaded Uy most children, the Tablets are pleasant to take and their action, though tharceigh, is gentle and onuses no discomfort, to either the baby or the growing childs Baby's Own Tablete are a never tailing rem- edy for rellevieg 'consitipation and in- digeatiern; thus they'. break- up colds and simple fevers, expel worms and make the teething period paielesa The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a baa from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Tam I' the Kirk. • 0 Jean, my Jean, wren the heR ea's the ,congregatioe, , Owre valley an' hilt wi' the ding free its iron moue Wheel a' body's' thoehts is set on his 0111 salvation, „ Mine's set on you. • • 'reere's a red rose Boerne the Builp" the Wore afore ee,-- That svas grosvhe bow on JO bush at the beek o' day, But the lad that pu'd you floWer the morning's glory, He caned', prey, He canna pray; but there's nand 1' the Kirk will heed him; Where he sits sae still his lane at • the side of the wa'; For nane but the red rose kens what my lassie gle'd him It an' us twat! Ife eallilaiging for the Sang that his • Sin he'rt raies, Ile canna see for the .inist that's afore his Ansi a voice dromic the hale o 'the psalms ate theaparaphrneeta (kyle' "ISan, .Than, Jean!" ' • -Violet Jacob. COLOR IT NEW WITH • • "DIAMOND DYES" Beautiful home dye' Ing and tinting is guaranteed•With Dire 'Mond Dyes, Just dip ,in cold water to 'test softedelicate shades, or boil te dye rich, permanent color s. Each 15 -cent 'package contains directions, - so simple any woman can dye or tint lin- eerie, : silks, ribbons, skirts, , Waists, dresses, coats, ctoCkings, sweaters, draperies, eoveringe, hangings, every. theist new. Buy "Diamond Dyes" -no other kind ',-and tell your druggist whether the material ,you wish to color is wool or silk, or 'Whether it is linee, cotton, or mixed gentle.' , •- .„. , • • English Ship Money Tax. tahtele a'hxs9 cns nxii) is rtosr.i, etahledy, 1-naaeilitgiam7.0, AD, - tow. by t41 rieY te)t of ,Iltigland was and comities of England,' for Tose the pur- af providing and maintaining sI navy for the protection. of the coast. It was.-gevItaideby diaries T. In 1.574, Without the consent of Parlianient and was arbitrarily levied 011 ,the whole of England. John HaMndell, a squlre 02 Duelingheinshlre,, resisted the pay- ment of the tax as illegal,'hut was pro- secuted. and condenined. In 1610-41 the Long Parliament decided the levy - Ing of 'Snit) money 10 be illegal and annulled the jedgment against Ham - don, says the -Detroit NeWs. ' The in1Position" of this lex was one of the chief eansus of the Civil, War and the rise to power of; aromweth 01:o = • • s One American firir.recentiv"gave an order. -for. 1..0,000 ' l3rftish-mado over- v!. ()baceo ()via u ' 111111111F - 1111p also in /jib. VACUUM IZED TINS 'MANN ACT6RFD BY IMPERIAL l'ORi"..CCO COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED. EASY TRICKS, . False Magic This is another "trick" :that is not a trick at all but A mere prac- tical joke. The trickster- selets the targest and most Powerful spectator and says to him displaying. a stick of wood about as large as a ruler: "You are strong enough to Eft this stick with your little finger. Yet, / can make it so that you will • be tired long before you are able to carry it out of the room." Teat sounds ridiculous and the ?statement is usually challenged. 'The trickster 10' right, however, With -Ids penknife he cute off a raferagealife bit of wood and mike the Spectator to carry that out of tile room. Tee spectator realizes that it he is to carry It out, a tiny splisiter at a time, he will indeed be tired loeg before he succeeds M remelting the Oticic and he will make a mental note not to be so eager to challenge the trickster's next fitatentent • '(Clip this out and paste it, with other the spripi in a lairiiltheekr) When sending money by Mall use Dominion Express Money Orders. Safer than, sending bele Government has been a fossil; it should be a plant -Emerson. For First Alta-Mlnaedet Liniment, Happiness is the natural flower of duty. -Brooks. •. . Twins for Noise. "Well, -Pat, do -the twins make much noise atmight?" 'Praise be to Myth! Shure each wen cries r1e 80 Med yez; can't hear the alter wan." tillnerd's Liniment for the Grippe. • Spading Tractor. • A new implement, a "spading trac- tor," will plow, harrow and cultivate in one operation, and has a capacity of three acres an hour. - , 'ideal %inter Neyqrounel Only 2, -Days froth liewYork Sailings Twice Weekly Leaving N.Y. Wed. and Sat. Via Pidatial, Twin.Scraw, OIL -Burning Steamers "FORT VICTORIA'", and "FORT sT. GEORGE" Landing Passengers/a HamiltonDock For Illustrated Bookbie Write fuRNEss BERMUDA LINE 54Whitehriligtreet • NetegorkCItg• • or Any 4peal rourbt AgenE The RitZCar1tOn 11 te1- M:ntleg4 America's •Smartest Resort Hotel.. Famous for its Euro- pean Atmosphere. Perfect Cuisine and Service.' Single rooms from Doable Towns from ;8.00 European Plan , New Hydriatric and Electro - Therapeutic Department. CusirAvt TOTT;lVianager ' Italy's Silk Wealth. The Bile cocoon crop in Italy has been,very satisfactory. Minardes for: Sprarna and Bruins. Lord Birkenhead stated in a zoceet speeolt that he had.xead every one of Scott's- novels at least nine times. Quick Relief for Rheumatism Mrs. Bert Youroaof Filch Bay, Que., • writes se follows: "I could not turn over in bed at' nig-ht. I tried doctors and sent off for medicines, which did me no good, but after using -three bottles of Minard's my rheumatism left me entirely, and' I have never felt it since," Always keep- Minard's handy. nard's Liniment Clear Your Complexion With. Cuticura Bathes-vith C.Micura Soap and bot water to free the pores of Impurities and follow with a gentle application of Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal. They are ideal for tbe toilet, as is also Cuticura Talcum for pow- dering and perfuming. gamble 244 Pres by area.. Address Canadian 1'2Alt's.ATUt4L2i2111321::=7:41c. Row- Ter our new Shaving Stick., For Your COeskituft save work -rnonerr-- time, trouble and fuel -and make your cooking better, • " •Tips . matted !O -30c; Look Younger Care -worn, nerve -exhausted women need 131tro.Phoephate, a pure organic phosphate diepensed ,by druggists that New York and Paris physicians pre - Scribe tO increase weight and strength and to revive youthful leokg and feel- ings. Price $1 per pkge. Aerew Chemical Co., 25 Front St. East, Todonto, One. TO EXPECTANT WitilJEEIS Letter from Mrs. Ayars Tells How Lydia E. Pinkhom's Vegetable Corripounl:11 Helped Her Spring Valley, Sek.-"I took ihe Vegetable Compound before my Mt' confinement, when I got to feeling so badly that 1 could net sleep 'nights, my back ached so aceoss my -hips, and could hardly do my werk during the day. 1 never had such an easy eenfinement, and this is my eixth baby., /read about Lydia E. Pinrcheen's Veetable GDP,' pound in the 'Vanier's Telegram 'and wrote you for one Of your -book. We have no druggist in our town, but I SaW' your medicine 111 1r. Eaton's catalogilee Proved „safe by rniilions and prescribed by,,plzysicians for, am a SaimerM.Wife, so haye all kinds ' - •: et work to do inside and outside the ea, ortal.L -TOCK: mittee Fartner-,,,ProveS Value of Pure Bred Bull W. G. Potter received $52.25 more fortteers sired by a Pure Bred Bull then for steere sired by a Scrub Bull, Ho• shipped five steers from common grade cows of squat merit. The two steers sired by a Scrub Dull brought ;95.55 eah, while the three steers sired by the Pure Bred Bull • brought $147.80 'each.,• The steers received the name care. ' Fewer and better _cattle are more profitable than a larger number of Scrub animals. Make your cows work for you rather than you should work far them. Yore itieS r000itition was to get rid of that Scrub Bull -Have you Slone t? BETTER BULLS PAY us house. My baby is 051100 healthy girls who weighed mac pounds at birth. I am feeling flee after putting in a large; garden eince baby came. She is as good as she can be.). Yours is the best medicine for women, and J have Loki about it and even written to my friends Neuralgia Colds' • Headache Pain about it." Lumbago Toothache --Mrs, Aiteein AYARS, Spring Valley, Sask. Lydia Pikham's Vegetable COM - pound is an excellent medicine for ex- pectant mothers, and should bo taken during the entire period. It has a gen- eral effect to strengt hen and tone up the entire system so that it may work in every respect as nature intends. All drugsists sell this dependable medicine. Illettilialisrn • Neuritis . Accept only „ Bayer pcage, which contains proven ctirctuyiis.'. untuiv '12t -e' beiteS of .1 2 tablets. • Also fisttles of e,4 and ‘, 1 00 1) I t • - g Atagrin 01 1.1.10 ('(la 0,111 (r,1s5sS 0 :1,114111 'or t)O- rci tie . aciauter or Naneynaai3O (554,141 ,110.111,1 5(11, WI114 15 15511 ImottrA " '• For EVryIll-R1rnard1s Lfuluient, 1,9sur, ,thot 85p11.1, ienna:Revr ninntftl.,1h10. lo 013(31(31,11151isaistos•, Tablets_ at Dayet C'ompay will be einmata with. 't1e1r gosirrl tlie. C01,"'