The Clinton News Record, 1925-02-26, Page 1. tllk Ia dt�iai'
eat, :'.:I.65,
;s 50c to 52c,
le lee
Butter; '28c bo 30e.
"Buckwheat, 80e.
2v to 9,1e.
Eggs, c 3
Live Hogs, `h;'X
1 o,
If 808 want your watch true to you—You must
`a guarantee all our elk
1i e do all our own watch repairing nd g t w
Should :your clock need Cleaning and repairing, Nedgive it
the,sano carefnll attention
as we would your watch.
be true to it'.
9reserve ¥ G.air - ti ht' _
Your eyes are yeur'mast valuable possession. Our advice aud
service are at your command,
Phone 174w Residence 174j
The .faint-Dry-Rtte Way
of Kashin Means—
No hand rinsing
No hand billing
No buttons broken
No hooks bent
tt No 'fasteners jammed
No red hands s.
No hard -to -iron creases
No'wringet and no
extra tubs
'f it Alas
TArrp Wouldn't youIike o wash the
faun -Dry -Etta Watt' i'hona
electric wash machine wnSnE ' � or.calL
5'.(.NU • •
WES, WITHOUT AWlt 3014',��
For Every
«r Spriug
are Iteady
Hat styles are more varied than'
ill ' an
ever this seaebn, so w ,
have an excuse for wearing an un-
becoming hat._•
We're showing all the, correct
.styles in spring shades.
Hats for 'conservative heads and
hats for young men looking for
we .have the exclusive; agency r.
for the . $ors i a
al no and d $rock .Hats;
andguarantee' every' hat. to giN,e
satsfacsion or're lace same ith
1 P �' • •
another ' Init. '
Step n i'End tryn
one of.. the- new shapes ,
You t t
eed'nt buy.
_Rev. ,: Ii'. 1 . West ate sec ,
g tel• or St.
John's 1:
Ang lean elilir,ch, Sandwich,
has recently been 'nominated rtual
dews lbs E&50x Confit:, them n i ta;;;
tion being rely✓ardecl ,to
`limits for approval.' Mr.:Westgate is
known to laically in 'Clinton as ' he'has
visited hereon several' Occasions. Iris
Wife was f'orm'erly Miss Kilty,:
ronnlR PASSES.
The death 'took 1 a her .h
p ace t eine
at U'sbr•idge on Monday of Mrs. Hogg,
mother of the'Rev:'J. E.' Hoeg of Wil-
lis Presbyterian church, Clinton, -at
the age of eighty-seven years.
The late Nlrs. Hogg had been in
failing health for some little tent
and for three weeks had )ween.. con-
fined to' her bed. 'Iler bodily .frame
had worn out and she.•gladly gave up
the garment of mortality to put ori
the new, .shining robes of Immortal-
ity. She is survived by- six setts and
two daughters:' one son in Vancen-.
ver,' one 'in Winnipeg, a son and
'daughter •hter in Detroit -one son 111 Pont
i '
ac Asett onthe hone t stead near Ux-
bridge, one daughter who 'resided -with
her "mother; and Rev. Mr. Hogg of -
Clinton. She was a life long and eon-
sistent member of _thePresbyterian
church, a gracious> motherly, woman
and was dexo.+?dry loved by her
yen. Her husband died several years
The. funeral took .place at Uxbridge,
yesterday afternoon. Mr. Hogg was
athis mother's edsii for e
o s b o s venal
days beforflher passing,
The Presbytery of Huron helf1 its
regular'• meeting on Tuesday, the 21st
day of February, with'. the' following
present ' Mr. Abery, moderator in
the chair; Dr. Fletcher, Dr. Larkin,.
Messrs: Foote, Ferguson, Telford,
•Armour,, Chidley,,Alp and Hamiltons,
ministers, and Messrs. Melville,
-Straughan, McNay Ieaidlacvi Haneit,
Strong. . Dodds; Higgins, ,Lindsay,
Bell, elders. The name of Mr. Me-•
Dermid was brought forward as the
name in turn for .the.Moderator.f
Presbytery for the ensuing .tergn 'of
six months. In his . absence. Mr.
Abery was ,asked. to act in his place.
The minutes of presbytery 'Tor last
Meeting were read and approved. The
orders for the day were tben fol-
lowed. The names of the elders•were.
read, choseai,by • _ the sessions repr'e'
seated, and'the roll was made up for
the year .The: General 'Interests, Cent
rniitee was reported upon by -Mr. Mc-
Doanld, and • on, motion of its 'Cote
ve•ner the motion to accept the r'-
tlort and agree to its conditions was
given full accord.
The records of session of Auburn
were presented for examination and
after examination were reported aa.
properly and faithfuly kept.
Messrs.' Chidley, Larkin 'aiid Tel-
ford were appointed to nominate'the
3ontniittees for 1925,, the first named.
being convener and the'elders of the
ministers flamed associated with
them in each case. The time for ad
3ourminthaving „Come the Presby-
resb -tery adjourned to meet • again at '2
o'clock 'in the afternoon. The Pres-
b ter again met and the reemaaind
of the standing orders. were taken UP.
After conferring with the convener
of the -Home Mission Committee the
Convener was asked to secure the
grants formerly asked for for Grand
Bend.' and Varna on motion of Mr..
Ferguson. .Mr. ' Alp reported „fox; the
SA'. and Young People and on further
niotion the report, was, received and
The report' on statistics •was pre-
sented by the clerk and on his mo-
tio 't e report was received an
n h p t r e d
adonted. The report on Foreign
sionswas resented 'Lundy
every minister and every, rcongrega-,
noir was asked. to do their best'to ob-
1-ain:the requirements for the year for
the-work'in•the foreign, field and a'
cheering ideal was .presented before
the Presbytery..
The report -presented by the -coins
mittee appointing theg•comntittees. for;
theyear was heard and accepted and
3.113 followiog 'Were appointed for the
S.S.,and Y.PS,:, 'Messrs, Alp,•Tel
feed and Apnnour. •
Conference:: Messrs Fergifsoli,,
Macfarlane and:Lundy.
Statistics: Messrs. Hamilton,' Hogg.
and' Grant.
General Interests: Messrs, Mc-
Donald, Foote and Chidley.
Foreign Missions: Messrs.• Lundy,
McDonald and Ferguson, , '
Heine Missions: Messrs, MacfaS•-
lane,'Abery 'and Hogg.'
Students: ''.Dr: Larkin, Dr. Fletch-
cw and My. Foote.
Eioergency Messrs. Foote, Chid-
ley`and Telford.'
A. and I. M: and W. Viand 0. Fund;
Messrs. Ilogg, . Dr.-' Fletcher and
Cooperation: Messrs, Telford .Ann -
our and Grant
Auditors: 'Messrs: Macfarlane and.
The following were appointed : to.
act'.as Commissioners to, the General
Assembly from the: 'Presbytery of
Huron, viz.,'Messrs, -Lundy, Ghidley,
Telford and Hogg, .sod elders' from
the .Congregations of Coeburn and
Union, Bayfield, happen an6 1J,.'v ail.
Chidley was appointed to attend
the Business ,Committee of the Synod
and.: r -. Telford to 1•'3or' on the
S'11 , M1. Pid-
of the As els 1
bus ne a o c, s Y
was: nsonsinated for the nodes
toi'ship 6' In,' General Assembly. and
'Dr Larkin ,was noriiinated-for the
Synod's Moderator.
A ;motion was ,,r,, by Dr, Larkin
that war put on the table until the'
'� 10t'. e of Me'sre.
.In n1Cl'.tln On n to
Y. g
C11idl.y and Lundy.
The next meeting is to be held at
Clinton on Tuesday, May 12th, :1925,
at 11 o'clock in the morning.
„ There Massed awa ,in Tor ante
1 5.
Thur day last, Feb. 19th, •1- Mer
Smith; of 869 Broadview a entre, •Fre
had been ailing for seTcral.years with;
'diabetes and although, -he had been
treated for it, the3lecease filially tools
its course and death e,Sued, The re-
mains were ibrought hese for burial
and the _funeral was held on Saturday
td the Clinton cemetery. ; 1 . Strait%i
is survived by four brothers and twos
sisters, Mrs. Robert Downs'of `'rood-.
stock, Alis Easom of London, George
of Port Iluron, Robert of Vancouver*
William of Arden, Man., and John of
Santa Monica, Cal., His 'wife pre
deceased him. about ,00 years ago;
Mr. slid 1VIrs;, Downs, Mrs. • trios?'
George Snaith of Port Huron and Miss
J. C. Ilelyar of Toronto attended the
The last 'concert o
f the winter ser-
ies, put' on under the auspices of. tile.
Girls' Auxiliary, was given on
day evening int etc thail, and, it
spite Of the i e emasti
weather, the
entertainers were greeted with a very
good house The , audience was de-
lightdd 'with 'the varied .program,'
Mrs. Edith Marshall Clark" and 'Miss
Irene ,Soule. of Boston were the enter-
tainers. Mrs, Clark :is a most -acre's-
plished " entertainer and acme'
.equally' at home when playing yhe
Swiss handbells, the xylophone, they
cello or the musical lyre and it -was'
harddecide 'which t o e cide linen the audience
liked best, 1 ed b s , although the,bells and the
musical lyre were perhaps the favor-
ites. Both' were exquisitely Sweet.
The xylophone was a `,favorite with
the younger members of the audience,
largely, perhaps, ibecause of the swift
action o'f the performer. Mrs. Clark
also .gave an imitation.. of `'a lecture
she had heard, "What iss Under Your
Hater . which ,exhibited . her ,elo'en.,
tionary powers. -
Mies Soule aecompanied Mrs. Clark
on the piano and% also, sang •several
solos very'' sweetly end ,together they
sang a duet or two.
The last eoneert, ef'the series was
certainly- a good one. °
Baptist Church,
'Sunday school, 2:80, Evening ser-
vice, 7:00, pastor's sultject: "Boliev
er's liberty."
Monday evening,S,:00, B,Y,P,U..
Thursday afternoot, '2:00, 1,adies.
working ; party .as, usual~
Willis Church
The Rev. Geo. Telford of.Blyth wile
pi.•eae11 on Sunday, morning and even-
The result of the vote .on entry into
union was annnoinnced' at•et meeting of
the congregation on Tuesday evening.
It was ,as follows: number of mein -
hers for, 143; number of members
against, `117; number of adherents'
for, 12; number of adherents against;
22; majority for, 16. There were four
spoiled ballots.
Wesley Church -
Brotherhood ' ten o'clock. The
subject, "Selfishness and how to
Overcome it" will be taken by -Mo.. J.
P,he ard.-
S PP 0
The pastor's subject at the morning
15ieaching service will be; "Paul's De-
fence Before a King." Evening 'euh-
jeet, `;The ,Mockert Tlie Procrastina-
tor, the Believer:''
The Rev. J. W. Hedley of'‘Goderieh
occupied the pulpit on Sunday at both
services,-preachingvery acceptably,
Salvation ,Arley ,
',10 am., Directory class for child-
ren. , 11 a.m., Holiness meeting, sub-
ject: ` Wh' Should wee Hol .' 3
� Y b y , Sunday school, all children are
welcome. 't7330 p.n1., salvation meet-
ing, subject: "Isaiah's Call."
4 Tuesday, 8 p.m., Soldier's' meeting.
Wednesday, 4;36t. pen., Band •"o£
Love. 7:30 p.m,, Young People's Leg
Friday,. Feb. 271h, cottage,..Cnayee.
sleeting will be held in the home of.
Mr. R. Cook, All are welcome to
these meetings.
Ontario Street Church
Morning classes meet at 10:00
Sunday will - be Evangelist Brown's
Iaet day with us.
The morning•, subject will be "The
Sanit's Dressing 'Doom,' Evennig
subject, "The Parting of the Ways."
The' Thursday evening subject will
be: "The End of the Road, What
Then ?"
Friday evening ''`S'er'mon on Pop_
ural' Amusements."
'All are welcome to airy. -of these
servlee Come, , and . bri'iga your
friend• •
The annual Sunday 'sclsool.•,supper
will be given on Friday'," Mar: 6th.
St, Paul's Church'"
The supper.helthlni the Parish h all'.•
last Tuesday under; the -auspices Of
the Ladles' Guild eras a Wiest ,;ell-
nounced.success in 3300,7 respect. The
large band of willing workers were
kept mere than. lxasy.,waitin3.. 01100
the peo)11e,'who. ,1 kept .pouring :trite; clic;
hall. ' The :tables were: tastefo'lly'dee,'
orated .arid ;,loaded 'With. good things
for the nntier lean and:many were the
expres'sion1" of • appreetation of, the,.
exeellenit menu proride11. Tho Dillies
Guild, and' especially their indefatig-
able preisdent, Mrs, A. 13. Holloway,
are to ;be .congratula'ted on the suc-
cess of their efforts.
a March 6th :a -
Commencing Friday,
series' of Twilight Organ Recitals will
be held_on the Friday afternoons chin'
ing Lent in St. Paul's .°lure'' at 1:30
pan,. The various. 'organists:, of the
town have kindly consented to assist,
from a
1 e•numbers
h owill g b
Ter also
C recital.
oloist atea h
vocal s
The St. Paul's Dramatic Society 610
at work on a play entitled "Just like
Percy'," to be presented in the Town
Hall m Easter week,
An item has 'leen going -ilia round
o1 , the county pnty and cistzSct Pro -,s foe
he past few- -weeks to -the effect teas
"Jost„ "10 i 34" "stn tye;1,'-' etc. *lot.•
ccs c t trot be posted uli' in the pos -
oiiltee. But this ;has been bl eg tl':fo'
•some time. Glinton'S postmaster
been e 1freilg ,that aw so Iong rat
nobody i
thinks now of asking or a]
ing•:thi,' liberty of so posting nig not-
ices. Thus it is again demonst ,ated
that Clinton is right in the £orefren
when' it comes to knowing ev rat's
Clinton -.Lodge A. F. Re A. M:N o; 84
had.its,annual it-ITome in the town
hall on F0'iday evening last, .'which a very successful affair,
-The 'Masonic bretheen -'always are
good ;hosts and this'tiine was no ex-
ception. - ,Progressive . euchre and
other games were played -the early
part of the evening andafter lunch
dancing a ng was incltiiIged in by flies luno
enjoy danin
c g. $oyce's orchestra . 01
Brucefield furnished music Messrs.
F. and W.' and J•, T. Reid and
Mrs., Campbell of town assisting.
There were -about twohundred pre-
sent a number being from`out.,of town.
The ball was very prettily decorated
and on entering the gentlemen guests
Were presented with a`fancy paper hat
and -each lady with'a'rose, so that the
whole scene presented a very ,festive
apP ear ance:
Tuesday's Free Press had the 'tol-
lowing dispatch from Port Langton.
The Jenks family were for b. time
residents of Ciint6n and -will be re-
membered by many here:
"Port'Lambton, Feb 23.-A drown-
ing -accident was narrowly averted on
the St." Clair River at this place_ on
Sunday, when a motor ice boat, on
which E. Gallon, C. Roberts, Mr.
Jenks and Miss Neva ,Tenks were rid-
ing, canto. near plunging into an air
hol,e at the south end of the village,
where Ice then had been cutting ice.
The hole had frozen over with a thin
coating of ice and was unobserved by
the occupants of the ice boat. Had
not Mr. Roberts ,asked Miss Jenks,
who was steeringthe boat, if she`aas
cold, and receiving an.answer in the
affirmative,' stopped the -motor,- .just
as, One runner of the boat.: cut through
the ice, the'probability is,,that'the oc-
cupants of the craft would all have,
been drowned." '
Skating takes . on a new lease of
life front today.
Those who have neglected getting
hi their ice supply are being given
one rtiore chance,
-IVlrs, McLaughlin, who'underwent
an operation recently, . is improving
and her friends hope to see her about
again before long,
Mrs. rT. G. Medd, who has been con-
fined to her room for several weeks
past, is now, we are pleased to say,
somewhat improved.
Mre`Bert Langford had his Snow-
mobile out Saturday. He will : no
doubt have it all ready for the open -
in of winter next year.
The DramaticSociety S e y , of St. •Tos-
eph's chureh 'gave a euchre in the
parish hall en Tuesday.. ,evening at
which :a very happy time was slant.
Mr. P. '1,l
Powe has : purchased
from his mother' the building in which
is situated the bakery and confection-
ery recently purchased by 11Lr, Swanntz
of Colborne.
Mr Bert Langford is altering the
_frontofauto sales rooms, the old
Princessbuilding, so that ca
t be
right through frons Albert street
to the ally behind.
,A small fire occurred in Jones'
blacksmith shop Tuesday 'evenings' It
was caused byplacing a desk over
a forge where the fire was not Sully'
extinguished, Not much 'damage
was• done, other ,than the destruction
of the desk and, its contents:
;l,e' 1I CD c tT
1„ "Friday night play �eniicled
"Civil ,Service," Wee given •in the
'Copal 'unity , ;FI,t11., under the,auspices
of the Library Board, The proceeds
were about fi:80, which''i- Co be' used
Sot•- tee purclttise of -new books, The
play was given entirely by the Deo -
`p e Jiving• on the 13th'co1., under: the
direction of, the conntittee, consisting
orf Miss S. Barr, Mrs. 3�7,� Lyon, Mrs,
F. Tamblyn aiid Miss` Mildred ars y
C y
Those who tool, part were: Jewel.
Grainger, Geo, Cowan, Bert Shah.'
brook,. SeraSliolibroole.,Bernarcl':lat
Wn : Lyon,- Edwin Woods, Clarence
Cenivfotd; Mildred Gray, Mattie Gray
and Luella' Johnson.:`- Each dart was'
well -performed end. ,was ' nttieli : en-
joyed by the "diene,'. One thing
that coneeibuted to the•suecess of the
eventing was the fact that there was
110 `o1s"angiug scenery,- hence there was
little delay ,,between 'acts. Miss
Gladys Grainger gaveseveral: piano
solos during' the evening. The play
is an interesting one and the players.
reflected credit t uPOl themselves
'ave the audience aii enjoyable ble even-
Miss Winniie Mc11'rath spent Sunday
at the home of Mr. Wm, Lyon of the
13th eon,' •
Rev. Mr. AbseY and g 'raild:,oii
Owen 'Watt; returned' home on: Fr,cla',"
flight after spending a few days, with
Mrs. (Di•.) Gray bf Wallcrville.
Miss Ohre, Lyon ' is visiting with
her. sister, Mrs. Arthur Kerslake of
Exeter. -'
We are pleased to know thatlittle
Connie Alexandra, who lives with
Mrs, Tamblyn, 'who has been very
sick this winter, is abet to be out
Mfs. Thos. Sampson spent Sund:y
with friends' in Palmerston.
The Women's Institute' meeting. will
be held on March the 5th.- The paper,
"Community Work. and, Play," will be
given by Mrs -frill, Duet by Mrs. S.
Carter add Mrs, J. Manning, reading
by Mrs: J. Radford.- Hostesses, Mrs.
Sundercock, .Mrs. Shobbrook, Mr•s. J
Crawford and Miss S. Barr.
The following from . a° Lethbridge
(Alta.) paper refers to' the dearth of
'a former resident df 'this village, who
will ;be remembered by many here:,
Coleman,. Feb. 14.—W. L. Ouiniette
passed away at. ten Minutes past
eight on Friday evening. His sudden
and tragic death has cast a great
gloom over the whole community.,
Mr; Ouimette'was a mail who had,.
made a success• of his business and
was a general favorite with all class.'
es. He was most highly .respected
and his death means much to all who
knew him, He was: a man of genial,
dispositioat._and was a genuine friend
:find ,cotnlselIor. Iiee took a promin-
ent inter•est'in'the Institutional church
and was active in lodge circles. He
was prominent in Masonic circles and'
his brethren .And friends had looked
forward to his filling, the highest
position of .the fraternity.. The sym-
pathy of his friends and the citizens
of Coleman goes out to his .sen
Charles and wife and grandson, 'and
to -Mrs. 'Murphy, his daughter, and
'Helen, his granddaughter. The blowis the most staggering the• town has
received for serine time. The .funeral
will likely .take I ,lace on Sunday af-
ternoon, while the remains will be
buried• at Red Deer, where - Mr. Oui-
mette` was formerly engaged in •the
mercantile business,
Mr. Robert Snell of Stocton,
N.Y., visited' at thehoi}te of Messrs.
Humphrey and William "Snell last
week,, ,,
1VIisWhitmore Zurich has been
Missof 1
visiting at the house of Mr. anti Mrs.
Alf. Jervis.
Mrs, Holdsworth visited in G0633
ieh,one day last week.
llhs. Leelie Jervis has been spend-
ing a few days in Goderieh. •
Mr. A. J. Courtice postmaster is
on the sick list, we regret to say,
,Mrs: ,Wan. 'Glen, who has :been ill
for aisle months, called 011 ;village
friends one day last week. Tier many
friends will beglad to know that she
is able to be eleme1 t again.
Mrs: R. Melrose, who 1has"' been ill
in the :Hospital. at, Clinton, returned
to her home at; Walk1>,rburn last Fri-
day, i
Rev,: W. R„ 'Alp- and Mr. C. M.
Shan _'han ,attended, the Presbytery"
meet nag'"in CIinton on Tuesday.
The Westfield yoizn g '. people nie-
seated ' their p1.ay, ' "Martha Mable'
Oyer," at •Belo 'ave on Tuesday.
Mrs,llai'eln of, St. 'Helens, who has
been nsSisting 13. nursing;tile infant
203303., Mr, and '' Mrs, C. Taylor, nte-
tnrned ,t'o her home on `Saturday. We
are pleased to know that the child, is.
doing at avell' as earl be expected.
Visa Edna Raithby, who- is ,taking
a 00121 '0 at1 the l'facdonald Institute,'
Guelph, spent the' week -end at the
hone of her parents,' 1lr. and ,,lits.
G. Raithb3 •
Mrs, h Medd_=is vsifing fr,ende
lir. V: •Bill had alabusiness arab e0
London Met week,
Miss A. Halliday, of Goderich vara `
1 W
Ir<• 1VIcL a Week.
'1 .,. IC can •i„ t cl,.
M H Fr f sten acts ,t
Ars coils 0 Cli I t
few days fret 4veek at thh .horse of.
her parents, lir' 1 Mis, J red*
Mr. Chas, Reid, Mr;:. J, W. Reid, and.
lIr, Chas.' Rathwell were in Stratford
last' week attending ,the funeral of
Mr.,•John Dempsey.
Mr.'. Clifford Epp3 spent a few clays
in. Clinton, last''a'eek.
Miss Eva Epps 'spent Sunday at
the home of. Mr George .Clark,
Mr: Ernest Pollock of London' spent
the week -end under, the parental roof,
on the Goshen Line.
A'nulnber "of. the 'young people'
around here took in the box social M
'Bayfield on Tuesday evening. •:'
The Methodist League 11e1d, a soe-
ial evening yin` the town haPl o11 Fele
day, There was a good crowd "and
a,good time generally; The principal
tart of the peogeam ,was a debate-
ebateentitled, "Resolved -That • Wanton
have Done More Good in the World
than :Men.". T11e affirmative was up-
held ler Miss:,. Eunice Reid, Mrs. Sher-
lock.' Keys. and Miss Cassie Johnston,
the .negative' lay, Mr. Ellwood Epee,
Mo Clias, 11athwell and Mr. Frei' 41c-
Clynio tt, The negative won. The
judges were lass. (Rev.) Durant Miss
Mae 'Pollock and Mr. John Ilailnweil.
The 'Verne Orchestra 'ales: furnished
same excellent music, Mr. D,.,Tiohnsto11
sang t, solo, .Miro E. Enps and :,'Miss
Pilgrim sang a duet, Mrs. C. Rath -
w 1 Mis 'V•, I3eC1 merit and Messrs,
el 1V
s y
I. F,
] nei
1, Reid
hutediqquartettE Mrs. 1lurraneegave
a reading, and ,Master John Durant
gave.:a motttll',0i'gan 'selection, ` The
ptoeeeds amount to about $30.00,
ors, 1 ,. W, B:,,: -' returned ,
l 7.GdOn -.'IOn-.'
day from Londoli 'where she has ken
i 4.1
visiting her daughter, Mrs: Burt.
There WAS he school in t18. upper
roots on Monday owing to the indis-
,position of the principal,' 61r. P. J.
Bi clow,
Miss Alma, 4 Ana • MCI�atY' who is ati�.enrl-
iig the Westervelt sdilool oC` Com-
merce in Lorlon, is home for a- week
owing' to 'lifeless,
`Mr. Dan 1r,Donald has returned tit
the village after spent ing some
iii` Bridgeport with his son.
The play "Blundering hilly' Pre•
seined in the t'o'ys hall on Friday lei;
by. the 'young people of Trinity
chinch, was quite a 'success. The hall
was well: filled and all were Y 0,
much pleased. The scenes were laid
'in the'reeeption_room of: the Strath-
more Hotel, Alameda;, Cal. The play-
ers all took thein -different parts ex-
ceptionally well and very comical
were some of the developments. The
cast *of characters was as follows:"
Ezra Tuttle i c n
i h mine owner,
is determined 1
to nal hisdaughter
au t
iYgh el
into society, Albeit' Dunn. Dorothy '
Tuttle, Ezra's daughter, who• wishes
to marry her heart's desire, Nina E.
Heard. ' Wilhalu Butler, "Blundering
who [seaways in trouble and
in' love with ' Dorothy, Wm. Parker.
Lieut.,Griswold, from Presidioc.i,eser
vation, who has designs on Ezra's for-
tune and aims to -get it by marrying
his daughter,'Geoige Castle, 3r., Clar,
issa Burnham, at -t a � a -
sh Strath-
a guestt
more, who -also has designs on Ezra
and his fortune, Lucy R. Woods.
Wayo San, the pretty "Japanese maid
who is strictly honest, Ploy Edwards,
Sing Toy, the Chinese servant who Is,
most obliging Fred Heard. Flank
Dibble, an old salt wi;0 "knows his
way hone. and- goes straight to It
when there are shgoting irons
-around, John McLeod. Before the
play commenced and between nets Mr.
Arthur' Peck, violin, and his sister,-
Miss L. Peek, pianist, very kindly
furnished music. • Miss Floy Edawrls
and Mrs.N.`W Woods•,14,ao gave some
piano duets.
The young people may put on the
play at different paints after Lent.
They are very much indebted to 1VIr.
II, 'Weston, the new reeve, who so
generously paid for the hall. The re-
ceipts' at the door amounted to $63.3.0.
The building formerly owned by
and used as a barber shop by Alex.
Ferguson, was nuciohased by Mr. Paul
Cleave !of the .Saubie.Line to be meed
tie an extl'acting house. It' was moved
to his farm last week and it has been
remarked that it is the first move of.
Bayfield, into Stanley Township.
Sunday being the first Sunday in
the month the 'Sabrament of Holy
Cmninunion will' be administered in
Trinity church at 'eleven a,in. Sun-
day school, Will be held at 10 0,311..
'On Ash' Wednesday the service of
Holy Baptism was held at 4:30 p.m.
and the Litany and address at 8 p.m.
During Lent week -day services will
be held 011 Tuesdays at 8.p.m.
The bole social given under the au -
i es of the local L.O.L.
sp c
evening proved to be quite a success-
ful 'affair.. There was a good attend-
ance, people always turn out to the
'entertainments given by the. Orange-
men, and a. very: pelasant evening was
anent., Progressive euchre was played
during the'first part of : the evening
and after lunch dancing was indulged
in.` The winners of the' prizes in
euchre were Mr. R.Blair, ,ir., and
Mss, Nelson Heard, first, Mr. H. Dar-
rmv find.- Mr's. � A. Brandon carrying
off the booby prizes. The boxes
which were -very, attractively arrang-
ed and filled with the good' things'
ladies know
laic gentlemen like and lad e
how lto bake. were ' auctioned off by
1VIr'. G. H'. Elliott of Clinton.
retuuett. Township
1VIr. T. `Tanablya of the 13th con.
spent last -week i1n 'Toronto.
Miss 0. Lyon of the 13th is at ,oro
sent visiting her sister, Mrs, Ker-
slake of Exeter•, '
"'VII!. R. Manning of the 10th was in
Seaforth last Thursday.
Mrs..Wells of the gra'uel 'visited
her mouser, Mrs. Marshall, ',,near
Blyth, last week.
IVIr. and Mrs. 3. Raithby df near
Walkerburn visited friends in Londes-
koro en' Wednesday.
Mr. T. Fairservice has rented part
Of Mr, John' Brigham's farm on the
'1VIrs. H. Lyon of the 13th' enter -
twined a number of her friends last
Mr. and Mrs.. J. Ainsley of 'J ondes-
bore were guests at the home of Mr.
J:' Collinson'. of tthe 12th eon. last.
Little $onnie - Garcia, the seven -
weeks' -old slaughter of Mr. and M1'.
Ephriam Snell, _passed away.- on ,Fri
day last 'after a•few days' tll'nest,.
She had been a healthy, winsome lit-
tle girlie and her unexpected death
wee ,ft great 'Sleek LO her parents and
friends. The funeral, which was pri-
vate, was held at the family lfome on
Saturday a'ftetnoon,; the Rev. W. 1z.
Osborne ' o3. Londesboro conducting
the serviee,.and afterwards the little
casket was' reverently laid beside the
remains of the child`s great•graltci
Sather, in' Clinton cemetery. The
friends of the S11e11 'family- deeply
i +11 'n the loss of.
s to b�thize with that s h
V 1
this new �little 1nen13ee of the circle.
Mr. James Snell was called home':
Clem: London last week, owing to the
'illness and death of his Little gcrand-.
Miss Mary Snell of'Hamilton has
S qui-
t' parents ibeen t the h
oma Ox lie a
a p
ing the least heck,
Mr. B. East spent 11 few dais "this'
week with his daughter, Mrs. E. Por-
ter ter of Gtbderich,