The Clinton News Record, 1925-02-19, Page 7A t�G1 K.O Es extra ga . Try 1 ALTH EDUCATION .BY DR. J. J. WilDDLETCN Provincial Board of Health, Ontario. D., .Middleton w11I bo glad to answer questions on-P,ublic Health mat - through, this column. Address him at Spadlna House,' SPadina Crescent, Toronto. ie or intoe- tole Many cases of contagious disease Ormemany"can be avo ;i<rus cliseaes can be avoided? That in a municipality, and when this out is a question of interest to everybody, break is known. to .the school author - but in ,the. ease of children, it is espe-'ities. The removal of a sick child chilly important- ortant to -know something from school, even at the onset of the about it. One way to "avoid: these:d'is� disease, is a sound mzmisof piotectiol eases- is to keep -away from people in that it removes the source of 'the who are sick and from places where these diseases exist. This advice is tspecially good for children, If you come near a child having one of these contagious diseases, you: may be 'ex- poses! to b ' tl' thegerms when anger rpm e .,c too In order to wage a successful fight against ell forms of ill -health and dis- ease, the education of the young.;and especially of the children of school age res ung in health matters is imperative. The thoy are thrown out into the air by chi.dxen of to -day will; be men': and 'lie sick child coughing. As a'result women of'te-njorrow, and if the Chile you may become sick also so it is goon (Iron of to -day learn' the principles of 1"rv ..,• y of all who hygiene, the mere and 'women of to- ad01ce tp shun the company lire sick with alit'" disease •that might be colIta8ious. ' As' far as school chile dren aro concerned; there • is another point to observe. Never' borrow', a pencil, a Tien, or a - book, etc., from 311tathor child, and also never carryto your mouth such articles; • as pencils, pens, etc:, that may have been en the mouths of others. The school child should also remember to, avoid moist- ening its finger in turning over, the Ileaveo of a book, for on the pencil, the lien, leaves'of the book, may be huniireds and thousands of germs Which" mayr•directly or indirectly find their way into the child's mouth.A third precaution,' ie to never, allow a sick child to go to school.' If you find that a child is or seems sick, report this fact to the teacher at once. If you learn that there is sickness in the homo',of a- child who goes to . your school- immediately notify the teacher that he may send the child home, be- cause the sick :child' may spread cen- t z; ion' through the school. • These precautiona•should still more rikerotlsly -he' adhered;.to• when there morrow wi'el :put them into practice:. Grown-up people do not very readily learn anything of interest" to their health and well?being. The reason is that they have developed set habits, and have got, as it were, into a` rut from >-which they cannot extricate themselves, and When they are in this rut, their viewpoint is narrowed and their vision clouded. They cannot see beyond their own limited experience, and they have the tendency to sneer at or try to minimize the importance of any new efforts to preserve the 'healthy of the illdivieuai' or the .cpm- munity. So it is to the child that we pin our faith. The elastic mind of the child is receptive to good influences and sound teaching, and if guided along right paths, will have a tendency at least to put them into practice all through -the later years. The Biblical adage holds true in health matters as well as other 'phases of life.Teach" the.' Child the way he should go and when he is old he will not, depart from A ` Witty Sunuriing,Up.., One of the very latest and. most modern of orchestral pieces liar for its subject a railway engine. Written by Hgnneger, -a French composer, one of the hotorioue group. known at the Paris Six, its title is "Riegle 251.", It was performed for the first time in England a few, Jaye ago by the Halle Orchestra, and at the rehearsal Mr. 7HainUton Harty requested the players to give it ,their partictilar attention owing- to Itspeculiar character. All sorts•;of strange noises were emitted, shrill wbietles, the shovelling of coal 1nto,the are -box,' the thunderous shunt- ing of wagons, the rushing of the train along the metals, the climax coming with a deafening boom. The' silence at the end Was suddenly' broken by a sepulchral voles from, one of 'the dour le blesses droning out' "Tickets; lease!" Incidentally, when the piece as played at night, .hisses; mingled th the applause, ea unusual happen, ng in England. Happiness becomes complete only hen it itt shared." Mlnard'e for Sprains and Bruises. '0' Human health and strength are greatest when the temperature drops to about 66 to 60 degrees at night and rises to aon2ewhere between ' 68 and 72 degrees during the middle of the day. World's Pity. { World's Pity .is a nook in Paradise Whence fourpale little printer, hand in hand, Peer on the cherub sports with wist- ful, istful, wondering eyes, As if joy still were atrenge to un- derstand. For two remember-London'a gloomy tower, . ' • And one the Paris' mob .hallowing the a rnr H s c Of Madame Guillotine, and one the midnight hour When' Murder 'emote him in his father's arms, liven In Heaven a simple state they heldy Farthe shining- children, fain to comfort, spread Before them violets blue and, like a cloth 'ofgold, Bright jonquils, snowdrops—every hue but red. —Katharine Lee Bates in Youth's' Companion. Suppress a moment's , anger, and you meq prevent a life -time sorrow. Mlnard's Liniment for the Grippe. Economy is half the battle of life; it is not so' hard to earn money as it ee spend it well. -Burgeon. its®, By ,lohn L. McCrdhan ' iiiiiiC listen - A red, fiery rinr.rose above the skyline, and the glacier's sr r i glisten- . ed -a solid mass of sparkling .crystals. he Province of Ontario Savings Office SAFETY XS SATISFYING Deposit your savings regularly with the Province of Ontt'df io _Saijnggs Office. $1,00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT Ali Ironies -deposited by you are guaranteed by the Government' of the'Province• of Ontario and can be withdrawn at any, time. BANKING BY MAIL— Department AIL—Departme t at each Branch. HEAD OFFICE: 15 QUEEN'S PARK, TORONTO :13ra7rohes: Toronto -Corner • Bay , and Adelaide Streets; Corner ' University and Dundee Streets; 549 Danforth Avenue. Aylmer, Brantford, Hamilton, Newmarket, Ottawa, Owen Sound, Pembroke; Soaforth, St. Oatharinea, 'St. Mary's. Walkerton, •Woodstock, A: dairy cow is ioi: worth keeping unless she precludes 6,000 pounds of nulk or over per year. D1on't support a•low producing herd. Start now to weed alit the poor ones. Breed the best ones to goon. bulls and feed,, properly --then watch results. ? Ask the successful dairyf Does it pay? .arzer. BETTER Ugg.tyy((.eaPAY 101 Birthday Greetings; The World's Chief Scout was born February 22ad, 1857, and the .approach. of Sir Robert Baden'1'awell's birthday, will cause to arise from the hearts of his many admirers feelings of grati- tude that he is yet spared to the world to direct and, foster the greet -boys' work whish has spread throughout the world, and of which he is the founder. Congratulations and "Many happy Re - Mane", will etane",will be his also. Feely Beginnings. The evolution of the Boy Scone movement la interesting. Ito seed ger tninated n i South Africa. This Is what 'Sir Robert says:—"In 1001, 3 raised the South African Constabulary on linos of my own, the principles ofa food for human-consutnption and which were practically those 'of the they began to select the tows that Scout training applicable to mon. The gave the largest quantities. 115 �ilearktlt}}tt 'finest every yvojilan at the hood of home -meets daily, with little worries het _household affitirs. They may be. too small to notice an- hem, after- wards, fterw rd but it is the;sarto Ilttic i oiriol that %real down the 1-oaitil of o runny', tvcme n 7 to i effect way' be noticed' in nervous headaches,fil,lo appetite, ini.igest!on pins in the side oz beck, and. a sallow complexion, ` T9.to e afflicted ,in this way Di. S4il]1lma! Piok Pills; by 1ntprbv io ai 11,purifving tho- blood; bring speedy repos Aniong who have weak. women G of 1 thousands ..tesied. 'and proved •the m ritd of this inedic ne is dips. Gustave I7u t Bras;' 0ltes, ,811311., .who .says. ` is with= profoftnd thanks that I• write to tell you .11111[1 Dr. William ' Pink i; 1111 b-ts•e dobe for me. 11(:"010 I began' talk; Mg theta pills was. weak, and 'my blood 1)1111 nod watery. 1 Ivan 00 1131n that I Idol ed like a 1elaton I 1 Is troubled' with head hes and indiges- tion, ndi es -tion, dol not. sloep t ell, and was ter- ribly Constipated. 1. decided to try Dr,.. Tit iia ns' Pinit Pills sand 1 soon foundthat they wore just what 0 needed. Under their use my appe- tite returned, my food digested 'Pre- perly, a7Yn I slept batter at night; and gained- in. flesh 'as well as strength. The result is that now I am 'sr per- feetly healthy woman; and there Is no doubt tliat-it is due to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a supply of which I now. always; 'keep in, the house, and' 1.would advise other Women' to clothe same." Yore' can get these pills :through :any dealer in Medicine, or by mail at 00 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. —�r molly laid do'tvn by the great Chief whose birthday we ` celebrate: this Month. No other scheme g1 welfare work isamore acceptable to the boys themselves: Through loving and obey- ing the Scout Law, .and going in heartily for the activities' of Scouting, boys are "helped to preserve and de- velop the manly -qualities .which they themselves admire:', Through taking partin the varied.program of Scout-, •ing good'hebit are formed, good as-, sociations are enjoyed, good comrades. are found, acme...health is,prcmoted and. good character is grown. ' The thousands of Scouts an'd Cubs' with their leaders throughout the hoDominion loin as one-in whole i wishing The World's Chief Scout many happy, returns of the 22nd. eg Pure Bred s Essential.4. .. Back in the old days, when ouran- cestors paid no attention to the keep - fog of live stock, the native stock, run- ning unning "wild throughout the country, pro- duced only enoeglr milk for their young, As time Went on, however, mon discovered the value of milk as troop was made a small unit In order Thus. i wo find . thet for many years. that the Commander Should be able live stock men -have studied their to 'deal with each indivlduai en per- sonal knowledge of hire. The hurnan' aide Was apiiealed to and the men were trusted on their honor to a very large degree in carrying out their" duties. The uniform was the .Cowboy hat, ehirt, Breen tie, and ' shorts. Badges were awarded for peofielency different lines e2I work. "After return,to England, be 1904, I schemed some ideas for Scouting es a tratning for boys. In 1907, I held a trial camp for Scout training, Brown- sea Island, at which I had the boys -of other achoots toexperiment on, and Its result exceeded my expectations and prompted me to go on with the 'idea." • From these beginnings the move- ment grow so .rapidly teat ;8ir Hobert found it necessary to devote ,his whole horde, carefully, selecting foamier that possessed high » prottecing Mutinies. These females were bred_ to acres whose dams had displayed high pro- ducing tendencies. • As time advanced breeders learned to keep records of all the. milk ,given, as well as the teed connected. The result is that now we have re- cords of individual cows giving over 50,000 pounds of milk in a year. What a debt we owe to those old tmprdvere of our breeds, we' cannot repay them, but we Coif continue 'to Carry on the work that -they so nobly comineaced.' In so doingwe will add greatly, not only_ to our own income but we will contribute to the revenue of 'Canada. No farmers can afford to neglect theirIitle stock in thase da,, 'when time to Ito direction.soaring-• • gland a friend a slip of Papel an a pencil and ask him to wifte on to 'paper any number he 11kod. 'Mind some distance away 00 that 8011 cannot see what he writes. Ask him to ask 1113 left :Nand neighbor 'o whisper any nnml?er to him and give him the choice of ,adding, it to he number be wrote, subtracting it from the number lie wrote or iener- neg it altogether. Aelc him to able tis right hand neighbor to mention any , nsnumberht080t toith,im, multiply 1 -le mayby•it of add livide by it. Hee is to take the.. hum he now has find' multiply by any mu " - Thenltiplo 000of (h9.e finis.r h of the tricir.ln which the friend loses.,a little of his: freedom of, action.' He: is to cross" exit any digit in the product except- ing xcept ing::a cipher am:eto mention to yell the digits he did net cross out. " Im- mediately you will tell him the numbor.he Crossed out. The secret is that you add the digits he gives you and subtract their' total: from the ,next 'multiple of 9. The remainder will bethe number struck out. (City this out and paste it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.) '0 Payment for articles advertised in this column should be made with Do- minion Express Money Orders -a safe way of sending money by inaill -, • ,The Courteous Frogs. I suppose that: for -,biose who know and understand them, all animals have distinct persoualities; says Prof."e.y0n Phelps, in Scribner's Magazine. When I eves -i •a child'ir' Hartford , it -was a pleasure to enter the beautiful garden of that hospitable gentleman . ?USW Jewell. There was a littie lake, and in whiter he distributed to -the boys 0(1 tho neighborhood, faro skating tickets, which we highly ;Appreciated. In summer evenings the old gentle- man would sit in a chair on the edge of .the pend 'and ring a bell. At the mellow tone% the frogs would come out of the lake and group themselves about Mr. Jewell, who_.offereeethem bits of food,' which they received courteously. I had never eliecrimin- 'ated particularly'amiong frogs; lut,to that man every one. of those froge wait an indlvidual,••and he nanied them all. The largest was called Laura Matilda' and -was the owner's -favorite. I have seenc. Laura -draw near her master's hair, take a. bit of bread delicately from his fingers, eat it and then wipe her mouth daintily. Why It Appeals. The .use of pure 'bred' sires, With a.view to malting the subject careful selection, of females, with ot,Seouting appeal to boys :and to meet ,their spirit in adventure, he held. up for their, ideal the, doings. `of, back- woodsmen: and . knights, adventurers end,explorere, as, the heroes, for them, to follow; These were grouped gener- ally under the title of Scouts: In their camp life, boat.work,, pioneering, and nature study, one could And . all the attractions• for a boy svticli at the same time would be the medium of instruction.' Sir Robert worked it out partly, from his -own experience and partly from the general feeling of Judicious economical .feedings, to- gother with the keeping of records, are essential pointe that the farmer of to- day cannot overlook and prosper. Tiny Titles': "What; is, it Called?", Thin is , the queation we;usually ask concerning 'a new. hook, Mid one, with" an original title will stand a: good chance of be. Doming a best seller if the matter in- side ,the covers ie 'equally 'good. One word titles aresnot much in what was, lacking In the training : of vogue to -day, although. Hilaire Delloc the average school bdy.-The:deficiency published a beek celled "On" recently. lay chiefly in the direction of char Two novels; published some years rtgo, eater and gene"ral`•intelligence;:skill of go one better than, this,.howeper. ' One handicraft; servicea ;for. othere and the State; physical development and health knowledge: • The activities and practices of Scenting wore, therefore,, framed arefar 'as possible to develop these attributes.:. Ideate. honor, was made the hlgh'ideal for the boy®,,, 3Tho Scout Laveion which the rnovemont hinged" was taken from the code of tjae,kn'ii.dlrts. Organization. Tee troop was pltrposely kept small in numitor( in order, that the ecout- niaster should lave personal know ledge of. each 'of his -boys, this being Mahe only`,':llosslbl0 wily for ,developing the cher-actor of -the individual, The patrol system was adopted from that. of the Constabulary, and for the same reason. The AIM. The dim of the movement was' to make good, citizens, and for this rea- son it was judged, unnecessary to in- troduce military (110111. And so this wonderful boy move- ment of charactertraining and cite- . nen development 'chart grown and `spread -until today Boy Scouts are numbered by the Millions, who are re ceiYing training along the ',linos ordg- }vas called 181" and th'e other Similarly, 'Why,': Dahlia -11,0'11i 1921, has been beaten by "2 ",. There are many threc-ietter titins, soiee of the best known tieing "'Site," "levet, "Now," "Fan,",and "Tim. ,Beyond Belief, BABY'S WELFAZE DURING FEBRUARY Quinine=bearbig bahas: been found :in l -ergo quantitiesrk- 00 NeW Guinea. , For Every, lel=Mrnard's Liniment ROAM 'lE'AILCEL, 2e,, Patches;'62, Mct'reory, Ontario. "It is the greatest mistake a woman can make to marry a mesa thinking she is going to reform hini,'i said a London coroner recently. • February 'one of the hardest ie months. o1 the year on little ones: It days a month of cold, blustery d ys that. prevent the mother taking her baby out for the fresh air so necessary its welfare, Baby . is condetluentiy confined to , the home. More "often than not the zooms are overheated and badly ventilated and the little one catehes cold or grippe. What is needed to keep the baby well is a gen- tle Iaitative that will :regulate the stomach and bowels; • banish constipa- tion clad indigestion and in this way will either prevent -or break up colds• and grippe. Such a laxative is Baby's Own Tablets. They are mild but thorough in action; are absolutely safe as they are guaranteed to'coutatn no opiates. or narcotic's: They never fail to 'be of benefit to little ,ones,and. may be given to either the newborn, babe or the. growing 'child, Tire Tab- lets -are sold by medicine dealers or by mail" at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Meeiolne Co.. Brockville, Ont: .. Theprofessor had been dining out, and as asst of the guests were ardent, flsheroiee, he bad? had 10'11,9101i all' the evening' to stories of the size of their Catches: IIs was extrenioly short-siellied, ati(1 as he was crossing a fipitI on 111s sway Thome he came aero s SOilliarecrow with arms widespread . 11Ianio0100 of the_ "Sell" stories "1(0 bad- he;ur•d.-that night floated back to "lam, mi,11 11e halted in float of the scarecrow. "My dear sir," ho 000111imed, ""I simply lrefuse to believe yotl; there never was atrout that length." 'Four' Polar bears,. caught in the Arctic region last spring, ale 'nolo on their way to the 110W ZOO at Auckland, New 'Zealand. They aro ,Ina long i'11io' fifteen -week journey in stout -packing- -or First Ald--1MMar'11's. Llrimcot: We are 'interested in obtaining. ,. ®LD and RARE BOOKS ON CANADIAN•• SUBJECTS. Send particulars to the. Wilson •Pnblfahing Company.. 73 *est Adelaide' 'Streets 'ro*data, Ontario:. - FREE ,CATALOGUE. :. ASPBR11, BUSHES, ,<ftli._> - ' i lee Iris, Peony, Tepee' D1t111f It •) and ' erred 11eelt Eget ' The Vrig h& perm,, i3rockiilae Ont. • �A.DIE ;5u'Al'1"o s""1.'.Ci DQ F N' and hg'ht,aewr at hoind; olvhdlS' or spate tame; goo piay, Week, sent'; one distance-' charge;; paid. fend stn p for ,r 1tarticulai`s, 11ation:sk'Nana- fadturing Co.;::. Monerae''. DIES ONLY -01./V, BOOKLET, l'_,adies' Friend, nailer( ip, Blain envelope, free CASIl it -•`2423, More • y. ldecil tvinter illa�,cq 'og`nd Only 2 IBclya From 19ew'o rk Saiilinge Twice We,ekly Lcaviug N. Y. Wed«nod 840 Via Palotiol,'fv'in»$tg11 Pr Q il-73 ai g a. 3 to amc l q "FORTV%mICTORIAt r'atrtd. "FORT ST. GEORGE" LendinaPseacn¢er, ;Fiaastitoa.4octr, ' FOrIl 0 trated 73ooktato Wahl FURNESS BERMUDA LINE 34WhitehatiStrect •` Wm,Irprk or Any Local Tonrtct Aaeuk. rt The Ritz.Cariton Oto it NAtew lanJticerseyCity America's ' 'Smarte*to )stesort 119.tel. Famous for its pean Atmosp Cui8i 7Perfect Servicer _ . " . i at, Single rooms from ;5.00 Double rooms from 48.06 European Plan New ' Hydriatric and 'eetro -' Tbei;'ateliitiet lepartlnent. GUSTAVE Torr, Manager An Astonishing Stranger. There are compensations. for the man who is deprived et, the use of one of his senses -though most men would preferto have the senses •and get along : without the compensation. .A deat man who has learned ftp -reacting Darr tell what people ere` eagle:sae lee ameba Of a noise that prevents persons' with good hearieg from understanding: anything. Te illustrate the •copensa-. tion that anther affliction.: brings, 'the famine' English editor and politician; henry Labouchere, used to tell a striking story. \Vo take' it from the Argonaut; Labouchere was Walking home one night a Cams; a particularly d'ebse Lon- don fog• He was creeping uncertainly along PaleMall when he was'approacti- ed'by a man who asked where Ile wish- ed to go: ei wantto ge across St. 5'ames's; Park- to 'Victoria Street," •roplied'La- 130ueliere. "1a you will hold my arm, sir, said the str'ang'er, "I 'will take yo11 there; I.go there every-daY• Without hesitation ho troop I:abouch- 0r0 aere50 the park in aS thick a fog as there .ever has been and .brought him straight up to his door, Labouch- ere''s 'wonder 'was great,' and when lie gave the luau a good tip he asked how it was he could: find his, way so oasily; eSir,'I am blin11 " replied the etranger. EXCELLENT 'or rlieuntatisrn, neuralgia, : back ache anti kindred ills, Rub it, in well with the tips of the lingers Au enemy to; pain. ate the corieentthteti' strength of Arline, fresh beef. Use theM' to add flavor and nuushnent,90 loupe; fiancee, gravy, stows, heal, meat -pies. Tine et 4.15c.and n " tel- 50c,:.., FOR,* Suffered Misery With Itchy Eczema Cuticura Healed "I was troubled with eczema for' over two years. At first it appeared in small'epots -and then began to spread all over,tny Lees and head until I etitfereii awful ealeery. The itching -sad burning 11`*ere terrifle. At times X thought I would go crazy, and MU obliged to give up my Work. " I was;treated and tried different otranninta w{tboitt tiny benefit. 1 read *5 edvetltoemsni for Cuticula §osp and Ointment and decided to try lftation It relief gontineted fter the pthe treat- ment reatment for a time and,' now I am leafed.": (Signed) Miss Y. Wood, 880 City Hall Ave., Montreal,. Quebec. CtiticureSoap, Ointment and Tal- cum are ideai'for'daily toilet uses. kat 03 ti oatlaars ,Y O, Doz 8,16,-1l, n e1.' p' .k9oap2Earelatment 25andEEe.T.leom26e. Wei' T e our to w Shaving 3d?k, • ;' � 'i P ' 1 IN D C AiNS /.ANDs SID Et 1. Ended - by Taking Lydia i Flinkhanli's Veget!.bL Compound,- '1, t • Fusilier, Sask.—'‘,Fortwo or three days every so often I would ball ab pains in my back and sides that X coup' not do anything' --could not even hoc quietly in bed, and 'my head ached, tau' I was this way about three vats, but; was worse after I was married. 1 *am; on a farm with not a house nester tbatyl five miles and there person (10 advise me, es my folks live isNanitobaki Sinrelater-on-lags told We about Lydia 7 PinVsgetable"Compound: ant told:no to it, I took her advice an fappve 'taking thankful for it eves p After taking the medicine for threat mohtha.Itan say it has helped mea lob.+ .Cad I am sue.' I ant glad to rec., pmmend theYegsetableb compound tie ttiiere Sed volt Way I h my tcet xnpnial," 1if. x11,1 BAit Choir, Bier, Seeketehewafr Often some alight tronblowill eamae`i� tt}: sweat upast of the syrtrn Sulkaiy_ tela apsnervoneuess, alniulti,uetf,, 6tG� baclra Wad beadacbes te`'pgn tti form Of Urania wealnaugn. IoimenoboTdabmveoL la 'trial., This •d 14niedioine helped thousn of *omeni8 ht reiasonableto expect tbat'it �vUi bel yyo�n. ' 11 today. Your drtyggw1 g n ,tiffs medicine: 0 ° Prove' safe by'nillicriS Wild prescribed by p1.ysicians'b ' , Rheumatism Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia. Toothache', •Lumbao'o 'Neuritis 1 * R *t 3Accept only "Bayer" package ' which contains prov'¢u directions. Thinly "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets. 4120 Bottles of, 24 and 100-',3ruggists., "ispiels is the trade., mark (registered in"02118011 01 Bayo' ITlnirer re L 1Mrioneene. nc lQsler of 5a11cg1(caoirt (hectyl 0,1(101110 Acus, `' ,1:' ). iWl01e. it 1 011. 11110:)2 Ora 3i,nirin 5210' 1080e0 0Rnenietu12 32 1S4,st Oss POWs A,01 Ms( BIOS( ]03 ( ire 1.11110.8 of Bayer C0mpalO 0011 re etamued WI41 their' 6erc 5n1 trade. meth, U.1 l.nr1t 0r^na.'e 1,1§Uk f'lo. 7-'25.