The Clinton News Record, 1925-02-19, Page 2•
. . '
•T'vett:ItIPet,t ..rt, tv....t, -,,,,t0Mt ,t ,,tzt
-.• riA-'' ' - '
, •
,.:1,,,Airtpy Public 6'onveYarieer, ,
Mineral, Real EState and Etre la'
rande Agent, Representin
sur4nce, Comnonies,
plyision Curt Office, Ciintco.
.1344' 11S0a3Cdt:
DIP,§0:091,1;ito it9 s,40
- and, Accident II3S4Intitee CO.
SOltoitor, ,Nota:•y Public, etc.
. °face:- "
1100 bleaT6':.-----71.20 to 3,30 pan„. 7.30
0,00 p,m, Sundays, 12,30 to 130 pmi.
thor hours uppohttment
doe ene, Reeidenee --e Victoria S. •
015co Heirrs-,---2 to 4, 7 to 8.
(T! her 1,0,11'8 bY-a'nnointnient.
H. &BROWN L -M C'e
• Office Hours
0 to 3,30 p.n.1, • ' 7.30 to 9.00
Sundays 1.00 'to 2.00 Dalt
.0 LYIS1' 119111.'S eon-dint/neat.
• Phones • '
ce, 213W. Deside_nce, 218S'
. Office and Residence:
ron, Street • Clinton, Ont.
Phone 69 '
'orfnerly• occupied the late Dr.
0. W. Thenipson).
-yes Examined arid Glasses Pitted.
r. 'A Newton Brady "Bavfaeld
radttate Dublin University, Ireland.
ate' "Uteri/ Aesistant Master, Ito -
Ada fer Women and Child-
Mee al residence lately oceupled by
Mrs. Parsons.
l',Ieurs:-.9•to 10 to 7 Pm.'
Sn nclays---1 to 2 p.m.
PsteoPethetic Physician.
eicentlate Iowa and Michigan State
oards ot Mesitcal Examieers. Acute
aa chronic diseases, treated. Spinal
•djustinents given to remove the cause
11 dfseaae. At the Graham House,
llinton, every Tuesdak forenoon.
• 50-381P.
3f Titagham, will be at the Cointuerc;
31 Dro, Clinton, on Mon4a.y and
linrSday forenoons each week.
Diseases a all kinds successfullY
mizlIed, •
onveyaneer, Notiry Commis.
' stoner, etc.
cr,,xNTox; oyr. •
EIS trio t Ageht
The OnteriO tunt Equitable Life
est WaWenosh IVIutual Fire
• , .
:Insurance Co. '
Established 1878. •
re,eident, Zahn- A.. MeReneie,
Viee-Presidetit, n. Salkeld,'
oderieh; Secretary, Tilos, G. Allen,.
tin,8culfion. Teta'. aliment of insur-
de-flea/1Y $1;,000,000. 7:1 ten .Years
libber . of D6110101; have increased
ant 2,100 to 4,600. 11/2at rate of "32
•$1000... Cash on hand'320,008.
lioderich, Ora.
es.- Stevens, _Clinton, 'Local Agent',
. .
Lr.ohacci Auetioneer for the CoUnty
of Httron.'
(jai/resew:41019e prordetlY, answered.
nmediate ariangements can be made
O Sales: Date at The News -Record.
lintert, �r by Phone.•203.
ceerge$ Motlet,ateeanit..Satisfaction
' Gearaeteed.
eneral Ji`ire and Life. Insetance. Agent
r Hartford' TVindetorm, Live Stock,
Utonitibile and Sickness and Accideat
smrance. Heron aril Erie aed Cana -
it 'Treat Penda. "Appiiiitments Medi')
meetepartieS at Drueefleld, Varna
d „lip yfleld, • • .
The ,i1c1(1
tisttranee Company
Head Office, SeafOrth, Ont. '
. -1:11,ROTOrty:
resident, James Connolly, Goderteh;
fee, James Evans, lieechwoodi
roost/tor, Thos. flays, Seaforfli,*
hectors; , George McCartney, Sea -
alit; D. McGregor, Seaforth; G.
,rleve, Walton; "Wle.,Pleg,' Seaferth;
1. eleEiven, Clinton; Robert Ferries,
iarlock; neatew,air, Brodhagen;
aS, Connolly, Goderich.
Agents: ,Alex. Leitch, Clinton; 3, W.
00. Goderichl Ed. IfinchraY, sea-
eeir; W, Chesney, EgnibmtvIlle; It.
.Any money to be Paid in may he
Cid to Moorish Clothing Co:, Clinton,
1)0 Cuit2s Grocery, Goderich,
Parties, desiring to affect: Insurance
transact other husimiss will be
omptly attended to en application. to
10'Ot.the Above officers' addressed to
.eir respective post office. Losses
speeted by the Direttor who lives
guest the seeue,
'ains 111 arrive at and depart eel
Clinton /3 follows•:
, uffalo•and Gociericti Div.
,ing East, clonal • 6.25 am.
'Ing West, ar. 11,10 a.m.
ar. G.05 dp, 6,81
51'. 30,04 91.10
00110005 Huron Bruce Div.
Ing ar. 7.56 •dn. 7.56 a.111.
0 4.15 p.In.
Ing North, depart 6.50 pm,
" " 11.00, 13,13 a.m.
‘"....1 uth so sublime but it rimy be
to-10.011Ct, in the light of new
Jitsolcum- is invented 05 00
lIntadvaneo,to,fia' addreseeS:
$?,!-td to the' ti?`ittOther foreign
equatFies..t,`.. aper discontinued
untlk,i1k4fitears tl'e"paid unless. at'
the oPtion,'Of, 'the ;publisher. • The '
' date Whielt:ever504iabscriPlion, 18
A if
paid la denoted oitialabel
ti Pates -44, etislent' adver- dad, , • '`
-merits, 10' ce or nonpareil s , • •, e
,toorsietp of h r
no for flaSt ind '-i.ents r.s og cabin.
ea.tit g he • 'su ter f '1;
Der 111.10 for each subsequent PI, 0
„„33 0,4 gueb as 1,000,,,, iiig a oaby to sleop, g• to her
nnce forripi1cents and each satiSe..
15' ago, nefore ,y0
Ethnintiniaa fans intended for publt ° s' -afhel•Put 4 fe
the writer little Eliot set out on hie 1 tr
V -
tkine,a .ittf'Octio
tc: "E. ,hrought oat hteor bOawb:
layge:,dop04ikave ititm the little ono
a to she t, •
ed againt,t,,tet'Aer 'ironing, which 'she
ous ilnisn, dere dark,
mr. ao intnly,eftgaged that she
'didn't notice a sound,`„tili the Torras
d of two Indians:da:ricened thb.' deoitwn,
ey Wnsmot very brave•girr, anYci
dropped her iron , and set -maned
threw . down the dolly
and 'ran: to .her sister,,,wh clasped
her .in her arms, wbilb unable to move
for.: temier. The savages ,Iribtioned to
her te get ,thein something to eat, and
Ethel, mere 'dead than alive; set food.
•on the table,
They 'hurriedly ate, and nut, what
remainedAn. their pouches. They then
Pushed tlic children out of the door
and put the' on a horse. which stood
dirthe:yerd, held bY thtfid Indian,
, "011,• , lather and mother!
theught ,Ethel. "What will they think
when they come hohie..arfsl find, us
t on ;Small jnch advertisements not to ITh'if d,tl'e door Imr mo: fle--ras' k
- .!
Strayotl,',"i4r,..9Stolen," eto., Inserted snook okd nymn. . • , ,,,-„,"
cation Dlast", '`g's 'a guara'n1,05 01 goad necessarS, mitioies into a great.canvas
faith,. be accompanied by the name of covered wagon„ and ;with his wife an.
ll11 are all, fainit!ar with tho
' "del on tind I -now
again ' and again, the novelis
taken rett1 happenings as the.
1ts tale: ' 13kit, -What, of the other
in which fact -repeats fiction ?
• Jules 'Verne, for instance, h
ticipated many of the achtevem
modern inxentors his,•.'novels
great airjiners• of to -day are
shadowed in his "Clipper o
Clueds," Even Professor (Tod
Plan for sanding rocket fro
erth to the moon is nothing n
thoee familiar with Verne's iworl
'A Reef Life Jean Vall4an.
• .
Fact Ints followed fletkin in
fields he0ic1es science, •1VIetz lio
Jeau Vali,ean in, Mr. Sea
teau, .1Vho. escaped some •Yeer
fro nttlie gonvict settlement of F'
wob one little fortune b
own. werk in the .NewW-orld, and
spent it. an In order to get bac.k to
Pnance. • • • . •
Re immediately set to work again
ane seen neplaced.the papital which:he
had lost. In Metz; Where he settled,
Ile becainequite a.prominent husinesii
mane with 'a reputation ,for' scrupulous
b.onesty. ' - • •
/a some -way, however, his reel'iden-
-My became known, and he was arrest -
00 en escadied conviet. The 'arrest
eatuced a -sensation, and strong'ape
peals were nutde on his behalf. Final-
ly, after he -had spent some nine
inonths in•pfison, Bateau WaS pard0/1-
, journ
0•L'AR39, s now knovrn as the'Prpvine
Editor. of ',Ontario, then' a wilderness,- covert'.
with forests arid inhabited by wild
, Ethel -enjoyed ' the jourriey, very
, , ..
much, irideod, when the weather was
pleasant. It was liice a perpetual-pie-
trio- But .sonmtimes . it -raided and
.,„ ,
en she di not like 50so well, for
she was obliged to keep cooped up in
phrase the wagon, and could not ride on, he
that horses' backs or rdn along the remi-
t has side by the -wagon, gathering floWers.
asis of In course of tithe they regthed their
eases desthiation, and a Ibuse of logs \Yas
speedily erected.
as but one large room in the
dE cabin, but a part of it vvas seParated
The by a curtain, and this Was the bed-
aFA an There w b
the Nearlye'
on w oes was occupied
01 then by the huge fireplace, vvh2ch was cap-
able of holding quite geod-sized logs
t° and on a cold winteenight,little Ethel'
" loved to sit and watch the fir4.
As Ethel finished the last Mouthful
ether of corn -bread and was -raising the
asts a mug to her lips to drink the milk, she
IA Ha- heard a step on the grass beside. her,
g ago and a tall Indian etood before her.
reacji Ethel sPrang eer1;01., f6he
5,..hie was a frightful-,16oking object to
than childish e3ree; but made a esture
The strong mail who Suffers i
ence imprisonment or soeial °etre
itt order to save a woman is a fam
figure In fictien.
rrom Bey Scouts to Bandits.
A famous 9088 08 this kind In actual
act was recalled'by the tragic death
f Maier Cecil Aylmer Cameron, at
Tilieborough :Military Barrack's, Elw-
ood, redently. 'Some thirteen years
go Lieutenant Caineton, ail he then
and his 'N,rifet RebYif were te-
ether Merged 'with' attempting to eh-.
aim by feaud ;32,800 insurance .on a
earl- neeltlaee,-allegetl to have been
toleir 'Airs. Cameron,
At tlie.trial Cameron refused to give
videnoe, Be Was innecent, but fear -
d thatli he went info 'the witness -Mix
e 'might prejudice the case against
0 wife. Both Were sentenced tei
300 yeare'. imprisonment,
year' later Mrs. Caluerba made
full confession, and her husband re.
.ived the Iting's pardon had was itt.
stated in the Army: Re served with
eat 'illstinetion, during the War,, be-
g'"four times mentioned la dispatches
d receiving Mani honors.
There Was e citrong rentedY note in
recent news' item froin, one of the
lkan States. It. appeared that a
op of Boy Scouts had been formed
one district, but had foned.sbouting
II. In search Of greater extitement
Y exchanged -their • /melds' staves
More lethal Weapons,, end fiet'llp in
pleeSs as bandits.' Herbed. their er-
t they bed cerried Mit q,uit6 a num-
of daring robberlds.
Human Ears by Post.
he idea_seents novel, but it has
n anticipate/L.-by, qle,,R,Oliel4t.
raen. "Coutrarini Pierniti " we
ke the acquaintance of You. dm Who
similarly avid of e..xeitement and
form themselves', inid a robber
(.1 .order te,g4t it.'
rigands are, ustieBy. 222ore•
ue fiction than in fact,'but now
again 'their methods recall the
read in 'our boyhood,' A.
SO ago a Serter in the Post
ce Oanteit brotight .hig• stamp
n on a staall parcel that eeemed
oritein a fragment of leather, , I -le
2.a.ther curione as to what this
a be, and decided ,to deliver the
age himself. .He watched while
addressee opeziedit, It contained
man ear, The 13011 of the man to
n this grim token was sent had
been kidnapped by brigands, who
posted e0. the ear' as a sign that
meant businest,
ttle. tokens of this nature are rre.
t novels dealing with kidnap.
and brigandage. But surely, how:
strong 'Western influences have
ne In the Orient during the /ast
O Int
ew yews, the brigands of China don't
re,ad British fiction, • .•
. the Duty of Birds.
The teacher had been giving class
yeungstera some idea of' proverbs,
and titter the lesson she put a few
"Birds 09 13 feather-do.what?"
"Lay eggs," piped --n.
sl113llboy be
fore anybody 'else had a chance t
Vibration Lbosens Parts.,
wren cli and screwdriver shout 1 h
Mr. and Mrs. Ross did not return
until after dittk,
• When they rode up to their own
house, they were surprised 'to find the
door wide open and no light to be seen.
"Why, Ethel, careless child!" called
the mother. "Why did 01/2a1 not close
the door? .You might have had un-
welcome 'visitors."
So saying•,,she.clismennted and.went
in, her husband lea.ding *off the horses,
Re had not gone far before. the
voice of his wife recailed hint.
"Husband," she cried, with a name-
less dread in her heart, "the children
808 aol
ezel 012, ‘vhere can they be?"
of Peace, and Mrs. Ross, though' rveryi• QuieklY droPPing the bridle; Mr.
much 'alarmed, 00/110 to the 'clocii-Withl Ross hastened to the house.. There la -y
her baby in -her arms and Ethel hang- the dolly on the floor, where Elsie had
ing to ler dress. dropperrit as.she rareto her Ojeter.
' "Me hungry," said theIndian, point-. There, too, lay Ethera iroff on the
irtg to Ethel's mug, which she had fleet, where it had fallen, end on the
dropped as she fled into the house. table were the empty plates which had
Mrs. Boss, as •quickly as possible, contained the food, but nowhere were
sbrought some food and placed it cm the children. , e
:the taw. Teem was a lava piece a The dog went snuffing around On
venison, a loaf of.b,read and a pitcher the floor and in the yard before the
of milk, whieh she had prepared for hue,' occasionally giving a short
her husband's supper. ' • Yell). - ' ' '
• The Indian did not wait for en inel. Mr. Ross lit a torch' end 'examined
tation, but at once went to the table the ground where tlie dog was run -
and began to eatravenously, as if he fling about. - It WRS ROA from a recent
were -indeed half starved, . rain, and the footprints a the savages
As he WaS eating, kilrs. Ross notieed wore plaily to be seem
that, he used only his left hand, and fle went in, and at down heavily in
that his right litteg uselexe'by his side. a chair, and it needed but a ward to
approached, and pointing to his arm,
Not knowing how to address him, she reixidpfIaaninsithe absence of the children--
she looked ,a1; him inquiringly. The unhappy parents pasted a 21118 -
"Ugh! - broken!' said the Indian, erable night, and at the first break of
turning to her, "White squaw make day he aroused the neighbors and
wow, • seanhed the tountry through for the
-"I will try," said M. Boss. children, but,to no avail.
So saylm she got S01110 splints and Thus a month passe -it, end-tholgrief-
bandages and proceeded to eet the In- stricken parents had. giyPm their joved
Alan's arm. The'Women Of those days olles up as dead./ .
',Aire comPelled to be aequainted with Mr. Ross blamed himself greatly tor
the fundamental art of healing and bringing his family to a place where
surgery, and it was not long before they Would ' be expoSed. to so much
the ,Indian's arm was -firmly ban- clangor. • "
dmied, ,,,,, . • ' ••., One daY he was sitting on the door-
'• Remade 'smile rude effort to thank step, talking with hie :wife of the' lost
his benefactor, and takiiii a little ahell children, 0112e0 two fliures earne Mit of
ornament from eia owe neek he hong the woods and ,begen to cross ,the
it- around that of Ethel, after whieh ineertoW which lay in front of the
'Ito turned and soon diSappeared In heuse• • ' • . '
the grove which surrOunded the heuse. He -called his Wife to conie. and look
, Mrs. Ross closed and .barred' the 31 .111,0111. It did not takd 4 mother's
door and cleared away the few. re- qic long to discover the identity of
maining fragments of the , meal. • the "gwe little fors, . and/ InirtledlY
Then, after undreasing little Ethel pushing her husband aside, Mrs. Ross
end puttieg her to bed, she set about ran aeross the meadow to Meet them,
preparing another suppor, for her followed by Mr. Ross. There wee a
hungry husband, -tab° hatrbeen, absent happy hciusehold that night. . •
Ot-a hilkirig exPed4inn since noon. • When Ethel -Was taken prieoner, she
et was not- long 'before she heard was carried quite a distance on horee.
her, husband's' whistle, and 'the bet*. back, until they'eawie,to a ri'ver, when
of the faithful hound who had tic- the Indians turned the horse hies° and
companied him, toole•to their heat, whieli was care -
8110. rose anti Unbarred the door, fll113' concealed in the litishes,
and in sprang the dog, followed by They travelled all night ort the
Mr. Ross, laden with the game he had river, and reaChed the eneempinent
shot.' about the middle' of the ferenoon.
While he washed hia fece•and hands Ethel and Elsie were taken to the
and smoothed his hair, his wife set wig-Wains of one of ,the chiefs, where
his supper` On the *Mille, and, as be they Weee treated very lcindly.
ate, elle toldehim of the visit of the • next 'd, Ethel was expected
Indian, 'and then she took him behind to,help the s2preif in her work, being.
the curtaiii,and showed him the shell jag water, cutting wood, and hoeing
ornament which was still around in the fields. •
Ethel's neck. She did ae she was.bidden, -without
several years pa$ged away., in which a murmur, but her heart was VerY
tthel grew to be a tall•girl of twelve, heavy, and ,little tIsie often cried for
and the baby. a fine girl .03 '3r. 'and her mother end father,
a half. ' . , Gne day, as ,EtheL •bringing
Ethel's father had prospered. Itis 'water' -free"' the ePrie.g, ohe was met
little'terrn wee vetheleared, his steak ,by an -Indian, wild stopped her ,and
in excellent, condition acid his crops asked her soros questions, which, Of
had hese good. ` edurse, Ethel could not understand.
Ethel had never, in all those four Then spying •the coed around bor
years, Seen another Lichen, but,slie neck! he 'Leek 11°4173f, 4. and Palle..d
One. day a boy, the son of 'their
nearest neighbor, rode up to the house,
and, hastily dismounting, entered the
door.Ilis '
palo, anxious • face, attracted
their notice, •••"and instinctively they
asked: • '
"What is the trotible?"
"Mother is very sick" neplied the
lad, ""`and father sent' inc over to see
, . .
if you would not come and try and a English, anPrceehed Ethel and
help her." repeated the question asked by the
rose immediately from the tablo arid "Where`ge_t' 01118 7" 841'11, he, bolding
was dastinece te do. sa, over her head, ehee,esing the. little
• :
• .
Zor spring wear, Dime Fashion again
looks 'kindly on the white cestinne,
and this smart sport 050t "ett laome'
spun, with ft, 'deep border afidlialf cuffs
in;some •kld opoisem, crombined With
a small white halo, is distinctly in the
horse, they proceeded to place Ethel
on thg anizmars back. -
But she could not. leave her little
sister in captivity, and turning th the
Indian, she seized his hand -implor-
ingly, and begged Min to allow the
child to go with her. •
Ile looked inquiringly, at the inter-
preter, who repeated her worti$ in his
own leriguage, .and two or three at
once ran off M search of tlie child.,
They soon reappeared with her,
kielting and. screaming with fright.
She stoppeel her cries, however, on see-
ing her sister, and when she whisper-
ed to her that they were going home
to' motheie her little face was covered
with miles.
The same reed was traversed that
they eared over a month ago, but with
ier different feelings. When they came
in eighe of the hots° the Indians took
her off the horse, an'cl, turning in the
path, goon disappeared.
Cckirtasy*Towaid the Bees.
There are many quaiet superstitious
still believed in English 'Villages re -
yarding bees, One, says Dr. G. 0. Wil-
liamson in Curious SUrvivals, is the
ided. that 10 18 eight -to inform the
hees of the -death eithe bee maeter or
of any member of the.tatelly and at,
the same time to fasten 0891131 of crepe
te each hive,
Bees that are ignored on. the oc-
casion of -a great joy or a great'arlef
are said to take offenSe • and to feel
slighted and at tee earliest ' oppor-
tunity to forsaini their masters, Ohl -
fashioned beekeepers invariably .bear
that In =bid; they attach the iittie bit
of erepe to the hives directlY after a
cleath•and then notice with a certain
ainount of glee' that front each hive in
Mee a few bets' gall te. eXamine the
crepe with mild interest and then re-
turn to their hives, as the peasant
week]. tell you, to inform the rest.,
One ole man was just as punctilious
...about telling the bees of -it wedding,
Itignt after hie granddaughter was
married he brought her to' the beeS
and anneunced the news to 'each hive
in succession; and on each -hive he
fastened a• tiny sarap.At White _ribbon,
which. thO:bride had kitieed, and Which
otherwise' he declared woUld atoci
advent:444,0r information to the bees.
I remember how anxious one of the
bridesmaids was, to See the cerenionY
and -how indignant the ala Man was
that anybody 131101114 eia,Y,a word ttiltis
beak'. ebout the marriage or that'any
-one except the bride herself should
'hand tile ribbon to him to, attach to
the hives. -gin that occasion he said
that- not even her husband was to be
present.: otlierwisehe was Stire his bees
woald take offense -and on the follow-
ing morning he would find:that they
had departed. "
The Right,Fobt First.;
• , .
In getting,.out of bed:4n the 'morning
alway,s take Care to, placd the right
foot last, or:the day wilt be uninekY'
:Many otherwise, practical People also
s which the Indian had hung: take care"fo plaee OM right foot erst
around liar neck so loeg ago, elect mitering a house.
"Ughl" eaid the. savage, "Where The -origin of the very -eornmon
get this?" • allporstition with regard to the right
Then, talchig her by the arm, foet is easily acgonnted for by assoela-
half dragged her back toihe wigwain,.1 eon. 7t is teepsychoIogical, often/dog of
Spilling the Water as, they went, in the 'word "right," ana Its meaning Of
spite of Ethei's efforts to save it. "In conformity ivith -moral law, per -
A. shout soon called the warriors initted by the principle which on,lit,
about therm and one 'Who CODId ' 1 to regulate couduct," and so oil.
The werd as applied to the side of
the human body w11.12 is toward the
east -when, the, face is turned to the
north is of exactly the same deri-va,..
Hem and owes its preSent hpailaation
4a,taair and keep Lisle inal:euhd hsY heek bechu" metherl hand Is the right hae6 to thiegs
No, urgir,g was needed., Mr. Ross 'other. • • ,
went to put the saddle on the horses, uP tli'e '
while his wife hastily tied on her smi- "An. Indian gave it to me a long, to the feet that most people are
.her}net and directed Ethel to i:emair, time, ago," said Ethel '314 hung "right:handed," and therefore the right
house during her absence. set hiS,a2'211,,Wiliell IVSS broken," .1 ilo
• "You ,will be . back' 'before daltit', - 'Idhe.first 1ntlit111 thillst oat his sln011111.
-.,,-"Dy oxtensiou thet word oainn to cover
won't you, mother?"'Said•E1619: "we 0Wy' arm' b4fore them: 1134 kuttering' that whole side of the hotrY. 'And se,
will be afriaid to stay i, 80/110, words in hismativh language, 1111 :getting:out of lied, if tho right foot '
"Yee, Illy, child, 12 I possibly Gan,t, 1 - Ethel ' cou:d not timlerstand 1115 is right, the left 'feet. inuat bo wroug. '
0100 the 1.'oEIY-, "but, In ease svo aro I words, but she gatheTtad from his gtas.. 'Moreover, the word: 'left" /1 from the
detained, close up ,the house. as usual tidres thfit lie was an '!or.kt Indian who Anglo-Saxon, meaning worthless, an;),
and keep up a good hcrrt," r- ' had rgivon b-tkr tins!. slioll. ' a
t was hard worlt to keep the -tr
applied occasionally to every part of ; Tittle: Elsie indoors on such g bzauti-
the 0113 1„o make everYtbing tight -A, inl '
inotor Is. ftabjeet (4 considerable vi- t A linlf.-dosen timse Ethel had to
iration and there isdaiiger of the infts ' leavo iler ironing and go' 'aPtar her,
afrid bbits coaiii?.R; 1oos,6 53 tile base, arui hittst were Elsie's ltinlentations
If thls 18 3101 at:tended CO a1117021 011),- when 31nit.-,,-11,4310e13 into ths house.
to accontiany 0011n soorna.(15 their np-
rearwleat 4110 bringa,,s' formtard a
'.' 1`74e`tta3c.5' hornet' sts1 ha.
. And seitzing )er lityd-tilo arin, belod
lmr-tb his W.igwain, 0)11 110g7,1 Co pre-' 1
,pare ;for tliet3o,iiinacy, taking down his ,
gun and'ililini his., poiich ,with parch-
ed con and dried moat.. '
The hit,L,11%-doriten warriors Vtlio vvere /
entered your cm jai oyman t."
palled originally 'to the loft arm, 11a1
suffered the 5131110 a-tensice 'oe the
wdr0101)1"rfghi" over the mid side'of the
30 k•
,Clerk -"IC is' just twenty years, 031150
P111)cip51.---"That ;shows how patient
slh01v mass, happen Eton) :1 le 1
a wrecked engine,. -
. a.t a 1,Itt,:o. 'distanee 'from 'the house
(age to . TIlors, was a rofie-bush in full blearn
I: Sal.
i -at 0 ,
13 31:10St tatg4'itiftgehr: Cage,
ing t.te. antuntu, Wniter 'and' anri
Approximately three.fOuyths `.
caects ot, pneIlla)onia, either brooch&
pneumonia or lol.m.1,,ntlet I ' "
_ tmon e, otabk
cinilihg the late autitmn„ winter or ear.
POrre• Sa
pad1 'em My, beneficial
og oidefiVoinen,
The inost coMmon
.tmen -drain and weaken the eyienk
ktym, cornotivies i-esn'It in anemia boa,
VOW) weakness, general brealc-down,
Hood's Sarr.aparilla giVea ihe 'blood
more vitality and' bettor coloin, makes
Strobger nerves, and-- contributes to .
the length and. enjoyment of life,
-.Milan We spealz tn' imam-am:de.le
111; hv finit 1-i1i,ijoic:i,reliiiti7111,9:.1.11.0(15,iaii.
3)5(1 aife(ts
adults, •Then •therer,iiS ltrancintimen-
monia, which is nitniii more prevalent
among 3011(13013 5)001 is, 'Ivith. children,
tehx'e.C.rle'1;151:ti."3:Pai'a'ttaa17(LsPe.'.alsr;e'a11:1111Y;'f'111;ir'13's 1111.a1 "F -Even 117-080.---7-1-0011-10----v,/w=spo-ke-,„wri?11
.early childhood,. but secondarilY, it
may follow any; of the connintiticable l''"I'''""e (>9. the 11,511 )'1'115111)1.3 5113 --
tdiiiseerahste:1,111 cot s,001,,'", (11.1.°1- ' ...,12;l'est5E.Flit0gle111.1.11:10°6 7Pyrj)'\'"feteli. 01.18) oW6'acCine:on(UO'Coo1100OWL
ths vtli)..:1,0,,102eF.31c;003,11T t_tyneoalto!ligo' Ls
a disease that, mil'ortituatolY, raedicat Ati-01a thio
Vesearch hat.41 not been able .is -co$0' elude a trip "to the Argentine, says a
with veiw 3mo1ei1l 101315-051!- 1,enclon de5patch. This CIFIl onlY Mean
have n e en -.7re comm cl ed. . , some 't° Cli°°e'-whe,lishnien thOL 111101 1103liovYear
eze tinnh ea t:t1t,eks, s.. 00111 ri,Tiru-liLid86ergie111.11eicii, 1300102, oi.raiii,680..!!' bi,14en(11411 10:01413 Loei 1,1,1,oat)oluttne,.
eiiithe, ravages of thiS" disease, , Which; tins ,....."11}4.11541m:en- have Listene(i lot Ithe
01 c e ,(3willttli36turterrealui le' as s11.. •33E1 Lois. et'v?ectl:' t.,c1,7;11:1;3'ettst:a1101-els11,001131.WP:18'.ite111.1.117:111'1.1a70LnhItle'r.:of;,.'s a'111 cc. an°8g'et
pneumonia and brae -elm -pneumonia are'
now responsilde 3010.05030 deaths than perioe, the busybodies get ep a series. .
tulierettiesis. - • of stories intimatmg that a, certain in-
, What are we to ao to protect our- eteS Ing% announcement on royal-note-
againsi this dizea86? Our an. paper will be fortheomirig from Buck-
evrie'vei.!sto this is, ap other com-
ae ea e iseases, in the first place
ireeitt 141YEtically fit, Avoid, all those
thinge that ',ha -ye tendennY to lower
Ole 'vitality, of lower the roistance,
such ao_over-fatigue, unnecessary ex-
posure to cold; Improper food and 120-
07110111 Lace, and even speculating,
whi3"the girl is,. Such great expeeta.,
lions nave never been given claance
to materialize, far the Ijrinee has s, tep-
ped out of the country on a trip totzte
future domains iist in time aad the
actles. in questeet have, in-mest casea,
proper tassimilatiod of the food that married bepore hie 'return. home.
We take. Take ample exercise in the , • Few Eligibles Gemain.
open air. Live and -work improperly NOW there are not 50)0 5153 eligibles
ventilated homes and Industries. A.veld for'speculation.' The Ladisis'Mary and
as yar .fiossible all OVer•growded Rachel Cavendish, Lady Mary Gordon-
anAds'.b4.11d1310%-vIroutillaate'acImPlubhiricohhalallol-Pneh- wLebnont04rev'tiall fiLa•mellyY crii:CtuYsse:lnalbeldreges:
monia frequently follow other diseases pective incites for the Prince of Wales,
it is extremely Important that we take have married. In fact the list ag Eng. •
precautions to sateggazd ouriielvee Ifsh girls of suitable age. is becoming
against' any of these diseases' that of- dfstre.ssiugy narrowed, and 'ea most
ten prepare the soil and at the same nglishinen have made ap.their minds
time lower our vitality Ara our resist- that David Edward is not going 01111-
031 powers so that ,the pneumocoecits, skie his fether'e realm for a bride, the
which we may have ,,,been earrYing, Prince will probably have to elioose
.soon, gains the ascendanci,. and the
no son that it generates is of .such a
eharatter. as rapidly to ',cripple the
heart. •, Paeureonie following' scarlet
fever, diphtheria, ergstpelas and email -
pox in 'email children is usually fatal
in from 76 to 107 pexecent. of all cases,
and irethe eahe of measles and whoop-
ing cough, pneumonia is PracticallY
the- able cause of death. - The same
may be said of grippe or influenza.
Therefore, having in mind the_ fre-
quency with which these diseases,
that In themaelvee may be very Simple
is bride from a younger generation. ;
SD interested. hais the bublic hecome
In tkis elmi/ter of his life, fiti Beyal
Ifigliness-can hirdly attend haute par"
-ties ,or dances -without a reeounding
-echo coeneeting ,his name with some
S4ebutante being heard immediately
thibughout • Mayfair, then doprn to
Southwark and Clapham. Since return -
Ing from bis 'lest trip„ Me Prinee hat -
sttecessfully counteracted this gossip
by -not apPearbig at datices. end, house.,
parties. At present:there IS no girl
belno g onored ea the prospeetive. ?rip:
p ca y fi ee, from danger eq, zees ee.waleg, • '
far as Me is 00000800d; ore con -ital. There are Many people in. Landoll
Cgted, or , folloWed • by Pneumonia, now who whisper that' the announee-
which et lamentably fatal, take ree meat of the engagement of the Prince
Chances for either ' yeuritelf or your of 'Wales will never come,eud that he
children when suffering frau, any ens is going to be that strange oompleX, a
of these diseases, partieularly during bachelor king. Some who rof
es to
the eoleweather. Be sure that you know .even say the Prince ries. often
, .
re fully oonvalescent and physically stated he does' not want to marry, So,
-Dr., p. 3, Hastings., • ' ' I
fit before you resume duties and ex- far as -the outivard circumstances
pose yourself again to the pessibill- iguycrthe betting is on their side.
ties ef further infection. Take no .............. ',
—co --
chances.' Pleep yottraelf ph-YsicanY fit .'
. . Memory. ,
but of an autumn hotir that aeon! and
glasses ' . . ,
Into the cask Of autumns gone before.
I she. lgrl at8esmeesinher tall ',and • silken I.
Slurring thee, yellews ,down a. misty, . :.
. ,
A' n : , Over, i ab6rhiearnacclut^ , sokf iltii l oao, in‘ olt- g .5.'9.1d..1
There, Wiii be water cold end green'
and- crawling, •
Sand .like the 4ead-white upturned
And brown sails blowing secrete at
, the moon. • ' • ,
" .
There,ciolnlisbteinsioduencid,of leaves. like, thin.
Into the elirelesa cofferei .of the night,
And where the Moving ."671708 are
1 .shaucarueginit'atinedrerlainstle4da the
The number of eattle..on farms In
---,---, • „,..e.,---.......„- •
light, . • • „ . Oinadd in -1923 totalled 9,246,231, of
Three. wild ducke .,' flying windward, 'which •./65.9/34 . Ivete "claaallied 00
. ,dirlz,ind strati, , ' - milch eOWs olld 5,9)86;266 ab other eat-,
Like three chaimcd'princeh in a fairy tie. The ntraber of'sheeii' was 2,783,.
' ta:e. -Mildred :Pier/ Merrinn„ an:' 48b5,0269.s.,273'211,et 4''4-65:'836, and InanitrY'
;•A -Raw Deal.
"I understand: the City Ceitncif has
Mimed down the meat-inepeellon bill."
"Yes; 11,80011 they'd cooked it, but
I'd say it's a"
:1143.ny.montett with disfigured Coinplexiskig
,ziciier seem to think /hat they 116-ecl s'n odcaiionai elaanittilg
inside as -well .as' ontaide.. Yet.negiect of this „internal
,"hatiting.silowapitself in spettY, and silliow•eoltmlexions-as
well as 171 dreadful beadaehes and biliousness. It's hem:mile'
the liver baco)nea singgish, andwaste /natter accumnlates„.
which Nathre cannet remove without ai;sistance. - The best
remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which
stimulate the liver to healthy aetivity, remove fermentation,
gently demise the Stomach and bowels and tone the 'whole
d1gestive system. .Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at
night and you feel blight and sunnY :the morehig.' Get
Chamberlain's today -druggists 26c., ef by mail erten •
CiAaraboviaiit Med:loin° ,pornpany, Toronto
ucresit' eYovint.70
11714 th00011100huve do0k, bga (1o! In Your 030).011;50
no,d Thai. Aee,,,het • Immo you ran
„ aroyily ruster 1111-zcret • ou1nc"1/10
tSCorch Scce,. smewnn,o>mu. 30311)13057, 1150 ,3511,)t
eVeLr"""" '2:3'P39
•.you.Sray bu doing 0o0,-,11110ther or elyou (Junk yuu ran 011))—
,,,l;a,r0,A7,i1,1610101 11/1:110,,t,lod11 ,VILou'uln01,U, telf (tall 10ogiarn 910,500 0
10053 10 (701
wit/lott rout or oincatiori(thAC; Yo'u ruu onu)fy,,
070011 1 1700,
801ustural, wilt allow volt how ,9...01orrourrhir, 'Fruiu1nr. on,1
Proc. Employment S011, ido Olt 1, 3 7', A. 0•61 help you 15,051-13
ucerys In 1...h,.ifing
cqr, • 11,Y
$ A 04gV ' SR.Ihro. SecrQts
,c711) 10:6141/1 by' .11 .1O
0,1111,, Ii714 Ae-AGWAel ,j,tt. P.0 0,060 (701,, I
1\''.11161,11 1 "Stlesi.iim1'5 Training '
' 362 Toronto, Ow,