The Clinton News Record, 1925-02-19, Page 1• '1.5
e•••••-ei eme
• I
4303 Yer
L9th 1935
54004 ,(or Watek 'reed
if you want your watch true to you--Yoti lutist, he true to it
' We do all our own Ivatelt repairing and guarantee all our worl
Should your clock need eleaninfr and re,Pail' l&trt will a'iVe
the sante carerull attention as we would' your ivaten.
reerve zi.our oight
Your eyes are your Moatvaluable pessession. Our advice and' '•"
service are at your command.
Phone 174w - : ' Residence 174j
c UNDER 5'
• 10. , 10'
▪ 10. - 30-12'
-30 .1 50.* IV
s.50. 4 6a, 1V
- 60: 80,20'
• 8a. .100, 24'
HE.14 remitting ?BST. 2113013.11t"
to $1.00, you wni coMbine
saety; economy and 'convenience
by using Royal Bank
Orders. They will'.1e cashed by
any' BA in Canada (Yukon ex-
cepted) withont charge.:
You will find our Money Orders
payable in T.T.S. Dollars and Sterling
'blest convenient for malting small
remittances to the United States
and Great Britain.
'The Royal Bc.,--trtis
of Canada
Clinton Branch - R. E. Manning, Manager 44
or Every
Hat styles ate more varied than
ever this seaeon, so' no manwill
have an excuse for wearing an un-:
becoming hat.
We're shim ing the ccitect
styles in spring siiade.'.
Fiats for conservative heads and ' -
hats for youtig men looking for
• inte have the exclusiVe, agency
for the Borsalino and Bock Flats
andtguararitee every .hat to give
sattsfacsion or replace smitevitIs
another hat,
Step in and try on
one, of the new shapes.
You neednt buy.
„ , r
Wheat, $i.G5
Oats, 55e. • ,,
' .Barley,
Bockwheat 85c,.
Butter, 28e, to 30c, -•„
Eggs, 29c
- .
Live TIogs, iL,OO.
' ' , is • ,
"thd•de-itb. of William Moere
1!&'cibien of Chilton, took place
lfi6" home, 4:19,Pati'fic Avenue, Toe-
= mete en -Thursday last Ms'.Mobre
Jad been "in his usual health until a
.P.etv hOurs prior ' des,ti,lwilich,
resulted from. a • sucIrdir" attack. ef
Until about a dozen yeots ago. Mr,
r. 1VIOorc. had resided i Clinton where
in he was in ill(' SeWii machine bled-
s- ness. Ile continued this after moving
vvilh his family to Taroneo, lie is
e, survived by his wife,who, was formnt erlY 11.1i.',s Mann, ,daughter of, Mr,
Is Jesn'es Mann of tovvriship, and,
0, ee family. of five sons and one daugh-
ter: Milton D., of Toronto; -Roji.ert
11°Leot'it: ett.roav if117s 1,1 di 6; Wima Tal 4Jnadekjaar;aes°r
s The re'ruairis *ere brotight to CHI -i-
ll ton fOtt interment; the funeral takini.
e place froni the ,hoine of his sister,
- Mrs, John 'Govett, on Monday after -
o noon. The 'serelees were conducted
s. 'by the Rev. A. A. Holrnes,,easton'ot
s Wesley church, _with which .the
✓ ily was connected* when in Clinton.
-.The local -1,0.0.F. also took pare'in
- th
seting 9aervise ep'a illTetremkrMessrs:es7of tlie"
Chant, 'H., W. Gould,' L. Cree, J. E.
Cook, J, Wiseman and C. J. Wallis.
s All his frunily were present for the
funeral, alSo' his bro.thers, Brig. D.
✓ Miiere ef Toronto and J. W. Moore of
The late IVIr." his sir_
ty-eighth year." Mrs. John Govett
and Miss' Mary Moore of Clinton are
Oisters. ,
Mrs. Moore and family wish' to ex-
press their thanks to their friends
for the kindness shown them in their
Mr, M. Schoenhals had the misfe
tune to have his right liana caught
a machine in his father's mill ye
terday, injuring the middle Singer:
got a bad serape, Taring the ,hon
but it ,is hoped 110 serious permane
injury will result. He -wilt -be unab
to nee that hand for a week on e
- • - ,
" Dog poisoners are out again.;
the people who are poisoning dog
'aee caught at it it will not be we
for them; according to some Of Lh
, confluents we hear. the lee, does
n't punish there they may fall int
the' hands' of indignant' 'dog,owner.
The offence of =poisening =a dog i
just the= same az if it' were a cow'o
any other animal. Those who in
dnlge in. the gentle art of dog -poison
'ing may not just realixe this.
• - .
It is yeported that pemmican i
offered for sale , in, 'the provisice
stores of :Timmins. Wonder how ou
old friends, Mr. and Mrs. X: W. Tre
leaven, now citizens of that progres
sive town,„like it.' Pemmican is said
to be the oldest , form of preserved
meat mentioned in the history of this
conninent'and the name is familiar to
anyone who ha& 'read of the early
days in'the northw&t. The Indians
were*the discoverers of- this process
of -preserving Meat and it was their
etistorn annually to prepare quantities
'of it foe winter use. It is beiffalo
meat' cut into strips, dried, --tlien
"flay,Fd and. mixed"' 'with' melted fat.
This is then packed into oil -tanned
leather " sack's and perinittid to cool.
It is saki that it will keep for years
if ItoA dryt eviclentlie-doed• riot
injure it for the Indians had no cold
storage system. It is now being =made
in 'a, 'Government factory in Edmon-
ton andthe product sent out for sale,
One pound of pemmican is said to'
equal four' patinds of ordinary meat:
maY be all right .ancl for.senti-
ment's sake we might be indueed to
tity it, but it doesn't appeal to meefor
everyday use. .
lefurpliyeLodge had' a
in theht rooms on Monday evening.
Mr. S. G. Castle hasibeen laid off
this week ',owing to-111nes. Cocls
are veey prevalent just now.
At the regular meethig of the of-
ficial jboard of the Lueltnow Methodist
church held recently the R. y, Wes-
Cosens was unanimously invited
to reinain for another year: IVIr(Co-
ens accepted the invitation. Clinton*
neoPle wili remernbee Rev. Xi-. Cog-,
ens as pastor of the Ontario street
Methodiet eShureh a few years ago.
Ontario Street Church
Morning -classes at 10 4telock.
Sunday morning by evangelist E.
R. 13own, "The Spirit Filled Life,"
Everting at 7, "Sixteen ounces to the
posinc" •
Thursday evening; "The Crecifixicn
of' Christ." '
-Friday evening, "4.. Love Story."
Song service every' evening ht 745.
• You are Welemne.
Baptst" Chuneh
'Sµnday school at 230; evening ser-
vice at 7.f. -asters subject,- "Tmpta-
tion:" ,,,,,
Moteday eat 8 pan., and
Mission Ciecle will hold tlieir mission.
ary meeting. Toic,. "Local Missions."
All 'friends invitd.
Wednesday, 8 parr. Inspirational
meeting, Rev. C.- H Stbutt; Horne snperinl
tendent of the. Hoe Misimis
preach. To be followed by a: business
St. Paul's Church .e.,
serVice nc..:zt,,Sundae.
The .eront seats will be re-
'11/4"Yol.• the children. The rectoi's
evelmitig/ subject will be: Fes .
A !special. meeting of ethe Ladies 1
•quild was held in the -parish hall last
Monday, when, final arrangemmits
were=made for the stepper to }3e sieeld ,
»cali)SuhrfisiptltieuessedaasXon of Lenta series,'
tWilight orgen recitals will be
held in the church • on Friday after-
noons at 4:30,
Wesley Church
The Rev. J. W. Medley .of Victoria
street Methodist elnireh Goderich,
will preach- morning and evening on
Sunday and will address the Brother-
hood at 'ten am. Theeecaetor, Rev, A.
A: Holmes, takes Mr. Bedley's work
in Ghderich andtwill also give an il-
liestrated,%lecture there Monday even-
The young /des' classes of Wee -
ley S., S. entertained the young men's
clashes on Friday evening of last
eveek,,,when a veey happy evening Vitig
spent by the young people. -
Willis Church
Owing to the absence 'of the min-
ister at the sickbed of his motlicr a
suioly will takd the services in this c
drarch on Sunday. . t
'tours of voting on entery into
Church Union are as follws: 0
Thursday, Feb. 18th, from 4 to 5 c
oteiok. ' e
Feiday, no voting. -I,
saturdov Feb. 21st from 4 in 5 1
c'elock, t
Saturday, Feb. gist, from- 10 to 11. 15
o'clock, p.trie s ' s''"/` n
A meeting of the congregation will In
be held on Tueedaye Feb, 24th at 8 ,
o'clock Lean, to receive the report c)f
the vote. ne
The postponed skating' party 'by
th, Hockey Club was held Tuesday
evening, a good &oteeel. being present -
Mr, and Mrs. V. C. ,}Ianley end
family are moving into their sw
'home on Princess street, the house re-
dently occupied by leas. L. Lawson.
The W.C.T.I.T. will meet on Friday
afternoon '-Wesley church iecture
rooin at half past three o'clock. A re-
port of the Provincial Convention
will be given.
The town offieials eeem determined
th"enforce the bylalw against placing
ashes on the streets, Citizens would
do well to heed the warning and keeP
same upon thdir own premises.
,Mastey,,Bensori Carless entertained
about a doien of his boy friends to
a Valentine party on Saturday after --
noon, celebrating his birthday. A very
jolly party was the result.
The 'beautiful- flovvers in Ontario
street church' last Sunday, which
We re so much admired, were a birth-
day gift to Mr, E. J. Gibbings, the
bpoorp:larl eader, from the don: •uleal-
Bright, sunny days and frosty
nights are the rule this week .A few
degrees below every marnmg, but a
genial sun taking the' edge off during
the day niakes very pleasant winter,
The interim, cif the postoffice has
been painted and varnished up Until
you can almost see your reflection in
the woodor,ke Looks fine, alogeth-
er, but so1ne day Abet postoffice
have to be enlarged. The staff has
norid too much room behind a.nd the
intielic has very little in front,
Rey. =Fairfull, forMerly -pator
of the Clinton and Auburn Baptist
hurches, but for some time pastor at
Walkerton, reeently reeeived from'
tho, Ontario Govermnent the apPoint-
ment of Supenintendent --of the On-
tario Reformatony Burwash
Me .Fairfull has had quite a:let of
experience hdidealing With ITICTI: He
e, Highlander havin 'been born
nt 'tVereyss, Fifehire, Scotland. He
has had 'experience in dealing with
men, for he was for a time manager
of the, 81wick Ordanee 'Woks, in.
charge of 2,000 raeii, mid later man-
ager of Bateman's Machine -Tdol Cm,
Leeds, with 4,000 men He also
worked in Glasgow .1).11S1218S8 'con-
eprns. He gave his leisure during his
life in thesd large cities to social ser-
vice work, because hie was interested
In 1905 .Mr. Fairfull came to' Can-
ada antriti 1913 he• was called to the
Clinton -Auburn Baptist , charge, be-
ing ordained to the ,ministry of 'the
Baptist Church in ,Canada in the
Clinton Baptist church that ' same
year. When the 161st Battalion was
being 'formed, with headquarters
here, Mr. Fairftall enlisted as a
V'ate.,, Having had. some experience in
volunteer work in the Old Landeene
was speedily' promoted to sergeant
and =later was appointed chaplain of
he Battalion and giventhe rank of
captain. lid Went overseas with the_
161st. Om hiS return to Canada he -
for sosne four mifive yeaes prin-
ipal of the vocational school for re-
urned mess at Kingsta, where there
veee about five hundred men and
ver 'forty instructore. Later lie was
ailed to the Baptist church at Walk-
rton, whore he has ministered for
he least 2 or 3 yeare, 1 -Io recent -1Y
eeelved a call to the Oshawa Bap-
ist plaurch, bat instead' he goes to
urwash, returnieg, as he says, "To
sy life's hobhy, again," that'of work -
TE 440 'ME P
The drainage' nieQting', which had The Y. P. Clul3 of St. Andrew'q
bcen ancinged to take 011J- h 6Id "Lino qodni: '
lh° 6verung" Feb. 2G"thi hat't be" E,C11001 7.0010. was , artisticaIlly
postpoi,ed until March 12th, when cx- ated with red t,,,eantare and 1e
ports will be present to give advise h„„,ts, also lamp siaades with
on this importantdhject. '
The roguiai, mdeting of thq loyal vpaapleenrtitithxd, aalld,,appidopriate for
club,n be held 28th,
,the aft el:eon tsicpe onne rnoayf ethae
t T Feb, 2 ligt
it - The 1-5511ecn oung eo-
51, REV. (CAPT.) 1. K. FAIRFIT.i.L
Formerly pastor of. the Clinton
us Baptist church and Chaplain of the
?,01st (Huron) Battalion, who has ••,
been appointed superintendent of the
Ontario Reformatory at Burwash.
"▪ '
7 ' -`' .T,
1 t;
lcn on utldor the sif waipices the Friday 1» CLI eve, in ga, lest. The, st4day,
W. 1. AIEF,T' NEjen, WEEK. =, ,pllen-twinetib'e;,prieconitn8bLeg\evessitten-thinedrsli je;,
The Women's Institute yillhold its M. An interesting—debate tit 11
regular monthly meeting atthe hente the sublect being, "Resolved that
. 0 OW
Of MP. Jamee T1Yien Thutsday peeson with a $10,900.60 farm/ is b
tel'1100/1 next, Feb. 26th, at three ter off than a person' with a. Celle
o'nlock. A. paw entitled, "The yal- Education." Hillsgreen- took ,the
ue ef asSosend Body" well be given by firmative mid Kippen- the negati
Mrs.: titers' Rozell and 4 demonstra- Both sides did equally well, and
tion on coerect table -setting and sew- clecidionswas reached by the judg
‘ing will begiven by thdInStitate ex- Luncheon followed and all repaired
ecutive. Hostesses are ' Mrs. Pax- their homee feeling' they had enjoy
mane Mrs, W. J. Elliott and Mrs. Mc- a pleasant and profitable"' evenin,
Clinehey: ' And all are lookingforward to t
next ineetillg. IIillsgreen on
Patric:Les niht.
At .a 'dinner given by the Board of On Thersday morning last ths
nTi;aedge, laats-tthwe eFdnsetsciGanynreyveInIiontgei,a1Wiaidn: feicreollis latand reonnnerdofinthcenarnaoosntundnisnaitsytrof
dress Was given by 0. V. coriess, many years, when the beautifel
tiqh.e,SIvr.,01.,n/./(Dx.iedkiii.ee7ctoo,...,aanncid7aanneaofertg mptc.eivisueidtiebrioefk trheedid2netdice lionfe,MsriallTioe
amdoisatn oanutisltianigul..ingma ta. chnorittiseas tionol?cai; owoanLbnutr4n. edThtoo the e groundwadiswnoitvheraell
uhinsnsitunbbjneet a'n`MdiniongattItreiov—eloApnytili.itkini;. 1111%1:1.71Ni:: ,tuortgieawtho!nthehe.bagrent tododion tti
' • elfores and So rapidly, did the flan
The board placed :so
ance on tie gathering that it invited
much import, hsnisrel4adifethantp haendolyre' had d tiwmheentothge'
all the merither's of the legislature
and Mining. men in 'Western Canada WanedrebeefTrePenieleigdhretoorslecaouveki tgheet ohneuthe
to the functiosn, and arrangements eceee it' was like ci. yaging tuna
dress Jbroadcasted. The Winnipeg Free
were made to have Dr, Corless' ad_ Tmhuertlipe7asis taheiheea.wvyasononelyto$Mur0.0M,,0
Press had the following to say about. the house and $600 on contenti. Th
thp Beard of Trade's distinguished sympathy of the whole tommunit
gti`e'Dstr:. Corless had a d'istinguished god Out to Mr. MeMurtie in his heav
da.reer at McGill university apd watt
She holder of several high academie
herfoese He is also a sractleal tinn-
ing engineer 'and metannvEi0 and
one of the few authorities on the
mineral weaatit of the pm -Cambrian
'area in •Canacla. His . paper entitled,
Thp 1V1ineral Wealth of the Pre -Cam-
brian area in Canada," delivered be -
lore the Royal Society of, Art, hi
London last June, was an outstanding
Contitibution to mining and inetallyrfi-
-foal neon% and -was Considered 'of
such importanee that one entire isatte
of the Journal tif the Royal Society
of Arts wae devoted to its publication.
Corless' -expevience the' pre-
Cambrianarea in Canada has etond-
ed over d period -of twenty years.
Through eonstant" observation and
study he has devploped a knowledge
of the cirea 'Possssed by fa* °Orr In-.
„clividuals in the Dominion.
Dr. Dorless . horn in Oxford
county: Ontario, id 1868, and in 1902
.received the degree' of E. Se. in min-
ingprf.recinor- 11\ ftse$918%utati,Veli:is,ittyh.e'r' d our
worthy townsman, Mr. M. T.
by Baufield
hme The February meeting of the W. M.
es a was held Thursday, Feb. 5111, itt
et Mrs. Campbell's home, with eleven
• members pesent. It Ives deckled to
e conunence work 'on an autograph
e quilt, each' meinber to collect -the
ee. names of ten friend, also ten cents
from each, for the honor of having
n jiie or 'her name on the quilt.
O Mr. Herbert Sturgeon returned on
• Saturday after having • spent some
Miss Nora Ferguson, who has been
visiting Mrs. Balkwell in London
Since the New Year returned on Sat
urday. Her brother, Capt. Charles
Ferguson, of Detroit, accompanied
1VIr. and Ms. Woods of Vancouver
were4guests at the home of IVIr. and
IVIrs.- Gorge 13regden. over the week-
end. .
Mrs. ,T. W. Tanibyn has gone to
1.11sit her sisers, Mrs. J. D. Ainslie of
Leamington and Mrs. ,(Rev., Dr.)
Medd of Wheatley, also with London
'Mts. White of Drayton and her
daughter of Detroit visited' at the
home of Mr.' Tboinas Millar last
week. "
, Rev. IVIr. Robinson of 'Stratford
took Rev. Mr. Abrey's work on gun.
ddy last.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Richard sren't
Tuesday Lendon.'
FrankrTamblyn hag gone as a
delegate to Toronto to dtte»cl• the
temperance cenvention.
. Mrs' Jim' Riehmorid of Blyth visited
at the home of Mr. Thomas lifillar
last week.
Mrs. Fred Johnston and eanghter,
sPent'$unday in Leinclon.-
Mrs, George Enn ofthe idIle con-
ceesion. is visiting with friends in the
villae. ' -•
loss as a house such as his cannot be
replaced for $5,009 today on account
of the high price of both material and,
woritnianehip. It is his intention to
rebuild in the spring.
Ooderich Township
L.O.L. No. 145 had a very success
ful box social in thetir hall on the 4t
concession ott Wednesday evening o
hist week. There was -a good atten
dance, the proceeds amounting t
about $5Q.00, which will „be used fo
the reorganization of et fife and them
band. The boxes were atietioned of
hy 1Vir. Geo. Elliott, who -never fail
to put his "audience" in good burnout
and keep them in that- Stat, at the
same time getting' the best results.
All report a pleasant -evening.
Mr. Wm. Million of Stratford was
a guest at the Ritz House on Wed-
_ nesday and Thursday of last week.
Miss Ethel ,Towett, who is atten0.-
f ing Normal school at London', spent
the week -end with her parents.
Mr. Fred ll'IcEvten is in London'and
Sarnia this week.
Miss Violet Billings left on Monday
for London.
s At the quarterly meeting in the
Methodist church, last week the ps-
tor, Rev. J. Jay johnston, was asked
to remain for another year.
The members bf L.O.L. No. 24 are
holdiiig a box sodial in the town hall
cin Tuesday evening.
The members of St, Andrew's
church arid Sunday school gathered
• in the basement of thephurch on
Tuesday evening and enjciyed a nice
social tim. The entertainment was
chiefly for the ehildren .but all en-
sYed the games, etc. After ,the
games lunch was served and the
gathering dispersed,
Mrs. Weston has gone to Detroit
to spend a month with her daughter
The secretary of the Public( school
board has received a cheek fibre the
Merchant' Fire Insurance Company
for the :moot of the claim for dam-
agd caused by the Ere in the belfry
a couple of weeks ago. Their eland.
was put through with connuendable
Al the last meeting of the IP
W. 0., held at the home of Mrs, Oke
"Canadian Authors end TheirWorks,'
was the theme for discuesion and, in
the absence of the lady who was to
give a (paper,. a free dismission took
place, many intereiting things being
brought out. The next meeting, Feb.
2601, Will be held at the home of Mn
G. W. Layton, when the program
will take the form of a debate,. en-
titled "Reolved That Rides is a
Greater SOIIrce Of Unba13Pineas Than
Poverty." Miss Aikenhead and Mrs.
Davidson will take the affirmative
`Side and Mr. Swinbank and -Mrs 01'e
the negative.
Mr. Layton. has had a`radio in-
Mr, Jack Campbell is recovering'
from his recent we are glad
to be able, to report.
Mr. Duncan IVIaeDonald is a little
better, .also.
Mr. and dlifrs. T. Jenniion haie been
'visiting at the home of the latter's
parents, Reeve and 11p, Hanley.
Ijulltett Townshi
Harald Beacons spent a few.
days ,last week with frinds' in' Olin,
-bon. .
Mise Ldithwaite silent Sunday with
Miss Gertrude Frris.,
Mr. and Mrs. Lovett spent Straday
-Miss Mystic Grainger OF Toronto is at the home of' the latter's tparente,
visiting at 'her home on the 18111 con- Mr. antl IVIrst Harvey.
cession. . Several from this vicinity attended
the -Farmer's Club will be held" in the it
meeting under the ausoices of tthone fyarsutit weak
growers d ntebeitniinc g in aColi na-
Gomm:minty Hall on Wednesday af- worthwhile gathering, many good
terneon next to hear an expert egg- suggestions having been put forward.
'wrested are invied. Ladies are
grader explain about eggs. All preMsjesnst Mv.iGsirtabyigof thheer13stihsteeron, Misr:Ls!
Pecially invited. ' Matthews of Palmerston.
MT, 13,. W. on the Gravel.
Auburn Miss R. Lyon, who has been at the
home of Mr. T.- McMillan at Con
The Interdenominational Day
stance for the past three months has
Prayer to be observed in the Eapt st
church on Friday, Fb. 27th, cam-, returnedli°nie*
Miss Grainger, of Toronto, spent a
mengIng at 2:a0, The address is to
few days last week with her mother,
•be given'by Mrs. Alp and the collec-
ionOil the 13th concession,
infantThe theehb211172. ofintMssric41. a.nd Mrs. gUlViesit!sItMtahseohnoin°ef ofCh°enrst:111a6ield' faits4ra,
Che6ter Tayl,or is very 111 at the homo me. 3, Brigham, near plyth. •
of its grand parents, Mr, and Mrs. —
John Fora.uson. , me. and Mrs. Honking cif t4e 13th
were in -Clinton on Monday."
Mrs. 0. E. Erratt is on the sick list.
Mr. W. Moon- shipped hogs from
heallfirh....E..Youngblutt- is very poor
the Londesboro station on Mondy.
Rev, Mr. Banes went to Tw'nt° °r' whMol!haavned spMenDts' Hth eLpYaolslt otrwtol'ewee3Itc1S1
'Tuesday to attend the Provincial ,-Pto-
with their datighter at; Exeter, le-
ibition',Convention in Massey Hall,
h Me. Wesley Killongh, who has been turned home last Tuesday.
working in Deenieene,yisieing. friends The following is tile January 'sport
here and at Dungannon, forseS.,481.hN___0611v.eHsunireutillga,,nad.80/GOo. chn'ich:
Mrs. MoOre W05 called to Toronto
Sr, 3rd---.11eleri Yungblutt, 72; Thee,
last Friday, owing to the illnese of
odore Itenlioeffer,, 511; Louie Jelin-
heit: rnrinoltlhi evr-abisn-law, tajd to meet a sis- sto jnr.: wincent. uoilho"f...00.. 47.
Mrs. Banes entertained the League 2n0--Qorden Johnston, 07j ndn-
to a Valentine Social' lat 1)A -du aId sprung el.
g with men,
anics and 221U511. 2t lunch was served • Jr PrIlorotle •Lonaed
Mr. Fairiull's Clinton friends will g
sh him the hest of 2UCC0.54 in hie ai
w work
sing. The` evening,. was Spent in lienlioef felt
id a good time enjoyed by all Pre- Yungblute.
A. Mogridge, 'L,acher, hundred and sixty-five.
The concert held under the auspices
of the U.F.O. and the last
Friday evening in Walker's hall was
gran4 success. The hall was web
filled and the different numbers
much applauded by the audienc. The
-contet resulted, in a win by the men's
lub. The music by the Brucefieid
Orchestra was very much appreciated.
'The judges, were membere of the
Liendorr Read club: Mr. Dcdson,
Miss Welch:on and MT. Layton.
111r, David Bell passed away at the
%me of his daughter, Mrs. Sas. Al-
len, with whom he had been living
fbr the past nine YearS, 051 Thursday
last at the advanced age a cight5--
seven. He had been in his usual
health until about a month ago. In
January he came to 13rueefield -church
to record his vote for Church Union.
He had 'been a member of the session
in Tinton Church, Brucefield, for for-
ty-one yearp and for several Years
superintendent of the Sunday- schol,
He leaves behind him a fragrant
memory of active seryiee and noble
living. "The inemory of the just is
blessed," He leaves to mourn hie
loss two sons and three daughters:
Rev. Wm. Bell of Avonton 1Vtr. Alx:.
Bell of Portland, Oregon, 4111rs. Alex.
McKenzie andltitis Jennie of Winnie
peg and -Mrs. Jas, Alien of Tucker -
smith, aleo two siters, 1VIrs. Turner
of Chatham and liffrs. Chouch of Cal-
gary. Interment Was made in Baird's
cemetery on Saturday. The eix re-
x:lair:Mg elders acting as pallbearer,
Mr. C. Houdin Mr:R. 'Watson, Mr. H.
Ailcenhead, TUT. McLachlin, Mr.
Marolie and Mr. J. McQueen
The members of the Kelly Circle,
met in the parlor of the church f0i2
the February meeting Thursday af-
ternoon with a goodly attendance.
IVIise Jean Mineleels presided, Mrs:
Ailtenhead taking the topic from the,
study book. Miss Iielen Tough gave
an item on current events. Mrs. H.
Aikenhead lent her home Tor an af.
ternoon to prepare quilts for St
Christopher House, Toronto, to he
sent to needy families in the city..
The president is sending to' each
member a "Sunshine Bag" for the
cause of naissiona. Drop a cent in
every dey the Sun shines, We hope
fon sunshine each day of the three