HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-02-12, Page 50
liter -cord
2, •1221
and Me
of the Provincial
Platuionn l probably 1y ou
t Jh
hose of the Federal Pa_lianaent. But:
better keep an eye 'On both,
The thaw which; began Thursday
and lasted' over the week -end, whil
it ruined the sleighing, was'neverthet',
less` ivelconire to many Soho .had been
Short 'of "water for stock all' winter.
When teS'inp to decide Whether.the'
prone -Sod strengthening of beer ,is 'Or
.is net a step In the way. of'tempere-
anee note titho's'showing.pleasere at,
the news. It doesn't seem'to be ,the.;
-temperance" people,' does ;it? ,
Speaking ,of thaws, it must be ad
,witted that; February; althoul,=li, some
:what of a •novice, has demonstrated
that it can put' on as complete a per-
formance in that line r as any ever
staged by' that experienced old' actor,'
Most of us, if we are ,going,to suc-.
ceed,at all, are., going to 'in small
..town s—Pxehange. '
Wed add,; or on the ,farms here-
abouts, and: then we'd`connniend'this
thought to' the youth, theboys' and
girls, young men, and women annong
,our readers,:
ti N *
Parliament opens this week.' • Sure-
sly we can expect some Warmer weath
er now.-Goderich Signal.
And, sure enough, , Premier King
and ex -Premier Meighen had no more
than "touched` noses"•funtih the hot
wave started. Does this mean no
snore zero weather this winter?
A New Zealand school anarnn, af-
ter,teaching in -Toronto fore a year,
gave out an interview recently',in'
Which she charged that Poronto...men
'have no manners. We'd hate to go
,"quite so far as that, although no
doubt some of. 'em ale not.overburd-
• ened. But those New Zealand" folk
• seem to be very discerning, for the
New Zealand All -Black football team,
-which has been enjoying the hospital-
ity: of the :;west for some time, said
•on, leaving Banff the' other day that
anIs it are the g b est dant
y>dnave filet 'dined, leaving
own"country last spring
Before the referendum last October
Premier •Furgusoni declared oh • more
than one occasion, that he would be
guided ,by. the will of the people and,
if they b�ithenr votes indicated ,and,
^they-wished the Ontario- Temperance
Act ,to remain he.•.would'strengthen
the act and erifoiee,it'strictly. 'When'
the ' vote' was -taken., and t'he'
people so declared themselves
he•,. said there. was nothing
for, .the. Goyerninent. to', .do' but
abide by the pill of;th'e' people and bN
lois firmness in this , he won the apl-
proval of many who had not had'Any
too :much faith hi his goodwill towards
the Act. Because of "this the an-
nouncement on Tuesday in the speech
from the throne, wliich;is,"as everyone
o}vb, an, Outline of the prograrir
be introduced throughout the session,
that a measure would be introduced
,allowing the sale of beer twice the
:strength now legal carne as a surprise.
"That Pretnior" Furguspn has• gone
'back: on his pledge can hardlybe de-
nied, although he does deny it. Plain.
-people, however, cannot hitt• conclude
that he has capitulated to that extent,
to rale "wets" in his -party who' have:
no doubt brought much 1pressndre, to
:hear upon him. But it did not stein
'necessary for him to 'do it, oven to
'hold his position as leader ' of his
'party. If. he considers that such a
"small concession will ' satisfy the
"'wets" he surely cannot have studied
'there to any advantage. 'Knowing as
he ought to have 'known, 'that the
,country would' aiot stand for any meas-
ure which would satisfy ,thein, his
only hope"lay in firmly sticking to his
pledge' to-inforce the 0. T. Al, thereby;
,seeping the support ^.of the temper-
ance, element in hit own party and in
the, country. His action.as a suididal
one, it, is, mighty poor policy as well
.as an act of bad faith.
,Misses Martha and Mary Cook of
Goderich township spent a week with
their ,sister, Mrs. Joe Riley.
.Mrs. Benjamin Riley is ,spei'nding a
'couple of =weeks or so at Blenheim.
with her daughter; Mrs. Attwood,
who has been,1ill.
The W.M.S. are lnavini g ' a meeting
in the church oh,
. Friday evening.
Lunch will be served at the close,
'Word was received on Saturday of
the death of a former: resident of
1VIcKillop and Tuckersnuth in the
,person of Mi. •Thomas Tudor, sr., of
'Eugenia: 'Ile' hod been sick for about
-one Hsi rth. Be was eighty years of
age. Ile 'leaves one ;daughter ;anti
`lour sons: 'Duncan , of - Constance,
Jean (Mrs. Jas. Mann) of Brussels;.
'Thomas of Toronto, David in Mich-
'i0•an and Henry at Eugenia. The fun.
oral took place on Monday afternoon.
-Ibis wife died about twenty-four years'
sago• ?�<
Mrs., D. 'Mountain of the village is
ooending the remainder of the winter
with her daughter, Mrs. Jim Pipe of
NTr. ;and Mr's. ITarry Lyon .oC the
13th , concession are visitin • their,
daughter, Mrs. ' Arthur Kerslake of
Bxe ci-,.,
Mrs. Frank Hall of the lab con.
is visiting her sod, Mb. Charlie Hall
of. St,'.Maiyo.
Rev. Well 1 inp.o'land of Miinico-'is
visiting his parents, 'Mr, and Mrs,
john Finland of- the village.
'Mrs. T. Lii.th:has returned after
spending: some time at- the home of
h('. rind Mrs L. (:ret of Clinton,,
Tl; ,•nnieeing of the -,Women's Insti-
e was held en Feb. 5th. -with an;
itnendamcn' of forty. The biltiiiness
),rt of the meeting was conducted; by
`Tios L., Brigham, after which the pro -
:Tam was given and lunch' was served
sone.:of the ladies of the Institute,
Miss Alice Voddenis "visiting, lrsr•
aei Towns,
friends' in Bel rave
' (suite • a few people village
a locke
Clinton,and, Iincadme �ica
night last in Clinton rink•:;; <
Mr. 3. _Bentley of Blenheim is visit -
ring his daughter, :Mrs. W, R: Osborne.
Ray. 'Mr, Aber3 'and, grandson
Owen Watt of Toronto, are visiting
with .the former'e 'daughter,. Mrs.
(Dr.). C. T. -Gray of Walkerville.
.The young. nerple. athe thirteenth
con. are having 'a' good 'tinne-these
evenings preparing a play entitled
"CivilService," which is to be given
'in, on
Feb, 2Ot1x '
aid x ax a d of the,
Londesboro Public Library. Practice
for the play i 'held at the; different
'home al F,
s ons the` rine Faithful prac-
tices and lunches are bridging good
,results, they say. ,
The Young People's Society of the
Methodist church intend having a
social on Friday `'evening,'Feb."20th,
in the town hall, The main feature;
will be a debate•• "Resolved that
women have done'mniore for, the world
than men." " There' will, also be a Pro-
gram of music, singing readings, etc.
• The good skating and sleighing: has
vanished, with the beautiful' moon-
Mrs. M.i Elliott; spent a' fewdays
with friends in •London last week.
Mr. Epps has installed a radio in
his home,
Miss Evelyn Elliott,; spent the
week -end in London,
;Messrs. Marshall and 'mi
ed a .danceS th attend-
in • 1•Iolmesville -Tuesdaay,
A Valentine concert oil be held in
the hall on Monday, Feb. 16th, under
the auspices of the Girl's Gild of
St. John's church. A good program
is being prepared. -
Miss Welsh and Miss Mary Chutes.
spent the week -end in London.
Goderich Townshi1
Council met In 1ioIn5essjIje on Mori -
day, Feb.' 2nd. A•,. letter 'from the
Western Ontario Board =of Trade;
asking the councilto contribute
8100.00,—along with other municipal-
ities for a publicity campaign was,
dread and left over until next' meet-
ing, The following Motions carried:
That; the Goderich Star receive' the
contract of township printing. by-law
No. 3 appointing.Mr. Sam Emmerson
Road Superintendent; alio >'-by-law
No. 4, providing for expenditure on
townthip roads for 1,925 was •read a
third time, and passed; the 'auditors'
reports were received and,adepted.
That each eouncillor ibe•ennpowered
to spend' $300.00 ib excess of his
Mileage amount; that the pay for
men be 25c per }loth! and dor teams;
50c per hour and the•tetunsters„pay
their own' breakage.
The council also decided to pay 15c
per • yard for gravel, the owners .of
pits to keep them 'aecessable and if'.
not the costof. doing so to be de-
ducted from their accounts.
Statute Labor' having; been abol•:
'isired, poll -tax was set at,$1.50. The.
following, •accounts ; 'were' ordered
paid:' Geo. Tebbutt, posting tree.
surer's sthtennent, $3; Goderich Star,
printing, .$17.50;, E.,•Yeo, auditor, '$5;
postage, etc, 40c; Jas. Johnston,
auditor, $5, The council then ad-
journed to meet on Monday, Mai'eh
2nd at 1:30. p.m. -L -R. G. Thompson,
Cierk. '
1VIr, Ben Rothwell has been hauling
his beans to Hensel].
Mr, Robert Cole is busy getting up
his."wood for .next winter.
bSr. E. Townsend has sold a horse
to his •brother on the 16th con., and -
another to Mr. Adam. Steep or the
Bayfield Line. Ern is quite a horse-
Mr. Geo. Tebbutt of Holmesville
delivered a nice young horse to Mr,
Charles Wise on Monday.
Miss Tellesille Hudie visited over.
the week -end' with Mr's, It. ;J. Cluff
of ,Clinton,
STOPIIJJRS-In Clinton' Publie Ho,
pita1, onn Feb. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs.
S. B. Stothers, a daughter.
CRERAR-At St. Joseph's Hospital,
:Hamilton, on Jan.: 31st; to Mr. and
Mrs. A. J, Crerar. (formerly Miss
Jean McTaggart of .Clinton), a son.'
POTTER -IN Goderich township, on
,Feb. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Potter, a son.--i-,Ray Clarence.
WsLBEE—Ins, Seaforth, on Jan. 23rd
to Mr. and Mrs. H.;,Wllbee, a' son.
FOWLER—In McIfillop, on Feb. 2nd,
to Mr. and Mrs. F.'T. Fowler, a
daughter,. " _
BATH—In Stratford, on Feb.•10th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Rath, a son.
WORTIIINGTON=At' Victoria, B.C.,
on Jan. 13th, Louisa Van Eglnonnd,
daughter of the late Constant Van
Egmond of Egmondville, and' widow'
of the late. Dr. A. Worthington of
Clinton, aged 78 years. •
PINDER—At Keewatin; Ont., on. Jan-
uary 30th, ; Grace Margaret Pinder,.
second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Pinder, of Goderich.
WbLSON—In. Goderich, on' January,
• 28th, Get'trude• McGee,. wife of,
'Robert E. Wilson, in her 35th' year."
CUT:f In
Goderich, on'January ,28t1t,.
James Cutt,, in his 68th year;
FERGUSON-In Brussels on Fubn u
ary 3rd, Elizabc''h`; Sthrachan,;widow'
of the late Jaines Ferguson,'in heir.
89th` year,
GRIEVE—In, Morris township,; on
February 2nd; Ellen ilerulerson,
widow of the late John Grieve, in
her 74th 'Year:
TAYLOR --In Blyth, on Feb. 2nd,
Gertrudetltainn, aged 9J, years, relict
of the late' Roy, J. 11. Taylor.:
Turnips and Potatoes For Sale
A•quantity of turnips in the Pit in
first"clo s condition, 105 lien bushel.
Also a quantity of potables, John :1.
C��#ppboll, London Road'. Telephone 5
on 019. 43.1
By 'Or; boss Savau
Op -t
Seaforth •' Ontario
How is far sight corrected?,
By having •the Optometrist 'de
termine;the`extent of .the error
and supply glasses that nnake
sight as -nearly riorinal as -pos-
Is far` -sight not' always fully -
corrected? 1
y lY
"No Comfortable vision can
often li' secured by giving a
partial correction; at first.
How, can the Optometrist detcrmine
how' much of the error to -correct? /
Ibis studies andexperience
guide ',him in this matter, .and
his advice should 'be carefully
(Continued Next Week)
In the .natter of the Bulk Sales
Act, :1917, and in the matter of But-
ler Bros., of the Town of Clinton in
the County of Huron, who carried on
business at the said town of 'Clinton,
as Butler Bros, -
Notice is hereby given that all
claims against the said named Butlgr
Bros. for which`yeu are entitled- to
rank,'must be filed with me on' or: be --
fore the trwenty-first day of, Febru-,
ary,`1925, Your mantes and address-
es and ,full particulars in writing of
such clams. And further take notice
'that after the.said last, mentioned day
I will proceed to distribute the pro
ceeds' of the said sale amongst the
par't'ies entitled thereto, liaving re-
gard, only to the claims of . which I
have then, notice. •
Dated .ht Clinton, -Ont., this 10th
daY of I'ebsixes . A.D. . 1925.
R. E. Manning, Clinton, Ont., trus-
tee under the Bulk ,Sales Act; •1017,
upon the sale" a forenientioned. 93-2
Sewing Wanted `
I am prepared to do dressmaking -or
plaini sewing. Apply at my residence,
Albert' street, Mrs. 3. J. 1Vlcllveen.
'Expert Furniture Repairing
Send that broken •chair or other
articleof furniture to us. Our slogan
is, "Stronger than new."` All kinds
of i''ebairs•in wood. Prices 'moderate.
W. S. Downs, Clinton: Shop opposite
Ontario street church sheds. ; 33-4-,p
Agents Wanted
To sell for the "Old .Meltable Font -
hill Nurseries!' Experience not -ne-
cessary. We 'offer exclusive .terri-
tory, literal
erri-tory,•l'iteral commissions and, furnish
handsynie free outfit. Start now at
best selling time. Stone & Welling-
torn, Toronto.
Eat' Potatoes
eWe offer for sale ".hand -selected
potatoes, suitable for either table or
Seed; at 1.35 per bag; 2 bags or
over, $1.25 a bag, delivered. Po-
tatoes:at 1142e per lb. is cheaper eat-
ing that bread at 11c per loaf. Phone
orders to 13 on 616 or address Abram
Iiugill & Son, Seaforth, Ont: .93-2-p
Piano Snaps
A Dominion . Player, mahogany,
Louis XV 'design, highest grade'a1
luauinum action,: used only.2 months;,,
10 year guarantee by Company. $25
worth of rolls rfree. Also a walnut.
cased Louis XV design, onlyslightly
used, with 10 year guarantee. If you
want a piano yonr"will,,,save $200 'on,
these. Jonathan E. Hingill, Seaforth,
Phone 13-616. 9312-p`
2 young bronze'gobblers and 1 Af-
ricaii gander. Apply to John Mann,
R. R. No. 4, Clinton. Phone 31-616
Farm For Sale
127 -acre faun in good condition, be-
ing lot 16, pt. 17,. Con. 1, Hallett town-
ship, 11/2 miles east of 'Clinton on the
Provincial ` Highway. 10 room ' 2-
storey brick house with, furnace; big
bank barn with gogd stabling, drive
shed, henhouse., 8 acres of, fall wheat'
in and fall plowing done. PIenty •of
good spring water. Excellent land
for ;nixed forming. Terms easy. For
particulars apply onthe premises, or
to John R. Noble, E.R. No. 4, Clinton..
Phone 5-617. 93-tf
Dance_ '
L dance will be .given in, the rooms
of the Clinton Knitting Club on the
evening of Friday, Feb. 13th. ' Ag-
new's orchestra. Ladies 25c..Gentle-
men, 750. 92-2
Farre For Salo
A good 100 -acre farm in good con-
dition, for sale or rent, being NI/2 of
Lot 26, .8th • line, Morris. It is well;
built on, a red brick house and big
barn with cement flooring in stables,'
drilled well and windmill, For partic-
ulars apply. before Feb. 15tH to ,Geo.
F.';McCa}l, Londesboro. 92-2-p
- Probationers. Wanted
. `l'wo probationers for Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital. Apply to Supt. Grain-
ger at. the hospital. . 91-tf
Furnished Rooms to Rent
Single' rooms from $1.50 tap; Also.
asuite of rooms: .Stoves included for
light hotaselcecping, and all, conven-
icnlces on sane furor. Every rotor
Heated, Also ,board. if desired. Apply
Spruce Lodge, opposite. -Ontario' -St.
Ii}ndly Settle
Having sold our ihtitclnerinig, busi-
ness- to Messrs. Connel •& Tyndall, a
i+el;urosentativo of the firm will: be at.
their Shop, ;our old stand, Huron
si;reet, ;fol' the next • few weeks to r0
coivo settleanent of . all outstanding:.
accounts. Duties Bros. 01.3
Po Creditrers an ,'+other Claimants
In -the matter of the estato'of-Elsie
Airn, Richards, late of the-;1.'ownship
of Goderieh in the County of Huron
widow, deceased,
Notice Is 'hereby, given that all erect-
,itors and others having claims or de-
mands.' against the estate of the said
Elsie Ann ;Richards, who died on the
• Gth day of November, 1924, are 're-
quired, on or before the' first day et
March, 1925, to send by post (prepaid
or deliver to the undersigned solicitor
herein for . Nettie May,Wallis, 'admin-
istratrix of the estate of the said de-
ceased, the full particulars in writing,
of their claims, a, :statement" of ,their
accounts and the nature of the seeur-
ity, if any, held by .them..-
,ASid Take ' Notice that after- the
first day
of arch,
M 1925, -
>the adm
tratitix will_ distribute the assets of
the deceased among the parties en-
titled thereto; having regard only to
the cla'im's of which she shall then
have notice;: and that the said ad
minlstratrix will not be liable for the
said Bassets Or any part thereof to any
person. or• persons of whose claim
notice shall not have been received by
her at the time of such distribution.
Dated at Goderich !this 27th clay of
January, A.D. 1925;; 91-3
R.' A., Cluff, Goderich Ontario, Sol-
icitor for tlieAdministratrix.'
— Notice to Creditors,
In the matter of Bulk Sales Aot,
1917, and in the matter. of Charles
James Ready of the town of 'Clinton,
county of Huron, carrying on business
at said town of • Clinten as Ready
Baking Co. .Notice is hereby ;given
that"all claims against the said named'
Charles James Ready for which you
are entitled 'to rank, mustbe, filed
with'rne •on or before the fourteenth
day` of February, 1925. Your navies
and addresses and full particulars in
writing of such claims And further
take notice, that after the said last
mentioned day I will proceedto dis-
tribute theproceeds of the said sale
among . the parties entitledthereto,
having regard—only to the claims of.
which 1- have -then notice.
Dated at Cldnton; this ,30th day of.
January, A.D. 1925.
(William J. Dodds, Clinton, Ont.,
trustee under the Bulk. Sales Act 1917
upon the sale afore mentioned. ' 92.2
Farm POI, Sale
100 -acre farm, aft the Coutlty Road,
3 miles north ' of Clinton: On the
premises are solid brick hoose, front
parte 84x20, kitchen 18x30; frame
barn' 60x70 with • stone stabling
underneath and drive 'shed 24x40,
good spring well, windmill, large
cement watering troug+h, good'young,
orchard, about 8 acres of bnsli. Con-
venient to .school. Will 'sell`; cheap
and on easy terms. Apply on prem-
ises to W. M'o}prison, R. R. No. 1,- Clin-
ton. Phone: 3 on 637. 9$-tf"
Private Sale 'of House and Effects
House on Victoria street, also pri-
vate sale
ri-vate:sale of household furniture. Ap-
ply on premises to B, Raiser, Victoria'
For Sale•`
8 Barred Rook cockerels, also drop-
}lead -Singer sewing: machine, used 2
months, reason for° selling', owners
have left town.•a Apply Mrs. Hirai
Hill.' ; 92-212
I'or Sale
33 acres of choice land, joining the
town of . Clinton on GraveI road; on
premises is comfortable house, with
good cellar, an up-to-date hen house,
18x40, good barn, 32x64, .machine
shed 20x40 and 'garage 14x18, Straw-
berries, raspberries and other small
fruits. Also over 100 -Barred Rock,
pullets, good laying strain, arid some
yearling Barred Rocks. Town water
in house and barn, also a good'cistern
and small orchard. Apply on prem-
ises to W. H: Cole, Clinton, or phone
133. 90 tf
• House For Sale •
9 -roomed cottage on Princess street
town water, electric light, phone, IA,
acre, more qr- less, of garden with
some fruit' trees. Desirable hone.
Apply on• premises to Mrs. M. Mcin-
tyre. - 90-tf•
Cottage For Sale •
+A cottage on Mary street, in good
repair, town water, eleetrie lights,
good barn, and;;_ large 'lot. Also 'a
:14 -inch: roller crusher, in first-class
shape; Apply to A. Seeley. , • 89.12
Furs Wanted
- Mink, Raccoon, -Fox, Weasel and
other' furs 'have advanced in price.
Mink up'to '$12.00; Raccoon up to
36.00; ' Fox up to $15.00; Weasel up
to $L50. Do not hold' your furs,
prices will probably be Iower in Feb-
!eb-ruary as mink are starting' to fade.
Don't sell your ;' furs to travelling
dealers. I can pay 'you as north and
generally more than any travelling
dealer can afford to pay. Sometimes
they -will pay you a big price to get
your business. I pay full price all
the time. II. A. Hovey. > -
I have in stock the following sets:
two five -tube sets. These sets are
the equal. if not:; better than sets cost-
ing' $25.00 to $50.00 more, and the
price, which includes a loud speaker
and storage battery and other best
guaranteed equipment (nothing cheap
in these sets) is 3150,00< to 3175.00.
The $175.00 set 'includes a 339.00
loudspeaker and 32180 storage bat-
tery. _ Stations heard' from on loud
speaker, most of them louder than
any gramophone include Oakland,,
Cal., Winnipeg, Calgary, Toronto, Ot-
tawa, Montreal, Moncton, Hannilton,
Kitchener, Dallas, Texas, and others
too numerous to mention: I have
several Second hand setsgood as new
at .a bargain, Have in stocks phones
guaranteed a year at 35.50, `tubes, 11
batteries, Everready dry cells, which
last twice" as long as ordinary dry
cells, ;Fust ,,`GOc each, ,condensers,"
rheostat grid leaks, Bremer Fuller
timers. vario-coupboi's, etc,, at lowest
'prices. ices.,- CveryLhistg guaranttod satin-:
factory, or replaced free of charge.
H. A. •fOVEV'_
For Sale
16 ft. beechplank, sized inches by.
8 inches,anti 2 inches by 10 inches, al-
so some hemlock lumber.. ' W. 11.
1Vliddleton, R. It, No,' 3,. Clinton,'
Phone 15 on 506. 75-tf.
Fat •Hens Wanted, al
ate®fed Chickens
Inquire for Prices
Eggsbought' according'to D
ion Government Egg Regulations...
Poultry and Eggs Retailed at
itIoderate Prices
It POIIItC �� iS3
Y o e
(New w Era. Building)
N. W. Trewartha
Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w'
For Sale or Rent
House. and lot in the• village of.
13rucefield, two-thirds acre of land,
good cellar, -hard and soft ureter,
good stable' and hen house. Posses-
sion given. immediately. Apply to
John V. Diehl, Clinton, Ont..; 83-tf
- For Sale
The administrators of the estate of
William Doherty, deceased, offer for.
sale ,his late- residence and the ad
joining lands, (25 acres•i pore or less),
on which, are erected subsantial and
W411 -equipped buildings:.:, Apply to
E: Doherty on the premises,'=or to
W. Brydone,.solieitor for the estate.
WhU"Worrg. About
Let me insure your property
pass the worry on to a good, sound
•Iicer m
a licensed to underwrite all lines -
of insurance:
Life;• Fire, Automobile
Wind and
Heil, Accident and Sickness,
Plate Glass, etc.
Agent for Clinton and District of
The Mutual . Life Assurance Company
of <Ca sad;'
MflIer flardvtart")
Rowland's Old Stand
Call in 'and �
seet oar
assortment oI
White, blue and white ' and pearl l gee
Enamel ware ..also Tin
stack as
have two
_second ec
o�d hand
We can n supplyyour
wants and at
reasonable prices.
9 --
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clohlies cleaned pressed ,and re-
paired. Woolen goods : dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's barber ,Shop,
W. J. Jago. —83-tf
Honor. Graduate Carey Jones' Na-
tional School of Auctioneering;'; Chi-
cago. Special 'course taken hi Pure
Bred hive Stock, Real Estate, Mer
chandise and Farm Sales. Rates, in
keeping with prevailing market, Sat-
isfaction assured: Write or wire,
Oscar:Kloppt Zurich, Ont, 1.'houie 18-
FIouso For Sale
Residence of the late Arthur Cook,.
corner Albert and Mill streets, Clin-
ton. Key at Mr. Walter lung's.,
Money on Farm Lands
The Industrial Mortgage and Sav-
ings Company of. Sarnia, Ontario, are
prepared toadvance Money on'mort-
gages on good lands. Parties desir-
ing money oni farm mortgages will
please.app1y to James Cowan, Sea -
forth, Ont:; who will furnish' rates
and other particulars. The Industrial
Mortgage and Savings Company.
ICY. E'RORK8 • '' • ,f t
at re
eon , Mar'Y
Orange streets, oPP the rink
Phone 253 , 90-4
Wanted to Purc iage lot C I1
Good hemlock, basswood, male'
and, soft' elm logs, delivered in our
mill yard at Bayfield and at Thos.
Goderich township. Custom
sawing ,will be done at both places.
Will pay LLthe highest market price
for Rorse Hides and Beef Hides,
Scrap Metal, Geese and Dudic Feath-
ers, etc. ,
Delit+er to m r
•. y residence, opposite•
Canneren's Carriage Shop or phone
137 and I wlh,calk
We have a supply.of Furnace, Stoye,
Nut and Soft. Also some good dry
Webs. Leave orders at residence.
Phone 155. Huron Street
• Having erected new coal sheds will
have on hand full stock of coal for
immediate delivery. Prices reason-
Orders taken sit residence, phone 129
Grain, Flour and
Highest,prrees paid, for all var-
ieties of grain. Can generally pay
as high as .anybody else, mostly high-
er for these. .To your advantage to
cull tit whene\iel; you have anything
.te offer.
In the market for loagain
Call us if you have logs
y ve any to. offer."'
a '
Have a complete stock of feeds on
hand.. Make a specialty of 'good'
heavy, clean screenings. This feed is
reasonably priced and of highest'
quality, Beef Scrap, Tankage, Oy-
ster Shell, Grit, Oil . Cake, Salt,
Ground Corn, 1Vliddlings, Feed Flour,'
Bran' and Shorts.
Always ready to serve and annx-,
ious to oblige in any way' possible.
Also issuer's of Hunters & Trappers`
Phone 123
Flour and Feed Merchants arid
Grain Buyers
The demand for ,our butter is in-
To supply this demand we require
more creann.
We request you to ship us your
We guarantee you the-ITi g•hest
Nlarlket Prices, ,: accurate tests and
prompt. service.
Our firnr is ksnovnn to you and needs,
no 'further recommend.
We pay all e:tpress charges, fur;.
ish cream cans ' and pay twice each
Write for sans or father informa-
tion to the
n l � CO.
•. �0
The most important thin about our
Products is Quality. We do not use se any-
thiiig but just Quality Ingredients in our
BreadRies, Cakes, ,Buns, Etc.,
or anything pretaining �' P ing to Baking, M1
Oysters, Ice Cream and Light g Lunches
N &
A shoe to fit .thefoot" '
not the foot to fit the shoe
OR how many years have people spoken of
"breaking m air, s
a of hoes i.e.suffering
tortures till the foot had, 'in time, shaped
the shoes to fit the foot? But now Arch Defenders
have banished all that and your foot glides into
the shaped-to-hature insole of the shoe like a
glove to the hand. Note also how different and
shapely is,the last upon which Arch. Defenders -
are built compared with the old style..
In addition to the concealed Spring Steel Support
and the special foot -form insole, the lasts upon
which Arch Defenders are built, with their
cupped heel and foot -contour sole, are so differ-
ent from the ilaf shapeless lasts of ordinary shoes.
-Scienti c Sensible
For Men and "Women
reikkast retails
sheat and Rolled oats
or CoPitin —Graham g Graa� FlOur, CookingTao
a Mei/tiers
, Tulips, ,Daffodils, Freesias, Carizafa®lt,. and Cut Flowers
Flowering Plants
0 tet P1ion
e1 99
Night 141-a d 129
ow.aa„®,=aha„,a®mfr+mm �zcva.m•, eaesinam,