HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-02-05, Page 8�........' .zarw' M IiPer0 'S' T> G JI 4 LLRy .STORE �w,°i ,y N�-vl ki Lei �n'a.E'4@„�A'. o ssttrr i'a afig i Ivaru at :self pt ce al,d l ss he b rbmue eof say Cji ifstMas Story is is .ary grone, luta what is rig lie cleared firmsweek �. h ` f3PCIL aPI it ?e ifs, fitly �Lr7t'tgs left' of lnalestti'nw i le :Riclteleeea'n Pearls, ab ol'- .. u”"sely :aray. teed, regular $15.00 for Friday and Saturday only, at half price $7.50 T his ss a-enhd ce that you never hod beton e J HNS N Ocw ller and Optician ' Next Hovey's Drug Store. ..�., CV ® It ° N,, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures,- Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and „Repairs. Phone 15Iw. lbriittry = For the balance of the month as present stock i pets'only crash towelling, suitable for tea .,,Special at ... 1 piece 'white Turkish Towelling, 17 inches Special at ... •..., Ladies"House' Dresses, goodheavy print, auostlys,small To Clear at . Ladies, Misses and Children's fleeced ored, to clear.at oost. Special out prices on all lines of Men's and all lines of felt footwear. Big reducttons on our overcoat prices winter will be higher so you can make •a big or as long lasts -towels aG ... ...... 1 wide qq �y, 1 C sizes not .7700 Bloomers, white and eol- and Boys' heavy robbers to clear, Prices for next saving by buying now. P1umstee1 Bros. -- PHONE 25 SMALL PROFITS MORE 1dUSINESS s A SUIT: all the hallmarks of die- . tinction, style, ' clever work- manship and quality materials always attracts attention.. • ,, We have some unusual tug- : gestions for young men who demand the very latest. r We also have tactical i p yen i distinctive designs to please, inert of- • more co5se•�� 5 it�i'tipe taste. r l „,,,. 'Coynein and let us take yet f measure for a suit of C OUR TAILORING v , �'' "k, 4a+''d,' �.. • ' { ,•,, 71 t� � "�"• , 4.dtc l (.d� - . 0 eo, is x. i • µcome 11 r I k ti IF— roe ..Davis . . / rp - Ja�f d s errnan. VETERAN .TAILORSPHONE 224-W F ill w, � pi,° ,'g ,^ :;a r n+ �.:. sf;F i o met . tri. ilf - W -!.v e '1: -.:as:, �?11! d[ .�> b rb 2~i 1 r ./ f r } ' ,ii 1� ® ti 'F Thefactory cannot guar- 0 antee us another allotment of. ' O'9��`A4,,,,, Trirdyns. • '- ) Order now..' Save desap-`' A tx stir tire, .,. . ointment ! 13r--- Think, of getting thebeauti- fol mahogany Trirdyn with five-;I„—mak tulie-volume, butt with only three tubes to manage. 'Cross -cowl.— neat ranges! Acute selectivity. Marvellous results! Almost all that radio can give you tion the :usual cost! (Owing to tremendous, duction.) . If you are the least bit interested act now 1, This chance may not come .'.again!.. SUTTER &PERDUE �j d ll'( at in your 1A u, l a frac- pro- radio, way, o • •• ° °. ! .. ,au ;-1 ail inn ---. - r i �r�j / r. 4n t f +1 i. E t. ale• a ,r 1, �t w M ea 1t DAY FEB i,,; J926: s ar dd4s calios W�u "el 1insa s_L e to 111. a nae sa,(,e for eve omen in Commie wells' <ti`tiile on this suisje in n1171 1.7 FO): Februn-y Only' .:19 Copy Tirge .finFafir`O Often th'e Cheapest—Always the Best .011 ism Siam : Miss Bessie Watt was in Stratford last week. Mr. N. W. Trewartha, M.P,P., is in Toronto, this week. Miss Carbert spent the week -end.: with Stratford friends. Miss MadeIon Shaw has been visiting Mrs. L. Hanley in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paxman, iyho have been in Detroit, have returned to town. Nis. Harry FremIin, jr., Ieft last week to visit her brother in Sand- wich. Miss Lillian ”" Cartwright spent the week -end with her' sister, Mrs. H. Hunkings of Londesboro. Ars, B. Hill and daughter of Coiling - wood are visiting the former's daughter, Mrs.. E. Steeps. Miss. Kathleen .Livermore. of the Wingham,. hospital ` staff spent' Thursday last with her Parents in Mrs. Sanies McConnell has been in London for a ` few days, being called there by the illness of her brother. Mr; ;Ernest Bradshaw'of Detroit vis- ited his sister, Mrs. D. L. 'Stephen- son, and :other friends in Clinton last week. Principal Erwin was in Goderioh last niday attending the formal 'open- ing of the rengdelled Collegiate. In- stitute. Mr. and Mrs: Fletcher Townsend, who have been spending the winter 'in town, have moved out to their ferns in Tackersmith., Mr. Tom ..iaekson of the Royal Bank staff is spending "a holiday with his sisters, Misses Sean and Mary Chidley, in Toronto. Mr. W;m. Hiles is visiting his sisters, Mrs. (Rev. Dr.) Medd of Wheatley and 'Mrs. 3. D. Ainsley of Leeming tonwfor a few weeks, M. W. Gould of Kitchener and. Miss Pearl Gould of Toronto have' been en at the parental home in Clutton this week, coming to be present at the funeral of their brother, which took place,Mohday, Prof,: F. C. ;Elford of Ottawa spent the week-end'with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Courtice of•` Holmesv+ille and. called on Clinton friends on Satur- day. Prof. Elford had been in Guelph and just ran, up here for the week -end before returning to-Ot- - "taws. • Mr. and Mrs. . Warr Lucas and son, Harold, ,,of Edmonton, Alta., have been visiting the ;former's. parents, . Mi•. and'..117rs. A. Lueas'of town: Theyare this week visiting some friends in- Brantford anti Fergus but will return to' 'Clinton - the et' of the week. Miss Margaret Holmes, who was the guest of the Milecs'Cluff"quer the week- end, returned,r rot • , to B• " �antford Monday ' afternoon, Miss Holmes came 'up to attend the funeral of her brother, the late S. Holmes,. whose remains were tirougiit from New York and interred here on Monday afternoon. Mr. Thos. Shobbrook of Londesboro was in Clinton this morning and while renewing his subscription let. drop•a few wdrds about early days in:Jiullett which lea to a most in- teresting "crack” about "Old Times." ' Some day somebody ought to write a btok about the early settlers irf, Huron County, 'Twoulti bo'good reading, treated by a clev- er and lever'and sympathetic pen. IOUNTT L. O. L. OFFICERS.: The annual meeting of the County O.L. was held in Exeter on Tues - lay' last, a good representation 'being resent. Messrs D. L. Stephenson, IV..1. Falconer, J. W.-Shobbrook, H, VI. Hanley,, and M. W. Millerwent town' from the local lodge. • The fol owing officers were elected: Co. "Master: .'Rev. . A. A. Tzvmper Chaplain : Rev. R. McGowan. Ree. -Secretary: H, 'M, Hanley. Fin. -Secretary: H. Powe. Treasurer: George Davis. Lecturer:' Tr: Drelnnan, D. of C.: George Castle. Dep. Lecturer; S. B. R.athwell. TOME OLD-TIMERS. A number of our. venerable citizens Celebrate or have celebrated their, iirthdays dosing the winter months.' On the last day of November Messrs. • James Walkinshaw and ieury Piunnsteel celebrated their an- al day,the at er roundingout 1 to f his i7 ghtieth year, when he had a happy amity gathering. The former is six -ems,. ahead of i f hien , In January •11/fr. George Stanbury sassed his, ci,ghty frust year.. On Feb. 14th,ex-Chief Wheatley, vIe. win. Can,'telon and. Mrs. Liver- more,: sr., who is spending the winter in Toronto, celebrate their birthday, They are all over the eighty mark, I I I Cash and Carr e With the correct ans ter s 'of. four cross word puzzles, one -set consisting of six aluminum jelly moulds, conditions .e purchase f folr puzzle packages, containing tree packages Shirriff Jell- Po ,`.rder at 25c per package SPECIAL SHIN -PLASTER TEA. SALE We have still a few pounds of English- Breakfast Tea, lb ,65c iiccessful winners reported to date: Jean, Margaret Ailotgan and Mrs. Fred Pickard, Holnesvil�le. There are six more yet to hear ,,from. You ay -still b'e a lucky one. FRESH FISH The continued cold weather makes .t possible for us to handle large quantities of frozen fish. Halibut, B. C, Salmon, Haddock Cod, -Smelts Haddie and Oysters Special -in Pineapple Friday and Saturday, large, tin, Royal D. pineapple 't. ' 25c 'FRUIT—Bitter Oranges for Marmalade, Head Lettuce,` Celery, Grape Fruit. We Y p have still a few cards left secure one while they last.' Maple Syrup' and Aunt,Jemimas Pan cake Flour. . See ourlittle log Cabins - hi the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the'Afternoon First Delivery 2.30 p.m. Kindly Order•Early' ,W. T. O'Neil Phone 48 The Laun Dry-Ette Way of Washing Means - °If tt llas d wringer itt9l'a LaamDes•Dte',.. d Wouldn't you like to wash the e �� iii M Laun-Dry-Ette Way? :Phone, electric wash r mo.chinl or c, 'USE YOUR OWN UTILITY -- IT PAYS No hand rinsing No hand bluing . No buttons broken No hooks bent No fasteners jammed No red hands No hard -to -iron creases No wringer add no extra tubs i HYDRO.� HOP, Clinton scaoldNowhoMmewhominsmonhhatanmenvosemseamehromehd onid ay, Feb. 'The last concert; of the winter. se ies will be given in the town hall Edith Marsh Ili Clark Swiss Hand Bells, Xylophone, Cello, a • :and Musical Lyre Irene Soule Pianist and Soprano • An, evening of Music Do net fail to conte and enjoy it Rush •Seats, 35c' Reserve Seats, 50c See members of the Girls' Auxiliary for tickets and particulars DANCE Pastime Club Rooms FRIDAY, 'F. EB. 6th ORPHEUS 'ORCHESTRA Ladies Please Provide On the 21st Mrs. Slornan, sr., will be ninety-one. ' March a h 8th Mr. John Gibbizg's, the first male >child -born in the tract which is now Clinton, will celebrate his eighty-fifth birthday and'' on the 18th of March Mr. James Stevens will round out his ninetieth year. These aro all esteemed eh izens whose presence , it is hoped, will help to make the coming semi-centcn- Mtial celebration interesting. SUPPER ! Pauls Ladies Front 5 to 7 path4 Auspices St,Guild Tuesday,24th AIDMSSION 35c 92-3 Hardware Plumbing and Tinsmithing Martin-Senour's Paints: and Vanishes Stoves and Ranges Go to one 244 ' We are startiiiig the New Year right by offering some real u r Bargains InFurniture We have a beautiful solid Walnut Dining room suite, including�j+•�buf- fet, china cabinet, table,and six. dining room ohairs rFI G®.�Q .Regular $250:00 for rF s a7 Ql!! Also extra values in Chesterfield suites, Floor Lamps, Bridge Lamps, Reed Furniture, etc, DET' RT ENT • IN OUR UPHOLSTERING A M h•. We, intend to pay special attention to Upholstering during the winter_months and in order to do this we axe giving special rates on all -work taken in before A zil 1st. We have, a «large stock of coverings to "select from, and all work will be attended to promptly and guaranteed. Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co. - THE STORES. WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 gardware •196 SUR Elis At.SHIPLEY We await your,. pleasure, and shall be happy to have the oppor- tunity of supplying' your..needs ;with fresh goods from either of our stores. ' Bannanas, Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons, Head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuce,. , California .,Celery, Sains, Marmalade, Syrups.-. . Fresh Frozen Salmon and Halibut Steaks it LIE C, 'S. 6 OCERS Main Store, . Phone -125 W. „ , Branch' Store,' Phone 125 3.. We Pay Casit ''COS Are bought every day in, Che week, candled a'nd graded according. to Dominion Government grades. POULTRY W,e also grade poultry, so that you may receive the highest �^ Possible price for weltsfattened birds. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED GUNN, LANGLOIS & Co.,. Limited Clinton, Ontario R. W. WARD, Manager Write, phone or call at our .Clinton office, Day phone 190 Night Phone 254 Euchre and Old Time Dance in. tete Pastime Clulr Rooms Wednesday, Cards 8 to 10:30 Dancing after Admission 35c. Ladies Please Provide, To Our Customers; Having bought out the business of Bottler Bros•, wo have ,moved our. butchering business to their stand„ Iluron street, and will eotttinpo to, carry a ,full line of fresh and salt meats. We invite your continued andi increased patronage. Connell and Tyndall