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The Clinton News Record, 1925-02-05, Page 7
h i1 r , , :: �y ,amu) i i ,), w� � ' '`tit' �-r, �. V_y ry'� q' •y�T �r _ - ..,w.y:. •1.�..h..�Sk[� `�!`, . ' ,(�' .,�.IMBt'Ntti"5 - 'eati your �'rO�'er , i�"vc23'�`�1 �t�B %s 1 rt � Tile IiisyalpeariTulrrbi�t l �a € l Canada; w111'reeotre Db,000 stellin, l et,the �, per ytmr.less iannnities.payable under D tit,es plait . ',a., a result � of tI e a,, e ° Q r����u z eenient si'gned, at the Iirtet' Alllyii /' Pipam,ial Conte -rice which provides nA C(; far the "LTnitecY States lacing paid 2t/., `' ro ��''''c' per cent of" all pntyrngnt, Ittwas stated : f o to �� v i n bas ` in oflTial circles at Ottawa. '' " Generally spealdng, the bol}c,i is CX_ c , • to a o X 1t is easy to open in, account by to til. Sim 1 send mon - Z J �$ p• w e•Y by Tianlc es ed that the Whole questron -t,.�s o k1Gque, Post -kc o. ,f1XPFGss ! pY is ,: e.3p .been dealt with very satisfactorilY;,in / ;;,;; -�': ' °n ,` T' 4?aney.. tirdc,r,.or Rc ,iStored Letter, • ,P1 ,i : ` '' 'so far as� Canada is conceraied. Niton � _.� ..�. to the Braneh. nedie{t;.. Vpu and yell-Arill vecelVe: ,pll . � t +� . r Bank Boot, by «.3n�>; • - • ..:the matter was invostiga.y'Cd, person ;., • 02 ..'a1}y, by -an official of the Dominfon _.,.,� ;. ..,, ,. ,d�ICl,� MoSl: , lf'C'fcet'.- 1Y'�co-W? .liffi'AeIIiC� 1�, � _ Th e enll-e Ftsoal ccs of the Province o1' Ontario guarantee the s fel Government in ;November• last, fife --- ----- position of Canada dd u J of •Your deposit on'which interest will be r y n d of appear: to you can. withdraw your money by ebeque at an ti half ez,.iz,, be at a1 z' Clear. In the first place, the Sr ®® I amount i•or bl?e beztsfit of the I7tn- This is a favorite trick with � ire' War ver: difTie i1 to - ti 17 t eral', profoasional"•mag cions. If you ABSOLUTE tom, ,r ;. p yyypttt yYff !ia (�I C Y ee nate, o . 1®q 4J l g ��1 , acCotiiif t will practice' it, you'iwill discover S 'I°y t, , � n,a� �eR" of he coat of ilia aranies of that It will make a veritable senia- ' $ � � " h ItP't•ll lin W us Office 3 ,•I������ accupatiou and, thq puoritzes of Bal - BY DR, Iran ed v you perform it. It is per• _ i ;;giutn,.and Italy,., I`ttrtlterznorc it formed while•tite performer is seat• lFleati Office: 1S Queen's ;PO:rJt, Toront© Provincial Board of Health, Ontario, ,- -not Settled whether the amount re. - ed atthe dinngt• table. ,''••,.-%�.,`�y t - ba lad to answer questions on Public Health mat• - celvod try-the'United Kingdom, under. A coin -is borrowed; and marked TORONTO BRANCH OFFICES. Dr. Middleton will g and Ad 1 ".the,,German. Roparatinns`: Rep and;teplaced;ontho-table in front ":i Cor,'13aY ela,do,StsL 5A9i)anfrtl.. J tera, through this column. ,Address him at i3padlna Rause, Spading o t Ave. Cor. University and flundas Sts. ' C escent> Toronto. Act, would be taken into eonsidera- of ilio pgrform'or.A tumbler Ss in- �. tfon,'and payments, ]ztada to Cauadar. Y f OTHER BRANCHES AT: r This also ar lie nit,dma r' fu 1 newspaper is placed Over the t m- Hamilton St, Catharines St Mary's " l p - very Iowa. ' bler-and in moulded .to Its sits e, otvraRfo y Pembroke Branford Woodstock Canada recgipos 4A6 per coni, of p Owen ;Sound 'Ottawa Seaforth Walkerton Newmarket and A C liild -we care is a big subject. It waWd tend to, lower vitality; or ham-; 'all moneys: reeeiyed oll ,behaif of she The porforxner makes.a.:tew mystic Aylmer i g J. ! passes over the hidden tumbler and + bas to do with all phases of,child life per normal progress. Some of the British Empire, whether paid . under lifts,it, seemin ly' sur rised to dip- and i • , U „ . i things tive have to keep in mind in. this the German Re ai tions'. Recovery g pp' s j and n genal al happiness and health sense are adenoids, dseased: tonsils, p a cry coCov r that the coin has not van - 1 n It as to da;tvith ever d t& Act by.-deldvery,Ili kind, or by, direct lobed. He repeats the perform- - of chi die h Y decaying teeth constt siren an of e a aneo A % the coin s Storms in Music. • Y p Qdck Potatoes. , 1 Yment' of cash from what is known ga doe not M thing that .affects thea vitallty:ett$ar; conditions that often,, are thought to Classified Advo e e' as the Transfer Commiaaion at Ber. vanish. Although music; to not iirat and wild dnclta are very fond of the 1'til3emeritS directly or indirectly, with a little be of little<account ii the progress the r„ r I bulbous y Y 1 : "Thin time it has got to go. he-rootstoeks•.of'the'arrowleaf; MONEY t thought one can understand what a child is making, but which have a pro- 11n. „ r forombst n descriptivo art, ,certainTO LOAN. exclaims, "One! Two. Three. tkgey' are. sometimes. called duck o -r`' wide subject child Pie}fare, in. It goon found bearing on its general vitality. The date of fire first payment of she „; passages sells the moods of Nature as p One of 'the est important features Dawns ah Gol . As .lie says go he Strikes the ,a : al to the co tatoes, �{ ARM LOANS -.MAOI. _A Vic socio to the . begmntng of things and O m p annuities coming to Canada, Y ppe h mposPr• ': of child welfare work is the reduction the ;tumbler with his open ,palm. •�.n,_ M , wanted. Reynolds, 77 Vjctorta 1 tapes 'into constderabion the health of and fife amount, tivr1I not be lcnown,un- No harm is done how e Among ¢Iassical Composers, Handel Reckless D {v Street, Toronto. i the parents a well as o£ the child'ren.' of -infant mortality. There are far'too however, r, for the „ ,, , r ing Condemned, e p s , s o '- tiI the policy of the Government with paper collapsed. The. tumbler has Included the. .,hatIstono eliorus ln., Reckless drivin and, other flu r There is something in heredity, As a, many deaths Jit -Ontario and indeed to respect Isra` 1 -in Pl r g g ant WANTED t of infants under one ear of . , spat to the retention and liquida vanished, The coin is still there a gypt. Nie e famous is• the disregard the rights' of otters b A TED child often inherits the ,looks and„Canada, Y tion of Private r r -it i s . thunderstorm in eethoven'a'ePastota- y PT pope ties is . decided, s m e. ion being morel to min. I3 _ 1 an user of the Streets` or highways'-� , TONP7 INDIAN EL physical eHts some of the Parents, age: Many features on eontrthe c ie - of 3 a „ yRELICS H. A. ' their health h' 1t death rate one of the c}uef o£ and the amount of the liquidation has lead the spsctatots as to the pier- Symphony, where at".least Pour dit so it znhexits some of tach h a h .ag sinouid be punished. VanWzncicel, 1399 LunsdosvnsAve,s characteristics and their 'freedom which is intestinal troubles brought been debited against this country. Pose of lite trick. terent incidents faithfully portray not �_ — p Toronto: o rsusceptibilityto'certain dis- about b improper feeding:' Artificial -- The secret is simple.` The sec- only the first` drops' of rain- and the Mtnard's for Spmlf o and 13ruivea. from o ne bo Yltand time he lifted the tumbler all Vf, ease or,�wealmesses:" Child- welfare feeding is an beltaoearryon"success- >' distant. thunder; shit all the 'feelings - - MATRIMONIAL- �t : ;.,a•7n;.t..Q tAia. s."'•d mora If: in-fnith- fu11v. It can be done,: but it requires eyes were on,,tha'coin. .The zna” o r a� on d ap e - The sRi �WOIY�AN S HEA�.TN f delr es zo and ppr hensiion ttte3� hip encircles the earth £ what the Scouts Are Doing, The Boy Scout, according to ?its custom,' goes. modently along his way, doing good turns, helping other poo - .1n n..A-Mnteli.a wn..,n.•lrn hln a1..r:tra-t.. know a thing about: the lads good deeds If the telling were left to, him. At fhe , Scouts,' Anniversary Week . time, Pebruary 8 -14th (during which, the.-iIg Annual Provinclal Scout Load. r oral Conference wl'iflie held. in Toron• x to) we like to turn the spot light on these knights: in khaki and rejoice in thellr.record of efIIcient'kinditess; ser• vice and good citizenship. hecords comptied at the Provincial ;,geadquartors office show that more than one hundxed awards for life"v- Ing• have bean gramted to Ontario Scouts during: the past fourteen, yours. Burning buildings, for lakesy whirl Ing tuatara, wore 4,equentiy sceaes'.of those- brave resones--nspiotte which grimly 'tested the, skill, presence of • mind, and ecurago of these youthful. l heroes. Civlo servtep totalling , hundrodb of hours is the unvarying :rocordof overy.i P P y # 7 0 one s 1 lot the took advantage of this to Inspire. own effort and• fetc (APER, PHOTOS; am, O'1t9DS.3Uo i�Ty* FORTY-FIVE lour p , • hes baelc a cargo McCreer' WHEN, A ®d{TY„�l i E per 1k tath eblap.slTheumoulded Pay d pick Beetheswhi fling of the wind. is t 1Yn-trading u you r one sent out. Goan ..We y' ChRtham, Oat i. per, holding the form°,pf, the tum.s are interested 1n obtaining bler, looks exactly as it did and instrument is. used fur the same put- Iaw of compensation." It is as abso the absence- of .the glass is not pose by Wagner in "The F1ydn,g Dutch- luteus gravity's law itself. --0. S m. OL® "� �� t •A Critical Period Wllett Dr. Wil- suspected. Thoauiagiciah matres'a man. " One of the finest stot'ms-In r" a •sort,of runway;of .his Jogs and lets music is that, depicted in the prelude " lialrls Pinlc Pills Area Real floor, nibler lid strikes the a era to,.Waaie laved lin the bass ON CANADIAN SUBJECTS. Send ', JBle9S� noiselessly p o to Wagner's. Valky- ie." The ataC- 7 QKe the tumbler slide, trike eth to the, Cat p by tuQ particulars to the Wilson Publishing g` be gives the tumbler a sbove with pouring gives the dull in tony. of thehis toot 80 th t Company; 73 West Adelaide 9tregt t t At special periods a woman needs a covered it will be as far away frIt Is om Ting rain, while the otlier instru- t medicine to regulatg her blood supply, Toronto; t)tttari0` ; } or her life will be a round of, pilin and him as possible, ' meats join in as she storm rises to its suffering. It. is at such times Out Dr. (ORP this but and paste it, wit& climax with salons Hall of thunder on - other of trio serfes, in a ser the kettlediUms, tare the concentrated, Williams' pink Pills are worth 'their Sub°akJ Both Chopin and Debussy have ro- erten h of Weight in gold, for they, make the newer gE prime, hash . + � carded their impreisiona of a rainy 'beef. Uye them to add "Ideal iTdinferPic yq - ' t blood that banishes the symptoms A MAGEEOUS ks day in pianoforte music: the former flavor and nutriment to OnTy2 DaysframA w1�rjc Of distress that only women know. in the "Raindrop" Prelude, the latter, ,soup&, sauces, gray The better blood that coins with the (, y' Bailin sTwice'Weekl FOR THE LITTLE ODES is A Gordan in the Ratn,' i)ebuasr stews hash, meat -plea, Ui lnSN.Y.W.d.aAdsat.� use of these pills strengthens every has ikowdse given us his idea oC anti Tins of A iSc..ad via Paiutl.t•xwi,,.scr<w, gan and• brings womanly --� cyclonic weather in summer lit that. " 10-•900 011-surninS st<emera „ > .it - vital , or proved b d •happiaesn.- . this is fully th its extreme changes dreamy work, "The Afternoon e2 a "FORT V$GTQRIA'.' health a Winter-vri l y the case of Mrs, G, WIt- of temperature -one•• d�.y. warm and afrld brig' the next cold and stormy, 1s mum„ and Wagner deserted lits- 'OkURTST.Cs1rORG'" � thuhu, Arcola,, 5ask,, Whv-:Saye:--"I t. Ls,ndfaePaeeaneei►atH�milfapAaelr decidedl d storms and tempests, on occasion. In, stn ono of, ilia many for whom bra y angerous to Ute ,health of the.'"Valkyrie" prelude he depleted. the, ,�t e� g Forlllusrra fed Aookl'et, writ. Willisms' Pink Pills •Nave' done west little ' ones. The mother is afraid,,to Cainai4�Y[�n Almanac c FUktAiESS BLRMfJDALINE storm tearing.throygh ilio forest, but 34 wGitehatl6treet.- New Yotk Cliy. weak, About three Yours ago I was so folie• the children out for the lresh sir in the second act of ' legfi•lecl". be re that I could not .do mY house and exercise. they need so mueli. ;The presented, with the aid of the piccolo l onus or Any Lneat TOvrt,r Agan l: work or even ga about without EseL children are cooped up in over.heated; and vialtae, in tremaIW, the' gentle 78th Annual issue Now ',Ready _ badly .ventilated rdoms and in cones Containing Customs and Excise Ing utterly, *era out. The doctor 'a -g- breeze soughing In the trees, on a flno Tariff, Legal Directory of Canada, Bested that an operation was the` only 4uenoe many of them are seized with afternoon. Complete lists oi'8anka and Triirt NERVOUS thing ttiat would help me, but this I. colds or grippe. What' is needed to Companies In Canada, Directory of refusett :to 'undergo, and 1returned king the 1Thep area sure Bab tater n Stars in Parra. Post Offices and Railroad Stations home almost in despair. My trouble lm T3tere are many stars that are dou- with Shippers' Guide; etc,, etc was all due,to the lingering change of the Stomach and bowela and In this his, says nature Magazine. . That is; t?rice '$3.50 ' life At this s e I read an advertlse merit of Dr.-Wliliams Pin ill gationivancl breakup COldnoand ikltli-'fround anesan therf• Starsrevolving ofotltb From All Booksellers, or »" n _,....,h . g d es . , or Tlpm a COPD OLARK CO,. LIMITED 'Pains ill Back and Legs Ro_ decided to try them, By the time i 4y ihelr use baby will be aided over pairs axe of .contrasting colors; one 'TORONTO, had used boxes there was no doubt the winter Season with perfeat .safety. blue and the , other gold, or one redhey . we'es just •what I needed, and. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- 'and, the other green. Albireo id sou- ----- - . f �aGVetl by Lydial .dlIEIIsIXttll2 J6 d th I ti ora or by mail at 6 Dent b �% retajbiC t."g,SllljlotgEl(i< un er or con owed use for Some s a ox from sidered to be one of the, finest of -the time myhealth was fully restored,. The Dr: tirilIiama' lYIox7;ici>le Co., Brock- pairs, that aro visible in small tole. slncii that time I hays been in the best Ville, Ont scopes of health.. I apt writing this letter' in�-- the -hope that dt may., induce some But Seldom Is, 13omance ;In Transportation. Aber suffering woman to use Dr. Wil- litany a man who hos made a failure• Probably the most romantic •chapteir Hams' Pink Pills, . and •regain her of everything 'else imagines he is a In Canadian hIstoty IS"the ono 'which health" succors so a husband, has to do with transportatlom First' Th,6se 'pills are `sold by medicine there was the peck horse, 'then the ox-. dealers or will be sent .by mail at Goo Birds' In Yeliowstone, - cart,. finally the wagon- Now tie mod - a box by writing the Dr; Williams' About 300 kinds of birds are found ern locomotive and automobile load Medicine Co., Brogkville, Out, In Yellowstone National -Park. .the list. JusticeMust D rte de ifWomatl chine Exports. His Hearing Restoied, Version! b7aparts'from: the, Chinese province The invisible. ear drum Invented by is Person. of Chihli' include feathers,, goats' A. 'O. Leonard, whlgh 1s a miniature Is a' ash v n tvom a person. This, quos- boards, fox taiIs•,. Hcbrice' human hair, megaphone, fitting• inside the ear on - .ties. f tion, is now ougaging the attention of pig° bristles and lanterns, ttreIy out of sight, 'is restoring the the Department of: Justice: �3 hearing of hundreds of people is New A short time ago_ W. W, Hay of Van. York city. Mr. Leonard Indented' ibis couver, who "has:'' been , operating : a i drum to relieve himself' • of deafness &mail vessel -for five years •3n British : and head noises, and, it does this so Columbia waters, wrote to,theDepart "DIAMOND, DYE" lY-" successfully that no one could tell he merit of Marine and Fisheries appeal• is s deaf man: It is, effective when Ing for the'right'of hls, wife to take A BEAUTeFl1t. �.sdi.�� deafnebs is caused by•cittarrh or byff examinations which would qualify her perforated or wholly destroyed natural I for the 'position, .of- captain.; of their drums, A request far information boat. Min Hay sdded that li(s wife ito A. O. Peonard, Suite 437; 10'':Fifth J, 'had assisted him in the operation ot° Perfect home dye.,sveuue*New'York city,'will be given) the boat for some years, .and that•the fng: 'and tinting is a prompt reply, advtl reason . she sought captain's papers guarant'sed with Dia, 0 hat his, eyasiglit waS.defeatfva,:'- ;rsbnd Dyes. Just 3tp Parents usu:lly appear infallible in, wast 1 Id w t t i 3 i' '• Ford Ontario. -"I had a nervous break -down, as it is called, with severw pains In my bseh :and lags; atn& wit11 fainting spells which left me very weak J I was nervous and could not sleep not eat as I should and spent Much tuna; In, be I was in'thid state, more-o� lose Ar over two years before ', w:I L 13inkham's Vagetali]oCompound Witt' recommended to me by my neighbonl Before I had taken five doses I was sitting up,irt,bed, surd when the firs$ bottle eras taken 1 was out of ,bed and able to walk around the house. During my. sietcndw I had been 9bliged to get some one to look after myhome forin,1e.1 ` but thanks to the Vegetable Compom I am now able to took after it m self t 'L have taken Lydia E. Pinkham'dMe& Medicine in,turn with the 'Vggetable Compound; and I certainly recommend these medicines to a one who, is enjoying good health. I am quite willing, ' for you to use those, facts as a tost3 montai..-Mrs., J. SmPnERD, 130 Jos. Juniors Avenue, Ford•, Ontario. m ,Nervousness, irritability ,painful times, run-down feelings anti' weakness aro ayinAtoms to. be noted. ,WeineqI, •sutforing from theta troubles whits' ' theySooften have, should give tLydia ll}.I Pinkbam'a Vegetable Com�cund a fair trial. Al11 druggists sell thio medicineq The question of her application was ,o it s as, n Safi, boil rate e s ari-W.--•-- nt the r children Tens Byer. d that x referred to the Department of Ju@tics sett, delicate shades, it should be. because a'point of law was raised, The ch, statute on this matter says: "Exam permanent colors, The safe way to send money by mail F6r inations may be conducted for. British Each •1fi-cent pack. Is by'-Daminion Express Money Orden y age coutains, direc- suhjeets, or Lor persons domiciled ih tions so simple any Aman who may, be ;able to speak Canada at least three years;_ wile in- woman can dye or ( six1anguages may be unable to think tend to become masters or mater ' , of anything worth saying., tint Iingerie, silks, � ribbons, rkirEs , 'tinder the ' meaning of the law, 1S waists, dresses, coats, stockings, Is' s. �ho o i ineof Also, h tmistresstalsweaters, draperies coverings., hang• For Every I11-Mrnard's �Ihlmont. is' the feminihe of mate, what is fire ings, everything new. feminine 'of captain? Buy "Diamond Dyes" -no other Id".4 'Phe °price of a thing should be a e,13AY 141 Fronki ~-~ -and' tell your druggist mbethi9r the in,easure of its. quality-, more often, Frontier College. 9 yi The Frontier College, establiahed by material" you wish to ,color is wool or however, it is merely a measure of silk, or whether It' Is linen, cotton, or what the careless buyer can be induced the Canadian government to' educate mixed goods. to pay for it.: sf she workers in the lumber and con struction .camps, is geseraily, known -- as the Uniperslty In Overalls. Since War. Holds Up Soy -Beans. F SIAII�IT, II�O its beginning it has sent .more than The export of soy beans from China seven hundred instructors into camps, Is threatened by ;the present warfare, rnr{n4nrnov naibver ' in different provinces, and each year Which, involves Mauchuria; the, dtief RHEUMATISM ' LUMeaQO, SCIATICA. - approximately fifteen hundred men re centre of soy bean CuItivaifon.r :. , 7)ot1't yna r FchNr ads wondminf tried nrjd ,a ceive instruction' in some kind of --' aroma remedy. nice,, n rmonmt tour. Nothmx Sett With the Oath.' nice: 111to rt a -"powder abeorbes by tR< rest " school work, The Sounder writes: mractty' ,oro the cast m, aunrnnre d. a ria[ IttArabia anis other eastern eoan- "Education must be obtainable on the tries' .at the present day the moat procnrnbzo ne sour d'rpenL% rvrli b fa tpero 'nt S farm, ili,the bueh,,,on the railwuy•and. our doe, 1,pl,"o in onn.dn on 10 1i't or ' Solemn agteements-are ..still ratified'' nest ':card rilce, 0.60. Tetel�6-, so. cent% ' iu the mine... We :must educate the by salt. CHAS. W. TEErZTL co:; pont. t. whose family wherever their; work Is, _ ------y fess •'It rm, St. welt rosoKto• �rOVEd Safe by Illlil1011S and prescribed byI1j S1C1aIlS fQr Wherever they Darn their living, teach- Turtle Egg , Strong,r'rc" '� }ng them how to earn andtat t'he Same Turtle egg's• are, W hen mature, about gar N I time how ,'to gtrow, physically,• Sntol- the site of a golf ball &'rid will not w, loctualiy'alid, spiritually to the full biealt'it dropped from a jonsidorablo i �a Q. t Colds FledaGYae "",°" r xtiituua r lOr us h,uror . i?naglhation ,lie tifp architect of your .stature of their Go'd•given, potentiali•' heigbt, q pean Alines dere. tie fain NeLlra4 °a ,� y a. ,� future. But'do not .forget that rgason• e % Minard's Is the best remedy for YeA: Liniment for the Grippe.distemper and good judgment trust bo lite actual - Mlnard'.s Linlme and other ills of horses, Pei -feet G`ttlsln2 ' and Worlds Storehouse. wattle and dogs. TOOfhaCile : � UY1117J O " _`c3PrViCB; Inn o.F it. Without their service Court -plaster, used to cover a g 'your• plans will never be - anything Mexico is often"referred "to as the wound, 11, u h ,e n - — bt eo fiat ..Ile rt + Single,. rooms from 66.00 more than _plans. >, stoxghouse of the World" because, of won will, be m c tri ,.,.. ,. , r ,. ° Double rooms from '5!3.00 -- _ the great fertility of .its Roil and its and less likely to draw, li -it is pricked N2LIrIt1S �'i1C11111aiIS1Ti OA &,p European Plan A, Wonderful, Hat. alntggt inexhaustible natural re, ail over with a fine needle before being ' k "applied. st s, �T Miss Gushti "I yant-You to see zny'sources, idumbollt, file Germdn ria- {rl� n .QCCB $ Otil I3d I aCka C kWe .. H 'ti.1s'i0.tli%'. and -no•,v hat. i9I. t:. friends. _� tor. t. - -- :. ,.,� - ..---'—'-:--•- ., .:>" . , „•.... �. ,..:... n..---,-,aLe y Y_say that i tool.. 2-i neaily a hundred: Years ago EPANi �I. , C)t ESTEI RFIELD :S SUITES-` wino Contains proven dlrectlolts. 'C+lectro Therapeutic. well In it" si)olce of Mexico ,as the "treasure " " rill hand made -they arol:::beabtfes=, hand ,payer' boxes of I2 tablets. �Opai°til2ent. izziah Rush—,,'[ a�n anxious to see it. hdifee of the, world: AL�hougii still " y , It certainly roust he a:woniler c develo ie latest tapestries, ;and znlS,hairS, t'e Also 6otiles of 24 and I00�-Druggists. ful hat. n d, Mexico is one of t 1e 1y 11 sate, you mbrreY.• PzicaS ,11 } `s t + $ ^ ua- ,^�.-y. R�,(y. r"1�.rn, rr. q .;-,..�,,.___ �.. - i Y 1 �,m,.._ +.. -... ., Aepirin. to the trade mark (tcClatechd fn O,na la) of„,IIr,rc,. 3ianataetara oc .Ain dee GUSTA'VE OT lbrllib, elr• 1").` Lolly nlincralizod regions of t11 P , c -n rf no.rn g : , sampler. On 1'eq}ifl.4t. irCS g"11 -t pd'Ci7a1 d.. --•—,•-n- •�':-'; - tbat crier or 6nneslfeLcid (AccU1 ..n7tcgli0 6rA:A a,.5, A. ). Wfu,n It iii the # For Firat Aid-Mrn'ard s L.I n; nRcr, t. e ;r'$h, ', • - flint Aa irlu'mennd nnyor mnnuPnetnrc, to ¢ac(at ib� pgUrtc::agatn t friti('utfonr, ttio'?rn4tnta a„,.b�A...,.•,:,,�m®.,:...,,•»-,«.,..<��,,,,..a,,,,«,�.....,ar.., Fi2+el, 516 D2, tifOt'th �1Va,e Taroitie' 13811 N0."G--26 of nny c: t;ompnrY v71f1 the bta:apod vriW.'f!icix Ceaorar trado aeatk, ;tt,n "nABer (7rneA.'a T ,