HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-01-29, Page 8Unorsoil n yo 'tun aaac , o�la Or 'd� EIIr. o;1foc�a o IA(,1_ I' Cry nu> sf go at e l so s) aai prices o watch dor the, balance of the month 1i reneguer and Optician Next Hovcya D °u Store C. . VENNE , . Electrician Electric 'Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fags and other Appliances Wiring and «pairs Phone ISIw CURRE1GJ & SHIPLEY We have the bestbrands, of Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Syrups, Marmalades, ,Jams and Pickles—tiew:pack goods—in stock fer ready sale. I `We deliver any orders, large or small, cheerfully and promptly. ,Con - 'firm that New Year's Resolution and give this store an opportunity to • supply your requirements.- ' THE 'C & S. GROCERS, Main Store, Phone 125 W., Branch Store, Phone 125 J. January Specials To stimulate businessduring what is usually considered the quiet month of the year we have decided to cut loose on a number, of, lines that are overstocked and at the same time to clear up other lines too .badly broken to carry over into stock -taking. The prices on these Iines have been cut to the bone and represent some real bargains it will spay you-wellto Consider. Meat's Cream horse hide mitts, good heavy lining. Two lots to clear at 69c and 98c. . A cheaper line of leather mitts, regule; 69,c for 38c. 1Merits fine Print Shirts, nearly all sizes in eel lo, tq clear at 98c, $1,19 end $1,49, eoe and '11d�a 59c. eigliiiis Ili Rig A line' d men's Semi -Soft Collars, all sires, iS to 17, regular 35e cath;'to clear 4 for $1.00. •'14ii Ej , . at. 1tiTellil ilk and Wool Sox, :speeial price, 59e. Men's Heavy Grey Work Sox, special; 3 pairs for $1.00 Special cut prices on odd pants, suits and overcoats to WATCH FOR MORE SPECALS NEXT WEEK. Plumsteel Bus. PHONE 25. SMALL PROFITS clear. 1 MORE BUSINESS ammaseasseassatassaa SUIT with all the hallmarks of die - tinction, style, clever "work- mansbip and quality materials always attracts attention. 1 We have some unusual sug- gestions for young men who demand the very latest. We ease have practical yet distinctive designs to please men of more conservative taste. r Come in and let us take your measure for a suit of. OUR TAILORING Davi - Herinan VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W McClarg Sunshine Furnace Capacity, 25,000 cubic feet Slightly Used � y fiI Real rq� ai Sutter Per- dna.e DWARF PLUM-BING ELEOTRRIC WIRING • 1 L•horo is = a' rue .,:lg'p for -o mnian �.�rn C otime , Wi;115': zi liege on this sebjecl in ;IFF :DESIGN'S Fork bialy 1 .Only Ho Copy. Fir' a Often the Ckieapest—Always the Bost rl Ii IpIIItIIIOwnnuiuullllllii +!•i•�•,:e�.y.-:.-.>-s Reeve Middleton is in Goderieh this week attending the 'county council. District Representative !„.,,S. B. Stoth- ers has been at the county ,council this week. Miss' Kathleen' McConnel returned to Lloydtown last week -end to -re- sume her teaching duties. Mrs, Ballantyne elf- London has been in town this week owing to 'lie, death of her sister,'Mrs. Cardiff. Mrs. Joseph CIegg and. Master Jack of Brussels are vhiting the form er's' mother; 'Mrs- . Farquhar of town. t: Miss Anna •Stephenson and Mr. Me- 'Connell of Varna spent'the week- end as the guests of the former's cousin,,Mrs. D. A. Kay. Mrs. R. J. Flusher of Mill street and her niece, Miss Margaret' Watts of Carroll, Mama, spent a few days with London friends last week. Masi S. Southeombe,.-who had visited for a ,month' with*. her brother and sister, Mr. E. and Miss Washing- ton, left Friday Iast for Port Union. Mrs. C. Llewellyn -Bilkey returned on Thursday from New York City, where she had been caUed on. ac count of the -illnes of her mother. Mr. R. E. Maiming attended 'a ban- quet of the Brotherhoods of Vic- toria and North Street Methodist Churches, Goderieh, on Monday ev- ening. Miss Emily Morrison of Hensel' vis- ited with her brother, Mr. E. Mor- rison, laet week and with the Miss- es Mabel and Eva Clufi', ovell the week -end. Mrs Milton Cook, who has been Spending •a fortnight with her par - ants, ,Councillors and Mrs. Schoen - pals, returned to her home in Sar- nia on Friday. Mr, Thos. H. Leppington was in Lon- don on Monday undergoing an ex- amination before the Army' Medical Board. He alsovisited friends while in the •city. Mr, Morrison, Government Egg In specter, was an ;town the beginning of the week and met a number of the grocers of town in the Agricul- tural Office yesterday forenoon. Mrs. Vincent of London spent a cou- ple of days in Clinton with'her hus- band last week, coining up to at- tend'the euchre party given, by the Clinton -Club on Wednesday even-. ing. Supt. H, B. Chant is in Toronto this week. Re was 'accompanied by his granddaughter, Little Miss Cather- ine Floody, who has been with her grandparents since. the Christmas season. Mr. N. W. Trewartha, M.P.P,, went up to Goderieh Tuesday evening to attend the annual •banquet given by .rthe county treasurer and clerk to the anernbers of the county council and former members. " Mr. S. B. Stothers was in Exeter on Monday attending a meeting 'of the eorn-growers of the section who are interested in the control of the; eornborer.. An expert from Ottawa addressed theegathering. , Mr. and Mrs. McKim and three child- ren of Ricetown, Sask., who` have been spending some tirne ea:the guests of : the lady's parents, Mr. "and Mrs. 0. W.'I"•otter; left Monday for their home ie. the west..: Mr. W. J. H•arnblyn was in town over, • ithe week -end and niet many old friends..' 1Vl7r. Hamblyn, who left here for Bowmanville, is now with the Sanders :Company, -who bought the JaclTsen, Mfg, plant at Exeter, as buyer and seller,' and if things turn out right he will move his: fam- ily to the town in the spring. Rev. A. A. Relines was in Godericb the first two..days of dills week. Ht delivered an 'illustrated lecture on . Labrador, where .he spent some time as a - missionary, before the combined Brotherhoods, of Victoria and North ,street churehes on 'Monday evening and the same or u similar lecture to the North street League on -Tuesday evening. The lecture Monday evening was preceded by a banquet. Idimeavilie lMTr. and Mrs. Carepbel1, who have been steending their honeymoon in Michigan, have returned to the home of the latter's' mother, Mrs. J. R. Al- cock. They intend to reside in Brag- sels. The Young Peoples' League had 'a social evening :au the ;parsonage on Friday evening. Quit, a number, of youhg people from thise vicinity are taking advan- tage of the good ice in Clinton rink this winter. Ieight pounds (o " of ` ra 00 o, I :i r.asly Bre ,kfa s : 7 ' f 65c° d r lb) ; eight >5o, shin plasters will .be given ; 6, T one e ch of eight package. -I view of the advance in teas this is exCeptionaily good value aind 'on.e f these prize packages may , be yours ---They will. go.cluickly. 1!V - do ..riot. know ''here these prizeack ger are finders are' requested to repdrt, so we can announce the, winners. Fresh L. S. Herrings, Red Salmon Fresh Cod,' Halibut, Fresh Smelts -. Haddie,' .Filletts, ` Oysters STOCK -TAKING SPECIALS . Seedless Raisins Currants Cooking Figs Granulated Sugar Syrup Dates 2 lbs. for 25c 2 lbs. for 35c 22 lbs. for 25c 10 lbs. 85c 1 pail 42c 2 lbs. for 22c Head Lettuce, Celery, Cranberries In the Morning First Delivery 9 a.m. In the Afternoon First Delivery 2,30 p.m: Kindly Order Early • Cash and Carry . T.O'Neil Phones Ml1AA WPit ISANO 1 t Ai91 Bayfield Mr. H. K. Moorhouse of London is visiting in the village for a few days. Dr. A, Newton -Brady was in Lon- don on Thursday. and Friday. Many people were, disappointed on Saturday 'morning. The clouds did not roll by to let us, see the eclipse. Mr. William Metcalf came up on Thursday with the necessary appara- tus to take Bic es' of the eclipse for the University Ann Arbor, Mieh., and after all the; trouble of .setting up the camera and. clock Was obliged i Saturday to return on Satu y without the coveted pictures. yLittle Charlie Brandon has been quite ill with ,appendicitis but we are glad to report he is now improving. Mr. Jack Cameron is continuing his fathe'r's harness and shoe repair business inthe old stand on Main street. Mr.. Glew, the goverinneet 'toad. master, has disced and rolled the snow on the Iiuron road, which makes a vast improvement. Miss Mazie Walter of Bennuler spent Sunday with her cousin,' Mrs. Les.; Jervis.: On Saturday last Mir. Win. Scotch - mer, superintendent ,of Trinity church Sunday school treated the scholars and teachers to a sleigh ride out to iris home. .A number of the children took their hand sleighs and had a very jolly afternoon coasting down the hills. ' Mrs. Seotchmer served et very tasty Iuneh and after some games the horses were harnessed, hand sleighs tied ,on and Mr. Scoteh- mer' ibroeght them home, tired' but happy, All vote that. ,they spent the 1 jolliest day and that Mr. and Mrs. Seotchmer certainly are "jolly geed fellows:'. . Mr. Oliver Goldthorpe was in Lon-: don several days'last week. Mr, •Charlie Falconer returned sing Saturday from Colborne, where he was called on accot}fit of thg illness of his mother, who is visiting her; daughter, Mrs. Green. We are glad. to be able to rc Cort that Mrs. Falcon- er is much better. Reeve H. Weston and ex -warden A. E. Erwin Went to Goderieh on Tues- day to' lattend the meeting of the county council. - ,There was a close run on Monday at the elecdion for councillor between lei: Ross end R. Blair, when the poll closed and the count was made it was found that Mr. Ross. was 'elected by. a anejority of five votes. The scampi board held their first meeting, in the town. ha'tl on ;Wednes- day evening of last week. The new members are Rev A. Macfarlane, W. G. McLeod and E. Weston. Rev. A. Macfarlane : was appointed chairman and the board, appointed . 11'. A. Ed- wards _seoretafy •and, J. W.'Tippet, treasurer. Bales Dressler was reap- pointed caretaker of the school. Ten- ders .for wood have been advertised for;and the hoard will meet again on Monday evening next to consider these. ' Hardware I'l:lbingand TInsinitlbing +, 'IVlartin-Senour's Paints r and Vanishe"s ' Stoves ,and 'Ranges Go to T. Phone 244 year are: Junior Guild, president: Miss E. Cameron; seeretry, -Miss E. N. Heard; treasurer, Miss L. Woods. Senior 'Guild: Vice-president Mrs. W. J McLeod; secretary, Mrs. F. W. ,Baker treasurer; Mts. C. E. Bran- don. ,The Guilds decided to meet to- gether_ `iwom house to house for the winter: months. Re lighting of the church was discussed and other busi- ness pertaining to the .church prop- erty, after which Mrs. Bolter served a very tasty luncheon. The Y. P. S. met -last Friday night. David Dewar, jr., gave a very 'excel- legit paper on "Success in Life." Miss Bessie Watson, who was: to have giv- en' the paper on "Gideon," was un- able to attend so the"social unmet - tee then took charge. Partners for eentests were found through the girls having the questions in riddles and the boys the answers. After the con- tests alleles were passed and a spell- ing game, Was. played. The meeting closed with the national anthem. The young people of •Trinity church are busy preparing' a play, to he Wen about ,the middle of February. The annual meeting of . Trinity church- was;,held on Tuesday evening, January 25th. The Venerable Arch- deacon Jones -Bateman , occupied the chair. .The officers, appointed for the ensuing year ase;, People's warden: Mrs. J. I1. McLeod; snot l's warden: WiilliaJtu Scotchmer; select vestry: William Stinton,, D. 1-I. McNaughton, William Elliott, F. A. Edwards, G. E. Greenslade, John Tappet; Russel heard, Letli1 Elliott. Sides nen Wil- liam IleDool, William Heard, jr., Hae— old Stinson, John. McLeod; jr., Geo. Castle, je., and William'Parker. The reports of the Sunday school' and Guilds were read and arriroved.: A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the wardens for so ably performing their duties during the past year'.' The annual meeting' of the Junior; and Senior Guilds of Ti4mity church was held at the home of MTS. Baker on• Wednesday evening of last week. The Ven. Archdeacon Jones -Bateman presided. 'Phe /ninnies of the last annual• meeting were read and adopt - gel, ,The officers appointed for the Bruc2teld. The many friends- of" Mrs. Alex.. Rossof this village will regret to know that she is at present very 111. Mrs. C. G: Armour, who has been undergoing treatment in Clinton Hos- pital for the past couele of weeks, returned last week to her home, the Manse, and her friends hope soon to hear of her complete recovery. The hum of our new chopping mill has quite livened upinur quiet little village. It is busy every day and doling fine work., Mr. le. MacEeron, a Knox College student who ispreparing for foreign missionary work, preached very ac- ceptably for Rev. ° C. G. Armour on Sunday both morning and evening. Mrs. Thos. Chapman of Tucker - entices Sent her spacious home to the -Leaclrer&and officers of Union church S. S. Brucefield,' last Tuesday even- lpg to hold their annual' oyster sup- per. A large, company was present, After the guests had done ample'jus-- ice to/the sumptuous supper provided a social evening was spent in games,, music, etc., after which ail departed be their homes after thanking their Lost and: hostess for the happy ev- We are starting the New Year right by offering some real - argaills Jurlliture We have a beautiful solid Walnut Dining room suite, including buf- fob'china 'cabinet,table and six dining room chairs 190.00. Regular $280.00 for .., Also- extra values in Chesterfield suites, Floor Lamps, Bridge Lamps, Reed Furniture, etc.' '. IN OUR UPHOLSTERING DEPARTMENT We intend to pay special attention to Upholstering during' the winter months and inorder to do this we are giving special rates on all work taken in before April 1st. We have a large stock of ' coverings to select from and all work will be attended to promptly and guaranteed. • Clinton Hardware.and Furniture Co. THE STORES WITH A STOCK Furniture Phone: 104 - Hardware 196 EGG: . Are bought every day in the week, candled and. to Dominion Government grades. • POULTKY ' We also grade poultry. so ;that you; posettee price for web fattened ibirds. ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. raded according y receive the highest GUNN, LANGLOIS & Co., Limited Clinton, Ontario R. W. WARD, Manager . . Write, phone el call at our Clinton office, Day phone 190'' Night Phone 254 ening enjoyed. All went merry until the return trip when one of the sleigh loads upset and caused some excite- ment by dumping the occupants out in the snow. No serious damage" re- sulted, save a few bruises. Ater a rather unpleasant'experience -all ar- rived at 'Oldie Iiom es in"'safety. • Miss M. E. Swan, who spent the past in:onth o1 more visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. C. IT. Ictani, and Dr. Swan of Ilamilton,e,eturned home, Monday evening. Your corresaondent was slightly In error :last weep in repotting the amount raised' last year by the Kelly Circle here. We gave the figures as. 325, -while e 413.68 were the correct figures. Wgiedlp .make this cor. rection and congratulate the "Circle on their.epb.endid success. Wingham: At the commencement exercises 1 of the Wingham I3igh School on Friday evening • last Col. Gilliepie • of London presented the Cadet Corps with a' General Effic- iency ;shield, To Our Customers Having bought otit the business of Butler - Bros., we • have "moved our - butchering ,business to their stand, Huron street, and will continue to carry a full Iine of fresh and salt. meats. We invite your continued and increased patronage; •Connell Tyndall onnell and SKATING, PARTY Under the Auspices of ST. PAUL'S SUNDAY SCHOOL, On the Evening of TuesdY, February 3r3r41,Y In the. Local Arena " BANDIN ATTENDANCE Admission 25e and 15c 1;