HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-01-29, Page 7-'Provincial "Beard of Healthr'OntaP'r1}
Dr, 14fiildletun will be glad to stnewer eueetione on
tiara through this column. Address bite at Sltadin
Creivent. Toronto.
SHealth lin
e; Elpadfn
A- correspondent inquires about "mentation in the stotnacb and Mies-
stluna. She saysshe lids 'beenjtines, and it 15 not by any means tin-
s' troubled with it for twenty years and probable that the err-itatlon caused by`
has trled, all kinds' of treatments, in -,the fernmetation of the stomach might;'
PEKOE is a; tq l�mc -i T`ry, it eluding patent medicines, extend to tire,. lining mucous niedi
.-TEs ORANGE. -.. r and . , Pba gloat Lxdui le in adyjainj� treat=l brans of 'the .reps,
A Scoutmaster` Speaks.
Following a recent visit to kings -
Ville, Scoutmaster C. V. Strati -ea of
the First Border Cities Troop addreas-
ed to the local paper a' letter willch is
ao applicable to daeenc, of Other 'towns
and villages :in Ontario that we re-
produce it fully here:
Dear Mr. Editor: I had the honor
Iasi week to attend the,meeting of the
trooy recently formed .in 'your town
and hada the pleasure of initiating
thirty-five boys into the Bey Stout
Movement,:" I' was informed while!
-there tihat there are -a lot more boys,
anxious to ' become Scouts, but the
trouble is there are no men Inc: take
up the work,`'- Now, sir, it is to the
parents of boys and to men who have
tin'te to spare that I would address this
'First, to the fathers of boys be-
tween the ages or 12 and 13, may •I
ask this question? Do you know your
son? " By that I mean, .50 you know
the.; company he keeps, do you know his
secrets, have you made` a chum of him,
" or IS he afraid of you? Have you ever
given a thought to'his-future outside
his .education? Have you' ever .tried
to 'make his chums yours ?.'Have. you
erer sat and talked to him iva chummy
Way and tried to see 'what he does and
where he goes when you are not pre-
sent? Fathers of boys, make chums
of, your sons and see what will happen•
No doubt you, es a father, have a few.
nightie to yourself;: if you have, ask
your boy to bring you a. Scout: book,
read it and see what pleasure you get
out of tireritovement: see the'pleastire
'Yea Tian give'other ii6ys besides your,.
own and I feel sure that you -will be i
repaid ter the time and trouble you
take in their work. -
"Now a worst to 'men who are not
fathers but who have time On their
hands of an evening and could devote
that timeto the betterment of the
men of to -Morrow. I feel -sure that.
in the town of Kingsville (and in every
other town, too, for that matter), there
must be some men whoare interested
in hays and' who with a Itttle pergola-
!ion could be induced ,to tuke up the
Scent work'; this is1 a work of build-
ing good
uilding=good oltteens, it is not et military
-movement, 'arid 'no Man need feel-
aehemed to have the name Soouttmee-
ter tacked to his name.
"In your, town there are )boys who.
are looking' for adeader, I tenet this
letter will be read by some' men who
will lie willing to give the boys, some.
of their epees time.. I know that once
work le undertaken the boys won't
let the leader quit -nor will they want
to It le so interesting. what be want-
ed is real rad-blogtied meu who will
read the Scout books. These can„, be
obtained from Scout Headquarters in
"I am certain that once the work is
started in earnest, it will not ;only be
good for the boys themselves: but for
the community at large, The scholars
will benefit,' the public will benefit and
the several little Incidents of life that
at times are annoyance to the public
will dlsappenr, 'X hear somebody ask
'Why'? The answer Is that the Scout
movement does it.It teaches the boy
to be manly, teaches him to help
others,.teaohee him to do a good turn
every day, and above all, itteaches
him to respect his elders. -
Now, Mr, Editor, please don't think
I am 'Scout crazy' or that this rs all
a new thing'. to me. '1 have been in
the game:. for the past fifteen years In;
this country; saw the first troop that
was ever formed in South Africa more
than twenty years ago and know what
it has done for my own sone.
, "Thanking you for the space' in ad-
vance and assuring you that the Scout
movement is the best thing . In the
world for boys, '
lours very truly,
Scoutmaster,'ist. Border Cities Troop,.
Windsor, Ont."
Half. Dressed,
Mary was helping her mother can
someoaclies'The fruit ars yver In
a pan of lralwatef,wlt1tj )see rubbers
and tops. Suddenly; Mary saw one
with something lacking.
"Oh; mother!" she cried, "there's a
jar that hasn't any garter on it!"
Length of Rope.
Wi11ie-"Pit, sent me for a piece of,
rope like this.`)
S1copmart- "How much does he
-Want 2"•
"Just enough to reach from the goat
to the fence."
n i
y aj1
The Security 'afforded by the Province of Ontario
SaVingsa Office, together with the facilities extended by
every Post Office 'ill Canada and other countries, make it
possible for everyone to depos'it,their savings: in this institu-
tion. Ilutereet is, allowed, compounded half -yearly, with full
checking privileges.
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posits, which are now over $20,000,000.
resources the
All dopasits are secured by
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Province, of Ontario.
Remittances' should be Made by Post Office money order,;
bank cheque, express; order or registered letter, and should
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a f ya, a
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Toronto Branch Offices:
Cor. Bay and Adelaide Ste. - Dor., University and Dundas Sts.
519 - Danforth Avenue.
Other Branches at
Halnilton, St. Catharines, • St. Mary's, Pembroke,
Brantford, Woodstock, Owen Sound, Ottawa,
Seaforth Walkerton,' Newmarket and Aylmer.
)(Warty a: thee ono would give
enders to bo able 'to lay his hands
on directions for preparing n
spraying mi!tttip}e,' a ration, for
)(eying •hens or for dolt* a Inf .
sed and one other' kinds of
oris about which he has road.
proper l'ey tem of preserving
end filing pamphlets would meet
such a held at ail times. Such
a system has been devised, by
the Department of Agriculture
at Ottawa. it is fulIv ertplaine,�t
in "THE PUBLf .AT?O1(' ,
INDEX ;BOO'K". in which the
pamphlets of the 'Department
frill 1 it
and other documents may be re
corded in classified fasition.
To receive the INDEX
PAMPHLETS on all farming
topics, fill in ,this slip and re-
turn it post free to: '
The Publications Branch
Departmeittof Agriculture
Ottawa, Ont.
R. R. No
matt for: asthma is that it Is not one In all asthmatic conditions, there-'
disease; but several. Becahee one man oro, jt 'would be vise to 'omit from
is benefited by a certain line of treat- .the diet all pies end pastry, sugars
meat, It does not follow that the and starchy .Goods, including bi e..d, So
treatment will apply to every roil it *mild "seem that firSt and foremost
viduak The proper plan is tomalte a the thing to 'do in trying to effect a
,careful study of each case, and have it 'cure 'for, 'asthma, or at least bring
made before the disease has progress- about relief from _it, ie to try and get
ed to -plea • Consequently, there is no .at the root cause..Why did the asthma
one treatment that applies to all cases. 'start .in the first.place :t What were
What helps one agthrriatic Is of rio th:; conditions associated with its ,'a:p-
:service to the next... • For instance, byy; pearance. Had the patent, a per s'rst-
having-laic nose tr'eated`, one man^will eat cough With less of weight for sone
find. great relief, another receives no time .previous to the onset of the
benefit from nose treatnient, but gets asthmatic ,condition? .This is import,
relief by going, to a dry elintate, where "ant to' lnnow because -many cases of
the throat and che. t'secrejiions dry up. 'bronchial asthma are in reality con-
Again, there•is a class of people who sumption. Some, cases are due to
benefit greatly by changing to a vege- heart .disease, some to Bright's dis-
tarian- diet, leaving out, meats, milk, ease, some to growths. in: the nose.
eggs and Similar articles of diet -which What must be done Is to find out 11
nre'rieh in amino -acids Sonle'authev. there is a curable cause and then to
Wei hold the opinion that asthma is cure it. 'Cases of asthma which have
associated with -fermentation of the no:. apparent cause are,abaut as hard
stomach with -the resdlting irirtation. to treat as any disease, that affects'
and .perhaps inflammation. 'It would mankind;
thus' appear that the eating 'of eer- -Climate seems to help more erases
tarn foods and certain combinations of than anything else, but even this fails
food might have a';very decided effect sometimes and only 'palliative treat-
in increasing or decreasing the syziipp', nient can be resorted to. The so-called
toms of ,,asthma. For instance,: :the' asthma_curesseldom do good, and if
eating of starches and sugars- in ex- taken' indiscriminately may do harm.
ceseive amounts"£ends'to' produce fer Some often leadto drug habits.
Musical' Hands.
Many teachers; before accepting eta -
dents for- pianoforte or violin tuition,
make a careful examination of each
intending'pupil's hands. They know
that fingers, wrists, and palms are all-
important- in their connection with
music, and that the hand which lacks
symmetry and good proportion. cannot,
as a rule, achieve much with the
pianoforte or the 'violin, no matter
how.great may be its owner's musical
appreciation. '
When the span between the first
finger and thumb Is lengthy, the piano-
forte- is the best instrument -to learn.
Chords and oetayes are more easily
played on the keyboard, erne Nature
has arranged for roominess at this par-
ticular part .of the hand. Octave
playing is most laborious. to people
rich shut thunbetsince 'their curtail-
ed l'ength lessens the necessary span."
Contrary to popular belief, long,
tapering fingers are undersiable for
pianoforte .work•• 'Skill In this direc-
tion is more easily attained when the
length of the second finger from the
base to the tip -is equal to the distance
Ietween the base of that finger and
the wrist. --
.Flat palms after. prevent'an_enthtttl
,astir pupil, froth' aver becoming a pro-
ficient pianist. Arched palms, on this
ether hand, are extremely helpful in
mastering difficult' passages. Pro-
nounced filbert finger tips are not ideal
for the pianist, despite -,the poetic ex-
altation of them, - Those subtle
changes, of tone which make pianoforte
solos so delightful are drawn from the
instrument by finger tips which aro
moderately domed,
The ideal hands for the vloliniat, dif-
fer from those of the pianist. Instead
of the wide spau between first finger
add thumb,` there ;should berather an
abnormal -distance between the third
and little fingers. Width in this di-
rection is also necessary for playing
the violoncello,. Strong but shapely
dpgers are tbose'.:whicli produce good
music from this instrument. When Deep Sea Denizens
Take Forty Winks.
Having no eyelids, fish,do not ap-
pear to sleep.' That they rest as regu-
larly as human beings was' the' opinion
of Aristotle over two thousand years
ago, and recent observations' have con-
firmed his view.
Among marine fish, tiro wrasse, "con-
gai0 eel,•dory, dogfish, bass, and all flat
fish sleep periodically resting usually
on the bottom of hie ,sea.
Being exceedingly light sleepers, It
it difficult to observe the, nocturnal
habits of fish. Iu atlttariums, for the
slightest .increase in light arouses
them The salt: water blackfish, or
tautog, is an exception` Lying on its
side with its mouth open, the tautog
is an exceedingly sound sleeper. At
it settles down to slumber faintatripes
and spots :of Mack appear all over its
body, which give the impression that
it has chauged its clothes.
changing Their Color.
More noticeable -still ere the varia-
tions in color .of thecommon' scup, or
porgy. When bedtime comes it takes
a surprisingly,, short time to don a
nightdress;„ Clothed in silvery grey;
when awalte, th,e fish descends a!nong
the seaweeds when drowsiness comes.
Stripes of darker grey or brown appear
almost immediately; and -very-aeon it
is not easy to distinguisli the sluggayd
from its`-snrroundingsr
As a quick -change a'rtist,.however,
the parrot eat has few equals, Swim
ming about -in the tropical waters,_the
parrot no Is a clear turquoise green
dun ug the daytime,', Finding a.'quiet.
nook among the stones and weeds„ its
color fades to, a dull olive,. Farther.
changes go on whilst it sleep's." Nutn
erous reddish` brown,spots appear on
its body.
Placed 'in an aquarium having a
plain green.- bottom; the parrot fish re-
tains its coat of 'green' and does not
put on' night clothes. But tif a few
large stones,are dropped'into the
aquarium, coresponding^ blotches ap-
pear, on the s'-eeping fish.
Two .Irish women.were discussing`a
railroad accident, , , One asked,: the
other if any.were Stilled in the terrible,,
crash. She r•eplied,.0Sltu6:e,,2'7 Oftel -
fans and wan Irishman," 'whereupon
Mrs, Dooley, with' a long sign, came
baelt with "Oh, the poor feller,"
fellnerd's for Sprains and, Bruises,
Hearing With the Tongue?
People who are quite deaf cannot
i enjoy wireless at the present time, but
science' is making such -rapid strides
that it seems likely that this difficulty
will soon be overcome, and that those
who are permanetry deaf may, after
practice, be able to receive wireless
messages by Mating them with the
At least, that is what a number of
scientists are aiming at just now.
These sdentists employ an ordinary
wireless' receiver containing three
valves,'' and in place of the usual head-
phones or loud -speaker they have two
suitably -shaped pieces of silver or cop-
per, which are separated from e oh
otherbymeans of a strip of ebonite,
These are placed in the mouth. of a
deaf perdon, so that they rest comfort.
ably -aver the tongue,
- -A spark trausmltting:apparatus was
used, and each dot or dash Sent out
by wireless excited a strong metallic
taste in the dnouth of the deaf person.
This is easily understandable, because,
instead of.. the received signals being
made to actuatea pair of 'headphones
or a loud -speaker," they were passed
on to the insulated' silver plates in the
mouth of the deaf person, and each
pulse of current made its presence
known by means of a characteristio
The winter season 1s a herd. one on
the baby. Ile is more :or less confined
to stuffy, badly -ventilated Moms, It
ia- so often stormy that the mother
does not get him out la the fresh air
as often as She should. Ile catches
colds which rack his little system;
his Stomach and borfele get out of
Order and he, becomes- peevish and
cross. To guard against this the
mother should keep a bon of Baby's
'Own Tablets in the house, They regu-
late the stomach and bowels and break
up colds: They are sold by medicine
dealers oe byntall at 26centsa box
from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Borrowed.Plumes. .
She wasa, gentle • mother
Who labored to iifake a Koine, '
And then she lay down contented
Till all her dear babes had come,
And; when by her side they nested,
So helpless and weak and. Small,
The world wes.enrlched by a match•
less love—'
A love'" thatstu'passos all.
HIe was a radiant songster,
He jeweled the Clark gold tree;
Ile sang to his timate in rapture
A song,of the gay and :free;
Na cloud marred his life's horiron,�
He knew neither fear nor pain,
Butonly, that day chases. silv'ry night.
;And that suneilne suceeeds; cool
She is a'dainty lady,
In satin and rare old lace,
But her beautiful form rola features.
But mirror her soul's, disgrace,.
For -livor her fail' white shoulders
Is.hanging•the mother's hide,'
And the ,bright ' glossy wing in her
burnished hair,
Was Was torn from the singer's side.
—Geraldine E..Lyster,
Millard's Liniment tor the Grippe.
Limit on Dress 011ie,
Two oentiirtes before the beginning.
of the Christian era Rome bad alaw
to limit the price of women's dresses,
Look' to your ,,health; and if Yoe
have it, praise God, and value it next
top geed conscience,-=rsaae'Walton,"
flue ue Pr1 its
Do you want to>build-your own set?
11,8o, a.sl: your local dealer for a
Blueprint, together with Instruction.
Sheet of the "COMET" Medio Re-
ceiver—they aro -free.: ;If: you eau'
not obtain thorn from him, send to;
us -direct, togethor'witlt ten cents,
In staMps, for postage, etc, (Tell
your dealer that he may also obtain
thezn as this service is absolutely.
free). Cornet Tuning Units cut the'
-cost ef:your eat in hall and give.
twice the volume. No 'variable,
condenser necessary, and you can
receive up to, two thousand miles,
on a Diingle tithe:
tinitl take prompt } or dela'
ifl liar teens one ',i eq op ifddi
anbooi� yttti gL ahnpltait�Fjeh rod Milts
iL is' t iC' of thin th Mie grea r�
est Oro
girls, hey^wanaomiq;'dopreseedantisw
Ito tppriite aria no interest.in Ifre. <.
IIyri•y anaemic girt who ,la' struggling to womannood'$n
a poor state of health, can -:and splendid,' vigorous healthy, t?.
with glowing cheeky, and :sparrtling oyes, in Dr, W1iI!ar¢Is
Pink )'ills. Forthese pills hot only 'increase the supply of
..eh, red blood; they create -appetite, relieve the weaaiy-
back and limbs,: restore full -womanly health and charm,
and so treestone pale, anaemtc gur1s'lntrl robust, happy
So• if you are anaemic, .let Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
help you as they eld Mies Ceara Chealock, IfIg$ Falls,:Quer.,
' re I took' Dr, illlamo' Pink `Piers I :wa
�. vho Say's::—�Bplo W e
pale, bloodlessand badly 'run down. The least' exertion
would tire mo and myappetite wae:fickle. A short treat-
meet with 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills hos changed all this
Vitalit—and more and Iam now enjoying.the beet of health, for which you
, have my aincere thanlce,"
A CSYi'rcs'Trich
FIG, z.
This is an old time circus trick
which, in other days was performed
n front of the side-show as a
sample of the wonders to' be seen
within. Tho performer took two
pieces of tape and tied thein around -I
'his neck. Atter a long. but -shock-
ingly incorrect explanation of "how
it was 'clone," he pulled the tapes
and they seemily passed through
his neck.
The two tapes 'were doubled and '
the centers tied together by a frail
piece of,thread (Fig. 1): The per-
former held his hand over the
point where the tapes were tied to-
gether and the tapes appeared to
be side by side and without prep-
ar:�tion. When he put the tapes
around his neck, his collar hid the
junction of the. tapes or he care-
fully kept his face to the spectators.
Taking the ends,,A and C be tied
Merl together close to hie neck.
The ends B and 13 were tied close
to his neck, also, When he grasped
the .tape and gave them a vigorous
pull, thethread broke and the tape
came away, Because of the method''
of tying, the appearance of the
tape was then exactly' as if it had
been around his neelt..
(011p this out and paste ft, with
other of the series, in a scrapbook)'
Wireless Wrinklx.i.
Women are In fear of developing
"wireless wrinides.'-
Concentration night after night' by
the fireside listening oloseh'- to the
sounds coming from the :lead speaked
Or , sitting with earphones 'jammed
against the ears is likely to give ,wo-
mon a "radio" Fane.
Tho strain of trying to catch every
word of wireless broadcast constantly
puckers the lines around' the woman's
forehead and draws' more lilies around
the sides of the mouth.
Woman who have been untiring 115-
teners for months are beginning: to
notice that where their faces -leave
hitherto been absolutely smooth and.
unwrinkled, a faint network of lines
Is beginning to appear. Their habitual
expressions, instead'ef being alert and
intelligent, have become mechanical
and placid.
• Speaking of Birds."
Visitor -"I notice a sign outside
that says you want a man to retail im-
ported Canaries."
Manager—"Yes, are you looking for
the job?"
Visitor—"No, I just wanted toaknow
how the canaries lost their talcs'
Beautiful home dye.
lag and tinting . is
guaranteed w,i t h
Diamond Dyes. , Just
dip in cold water to
tint soft, delicate
shades, or boil to
dye rich, permanent
colors. Each 16.cent
pacltago contains' di-
rections so simple any woman can dye
or tint lingerie, .silks, ribbons, skirts;
waists, dresses, coats, stockings,
sweater's, draperies, coverings,linage
ings,:.everything new.
Buy "Diamond Dyes"—no "other
kind—and tell :your druggist whether
the material you wish to color,is wool
or silk. or whether it is linen, cotton,
or, mixed goods.
Best for Coughs and Colds
Minard's gives quick: relief for
coughs and colds, grippe, influenza,
etc.` Madame 2, Lrdmond'Pditras, of
Faubourg, 'SI. Jean Bte.;;'Quebec, is
.only one of hundreds who highly;
recommend it. She writes as fol-
"After-havingtried several'syntps
and rubbing lotions Inc cough l cou-
sider that .Minard's alone gives
satisfaction, ; I also value it for
warts, which I have' quickly -rd-
'.moved with Minard's."
'YII�i i�IJ! iLIl�TllViCl�i
If you are weak,' thin, end nervous,
let ,your druggist `, supply you with
Bitro-Phosphate:' It is guaranteed to
increaso'Weight 'and strength, and' re -
e -store'' energy, vigor 'and' neve Inirce.
Price 11 1 er liki;e. . Arrow 'Chenmical,
25 Front at:; East; Toronto, Ont:
Care of Battery,
Nover allow; the solution • inyour
storage. battery to get below the level'
01 the plates.' Inspect the liattery fre-
quently and add "chemically pure
water, Thia. water may be obtained.
at a drug store and 18 known'as dis-
tilled water; - Sonie fans may be in a
position to do the job themselves.
Foot Rests for Plowman.
A 'German inventor -has designed a
smalls portable plow which Is worked
with foot rests upon which the farmer
Italian Dally' Paper In London.
L'eco d', Italia, which has been pub
Making Most of it'
To make the most of the figura ti
turn 1t upside down,
For First:Ald—Minard's Liniment•
Tortoise ranging in size from less
than 1 In. wide to 2% feet !n diameter
are to be bought In London.
Classified. Advertisements
wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria
Street; Toronto.
Rolled in London in Italian weekly STONE INDIAN RELICS H. A
d ring the past ve years, a c e -
come . a .daily paper. -
},'ay your out•of-town accounts by APER; PHOTOS, ADDRESSES lda
Dominion Express Money Orders, 1 iylepree y, Citath$m, Ont:
'Boots of patent leather and smooth -
(eotb, reaching nearly to the ;knee,'
and fitting closely as, a stocking, are
being worn 1n Parisi "
nWinckel, 1399 Lansdowne Ave.,
For Every:III—Mtnard's Liniment
Cotton materials with the -appear-
ance and feel of wool are being made
in -Germany. -• They take dyes well,
and are already popular with Women
for sports clothing. •
For Your Cooking
wave work -money -time,
trouble and fuel—and make your
cooking better.
Tina 4f 4' -' 15c. and
•Ideal Winter Play round" t
Only 2 DoysfromNewYorkp``,°s%il
Sailings Twice Weekly
,.Leaving N Y„Wed.snd,Set.
Via Palatial,,Twin-Screw,
O11•Bar nicg -Steamers
Landing Paesengere at HamilloaDoch
Toe ltltisfralad Booklata Writs
34 WltitehalIStreet .• New *rode City
or Any Local Tourist Agent
We are interested in obtaining
particulars to the Wilson Publishing
Company, 73 West Adelaide Street, .
Toronto, Ontario,
Abundant Hair
Cared -For By Cuticura
Shampoos with Cuticura Soap, preceded
by light -a plications' of Cuticum Oint•
meat to the scalp, skin, do :much . to
gleanse the scalp of dandruff allayy itch•
ing and irritation, stlmutete'tihe:Olrcula•
tion and promote the healthy condition
necessaryto produce a luxuriant growth
of hair.:
themes Each !rev by Man, Addice, Ganadean
Depot: Oatltura, P, 0, naz 8616, Montrahl: ".
Price, se_ay26e. alntmo.
w Shaving ralenm4Ee:
P•"rry cue 0055 Shatiiott
;, F NN
Relieved by ]Lydia E. Pink.
hazrn's Vegetable Compound
F Verdun, Montreal, Quebec. — "I am
one of: thousands who have taken. Lydia
E. Pinkham'd Vegetable Compound and
1 have great faith in it. I can safely
Bay it has relieved my troubles and I
ehall-hevor'be without a bottle of it in
my house: Since my Last baby watt.
born I suffered from pains and backache
and would feel so tired I could not do
anything in my home. Since I •havez
been taking the Vegetable Compound'
and Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine
I feel so different. I recontmead it td
all my friends and hope itwill cure ether,
women who are suffering from the trou-
bles I had."—Mrs. Dios. H. DNER,
821 Evelyn Street, Verdun, Montreal,
Lydia P. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-'
pound is a dependable medicine for the
new mother:, It is prepared front Mote
and herbs, contains no harm'fitl drug'
and can be taken by the nursing mother.
Its worth in restoring the mo her to
normal health and strength lel told agaiii.
and again in Just ;such Tetters as Mrs.
Gardner writes.
A recent canvass of women users of
the Vegetable Comp:ond shows that
98 out Of every 100 women taking the
medicine are benefited by it, They
write and tell im so, l Such evidence en-
titles us to call it a dependable medicine
for women. It is for Bale by druggists'
everywhere. C
have boughttheir farms iu rlss.ern 1
Canada from, the Canadian Pacific. A l'
remarkable Fact. Think! There is a l
reason. The large area of our hold•
lags affording choice of location and of
land to suit every farming need. Fair
price, fair contract, and fair dealing
combined with abundant fertility' of
soil, good ` climate- and social condi.;
tions make .farm life there desirable
and attractive. Thousands more will
select, their farm from our virgin lande,
from our improved farms, and with
some . capital ' and determination' to
work, can make a ionic and pay for
It. Writefor our booklet, "The Prairie
Provinces ,of : Canada," and, leafiek'
"Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L.
Norwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific
ItnilwaY, Desk W. Wihdsor Station,'
Montreal, Que:
Melee's you see the "Bayer• Gross" on tablets you are
not ,getting the genuine Bayer product proved Safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
Accept one `cBa er°' achate wliicli donntins proven dll£c!'ioitS.
p y y pa 1.
Ha. td "Bayer" bores of h tablets—Also bottles et. 24 and 1 OO l ri „gists,
h. 3
Aset lt( i6. the trade el,t 1 (registercil h Cannan) a Beyer h nn , bre o ' nen tP,
t1iat ter er S10Jcliteacie (itohl Snl[ct1 Acnly' A ti b"1 C1,1 It lb'
h 1 ti.: rvn
-telat'yXy�JDici;i :nae Wi 11,tFcr',naugf ietu e, tort01 3t oh n ,bit' ignlmt
of Ylliper Ce,op„ny will be stno:pe 1 al[t Writ' yeue,ul thitr7J 4•ga t)tu ll ,, �, ..
at fill