HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-01-29, Page 51, ht, lo. est tai' 'rota ~l IVis ty '.days,"nR.,. a real winter iinnl j T4-) er. to. report that. Airs: Jahn ole of the banblo,7lhne is under r 1oftt we hope Lo hoar soon r her' speeds, .'erose y': Mr. Roy Scotchmer nas been assist- ing.'Mi•. Len Talbot to cut wood lately. • Mr.1W. J+Stinson shipped a :fine car load of cattle toTorontolast week. 11 Sorry to report that Mt. Alex. Orr is under the doctor • Care. Mis. J. Harris, whet has been vis- iting 1.e1 sister, Mrs. Peter McGee,. Tor the past feib weeks; has returned to her home in Port Huron Mr. and . Mrs. Orval McGlinchey have 'been spendnsg 'the past ;week with !friends in Detroit. Mise Cleta Pepper or near Clinton Spent+the week -end with Miss Rena Johnston, • Mrs. John 1±. Harnwvell is atnc Visiting,pres • e,friends in "God rich. ; The marry friends of Mrs. J. at- son'will be pleased' to knew sWhe is improving in , health, alLhough.,not just as fast as we should like. • Jainiar5 111.• brio more; da ,after, ou y in which •'to stage that tinie honored thaw., Well, we didn't see the eclipse bit t e'd all read so much about 15 that w e snow exactly howl it looked ,any- ,, ny- ar. Eatieg raw oysters is being forbid- den .n Chicago, on account of several =cases of typhoid which were att i- louted to that cause "Since winter ;set in it has,.woeked at its 'job with a wholeheartedness which connnands our adniir ition." re- marks an exchange. :With the tnureuay hovering around" zero all day'and droppin g to ssxteen ,or eighteen below during; the night there is no.diffictiltyinkeeping cool. The newspapers certainly gave the people a lot of good advice regarding the eclipse, but probably it will all have been forgotten- before -the -next one. A 'scientist tells us that brains are growing; sntailer. We might be'able • to 'got.' along with fewer=l.rains ;but we .could name some other people wild seem to require all they've been en- dowed with. The quantity of tinolce used to smoke' ° .the thousands of pieces of glass -which were in preparation for the eclipse on Saturday couldn't have had anything to do with clouding up the atmosphere, surely,. ,La rd Northcliffe is said to be • of "Society' of Spirits" on theother plane where henow dwells. Well, Northcliffe was a great little old or- ganizer.=while he remained .on this planet, and • there's no denying: he liked'; to be at the head of things. "Two -dollar wheat sold on Winni- peg.exchange,' ran a, headline in one of last week's dailies..:. What,inost farmers would like to see is wheat sold at $2 in the open market, when each individual grower could pocleet- one 'hole two -dollar bill for each "bushel .sold. s "That show of yours didn't span out thismorning," a citizen'remarkeeto The News -Record Saturday after - •noon, ":where shall we apply to have • our money refunded?", But this was to bea free show, hid had the weath-, er.• proved favorable Wou been worth all the trouble of getting ready -to witness 't ld Lav LOIlldSbli3r0 Mrd Wm. Grdffith, who ' has been hone for the past two months, re - tinned to Detroit on,Satua•c1:sy. Rev. W. 1. 'Osborne spent Satur4 day in London. " M. Albert Radford and fanily'hre' spending a few' days With friends In Goderieh.• Mrs John Govier. _of the village is visiting with -ter' sister-in-law, Mrs. Burford'in W1nghain. Mrs. C; Watson and'daughtereFern, spent' Sunday with her brother, Mr. W. H. Lyon,. of Blyth. A,soeial evening wi}l be given by the Woiuene" Institute on ; Friday of this week, Bring your basket and en- joy a good time together. Miss Blanche Eimiierton of Lon- -don has been a oat at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ross. Miss L. Rutledge of Ailburn is vis- iting with friends in the village. '' The Woman's Institute meeting will be held on Feb: 5th. A pifpe r entitled, "Reading ,for Pleasure . and Profit," will.lbe given .by Miss S. Barr,piano duet by Misses Brown, solo by Miss S. Sampson.. Hostesses are Mrs. G. goon,Mrs. McVitt'e, Mies Pearl Moon, Miss Benz' and l s. Osborne, Friend Snaith, editor 'of The Vying- 'tam Advance -Thies, who had a fire in his house a week or so ago and ,wile has since a dread of fire, the other; night got up to go. downstairs, to see cif his.furnace drafts were turned' off,. 'and fell downstairs. At least that is the story he, hiimself tells about it and: far be it from to doubt his word, *.w * a: "Saturday Nightt" says many of its critics -are now in jail.' Our readers will vouch that we never said an un- kind word of "Saturday Night." We ways spoke highly of it and never said anything that could be,consider- ed a' criticism of that eXeellent jour- nal. --Kincardine Review. The Saturday Night'has the Re t: view than properly scared.-- ' When La Luna so tar forgot her manners and the law of precedence as observed by ,the heavenly bodies, es to 'wallc.right in front of Old Sol, whose rank entitles him to first 0lace, the old gentleman; may not. have liked it but he wasn't going to have a lot of rude, people staring at him during the ordeal, 'to ,pulled' up a thickcloud screen over itis face un- til lit was all 0303. The mayor of Clinton has ar±a'nged to have the town bell' rung next Sat, urdy morning, so that the citizens may riot. miss the eolipse We'faney, though, it will` take more than a bell;, to wake than up.-Goderieh' $iglial. The '.Signal man doesn't know what energy: Chief Stong can put into the ringing of that bell" . Why, it we 'happened be half a mile nearer: it might a"even have awakened: the 5nliab= ite'nts of sleepy old Goderich, By the way, did they " even see where the eclipse was supposed to be taking, place? . ENJOYING WINTER: IN' SOUTH "Hermosa Beach, Cal. Jan. 19, 1925 "Clinton Neweeneeord: Dear Ed- 'itor: Looking over the News;Reeo d of Jan. 8th, I saw wheve.102 hours in. 'December had been pelt in on the streets, plowing the snow off the side- walks. Sone contrast''tb' southern `•;California, for liege -last week, I sae -people: planting • onions, and oth garden stuff, green peas; in blossom,' anddroses and all kinds of flowers he fullb kion. Bought a pail of 35 good- -sized.' oranges the other day for 20 a cents. .Oranges are noWgrowing.. on the trees here. Yesterday I went bathing : in the Pacific `Ocean, This is the place to gb to get away from a Canadian .winter. But I can't get along without the home paper. It comes next to nay Bible. Yours truly, -E., W. llod- away , ,,.-1b;d. ;Note; Oh, ,yes, for people who cannot stand the cold the smith's the plate. in winter. But you don't get a. chance to have a sleigh ride, a skate or to witness a 'snappy game of. hockey. Throe dozen oranges for 201 sounds good, but what do the Cali- fornians pay ;:for Huron County. apples, or do they ever` see once?' •'Xt -nay be a7i. right for monied'?eopie' mice the writer of the above letter th. travel south for winter and come. back north for our incoranarable sum- mers -for um -me sfoi thoseofus who roust stay pretty _ much in one place; this is the h a 'ot place. ' We have 5 uel va_riety -weather that interest in it clever palls:) Auburn A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and.'Mrs. A. C. Jack- son last Wednesday, when the mem- bers of the Methodist church present- ed'Miss Lottie, who has been the or- ganist for sometime, with a music cabinet. The evening was spent in games, after which a dainty lunch was served' Mss. Cole, who has been ill in the Hospital at Clinton for some trine, is now, 'visiting her son, Mr. H. 'Hog - ridge, until her health improves. • Mfr. ~John %baro is not well. We hope to nee him better soon. Mr. Robt. Scott is at --present very ill. We hope for his,speedy recovery:. Dr. Weir r was ill a few days last week, and unable to attend his pat- ients We areall pleased to see him able to be about again. Mr. WM. Ruddy lis under the doc- tor's care: The play, "Martha Made Over, evhiah harebeeu given with such splen- did suer:ess at Westfield and Auburn; is to be repeated at. Blyth on°Friday, Jan.. 30th, and 'at' "'Belgrave on ;Feb. The .young people of the, Presby- terian church are preparing a play en- titled' "Dust of the Earth," which they ire planning to give in the•For- ester's hall Isere on Feb. Gth. Mr. Win. Plunkett spent the week- end in Toronto. On Friday -evening, .Jan. 30th, in the Presbyterian church here, there is to be a .debate between the boys of Auburn and Bentniller, :on the subject: "Resolved -that the world is getting better," ,. Pity the S les an vvb 1 The salesman alesman who is not free to rise Long: 1listiiiice without Tieing criticized is probably not Covering his territory in the .most eco- i imical mintier. He is competing with sales Vier who call urs their ,cus- tomers is-tom i.5 hetween visits;' s e- cwe repeat m orcleis or sell additional items; - welch Sales anagers who encourage Salesmen t0 use Long Distance, because ib 'saves money and time; --with saloeneen who, when travelling, telephone to customers in small towns from some central point. Of two salesmen who both pre- serve ti proper proportion.be- tween expense and sales, the ane who uses Lon gDistancethe most is usually the most,offective., Each New Subscriber Adds to She. Value of Year 2'clephalos MentalanlitaltilliMealkardlliiMMEIM TYNs 1 lnt,tJ0llett :,en, Jan, 25th, to lh . and• 1tTr s Charles Tyner, or the Base line,; a daughter., V1cGII L Lt' Elarpuih v, on January 18th to Mr. }n,l'.Mrs, Byron Me-- Gill e-Gill a son.` CARDIFF -In Clinton, on Jan. 25th, Rachel Elliott, widow of the late John Cardiff, of .Brussels, POTTER. -In Goderich Township, on Jan, 26th, Philip`; Potter, 65th year. - I-IOdbTON-At Goderich, on Jan. 21st, Janes Horton, in liis 76th year,, To Creditors .Yid ' Other Claimants In the mattes of the estate of Elsie Ann Richards, Lite of the Township of Goderich, in the .County of Huron, wide -W, deceased. ' Notice- is hereby given that all cred- itors andof reps hav'n clai ms- Orde- mands .against' the estate of the said Elsie Ann Richards,' who •died on the 6th day of November, 1924; are re- quired, on oar before 'the first day of Mara, 1925; to send" by post 'prepaid or•deliver'to'the undersigned solicitor herein for Nettie May -Wallis, admin- istratrix of the estate of the said de- ceased, the full .particulars in writing Of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the secur- ity,, if any, held by them. And Takeo i'e that N t c, tat after the first day of March, 1925, theadminis- tiatitix.will distribute the assets of the zleceased annong: J',the parties en- titled thereto„having::regard only to the claims of 'which she shall then have notice; and that the said ad-' ininistratrix will not' be liable for the said ,assets' of any part thereof to any person or persons of - whose claim notice shall' hot have been received by her at the time of such distribution. R: A•Cluff, Goderich, Ontario; Sol- icitor for the Administretrix. Dated at Goderiehhthls 27thdayof January, A.D, 1925 91-3 Probationers Wanted Two probationers . for Clinton Pub- lic Hospital. Apply to Supt. 'Grain- ger at the Hospital. 91-tf Valentine Supper Thursday, Feb. ,12th ' in Wallis Church Lecture Room, under the au- spices of , the Girls' Club. Supper from 5 to 7.. Everybody welcome. Ad- mission 35e.. • 91-2 Furnished Rooms to :Rent Single; rooms from $1.50 up: Also a suite of rooms. Stoves included' for light, housekeeping, and alI conven- ienees on . same floor. Every room Heated. Also board if desired. Apply Spruce Lodge, opposite Ontario St. Church. 91-4-p ,Kindly Settle Accounts Having sold our butchering busi- ness to Messrs., Connel &" Tynda-1 , a representative of the firm. will be their shop, our old stand, Huron street, for the nett few weeks to re - cave settlement ' of all outstanding accounts. Butler Tiros. 91-3 Box Social L.O.L. No. 145, Goderich township, will'hold a box social in the Orange Ilall, 4th 'con., en Wednesday even- ing, Feb. 41,11. A splendid program will he furnished. Mr. Geo. II: Elliott, the ;popular auctioneer of Clinton, will auction off ,the boxes. Admission 215e. Ladies with boxes,: free. 91-1 Applications for Road Superintendent Applieations for the position of' Road Superintendent for the township of Goderieh, at 30e per hour will be receive& by the undersigned until Feb, 2nd. R. G. Thompson, Clerk, R. It. No.,2, Clinton. 90-tf. For Sale 33 acl:es`.o£ choice land, joining the, town, of Clinton on Gravel road; on promises is comfortable house, with good cellar, en up-to-date hen house, 18x40,good bau, 32x64, snachine shed 20x40 and garage 34x18,: Straw: berries, raspberries and other small fruits.' Also over '100 Barred Rock pullets, good laying .strain,' and some yearling Barred Reeks. Town water in house andbarn, also a good cistern and 6111a11 orchard. Apply on mem-. ises to, W. It. Cole, Clinton,. or phone 133, - ' 90d1,f House For Sale 9 -roomed cottage on Prihcoss street town water:, electric' light, 'phone, .1/e acre, more or less, of garden - with, some fruit trees. Beale -able home, Apply on premises to Mrs. M. Meln tyre. •90-tf Cottage For Salo • A cottage; 0n M'Iaisy street, :in good 'repair, town "water, eleetrie'lighi;s, good barn,' and large lot. Also a 14 -inch roller, ".crusher, in first-class shape, : Apply to A. Seeley. 89-1:L1' - Notice Having llisposed of`my.garage bus- iness I will have to have all outsttind-. ing accounts settled at once. J.' Th Pa'kman• ,a9 -if `Fire Wanted Mink, Raccoon, 'Fox, Weasel and other, furs' have -advanced in, price.:' Mink up, to $12.00; Raccoon `.up , to $6,00; Fox up to - $15.00; Weasel. up to $1.50. Do not hold your furs, Prices will probably be Iower its Feb- ruary as mink are starting to fade. Don't sell your furs to travelling dealers. • I can pay :you as much- acid generally more than -' any travelling dealer can afford to pay. Sometimes' they will pay you a big price to get your business. I pay full.eelice' all the time. H. A. Ilovey. Farms For Sale - ,100-acre;farm well situated lot 24, con 2, Hay, red brick house, cellar wider all, good bane barn and shed, silo, windmill garage.' ,Land level, no waste. 5 cares hush. Good clay loam suitable for dairy, mired, beans, sugar. beets. School 1/, mile, town 2 miles, 01105011, high school, railway, convenient; telephone, papal mail delivery. Strong gravel leads, level nnries around. Also 75 acres pasture land, lot 17, con. 7, well- fenced, never -failing spring. Apply Wim. Pearce; Hensall, Ont. 90.2-p' lnffiec'd TIIURSDAY, JA Gtr 1Yr 29 Q TEA SET Ibi OUR WINDOW?' W:,11 we will;. present it FREE to theperso t 'iv'ho Buys the Itc'he's amount of Cash GIocerios during January,, 1st Price -China" Tea Set -22 Pieces, 20d Prize -Cream and Sugar Bowl. Just save oi' Countersales slips and bring 4rserd Co'S:r store. on or, before February Goli We have special prices this month before- stock taking; so: take advan tags of special prices and coin a nice Tea Set. IIYGIJEST_I'RICES FQR BTJ TRR'AND EGGS. OUR STORE IS YOl7R STORM JOHNSC .I,CO'S CR;eiCE ,PROMPT SERVICE Phone lith FACTS ABOUT OPTOMETRY B" Dr. Ross Savauge Optometrist Seaforth Ontario Why is a person far-sighted. Usually because his eyesare smaller than they should be. The degree of the farsight de- pends upol the extent of the variation from normal. Does a far-sighted person know he is far-sighted? • Not unless the defect is so.ex- treme as to interfere with .. vision, Then a' person may suffer from far - sight anbelieve he has normal vision? - Yes:- 1Vlany (perhaps most) far -Sighted persons .have -vi- sion, i-sion, especially . distant vision, better than normal,, so have no reason to believe they have an error of vision.11 . (Continued, Next Week) • Fat lens`Wanted, also Crate -fed Chicks s Il Inquire for Prices - Eggs bought;, according to Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations. Poultry and Eggs Retailed at Moderate Prices The Clinton' Poultry -House (New Era Building) ' N. W. Trewartha Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w Tenders For Wood Tendeys for wood fpr S. S. No. 6, Tuckersmith up to Feb. l:st the under- signed 'will receive tenders for 13 cord ef,18" green body hardwood, at least 60 per cent. maple, 'delivered at No. 6 school house. Samuel H. Whit- more, Sec.-Treas. 80-3 b • Pay en San. 30th- The"play, "The.'Sieung VillageDoe- tori" will, be given in the toWn Ball, Clinton,. on Friday evening, Jan. 30th, under,, the 'auspices of the • YoungPeopl 's League of' Ontario street ehurdh.. Admission 250. - 90.3 RADIO I have in stock the following set's: two five -tube sets. These sets are the equal if not better than sets cost ing $25.00 to $50.00 adore,and the price, which includes a loud speaker and storage battery and other hest guaranteed' equipment (nothing cheap in • these sets) is $150.00 to $1.75.00. The $176.00 set' includes a $30.00 loud speaker and $21.50 storage bat- tery. Stations heard from on loud speaker, . most -of them Iotider than any grtnophone hielude ; Oakland, Cal., Winnipeg, Calgary, Toronto, Ot- tawa, Montreal, MVIoneton, Hamilton, Kitchener, Dallas, Texcas, and others - too numerous to mention. I have several secondhand sets -good as new at a.bargain. Rave in stock phones guaranteed a year at $5.50, tubes; B batteries, 'Everready dry eells,+whieh last twice as long as ordinary dry cells,, just 60c each, . condensers, rheastat grid `leaks, Bremer' Fullez timers, vario-couplers, etc., ;:at lowest prices.' Everything guarantted satis- factory. or replaced free of ••charge, • IT. A. HOVEY., Money on 'Farm Lands The Inclitsirial' Mortgage and. Say- ings Company, of Sarnia, Ontario, ave prepared to advance money on mort- gages on ;good lands, Parties, desir- ing money; on farm- mortgages will please apply" to .James Copan, Sea forth,' • Ont., -Who will furnish ,rates and other particulars. The Industrial' Mortgage and Savings Company. 88-12 • AUCTIONEER IIonor Graduate ;Carey Tones Na- tional School of Auctionee ing, Chi- cago. Special course taken in Pure; Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and er-chandise'and Farah Sales. '" Rites in keeping with prevailing marl et Sat- isfaction, _.assured. Write or wire, Oscar I{lopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone 18 - Fol Sale The administrators of the estate of William 'Doherty, deceased offer for sale his late residence ancl the ad- joining lands, (25 acres more or less), on which are erected substantial and well-equipped buildings. Apply to J. E. Doherty on the premises, or to W. Brydone, solicitor for the estate. 70-tf. For Sale 16 ft, beech plank, sized 2 inches by 8 inches and 2 inches by 10 inches, al- so some hmnlook lumber. , W. Ii, Middleton, 11. ' R• No. 3, Clhtton, Phone 15 on 606. ' • 75-tf CANADIAN PACIFIC Toronto ----West St.. 'John Through Sleeper Service In connection with the Eastbound saltines of the ;Canadian- Pacific' S. S. Montcahn' on January 30, a through standard sleeper Will beeoperated by. the Canadian Pacific from Toronto direct' to the ship's side at West St. John es relieves; , . Leave Toronto January 22 and 29, 9.00 a.m.; arrive Montreal 5:10 p.m. Leave Montreal 7:00 p.m.;, arrive. West ,St. John (ship's side) 12:20 p.m. January 23 and 30. This direct ,service it is confident- ly expected will prove a great con- venience to travellers, to Great Brit- ain. 89-3 Is Your Property' Mutlg Insured? I have Government -licenses for under- writing all )Ines of insurance, Life, Eire, Windstorm,. Automobile, Accident and Sickness and 'Plate Glass, etc. I represent -only financially sound -and reliable companies;;' If intrusted with a share of your patroitago I will protect your inter- ests. Agent for Clinton and District of The Mutual Life 'Assurance Company of Canada H. E. RORKR Office at residence, eor. Mary, and Orange streets, opp. the rink ; Phone 253 90-4 ER w Wanted to' Purchase for' Cash- Good hemlock, basswood, maple and soft elm logs, delivered in our. mill yard at Bayfield and at Thos.' Wallis', Goderich township, Custom sawing will be done, at bath places. McEWEN BROS. r. 86-tf . RAIVIRAS Will pay the highest ni.axket price forHorseHides and Beef Hides, Scrap Metal, Geese and Duck ,Feath- ers, etc. Deliver to my residence, opposite Cameron's Carriage Shop or phone 137 and I will call. COAL We•havo a supply. of Furnace, Stove, -Nut and Soft. Also some good dry slabs. Leave 'orders at residence: 'S. WARD Phone 155. Huron Street, COAL.. .Having -erected new coal sheds will have on hand full stock of coal for ininediate..delivery. Prices reason - n.. J. MILLER Orders taken at residence, phone 119 Grain, Flour and. Feeds . Highest pr1ees 'paid for all ear?;, reties of 'grain. Can, generally pay as high as anybody else, mostly high- er for igh-er.for these;' To youradvantage to Call us whenever you have anything to offer. LOOS In the market for logs again ;Call us if you have: any to offer. IIave a'°complete stock of feeds on hand. Make a specialty of good .heavy, clean, screenings: This feed is seasonably 'priced and of highest quality. Beef Scrap, Tankage, Oy- ster .Shell, Grit, OilCalce, Salt, Ground Corn, Middlings, -,Feed FIour,, Bran and Shorts. Always ready to serve and "anx- ious to oblige in any way, possible. Also issuers ofIlunters & Trappers licenses 1 L A,o FORD & SON. Phone 123 Flour and Feecl Merchants and Grain -Buyers CREAM WANTED The. demand for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream ' ship us your to We request you cream. We guarantee you the Highest 1Vlarket Prices, accurate tests and prompt service, Otte firm is known to you and needs no further recommend. We pay all express charges, turn ish cream cans and pay twice each month, Write for cans or furrier informa- tion to the Tllla SEA'ORTII CREAMERY CO.. C. A. BARBER, MANAGER Rowland's 0111 Stand ELEPHONE 53., CHI-NAMEL STORE Call in and • See our assortment Aluminum White, blue and white and pearl grey . Enamel ' ware also Tin ware, No stock �l�,as , Complete. also Wehave two ® sec®ud hand uebec Heaters ataYba bargain. a e can supply your wants and at reasonable limes. nGe s. earemairmstaait For Sale The'former Joyner property. Five - roomed -cottage with large sun -room. Electric light and: town water in house. 3 acres of good lafid,and all kinds of fruit ,trees. Will be sold reasonably. Apply to Mrs. McCal- lum, Commercial. Inn, Clinton. 63-tf Clothes Cleaned and..Preseed Clothes: cleaned pressQd and re- paired. Woolen goo s dry cleaned. Rooms. over Heard'a barber shop p. W. J.;,Jago. 83-t lawsweemomftwassommaxesv For Sale or hent' - ±Iousl and lot in . the village 'of Brucefield,,two-thirds acre- of land, good cellar, hard and soft water, good stable and ben house. Posses- Sion given immediately. Apply, to John V. Diehl, Clinton, Ont. 83-tf Rouse For Sale Residence of the late Arthur Cook, corner Albert and Mill streets, Clin- ton. ICey at M. Walter I{ing's., 72-tf.,. limon Bakery QU.LIT'' The most important thing about our Products is Quality. We do not use any- thing but just Quality Ingredients in our Bread Pies Cakes,Buns, �1 Eta. 7 � or' anything pretaining• to Baking, - Oysters,, Ice Cream and Light Lunches F. J. r WN & O. BAF ER AND CONFECTIONER 'Ph • one 1 8 oe to tt> the foot not thef fit to oot the shoe 59towst8e Archalhe • Nom- Ilwneut oot. tIeLs Sprincy,etQal S'appCn±.JB re FOR"breaking in" a pair, of shoes, Le, suffering how many years have people spoken df . tortures till the foot had, in time, shaped' the shoestb fit the foot? But now Arch Defenders have banished all that and your foot glides into the shaped -to -nature, insole of the shoe like a glove to the hand. Note also how different and shapely 18 the last upon which. Arch Defenders are built compared with the old style. In addition to the concealed Spring Steel Support and the special foot -form insole, the lasts upon which. Arch Defenders are 'built, , with their Cupped heel and foot -contour sole, are so differ- ent from the fiat shapeless lasts of ordinary shoes. Sty lash-Scienti e ---Sensible. For Men and Women F g fiae.„1 �'i:t'•• '.a'1a�. r , J aka .0 ee e stir • ifs J � {0.' P +";'G c#t+a„'c` y., +i3a:f,�Y?;~•i: r a-• af,"ick ,n, Poultry and Stock Food Beef Scrap, Beef Meal, Bone Meal, Tankage, Alfalfa Meal, Char- coal (Hog or Poultry), Layieg Mash, Poultry Specific, Stock Spec- ific, Sulphur and Salts. MAPLE LEAF CATTLE MINERAL Cures and Prevents Abortion Sterility Retention of after -birth and supplies the minerals required by growing stock and beef cattle. - Y W. JENIKINS S