The Clinton News Record, 1925-01-29, Page 45
29, 1926
Tai 2 a lrTatou
The Nasi two day of til„e
January Sale
Further Reductit
Balance' of Wo
'Xneluding Bor'hn,Woo 1, , .4
alad $ £old formerly sold at 25c
To Clear, is per Skein
School Bags
Half ['rice and Less
We 'w ant to reduce our stock
of all School Bags..Big''assort-
anent .worn
52, to :51,25
is on Clearing hiller
FiOOlis:at 2.5c
SolT ie that were 1s big!
as :81.25. large, 'e. assei•tliier
to be Gleaned at 252 each.
Cups and Saucers 3Qc
Just; 100 to sell at this
price; Decorated Japanese
China of good quality.
2., Real Bargain
Stationery, Fancy Linens, Toilet Soaps, and small wares
all at January Clearing Prices
Many Specials in Wall Paper
T. "-•R..
Aieldirg, Ate
• CATIA Ii' PA'S LARGEST • 1#i;E° rAlli. oitoCE " S
Save"Onn Any :Aritti,Al1, ]Days—Save Every Week
.Thrifty housewives know that they, cannot save money
;cpnsistently,by shopping where prices are cut low for the
,week -end, and raised 20 per cent higher 'during the week.
They know that Dominion Stores;"maintain low prices every
day in the'week. That's why they, and you, should shop there.`
Bulk Macaroni, ver lb, l0c
Cooking Figs 3 lbs. for 25c'
P. & G. and Gold Soap ..... . •10 bars for 59c
',)ioderich Township
Mr. and Mrs: Maurice' Switzer o/
Milestone, Sask., are visiting the
farmer's parents, Mr. and 14Ies. Jas:
Miss.lfate Williamsand her friend,
Miss Evans, have (been visiting. Mr.
and Mrs. John Torrance:'
Mrs. Sandy Stirling is in the Clin-
ton Hospital, having undergone an
operation. Her many friends will be
glad to know she Gs' getting•along
Miss Harrison, sister of Mrs. E.
Townshend, has gone to Hamilton to
visit friends.
Miss Clara Dale is on :a visit with
eatti,o' r flhln c'�iOI!lr"�o
t ion
a 70
hair• meetings
taking iu.l'o
tarid, Pembroke h s, e nines'.` ?IIr
041,$`' 40,:, as
age' at the hitter
�k r
of'.the '13th j'con,
T. Shobbrook
aYs `in London .last' week.
q1. Ca tor vrho
gr. :Robert ;Snell, of:Detroit, 18 Vas
iting his -brother's, ,:;12essrs. :A {drew
and Ben Snell and other`,friendshero.,
.Me, and Mrs. Geo. ,Cook' of Gode
ich township spentSunday with their
daughter, Mrs'-. Joe Riley.'
The Ladies': Aid of the Burns Pres-
byterian church are invited to spend
Thursday, afternoon with the :Con-
stance 'aid.
onstance'aid. Luisch will be provided
There will be a short programgiven
by the visitors. A good time is ex-
.Quite a rainier around bete have
been laid up' with the cold, _ '
Reeve Robt. Clark is goendi ig the
week in •Goderich attending County
Mrs. Pollard is spending •a few
days in Clinton with her another,
Mrs. Cole.
C. Sutherland lzas been laid off
work with a -:sore foot.
heti iiiid r rho d Otbi? s , 9,1,"
MO time. "She . 'slipped
fracturing lrer hip -fast alit 1r tlias
been gradtially, untlnd
came The i'iu1 ran=wa M1�7edne held's
da 'afternoon 50 Maitland'I35'ak'com
ate •v,
, n
' l .,. IaY5rani
Mr. Thos,I 3 f
are, sorry. to hear, he is not. keeping'
so .well this <v inter.,
The Youing`. Peoples' -Society ;_05 St.
Andrew's church 'are holding a social:
on Thursday evening. - This is malt-
ing a start for the year. After the
business of the evening is over a
lunch will be served. '
The box social; which.was held at
the home of Mr. Joseph Daynian of
the 2nd line, 'Tuckersnrith, on Friday
evening .tart, was a success.- r A very
pleasant' evening was spent and the
sum of $47.00�was reallized from the
sale of boxes. ,
_Y.. Henry Ivison, when:returning
from, the bOX soeial ,on Fridayeven=
ing last,had the misfortune to 'upset
his sleigh; load of folks,, some 16 or
17, being on board. The' road, wlich
is high un the centre with hard pack -
snow, makes it dangerous driving
in.tbe dark and the horses got'nff the
road and e.1 spill was the result. Mrs.
Tilos.. Butt got •'one of her . legs'
strained badly. Also Mrs. John Work-
man, liut luckily, no bpnes ware -brok-
en sand they are about alright again.
The roads should be ploughed out
50 as to maka it sate for travel.
i, man is handing us obi
solve' real old-time winter'weathel at
present. Last Saturday and Sunday
were very* mild but it has .soddenly
change&tto from 12 to'15 below zero
and one feels the sudden change. The
coal has to be shovelled in generously
to meet the situation.
her parents In Montreal.
Messrs. T. 'Townshend, and Adam
Steep are bury cutt'zzng ,sawlogs, and
hauling them to Clinton to thesaw-
essrs. 0. B. and 7'. R. Middleton'
recently' shipped it ;,grand bunch of I
cattle to Toronto.,
Brussels: A message was received
here last "week containing the Hews
that'William Keys,_ a former well-
I nown`Morrisite, had been found dead
in his bed at his home in Manitoba.
11I'r.. Heys was, unmarried and lived
aione.'The remains are being brought
here •for interment..
IA�v'' aSa'tR
�' 7$ K,NQrtf FTpP dp k�R
r� 7'1:1-°„,„
Ghava the1L ti�i�te �,n b the37�a
a � dn is us nal aldal'ilr` b ox+ylill`enhe fPnbi+
r♦i e $h1 ei Ly 1h Heel uonthlyt y W E aylor, I6rn
e o it d, oodatoo l Oltt The' .xpss earnan s of the Canad-
ond 1b1Qpk ifoltingy 4 g,.
iia`r ativo of t iirr e lbuen' is
count: �fc-•. ,,
re, a dding
i•:eat - and
nil 1.5 of
gg�� trail 1 0 ,
Cause, o :1%er' "'so. i :
a f., .c ea .. , ail
'Wild lea vl, 'sell also, attract {,lie"
reader's attention. The: regular con:,
tribntors, cif' stories, F V. 4irillialns,
.1`. 5. Winson, Bonnycastla Dale and
Martin hunter; 'rave all lived up_ -,td
We reputations „they have won for
Balance, Jan: ld .. $670,45;
Skating Party 55.70.
Piano Rens .. . ..86.00;.
Don2tisns and gifts to flospr 21.10
Borrowed in blolson's Bank 200.00
Danes . 73,00
St. Elmo (moving picture) . 105.05
Twilight Musicale..' . . , 22,55:
Concert (lour..e ., 215.10
Bazar Booth l
Farmers requiring help, for the
Spring season or year 1925 tiro re-
quested to apply . at :once to H. A.
Macdonnell, ,Director , of 'Colonization
and Immigration, Parliament. Build-
ings, Toronto, Ontario, or to the Ag-
ricultural Representative• of the
County isa which -they reside.
Applicants should state whether.
'they require experienced, partly ex-
perienced .or inexperienced •single
men, or • experienced - married inert,
length of time services will be re-
guired and: rate of wages.
Applications will=be filled as far as
possible in the order in which they
are received -.-preference ,given yearly
By authority of the 73onoralele John
5. Martin, Minister of Agriculture.
' 91-2
P "IHE agreement for the amalgamation of. the Molsons
been en
Bank of
Montreal: having be
with theg
Bank k
s to all cu
MONTREAL extend '
of the Molsons Bank a cordial ial invitation to continue their
accounts, with the assurance that their business, whether
it be large or small, will receive the best care and attention.
Bank of Montreal isadapted' to ' the
The service; of the 73 k?
special needs of farmers, and their accounts are welcomed
at allies offices.
Established : aye ' :100 yearn
Total Assets
ess of $700,000,000
Expenses of Skating Party $2423;
Sterilizer . ,.:.. 841.41
Decorations and stamps 2.68
R. Welsh, col. piano rents 5.00
Dance expenses 22.00
St. Elmo expenses t . . 75.54
Twilight musicale expenses . 4,1$
Note in Bank .03 2 95
Ring` for hospital, .. , . 3.75':
Flowers . 2.00
Duty en Con. Course adv . ' 5.05;
Exp. on Com -'Coarse arty. , 2.37
J. Doherty, rep. and tun. piano 6.00
Insurance on piano . .3,30
Godds for bazaar , 9.63
Dishes for: hospital room , . 12.00
Concerts . 160.00',
Hall Rents . 30.00
Advertising . 9.80
,Balance.ou hand , , , $7:66
Countg brews
lh National .Railways for the weals
Brusse's °zl e Fairsorvic•e, wile ending Ianuaiy 21 1925, were $3;781, -
11i< n eo t11 '"fth,` ine'
Wl 1 i 1 c
0 Pz P e
p. b
:Norris totitnshilil passed away on
Friday e, Ihmg following iig an illness
of -several weeks Prem `cancer of the
Stomach. She was in her 48tH year,
Besides her husband silo is ..survived
by three small 'children. Interment
tookn lace on Ttu-day afternoon "'to
Brand's Cemetery..
61300 being a �ec ea_e 'of=56_-
752.00 over%. the corres ending '..reek
n _
of 1824,
The gross earnings of the Canadian
National Paail from Jan. 1tv San.
21 1925 have been .:x1.1,1.0512,00
being a decrease of 81,4.22,1_04 00 over
the corresponding period of 1924.
,VPil'7Y,>115 • rue. v• -n.11. t
Blsath: • The annual meeting of the
Blyth Telephone Company in Memor-.
ia1;F7a1l'was one of the best attended
in their history. The subscribers, af-
ter hearing the ' financial' report,
which showed the finances .to be int
splendid 'shape, took pp the {natter' of
having service on Sunday, which'
caused wore heatdd discussion, and
some harsh remarks were passed. Af-
ter the debate, it was decidedto have
a ballot on the 'question of : Sunday
Blyth ' A very successful carnival
was held. in the open.air rink. Prize-
winners were as follows:. Best diens
ed. lady, 'Miss Rentoul; best lady
skater; Miss' Rentotil; best •dressed
roan,, Armand Korilick; best skater,
Man, R. M. McKay; comic dressed
man,, Soo Heffron; comjc dressed girl,
Miss; Johns; best dressed 'girl, Gert -
„rude Tunny; best child comic, Aleta
'Watson. Marjorie Bainton; , co'br'a
dress for 'boys, F. Elliott.
Blyth; The Blyth Agricultural So-
ciety held its annual meeting on Fri-
day afternoon in the., Orange Hall
With a fair"attendanee, The president;
J. E. Ellis .,was in •the chair.' The
secretary -treasurer gave his fin'aneigl
statement, which s encouraging
and showed a cash:balance from the
Tear's 'business{% The date of the fair_
was set for Wednesday and Thursdiiy,
September 23 and :24.'' Th0kelection
of officers resultOd as follows: Hon-
orary president, .William Gray; presi-
dent, X. '1D ,Ellis; vice-presidents,.Ro-
bert Wightmatt and P. D. Stalker;•
secretary-treasurer,.,rvJ. H. R. Elliott;
women directors, Mrs. Gardiner Mrs:
J, Cumming, Mrs. W. M. Scott,. Mrs.
'. Smith, Miss Pollock, Mrs J. J.
Pollard, Mrs. George Pottle, Mrs.
John. Ellis and Mrs. R, Riehhndnd;
directors, W. Craig; David,Lilidlaw, 7.
"Parrott'' D. McCallum, Walter Mc-
Gill, James Brigham, Colin'Eingland.,
John Scott, Alonzo Smith,. -James
Cumming, R R. Fear, William Ross,
C. McClelland, H. ' Weymouth, John
'So'we'r, David Laidlaw.
Got a
Yon can't
feel so good
but what f,
will 'make yoti
feel better.
fh ,L•,x plc *!iris
stESarLTS Gl1AtAN EE®.r
:,,,,.-,<,,,..4%/7ir 4'C l)R0460”: �`ti\\tel
aaN2 rte
rossedossnersem ., //
- -
11 � sal
• ;,.{dial+. :.s'a, l +,."aaa'tali .«,,.
Row Many'' Ob jests in This Flail re. Slart'w 12t , the, Letter "P" ?y.
T.he above picture contains a {number or bltjcets iicghuting it'ith,the letter "P". Just, take a good
reale at the Picture—there are all Sorts of things that 1{el;in'witli 1,11cS letter..nlr'—"puppi", "pumpkin",.
"paddle";. "purse", etc... Nothingis hidden; you don't hive to turn the picture upside nova, : Make
list of 11n the objects in the Sticture. the. Haines of which begin with ilii letter "12', ;Alava the whole
family joint in—see ivho can and the most. Don't miss any. A lite cash prizes Still 'be awarded for
Abe fi5ty. hest lists of hors submitted The answer having; tale largesl;''and neatest 'correct .2331 of
violbleobjeets, shown Inthe picture starting with . the letter "i'" viir be awarded "first prize; second
hest, Second prize, etc.
Young and Old Join. the Fan
The kali and Empire:aautotmces to -day
n:ntither puzzle'„ whiclf all can partici-
pato—frono.tlto tlniost child to grandfather and
p,•7;Lln011101 lei, ' No"object is So small but that
the poorest eyesi,:ht`can Seo, it. It isaa test of
skin. Your abnlity:,to : find •"P" words "deter -
lanes tile' prize you win. Right atter supper •
this' evening,' gaoler all the-menabel'S of your
fanally together; give each of them ft 'pencil
.anti. Sheol of paper --and see who Osli':iiud tine
most "I' -Words", Yon will he surprised to.
final how largo at ,1180 of Words you Can get
With a few mninutes,' study. • Sit dmizl 11O\'V '
and try It—Then, scapi in your llst'and try for
tiob big 'arises. '�,..,.. .
IsbServe These Rules •
1: An man, woman or child WIM lives in Canada,..
and is not a resident of Toronto,- anti whoAs not in.
the, employ of The Ball and 1^impiro, or a member
41f Ma en,pleyd'u fnna[ly, may submit an answer. •
2, An answers mudt be mailed bi' Februarg,
1926, _nod aSdrenpcl7 to 0. . A. Montgomery, guzzle
,MInnager,• Mail and liimplro.
R. All =lists of namo0' should be written -on one side
• of the -paper. only, and' nunt1aered CUnsooutively 1, 2,
Si, Ste..'- Write your full name: and address in rho up-
per 'right: )land cornerl 15 you desire to, Writu any-.
th»ing else, 0se a,separato • sheet..
4. Only each wards as appear In the•Tng1100 Pic-
-Milan' will bo counter'. Ino not ICOe obsolete words.
Where the. plural Is", used{ Old .•singularcannot p0
cn8ntdd,-aunt vice vCrsat. ,
6 words.of the same spelling can be 000,1 only
intro oven thdagh need td-deSignato different objects
nix at(eio0, or, 'arts :'of objocte or articles.„ 3n
object or nrtielo eat: be named' only once,.` .'
t 7), tot'use' hyphenated orcuupoutwords or.. ... ,,.. ,
anv words foamed by 0119 combination of two or mora'•. ,
conpl0lo ,Words, whore each word In itself IO nn
',obi tri taG J' A 'CA 7 T?o n u yr havin laze aur. alt li d 'e r'e t eo i S
-reit It 4 oi'.'
moros, of IH bl objects and mt I les
'rutttlwalt aphuve no iet Inn upon decklingthe Win -.shown In the picture that begin wth 00. io!toa "1"
Vtlbe nwted lust Yti%0 ole. He,style or There A e Three P•.'.
,i•nlit usw cr-..
5,Afiv:number l) IYf people any ro t u Tee .`e popularity
ity of 1 , 11,1 Genre is 0. eanIt coo 10 i a
lis(” ilia 1'"zrl, bat only n o pr9zo tvlll bu pita Sed to Crenae the sport 105 oo The- ,,01 Hud s Bemire. ' It costa aistb-
34,0 one hon th ,hl,' 1a - r ill y pr)+.ce bis soorsled..'10 l cr to intro ,y1 olid You Hol 1111,1 to send 'tn'� A i notµ le oil'
m re'th;n ant ,f inY µreap Whei;e live or-am,ra larva. tantlgn to wan n'uraze: 1IC y ut 11Ht'of Y-Wgel' is n'ward-
1,vtn workiia tol,etlu Id tSI'iOl 51]CO\ll 011 '111100) Prize by tine :judo H. yin.
0. YYt'il10 rt. at f a t o fornave p o (11 ferod tltho 1, iii rvi i '1 b t at va t. twat' L ill.•o to ret moll tlfan 100 awa
Yell at tiri t naauh pr+%o soul be a v rlcd ! daah 10 ffi 1- at; spo¢hil 11 r Sou can ,vox bidgoe
tied pall till ti t zy11 hart 01 sending in. ONE. lir TWO subn¢rhtitogs tb The
117 subscriptions (both now and renewal), payable tiC'iil anti theatre,
advnneo at 55.00 Per vasa 1>Y; nai•11 xr : f,'a m,d'i ar I5I`P1: 5 HOW. 10 yens answer to tl "P-sot,1" Pleture
13000 nor yon; Ic1Rered by c r,er 1 n bt :hr m""°",. luselo'wins 111.57 S1u00ND OI; '51iI12oD Prise ;int Ymi
1 int i'1 001 tl -''esti lir, ax.-ry altf'ii,g fat tha 11 to went In a1 e.: 3' i lY. subtam iprfoh im rbc TiryiL nett hlmplro
r,l 1100 I3ottas l ew nz tis, of den0�. ,ono mry ar1i>ucrgaL,mt it � mill 'n Oar ad or &0.00 dglit of ¢d tY ena kx bay In
- rwHt bo cont n. tidlullmn •qu wail arctltc .0200, of ti3i3 fotuta psHza,
11 A.{adv 'Hnbscrilrnt i0 u,yo'i "than has taut basil... 0 i0; fifth prize, :. 1)0 .pri i'. so fqa lbs-..l5eo weans' column,af
1•geni„ g Tbo wIn 1 wild 1 , aive the
do Hary Y tat. 1�gurrH is Pt za list )
1 SII lit swt re will or of the 0t uta t t en t ,iiia ,
.7•tail and E ro is S o not i?. sn' rp-,,:n to The Or, 15 your aven0 tv0, FIRSTyes, bi950NP or T1111111)
Mail and .I new subscriptions is. raM nl.t +r. to yin , ( a a e n.f1) ore al -or two to The
IR y- 01''n Cw.,.lenagr..]win d,tes nut lay Pert.'. oori WWII , you wi l re new and ono rol` 53 two newsub
fled by tato Puzzle w will 14, Candidates forfeit
morning. old 51 n.l fifth
) you will receive 60011 rt Weer,of tblr fono, of
satbserlptlotti0 as neeY 1vir1 nosil:r¢elw t,rfait 'rbc 7�Ceilit 5100; f ft h n i p :,3(10, rind. Ho forth. (See third column,
oa ,,(ell subscrb)tfons a9 'gt>,alifyrng for the Maximum 111 a 05 in na l c list.)
Bonus nowa0,410, - YS Iw::i that for a )iberal'offor? 1Tnt, LU(11i, there are throe
t ui 'i m'
It vis v t,tir Therefore, n stand 7 T 95 Ct)\ )
n •en � .Irl, c 10 It 1 1' S
1,1, Three tIr The l T a t0 c e _ 57,000 'x,o,1 1' e oy r.
l o ted ton 00 (01 The Mail and 1 n pre will be aed f year
and hat s l Sent lo Own yearly iale n SG.00 n
acacia. to t%et rte to their
the winners, s and reaa t:n. by mail or emova0,00 delivered )0carrier40)vlSI in ,$11100.....
;bo 1,0114109 by the Judges
in 00 )01 ,:401 agree to accent ton (and nett hall'bat meat' , two now), r1a will Wtn, 47.,OV1).
;bp dc10)0 05 tae'v)1l goo ns final ) ' y 180l 0
16,hvo,oc lid of will t ct,t 1"t'. oro uutry .:10th, Hud..
of words'
ill of the'00l,i 'Viso o •s. ann rou04 list.
of words'. will be published in The Mail and � tpr,o `'ae
<p,3okly thereafteres possible,'
IOXTRA 0.11108 PiCTUli10 {III1505 517N1 1RLI]
.%i'tlinlna An0wcrs Will receive . the arty cash
table' w •
prizes noawrding, to the tab e,
Prizo if NO {Prize;It Ono Prize it, Two
Subncriptrone Sulscrlijc!ou Subscrlptiese
are sent. , to Sent.' 'gar, Sent.
st Prize... , $35 $500
2nd Prize.. -1 35 500
3rd Prize... ; 35 500
"4th Prize. 25'
5th Prize.... 20
6th Prize....1 15
7th' Prize .. . .1 ` 10
8th'Prize. . 8
9th Prize.... 6
10th Prize. , , .1 5
l nth Prize, , , . 4 ,
12th Prize , ...: '3
13th v to 20th
50 100
30' 60
_25 50
20 x 40"
15 ;;� 30
10 ' _20s,a
List to :'50th
Prizes inclusive 1.50 ' 7.50 15
Ia the, :event of, n' tic fed. any prize o!fered, the
full oanolrnt of such prize. will bo.pold, to each tied'
It takes. but two yearly Stbdcr• pt inns• nth 00 a yea, each One
new hair end renewal or two' new) toqualify fa1• the big 51,000
t .atads:. Abs, lutoly, that s tbo )nnxhmun You can do: tills with
little effort Your, own subscription n ca )x roust 'We coo iso take
1405/515tipt50110 tostartat any future date. Just mal. on Your
order when you want the 50',00 50 Mart Hud wewill not com-
mence delivery nntll yon 0a5,
Subscription$gates--Payable in advance. THE MAIL and EMPIRE oriyw-ltere'rnC'actada
by Mail $5.00 Per Year. -Delivered by Carrier Boy rel Hamilton orLontiorl, $6 Per Year ,
�t� r i; Route '['his . offer applies to ltua-a1 Route patrols;'as well. as subscribers living in cities
- b i. 8'0. and towns. If. you are already ri'ocntlng Tbo Mail and Empire your subsorlption
�engibers W111 be extended from its present expiration. ' Send In a yearly subscription at
$5 .00 and slit/lily for the big prizes,
o, nlontgomTHE erT' AIL AND i4�t8(%ANI�I�Ey.
Pnrzle ZVlanuger,.
'Dept. 1,
{Mrs Angus Campbell, .forest, Ont., $1,000; Mrs. Joe Doyle, Ma mora, Ont$1
, ,000; Mrs. Thos Pat -r'
tlmore,'Athens, 0711., $1,000; 74.11.s. (Raw) Theo,A. Iseler, Williamsburg, Ont., :.$500; Mrs Emma"
iJLool e, Ghesiey, Ont.,i�, ,00, Clarence -L Merrick, Alliston,300; Miss Grace Webb, Granton,
Ont., $
Ont., $25?0; Mr1 Ileib Bumstead, Meaiord, Ont.,$150; 11I1 Wm, Yates, Sarnia,' Ont., $100; C. H.
Cascades, Oil City, one,, $60; ,David Watson, Cayuga, Ont., $60; Miss Daisy M. Rupert, Kingsville,
Ont., $50; Mrs. A. E Situs, Sarnia, Ont , 530; Miss M. McGillawee, Gadshill, Ont;, $20; Mrs. Fran -
els Geaves,; Dresden, Ont„ 511; Miss D. McDonald Sarnia Ont., 515 Mrs, R. S. Morphy, Walker;,
ville, Ont,, $15; 0, H. Berkeley, St. Catharines, Ont., $15; B. 0. Coutts, St Catharines, Ont. $15.
We have actually giVeir away a total of over Seven Thousand Dollars in prizes.