HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-01-29, Page 3se, •.-es
:1; e
.„ • 'lee.' Se -i,"11 ete' e,,,tei4 1f
St; land?
6eal .111 ,
erage catch,' 'Pen 'tips td(,41.
eath -.03 03-1 &ug 7 1,./4t,gir.-. %creation - of ali
Veroi• Of' it, 'airships
tehloe-zeint?4tte".- 4.1:1514,1;
'" ' ' 4".fierii4tswhilar
le, of ti- aboirt..27-;,years- and seeite„0- ,40,56„./s , ,
einary rites during; partial; eclipse visiblOktgi7E:r4tedr,ltates abled the re.sidents to secure, another Foyilico, Ile figures show the,
gthps.eaed thpreSencOt4kOrxt,o40,000, viiiich the total otttitut"- for 1924 was aboufigtt
, vle litik:o'l.'
"j0, Pffit) l C J 1 elipse ar: unknown' suliStilffe,4154410i4,01:- summempwp, i.and-ing, $26,000,000, yel-,46'he wines aro enter-
° 44,:at 'Biihylon, iuni. This. substance' hail 'ri-eVefe.been confirmed to prosper.' in Prince Ed- ing the year 192o i,vitir prOduction
'it, 763 ,B,C.:----Total 'eclipse re-• found on tile earth. , „'_, ward: Island'. during past year the rats,' o close to, $30,000,000 vat
*0.0r;ph, , I 29, 1919-41lkotograpirs taken,' eizurte. 23,060;000 being realiaed., from Wninlpeg,'141-4.--TY'c'es 'at. the ratil,i
f,10,11.4.3.c..--.4fotal eclipse during "Lotal eclipse:4)y two 'British ' the sale CI! live feXe.s. and :file Of 20,900 a daY; blwo been Planted LI'
11,1 ffile.41,0tWgek,Lyd-"exPeditions shoWed 'bending 'of light '.. desii-ability 'eV -the isbind's foxes for farmers of Western Canada in 1:he
' Aiing the ruys from stars, thus,..veri0ying1tlier foundation stock has b:rought about. a 1.si, 20 ye,ars,- necording 7O a report .
41:41.'letastioe, theory -of Einstein. thaC' light' ,is affeet- I ' ' ' , heavy demand on file PrOvincial stock of 'tthoteFeder181),??-0,.;
°f Lgnrigt
Thikleclipse ed by the sun's gravitational. fie,.(.14 , , and during 1924 shiPments we-mAalof
50 0,3 6)
re ade
le d e sleden.i'pleidm
iated by Sept. 21, 1922-Aerican and' CaMl' ..-,C4i;.;,:,,,' to TJPper Canada, Manitoba, Alberta; the report shows, have be „,,, --,,n distrthut,--
r Thales‘,00iliktitiip, at thatlenie one adian expeditions to ;Australia 'eon-, ----Saskathhewn liv
,,,,„?,-; . ,`'t ' British ColuMbia, Oreion, Washing- ed to falimzers in that '89010r since
"- .;,-tl<pr. se:veitiriise'1*_ien of G..rece. . fir ni,.ed :1919 oberV ations bearing on'
i4;.,.4 . '.' 1'' 1 .
,.., ',x
, s.ae-
ton, „France and England, .
44tine 2ii 100' B.C.-Ecidpse, Of Fm- Finsteim,theory. , , -
::;Kentville, N.S.--.--Nova Scotia potato ReginaSalc
• -l.. '''''" 4,'i 0:, ' .. .,f' ,
11 fitock exhibitors were laraorrOlY MC-,
' CrOjJ for 1924 iO eWrkiated, 'at lipproxi-
cessful at the recent Guelph, Toronto,
.' l' •,,,,,;-
inately 59- per cent. of. last 'year, -the
. Aug, 14, o10 B.C,-Agethocles,
rant, o , yr:lease, 015:1‘,.e „ef a rem+ _ i
.1-Y- Wheat BOord'Se-trobes to be
- ;,1,7.t,,poop..laaenrtee3d, g'bie,i4, i:11-tal5ieLin•l;lactie-nidtYcil,00lfOttawa and Chicago exhibitionsA
r1 uteo Ong roWers - :le ' - , sei,„eete.See ., , ing of 18 championships, 5 silver cups
, eclipse while on ,voynge front Syli;acuse , . _ , e. "'lie',4,47l,"i1er.,.:'ll•tvilP.411ifT.or''''
4 models, .11F first prizes, 2e ase
of 1050,000' barrels. While 'rot was
reported. in some districts, the crop,
.ug 89,,A,12, 1030 -King Olaf of A de patch froin Ottawa,
Norway killed during battle of Stliele- Western Canadian .farmers Will -be.
, prizes, 28 third prizes and 75 other
Yu wouldn t think that this was Goat Island at Niagara' Falls. But "IVA'S fact.' Old Man Winter has truly - generally weaking, wash arvested in Thie eoenclid showing le
slad NO -len Ills soldiers were frightened some hall-milliMa dollars rieh.er this
set 05 wlth a -vengeance here, '
wick waf4 well maintained during the kateLehtelgraindgeexh. Alta. -r -s -LA further Con-
g4:01rondrei:denr:heietotiGnpn,;,oNvi.Bne.-e MofinNereau:1,liprnBroirunduan::y: 'P1thirO'doel.n111Pyh8agrriz*ebeyeeterileo -fact
past year according to a pre
servey eithe industry of the Provin- signmeat of fat beef steers has been
inside by a Weal cattle, dealer to G1ee-
0151.P9te ()11:1PA gow. Thie le one of a number of ex-
'e191i2113e,tibuEltligehhtelY-Profrdoumetio'.6riCeof ththtael,sothEe°1; PGUnritteelahilfiPnincindtosre °it afttfrsotomcktietc; dtilsele
principal non-metallie minerals, in., triet during,the past 4a1I..
cluding Ing, iiateria-1s, I'VfaasWIup toth
S' g:YelPSlnnandbellfint ed
thatGre4't iLritWainelitectrrC
en" sanillaffd";.'s
ures'of 1923. .• beef, providing good, heavy fat cattle
Mont , real Que.-Montreal handled only are Sent ',across.
165,189,396 bushels of grain during Vancouver, '13.531 ---The Indestela1
1924, the large.st amount ever handled Committee of the VanciitiVor Board ef
by the, port in, any erie year, accoid- I Trade -is in consultation with repro,-
ing to the final figures issued by the sentatives °finthreets that propese to
Harbor Commissioners. 118 1923,120r erect and operate a plant for the
1307,990 bushels Were handled, while in haedling ,of copra, ffoya beans and
1922e ----the beet previous ye3sr-155r peanute. Production will be oils 814"
085,817 bushels Reseed through the stock feed, This will be thefirst plant
of the kind on the Canadian Pacific
, Timmins, Ont. -Preliminary figutes .Creast: The raw material., Will be ob-
issued for the month of December tabled from the Orient.ee-
ed., :',d siir As a 1011115 of this spring 12y Inc distribution among t'.12
tle ,the Danes established a, brief ruler Weste'71 Pnvilleu of the -"1111114 pre- .HIGHLY DEVELOPED
cycl' Ncl.waY' • fits of the re/Brat-ions, of ehe "Canada , • , . .
May 30, 1612---i-Total eclipse seen Wheat Board, which Marketed, -the ' . " ---- .
,. thrOugh a "tube" or telescoPe -for the 1919. crop, The. order:in-Council which 131# Hilliina$1 Brain is Growing,
8111 time. „ authorizes the disposition' of this . Smaller, Says Sir Arthur- ,
- •
juiY 8, 1842 -Scientists began phy_ Much -disputed surplus, now reposed - Keith: , - A- despatch frem London says:- true record of men -who, in their own
in the .Treaeury of "Canada, has not . . ,, - .., ,
51001 research on the sun by observing The British are paying special heed spheres, were outetanding- personal -
total cclipse. visible in Europe. ,. been signed, and details , of the am- A despatch from London eays:-Sir these da..Ys to a duty to posterity which ities. There" priebablY ere not a dozen
', July 28, 1851 -First - photographs onht available and Of how mueli will Arthur Keith,. president sof the Ane
modern inventions have placed upon reen living to -day who -se portraits ulte,
taken of a total eciinn•
sit '.Dauerree- go to the reape,ctive provinces have theopological Institute, declares the
mman rain is -growing smaller and thenes . They are 'carefully preserving mately will hang in the gallery, but
types eseee made of an eclipse -visible net been made public,'but it' is under- he for one le glad a it heeanse 1..ess the, Voieee. -and faces of the leading there are 3;000 or 4;900 wile are truly
in soa„di,,,,i, 01111 Re„ssia, , . stood thrit -the Government has decided men' of te..day in their two great active in the, life of the nation and
• Aug. 7.13, 1808 -Total eclipse visible to return the money eto the West,ern inteact gives man a better chance at
, ,
archieve, the 'British Museurn and the *hoe° lives Am- of more than passing
in India. For the first time the rwheat groweee, whosegrain, marketed haPPMese.- Besides, he says, we don't National: F'Ortrait
ed , . , -. Gallery. Phone- iiiterest. It also is .extremelY likelY
^ prominences were examine,d through under. war -tune wheat pool conditions, need St . graph recerds are being kept in tile that some of these inen, eow compar-
the spectroscope and shown to be corn- "The braM of primitive inan'" Keith musetun " and photographs in the poi-, atively unknown,. may live prominent-
,. netted 'fol.': the how extinct- Canada
posed:of , incandescent hydrogen, cal_ Wheat .Board A- profit Over the esti- explained, 'was bigger 'Chap that of trait gallery; , . - ly in the nation's history." .
- clurn and another gas, until then un- mated returns,' , The amount available man to -day; Man's brain through the
ages has - 'been gradually getting , . -
The voice'recerd ie the matrix itself, Mr. Stoneman has taken many, of
known. This gas, eow known as hel- in the TieesurYiseyas estietated last e .„ which is sealed in -a special brass cese, the portraits - himself, but his. chief
$550,000.,', smaller. ' .
Sone was discovered, on the earth session, at.
'The villager who finds ' a coentry and each is not p be opened and used work has been their compilation.. They
" to the ilnitil after fifty yeam' silence. Thus will not be exhibited by the gellery,
snowbound and wishes to walk
iiext village has great difficulty find- 1959 Lloyd: George can be heard but will be accessible to the public on
makinghis famous
ing his way, Mit once he arrives he get. Still
speech on the bud- request. . - '
has made ,the way easier for the nekt Still later. Sir -Ernest Shackle- In telling of his werk Mr. Stoneman
traveller. Each traveller makes the... ton will repeat his recital' of the dash declared that Lloyd George is the Best
path successively mere eagy for the 1» he South Plits;,, Commander Peary sitter in his ken. "Facing the camera
. . his deseriptlon of is no ordeal for him, perhaps -because
next- ' ' • ' 'the discovery df the North Pole, and he is so used to facing the:music," he
-"So primitive- man with no lea--
in 1960 Tolstoy can be heard reading said. "MY worst 'sitter, I think, was
marks to guide hire had to pioneer
. - - . . , a chapter from One of his -novels. 18."- Lord French, for he was eosutterly
bored with' the whole proeeeding that
the portrait &mid not help lacking life
end persoeality," " ' , -
His most -remarkable portrait is ,,one
of George Bernard Shaw. '
"It is two-faced," he said, "and .
student and humorist are dePictect in
ti. rereas•kable fashic,n on the same- -. ..
plate. The sright side of 'the face
shows the laughing philothUher; the
left side the serdonie hermit contem-
plating humanity. ' Pernocritus and
Dlogenes seem united to produce the
-• nature gave him a 18' brain f°1
solving the initial preblerns whereby
terity will hear the voice of King
world. We have grown upon the ac -
should -have dorninien over all the George. -It will be able to attend criti-
°ally to Sir Beerbohm Tree's reading
'of a passage of "Hamlet."
cumulated knowledge of our foie- i
fathers; there are fewer fresh` prob- The'archives of photographs, which
I already ineludes 2,000 numbers, is the
al lents for our brains to tacioles Th WOrk of Walter Stoneman. It was be -
brain has consequently dwindled -1:i
to Re needs. , gun in 1917 with the aesurance that
size according
'When nature schemed to raise man !these times would Toothbowerfally in
above the beasts, she had some idea oftetizarildd'sutyhistory arid that it was a
the dangers of intellect. Nature so,* plete. to keep the illee corn -
1 ec , e would beeonie peofoundl
to )3e all, "The °We'd," Mr. Stoneman ex-'
thee if man's brain were
Miserable- If the animal in as werYe, plains, "is to melte a pictorial and essential Shaw."
entirelY subjugated and reason be-, -
soon cease to ,exiSt•
; of the plats to preserve as many of the
came supreme, the human race would .iold features of the bank as are corn-
"IVIaybe we should.", all commit sui..,; Patibie with modern requirements. It
that .the historic.
aide. The leer of death -and the love 1,`1beu
in which the governor, and
of life ere the two bases of auirnal• direetees n*et
life. ' Reason would- protul
bably shall be reconstructed
So in its entity on t_he_hrst floor. c,
000 50 thgard both as fallacies.s0
nature, that man might he happy, left
him still largely a1i4anireal. , WEST 'AFRICA LADIES
"Broadly speaking, it is only
pleasure in life. When we were given
a Orders -Sent
through the animal hi us that we get
our animal power of intuition. e London for
opacity th reason, um loet much of
"But one still fields forms a intul- Festive Attire of LatestPas-
tion highly developed ine peOple, not -
him f" IL"' Visit'
ably in -women, I mean it in no dere- A. despatch frOm Londou saYs1gatory sense wheel say that women 'When the Prince of 'Wales visite 'West
have been left a larger share of in- Africa he is going -to be greatly taken
tuition' than mos because they have withathe native women's attire -that
a smaller intellectual capaeity." is, if" the "ls'torneneheve Anything to do
' with it. Ever since it became known
A- $600,000 carge of coPPer that "has lain since 1369 with the wreck a the
Britiali frigate "Cape Horn" Off the coast of Mile is reported to have been
salvaged by Captain 13. Leavitt, inventor of the high" pressure diving suit,
shown above,
11111.1r- VESSEL MAKES PORT ' Microscopes Sold in London
UNDER DIFFICULTIES, Included One Made in 1650
Torhanavan Cargo Shifted, A despatch from London says
The oldest microscope in the world
. Causing' :lilt of 45 Degrees win come up. for sale here within a
—Docked at Victoria. week or to. The instrumeat dates
A despatch from Victo'
eia B.C., back to 1650,- and was 'invented by
says: -The Kirkwood Line steamer Robert, Hook. It is one item in the
Torhamven, operated Toronto and unique collection of more. than 3,000
Hamilton tp Vancouyer, with a high of thesb instrumente collected by the
decleoad of lumber bbard, took '. a late Sir Frank Crisp.
. dangerous list to port, while en route He employed men to scOur the con -
here, fie= Vancouver on - Thursday, tinent in search of old microscopes and
and - arrived off Ogden Point with the the group which is -being sold here,'
port rail only a few inches above although' not anything like the whole
welter, her etatboard tail tilted in the a the 3,000, includes many famous
air at an angle of 45 degrees. relies, from the earliest knowrilniero-
Aboard the ship, there wae coaster- kepe down to those of the nineteenth
nation and, ashore, hundreds of per- 'eentury. \The first microscope patent -
sons Nvatched the vessel, Momentarily ed in this eountry was inede by GeOrge
expecting she would tern turtle. Lindsey in 1742.
35 15 understood that she had some One of the Most magnificent micro -
difficulty in keeping propel' ballast scopes to be sold is one made for one
in het tanks the heavy load of lumber of' the popes, ',between i750 and 1770.
causing her to list. She was anchored It was found fifty% years ago in a loft
. off the breakwa-ter in the afternmin in Rome. '
and her crew is working desperatelyl
to put her on en even keel. There is Heir to Throne Conserves
talk of towing her to Esquirnalt, I
where some of the cargo could be lift, Energy for -Argentine Visit
ed. The Torliamvan's lumber cargo
was for discharge at, a Cuban poet. A despatch from* tendon says:-
The Peinee of "Wales is cm -leery -Mg his
Annual Report of 'the Uni- ener*gy these 'days for thestrenuous
live and a half months' trip to South
VerSitY of Toronto. , Africa aid the Argentine; on Which.he
e staets at the end of March. His ap-
e hose who ere interested in know-. pcaeance at dinners and other publie
ht. of the work acme by -She Pr°v1r1- functions, which ordinarilyetalce-up a
Oir.1 thliVer.SitY of Ontario should se- greet part of his time, have been •feet
cure a copy of the latest annual 'report and far betwee.n since his see:yarn in
of the President which has 'just been the United States. • - '
issued. ,e In 'it Sir Robert Falconer
. ' Theee. or four days of hunting each
deals with such .$..1/ecil' features as week is getting him into fine physical
the dedication of the, SoldierS':"Tower, shape to stand the 'strain of' 'sight-
" tho rapid development' of University
seeing, sinning; • speechmaking •" and
Exteneforl, the increased USO Of. the handshaking sthat. he , , will heve te
University ` Libraeye the remileitable undergo ii,ora the time.. he lards in
' . work done by the Connaught Labor- South Africa in April until he leaves
atories and 'the really generous bene- the Argentine, on liis way home toward
facthins:r'eceived frorn. friends, of tlie She etid of 591351505000or ,,,,,inro,r; as
T-I'lirrsi:L.V. -'11.'e.l'e- ae seventeel7 re- it may, be. . This - .wirl be tile fourth
ports rrom Faculties., and. Depart- tipeoos,ilivo English op,,,i.ng , that tile
merits, also. specialreports on re- Prince 1114' 111101(18due tb his journeys
'search, en In-lbilelliiimis, and, cm' the overseas, 0118,- by the time he aseencl
Royal Ontario Illuseuni. -I5 may be the throne, he will be the rOost travel -
that, as' scientific illvosiigatioll 'is .s2
interesting part of the Repol't is -that Sold iiis War Medals to
, More tb-la-17-7, 2'2;p74----Tra'vellers ,.bsr-i.'1.e'edf".ifilikeloia.°.rt'a's' .1.,.''1):::t.,gbB''::112ed'a:.-1.2:act.o°'n3,159.()
Much 111 the public mind because or -
led King Britain has,ever had.- ,
'recent linportant discoveides, the most , -.
2 1
;.tii;---iii ' , which .-Ives a list of more than three Obtain Price of a Meal. 'Visit Palestine 8108 ive IVIontbis t°..79 11)s.,.11:51.5767 16R ibse -1980;
, ,. ,.- e. -, - 00 lbs. and uP, $16.50; lightweight
, hundre'd 'research, Ian:6111ms 011 WhiCI1 . ' ' ..,. ,,,,, ", f: ' rolls, in barraia, 833; heavyweight
,worIc is bedr.g done, , Taken all to- A, despatch snom, port Alghur , . • ,. A -despatch from Sc'rusal.em says :---, rniels, ' , e , is
gether',i She Report is 'an important t,ays:-A D.O.:M. and bar, e loilg: sor- • ', ghat 12445 1414 is beconting 1151152Ing.., talh's'n,i•-•8--;;,,,s,to si,,,,,:;:enracielse,;1-8-%•-lt)o .1.-p-ii,2%-.0--i
contribution to the educational lite,r,„ 'rice ined,a1 and a:modal for :,,,e10ien• in,
' ly ral.irac-i,ive to Coe tourist, notv'ilist: priars,-,2..41, to 22o;- shortening, tierees,
ature Of the year, . the Great, :war .,-;;.-ela, sold ja a %cal ,,, orloolroni-ilao.111'ttarfott;e21 'Illiaociloit.,7i,i,tai;iiiod ihoOt,ehlo' 1,av'ei-i-, 1565 ttoo 1507,,,/,„1..co;, tritihisi,1 J51,/.17 to; 1165lisce;.pa'lls,
yesthei•ant en ,T.11.ursdl,y afternoon for
Cold 13asis for S. Afican 7,5c by -a sblaier 10110 7,i,„:, down ,i,,,T,. ,
- OutTerky to be .RestOred oat, all(' who •IYa:nt,e01: tl,' PriCe of a " .,;^,:•R
' ' "mcMths, during 7.'hi'ell 22 eel r -,- . butcher -leers choice SI tri' 27.59. do 11 Sc. here or -Itu,•cl-ty to decide on
, ' by , an official rePort for tile last five' Choice'licavy stocrs, 277o to 28.2s; carbon are searchilkhts, and Mr. 113'.0
ns,(3I-Ie-left the restatfro,nt ,without - 51(5110
.N .1;01M4, 10 51 0 COUllir , 500d, $6,1) 50 '''7.' d°, inede 11';'•25 10 tile locetion for 56 15, units. In con,
A (1.0s-oatt.,1,1- r.rom 01.,5,-,,,,,,), say8:„-- disclosing ins iderff.aty, and the /1-1f1.21 , . . . Mani; of tlic. touris., ... ni 11011. ' ' , ' ' '-' .,,,., junctio11 with the actual fijulnillailon
1.97 52w9 .1, o•113,o, ecoonr-i,..i o 01 9,05 , .6). (t.,o 8,-01. 50:, .1.4.75 lo :„,i,,Titeliceor , . • .. • ..
fne'rce is in fonim ti Chia South Aft sica citted. The Co. W.V.A.' hopes to locate. Miss `i'ln-Gtto 1.'1113101s, ei2.1150G11 n.i°P.irh old, 01 j '4°11 i] e'i-' ).1 11'4 ac'' ers, liotelkes pers ar:d sot:yule' deal- ;;;!3,50 ; do, to , ;$4 ; brdahler' 16-)iRetclhewFitliltshec°11.1°nitss,e1;e0e4n.:1-sialvitlittbres:Ltlivi);
' Tile DePaolfnent (/' Trade and Coin- svho bought tl .1yr(1-1.7q - - ' -r- ' 1. ' - ' ' '''' . , - - ' ' tivm two month,' in Palest -I e' •,-'
will-. rc..,.i.uril to ll,a - gold Standa,:d on the .onfortuniito soldier and find' him. clailllea Cho YouilgoSi lt.ler ia. tile deminiell, Sbe Is 114690 bc--," '''.,kill`g il'r 011 reaping- colisiders.9:0 profit fflym rows (,31.0,:e, sj.,25 to $4,75; (10; fair niulti-colored drills 11113 be dodo
., _
Jute 1,' , , elnployn-tent, . , tit'St .lesg011 '1,11 Motint Royal. - , ' t,liem.' ' , , - ito good, 23.50 to $4; eimilers and- Ctlt- with tile. unito.
. ' .. , ..
' dfTlii
' Stri'et" Acquires New Home that the Prince would go to the Gold
Coast, chiefs' daughters, meeehants'
'01 Lady o readneedle
, daughters and other wealthy young
Bettye women have been arriving in
A despatch from London says:- London and sending orders foe street
Work oe demolishing the buildings of frocks, afternoon frocks and evening
the Bank of England, which have ex-
isted for 230 years as the "old lady of
Threedneedle Street," to make way
for the construction, expeethci to take
from Ave to ten years, of modern 004
commodatiolle /or the bank, has be-
gun, and et is expected a start on the the prince's reeePti°11. It has been cracks -sparks escape, and a fire is
new foundations will be made this noticed that orders from the toast In-
, . underway and posSibly beyond control
month. , variably include white silk stockings,1 were et is discovered, '
The new building's will extend three 'and -the natives. evidently are anxinus. It is not generally known. that. neg_
stories below' the '8treet and nine that they should be nulled With
ligence that may' resell:, in fire is a Straw-Carlots, per ten, $9. oar MIs, e.14 to $15.
above, rising 1,6 0 height of 100 feet, everything just right, for the most .
the two top storeys being SOt back precise instructions, apparently oh: erl!neinel effeeee' Section" 515 of the Sereenings-Standar,d, recleaned,' f. Buttee No. 1 pasteariaetl, 8a to
Natural Resources'Bulletin.
The Natural Resources Intelligence
Service of the Department ef the In-
terior at Ottawa says:- .
Canada's fire, loss for ihe past year
has agait run into an enormous sum,
583,819,609, as near as can be at
present estimated. There have been
187 lives also lost through fires in
buildings, many of which were consid-
ered sae homes.
It is an unfortunate fact,however,
that ;there are comparatively few safe
homes Canada. We' build largely
of wood, and we- have of neceseity to
employ much .heatirig equipment in
Winter. ' It is this combination that
is responsible for many serious fires.
Chimneys become coated with soot,
and take flee, sparks escaping when
new fuel is being added to fires, over-
heating of stoves and furneces, stove-
pipes passing leo elose to wood par-
titions are a fes' of the more, common
eauses that are the thselt of negli-
gence. „
The 0Y1188151(4115101contraction of
dresses of the, latest fashion. , building timbers is a, material cause
in some cases wonderful end elab- oe ,fires, Changing temperatures and
been sent .here, with nrgent wqueste
oratd gowns of antiquated style have humidity. -coilditioas cause cisachs , to
develop -in the brickwork Of chimneys,
'that they be brought tip tO date and -especially when . the ,latter pass
tent back to West Africa ill time for tiv li sohused attics.. Through those
How would you like a morning bathelike this, if you had to ehop through
the ice in zero weather to find water for it, as Maas boys are doing? Bier!
Is right. But thee are Boy -Scouts.,
The Week s Markets
, TORONTO. • .
Man. wheat -No. 1 North., 52.09;
No. 2 North., 152,00; No. 3 North.,
e1.98; No. 4 wheat, 51.89.
Man. oats -No. 2 CW, 75e; No. 3
OW, 72%c; extra No. 1 feed, 73e; No,
1 feed, 710; No. 2 feed, 68c. ,
All the above c.i.f. bay ports,
corn, track, Toronto -No. 2
yellow, $1.46.
Millfeed-Del. Montreal freights,
bags included: Bran, per to, 5861
shorts, per ton, 538; middlirigs, e43e
Good feed flour, per bag, $2.75. '
Ont, oats -No, 2 white, 66 td 58e.
Ontario wheat -No, 2 winter, e1.63
te $1.67;1'o. 3 winter, 5L61 to'51.65;
No. 1 commercial, 51.60 to 51,63,
shipping points, according to freights.
Barley -Melting, 90 to -94c.
Buckwheat -No. 2, 86 -to 90e.
Rye-No.1 2, 51.33` t�'$1.85.
Man. flour, first pat., $10.70, To-
ronto; do, second pat., $10.20, Toronto.
Ont. flour -90 per cent. pat., nom-
„irml, in bags, 1VIontreal or Toronto; do,
export, riominal;-cotton bags, c.i.f.
Hay -No, 2 timothy, per ton, track,
Toronto, e14.50; No; :3, 512.50.
Lees, 51.50 to- 52.50; butcher bulls,
good, $4.60 to 55; do, fair, .53.75 te
544 bologna $2.60 to 53,25'; feeding
steers, good, $5 to 55.50; do, fair, 54
50 59 stockeve, good, 54 to $4,75„ do,
fair, $3.50 to $4; calves, choice, 511
to $13; do,m05., 5650 59; do, grassers,
53 to $4; mileh cows, choice, $60 to
$65; fair cows, 540 to $50; springers,
choke, 570 to $90; good light sheep,
7 to 58; heavies and bucks, 54.50 'to
6.25; eulls,•53 to 54; good ewe lambs,
15 tie 516; .buelcs, 513 to $14; do,
Med., 510 to 512; do, cells, 58 to 59;
hogs, thick smootha, fed and watered,
$11 to $11.10; do, f.o.b., 510.40 to
510.50; do, country points, 510.15 to
$10.20; do, off ears, 511.40 to 511.50;
'soled prendom, 52,1 5 to 82,17,
Oats, Can. west, No. 2, 81c; do, No.
8, 77c; do, extra No. 3.feed, 15e, Flotm,
Man, spring wheat'pats., lsts, $10;70;
do, 2nds, $10.20; do, strong halters,
810; do, winter pats., choice, 88.f5 to
28.2. Rolled eats,,,,, bag 90 lbs. 54.10.
Bran, 536.25. shorts, 738.25., Mid -
&in s, 514.25. Hay, No. 2, per ton,
from the street. Very little of the tained from fashion papers, invariably crunilitd Codo says: 0.b. bay ports, per tori, $28. * , 133lee; do, No., 1 creamery, 32 to
"(A.) 111very one is guilty a ' - Cheese -New, large, 22c; twins, 321ese; do; seconds, 31 th 81Y2c. Eggs,
Sorel° letters received at London
accompany all orders.
dictable offence and gliabYle to two
years, imprisonment -who - heyf inieglint.. 212et:e; triplets, 23c; Stiltons, 24c. Old, storage extras, 67c; do, storage firsts,
large, 24 m 25e; twins, 25 to 26c; trip- 53c; do, storege seconds, 46e; do, fresh
26 to 27c. ' extras, 70c• do, fi.slo first,' 00c.
stores arb from missionaries' wives,
who have consented ,.to aot,,es go_ geece causes any fire which occasion's I Butter -Finest creamery prints, 30 Veal calIV•es, $8 to 510; hogS, mixed
bdeatt;ebetteisrsbluitavhei o\:vtlbietrteenasiens tthheefrh ioewf sn'.. ellisiiist,T10,1011e:ilillplfgoerteshfo'en1 po soxsw:nnfl lisp::: oipon,ec, erwuthypi.yeihn.ifucorl,to 40e; No. 1 creamery, --:37 to 38c; No. lots of good quality and -weight,
which' such fire 58. to 60c • loose, 56 M 57c;
, ' Eggs -Fresh extras, iil eartons, 57
Care has beentakenin the drawing requieentents. . ., .
' , - . originntes, Shall be deemed to haVe tsatoara8gee”; :Estes'', 66537tosta°4rca7;the:at:e"see' 1:1 -
structure, however? Will be seen from
the street, since it will be built be-
hind the old bank Wall, sv, hich will be
retained intact. The buildings will be
of steel frame construction, ewith a
• ,
e,_. , •
85 te
caused the fire through 'negligence -if ends, 47 to 48cl
4 34L 45 such Person has 'failed to obey the Live peultry-Hens, over 5lbs., 24e;
etas"1- ".
,prereqvuefin,stnifi,,itts80,!wn.brileyhila,ewvii12.1.ieesnadpepdati,..)_ do, 4 to lbs.; 18e: do,'"3 to 4 ilase 18e1
s,Prires ----.0-------------------- 2 s. aoe23c;
aolt.ut-soffoarei.ihteateexitiiinegieisicsahpmeetoitf poferf:ornes roosters 12e; duckings5 l. and Up,
itt,hilleatth.we'•event of fire, if the -jurY finds 28e• dos,ed4 P to 5t Yl . I c2 sc ; ''dvoe,r 85 t108.
, •
he flo'r'e,ano; tshuebsltoasisitiOafi plialer,tioori; lbs., 16c; spring' chi'ckeps, 2 lbs. and
, of the loss of property, would not have
occurred if such law had „been corn.
ei1.1.215; do. other kinds, $11; do, light11(405 ,
Canadian4General Electric Co.
Awarded Contract—Colored
Light to be Used.
A de.spatch ,from Niagara Falls,
over, 30c; roosters, 18c; ducklmgs, 5
Fire waste is tnore than a tax, ba._ lbs: and -u: 25c; turkeys. 350.
Beans -Can. hand-pi:eked, lb., 64e;
. . awarded'to the Oa,,,nadian General El-
- ' lumination of the' Falls has been
Ont., says'. --The contrac.t for the il-
teiatiunsoes etOerYeircicUillaatie' ,Pwaihdilion at a fiX er;, con-
Pgg:aMiSlin:i1:10$111'2:ael(Pl°11imrePuclaei:s9---r58:-IbaSa.1,1:2sciPI't:'°-:'$2d2e6..,re34ai5n1PePtr's esel .:tlei,‘at:liy.11:1.ei 1011C°A11c;:tf::PialTa13111' :1A'I''.1e'le';:ddnoidnilr eeytel'tij;:::11ras''0701106'If' Sit'tle111:01:1Sht'lwi'elP-1--
• \i,,s,analtphe.rcmaanneenntndaedsat,“'utrcotil,odutloifis ewrrsitced? 26c; cooked hums, 81 1,0 38c; sraoked cities of Niagara Falls and Queen
, . , .1'6,31o12;'111.1:8oaili...fagc,);cooita2g,- tio°1,1sie; 21 to Victoria Palll has hsell appointed, and
M, ayor R. P. stephaiig, till's' ,eitYI G.
is. as follows;,,NaYor J.,aughlini G1
`M,aliager Rebins, 3, A. Ahrtson, .
Morden, ,all (-) Niegara ,Falls, N.Y,L;
Philip, J, H. jackson and J. II. Boud
-of the Queen Victoria Park Comnus-
sioeirl'e, taryMa.yor I,aughlin was appointed
chof airman the boaand,
rd j. R. Bond
The lights to be installed ole -24
of 36-inelt diameter, r
, low inte'?'Y