HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-01-22, Page 7Peekres
The same ac to
0 30 'seat's- ; `ry'itl
BY DR. 1 .9. iVii.D.DLETON
Provincial Baited of Health. Ontario.
, Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Puhlic IrealtlLmat-
tore through this column. Address lien at Spadini House,• Stedina
Crescent, Toronto.
t69e mE9sci
A recent visitor to this-eountry re-
marlccd on the number of stout peepl
he saw here. Thisfood forthought
as it raises, the question of whethe
we as a people are guilty of over
eating. 1 :say "guilty" intentionally
for over -eating in the sense that
endangers health• and leads to: ineffi
ciency, is really a crime.. As far as
tactual disease is concerned,, there are
as;ktatn diseases that have lone been
ktio en to be associated with stoutness
Overweight. The actual danger
comes from the :deposition ;of fat
around and in. the vital organs of the
Body, which . may cause 'interference
With the action of the heart, kidneys
and blood vessels. Diseases of these
organs are a common association of
- overweight, and it may be that over-
weiget does prove an important factor
In their cause. or instance,; diabetes
is a disease which is constantly asso-
eiated with overweight.
What is the cause of overweight?
It appears to be mainly due, to the
taking of more:food than the body
needs, and the consequent storingup
of the surplus in the form of fat.
Overweight may occur at any;age,'but
it is most likely toappear after the
age of thirty. As people grow older,
they tend to take less and.less exer-�
else,•-vrhile at the same time the ain-;
ount.of food eaten does not decrease
and sometimes actually increases', Thie
is especially true with regard to work-
ers in the cities whose •habits of life
are as et rule more sedentary than
-those of the country.' Less and less
of the food they take is consumed by
actual work and more ie stored in the
form of fat-, Overweight may occur
in -two or three ways, first, there may-
aybe a heeeditary tendency to this -con-
dition as • is often eeeii where father
and`son are both stout; second, it may
occur as the result of: some disease,
oftentimes unrecognized, such as
affections ofcertain glands; third,
through leadinga sedentary life in
which overeating and underexereising
are two of its characteristics. The fact
that a person has lsereditary tendon -
cies to stoutness is ne reason. why the.
Mndition ;should bo ailleWed to con-
tinue. It can be overcome by a system
of dieting and exercise. The fact is •
that many stout people could reduce d
If they only practiced self-control, bept
they, do not put forth any' efeoet to do
so.• `Tar fact they'"eat' too much food n
altogether, and in addition, take foods
rich in fat, that only aggravate the
condition. If 'overweight is due to
disease, the trouble could easily be r
detected through physical;examinatiou
'by a physician- In this case the p
e tient would most likely be put on
strict diet, eliminating as -far as po
✓ Bible the foodstuffs rich in fat-formetip
- material.
, A fortunate feature of this hnpor
xt ant problem of reducing overweight
- that the "condition can be contxolIe
Even when "stoutness" is present•'
some considerable time, as fora pe
iod of years, . it can be reduced,wit-
safety. The solution of the proble
is simple and consists merely in i
versing the order of life : that ha
brought , about the untiecessar"y i
crease in weight. Some stout peep
who neglect to, reduce their weight d
!go from a mistaken idea. ; They thin
teat controlling their diet means re
Cueing the amount taken to einem
the point of starvation, or at •leas
keeping them perpetually bungs
'They argue that life is short and th
it is not worth while denying onese
the simple •'daily pleasures, Arne o
which is included under the headin
of . "a good apppetite."' The 'generai
plan for weight+reduction is to ar
¢range the menu in alt. attractive -we.
which will at once provide; sufficien
'food to, satisfy hunger and at the
same time , contain a reduced ' numbe
oi` calories or heat unite, Diets can b
arranged -for each individuel'by hi'
physician, but in the main, .the pia
is to restrict starches and sugars and
fatty 'meats, and make the chief
source of diet fruits and leafy vege-
tables, large in bulk, which satisfy
t -
n.- n
hunger but at the same time contain
ar diminished supply of -fat -forming
material. Any physician will arrange
a diet, giving the,food calories re-
quired'and the kind of foodstuffs that
should be taken and should' be left out
of the daily menu. Daily exercise
should also be indulged in, but trema
ture of the exex'cise should be arrang-
ed after a physical' examination is
made, to see if the heart.and other
organs ere in good condition.
-To sum up, therefore, reduce 'the
amount, taken of the fat -forming
foods, such es butter, cream, fatty por-
tions of cream,.Baled Cilil and nuts;
also the amount' of starchy foods such
as bread and pastry, as well as candy
and sugars. Only eat three times a
ay and never between meals. If candy
Must be taken, eat it et the end of
a meal al dessert. The foods that are
ot'rich in fat:•consist in general .of
he bulkyvegetables, fruits, lean meat
nd fish without fat..
Do not depend on drugs for weight
eduction. Most " of the drugs used
re harmful and poisonous.
Winter Camps and Hikes.
A good $pout, friend of ours, William
C. Weeeel byname, le an ardent camp-
er=apriag,'summer, fall and winter.
He says that camping is a seasonable
activity during spring, summerand
feel, bet that it is "seasoned" foe win -
Lim lie tries to explain that winter
•camping Is seasoned with ne* thr111a
and dew sports which are imposedble
at other times of the year., ea
let him tell his own story of winter
camps: and hikes. All right, Bill, you
have the floor! '
"Thanks,, Mr, Editor. I like your
crowd and would like to.take them
all on a winter campingtrip with me.
As I can't do that I'll try to tell your
fellows:.eom0 of .the big points I have
learned thyself.
"eVerm clothing is of prime import -
'nese. When the physical comforts are
provided for, everybody Is happy. Cold
feet are uncomfortable and unneces-
sary, A pair or two of woollen hose
are a good insurance. Old-timers will
tell you that extras of most everything
are satisfactory for winter camping.
in making up the check list, write ex=
tra before stockings, 'Underwear,. mit-
tens, shirt, and sweater or coat. Be-
tween two layers of clothing there is
a film of alt which operates on the
thermos bottle idea.
"Sooutntaster_s should talk over the
matter of dress with their, boys in ad-
vanoe.and follow this up with personal
inspection 'before eterting on a trip;
"A great deal of .interest en rimer
camping can ;ho -developed while on
pay hikes. On those occasions the
110ys rviltheve an opportunity to` visit
desirable places where Woo and skee-
i6 eveileble, efore taking • elle
entire ,tt•oot overnight Sc utmastea'd
ere edvls , to canip' out with their
Petrel I,,eaders h, -order that they may
�e familiar with some of the problems.
tf winter camping.
Weather conditions rvill°affect the
irograml,e, which ,mast he flexible, at
)est---g,o espeeiin.g a ratan! Allow
eel; a little more, time to get c1roased,
it is cold enough for 'mow and ice
winter sports are unparalleled.
- "Have an objective besides that of
getting the experience and some fun.
Possibly the putting through of •some
of the tests such as Second Class Fire
Building, Cooking, . First Class --Ad
'mimed F1rst Aid. for Frost Bite and III
Freezing, Use of Axe, Judging, ate.
Getting good' winter vieW.s for the
troop album can be an objective, and
the. study of winter wite life as re:
'pealed by tracks and other signs.
"A. regular battle royal can be staged
with little organlzation and encourage -
mint, Snoesboeing, skiing, and slat '1
ing Allow for individual action as well
as competition. Toboganning and sleds
ding are great sports for. patrols. 1
Overnight. th
Trafalgar Square As itappeared during the great fog whichhung like a
pall of gloom over London for several days recenty.
Where To. -.
'Wetso far off you'll get tuckered
out, but far enough to be interesting
Omit dangerous spots, such as `high
cliffs and timber -strewn forest spaces.
Safety first on the winter hike,"
Perfect Digestion WMA Come
the. Blood is. Made Rich:
and Red.
There Is no tomo for the stem
that is not- a tonic for -every oth
part of the body. But the atom
depends, as does every other_ org
on the blood for its energy,'
There San be -no perfect digest
unless you have rich, red blood. T
is' scient really true. The way, th
to tone up the stomach Is to ear
the blood.
Most stomach 'remedies try to'
gest your food for you. How' mu
better it Is to tone" up the stomach
that it will do its own work, no net
intended. There Is no pleasure'
eating predigested food, Tone
your stomach, then your. appetite a
digestion' will soca be normal.
11 your digestion is weak and yo
blood thin, you need Dr. William
Pinks -Pills to restore the strength
your blood; in addition use Care
the selection of your diet and y0
etomaeli trouble will soon pees awa
Mre. Charles La Rose, Irreitland, On
suffered severely, and tells 'what 1)
Williams' Pink Pills did for her. Sh
says' --"I was a terrible sufferer fro
stomach trouble. The doctor called
nervous' indigestion. Everything I a
distressed ane, and r became so we
and rundown I could' hardly walk.
had a pain around" my heart most
the time, and I slept very poorly.'
was afraid r Would not get well,
the doctor's medicine was not helpin
me. In this serious condition Bit 'Wi
Wine -Pink Pills were reeommende
and 5 decided" to try them, and 1 can
truthfully say that they made' me fee
eke a new person. 1 will always giv
is medicine a word of praise whe
get a chance for 5 think there i
othing to be compared with It fe
yspeptics, or any one weals, nervous
The Guide
The wild geese need no compass and
no chart "
To find the distant North.
Bravely the Rock wings forth
Through infinite sky and over track-
less sea
,To the cool haven where they all
would be,
Led by infallible magic in the heart.:
The violet bas' no calendar to teIle
The ritual of the year.
But when her lefty is here
If I • know she will fulfill the ancient
• tryst,
Donning the sacred veil of amethyst,
By the gray boulder in the ferny dell,
Bp •
They never -fail, the patterns far and
ash wide.'
ate The„veery's measureless, tune;
The accurate tide and moon,
ion The bee's geometry, the: beaver's art.
his Who would maintain his little life
h And fear to lean upon the invisible
di- —Abbie Farwell Brown in Youth's
oh Companion,
use Clean Puio From Paper Currency._
et 'Ishelevest!gativc were, of the For -
up; est P eedeets,Lrlboratortee. °tees) For -
nil ostry Araneb pg the Department of the
Interior Is Becoming more extensive
lir each year. "Recent results areived at
e, `show that absolutely. clean pulp can
to • be recovered `from the • condemned
ei paper currency:withdrawn lroei cireu,
our,;latlon by the Dopertnoont of Finalise.
CExperiments at the laboratories have
,, ; also demonstrated: that fixe -killed and
✓ superficially charred spruce and bal-
e ram fir can be used successfully for
pulp manufacture, Important work
e. 1s also being accomplished in the treat•
to anent of hoods to render them fire -re-
alt tardant.
d I Winter is a dangerous, season for
the ,little ones, :-The days are -s0
1 changeable—one bright, the next cold.
a and stormy, that • the' mother" is
"For the overnight camp, the pup
tent. and forester tent are splendid if
pitched about 'a central fire. A wind-
break of linnet and canvas will'be•a
snail' probation, when constructed in
thcf'form of a leanto.
"You may find a shack of sonic kind
in which to sleep. In winter. It is,
warmest to sleep .on the ground, A
cot allows too much ventilation from
below, and unless you have good pad-
ding Mitt place as many blankets- be-
low as above, the ehahree are that
you will find yourself cooling off: in ali
four directions. Not so on the grotind.
That is if you prepare the• right' kind
of a bed. Usually leaves can be found
in .a gully er depression where they
have blown together. After selecting
the sheltered place to sleep, such as
alongelde a fallen tree.or a big rock,
loolc for two logs and place them paral-
lel the wldth you wish your bed to, be.
Put the leaves between, these logs -and"
cover them with your ground cloth. -
The logs will keep your bed from
creeping and will keep off winds. Tie
up the lower, end of the blankets with
a string or large safety pins and tuck
that end into your pack for -Lidded 'pro-
tection. If youwear dry wool Bodes
to ;bed you will feel considerably
or rundown.".
Ypu can get these Pills from any
medicine dealer or by well at 50, (lent
a box from ;'The lir. ` Williarne' Mott
cine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
The, Wotld,'s Most Famous
Burial Grourd.
The interior of the Gave of Nfachpe-
lah, in southern. Palestine, wherein
are the tonibS.of Abraham and Sarah,
1:saac and Rebecca, Jacob and Leah,
`vas photographed for the 'first time
not -long- ago; This • hltrial ground of
the old. Bible' patriarchs, says the Lon -
den Graphic; is the most fafnous, in
e' world. Its authenticity lies never
been questioned. The Sews kept it as
a hely place;tltroughout the, ages,. Tho
Christians venerated it also:,and
when the elohammedsne` - conquered:
Pe,lestlne 'thee In tare,preserved-the:
spot• as sacred .- -
In- the- eleventh, century • the "Cru -
seders built :a egstleliko church over:
the cave, and :t1 e. Turks turned it -into
a mosque, whieh.is stili standing. The,
Moslems regard the- cave as.. a holy
place. Before tee .war the Christians
who were permitted ,to „enter;it-501114
)0 counted . on the `fingers of your
haniia. One -of the last' to enter was
e late king,. Ed ward• when he -visited
he Holy Land,ai� Prince of 4VaIoe.
The ,six placee of•seeeleere 'are
marlred by'- nonumental .tombs in
eparate chapels, ' hetesnee' is' gained
o those
of="' Atirahari3 tine `parch
through silver' gates. 'Ab andin'6 ;tomb
onsiets of a-ohillttllke eiructtere .built
up of 'plastered stone o'r ntarlite, and
Covered w11h°t01es greeir ellrpets 0ini.,
p}�roidered ts'li gold They uro eald to
nave. boon Presented -•1, liulignaned
II„ Selirn 1, end- the late dbnitl-1leild.
The shrine of. Sarah "thy' photeglla het
of the 11'.:13 was:not'atiewed a e
ter f)0Cause it, wa6 a.tivoman'a r:»y�J,�rr &
'ibis to aStunt 5 suliaide for :
parrot entertainment of tricks, It
requires a little 1repsnc - oaiidirt
rsho_lk1 be wc11 practiced'before it--.
Is 'presented:,
'Two, shits are.; shown, r:The..'
tvickster-,makes ;a chalk mark ' on.
both aides of each• shite• and -then -.
wipes, the shahs mark out 'using a..'.
vet sponse, This is to show •thy
-lads of chemical preparation, >:71e,
,places end shite on top of the other
and asks a'spectator to hold them
until the conclusion of the tricks,-
Ile then deel„ree that 'a spirit has
a niessa;go tut <tlib company-; and
will write the ins"ssage on one of
the elates. After a rensonable,time
has elapsed,.the•trlckster takes the
slntes'.and separates'them. On ;the
lower eide ;of the upper •elate the
message, which may be frivolous or
serious' according to the -trickster's,
desires, is: seen.
. The secret: is a simple one,.- AV
piece of black cardboard, just the.•.
colorof;the.:slate surface -and cut: to
fit oxaetiy in' the frame of a elate
is, used. The message is written
on the elate and the cardboards
called the '"flap." 18 plaecd"over it.
when the trickster displays. the
elates, be ]seeps the flap in place
With his fingers.After marking on
the Slates and wiping tile marks off,
he places the prepared slate, flap
side uppermost. on the table.'. On
this the other elate is placed, When
Ile picks the sictes''.up, 'he' turns
them, over. The flap 'falls , on the
elate whicb''1s new undermost, leav-
ing the writing ready for the -con-
clusion of the trick. -
(Clip this out and paste it, with
other of the aeries, in a scrapbook.)
Radio Reception Conditions.
While it is not yet possible to ac-
curately tdrecast radio reception con-
ditions, considerable progress has
been made toward establishing there-
lationship between weather Conditions
and radio.reception,-according to en-
gineers of The Maroons Wirelesa
Telegraph Company of Canada,
Limited, •
Generally , speaking -it has been
found that. when the weather le un-
seasonable or when there is a sudden
or decided change in the'teeather roeep•
tion conditions will be bad, according
to these authorities;
Cele. weather in summer, warm" days
lit winter or. a, Change krom Sold and
crest) to moist and snowy weather will
invariably bring about poor reception
conditions. -Fading, both of the slow
and rapid variety, has been found to
be *Unseat as -bad for radio reception as
static, • : Trading is almost inevitable
when the weather changes, it, is.
Every effort Is being made by radio
engineers in all parts •of the world to'
determine the relationship between,
radio reception and the weather se
definitely, that torcaste as to radio re -
caption will be as accurate as ,those
now issued be, the meteorlogical bur-
eau about the weather. Where this
has been accomplished it will mark a
blg forward stride in radio receiving.
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. "If lost or etolen you get your
money beck.
The family budget 'should include
an appropriation for training inchai-,
aster building.
Minard's for Sprains and -Bridges.'.
Passengers by air who left Croydon,
England, in one week of 1924 'num-
tiered 1,000; for the same; week in 1919
is number of passengers was 20.
With Leather solea
afraid to take the children out•for. the t•1
s fresh air and exercise they 'need so -t
r much. In consequence' they are. Often
cooped. up in overheated; badly vents
lated rooms and are soon seized with
colds or grippe. ' What is needed to
s keep the. little ones well is Beby'c
i` Own Tablets. They will regulate the
"It is customary to throw a :fete
sticks. of wood on the fire while in the th
process- of -turning in, .,.for. .added t
warmth and light. Most important is
fire ' ready to, start in the -moraine
wlten.shoete are Stiff and fingers get a
cold, Thid tinder and •wbod"should ,;be -t
protected against 'sleetn
a d snow-c�
apiece with
11 of
canvas a or
Sucre . '
p Don't
forget inatohes and flashlights.
"Grath forms an important 'item to
consider. Have the boys eat heartily
before. leaving Home. Bacon, oggs
(just peel antbplace in pan, if frozen),
bat, beans, cheese and cocoa; aro
cod, standbys. Anything hot like
omato soup is always welcome. '(os,
hero are tether items You. will theme
f and want to consider. An axe and
saw are tite winter oiimpors' best
riep4lnw don't 'forget there
Prepare Ineal,sy change Clothes. Ste,, m
luta yon would in summer. It doesn't g
.1ways soot le ready. to Change the t
.ct_vrties to trail building,: sawing and t
hopping( contests' (providing You o
ave the owner's: Doris 155 oti of FI,
curse) rrd winter tree r?tudy } ,e,iAf
stomach and bowels' and drive out
colds, and by' their; use tha babeewill:pew
be able Co get over•rthe awinter season Pair.
in perfect' safety, ' The Tablets are
sold by medicine .dealers; .or by mail
• at 25. cents a box' from Tie Er "Wf1
teams' Medicine Co., Broclivilie Ont. � � ntl�� � � � ,� OC:LqVERED;'
In the I3oleh@dist Navy them are To You•
two dreadnougghts complete and ca O Pnlro fa08TPA00;
able of steaming and six: effective sub- 4 Pairs .. . $2.0[1
marines. rp2.5D�.
_ 5 Palre
For First Aid—Minsters Liniment Men's, Women's `and, Boys' -
Sizes, 1 to 8 only.;
,Deposit your saviits -tegularir with the ovince
o'f Ontario SaVing's Office.
All Monies clepa,siteci by 3r011 are -guaranteed b
the Gottcrilinent tif file Province of Ontai.lo anti
can be wit hclruivn at any
Department at each Branch.
anchcs: Toronfo--Corper Bay and Adelaide Streeter' 'corn
'University and IDundas Streets; '549 Danforth Avenue.
'Walkerton, Woodstock..
Butterfly e Delicacy. „
The Bugong moth or butterfly
delicacy Which epicures among oer,
'tale aboriginal peoples • of Australia
will travel* long distances to 'obtain.
The butterille's gather every year, on
the slopes of the Bugong mountains, in
New South. Wales, where they are ,
caught by being suffobated by the
smoke of wood fires lightecbtunder the
Classified Adverfisernents
wanted Reynoldee 77 Victoria
Street, T,oronb.
trees. Toronto:
For Every ill--Mrnard's Liniment.
McOreery, Chatham, Ont.
Tee Nobel Prizes, 'avrarded for the, '
Most Mitable achievements in physical
chemistry,- medicine, eiteratuee, and
peace each yeareare worth about $40,-
000 each.
Men and Women—the Jiffy Knife
Sharpener, new, efficient, 10 year
every house a prospect. Write
65 Victoria .85. - Toronto
We are Interested in obtaining
partidulani to 'Wilson Publishing
Conipatiy, 73 West Adelaide Street._
Toronto, Ontario.
Also Behind Ears and On
'Limbs. Cuticuralleals.
which brake out in a rash. I had
it on my face, behind my earn and
on my limbs. My skin was sore
and recl and my clothing aggravated
it. It itched and burned causing
Me to seratch,• and sometimes 1
could not Bleep at night. My face
Was disfiguyed. -„
I finally read an advertisement
for Cutietua Soap and Ointment
and sent for a free sample. I got
relief so purchased mom, and after
using one box of Cuticura Oint-
ment, with the Cuticura Soap, I
Minneapolis, Minn.
are the concenteraUter.r6 . ,,tamd. Scce2Sc. 04104alaWaS4600.TalcUR1368.
Eilyor and nutriment to
60beeufp.,,,,pes...uthc:: gtonlavayd, ABLETO DO
2014-- TVS our now Shaving Sack.
strength of prime., koala
stews, hash, meatpies.
le Ideal Winter Playground
Sailings Twice.Weekly
*Leasing N.Y. Wed. and Sat.
Via Palatial, Twin -Screw.
011.Burniart Steamers
Landing Passengersat Hamilton Paelr
Poinlustrated Bookle to Write'
34 WhiteltallStreet Nms York City
ordtny Z.osal Tourist Agent
Dangerous it unattended.
no chanceSee
It restores circulation, heals; the
injured tissuee.
`AIWCYs.keep It on the shelf.
At Northallerton, on the London'
and North-Eastern' Railway, signal
hips have on three occasions •eeet tl
S andalr � Fo ' r
1294 8t. 'Clair Avenue West; Toronto'
which managed` -to• get 'irate the lamp `� _
eaaes, noose e40abll,b,C 00 'pats.
•Please' write for our price ties 072
®®C/k -t- q-•�/ i PbultrY, Butter, and Eggs
'u EAU I,I9' I l� WITH 1ke eoAeo c'ri..c Wom for a week kheitt;.
06.30 eonscoture.. Market
kelapuona FrBto-7467,
:.. ri0NTn0At., 008050.
Recently a swarm oC bees took "pos-
session of the most -office ,pillar -box at Material
the Cheshire Vhlaf;eof Siddington,
Minard's Llnlmont sol trio Crip,pe,'r
Perfect home dye
Ing = and tinting is
guaranteed with, Dia -
d T.�y s J s
9 u t dip.
in co'd water' t0 tial
soft; rle,icato shade=,
ar •bon -to dye ricks,
3rnlaneilt c o l o r s.
Each 15 -cont package
oentains •directions:
sc shdple tiny wo
Iran-:0ten dye or tint
a hngoric, silks, .rib-
▪ 4 , sltirtca, waists,: dt:osse co
krn„a Baca els; ,i1raperies, 13501
ngti 1 an„tnt evervthing,now, " 0
bis.. F'Itn.-:..�. �1 •h.,.. ti,l -_ ,..-.
have Vaught.titelr t¢ftdsin• N aura
Canada frena trio dateakib' Pacific. '' A;
re i
arl able F
m ao T
hen T ,
t. 1 1 oro
% e
Tte l •
1 a e-ar
t ea fou `
g r hol�
lege affording choice, of locution and o
land to suit every farming need.lral
price, fair contract; and fair dealing
combined with abundant fertility.of'
Boit, good stellate mei '"tiel condi-'
tions make farm life there liesliahlo;
end attractive. 'Thousands more wilt"
select their faun from our virgin lands,
from •our' unproved• farms, arid' wi`th
onto capital' and:'determination to
i`ork, can malts. a home and pay for
t, !:'rite for cur booklet, "The Prairie'
your ;diiiggist -whether the ;
silk, Or whether it is linen, cotton or
Ffrovinocs of Cahada'' snit: le flet;•
Sick a Year. Got Great Ben.;
Vegetable Compound
E. Pinkharn'a Vegetable Compound for
pains and backache, also for nervous..
Bess, nick headaches and eleeplessness.
1 was troubled in this way for over *
„year, and a friend told me about the
-Vegetable Compotmd and induced me too
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