HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-01-22, Page 5THU >SDAY,, JANUARY22 ederal.Isarliamen ay; Fel), .5th/ and t 'Legislature opens Tuesday, + eb llor Wes Assi rong sold (10, ghbred Airdale puppy toTrn- 1" loze'I, Clinton, and 'shiliped loran nrday.to his new.owaler. Brussels Jaye-: you got your .bit oC $niol{ed ass all ready: for ,use Saturday norning? You'll" need it to, get a csod 'and comfor tante ., v ew . of -tire. Premier Ferguson elirnges, the du ational system, so that the first wo years of uni•sC'Is-ty woil ,na-'?be aken up at the Collegiate, -then Clin- on will -'hate,to build a new Colleg-. to what with hod ey matches., and o„ pital benefits- there seems to be ery few.nrghts`to'devote exclusively the pieesnre of listening' over thel dio to spielers in the great Repub.- c to the South boosting their re- ective cities er 'states. Bracer eld. Voing on the church•uniori que sed orf Wednesday,Jan..14'th. embers voted, I'77•voting for a ainst, with 3 ;.spoiled ballot's. ves a majority of 83' in' fav tering. the United Church.. Mr. and `Mrs. George Wat into and their - niece, Miss Watts; of Carrel, Man., visited d Mrs. James 1VIeQueen and ueefield friends last week. he Public Library' is now nee giving out "Of' books to niem. kets for , membership .;are., ts, seventy-five cents' for' tubers in the same family. brary contains a.'Iot- of good bo 'l1 worth reading and the direc' pe it will ibe wellpatronized. T may be obtiained at Scott's from tire: librarian; Mrs. J. Co e Library is `piton' on Tuesday iday afternoons and evenings. Last weele we Mentioned. the d Monday of last, week of on ron County's pioneers in the of • Mr. Jas: ':McDonald,, •Lon ',Puckersmith, at the ad,van s of seventy-nine years. ;Mr. aald had been in failing health past two ' years. Be was o ing and -robust character and w roung'snan wenn tb Western.0 and was h Winnipeg when opera email, ,growing city;. there' he went to the S Montana, ' where he engage ing.and •prospecting fora. num tears. -I e returned homo later lived on the homestead ever.si was a kind and obliging neigh iberel in polities and was a menthe): of the Methodist Thur, :n that ehureh'.'Was closed he.. red Union churel!,` Lrucefield. who,"was Miss Entine. Ca1dt, Ned him. His family consists sons and three daughters, all e exceptions daug4lter, _Miss -E who is,teaching at Palermo. ral; eishiah.was • held Wednesd 'noon, was taken charge of Blucefielcl order• '"o£ Oddfello was largely. attended. Ther nia ids of /the family extend th rathy in this , their recent -menta e` Kelly "Circle held theirjailmeeting .last Tuiedsay afternoo being the first meeting of year the President presided, M1 he Eowey taking the topic, wh' on "India" taken .from the stud "The Planting of ,tire Faith reports read. were very grab o the members., The Intel amou '1 for 192441vas :$$305.00 and th five was Met, The Circle'"aIs ibuted .$6.00 for the Diamon 1.0 Food. Douglas BSatti3, Inspector products,, who has' 'been i .toon and other parts of th for the'past ,two'years; was r at ,the home of"Mr. A. S. Scot esda t, s Emma°McDonald of Palerm some this' week attending th II 'of her father. , Thos,- Fraser and Mr. J: Rei nton called 0n Mr.A S. Scot 'eek, , . D. Roiiatt of the village i ng a week with friends in Lon soon 261. nd 81 Mis- er of ts-mf' M Mr. other n for hers. fifty two The olts;:; tors icks store. Corn and eath, e of per don ced Mc - for f a hen an- It Lear= St d in- ber and nce, bbr, v ch, at - His' well, of at in- H10 ay. by '"vs ny Cir 0- n. the ss ich f nt e 0 d of n e, t. i 0 e soc1 tore; wheV� ,Thee year of 3,739 ; volum ,fit e' ?en and 880 ' Troll fictioeri..E'' There ore ''av�e1;o 167 members:- The following officers' were appointed £or,the ensuing year: President, F. ;. Ldwo ds secretar4v- treasu r, G. S. Greenslade; Libiar- ian 'I ev 4' Meef^u•lane 'Asst. Lib ran ' Miss 'F Fowiie; . Directors, Jas' ;H. Reid,,'1 F. Mercer Mss, II. McKay, Miss Josie Sterling, _Miss M. E, Campbell. M. and Mrs' .Don Murray have re- turned from Detroit. Mr. Jas. Cowan spent ' couple of dayin the village.' Arthur'Peck left last week to visit, Mr. and hits. Allan ,1' 'a habe tuned', after spending: some weat,Merlin. , The • ' second ttimie sit 1 ,. eouiaeillor`-and one school ,trustee held in the town hall 'Monday ev inJanuary 1933.- '',There seas af gathering of electors, George Cast jr., Murdock Roth•and' Itabt. BI were nominated for councillors.. T two last named qualified- and the will be voting next Monday. E". McLeod was the only One rioininst fortrustee and. is, 'therefore, • elect by acclamation. , ' The annual :Meeting OftheBayfie Cemetery Company was heldon ltfo day afternoon at the town, hall, T following -officers -and- directors w appointed for 1925: President, Tit Brownett; vice, John McDonald; sec 'reli<s,urel A: E. Erwin;; directors, E ward Johnston, Charles Middleto George H'udie,'Thomas,. Elliott, -'W cotchmer, James H. Reid; sexto Richard Elliott,' The directors would like to see ow rs of plots take more interest iii •t roper; care of them: It is a . great ity when this' is neglected ,and 1 shows little regard for the dept to owed'ones. On Friday . last the: children rinity church- Sunday., 'school an eaelrers and a few members, of -th ongregation spent a jolly evenin n the Orange ]fall. Various ganle ueh• ds "Spin the pie plate," "Rack and' Jacob," "Blind ''Man's Buff,' French Tag," "142usical •Chairs a `',Peanut'Race" :were' enjoyed by all ach child Was /presented ;with a: bag of,' Candy and an orango. Afteir a umptuous lunch'; the, gathering dis- ersed, after singirige,/the: national.an- lid am'rxak es f;! RICH streot seal s h. isliit Rev C ;r sage, dangh'ter, A E. -'Dur nut of Clrnon to Ja We11ington {zrch,,soi o..1 Mr arid' Mrs. LewisCrieh.'ofTirelcersnlrtl Th RAX -YEA 2. GUIRE; — At Holy Trinity <;1nu'eh," Toronto, ':, on Jan 12t11, by the Rev. :°Canon Sherinan -"Jessie' Madelene, only daughter Mrs. J. J Maguire of Clinton, t Terence Tiernay:of Blyth;: Births LAWSON--In Clinton on Jap, 10th, to Mr. incl jlrs, 'G, 1t Lawson, a meson.-IIaz'old Frahlchn, Deaths T' TEA Sl T IN OUR' WINDO1V reit, we will present i FREE to the Iler3`b i' aulqunt of Cash Groceries during January - •- 1i. 1.t Prizes China; Tea Set -22 Pieces. 2nd Prize -Cream and Sugar Bowl. .. Just'` save' your Coujter sales slips 1 and bring o on or before fcbruas- lith We nave.special prices this month before •etoek calm tago, ofspecial prices and win a nice Tea` Set. o �YIIGTTFSZ PRICES" FOR BUTTE h - A!D EGGS i,-, o OUR STORE ..I5 YOUR STORE ' theis a:g'e send to.otn- store c i1IcDONALD —'1u Tuckersi»ith, on els• Jan.12th, James,11cbonilds,,in ,his 79'41 5 eat, ,r , ST:APLES--In Hullett, .on January, vas' . 11th, •Max"y Fowler, relict of`.the` n- late John'Staples;: aged '86 years an' and 1 month. le, HABI{IRK In Seaforth, on January: air 10th, Wi1liani Habkirk, 'aged 75 he years., re ,MCTAGGA'II.T--In Ilensalt, 011 Jan. J. 10th, Alfred 1VIcTaggar t, in his 93rd ed -.year, -. ed 'I{AMLYN - In . Winghanr, on 18th, Dr. II. E. W. Tanilyn. Id 11 he Applications .for Road Superintendent we I erurtendent: Tito "Applications for . the , position• of Road Superintendent for the township of Goderich; at 30c per hour will be recc�iyed 'by "-the ' undersigned until 1° R. Feb: 2nd. R, G -,Thompson,,Clerk. R. P. No. 2, Clinton. 90-tf n _ n Stray Collie he • Caine on premises: of the: limiet'- signed, a black and white collie::.Own- t 00' may have' same'by'plioving ptop d e 'ty ,and •-paying . expenses. Raabe)) Grigg, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone. o1 12 on'005. ' 90-1 d e a, el nd The annual meeting of the ;Bayfield Agricultural Society was held yes- terday afternoon, svhen esterdayafternoon,:whon the financial report.showed .they Society'to be In good shape, a balance of $558 being in the treasury. The following Offi- cers were appointed for .29,25: President: 3'.: McClure. les "Vice; I W. J. Stinson. 2nd Vice: John. B: Stewart. -• Treasurer: F. A. Edwards.. ,Secretary: A. E Erwin. Directors: T."-Brownett, T. M. Woods, Fred Middleton, .R: 1VIeMur- ray, R, M. Peck,: ,S. Houston, J. Reid, T. M. Snowdon, E. H, Wise, R. penhale, W. H. Talbot, John Reth- well, .Fred Foster, J. As Ferguson. Auditors: J. R. Cameron,,µ'John Falconer. The dates set for the fall fair are Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept, 29311 and 30th. ' Auburn' The Sacrament of the 'Lord's Sup- per will' be administered. in Knox church next Sabbath morning, The regular preparatory service will be held on friday- afternoon et 2:30 in the basement of the church. ' Mr. 0. F. Erratt shipped a carload of cattle last week., The U. F. 0. unleaded a car load of flour and feed' on Saturday. , The play "Martha Made Over" which war' given 'by the Westfield- young people lust: Friday evening in the Foretser's , hall . litre, was thor- oughly enjoyed.? The vocal and in- strumental music `between: acts was also muchappreciated. t' Mr. Norman •McDowell, Who,is tales ng a' course at the 0.A:C., Guelph,. eante up to take part ire the play on Friday night. ' • Mr. Hanley of Listowel spent a 'few" ays in the village last week Mrs, MCBTlen , of Whiteeliurch..is pending 'a few weeks with, Miss A. tilt dy: Word was received last week that 1\fr:John.Nieholsoit;had lost his life n a fire -in Alberta: Mr. Nicholson s a brother of Mrs J, i'lutch-'arid iss E. Nicholson and for 'a`number l years. carried on a har•nessmakeee hop in this village:. manyfriend's of Mrs, -(Rev.) C. none, ''who -has been undergoing sent in Clinton Hospital, will ased to know she is improving; Grace Ross of Stanley wwas a on Sunday with friends in rage a and Mrs. Nesbitt „of Belgrave isitors' at the home of Mr. and Vin. Nesbitt. - SEeventon of Varna is visiting home of Mr, Ed. Boyce. anleg Toi+vush p Maggie Penhale,, ,who spent st two . months • at St. Thomas, tuned home. • Ind Mrs.: John Scotchnler spent days With friends in Clinton ell. I3arold Penhale is spending a ys with her parents,. Mr, and eo. Hodgson'o f. Wilton Grove, Wzllianr' Scotchmer spent a with his brother-in-law,' Mr. Townshend of 'Goderichtown- , lid Mrs. Miitan Steep‘,01 "God- wnhip were .the guests of. Mrs; W. J. Tough Last week. Esther Talbot14 visiting her Mr. Melvin Talbot, of the load Hayter spent Sunday k.nds in Clinton. Ind Mrs. 'Wellington . Johnson hsday with Mr. Chas, Reid at yos1ng people's society , of Methodist clnrrch intend hold - r social evening at the host c nd Mrs, E 11 Epps on Friday of this week, arnet Waidess 'is visiting the r fox aelew, days: M 0 Rtnl$ett Township Mr 'Wm. Carter "spent thel week- end in 'Toronto, attending . a poultry meeting. ;; ,., Miss Lillie :Adams -spent a few days With Miss Harvey. Mrs. 0. Lawrence is noh,at' ,.1I 311ss Mary 'Fairservice is .still in _Brussels attending her, aunt, ,who is still quite ill. PERTH TOWN WILL PAY ITS`, COUNCILLORS Listowel; council at its first meeting passed a bylaw allowing -$5 to each councillor for each -regular :meeting attended, Committee' dleetings rod, special meetings are not to • count, The mayor and one other member, of -the eouncil:voted naso; 'Farms For Sale 1.00 dere fare", well situated, lot 24,' con 2, Hay, red brick house,oellar under all, good bank +barn and shed, silo, windmill, garage. I and level, no waste. 5 acres bush Good clay loam suitable for dairy,'' mixed, scans, sugar beets, School '/s 111110,,' town 2 miles, church, high school, railway, eoriyenicnt; telephone, r nal' mail delivery.' Strong gravel Loads, level `m irs - around. Also 75 acres pasi;urc land, lot 17,` eon. 7,'wall- fenced, never -failing- ; spring. Airply Win Pearce, Hensall,; Ont., 90-2-p For Sale 33 acres of, choice land,' joining -the town; of Clintstn on Gavel .xoadi oh' premises is coinfortable, house, :with good -cellar, are up-to-date "ren house, 18x40, good barn, 32x64,• anacl5ne shed 20x40 and garage 14x1$,'Stlaw-., berries, raspberries and other small fruits. Also over 100 Barred -Rock pullets, good laying strain, and some yearling Barred Rocks.. Town 'water in house end` barn, also•a good cistern and small orchard. Apply on pr4gi- ises to W. IL. Cole, _Clinton, or, phone 133. 90-tf: Cutter For Safe Good cutter for sale, cheap. Apply to 13.'sA. Hearn, Princess street; ,90.1•. House 'For Sale 9 -roomed cottage on Princessistteet"' .town water, electric light phone, Sis acre, 'mere er less, 31 - gal deo ' =.with some fruit trees. Desirable home, Apply on premises to ;1V1,rs. M. McIn- tyre. • 90-tf Auction 'Sale Of hopsehold effecjjn,, rim estate of the date Mri;. Chas. E. Jervis, will be hold 'on the premises, Huron street, on Saturday, Jain. 24th,: at 1:30, as follows: Bell organ, Tinperial Oxford :ran_ with reservoir,.,, large coal heater, small heater, coal or wood, . coal' oil stove with oven, 2 bedroom suites, ex- tension table pedestal table, 'sewing machine, hall pack, plush lounge,, to pestry lounge, 'small solid waln table, walnut sideboard, wardrob good set of dishes, (dinner set), number of chairs, lawn. mower, book case, stepladder, 25 , yards Brussels carpet, 225 yards tapestry carpet, a number of mats and rugs, copper boiler ;and teakettle.' :Other articles too numerous to mention. Oliver;. J. Jervis, executor. 'Geis. IL Elliott,' acctioneer, 90-1 JOHNSCN & CO'S ,ORtOCERy' Phone int PROMPT SERVICE' ' FACTS ABOUT OPTOMETRY By Dr. Ross Savauge' ' Optometrist -. Sea forth Ontario Flow many different error's of vision arc there,- The nnnvber is not great, aI_ though the variations may nun into thousands, Is this the reason. that the Optome- trist must give tlie.closest attention to every case? Yes. He has all his lenses ground to the individual needs of ":his patients. Nance the principal defects of vision most commonly met with Far .and near Sight, Astigma- tism,. and another condition caused by the steady ageing of the eyes. (Continued Next Week); CANADIAN PAcirre ' Toronto—West St, John Through Sleeper Service In connection with = the Eastbound sailings of. the Canadian Pacific S. S. Montrose on January' 23, and the S. S. Montcalm on January S 30, a through .standard sleeper will be operated "isp the Canadian ' Pacific from Toronto direct to the ship's side at West St, John as CoIIowsc Leave Toronto, January 22 and 29,' -9:00 a.m.; arrive Montreal 5:10 pan, Leave Montreal 7:00 p.m.; arrive West •St. -John (ship's side) 12:20 pan,, January 23 and 30. - This direct service it is confident; ly ,expect'ed trill'- prove.. a great coni v0010105 to travellers to 'Lir eat Brit- ain, 89-3 Its Your Propert>a�` ^ Flung Insured. I have Government licenses for under- writing, all lures of, insurance; Life, Fire; .Windstorm, Automobile,. Accident and Rickuess..and Plate' Glass, etc. I represent only ,financially sound and reliable companies. If intrusted with -a share a your patronage I- will protect your inter, ests. Agent for Clinton•and District of Now y The Mutual Life Assurance' Company 'Ready for of Canada . R. E. RORKE , '"Business Office at residence, .cor. Mary and. 'Orange streets, opp. the rink 90-4 Top prices ' for .high -Grade Eggs and Milk -Fed Poultry, 'well finished. d. Inquire For Prices The Clinton Poultry -House (New Era Building) N. W. Trewartlia Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214s Play oo Jan. 30thThe play, "The Yoting,Village Doc- tor"' will be given 151 the town heli, Clinton, 01) Friday evening, Jan. 30th, under the auspices of `the lloung. People's League . , of . Ontario street church. Admission 25e. 89-3' .RADIO 1 4ave in stock the following 'sets: two five -tube sets. These sets are the equal; if not better than silts cost- ing $25.00 to $5010 more, and the. price, which includes a loudspeaker and storage battery and other best guaranteed equipment (nothing cheap - in these sets) is .,$150.00 to $175.00. ue a The $175,00 ' set includes. a 30.00 loud speaker; and $21,50 storagebat- tery, Stations heard •'from on loud' speaker,' most of then' louder; than any --gramophone " include . Oakland, Gal., Winnipeg, Calgary, Toronto, Ot- tawa, Montreal,Moncton, Hamilton, Kitchener, Dallas, ` Texas, and' others too numerous to mention. r have several Second band sets good as new at "a bargain. Have in stock phones guaranteed a year at $5.50, tubes, 13 batteries, Everready dry cells, which last .twice as :long as ,ordinary dry cells, just 60e ' each, condensers, rheastat grid ,leaks, Bremer' Fullez. timers; varix -couplers, etc., at lowest prices. Everything guarantted, satis- factory. or replaced free of charge: IL A, HOVEY Meeting of Huron County Council, The Council, of the Corporation of the County of Huron Will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at -3 o'eloek in the afternoon' of Tuesday, the -27th day ', of, January, 1923. All, aceonnts against the, County must be in the hands of•:•the Clerk not later. than Monday.• preceding the ,nieeting to? Council. , , Geo. W, Holman,s.Colrrrty OII rk. Goderich, Jan.. 1033, 1925. 89.2 Notice • Raving disposed of my.garage bus- iness 3 will have-to-havo all outstand- ing accounts- settled at, once, J., 3I, Paxnlan. 89-t1 Tenders For Wood, Tenders for wood for 8.: S. No. 0, .Tuckersmith up to Feb. 1st the under- signed will 'receive: tenders , for 13 cord of 18" green body -hardwood, at least 50 per cent. maple, delivered fat No. 6 echdol house.- Samuel Ii Whit- more Sec.-Treas. A Novelty Skating P'arty' WilI",be given in' the locatar na ori' Tusday,.-Jan. 27th, under. the ;au spices of • the tifillrs cllnr,cii, Girls' Club. "Skating at eight o'clo3k,,band in attendance, luriel ere. . Admission,, 25e. - Lunch 10c. 83,2 Basswood Bolts in the round' 37.e -or ,56" long, 5" and up' top .. Advise: IKEhENAN BROTHERS, LTD:; • - OWen Spend' Money 'on Fans Lands' The Industrial Mortgage andSav- Ings •Company of Sarnia, Ontario, are prepared to advance month on molt - gages '6o good lands. Parties -desir- ing money o11 "farm' mortgages: will pleaao apply to James; Cowan, Sea- • forth, Ont., who will . fitrmsh' rates and irther• lrartieulars, ',The Industrial Mortgage and Savings .Company.. . 88-12 ..For. Sale or Rent' House andaot in the village of 13rucefield, Awe—thirds—'acro '-of land, good. cellar, hard- and: soft viatci', good 'stable and hen house. Posses -r sion given immediately. Apply ;•: ,to John :V. Diehl, Clinton, Gnl. 834f Ilay For Sade , House Fors Sale' - A quantity of good, hay- for sale:; Residence of the- late Arthur Cook, Apply to Ed. Welsh P, R., No 1 or' corner` Albert and Mill streets;.Clin_ ring 12 on pit,. Clinton. Central 89-2 tor.. - Key, at Mr. Walter Ifirig's,'-- Cott3ge'ror Sate:` 'A cottage on "cry street, in good repair, town W'dr, electric,, good barn, and14.rge lot. Also a 1.4 inch roller ciushot, do First; erase Shape, Apply to A. Seeley.' ',..89-36 Furs Wanted- - other furS have advanced, in' price. Miolc to $12.00: Raccoon up to to $1.50. Do not liold yO714' illi.COg Will probably be lewer in Feb. euary 001110 aro otartIng fade. Don't sell your" furs travellinir dealers, I nail pay you •.is much and genera mole n 1, as, ino dealcr can afford, le nay. Sometimes they will pay you a big price to get your business. I pay full nrice Edo, Salo The former Joyner property, Five rooKedcottage•with large sun -room: Electric light and town water in house,' 3 acres of good land and all kinds of fruit trees. ;Will be sold reasonably apply t.o .Edda. McCa1-. Comnoreial,'lpny Linton. 35-0, For", Sax ` 16 ft beech planik sisecl 2 incites by' 8 inches and 2 inch s by 10 inches,'al so somo hemlock' hunter,";, W.Il'," 14fiddloton, R. R No 2, Clinton;, Phony 15 On 606'. 75.31: Wanted to Purchase for Cash ,. Good hemlock, •, basswood, maple and soft elm logs,, delivered in our mill yard at ;Bayfield and.at'.t'hos. Wallis', Goderich township: Custom sawing will ,be done at both pleees. • McEWEN BROS. - 86-3± M. • RAMRAS - Will pay the highest market price for Horse Hides and ' Beef 23ides, ,Scrap Metal, Geese and Dnek Feath- ers, eta. .... �,. Deliver:to''My residedde,:-opposite Cameron's Carriage, Shop or,, phone 137 and I will call. - ,COAD We have a Supply of Furnace, Stove; Nut and Solt.. Also some .good ,dry. slabs. " Leave orders est residence. Phone 155. Hurts Street. Having, erected new eeal 51:Cads will have on hand full stock of coal for inlmediate delivery. Prices reason - R. J. 1VHLY.4111 Orders taken 'at retidencp, phone 119 Grain, Flour and Feeds Highest prios for all var- ieties of grain. Can generally pay as.high as 'anybody else, mostly high - et for these. To your advantage. to - cell os whenever- yen have anything Loos In the'maiket for" logs again Call us if you have any to offer. " Have A complete-stoek of 'feeds on hand. Make a , specialty , of good heavy, clean screenings. This feed is reasonably priced/ .and . of highest quality.; Beef, Serail; Tankage, Oy- ster Shell, Grit, Oil Cake, Salt, Ground Corn,..1Widdlings, Feed Flour, Bran- and Shorts. ' Always ready to seire sand ang: ious to oblige in any way possible. / Also issuprs of Hunters & Trappers licenses . Phone '123 Flour d Pend Merchants d Grain Buyers CligAriii" WA 'We request yeti' to ship .,AS -."0"117: We guarantee yon the I .ghest Maiiltet Prices, accurate' tei.,ts and prompt eervice. ' Pay 'all ,ixpress charges Tarn- ish cream cans ,an pay, wine eaeh 11100315. -Write for cans or furher informa- A BARBER M Clothes Cleaned arid Pressed Clothes cleaned' pressed and re- paired. Weolep goods dry elcaned. Rooms over Heard's harloer, shop, ED ELF,PHONE 53 14( Ware =,land's, 018 Stand. E STORE Call i and see our assortment of hite, blue and white, and pearl grey Enamel ware also Tin warei o stock as complete. ,We also have tWo second hand Quebec Heaters at -a bargain. e can supplryour wants and at reasonable prices: For 'Sale The achni*trators'of the estate of William.Doherty, deceased, offer_ for sale. his late residence and the ad- joining, lands,,(25 aares more or less), well-equipped buildings., "Apply to J. E. Doherty on the premises, or to W, Brydone, solicitor for the.estate. Honor Graduate Carey Jostes'-Na- clonal School of Auctioneering, Chi. cago. Special course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real Estate, lifer- chanclise-and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping yeith prevailing: market. Sat- isfaction assured. Write or wire, Oscar Mori), Zurich, Ont. Phone 18- - 93.' Clintoilt Bakery QUALITY The most important thing about our Products'is Quality. We do not use,any- thing but -just Quality Ingredients in our Bread, Pies, Cakes, guns°, Etc., or anything pretaining to Baking, Oysters Ice Cream and Light Lunches 11 7100.17•••••../mInmoruccoe.m.erommostancummzumcenscammemae...vomommkencm......nacm.111.111 e. S tif A mnriber of lines to clear out at.Sacrifice Prices. Special oppertun- ity to save Money on your Shoe xlceds Ladies Oxfordseand strap Shoes, Black, Brown and Grey Shoes, Call- „. skin, Patent Leather and Xid All $7,504thes to go for $5"00 Fotm huekle Goloshes clearing at ...$3.50 Special med lot cleaiing at $1.00 a shoe Remember wha they say about the "early bird," stnil• tense at once -FRED' JACKSON The Big 'Shoe Store Opposite the Town Hall Ilic in, Stilphtlr and Salts, Poultry aud Stock Food Beef Sera.% Beef Meal, Bone IVIoal, Tankage; Alfalfa Meal, Char- eal (Hog or Poultry), Laying IVIash): Poultry Spedific, Stock Spec - MAPLE LEAF CATTLE MINERAL ' ohes and Prevents Abortion Sterility „Retention of after -birth; and supplies the minerals equired by growing stock and beef cattle. Office Phone 199 Night 141 and 129 Clint n Old toys' Association 1878 EMI -CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION 1925 August s , 2nd, 3ra, 4th, and 5th, 1925 Please fill in below the names and addresses of former residents e•C Clinton and vieinity, cut from paper arid return to Secretary itt once A, J. MeMURItAY, President ' S. B,...gromEtts, Secretary Clinton Clinton