The Clinton News Record, 1925-01-22, Page 1[Tal IS INCORPORATED ff THE CLINTON ,..ER . 'nreci & ast haat you are: nottoo: late to get: one of ,those s''ecial writ watches; Hellyars. They are: 15 -jewel watches, and the•eases are yellow= whitef r ,. or green ached, fancy styltsl},cases fat 811.a0 Our Men's Pecker ,Watches are special value -also' Citll:and See Them Time • i Money. Savei , s ey. o time getting ng one of ourAlarm Clocks.. You can sleep in comfort when' you have, one for it will awaken you at -the desired time. Priced from ,fp 2.00 to ,'4.50: • Mail Orders Filed Write for any of the above an case you cannot call for it. Phone 174w el gar JEWELER and OPTOMETRIST Reside' e 174j WREN, OPPORTUNITY COMES T—TjOW much money have 1 A:. • by" you "put at the pres- ent time.'? Enough to pay a doctor. in case of sudden illness in your family? Enough to make a pay ment on a home should' you; Ue offered a bargain? Enough to take 'advantage of' a sudden business opituuity? Ordinary opportunitie, ordinary happenings, these, yet how many are ,ready for tomorrow's big'char,' ce-tomorrow's emerg ffi ency? The man with a good bank balance is always.ready for the unexpected. Our booklet. "THE MEASURE OF YOUR INCOME' will help: you: Ask the Manage for is copy. sass Clinton Branch R. E.Manningi Manager tY The Ontario Equitab1ej.Me WHEN YOU .ARE, YOUNG IS THE TIME TO INSURE PARENTS—What about our Students policy for.: your boy or girl LET US' TALK IT OVEIt WITH YOU ' M. T. CORLESS General Agentj Clinton Ontario ► Our Motto For Ever Man per err cent` off. STOCK TAKING is the ;next thing -on the program here and, that means that it is againtime for. oar regular STOCILTAKI N Gr`. ' SALE. Everybody ?„that :>is acquainted',with:this stoie Haws,what that Means and .a appreciates thefact that ,with, we Kayea SLOCL GAIL- 17G-SALEit stands for something. . • dd . ' �ieliHerey�theStar. " Y r�ie Commencing Saturday, 10th Jan. � We are selling ,you. anything and everything you may, want in our store—Men's and Boys' Suits anti Overcoats, Overalls,,Hats, Caps and-. Haberdashery, at a uniform discount of 20 per cent Nothing reserved everything goes. It'is 'our. annual`Stock-tak Y g in Sale. The time when you can get more, for, your money than at' any other season -of the year. 'fake an •`inventory of your wardrobe and buy every article of • outfitting you can possibly use: ><It will 'pay you to do so. Jan. 1 th to'Jan.24th, ,Sale commencing r1��i� Ja . � Terms oSale---Cash No Goods ta� e on Approval k THE MOHRISH CLOTHING CO. LcCAL IVIA'RKETS,: Wheat, $11,60 ',Oats, See to 55c. Farley, 90e. Butter, 2.5e, ._ Eggs'I 36c le 61e. Live Togs ,'1c 25 J..,a. r a. l zILY ARE ,� T, ;,: A G A EI TILT Mr. F. A. Plaskett P as]s tt (wishes"to extend through the medium of The News -Re- cord tis sincere to th'ev rte f'• - men; who`responded_to .the call last .Friday morning ,and endeavored to save tis prtj?erty. Ile is also very` grateful to the neighbors and friends' for a 1 the kindnessshown, himself aindPineily when they 4.vere obliged suddenly to Leave their•binning house, chpii' only in" their .nightclothes and What they picked up,, as they'ian. TUNE IN ON THIS. At nine o'clock tonight, Thursday, and at the sante hour .tomorrow even- ing, Friday, an address, giving a'. summary, of the events to be looked for during the progress of the -solar eclipse ' Saturday, morning, will be broadcasted by the; C.N:R. The ad- dress, which will be given by R. Mel- drum Stewarta director: of the 'Domin- ion 'Observatory, Ottawa, will be broadcatted from CNRO Montreal, to- night, and from Toronto CNItT. Fri -- day nighC Tune in and get some first 'hand information. P. S. B. ORGANIZED. At the 'statutory'meeting of the Public School board` Mr. J. A. Ford was elected chairman, and the follow- ing •oficers and committees were ap- pointed: Secretary: T3, W':iltse. 'Finance Committee: W. S. R. Holmes, M. T. Corless, C. II. Venner, Property Committee: A. F. Cud- inore, R. D. Tasker, W. Walker, G. McLennan. , Caretaker: W: G. ;Smyth. Member of Library Board: W. Bry- done. 'Member of C. I. • Board: Dr. S. J. Evans. ' • The• night or meeting • will be the last; Monday in each month. SEB TII.n ECLIPSE. Everyone should 'rake prepara- tions to see as -much of the sun',s eclipse on Saturday: morning as Pat Bible. Not for over one hundr years, since 1806,'have.the residents of Ontario had an opportunity 'of see- ing a total eclipse .of the aun, and .not until 2144 will Ontario have an- other sub opportunity.' This is our first,. -last and only chance, unless we change our place of location, and as we are in the best position to wit- ness this one no one who can get out at . all ought to. miss it, if the morn- ing be favorable. To quote from statements made'by those who have studied the 'natter: "We are promised: the most mag- nificent spectacle the. heavens have to offer. The moon • will obliterate the sun and the narrow strip of the earth' affected will be for one minuto or more in total, darkness. ponies mil- lions of chiles in- 1eng�„, say the' seientists, will, be seen shootling from the sun, behind the blackness of the solid ball of 'rock and sand composing the .moon,; Presumably this flame broadcasting is all'in the usual day's work for the sun but the obstnuettve tactics of the moon on this particular day • will enable ordinary ihortals to view these fire -flinging effects: On the edges of the shadow path there will riot be a total eclipse, but some parts of the sun will, be ob- scured, and some of the effects clear- ly, discernable under good conditions. In Canada a line drawn from Goder- ick on Lake Huron to Niagara Falls will be the centre of the shadow path and the darkest of the total eclipse. The total eclipse will pass over this part of Ontario at the rate of 4,200 miles an hour, doing ;he 'trip front Goderich - to ` Niagara Falls In one urinate and •56 -seconds. Partial eclipse will be in progress in''this territory, however, for more'than two hours' The ""show" willstart afbout' eight o'clock but, so far at can be ascer- tainencl, the total eclipse''will occur, a few. minutes after nine For' over two hours, however, there' will he weird things happening and if the time can be spared it will:be worth while tak ink;' in the whole 'sh-ow: DAVIT one cannot see it all, do not fail to see the total 'eclipse, when the, moon. comes directly between us .and the sun' and shows up 'a dark disk sur- rounded by the beautiful corona, or crown, of,the ;!S n, like a halo..' 'Phis is a sight that 'scientists ,tell :us 'is worth going far -to see, and,if the sky,is clear, lit will come `to our doors on Saturday morning.' Have ,sondelass carefully atiioked g Y �, in 'readiness, simply holding over a candle or,_a lamp will do the trick, and climb to the ,highest point you Jon reach; somewhere :-whore you 'will have a clear view of the whole hor- izon, will be best.Put on plenty of warm clothing, have a . second piece of glass, in the smoke should get rubbed off, and be prepared to take in the sight ht }n comfort, Do aiot 'attempt to look at the sun. too • long at a_tinte,nor so fnueh that your, eyes will be tired before totality is reached,for that is what you- can- not efford annotefford to „miss;;and do not at- tempt to lock,at it at all without the smoked, or dark glass:, A. used film is said to` -be a good ;thing aridit would have the added ' advantage of not rubbing off. 13ttt have the 'glass large enough` to protect, the eves, as permanent injury may' lee done then by carelessness, Here s hoping it will be a clear morning. , The town bell will ring just before the show starts to warn citizens, TJIE CHURCIt Ileleus Iit:a1 h troll; Aubaso Kippen, Hillegreen t3lake,' zdenssl_ and Bt•ueefield'Presbyttrian churches have voted to'enter the United Church of Canada., Ashfield Presbyterian: church voted ..to 'ere -mein. out of, Onion. ANACCIDENT. ACr EN ., 'Counct .ler Scho nl mis, .vWile assist- ing st- ingnloadingm eV-the Mill on Tuesday slip)pecl and broke a small bone in This ankle.. He., is hobbling about on crutches, directing the work at the mill, but is:much handicapped. A man -needs his two feet under him .at most times but the accident might have been.inore serious. 'AN OLD COIN UNEARTHED. LhrION VOTE. while ' digging back of the cellar at G. M. Kidd's recently, an. old coin: was dug up bearing on oneside the inscription, "Wellington, ' Waterloo, 1815," and: on the other -side an en- graving of a ship. Whatis of more local interest, however, is another In- scription scratched on the surface of the coin, as follows: "I.< Ransford built this house in 1810."—Goderieh: Star. ST. PAUL'S VESTRY MEETING. The annual vestry meeting of St. Paul's church vas held on Monday evening, those present being: Rev. C. L. Bilkey, Col. Combe and Messrs.' J: E. Hovey, Thos. White; G. E. Hall, Ransford, J. A. Ford, T. Hawkins, cl'.1. Middleton and R. Hunter.. 'The minutes of the last annual vestry and select ` vestry: meetings ,were' read and adopted. The treas- urer's report was adopted and that of the auditoi?s read and•accepted. Financial reports were' read from the Sunday school and the Women's Auxiliary,which were accepted. The rector expressed thanks and appreciation of Col. Combe's'work<as his warden and regretted that he could not see his way clear to con- tinue in office. He then. appointed Mr•. T. Hawkins as rector's„ warden. Mr. J. A. Ford having resigned se people's warden, Mr. G. E. Hall was appointed, on 'notion of Messrs. Hawkins and. Ransford. ' Messrs. ;'Thos, White Wand J. E. Hovey, were appointed auditors, Col. Rance was appointed vestry cleric. ' /he thanks df :the vestry were tendered the retiring wardens and the. treasurer,. Col. Co'irbg••,and' Messrs. Ford and Ransford, also the, different church erganizations. Messrs. C. G. Middleton and R. Hunter' were appointed,; lay-clelegates to the Synod, -With Messrs. Col. Combe and Thos'. White as substi- tutes: - HOCKEY NOTES. . The Clinton team went up to Wing - ham Friday evening last and succeed eta winning' over the team in that town to the tune of 9 to 3. It was a good. -game, well -played on both sides. 11111111 Last evening Seaforth team was. beaten on local ice, 12-6, which puts that team out of the running. for group honors. 1f 11 1f 11 Clinton `team went to . Mitchell on Monday night when a fast game was played with that team. The score at the conclusion was 3-2 in favor of Mitchell the loeal..,team disputed the last goal made by the Mitchell team, The puck, they claim, went into the air, and in coning °down struck the top'of the net and rolled"over behind the net. Then they also claim that another 'goal should have been count- ed for them, as the referee•dgepped, his' bell just: ,as the puck slid into the goal, The "Stratford Beacon -Herald. i'eported'tbe game in part as ;follows "In one of the fastest games sisi?ft here, the Mitchell ` juniors defeated the Clinton' sextet by a score 01 '3-2., rho visitors caine : here with the - arrowed purpose of. beating .the locals on their own ice, and at times it cer- tainly looked as if; they would attain. the'ir.object,, bili ' the Koine defense and goalie turned the tide. The .con- Diet kept the spectators on their toes 65001' bell to hell. :The play swayed continuously. fr•oneend to end With In- termittent . flashes'.. of ,brilliance on both fronts. It was a test Of endur- anee between two strong teams. There is no denying that Clinton has a wonderful team well versed in the art of checking and.: gifted with great speed. Rorke, Roberton, and Nediger are the strongest inen on the visitors'. line-up, with ,the 'rest .following up closely..'.. ..The'contests, had some rather odd ; oharacteristics inasmuch as there, were several acts of good sportsmanship di,Jplayedti among the players, while at . other times they: could be .scan slylypoking one an- other with their sticks. There" were a numberof penalties zfor' tripping and other offences, but on the, whole the game ;was clean. '. ...In the se - 0011(1p eriod" 1 smart :piec'e of eombin alien on the part of .Rannenberg Stoneman and, ,Merriyfield resulted in a'goal, malting tlae score 3-2.• This latter goal was disputed by Clinton,, but 'the •referee allowed it," The spectators came down on the ice at the end of the -last period, at-. tacking the Clinton! players,` on ae-i count ' of the dispute between the teams, but no ,particular harm was clone. These displays of feeling, how- ever, do not help 'natters, they ag- gravato grievances. It 's • always. batter to allow the , tean10 .to settle their own differences• 1'If11 Mitlelk Plays h`ere Monday even- • ing, when it willbe a keen eo m eti- tion foe the mastery and the forward place. Play the game, boys. No rough work. , That, is not good, sports- manship. Si P.} T NO1 PA' S. A CONCERT. On Wedlesday night of tst, tiisek in tl 6 , local Salvation : Army. hall t Lieut. R Kcng`dpn o.i Godooichl -evhd plays ten different inetrumt Its, gave musical peograin.. Also Capt. A. Bunton' and Et. J'. Tevlin of Seaforth with a.gumber'of their youngpeople, 1 p 1. gave' astecial dialogue t',joux tarts. 1 o I Everyone present enjoyed- the even- ing., T.O.O.F IN TA , S LL OFFICERS, -The lollowing .offiCess were. installed in the local LO.O.F. on Tuoe- day evening by Past D.D.G.M, G, E. Hall, assristed by J. A. Sutter, J. T. Reid;'A,-McKinnon and ID W. Gould: J. 14.''G.: J. L. Heard: N. G.: T. Morgan. - V: G.: E. L. Mittell. Rec,-Secretary: H. W; ,-Gould. : Fin.-Secretar J i Fin. -,Secretary:, Wiseman, • Treasurer: 'H. B. Chant. Conductor: .T. Hardy. ' Warden; E. Munroe. ,Chaplain: G. IE, Hall. • R. S. N. G.: J. Sutter. L. S. N. G.: W. H. Match. R. S. V. G.: .E. Rutnball. L. S. V. G.: E,"Finch. R. S. S.:: C. Draper. L. S. S.: : J. Livermore., I (1 T. Monaghan, kg$ andPaul rY 1 at B si esdr\Luracheon On Friday fast the grocers of„town and from ' the' 'stirrounditzg district, with the, mayor, the 'maeag•et• of the Molsons Bank, with which the Cotn- pany.does,busigess, the staff of Gun,, Lat •1'and " ig td`Company, and News:. Record representatives were enter-' tained to luncheon at the Ratteiliury House -by .the Gunn, ,Langlois and Company, and al'tegwards attended a demonstration at the local plant. • The gathering was -a; sort of fare- well to bit. Trewartha, who had ;just resigned as manager of the local plant, and a welcome to the new manager, Mr.R. fir. Ward. - lir. John I. Brown, general sales manager for the "Company, was in charge. and. )proved himself to be a most genial and hospitable host. -After enjoying the excellent lunch- eon provided by Mine ,host Cooper and his -good wife, Mr. Brown called the gathering, over thirty in number, to attention and explained that,the object of the meetingtwas td get bet-,: ter acquainted ; ,with the men with D. G: H. B. Kerr. - which the Company" worked, the men At the convulsion of the installation who,hand).ed the eggs• in town and in a couple of candidates received the the surrounding' district, and: said initiatory degree. that in the demonstration following }!t was to be shown what the ,mer - A BAD FIRE. chant: in the small country ,store could do in the way of egg -grading. A very bad fire ocoiir ed early Fri- t was hi day that everyone Who day morning. when. the.residencelof wished could qualify as a grader. Ile Mrs. B. Cole, Joseph street, occupied said the regulation regarding egg' by Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Plaskett, was, grading was an' important one, it was destroyed. ' • here to stay and it was the best Mr. and Mrs. Plaskettwereobliged thing for all concerned, producer and t0 escape with their babe and what consumer alike. -The' 'spoiler everyone little, they could grab up as they ran but it was fortunate they. did 'tot Iose ing ,eggs were handling a verinterested realized that those, handly per= their lives. They were awakened by fishable product and governed him- hea hearing" the baby congh and smelling self, accordingly the better it would the smoke they immediately got. out. be: It was his opinion that thou - The entire contents, as.well as the sands of dollars were lost iu every house, went up in smoke, as the fire coinn unity every',yeac simply bye the gained such , rap'id. ;headway that lb' wronghandling of - eggs. s. Ar d nobody was impossible to.g•et anything in the g lost } way of furnishings out. Hees .a spoke of; t : the template. Owing to the fact that no horses h represented, of the wort; the company he .represented, hoc} done in 'building were available' at such an early hour `up the •pot{ltry and egg business in the firemen were obliged to draw the this locality, olid referred to the re hose reel from the fire hall to the- tiring manager, Mr.'. Trewatthaa fire, which is a considerable distance, *hose resignation, he: said, was ad - and as the snow was deep this proved cepted with great reluctance • by the a somewhat 'slow process. The house, Company. "We have never," he. said, ‘vhich was Annie, burned rapidly :and "had a• finer man with us anywhere; it was soon apparent that it could nov we are sorry to, lose hirit.but we: wish be saved and for a -lime, Mr. Thomas him the greatest of'. success in lis Mair's residence just west of it rooked new undertaking." He' then intro - to be in some ,clanger. , But by pour- dueed Mr. `Trewarthe, who cong'ratu- ing tons of water on • the seething fated the"Company on the business mass it was at last subdued. which had been built vp`in the county Both building .and contents ,carried and said he'was proud of it. He said some insurance but the loss is a it was an experiment. but had proved heavy one for both owner 'and .tenant. a good one. No finer poultry' was Mrs.tiQole, . who vas staying with produced anywhere . than in Huron friends at Ypsilanti, Mich,, carne .on and partidularly in Goderich town- the next' day. to -see about her incur-' ship. Ile said Hurion county was ancd claim. It, 4s some time since' a hard 'to beat for a lot of things and Clinton building was,so completely- made jocular mention of; the mayor,• destroyed by fire. Thcause is sup- who was' a product 01 -Huron,. "and posed to have' been an over -heated anyone can see," he added, "that he pipe. takes ouia good fairish:' He spokeAMONG THE' CHURCHES.a word of welcome to the "incoming manager, Mr, Ward, altd assured hitt Ont St. Church A that he' would like Clinton and 'cam! Mr. lied Steele will .sing a solo on mixnity. Sunday.` On bding called upon Mr. Ward ex Wesley Church pressed his appreciation of the" wel- The Brotherhood will meet at ten come he had x•eceived. He said he had been warren that he liad' a large. o'cloelc on Sunday, An address pair of shoes to fill in this new p051 - "With a Troopship • in an Eastern tion and sines coming he had realized Port,". will be given by Inti P. Hearn: this, as he found things"done in a. The'pastor hill take for his subject very advanced way here. Ile said he in the ,morning: "Thi"'"Touch, 'of had already hed a streak of luck, how - Jesus:'` Evening "Men o Pluck." ever: 'Mr. H. R. Gray, general.man-. Ontario. Street Church ' .ager' of the Coinpany',had told him on Morning- classes meet at ten o'claatelc 'leavting Montreal, that if he secured a on. Sunday. Communion' new' customer within •two months he, 011 Sun service ,at 'and also the customer, "should have a We appeal new hat. Ile drought this looked easy, pp to all our members ware, two ;months Was a good while, he are' able, to' o be ,present., The subject thought hp could surely dot one cu s- for Sunday cyening will be: Reli,g•ien cannot be corner " tameir-ine that:'}tne," So after his. ar-. ed. The Juniors rival' the day before he .weir' over to J Hors: meet on F •i z tlay even-- ing at'.7:00. • see `Mr Trewartha s 'iew plant and there 'saw a fine lot 61 poultry.': Om " We'aain cal the 1 attention of our people to. the s ecial' ` asking }f these t; beenld and learn - people e p servicas begin- .in ,the hadSat; he said 'he ning the first Sunday in February. m g y •made 'an offer for them, which was Salvation Army . accept. "I' wear a No, 7t/t, Mr. Tre- e a.m., Directory; 11' wartlea can give his hat number, he y , a.m., Iloli- , added;, "ha is nay first new customer:" ness.meeting, subject, ','Day, of Penti- cost," :`Lt. Bradly. 3 .m., Su Mayor Jackson, when asked' to y p Sunday speak, welcomed Mr. Ward' to Clinton.' school. 7, pni. ori old tante salvation meeting, old ` songs of town sured him that i£ was :a good forty years ago to be sung and re- •town and expressed the -opinion 'that ports will,be,read. the Gauer Langlois Co. was wise to Tuesday,' 4 p.m,, Band aof Love: locate here, the locality was ideal in Wednesday, 7:30 >.n1. Y. P. Legion, ',every ,sense of the word. Mr.' Tee- locate 8 .iii Holiness. avartha had been a pioneer in his own y. p o You are Welcoin'e'to all of those line and he •'anti the comiate with hseting•s. - , which he had been associated for As a main"chi i tpme years had lout new life into.the n Seth in his heart so is he:"—Prov. 25:7, Poultry business. He, recalled the tante'-when you could buy a couple oP Willis Church : , ' chickens for thirty cents and said his The, amluafl congregational busbies father had many a time sent him out meeting will' - be'.held in the lecture" with ,fifty cents to buy a goose, but room on Wednesday, Jan. 28th, at: 8 ; ,When men 'Jilce' Mr, Trewartha:;get o'clock. busy;; the situation was improved,. es- eciall for the tr. Next aoducea�, But he Sunday '_ the minister's sub- l Y 1. jests will be:' Mornin "' was willing to admit that eventhough J h, the Vision. and Catiipassion'o£ Jesus:" Evening, the price had soarer} so high the qual- Soine;Lessolzs from the Eclipse. ity had also•)improved dile said that ' ' The regular monthly. meeting.of the for Christmas :dinner in his home it Mission -Band' was held 'on Monday was decided to' change over from -tur- key bastto chicken an evening with a goad at n d he had antlered g t ndarce Mrs. Erwui gave'. a spJ,endid talit'00 two, thinking„noth would be needed,. Marion Keith's book, "The Black- lent -they found one bind ample and Beat ded Bazbaiiait the flavor, was 'tunegualled It was not The .following . officers were eta .t- looking tgo far` ahead, lie thought to ed for 1:025: see Clinton with an international'r for cults:. He �;; • President: Doris Dnrnin; potation, poultry. c can„Iatu-, lated:.h r,5.,. the -farmers ct est S�iee , Elva' Cooks sof the county on the 2nd Vice: Isabell Clioyen. prob•rees Made in their line of' Indus - Secretary: I). .Streets. try and compared the prosperity here ,Treasurer: E. Hogg.. with the lack.; df it which he had seen tlirtirday, Box see.?.. Jean hutch, in some of the Western States. "Top Pro,;rant Committee: Rpth Hig- :Can always count on getting sonte- ” thingoff lluioit ins Ruth t a r 'afarm," he gins, Veinier, T b,11 Biggest,county' Social Com.nitt;ee D. Miutch, Rota Said. Elliott. . At"the conclusion 61 the speaking Captains: Joe Candler,. Stewart Mr. llrown invited all to the plant Jopk, jA'i. llown:Victori'a Street, where Mr. Ward gave ar -egg grading• demo5tstraiiozl. Mr, Ward explained •-the way t:r grade eggs without candling, then' by putting' in 0 lower grade undersized dirty or era sked eggs and all 'elnootie or shiny ones He.eaplained what caused the deteaioration_'of eggs, as,leavinb themexposedto heat, or situ washing, etc. ' T visitors vt,itors were also a so •shown some. "Pon -Honor" milk -fed" poultry, very fine •specimens, indeed, and Mayor Jackson admitted that they, were` a long way ahead of the 30 -cents -a -pair chickens„of his boyhood. It was an Intezesting demonstration of,the work of a most important ce'n- mercinl plant, one which means much to the community in which it is sit- uated. SOME GOOD POULTRY. Mr. V. G. Elliott' of ,the 4th conces- sion, ,Goderich township, delivered to' my; N. W. Trewartha'` of the Clinton Poultry House last week thirty-two - milk -fed White ,Rock chickenswhich: brought their owner over $53. 'They were a fine bunch of fowl, .and when :', dressed qualified for the "Pon -Hon -: er" class' and were used at the pout - try demonstration held at the Gunn,. Langlois: plant .on Friday afternoon. Huron county can produce the goods, every time, and Mr. Trewar tha, who oughtto know, says Goder-. ibh township cannot be beaten .in this line. GET BEHIND AND PUSH. President McMurray and Secretary Stothers are bus Old Boys' Celebration, t planning for the Clinton' the first, o be held in week in August. If you -have not yet sent in your list of: names and addresses of absent old boys and girls, do so. The invitations are going out .soon. Business men and citizens generally' would do well to be planing how they are ,going to' contribute toward making this celebration a success, President McMurray woi`.uld-Iike to see the 'business 'nen on Albert streetet to ;•ether to consider the' better fight- ing of the street. His idea is tha11 each business place on Main stret had a front light, all the globes to be uniform in size and color, it would add greatly to the attractiveness of the. street. If a meeting of the business: Hien were called this, and other mat- ters, might be discused. The only' way to make the Old Boys' Celebrat- ionj. a success is for every. citizen to get behind the committee and. assist 51 every way possible, `R: B. P. ELECTIONS: ' At the annual nmeetin g ofJubilee R,' 1;. P. No. 161,' on Friday _ th' last,the following' officerwere duly installed by very Wor. Sir Kt. D. L. Stephen son; 'County blaster for Huron: Wor. Preceptor:. Wor. Sir Kt. l: J. Rapson. Deputy Preceptor: Sir :[Lt. 0. Core aiish .. Chaplain: Sir Kt. R. P. Fisher. ' Registrar: Wor. Sir [it. H. M. I{anle Tteaysurell Sir ILt. J. W. Shob- Falconerbroalc , ' lit Lecturer: Wor,' Sir Iit, W„ 'J. 2nd; Lecturer: Wor. Sir I41. T f Managhan lst Censor: Sir Kt. A. Deeves. 2nd Censor: Sir Kt. II. ',I unkins. lst St, Bearer: ' Sir Kt. E. Mor- rison.. .s 2nd St. Bearer: Sir lit. R. P. Mc- Michael. - Pursuivant: Sir ' Kt. W. H. Cud.: mo'l'e 1 F, W. Johnston. Committee: Wor. Sir Kt. Ed. Mole,: Wor. Sur •f(5: D+. L. Stephenson, Sir Kt.E.'Harnes's, Sir Kt, A._Mcl)ona1d Sir Tit. W. J. I enily, Sir Kt. 81.' J.: Schoenhals, Sir lit. C. Lansing,. HOSPITAL 0 P SIAL E T B NIF T z s ' 011 Monday evenrn Monday � ty the L. O. 33. A, gave a ' euchre and dance ' in their lodge rooms, ever the Public Library, when so Many atended that the man- agement were hard put to aceom- odate their guests. The evening Was very pleasantly spent in cards anti dancing aiud refreshments were Ser.- ved by the ladies of the order. Miss Vera Gould and Mr. E. Ward were the ` winners of the euchre prizes. The proceeds wille donated b 4. d to'the Rosa' pita'. s ¶1( The Girls' Auxiliary gave a tea at the home oil Mrs. J, W. Stevenson ors Tuesday afternoon, the proceeds to be donated to the Hospital. A very: large number -called during the after-, noon, when the hostess and her, help- ers ers bade them welcome and served dainty refreshments. In the . eveningthe sante organize gat ation gave a skating partyat the .� rink when S jolly evening was spent. The . refreshments , o11 this occasion consisted of Boston -baked . beans and brown bread and butter,,, Hospital. From the proceeds of these two functions the Girls' Auxiliary will have at nice little donation lot• the tital. 41i591 The Clinton Club. sent out invita- tions to a euchre in the rooms over t113Molsons'banic yesterday evening„ when a Large number: attended and a very pleasant evening• - was, , spent. Judge Archibald of Winnipeg, who }s visiting in ,town, very generously' paid' the expenses of this little af- fair and e whole L11 proceeds go as a donation from the Clinton C1uIa to the Hospital. MORE LOCAL NEWS ON I'AGE 5