HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1925-01-08, Page 8, ;41; d‘;'", " 4,14' 44415:44i,'"'',44"SO il.k4:104',A7477.-13.7"tnr" '7''Trrrt'"r tilt • rjr 111..111 -1-4,4c • • • • . , . . faal;ie Oi o,:ar Cliristinas Stock of en cit ivory must go elt cost price. speciat "prices on watches for rte bilailee of thra morttli. . ft. IINSO 1441 wile, and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Shiro giestasor.aues/catuavarvinsmaratemo asamienameratazearstaamenvelataaceinea C. H. VENNE1, fitectrician lee,trie Vanges. Fixtures, Bulbs, irons, Fans and other pp ianees Wiring and Repairs- Phone T5Io7 CURRELL & SHIPLEY VIe have the best brands of Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Syrups, :Ilarmals.des, Jam and Picicles—new pack goods—in stock, for ready sale. We deliver any orders, large or small, cheerfully and promptly. Con- dirrn that New Year's Resolution and give this store an opportunity to supply yoiir requirements.' or TIIE C, &S. GROCEF(S ain Store, Phone 125 W. Branch Store, Phone 125 J Peloilbet fecI SI4f40, ,t1 -ter• • sell" matt' t*,:00 Illusti-ationis • lairds to teachers blaelcheat'd e'xm:cises, loops and questions. :An all -rot -aid helper for $1.00. • • , Gi'st,s'ef the Lessons— , VeSt Pocket size. A very -Coin- naCt and useful book to(XtrrV" witli y011, for .informaion it I's 4 Veritable dictionari?,' 40c. . • The D. fair co-. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best nu nun no 411111441, ...'1111401 hi,. IVIiss Ruby, Irvvin was in Toronto hist "week.• Miss Marion Harland was in town during "the holidays, Miss Agnes Walker has returned to her school at Kingston, Miss Dorothy Rorke has returned to Alma College, St. Thomas. • Miss Isobel Draper has returned to Brantford to resume her teaching. January Specials To stimulate business during what is usually considered the quiet month of the year we have decided to cut loose on a number of lines that are overstocked and, at the same time to clear up other lines too badly broken to carry over into stock -taking. • The. prices on these lines have been cut, to the bone and represent some real bargains it will pay you welt to consider. Men's Cream horse hide mitts, good heavy lining. Two kits to clear at 69c and 98c. A cheaper line of leather mitts, regular 50c for 38c., Men's fine Print Shirts, nearly all sizes in each lot, to clear at 93e, $1.19 and $1.49. A line of men's Semi -Soft Collars, all sizes, 13 to 17, regular 35c each, to -clear 4 for $1.00. " "Two bargains in Silk Ties at 39c and 59c. Men% Silk and Wool Sox, special price, 59c. Men's Heavy Grey Work Sox, special,„8 pairs for $1,00 Special cul prices on odd pants, suits and overcoats to clear. WATCH FOR MORE SPEGALS NEXT 'WEEK. • P. ltirristee. tros. PHONE 25. SMALL PROFITS MORE BUSINESS STYLE ND FIT , is what You get V you let us tailor your Winter Suit or Overcoat. We are making up suits and overcoats from .the latest -and best Materials and at fair prices. All our' . MEN'S STATS AND OVERCOATS • are made under sanitary condi- tions, and our guarantee goes with each and everyone. avis Ev. Herman Dr. Blackall of London, a former citi- zen of town, was in Clinton yester- Miss Marion.Gibbings has returned to Toronto to resume her studies at 1Vliss A. Bartliff left this week to take a position as nurse in A'Ima College, St. Thanes Miss Emma Higgins has returned to resume her studies at the College of Education, 'Toronto. Mrs. Softley and son of Burford spent the holidays with the lady's moth- er, Mrs. Wigginton. Mr. Jack' Bowden returned to Ham- ilton on Saturday, accompanied by Mester Bobbie Phoenix. Dr. and Mrs. Gunn spent part of the holiday period with their daughter, Mrs. Cross of 'Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. L. Currell were in God- erich on Christmas Day attending • the wedding of the former's sister. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Jervis and Miss Jervis of Toronto spent the holi- days with the former's mother in town. Mr. and Mrs. George Tomlin of Strat- ford visited the letter's mother, Mrs. E. Herman, ddring the Past week. Mrs. Argent, Mr. W. Argent and •Miss Mary Argent spent New Year's with Mr. Fred .Argent of Blyth. Mr. G. 111. Elliott has been visiting' his parents., IVIr. and 'Mrs, J. W. Elliott. "Gabe" was nursing an in- ,. jured arra. Miss Emily Hunter returned to her school duties at Ingoldsby after spending the holidays at her home, town., Mr. Alex. Agnew of Toronto -Univer- sity spent the Christmas- vacation as the guest of his aunt, Mrs. W. Brydone. • - Mr. • Harvey Potter has returned to , Toronto after spending a vacation - with his parents in town, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Potter. - , Miss Ruth 'Jackson, who spent New Year's in Toronto, returning with Iter sisters, who spent Christnins at horse returned Monday. Greig has returned from It visit in Toronto. Mrs. Greig, who has been spending some tine in the city, returned with him. ' Messrs. Harry Ambler and James Walker returned to Pontiac, Mich, on Monday after visiting relatives during the holiday season. Mr, and Mrs. Frank ;Jenkins and lit- tle daughter returned Friday after having spent the Christmas holi- days with Toronto friends. Mr, Wilfred Grant returned to Lon- don Monday to resume his Normal ' studies after spending the mid -win- ter vacation at his home in town. Miss Kathleen East of Toronto and Miss May Ball of Seaforth were the guests over New Year's of the fornier's sister, Mrs. Gordon Cun- inglnne, Mr. and'Mrs. W. Tanner, who spent the vacation in town at the hone of the 'iatter'S pafents, Mr. anc, Mrs. W. Walker, have returned to -- Agincourt. kiss Owen Holmes le -ft Monday tut Toronto after having spent some weeks at the home of her parents, Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Holmes Wes- ley parsonage. Miss Freda Wallis has returned to -Guelph, Miss Geotrode Wallis to Midland and Mr. Fred Wallis to Toronto after having spent the holiiay time at their home in, town. Miss Eleanor McTaggart has returned to Montreal, Miss Margaret Mc- Taggart and Mr. Fred MoTaggart to Toronto after spending the Christmas vacation at their home "VETERAN TAILORS PHONE 224-W rams somommassomelamormamwasecoamslearommutomorsamorrossemoroarsamnaiss (11 vv con-r-Wr Now is the time to get your pluirdoing done. • We are experts in plumbing, l'insmitliing and for prompt service are unexcelled. & Perdite HARDWARE •PLII".14BING VVIRI:NTCi ,,r-lt-irilles.'",:,;,' - licedvepls,,itcilejls'ato 0 r1 -1,1-11111'1)&r: of ' ., 14 . A Specia,1 Glr'oc!eteria Bargain in our Gt.oceteria, only -for cash, Fr'ida-:,:i and Saturday - , lbs Rolled Oats -for 39c (only oie lot to a customer) 10 bars s()ap any kind 63c We have just received our -first shiptnetit of Fresh Flsh, Fresh Halibut, Fresh B. Saltirion, Fresh Herring, Fiaddie, Filletts, Saltrion. Snacks, and Oysters. , The tea markethas advanced. For this weekour prices will remail -1 thesame.. Black tea per lb. 48c I English Breakfast tea, ib 65c Mixed tea per lb 45c I Monarch tea, • per lb 75c It will i)ay you. to buy 5 lbs of tea - Seedless Raisins 6 lbs Roiled Oats 10 lbs Granulated Sugar 2 lbs for 85e 2 2 i 21,,,,:bbbs. Cooking Figs ffoorr 4625ec for 25c - • 1 Pail syrup CoffeeDates Currants for 45e for 22'6 Head 1...,ettiice and Celery Cash & Carrg AAT 'Neil Phone 2 Deliveries .,48 Ittoommosivoiwaw+omftiwiememomittariothwhimookwe)mvotowlmoemio Piii.4444ParnotemempooreimmusioNsMootom.Poss. I • ., People You Know - I FRANK YEIGH Miss Berth:). Raniras has returned to her studies in Toronto after the holidays. , Miss Amy, liellyar left Friday for Massey after spending the holiday season at her home, Miss Margaret Gree of Victoria I-Ios- pital, London, is enjoying a holiday at her home hi town. . Mrs. C. ,L. 3iilkey was called to New York last week owirig to the ill- ness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. „ Ray IVIcCounell of Woodstock spent the holiday time with relativeS in town. Miss Kathleen Livermore of the Wingharo hospital staff spent New Year's a her home in town. Mr. R. 3. Gibbings, who has been, in the west dor the peat several months, has returned to town. Mr. W. Anderson of Toronto spent the holidays in town as the guest of Mr, and Mrs. 3, MeMurchle. Mr,• Wilbu,r Ford returned Monday to Peterborif after spending the holi- day period at his home in town. Miss Mary IVIcMurchie returned to Toronta...on IVIoralay after spending the vacation at her home in town. Mrs.'Logan of Saginaw, Mich., is ex - •'petted the end of the week on Short visit to her sister, Miss Gil. Miss B. Combe has returned to the Margaret Eaton School, and Miss Agnes to St. Hilda's College, To- rooto, Mr: -and Mrs. Richard Peck of Sea - forth visited with their cOuSin, Miss C. E. Itiehardson over the • holiday. Mrs and Mrs. L..3. Wanner' and lit- tle daughter have -returned to To- rento after spending' the vacation in. town. Mr. Erskine Evens, who is teaching at Dunnville, returned to his duties on Saturday after the mid -winter holiday. , Miss Edna Wise of the Conservatory of -Music, whd was home for theo holiday time; returned to Toronto FRIDAY, JANUARY 9th Don't fail to see ancl hear about the 300 beautiful pictures of the most noted places of Canada at 4 o'clock, and the British Isles and the Battle- fields of Flanders at 8 o'clock. Afternoon—C. I. pupils • and" ail Seids, 25e. „ReServecl. seats 10e extra,1 children 10c., adults, 25c. Evenin„b.— Plan at Fairs. Mr. C. 11 McKenzie of Sarnia, is in thc county this week inspecting, cattle being consigned for tho Pure- bred Stock Sale to be hold at Wing- children of Strstrord spent NOW ham next month, Mr, alcKenzle Ysar'a at' the Immo of Mrs. Colo was with the Live Stock Branch of niati's mother, Mrs, A, Nieltle. -the Federal De.partment oI Agri- Miss Dorothy Jervis has returned lo culture lot"' some years and is con- her Leaching' dittios'at 1(111)11(01a sidered a11 expert judge "of stock, ler haying spent the mid -winter He was • in Huron county some vacation at her holm in towtc. dears ag0 .-1:or. some Lime in con- 11/frs. Helen Quinn spc,ni Now ),'enrI Monday. Mr, Ernest Livermore retinmed to `I'oronto Saturday after spending the Christmas vacation with his -parents. here. Miss Mary McIntosh has gone to Fort William after spending the holidays • with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. i. I'. McIntosh. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dinibar arid fain-, ily spent New Year's with Mrs. • Dunbar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 13-mmett., • Miss Pearl Hanna and Mr. Harold 'Bell of Port Huron have been vis- iting Die ,dormer's aunt,' Mrs. 0, T1. Elliott of town.. , Mr. Isaac Sterling of Consul, Saab, spent ,Christmas week, with his 81s - ter, Mrs. Joseph Jervis, and other friends in the vicinity. Mr.. I. Tto,ttonbury and Miss Dorothy Rattenbury 'of Petal:1)01'0 W'01`0 New Year's visitors here and spent the week-m.1cl in town also. Mrs, A, Limas has returned home ar- ter'visiting her daughter, Mrs, W. A, Wilton oC Tonaveamia; N. Y. Mrs. Wilson has boor very 111. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Coleman and two nection -with art erfort to eliminate \villa her sister, librs, W. T. Thirinan, serub in:tles, Mr, Mc,Notrzie is now cicr the -winter „„. running a small farm ilea] saruin, 1\11'S. TOWI1Selld, V.410 carile,4000 sever- - '1,1.1, and no donlii making ri success of al \\reeks ago on accourtl.ile it, lie is a genial, 'kindly porion- nest of lier mother, 41;0 Air,, 1,111, and old friends here will be George Nott, loft for her home in glad. to meet him again,• ,1 y sci lthe herds of the county all before leaving to spent:b therenutlin in deo Hardware • Plumbing and Tinsmithing Martin-Senour's Paints and Vanishes Stoves and Ranges Go to— I o Phone 244 ' • s - 'Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Huron Central 'Agrictiltural Society will be held in the: office at the Department of Agriculture ' SATURDAY;•.TANTJARY 17111 , ' At 2 p.in. All interested 0,1,0 urged to be pre- sent. Herb. Cox, President, A, J. MoMuvray, Secretary. Mr, Fred Ruinball of Toronto ai,d Mr. and IIIrS. Ray " l.onribal.1 Ann little , soil of, Windsor hpelit larew Year's with their mother, ' Al, Clara Ruitibi111 Of town, . Mr, tincl Mrs, GeOrge laticl-,10..rt 'oil Monday for Los ,AngoleS, Cato where they will right their dangli- ter, They expect" to bo absurd for the b ilanee )•1". the winter. Mr. alai Mrs. _clay( Moir and Milo daugl tor rotaIrtIed to their liemo in Allmoisla on. 6atimiloy niter 1001111 11 for ;Aoins thne, \\nib.' relct-, tives lo i..atai3Olt, 011 Vieinitiy, ' M108., illitit l't.ttilndiNt‘., who. iipont ilto 'Vajtitik on tives in i.frtilt*1111 bit '11:101:''1,11)-(1 646'1.'1 AttiC)'Si•' 9 ri',,rintl•,..i..Xri,), Witi'roitifleY, ti -. 0) her 'nellool ;II, ...,1Y500f4Oft,t0', lA' IiitItt)11All, S'`,1:,,ti,,, ti 1114, ‘ilit ft.461.`"ift.),i0N., MI\ ' A 11firC ,''t ('t),\t'ti, ilia eittost Ark„ hs t.. -a. einpunind lum, They .. ., ' , . Nil/ ' "01 ttelaUtve$ i 0 libilt1011 •alt e ii(itaittlitlg iltillia. Xi', lfi. i'lliilipi. ei, 8'Arilia. better Icilott0 amongst lii14 old i3-iend$ as "Toddy," vont the vvech-cniti yis- Watch this Space Next Week Clinton Hardware and Furniture Go THE STORES WITH A STOCK Ftrniture Phone: 104 Hardware 19" ' .16.35,Marrn MOM.. A OUT WIRING 1.14,011300.13111:101.141t The unquestioned value of electricity in the home means that, the plans for every now house should dell for electrie wiring that wil,; carry all electric tipppances, with a sufficient number of outlets, c(t plugs, to make convenient connections in all parts of the building However, the changing of wiring to permit the Carrying of 0J, electric appliances is a simple matter, not a complicated one, as man people think. A previously installed home -lighting system and the wiring for it does not require changing in any way. The only change of consequence occurs between the place where the power edmpany's wires are attached (usually at some point on the house outside near the roof) and the meter in tho 'basement. Between these two points there should be a 3 -wire system of sufficient capac• - ity to amply provide for range and any additional appliance that may be installed later, and with appropriate cut-outs, or switches, and oorreet fuses. This done by a competent electrician and you are pre- pared to carry all household appliances in any ordinary house, Con- o nesting this new wiring to your present lighting system is a matter of .minutos only, as is the matter of connecting the range ready dor • cooking. You do not have to pay for the new service wires running from the poles in the street to your house. The power company usually furnishes and installs them. The only thinglo make sure of before having the wiring -changed is thist-s-Is range or other extra service available at the moment on our street? ,Ask the power service company. In any event, wire heavy enough, the'difference in cost is negligible. Electric range dis- satisfaction is ahnost unheard of, but in the very few cases where it has existed the trOuble is invariably traced to too light wiling. Thele is no particular inconvenience caused by changing over wiring to permit the earrYing of electrical app HYDRO SHOP, CIintsn 17510 YOTIR OWN TJTILITIt— IT PAYS nrestansumaarommess, icing friends in town. He was the guest while, here of Mr, and Mrs. George Davies, Huron street. air, and Mrs. OWC11 Savage of Iduf- Tale alias ilabol Livermore of St. Catharines ottO Mr. John Liver- more of Detroit spent the Yuletide iamation -,st the lioine of their mother, Mrs. S. G, Castle, Clinton. bit 'lorry Morrish, oC Oxbow, SasIv„ Who has been eisiiing his ,mother at Pickering, is this week with hi$ brother, bit. A. J. latorrisli. alris Morrish hocic, many friends in the old town who are gli.d to meet and greet hilin,' I lkliss Dorothy t,antelon returned Mon- day iron: Toronto, whore -she has beer undergoing surgical treat-. inert, Sho is very such better, her many friends are grad to know. ger sister, Mrs., Weatherwax Orillia, accompanied her home, rt turning to Orillia Tuesday., McKillop Tovvoshap A most unexpected death occur on 'Monday of last week when Mi Joseph Dayman passed away. SI was suddenly stricken while hangit Sons clothes on the line and, though, everything possible was do 'lier, she passed away in a Sc hours. She was a daughter of tato John Reinke of the Kippen roa Iler husband, one daughter, M: Gotshalk New Orleans, sod o son, Robert, who 15 at home, su7•vit The funeral took place Wecinesd afternoon to Maitlandbank centetin